I hui ’<1 lv, }’. bi n n-, i t, (può H IL L S B O R O e, b i: cm between the Ruben K e l- ■ ly nini A le x A lle n homes .S aliltila y jf t e i nm m. William u n ii Tom H iggle o f Fili k- eilfelil were bere mi hu m e , : F eb­ ru a ry I I . M r and M rs. R obert Pince were uvei n ig h t glie li I o f be r m other, , Green Mountain Grange to Mrs. M n llie Tallman, Saturday J Hold SenHion Saturday nigh t. The yo u n g people have been en ­ I llv jo y in g k a tln g on the pond on the I 'lenient place, south of town, DHXTON A meeting nf the ( I Townsend d u ll w ill be heli) ill the (lu rin g the cold weather. Orange to Meet ITUlige h u ll I'l'liin i l i y i tn iilu lit f in e n M ou ntain G range w ill A m eeting o f the C u th olic clu b - n il II E l ' k > u i|ii‘ c u in in itle e was meet at the h a ll S u lm d a y. l i r l i l nt the John B e lli li Inline M rs I ’e rrie Rethei fo rd gave a T hursd ay. q u iltin g p a rly re ce n tly to q u ilt fill A buy i H e nry J e ru ld l wins burn hi r daughter, M r . G erald Pow ell • i Mt an il M i Ed Lawson ' Juun- M is Elsie M eyers am i H arold tin I In in b i'i I'm i E e b ru iiry 7. and Eal I F isher v e ile d M rs Earl M r .b ie ' I' 111111 ;i 11 m il •, n ( III- Ei ilie r at the Jones hospital S a lu r- ; b e ll Frost vi lle il nt the L a u re l day. I 11 I Inline in Edi e ,1 ( JrilVe tile p a t Week. A wise man th in k s all he says; Miss Irene Fisher wiis absent fool ay. a ll he th in k Ex. Buxton Group Meets Tonight c> 11Otn II. i n k I 'u 'l i ■ i In,. ,| I., r Page Tinny Hillsboro Merchants' Popularity Contests Double — v o t i ; d o u b l e Vote PHILCO . . . w ith th e b u ilt-in A .rlal-T u n tn q S y a t.m th a t doubles th e n u m b er of foreign atation s you can get and wnjoy I O nly Philco Haa It I MODE!, GIOF E A S Y TERMS t ii a » G a i n D O U BL E Your shopping dollars will do double work at these Hillsboro stores Fri­ day and Saturday. Every 50-cent piece spent or paid on account with mer­ chants co-operating1 in the Popularity Contests will bring RFXAI.L 33rd BIRTHDAY SALE NOW ON! $3,000 CASH See I's for lletails. Plus Double Votes Friday and Saturday B A R G A IN GRANULATED SOAP 20c Bar Borene Soap FREE! Come early — Take advantage of these bargains and boost your favorite candidate! Delta Drug Store DAT BORENE Friday and Saturday. The bargains listed on this page are only a few of the many items specially priced for this event. 695 PRIZES IN ALL VO TE 25-oz. Package too VOTES Combining Great Bargain Offers with Nation-wide Contest 10 CHEVROLETS 54 .95 SELFRIDGE FURNITURE CO. Ren ’ Rend ‘ them. n a v h a h g a i m « A llo w a n c e Toward a New O u r cla ssified colum ns may have list w h a t ) you are looking for— Just whut v o t E dat L E T 'S T R A D E R A D IO S ! w eek nt illneS'l D. M nenke o f Hunks, w h ile re ­ tu r n in g fro m a t r ip t o Jew ell, up- ilc e iillllt t> <» v H I. H IL L S B O R O , O R F G O N ,-------------------------------------------------------------- Mi > .!«• • »• M*vrr*) n il ARGUS, SM ITH’S GROCERY 125 S. Second Ave. Phone 11 LET YOUR DOLLARS DO DOUBLE DUTY IN HILLSBORO — Il O U II 1. E VO TE DAY B A R G A IN — — II D I B 1. E 16-piece l uncheon Set Open Stock Pattern A J| ft 4 Cups, 4 Saucers T| J 4 5-inch Plates 1 ■ M r 4 7-inch Plates ©Q A NEW DINNERWARE CREATION Beautiful Ivory Tone w ith Sm artly Embossed Border BRISTOL HARDWARE COM PANY Il O U II 1. E VO TE R A R G A IN — o n g b i. f v o t i ; n a y II A Y B A R G A IN INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED Compare Our Prices— We Can Save You Money $-|15 We haven't had a dissatisfied cus­ tomer with the tons we've sold 49-lb. bag ............ COFFEE Golden West. Packed from the finest coffees grown, plus a re­ usable jar. A -lb . 4af glass jar b a r g a in — D O U B L E No. 3 Cedar $60 and $50 Values S H IN G L E S $190 Friday anil Saturday. Feb. 14 and 15 HILLSBORO MOTOR CO. Chevrolet, Oldsmobile. Quality Used Cars Towing, Tires. Service All M^kes—Phone 444 D O U B L E VO TE DA Y B A R G A IN Linseed Oil Meal Oriental ................ Milk Egg Mash ’29 ’20 .00 32 .00 $2 00 — Friday and Saturday Nights, February 14 and 15 Prize Voting Contest Inside the Theatre Friday Night Square Pool-Gardner Lumber Co. D O U B L E Phone 2691 V O TE DAY ton sack Millers of Quality Feeds South Second Ave. B A R G A IN NEW I. E. S. BETTER SIGHT LAMPS ton Imperial Feed SC Grain Co. Phone 01 B A R G A IN The candidate receiving the most votes cast in the theatre lobby between 7 and 8:45 o'clock will be given a $5.00 book of theatre tickets. “If It's Lumber—Call Our Number" FEED - FEED - FEED Imperial Dairy 20% ..................... Mill Run DAY VENETIAN THEATRE (8-inch Clears) * price 2 VO TE Double Votes with Each 25c Admission CAR R A D IO S 151 W. Baseline FAIRWAY MARKET FLOUR Snowcap, all hardwheat. DAY GENUINE CHEVROLET SALLY PADEN 32-piece LUNCHEON SET .. VO TE N ew , beautifully designed official E S. Table Study or Reading Lamp. Finished in nor; and gold with Mhite and gold linen-on-parchment shade. T h e perfect lamp for the children a Study table and for the living room occasional table near the magazine rack. Comes equipped ssith 3-ltte switchtousc 5 0 ,1OOor 150 watts.Com­ plete as described. S '7. 95. Easy terms. This is lust o a t t'l the m in ' new, scientifically correct Icmps on display at all Pepco Electric Stores— see them. r SEE PROGRAM AD IN THIS ISSUE — D O U B L E VO TE DAY B A R G A IN — WASH LUNCH Dresses C lo th s 39c 15c New Prints. Sizes 14 to 48 Size 32 x 32. Bright colored designs. PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. Hillsboro, Oregon DOUBT. E VO TE DAY B A R G A IN — Double Health Protection Every Day of the Year FIR GROVE milk is delivered to your door absolutely pure. FIR GROVE milk contains essential elements to build up health and resistance. FIR GROVE DAIRY »