The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 13, 1936, Page 6, Image 6

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    H IL L S RO RO
Page Six
Highlights in
Party Planned
at Hazeldale Week's February
H IL L S B O R O ,
Thursday. February Li, I b'su
News Events o f the W orld in Pictures
Modesto Trujilla, 18 - year - old
houseboy. adm its slaying of Carl
C o m m u n ity C lu b M eets F r i­ Taylor, nationally known m aga­
zine w riter, at Albuquerque. N. M
d a y ; Social Success
Los Angeles cheeks influx of
jobless transients.
(B y M i». J. C. Sm ith)
Ship tieup ended O perators ac­
HAZELDALE Community club cept men's retu rn offer.
will hold a valentine card party in
Chrysler earnings net for 1935
the school Saturday evening Play reported at $8 07 as against $2.19
will start at 8:30. Mrs Max Berger for 1934
and Mrs. George Altishin are in
McNary hits agricultural bill and
holds that it is only AAA in dis­
Community club will meet F ri­ guise.
day evening in the basement A
Farley calls Liberty league "the
valentine party will follow, with center and soul of the predatory
Joe Berger and Charles Shaper in , powers."
Al Smith hanged in effigy at
Birthday Celebrated
Grand Coulee dam by men. who
Mr. and Mrs. William Heil enter­ said they resented his attacks on
tained with a dinner Sunday hon­ the new deal.
oring Mr. and Mrs. William B erk­
February 7
ley and Mrs. Lucy Groves of Van­
Labor at Toledo. Ohio, boycotts
couver. Wash. The occasion was
Mrs. Berkley's birthday anniver­ anto New Deal cartoon-m ovie
Four convicts slub way out of
sary, and she is a sister to Mr.
Kentucky prison.
strikes ends and sailors back
Mr. and Mrs Rinehart and fam­
ily have moved on to the Chown- at work.
Gale blows airliner 200 miles off
ing place They were former resi­
route in Montana.
dents of Beaverton.
Dr C. V. Boyer inaugurated pres­
Claire W alker has been out of
school w ith a severe attack of ton­ ident U niversity of Oregon.
February 8
Social Success
Charles Curtis. 76. vice-president
The program and shadow box when H erbert Hoover was presi­
social sponsored by the 4-H boys' dent. dies of heart attack in Wash­
club last Saturday was quite a ington.
success. The boys put on a fine
F R. plans conference of new
program. Joe Berger was the auc­ world republics to organize m a­
tioneer, who sold the shadows, and chinery to prevent w ar on this
R eco rd -sh atterin g sto rm s th a t sw ept down from the Canadian northw est gripped N iagara F alls in
the proceeds netted over $15. which hemisphere. .
sub-zero tem p eratu res, for days, fetterin g th e flow of th e m ighty ca ta ra ct. H ere Is n view of th e
will be used as a scholarship to
John J. Raskob. prom inent in
A m erican side of th e falls, from th e gorge. T he en tire falls and gorge froze so solidly th a t h u n ­
the 4-H summer school. Much cred­ American Liberty league, charged
it is due their leader, Ray Kin- w ith alleged tax deficiency of 51.-
dreds o f spe ctators to o k ad van ta ge o f tlie o p p o rtu n ity to w a lk a b o u t a t th e to u t, ,
026,340 on 1929 income.
Sam G arber is quite ill at his
Deep snow in m iddle west p ar­
alyzes rail and road traffic.
Mrs. S. C. Dwyer of Newberg
Van Vlack ju ry returns first de­
visited Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Staub gree m urder verdict at Twin Falls.
last week.
Idaho. Hanging faces slayer of Mil­
Virginia Miller, who is living in 1 dred Hook, ex-wife.
Portland, spent Sunday at her
Senator Borah challenges forces
home here.
opposed to him for republican pres­
Sybil Taylor Honored
idential nom ination to "come into
Mrs. Lyle Taylor entertained the open."
w ith a lunch and theatre party in
Oregon S tate beats U. of O. 49
Portland last Saturday for the fol­ to 23 in basketball.
lowing: LaVerne Browning and
February 9
Laurene Fugua of Portland. Joan
B ritain w orking at high speed
and Patsy Heil. Jean Miller. Thel­
ma Broad of Hazeldale. The oc­ to expand and modernize em pire's
casion was her daughter Sybil’s m ilitary, naval and air forces.
William Green. A m erican Fed­
eration of Labor president, criti­
cizes suprem e court rulings. He
I says a "liberal interpretation of
the spirit and purpose of th e con-
i stitution would enable us to meet
changing conditions as easily as
(Continued from pare 1)
under the unw ritten constitution
shoppers will be given the double of Great B ritain.”
opportunity to boost their favorite
Ex-Senator Fess of Ohio hits
candidates and to make real sav­ back at Borah, saying party loyal­
ings in their purchases.
ty candidacy essential.
Notices of a few of the specially
Seven CCC w orkers adrift on
priced items are to be found on ice in Cape Cod bay.
page 3 of the second section of this
Deadly blizzard takes 20 lives in
A ttractive home of Mr. and Mrs. H W. Ray. recently completed at H aw thorne farm east of Hillsboro.
issue of the Argus. Double votes middle west.
E xterior is of white-w ashed brick- up to the second floor level, end from there to the toof the e x ­
are not lim ited to these special
Border moves scare French
terio r is of wide boards, set vertically, with bats. The house covers a ground area of 4700 square feet.
bargain items.
Rhineland zone held threatened.
It is set off 500 yards to the south of the Orenco-Cornell road by a private lane, bordered by poplar
Announcement of $75 in addition­ French charge 40.000 G erm an sol­
trees. A small stream virtually encircles the knoll on which th e house stands, dim m ed to form a small
al prizes was made this week by diers sent there.
lake in the front yard Mr. Ray is the head of A. J. Ray & Son and chairm an of the board of Ray-
the 21 co-operating merchants. In
February 10
Maling Co.— (Cut courtesy Oregon Journali
addition to the tw o grand prizes
of nine-day all-expense free trips
to California and Old Mexico, sec­ ese policy in China. Senator P itt­
ond prizes of $25 each are to be man of Nevada advocates “dornin-
naval and air forces for the
awarded in each contest and third I . a U. ’. ing”
prizes of $10 each. A nother prize
Captain McLellan of arm y trans-
of $5 has been announced for the
port vanishes as ship nears San
girl, listed at 4 p m. yesterday 1 Francisco.
i Wednesday) with 15.000 votes or
Seven CCC w orkers rescued from
less, who makes the greatest pro­
ice floes off Cape Cod.
gress during the balance of the . wind-swept
State board of control decides
to continue O. V Gamble as su ­
These awards will be in the form ■ perintendent
of Oregon T r a d e s
of merchandise orders which will School
for Blind. Charges aired.
be honored in part or in total by
Mrs. Huey Long sworn in as
any of the co-operating merenants. new
A special contest is planned for
of S tar B rew ery company
Friday night by O. Phelps, m an­ in Safe
Portland robbed of $4100.
ager of the Venetian theater. A $5
War departm ent asks $374.981.-
book of theater tickets has been 521.
seacoast and w estern o u t­
offered to the candidate, who re ­ post More
defense, fu rth er increases in
ceives the most votes cast between personnel
7 and 8:45 p. m. in a special bal­ force asked. and expansion of air
lot box to be placed in the theatre
February 11
lobby. Votes placed in the regular
Fisherman on Lake Michigan tells
ballot box. which will be located
in front of the Argus office F ri­ how two died in cold. One of par­
day evening, will not count in the ty caught in storm makes way
across seven miles of shore ice.
theater contest.
Due to conflict with the Rotary Father-in-law and guardsm an res­
club play at the high school audi­ cuer die.
Most violent w inter attack of the
torium. the dinner for the candi­
dates. scheduled for Friday night, century increases fear of starvation
has been postponed The event will j and exposure in many middle w est­
probably be held next Thursday ern communities.
Van Vlack ordered hanged in
evening at the local chamber of
Idaho April 3.
Lack of snow covering causes
Seventeen candidates were in­
troduced by W. Verne McKinney , wheat damage say interior reports.
Stocks go spinning upw ard un­
at the Venetian theatre Friday,
w here they and their escorts were der leadership of steels, motors and
guests. Extreme cold weather p r e - ! industrials.
Pneumonia added to cold menace
vented the large attendance that
in middle west. 453 new cases re ­
was expected.
ported in Illinois in week.
President Roosevelt orders bud­
get director to make broad study
of possible savings in governm ent Rapidly, section by section, skilled engineers aro assem bling tho m am m oth San Franclsco-O nklnnd
Bay bridge, longest in th e world. This photo, tak en from th e air, shows th e new est phase of con­
American missionary w orkers stru ctio n on the 4 ’/i-m ile long sp an — tru sses which form the deck of the b ridge— In place below the
held by Ethiopia.
cables. These deck sections are hoisted by pulleys from barges anchored In th e bay and bung by 2 % -
(Continued from paire 1)
Washington man sees need of lncli steel ropes suspended from the main cables of the bridge. Tho cen ter concrete anchorage Is
in Hillsboro and elsewhere in the
county to supply entertainm ent for
show n above a t the rig h t and the San F rancisco skyline a t th e left.
up labor slack.
meetings and other events.
Winning numbers will be selected
by judges with the applause re ­
Senator George W. N orris in a
ceived by the various acts counting voice trem bling with emotion calls
a large percentage toward the fi­ upon congress to “have courage”
nal decision of the judges, which, to restrict powers of suprem e court.
the committee believes, will insure : He expressed belief court has gone
the most popular acts winning.
. beyond any power ever contem ­
Persons wishing more inform a­ plated in the constitution.
tion about rules or wishing to en­
Herbert Hovoer in Lincoln day
ter the contest may do so by con­ ! talk in Portland raps Roosevelt
tacting the members of the com­ new deal.
mittee. which includes Jak e Weil,
The Very Rev Benjamin D unlap
chairman: Leon S Davis, at the Dagwell, D. D , takes solemn ob­
Argus, Dr. R. J. Nicol, A. J. Foel- ligation of the episcopate and Was
ker, or W. F. Cyrus, post comman­ consecrated fifth bishop of the
Episcopal diocese of Oregon.
Borah and Knox file for Illinois
, vote.
M rs. K in g N ew K n ittin g
Russian ruble bill paym ent vetoed
In s tru c to r a t W e il’s , by President Roosevelt.
Mrs. Lucy King, formerly in­
structor for three years with Old
Wortman and King, has accepted D ie r d o r ff H as Position
w ith G o v e rn m e n t A g e n c y
a position as knitting instructor in
the balcony yarn department at 1 W. H. Dierdorff, prom inent H ills­
Weil's Department store. Mrs. King boro w ar veteran and farm er, has
will begin her duties Monday with a tem porary position with the fed­
hours of instruction from 9 a. m. eral resettlem ent adm inistration of­
to 5:45 p. m. Mrs. I. Lundgren has fice at McMinnville. He is listing
resigned as knitting instructor on available lands in W ashington coun­
account of illness.
‘Diving Venus,’
1936 Model
n ■
Time Hallows His Memory
H. W. Ray Residence Completed
Double-Vote Event
Slated in Contest
I t Is h a rd to be lie ve th a t Just
a b o u t 25 ye a rs ago A n n e tte K e l.
le ru in u ,
th o
o r ig in a l
b a th in g
b e a u ty , was a rre s te d In B o sto n
f o r w e a rin g a one piece b a ttlin g
s u it w h ic h cn in o to th e c a lf o f
th e
M iss K e lle rtn a n
s h o w n above w e a rin g a 1930
m od e l
b a th in g
s u it u lz P a lm
Beach, F la .
”, . . That tve line liigldp reoilve . . . that Ini» notion, under t,od,
jliull / n i f e n tii'I i' hiilh of freedom and g n v n o o ir n f of the.
people, ip the people, for the people, ¿hull tie / p o n d i fn u n the earth '*
Mrs. Long Carries
On in Senate
Strawberries Are Ripe*
World’s Longest Bridge Speeds to Completion
KGW to Broadcast
Contest Winners
P eterson—To Mr and Mrs. Hen­
ry Peterson of Hillsboro. February
7, a boy.
Johnson To Mr. and Mrs. N. A.
Johnson of Portland, February Id.
a girl.
C larn o To Mr. and Mi Thomas
C larno of N orth Plains, February
11 a boy.
it 's s tra w b e rry tim e in F lo rilla , and here is a new w rin k le In straw «
b e rry patches. Fred C la rk o f M ia m i has In tro d u ce d ih ■ p o rta b le ,
boxed s tra w b e rry c a r d iti, which he cla im s Is m ote 1-, n n o in l'.i I am i
S a n ita ry th a n Hie co n ve n tio n a l v a rie ty . T w o M ia m i b a ttlin g In a u lii s
are shown above sa m p lin g tin luscious b e rries w h ich w ill lie s h lp i" I
to a ll p a rts o f the c o u n try . Tim p o rta tilo boxes m ay bo tu rn e d to
get the f u ll raya o f the sun a ll day.
The Court Drives Home a Point!
Mr and Mrs. Ray Kendall and
son Donald of Peavine Ridge and
Mrs. Frank Davis o f
Idaho, visited Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Hunger T hursd iv
Mr and Mrs. Darell Hayden vis­
ited his aunt and uncle. Mr. and
Mrs. J. R. iBobi Ha.vdcn Saturday
afternoon, and left for their home
Our classified columns may hav< in Arlington. W ash, Sunday
just w hat you are looking for
Richard Hunger as in P u rtljn d
Read them.
tl S aturday and Sunday.
Appointed to the U. 8. S enate
by Go». Jam es Albert Noe of
Louisiana, Mrs. Iluey P. Long,
above, widow of the slnln sen a­
to r from Louisiana, will fill her
husband's unexpired term .
There deer were snapped through p. I;'1 -n 'dnd'.'y nt til ■ f) •
Cave;; ch a te a u , th e a ttra c tiv e
tripping i
f, •• ¡’oil; ,
, vi-d
Members of Delta Upsilon fra te rn ity et the U n ivera ,ty cf Oregon
w ill toon be liv in g in til's a'.trr.ctivs residence, w h ich w ill be r'm o d e le d
fra n i the pressnt house. The fra te rn ity rece ntly purchased the prop­
e rty fo r a perm anent heme. T h o rs ore 40 social groups r.t the un i­
v e rs ity , m any c f whom own th s lr own houses. Cy charing expenses
they ars eo rhtsd to enjoy m any social and other advantages at a
rcr.ssn rb le chan-e.
, i
famed underground eavernr. which are under th« ¡••¡ i la ion ri »•»-■
N ational Parks Service. They come t i the I.
,i d
looking for “ handout: ''. Th" rlrer have p ,
' 'tin ' r.pp' Hl : f ir I
7 h e O regon S ta te H ighw ay i iirani-
open to tho Oregon Caw
, I
t lm ld,r
throughout the "/ir.'- • w hi-’i ri
O g
folk and visitors from afar opportunity to v is it them at any time
th e rece n t »Ice p re s id e n t's d in n e r to P re s id e n t R o o s e v e lt 'i t a n k l
......... ,r nr " ,e
c o n tro l la w w h ic h th e p re s id e n t has
Coogress to repeal. C o tto n and the A A A . how ever, were not pop
topics at