Page Four H IL L S B O R O A R G U S, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Thuriuluy, February 13, 1936 Many a Wise Dollar Has M ultiplied by Being Spent in the Ads Below A Ready Market with Big Results at Little C ost---- Classified Columns Close at 9 A. M. W ednesday----- Too Late to Classify Accepted Until 4 1‘. M. Wednesday Coant Words—Send Money ^ Z e’l I i ee Ventftian Theatre Tickets in Classified and Display A d vert ¡sing— Cheek the Ads fo r Your Name, 12. For Sale— M iscellaneous 18A Flowers , CUSTOM hatching. 2c an egg in 38. I Wine, and C arl Bohren. Public Willi all disappearing beds, ice a g a in .t M ild E . t a t r n r« heryhy m a lflc d Farm Loan* our new electric incubator From j Notice is hereby given that on the b o x e s , m echanical refrigeration nm t reu u lrv d 1» p n a m l them w ith the First insertion, per w o rd __ 2c "Say II With Flowers" MAN'S suit. $55. two pairs pants, Pullorum tested flocks only Test FARM money to lo a n -T h e F ed­ i 7th day of February. 1938. Three units, equipm ent (or heating, light­ p ro p e r voucher In (ho u n d e r .Ig o r d nl her n v a r Gal«»« ( r w k . O r w ' n , «»r stout size; tailor-m ade, w o r n Cut flowers and plants.- Muller's your heus and save your chicks.— Each additional insertion, eral Land bunk now has am ple i Gallons Blackberry Wine and T hree ing. and cooking, mirrors, doors, and rsMiilwiics' h r l.a w G f f i t r o f Th«»s I I T inrus only few times, for sale reasonable; | Greenhouse, 12th and Oak. Phone H art's H atchery, Beaverton 48 tip funds to loan to farm ers at 4'T. Hundred T w enty-three Gallons of window shades and personal prop­ J wl r . I In per w o r d ............ .................. lc Ilia ('««mmer« ia l III«»« k In th a C ity : also Jersey cow, and harness f o r ! 1021 John Teufel, prop. 49tf o f H ills h u ro , Or«*g<>n, w ith in six (No service per issue less Over $1,000,000 has been loaned to White G rape Wine w ere arrested as are ever furnished by 1 «if d a ta o f th ia notice. t o -w it, w ith m in onths ala one horse, for sale. -P hone Hills- I HIGH pedigreed Leghorn cockerels Washington county farm ers by the and taken into the possession of erty than 25c) landlord ill letting or operating an m onth« o f F e b ru a ry ft. A. I>. 19.1ft boro 6R4. 52 19. from 250 to 321-egg dams. Sire's bank. W rite or call for particulars. and are now are in the possession Hay and Feed unfurnished building sim ilar to the ( O K A M A Y T H O M A N , E x e c u trix <»f dams over 300. Hanson strain. Also - Washington County National Farm of the United States M arshal for buildings erected upon said m ort­ th e Last W ill a m i T e s ta m e n t of John Readers, per line....................10c ' 40 6 ’2-months-old Red pullets for BALED alfalfa hay for sale.—E. blood-tested Leghorn ehicks a n d Loan Association. J. M. Person, the District of Oregon, pursuant to . gaged M e t'ls r a n , I »re «a»»«»« I Thus I I T«»nxue premises amt now or h ere­ Black Face Heading Perm itted sale, very reasonable; also Lynx 61-3 Wyffels. one mile north of C or­ day-old pullets The bulk of our secretary. Hillsboro. 9tf a w arrant and process duly issued after installed I'lerein by the mort- J r ., A tto r n e y fo r E x e c u trix . Cash should accompany order. canary bird, good singer; 2 Bantam nelius. 52p orders from old customers. Paul by the C lerk of the United States 1 gagor or his assigns, w hich shall N O T IC K T O C KK O ITO R M Dudley, Aloha; mail, Rt. 1, Beav­ hens. — 8 miles north of North MONEY to Ioan on good dairy District Court for the District of huve been deemed betw een t h e Out of fairness to all no in­ Plains, on Pum pkin Ridge; ask for - HAY for sale.—J. J. Nussbaumer, erton. 47tf herds.— E. A. G riffith, 131 S. 2nd Oregon, in a suit for condemnation I plaintiff and sa d m ortgagors and In th e (*•«*•1. hy th a C o u n ty C o u rt o f th a M tate I Phone 2104. 52 BALED clover hay, 1st and 2nd 250 to 335, $45 for 500; pullet ehix. A nnouncem ents 1. DOG LICENSE NOTICE pear in the District Court of the tion issued out o ' the C .icult Court o f O ra iro n , fo r W a a h ln g to n C o u n ty , and cutting alfalfa, and oats a n d $20 for 100; red chix. $0 for 100. han i p ia llf I« m I A ll pansorm h a v in g rla ln ta 2000 RED cedar posts for sale.— vetch. Will deliver. For sale or Breeding cockerel records from 230 The license fees for licensable United States for the District of of tiie S tate of Oregon for t h c a y a ln a t «aid r a ta ia a r c h arah y n o tifie d to CARD OF THANKS Oregon, on or before the 8th day County of W ashington, to me d i­ praaanta ( h r aam a, d u ly v a rt fled , a * hy Inquire at M ountaindale store: trade for cattle. — Ray Delsman and up. W hite G iant chix from non- dogs over the age of eight months I wish to express my apprecia­ ranch 2 miles west of M ountain- Phone 2107. luw ref pathy extended in my recent be- the same should not be decreed tion, Plaintiff, vs M ary Gillis Skee fr<»m l>ate«l a n d flr a t pt$bll»had h 'rh rtia ry fl, on Sunday.—H art's H atchery, Beav- days for the year 1936 are: Farm M achinery * reavement, th e death of my son, DE LAVAL cream separator. 700- 21. against and forfeited to the United and Norvul J. Skee, her husband, 1 tU t«. H a te o f last p u b lic a tio n M n r. h » ’«. I erton. 45-3 p Male Dog $1 00 Clifford A. Mapes; and also for pound capacity; I R I. R. roosters, States JO H N T SUMMERVILLE and Robert L. D eaver and A. E 1*3«. Female Dog $1.50 NO. 4 Sharpless cream separator. TETKK F. G KO 8SFN . A d rn ln U tr a - the beautiful flowers.—Mrs. Henry blood tested.—E. L. Kraus, Rt. 2, United S tates Marshal for the Dis- Deaver Defendants. $10—Don McInnis, mile south of WANTED — P o u ltry of all kinds. Spayed Fem ale Dog $100 t«»r. || 1 Behrman. 52p Hillsboro, 51-52p Reedville. ,, A ___ , , .tric t of Oregon. M. B. S trayer, As- Dated Jan u ary 9th, 1936 52p ' Write, w ill call, or bring Friday, A fter March 1st, 1936. the license j sistant United States Attorney. A t­ First publication Ja n u ary 16, 1938 [ S aturday or M onday before noon. N O T H K TO < N K h IT o K H CARD OF THANKS METSKER A ;:.. : U . - 52-2 Lgst publication February 13, 1038. In th « (*«m nty C o u rt o f th » tttat« u f O r » —F. R. Barden, Cornelius. 34tf fee is $1 00 more for failure to pro­ torney for Libelant. We acknowledge our grateful ap­ county w ith soil map. at about DE LAVAL cream separator, size cure license for the dogs above M«»n. fo r WmahinK t «»n C o u n ty. J W CONNELL, Sheriff of W ash­ 500-pound per hour. $10.—Edwin preciation to our friends a n d half cost —134 E. Main St. 50tf stated. In th « M u tte r o f th e E a ta te o f L « n a CITATION ington County, Oregon. P igs Simantel. Rt. 1. Cornelius: 2 miles 24. F n g lr r , l>r«'ee»«Mt neighbors for the loving kindness No 4363 Also, after March 1st, 1936. the 51-52p N o lle « I b hereby g iv e n th n t th e u n d er* and sympathy shown us during the NO TRESPASS. A partm ent for Rent, north N orth Plains. fee is $1 00 more for failure to pro­ In the County Court of tile State of SIM M O N S Bignetl hn • been d u ly c o n firm e d hy th e illness and loss of our son and 1 No Smoking. For Rent, For Sale, FOR SALE—Two M aster's incu- I PIGS for sale. 9 8-weeks-old.— cure licenses for licensable dogs Oregon, for the County of W ash­ above e n title d c«»urt as E a e c u to r o f th e In the C ircuit C ourt of the S tate Jo h n Spiering, Laurel. 52p brother; also for t h e beautiful L a s t W ill and Teatam ent o f aaid «le* ington. becoming over 8 m onths of age bators 540-chick size. Queen in ­ of Oregon, for W ashington Coun­ | ceaaed. a m i has d u ly q u a lifie d aa Bip h ; flowers. — Mr. and Mrs. Thomas NO Peddlers etc., signs for sale at cubator 200-chick size, all in good 1 Venetian theatre, O. L. Agee Rt after March 1st.'. and for dog-, In the M atter of the E state of ty. The Argus. 5. Hillsboro» N o w , th e re fo re , a ll peraone h a v in g claim « 27tf Spear, Archie Spear, Howard Spear, Henry G ehrke. Deceased. over eight m onths old owned or condition; M onitor type kerosene L aura M Jackson, Plaintiff, vs. a g a in s t »aid ro ta te a re hereby n o tifie d and Dorothy Krueger. 52p FENCE posts for sale, 10c d e­ brooder, 1000-chick size, used six ired to preu e n t th e sam e, to­ kept w ithin the S tate of Oregon To the unknow n devisees and u n ­ 25. M artha Porter, unm arried; and a g n e d th e r req w u ith Horses pn»per voucher» th e r e fo r , to known heirs of Henry Gehrke, over 30 days after M arch 1st, 19118. liv e re d —Ray Delsman, G aribaldi weeks —Jam es L. Batchelder. 48tf also all other persons or parties the u n d erB lgnrd a t th e la w o ffic e < f E. CARD OF THANKS Deceased, and each of you: Licenses may be ordered by mail. Ave. Phone 2107. 34tf unknow n claim ing any r i g h t , J M c A lr a r . In the F l r * t N a tio n a l H a n k We wish to take this means to NEW and used farm m achinery TEN horses for sale. Term s and S tate the nam e and address of In the Name of the S tate of O re­ title, estate, lien or Interest In H u ib lln g In K llU h o ro , O re g o n , w ith in elx guaranteed.—P. J. Duyck, end thank the friends and neighbors CALLING Cards — Every woman sale by L ester Ireland & m onth» fr«im the «late hereof ^or the person to whom the license is gon. you and each of you are h ere­ the real estate described In the for their kindness, and the floral I)u tr«| th i» 2 l» t day o f J a n u a r y . IU3H should have calling cards as a s o - ' ___________________ Co. l l t f 5th St. South, Forest Grove. 52-3p to be issued, and the sex of the by com manded to appear before com plaint herein. Defendants. 1 IIF N K Y ( T H IE 8 . E x e c u to r o f the offerings in the loss of our loved- cial necessity.—See The A rgus for dog. the County C ourt of the S tate of To the above named defendants. I L as t W ill am i T e s ta m e n t o f »al«l I ’e- one, Mrs. Roy Warfield.—Mr. and quality work. LICENSED stock trailers, 2-cow TEAM small mules, fine for or- Fees are pavable to: rea»ed. E. J. M e A leer. A tto r n e y fo r Oregon for th e County of W ash­ chard work, and several head of Martini P o rter and all persons Mrs. William Masterson. H. R. Mas­ capacity, ren t $1 per day. Light i E x e c u to r. iv -l horses. — Ray Delsman, G aribaldi I EDW. C. LUCE. County Clerk. ington in the Courtroom of said or parties unknow n, claim ing any trailers m ade to order. Auto parts terson, Maude Swearingen, Roy 14. Cars, Trucks, Tires Court at th e Courthouse for W ash­ 52tf I Hillsboro. Oregon. right, title, estate, lien or in te r­ and farm m achinery.—L. V. Hulit, St., Phone 2107. Warfield. 52p N O T IC E O F F I N A L H K T T L K M K N T Published by ordci of the Coun­ County. Oregon, in the City est in the real property herein III th e C o u n ty C o u rt o f the K ta te o f O re ­ 23tf MATCHED team young horaaa, (or I ty C ourt of W ashington County, ington 1931 HARLEY “74." in perfect con­ 152 N. Second Ave. of Hillsboro, Oregon w ithin 28 days gon , f>»r W a a h in g to n C o u n ty described; SPECIAL inducements to those dition. Has 1935 motor.—Inquire , 50-52 from the date of the first publicu- M a tt e r o f (he L a la le o f C o ra sale.—L. K. Fiske. Cornelius. 50tf 1 Oregon. who call at 473 East Washington at Shuman Grocery. In the Name of the S tate of O re­ In E lis the 52p ■ USED m achinery and tractors of a L o w r y , I)e«*ea«eute«l th is l& th day o f J a n u a r y , l il t « bicycle. Reward for return.—Mc­ (record ow ner), defendant, for the ington County, Oregon, and more scribed real property, and If you weeks old.—See them at Hughes H E N R Y A . L O W K Y , K a e e u «»f the 26. C attle Kinney, 225 S. First Ave. 49tf 16. Furniture, Pianos, Radios A Son Hatchery, 1080 E. Oak, H ills­ sum of $4000 00 w ith interest th e re ­ particularly described us follows: fail so to answ er said com plaint, Last W ill un«l T e s ta m e n t o f «aid de­ boro. 52tf All of the following bounded and on from the 3rd day of May, 1933, lia g le y A H a re . A tto rn e y s f.»r SlX -year-old Jersey, beautiful am - . at the rate of 6 per cent per on- described real property situated in the plaintiff will apply to t h e ceased. USED washer. $16 and up.—L ester M odernize 4 *-6 2 p court for the relief dem anded in Eie mal, easy m ilker, good Hughes Baby Chicks producer, , rurn and for t he fu rth er sum of the County of W ashington and State her compl dnt, to-wit: Ireland & Co., Hillsboro. 48tf N O T K E O F F IN A L ACCOI NT Hughes W hite Leghorns; cither | double-tested, $60.—Phone B eaver- $250.00 attorney's fees w ith in te r­ of Oregon, to-wit: Commencing PLASTERING by day or contract, For a decree adjudging the p lain­ 52 th e C o u n ty ( ’«»urt <»f the H ta te «.f ()r e - REDUCE EXPENSES Patching a s p e c ia lty . — C. O. dav-old pullets or straig h t run • ton 9504. est thereon from th e 29th day of forty 1401 rods East of the N orth­ tiff to be the ow ner of the fol­ In g»m. fur the C o u n ty uf W a»h in g l.» n . Churchill. 322 E. Washington St. Modernize your battery radio. No c h i c k s . Also production - bred Jan u ary , 1936. at the rate of 6 per west (NW) co in er of the N o rth ­ lowing described real property in Tr.»hate P e p a rtm a tit m ore troublesom e b attery re ­ B arred Rocks and Rhode Island YOUNG Jersey cow. double-tested, cent per annum , and for the fu r­ east q u arter tN E '») of the S o u th ­ W Phone 2152. 38tf In th e M a tt e r u f the K a ta te u f C h a rle s ashington County, Oregon, to-wit: m ilking 4 gallons, for s a le —Park I Stevens, Prcraav*! charging. Free inform ation gladly Reds. We custom hatch hen and Commencing nt a point w here 52p th er sum of $27.60 costs w ith in- west (9W lp<»inte«I by snld co u rt a» th e tim e and Help W anted 7. , O rder and Decree of Sale, I will I River; thence down the center line feet (222 feet) to a point, thence place f- r the h e a rin g «.f o b jc Mon» th e re - GOOD, dry. No 2 old-growth. 16- two settings.—William Robb, Rt. 3, 1 ULL-blooded Jersey bull, 20- ! on Monday, the 9th day of March, of tiie T ualatin River in a N orth­ t«> ««ml the s e ttle m e n t th e re o f South Ninety-eight feet to the inch wood, $4 50 cord; No. 1 old Hillsboro. 52p MEN wanted for Rawleigh routes m onths - old. — R o y Stoltenberg. 1936. at the East door of the C o u rt­ easterly direction to the N or'h line North line of the Oregon and Cali- D a ted an d fir s t pubit»hed J a n u a r y |fl. of 800 families. Reliable hustler growth. $5.—Inquire Mrs. Robert IttJfl h a te f last p u b lic a tio n I «4>r 'uar, Box \\ 63, Rt. 3. Hillsboro; north of house i n Hillsboro, W ashington, should start earning $25 weekly Greer, Freem an Ave. at Jackson St. EBORALL'fe S. C. W hite Leghorn Shady Broow. Phone N orth Plains County. Oregon, at the hour of ten ' of the N ortheast q u arte r (N E'.i) of fornia H. H. right of way; thenco 13 193ft. the Southw est q u arter (SW ',> of West along the North line of the SA K A I I F S T E V E N S , chicks. Backed by 35 years of Sherwood, O re . and increase rapidly. W rite today. 52P o'clock a. m. of said day, sell at Section Seventeen, aforesaid; thence 23F11.__________ Oregon and California R. R right x<»n. Kt l. E x e c u trix . 4 ft-62 —Rawdeigh, Dept. OR-86-S, O ak­ OLD GROWTH 12 and 16-inch fir. successful breeding and hatching, public auction to the highest b id­ West to the place of beginning; all of w.iy two hundred tw enty-tw o 12 and 16-inch block wood, and enables us to produce healthy, vig- land, Calif. 51-1 lp THREE G uernsey heifers for sale. der for cash in hand, all of the N l l T K R ( I F F I N A L A C C O U N T 4-foot country slab for sale.—T ele­ j orous chicks, m aturing into high —Ray Delsman, Phone 2107. 52tf following described real property, being in tile N ortheast q u arter feet (222» to the East line of Alder In 1I1« C o u n ty l o u r, o f i h r K i » i . ,,f Ora (N E 1«) of the Southw est qu arter Street; thence North «ilong the East phone 1091. 4 itf producing hens. All chicks hatched 1 «on. fo r lh « C o u n ty ,,f W .. h m « l o i, 8. W erk W anted I r l»xtr I ippnrt m ent from large w hite eggs produced on FRESH dairy cows, double-tested. lying being and situate in W ash­ (SW 1,) of Section Seventeen (17) line of Alder S treet ninety-eight ington County, Oregon, and more Tow nship Two (2) South of Range (98) feet to the place of beginning, In ( h r M h 1 (c r o f -h« E«| ta te uf J«»hn —Roy Bills, Shady Brook road: RELIABLE lady w ants housework FIRST class wood for sale. — Ray our own farm. O ur strain is well S ls r ia t, U « e « u « i|. p articularly described as follows, One (1) West of the W illamette and fu rth er decreeing that M artha Delsman, G aribaldi Ave. Phone known and proven superior all over 2 miles from N orth Plains. 51 to-w?.: by day. best reference exchanged. N iitle a la h r r r h y Itlvnn th a t Ih o n n d rr - 49tf the west. Sexed pullets. 95" g u ar­ Meridian, being six (8, Acres of P o rter and all other persons or ■ I v i l l ' d . . « » .|,n ln ia tr » lo r o f Ih r ra lK I« o f —W rite Argus 4856. 52 J107. Lots one, two, three, four, five land, more or less, excepting and John S iu r la t. d r .r a a n l. haa f||,a l hla f in a l parties unknown, claim ing a n y anteed. Chicks, 10c each. In lots 27. Livestock and six in Block th irty -th ree — -oiint in ( h r C o u n ty C o u rt o f i h r S t a i r Seeds, Plants REFINED lady, 38, wishes house­ 18. reserving w ater rights to spring on right, title, estate, lien or interest of of 500 or more. 9c. prepaid. Send U r.-« , fo r W a a h ln r tu n C o u n ty, an d Metzger Acre Tracts, acAjrding keeping position for individual LIVESTOCK WANTED said property, as mentioned in the in the real e.state hereinabove de- tha it I h r o n Ifith for circular.—Crystal W hite P o u l­ day o f .March. 19.1*. a t t h r to the recorded plat thereof on or small family. Neat, reliable.— HIGHEST quality trees, largest as­ try Farm. McMinnville. Ore. deed 5°9,vey1nR certain property to scribed have no interest in or right hou r o f ini „ . I,,, a |„ i h r f ..r r n .- .n o f . . | , | 51tf HIGHEST corn-belt prices for ca r­ file in the office of the Re­ sortment, greatest values. G raft­ P. O. Box 133. Hillsboro. 52p loads broke or range horses, mule? one Bell S inclair on Septem ber and title to said premises or any d ay an d .............. .rt n a n n o f .a id c u i r t haa corder of Conveyances of Wash­ Inwn a p p o in te d hy . . | , | , h„ 1(mc (Venetian theatre, Je rry Abts, city) ed Suckerless filberts, w alnuts, ERICKSON'S W h i t e Leghorns. and colts.—Fred Chandler. Horse 22nd. 1910, said deed now being of part thereof, and that they a re and an d i lace fo r the h e a rin g «.f objectio ns ington County, Oregon, prunes, pears, cherries, a p p l e s , heavy producers of large, w hite and M ule M arket, Chariton, Io­ record in deed records of afore­ alt persons claim ing by, through, or th e re to and th e settlem en t t h r r o .f TYPEWRITER and adding machine peaches, apricots, grapes, ornam en­ eggs, achieved by our 14 years of wa- 47-52 to satisfy the hereinbefore named said county and state. Said land is under them or either of them are n ,1’ ,“ '',1, / ' ? ' • '" '■ " ’ hrd F r l r u a r y I I . sums and for the cost and expenses the same tract of land which was forever barred and precluded from C iiii' I U ' *>f repairs. — Fred Roney, Call A r­ tals, shrubs, etc. Prem ium Roses breeding and hatching. Sires' dam s’ M arch 12. gus^______ 46-7ptf free. Send today for our 45th A n­ records. 275 to 330. 90% of busi­ CATTLE and horses of all kinds of sale and said w rit. conveyed by deed of Ju ly 19, 1922, claim ing or attem pting to claim or F I G R O H N K N . A d n ilm .lr a lo r , H illa - Said sale will be m ade subject niversary sale circular. — Carlton ness re-orders from year to year. bought fcr cash, sold or ex ­ from N S. Conger and Ruth A asserting or attem pting to assert 10. Sale or Trade— Mis. N ursery Co. 35tf Every breeder blood-tested. Day- changed. T erm s 10 to 20 m onths on to redem ption as per statu te of Conger, his wife, to H enry Gehrke, any interest in or right, and ti'Ie boro. G re ffo n . Ib»ute l. Oregon. old chicks. Day-old pullets. 95% sales.—Gail K arns Orenco. Phone N O T I C E O F A P P O IN T M K N T O F a single man, which deed is r e ­ to or lien upon said real property Nursery Stock GOOD organ to trade for early D ated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this corded in Book 124, Record of I and 30tf guaranteed. — Erickson's H atchery H illsboro 2621X. E X E l I T K IX forever quieting the title of In 4th day of February, 1936 seed potatoes or w hat have you? MUST be sold. High grade J u n i­ and Poultry Farm , Hillsboro Route th e « " i in iy C o u rt o f i | „ f t , « , . o l O re . Deeds of W ashington County, S tate the plaintiff in and to said premises. tt «on. f«»r U RMhiriRton C o u n ty —604 W. Baseline. Gone Saturdays per, A rbor Vitae, Cedar, Cypress, 5. Phone Scholls 1007. J. W. CONNELL. S heriff of Wash­ FOR SALE—Span mules, harness 48tf | of Oregon, on page 344 thereof; Service of this sum m ons is made ' In M.'fm li*?!1'" . Spruce, Yew, Azalia, Rhododen­ ,':*U** "f > '«'• and wagon; G uernsey cow, com ­ ington County. Oregon. Cooking- This citation is served on you upon you by publication thereof | «««Tie llr tle n n te r . I>erea»r«t FAULTLESS stum p puller for sale drons, Abelia, Aucuba Box, Caton- WE ARE booking orders tor Mam- ing fresh in a few days. Several ham and Hanley, A ttorneys f o r by publication in the Hillsboro A r­ in the Hillsboro Argus, a new spa­ or trade for cow or heifer.— easter, Daphne, Heather, G randa m outh Bronze tu rk ey poults, m ar­ head of horses; colt, 6 m onths old Plaintiff, 604 Mead Bldg, Portland, gus. a new spaper published in per of general circulation pu b ­ i f . i w i i " - « » e iit r la o f ih e Charles Nichtman, Rt. 3, Hills­ Holly, Laurel, Magnolia, and many ket type. W rite for catalogue.— —Farm ers' Feed A Sales Stable. Oregon. 57.3 Bast H ill am | Ie « ta m e n t o f Itca te Mofle Washington County. Oregon, for lished in W ashington County, O re­ Ife t leent e r. deceased, hy the boro. 52p others. Plants for edging, hedge, Mrs. Jam es L. Batchelder, Rt 1. Phone 244. o n n ty ( ’«»urt 49tf o f th e H tn te o f G re y o n , fo W an h in g to n I wind-break, o r garden. Expert Hillsboro. N O TIi'E OF SH ERIFF'S SALE four successive weeks pursuant to gon, once each week for a period ( o n n ty . an d hn» qualified. 48tf an order of the H onorable Donald of four consecutive and successive 11. To Swap landscape advice.—Drew N ursery . .. m l ' p* 7 o n " >»»•«>« «lalrna a g a in .! . .. id 28. UPON FORECLOSURE Rea! Estate T Templeton, Judge of the above weeks by v irtu e of on order made Beaverton, east end of 8th St. j WE are booking orders for White Notice is hereby given that by rs , y ..................... .,h" C ourt dated Ja n u ary 20 by the H onorable R. Frank Peters, « aam x e no to Ih e und eralgn ed a t G ard en H om e EXCHANGE your magazines—Cos­ Phone 11805. Leghorns, W hite Rocks, White 35tf v irtu e on an execution, decree and entitled A Real Home W a a h in g to n " i,n ty , (> rg „ „ . w ll) , v„ u ,.,„ .r , 1936. Ju d g e of the above entitled Court, mopolitan, Red Book. Geographic, Wyar.dottes, Rhode I s l a n d Red F iv e -ro o m , modern, h a r d w o o d order of sale issued out of the C ir­ ........ . ....... Mechanics. American Home, Love Date of first publication Ja n u ary and entered in said C ourt and cause the dX y h ^ rr ' ' W“ hl" Subscribe now to the Argus. In chicks from purebred flocks, mated floors, fireplace, lawn, shrubbery, cuit C ourt of the S tate of Oregon, Story. Western. Detective and oth­ Washington county $1.50 a year with pedigreed cockerels—all 100" Rarden, large lot on paved street haled and fir s t published February LI. for W ashington County, on t h e 23, 1936. D ate of last publication on Ja n u a ry 21, 1936, said period of 193ft h a t e o f la x t p u b lir a tio n M a rc h 12. ers, five-cent fee, at Stage Depot Six months 85c. T nree m onths 50 blood-tested —Cabe's H atchery, Me- , A rgus No. 4650. publication being th e period p re ­ 52p 129th day of Jan u ary , 1936. in a F eb ru ary 20, 1936. 193ft Magazine Exchange. 51-2p cents. Two m onths 35 cents. Witness my hand and seal of said scribed by said order. tf Minnville, Oregon. Phone 5. 46tf cause therein pending w herein Anna C L A R A N A S H H F T L K S A T F R . E xecu­ Date of first publication of this t r ix . H u n tin g to n , W ileo n A h s v l« A t ­ FOR SALE- 15 acres close in. all G. Herb, also known as Mrs. F. H. C ourt affixed this 20th day of J a n ­ (Seal) MAC summ ons is Ja n u ary 23, 1936. Date torneys f .,r E x e c u tr ix , 614 o r te r Itu ild - cleared. $1200. good term s.—Bert Herb, is plaintiff, and F. N. J u r ­ uary. 1936. Mac Follow s the Tim es By Munch EDW. C. LUCE. County C lerk of of last publication of this sum ­ lo g . l'o r» Is m i, O re gon. ( C. Huntington. 52 gens and G race Jurgens, his wife. 62-4 V. V Nicholson and Paul Ritchey Washington County and Ex-Officio mons is February 20, 1936. NO TH E OF F IN A L ACCOUNT i WANT small im proved place, 10 to 1 are defendants, ,0 me directed and C le rk .o f th e County C ourt of the P. L. PATTERSON, A ttorney for MAC ANOTW AT OTHER YOUNGS t e Q C o u n ty C o u rt o f th e H ta te o f O re - AH, HERE COMES A £ lT Z Y LOOKING 20 acres, in exchange for P o rt­ delivered and com m anding me to S tate of Oregon for the County of Plaintiff. Resident A ttorney of O re­ In p the i ' n / ' " ’. ¿ b ' of W a a h in g to n . WILL DCIVE ME WILD WITH TH A T land home.—J . H. Jack, Rt. 4, Sher- m ake sale of the real property Washington. 494 gon. Post Office Address; Wells I ro h ate D e p a rtm e n t. g e n t l e m a n — h o w d o v o u d o , S ir ? In the M a tt e r o f the E s ta te o f J . J . I wood. 48tf Building, Hillsboro, Oregon. 49-1 AWFUL POUNDlNGr— BUT, I z L L hereinafter described to satisfy the K u r a tli, Deceased. a TABLE. S lC ? Y e s S lC — WE HAVE sum of $2,600.00 w ith interest th e re­ NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE N o tic e ia hereby given th a t Ih e u n d e r, N O T I C E T O ( I IF I H T O H S $5000 No. 10686 STOP E M /7 ttlgnetl, a. A d m in a t o r o f the eatatn POOS' BIFF,, WHAT KlNDA Z ^ u P N u ti.-c in hcreh y g iv e n (h a t th e lin d e r- FOR SALE—The MacKay p ro p er­ on from A ugust 1st, 1933, at the o r J. ,1 K u r a tli, tlerea .etl, h a . file d hla On the 17th day of February. hy an o rd e r m ade and en tered ! rate of six per cent per annum , ty, W ashington street near First, LIKE—? VERY WELL 'b " ' ' " " " ' X « —«rt o f 1936, at the hour of 10:00 A. M. at in (lie C o u n ty C o u rt o f the M a t e o f O re . I h e Kt“ ,'.''"'‘ " , r $5000. Term s reasonable.—A pply M. I and the fu rth e r sum of $200 atto r­ the East door of the C ourt House iron fo r W a -h in « to n C o u n ty m i (h e noth Ih e S ta te o f O re g o n , fo r W a .h ln g to n ney's fees, for which judgm ent was ! r ’" k ' yi' ’ b " ' M o n d a y , th e 17th day d a y u f J a n u a r y . I I n th e m a tte r of B. Bump, attorney, or J . MacKay, in Hillsboro, W ashington County, th e e s ta te u f W illa m in a D o ro th y Jeaae, 360 S. Fifth Ave. 41tf rendered in said C ourt in said Oregon, I will sell at auction to the de. I't the forenta.n o f R„ |,| , | „ eared, hna been a p p o in te d a d m in la tr a - cause in favor of th e plaintiff and ann oin «1 h " " " ' co n n h a . been highest bidder for cash the follow ­ t o r o f M iii| PHtfttn. : against th e defendants F. N. J u r ­ X ’ . J J tv’' «» 'h e lim e and N o w th e re fo re , n il perwonn h n v in g r ln im r 30. Stoves, H eaters gens and G race Jurgens, and also ing described real properly lo­ m /iiiriHt Raid CHtnte « r e h ereb y n o tifie d U and' I h ? " b'',‘ r i '" ' " f "M -c U o n a th e rm cated in Washington County, O re­ 1«» pret.ent. th e sum e, to g e th e r w ith p ro p ­ nt am t Ih e .e ftle n t,m l th e re o f FO U R-burner gas range. Quick the costs and expenses of said sale, gon, to-wit: l» g * '" il »’ •»»•«"’ »’.■.I J a n u a r y 1«, e r voueherM th e re fo r, to m e a t m y ad- Meal, w ith oven, good as new, i I will on S aturday the 29th day of 1.1 l!t.i« ' “ l F e b ru a ry H ill.b o r o , G re iro n , o r nt the o ffic e Beginning at an iron pipe on the drew». $20. —Can sec at Coslett Service February, 1936, at the hour of ten south ,,r L H. To n iru e, C o m m e rc ia l Iliiild ir iR , of th a t certain tract situated Hillhl»« ro. O re y o n , w ith in six m onths fro m l l i n k ' n . n '» ',• C o u n ty Court, o f Die H ta te «.f O re ­ irn e d . A d m in is tra to r o f the uh,,, g o n , fo r th e C o u n ty o f W a s h in g to n , title d eatate. h a . file d h i . f i „ , paired George Roberts, 473 E ty, situate in W ashington County, 89’ 42' East from the S. W. corner of said Shaw trac t and at the S. E. I ’ rohntc h e p n rfm e n t. Oregon, to-wit; In th e C n iin ty C o u rt o f (he .Slate o f , i rr Washington. Phone 471Y. 39, f N o tic e is hereb y g iv e n thnt. the u n d e r- f" r W a .h ln g to n C o u n ty , » ,„ Beginning at a point 50 links corner of a 1-acre trac t heretofore I’ igned t hat M n rth n K red enieyer I ihh been a p the 2 4 ,h d ay o f I e h ru n ry . south and 17.71 chains east of the conveyed to S. G illiland; thence (tointed a d m in is tr a t r ix o f th e e s ta te ot a M t o n th d ay 193ft, H ouses e ho u r u f ten o'eloeh A M N. 1' 30' E. 4615 feet to the N. E. o f said F r e d e r iik E. Ilu c h tm a n n , deceased, by the northw est corner of Section 26, T d ay In th e C o u n ty C o u rt Room In th e S ta te «,f O re g o n fo r C o u rt HoitHn in H lll.lm r o FOR RENT 5-roorn bungalow, 1 1 N R. 4 W Will. Mer., thence corner of said 1-aere tract; thence C W o a u s n h ty in g C to o n u rt C o o f u n the W n sh ing ton , nnd hn» qunli‘fie«l. C o u n ty , O re g o n , h a . been modern; 4- room bungalow, mod- J south 18 34 chains, thence east. 5 S. 82"' 44' E. 289.5 feet, more or A ll persons h a v in ty «ppointe«! as g rln im s against, snid tho tim e am , place fo r the h e a rin g o f a ll ern: 8-room house, modern. Bert chains, thence north 10 chains, less, to the northw est corner of a es ta te a r e hereb y n o tifie d t<» p rese nt the ohjeetlo na to .a id f in a l account, a n d the H untington. 52 I thence east I chain, thence north 1-acre tract heretofore conveyed to -u the d u ly v e rifie d , ns by I h w re q u ire d , B a ttle m e n t th ereo f. .»»U nary 2.1. 8 34 chains, thence west 8 chains M. A. Kershaw, thence S. 0 04' W. | B ldg u n d ersign ed nt in n ] H o ard o f T r a d e | n i l(i,,<'i i, ,.'lf P o rtla n d , O re g o n , w ith in s i * 2« ¡9.1« ° " f l* " t ' ’u b » ' « ' l " n F e b r u . ; ; Io tiie place of beginning, contain­ along the W. line of said K ershaw m oot In fro Loans m th e d a te hereof. tract and continuation thereof 421 | h a te d and firs t published F e b ru a ry ft, ing 10 acres more or less E E N . I R T H R M P . A d m in a t o r o f Said sale will be m ade subject feet to the S. line of said S h aw , 19.3ft. h a te o f laut p u b lic a tio n M a rc h Home Loans h r I t a le Of A d r l l . K eenon. he, r , . e d ’ L I a lte r» o n , A tto r n e y fu r the Aft For building, buying or refin an c­ to redem ption as per statu te of the tract; thence S. 89’ 42' W 308.31 16B6. A R T H A H R E D E M E Y E R . A d m in is tra ­ m in is !r a tn r . n* A ’ feet, more or less, to th e place o f ' t r i M ing on city or acreage property. S tate of Oregon. ________ ____________ 49-1 x . W ilb u r , B e c k e tt, H o w e ll A O ppen M onthly paym ents as low as $9.56 i Dated this 29th day of January, beginning, containing 3 003 acres, h elm e r. A tto rn e y s . 51-3 CALL FUR W arrants m ore or less, except the west 94 per month per $1000, including in- ■ 1936. terest. — W ashington S a v in g s &l J. W. CONNELL, S heriff of Wash­ feet thereof as described In Deed In the C N o O u n T ty IC E C o T u rt O o ( f R th F e B IT S O ta R le S o f O re ­ ofAt ] C oun‘y Road Fund Warrant» of W ashington County, Oregon, en ­ Loan. Hillsboro. 39,f ! ington County, Oregon. Bagley Hr. Book 140 page .399 Deed Records gon , f o r W a s h in g to n C o u n ty Hare. A ttorneys for Plaintiff. 50-2 of Washington County. Oregon, less In th e M a tt e r o f Ih e E l a t e o f John dorsed "not paid for w ant of funds" on or before July 31, 1935 arc now Neighborhood new s from 30 Ar- i a strip 35 feet in width off the M '-c ia r a n , hr« en ed liv a b le at the office of the Coun F.'otne I , hereb y gl> en » h it the tin d er gus correspondents i n d if f e r e n t 1,1 ,hr' D r t r i r t (.'ourt of t h e north ,'lde of the ab n \e de cribed I$’ ned h l hern ap p o in te d I->e. < !< 11, ot ly T reasurrr. m Hillsboro. Oregon sections of W ashington ro u n ty ap- 1 U n it'd States for the p i trtrt of tract, r e s e n e d for road purpose-, ♦hr I i»» M | | | snd men» ,.f John Interest on such w arra n t, n' t here pear ,n the A rgus each w e e k . Oregon United C-ijtr. of America. in W ashington County. S tate of / ’ ‘• r a n . D o n a te d , snd hat hern «on ccase L earn w hat jo u r friends are do- Libelant, vs. Three G allons Black- Oregon, together w ith the heredi­ firm e d as such by th e C o u n ty C o u rt o f U^°1936Ca“ C<^ S ta te o f O regon fo r W a s h in g to n C o u n ­ three cents a 1 b erry Wine, T hree H undred Twcn- tam ents and appurtenances th e re ­ has d u ly q u a lifie d as in ch . week. tf j ty-three until belonging, and also together t y N« nnd jw , thsreXure, ail per«.un» ha > mg claim» Count Yoar Profits Legal Notices