ui «lay, February I.'!, 193G H IL L S B O R O 1 times daily Phone 2171 Í,. / I £ M onday W h ile S tock s A re C om plete P rices E ffe ctiv e F riday, Satu rd ay and M onday February 14, 15 and 17 Jell-W ell Pineapple , tinXtJV/ Tomatoes 3 No. —1 2 tins TASTE TELLS. .Wakes seasoning JERSEY. Fresh, crisp quality. easier. PA C K A G E ....................................... 25c A rm o u r's W hite C loud. 4d b . san itary p k g. 13c ..........................5 c Bacon Peaches LIBBY. Deluxe, in heavy syrup. S n o w fla k es or H oney M aid G raham s No. 2 '- Tin 25c 2 Eastern Lean. Sugar Cured. Lb. ............... 25c Vegetables Fresh Fruits To th e O ld est R esid en t V isitin g O ur N ew Store D uring T h is S ale: LEMONS LETTUCE Sunkist, fancy. For cold prevention and 4 cure. Dozen Large, Solid. 50-1 b. Bag Sugar Extra fancy. 2 49-lb. bags Blue Seal Flour 8 To A ll th e K id d ies A ccom p an ied by P ar­ en t or G u ard ian : A Free Candy Treat O xheart Reds. C ore’ 3 less. 23c 12 lb. T O M A TO JUICE 6 "i„l 2 5 c . . . H ere’s an opportunity for everyone to share in the fun— and profitably too! Hid­ den about the store on shelves— in displays — under merchandise — will be numerous Merchandise Certificates, Theatre Passes, Etc. All you have to do is come and look carefully while you shop. This is for every­ one—young and old— • Clean, "FINDERS KEEPERS” 13c CANDY BARS Finest “ M ahala” Sunkist Navels. For juice— And are they O juicy! ............................................... O dozen Pancake F L O U R SYRUP FLOUR ,e'1 4 °,£ 2 5 c BISQUICK 29c GINGER ALE - L,ME R,cJ‘g 29c FRESHER AIRWAY Plain or Iodized. S h ak er 5c KARO SYRUP 1:1 ‘Lib am 31C MARSHMALLOWS £ pkg. . 1 5 c llO D HILL Money DEPENDABLE Back Guaranteed. Lb. ........ FREE D E M O N ST R A T IO N ! 4 ROLLS i)Qp -it)v 25c FLUFFIEST—FAR THE BEST SUPER SUDS 3 1 pkg. free 2 5 c INCREASES CLEANING EFFICIENCY Jug BETTER Costs you less — Satisfies more! Finest Mountain Grown Brazilian Blend. 5c BRILLOS OAP PADS 2 „u8, 1 5 c MASTER ALUMINUM CLEANER ■tiu, $1.49 COFFEE Extra special JNJfAR T-1TT I Finest ,,f ,he Fine Positively W aldorf Tissue St )FTER QUALITY , 10c H-O OATS 2 pktra. 2 5 c ITS DIFFERENT. GLASS FREE WITH TWO PKGS. Q uart Are you enjoying our exclusive rooster Iresli eoflee service? maximu ' m No Sales to Dealers. 19c BLUE SEAL. Very best hardw heat Salt We Reserve Right lo I.imit. Maximum quality. For — better cakes or waffles. J 40-oz. pkg....................... J SLEEPY HOLLOW. The perfect Cane and Maple. PINT JUG L arge 2 8 -o z . b ottles 3 BIG, FRESH, POPULAR ASSORTMENT STOKEi.YS FOR HEALTH. SARDINES “ can s I TREASURE I • HUNT • 10c 23c ORANGES BREAKFAST CEREAL AT ITS BEST. 29c • Bright red. fancy by U. S. grading standards U. S. No. 1 quality. Frost free. SW A N SD O W N X e Fl<,ur 23C W H E A T ALONE &•' 2 0 c PEAS, GREEN BEANS and J CORN. Standard quality ............ RHUBARB PO TA TO ES ■M T 33c CARROTS Thin skinned. Arizona seedless. Large 80 size. m Rolled Oats 5c H ead ............. Grapefruit Person P u rch asin g th e L argest O rder D uring T h is S ale ,, T V Triangle, quick or regular. 9-lb. bag 39c | FREE PRIZES j • Merchandise * 9c (Sliced) Lb. loaf ....................................... Julia Lee Wright. Your assurance of a better • and fresher loaf. 1 Vi-Ib. loaf (sliced) ................................... Corn Flakes Hot Sauce 2& , Shortening 5c Dated Bread $1 .1 4 Hillsdale, matched broken slices No. 2*g HURRY! N atural fruit-cube. Flavored dessert. Pkg. Pear Brand, guaranteed. 49-lb . bag th e Phone 2171 i ’ SRïu 29c Each Flour To 4 times daily We combine for you all the conveniences of the Ultra-Modern Food Market, of­ ferring the world’s finest foods of KNOWN quality-with prices that will be con­ sistently in line with what you would want and expect to pay. You will find our new and larger quarters fully modernized with the “very latest” in fixtures and equipment—so conveniently arranged that you are not only sure to find trading here a distinct pleasure but a revelation from the burdens of food shopping that has, no doubt, been yours in days gone by . . . We have spared no time or ex­ pense in giving Hillsboro a truly “Big City” Food Store—Complete in every de­ tail—Located in the heart of the business district—Affording you the utmost in both quality and economy as well as a fuller measure of good old fashioned hos- ^pitality and service. We celebrate this event with Food V alues of E x­ ceptional W orth. To you- one and all we extend our cordial invita­ tion to look us over. COME EAKLY! BRING YOLK FRIENDS! Brooms Taste Tells, with puree. Free D elivery . . . OPENING —A new era of food merchandising unprecedented in the history of the City of Hillsboro . . . in qur new location at 137 S. Second Avenue. F ebruary 14, 15 and 17 K itchen Q u ality. Page Three OREGON -, « « « r i — .« « i- K M wl,iàX “ u A” P rices E ffe ctiv e F rid ay, S atu rd ay and H IL L S B O R O , Gigantic Store-Wide Expansion F ree D elivery HURRY! ARGUS, » Select Small pound 2 «b». M b. ran T A ST E IT! Beans 45c Red or White. 49C lbs. 25c Salad Dressing PINTS Finest of Quality. QUARTS SA L A D . Serve the W e Reserve No R ight to L im it. Sales to Dealers.