Pa?e Two Wlsbori3ft&\rg H 1 I. I S P Q R Q A R C U S , Hl LLS P O R O , O R F G O N Tbili si ay. February 13, 1'L'!(‘. Afore Homes Needed she w atched tin* sim ple prim itive | roti) e Ile h a d filili’ t'ieoM ie d fría n j method of fire making. I the fforO o( hook cvrtl befoi •• tlu* When G arth stood up beside the (itili il i.v, w lieti tlu* b u llid w o n n d W 'lth U h l« h la C om bined (he Ilillw b n ro In dependent J d u c k lin g It lines of the new lire, lie tiiliin Ili lippel i In I tingan lo B ill« boro A n ru * e»t«b. 1F94 H ill« b oro Independent ««tab. 1871 ¡found Inin , |[ slionger Him tie Ile il lin i w itli Ilio pii m g of bb. M e K IN N K Y A M c K IN N E Y . Pnbliahere ¡expected All slioak liuni lie. wound f e v e i i . l l c o n d i t i o n , Ilo* il a n FublU hed Thursday. Entered «<* Mcond-elaaa m a tte r In (ha j had passed during Ins two days' o f e o n v .ile s i- e n e i* latdied Inin out o t poet o f f ice a t H illa b o ro . O regon j uneon cion .ness. and hi* healthy III ( p la c i d i - o i i l e i i l n i e l l i V E R N E M c K IN N E Y Its lie had already begun to heal M RS. R C. M c K IN N E Y Why are you loufing around E d ito r Associate E d ito r "Nmy w e're under way," lie said lieie. Garth'*" lie rasped "In lead " N c v t t omes mede ine. Its u .in. (lie ni ».istilli! all lid i lime piling lip ushes, you gave our wounds t, rile food, von could li. iv e m ule a canoe O F F IC IA L N E W S P A P E R OF W A S H IN G T O N C O l’ N T Y dre* sing: Yolir father was limed an,I run us down aet'o I Io re ­ Selected as O re g o n ’s Best W e e kly N ew spaper. 19.10 up to the pink of condition. II, fueling pu* l ilav ■ ngn " Name,! on A ll-A m e ric a n W eekly N ew spaper Eleven. 1910 ( ta r ili '» e p i Ills lig h t II. mil i*il)!<‘- wound will lieal as i.ipidly us mine H on o ra ble M e ntio n N a tio n a l E d ito ria l A sso cia tio n N ew spaper » , e o n ! a e io Iu ; u p tu r n e d e m p ty W lial little f»*vi*i lie ha means noth P ro du ctio n C ontest. 1934-3R, and G eneral Excellence. IM S D ead mg. To cool it, crush III lie; »li ink lei! p a lm No tuoi n o hid. S u b scrip tio n Hates S tr ic tly Cash In A d ra n re ■ ng w ater nine of the eranbertie hlieli no hark No h id e ; n o h a rk W ith in W ash in g to n C ou n ty O u tsid e W a sh in g to n C ou n ty fioin over tluii* along H it* edge ol no canoe " Per yeai I L S . per ye ar 82.00 "H ull1 Do you mean to ay we ll ihe muskeg You might boil willow S ix m o n t h s ___ F o re ig n co u n trie s .. 3.50 hark and add a little of the biller h .vi* Io slick oete and freeze III decoction to the cranberry Juice." your d d iiretie » m ie i '*" M E H R E R Oregon S ta te "Growl iivvuy, sir. G arth approv­ F irs t A u d ite d Paper. E d ito ria l A ‘¡-o» ¡« lio n und " ( 'll. it's g hid to k n o w In*' not L arg e st ABC W e e kly ed 'S ounds good II mean you'll N a tio n a l E d ito ria l Asso« 1 ick Hut to starve to death!" C irc u la tio n in W n . Hatton. .shape lor rafting As for candidates. Includtxt in the list is G arth pointed to the wild fowl he In question perhaps von Inuigiu,* lo n e United States senatorship, throe out nt die sw am p They w ere he vour Miss Ramili I have been h ea v ­ , m em bers ot (.'»ingress, thres* su ­ j ¡’inning to (lock together » i ' l l Ihe ing that down and tim prem e court justices, a state treas­ approach of autum n. "How would ju I for ..port ” ber ovei ihe hank urer. an attorney general, six c ir­ you likt* canvas-back or mallard The farm conference held here last cuit The million aire stiiggered Io his Merle Chessman, editor of the Astoria week judges, district attorneys. for dinner?" should be of great value to agricul­ feel linai led fm Ihe filst tim e since state representatives a n t i 16 Astorian-Eudget, has gone east as the rep­ tural interests of the county in the years • 60 Her eves brightened, only to cloud Huxhy had shot him down "A senators. again "You have no g u n '' resentative of the Columbia Defense to come. County Agent Cyrus has often j state 1 raft' Ho» the devil can you make Iu the United States senate th. A lter looping some thongs to his league to help in the battle to secure some terin of C harles I,. McNary, repub licit, he went to stack a hollow* pile one il you can't m ake n c.inoe * No protection for the mouth of the Columbia said that much good came out of the one lican. expires w ith the current of brush on a forked stub that had mpi* or raw hide thongs !o In* llil years ago and the one f J a c k E. .Vilen of U m a­ I By a quiet m ovement of Ids hand raft, Io peer out across the i m t n e n .»• county, following adjournm ent take its shabby treatment on the matter of erating on scrip is brought out in a report, • tilla I under the surface, he glided tin* lake like expan e of the great liver of the 193a reg u lar session. A sen- blind into the midst of a m allard ■ The w ater was covered with white- ilefenses laying down. For every dollar which shows the county warrant debt i ator must be elected from Wash , flock. The trick was to grasp a j caps. w hipped up by the chill north- • ington county. expended for Oregon naval and military- shrinking and less tax delinquency. duck's feet anil jerk the bird under i <*rly wind "Raft! Ugh' It's worse nut then* Both the dem ocrats and republi purposes hundreds have been supplied for I before it could squawk. He waded tlui.i the w hite water » lien we lint cans will also elect a national com ­ , back to shore with five dead n u ll-! those others to the north and south of us. rapULs " itteem an, a national com m ittee , lards tied to his bell. honesty is not a forgotten qual­ m Funds to the amount of SI.500.000 are ity That woman, ten delegates to th e n a­ ■ After the meal on roast duck, he 1 "There'll be plenty of free battl­ among our people is clearly shown tional conventions and 1630 pr, being asked for a naval stores and equip­ I set some rabbit snares. He then ing for us. but no danger of drow n­ i. G overnor M artin and T. showed l ilith how to make cords ing." G arth replied "Only triiuble. ment base at Tongue Point, where Clatsop with the receipt by a local business house cinct com mitteemen. is Dunne, m em ber of the ac- I by splitting off strands from peel­ this wind would blow us up*(ream of the following anonymous note with the commission, both opposed county bought land for the purpose, un­ ed pruce roots While she worked W ell h iv e to wait for a »Inti The W allace S. W harton. Portland the it proposal amount mentioned: “I was in your store w hich had th e ap ­ der agreement years ago with the govern­ new spaper man, took over his new at Hus, he collected more ducks onlv oilier chanee is that one of Hu* and hung them over a smudge for boa’s mav he coming out " ment that development would take place. some time ago. bought goods and was job as executive secretary to th proval of S tate T reasurer Holman | governor Saturday. No announce- smoke curing given $3 too much. It has worried me so. This agreement was violated and the Clat­ More th an 9500 m otorists ran ■ ment has yet been m ade as to the Next came ihe carving of Eskimo •n'. Ilav company and other naia sop county citizens, who bonded them­ I am sending it so I am square. It will ■ n atu re of his duties except th at he afoul tho long arm of the law in By Robert Ames B ennett hook - from duck bene- Willi bait, never happen again.—A Friend.” will succeed D. O. Hood as direc Oregon during December, accord­ a catgut leaded and a spruce-root ers. taking out the .season's eargoes selves, are holding the sack. • ( W N U S e rv i, -c C o p y rig h t by tor of the budget. If W harton’s ing to the m onthly report of C harles line, he bagan Io catch Mackenzie of furs." Oregon’s entire citizenry should unite R o b e rt A n iM llc n n r t t ) Tile m illionaire grunted his re- duties are to be confined to the P. Pray, superintendent of state n e \ _T I Whitefish, l.lllth . had _______ M CCtl KO on this question. Our congressional dele­ budget departm ent, the purpose of police. Only 590 of these, however, beautiful a fresh-w ater fish, all ' lief: "I'gli strumera! Ahnest good the legislative act creating th e new wi re given arrest slips. The other niother-of-pearl below and frosted 1 as i plane " (C o n tin u e d fro m Inst w eek) gation should not give its votes to the ex­ If one comes along and If we see silver above. I post w ill be effectively defeated 8986 escaped w i'h w arnings and I.ilith RamiU’s had dropped de penditure for such purposes elsewhere un­ Sponsors of the m easure w ere in adm onitions to go and sin no more spondently. "I raw it this m orn­ The newly caught fish proved it In time," G arth quahflixl "You : are rather farsighted. You might til this defenseless gateway to the United URGES POWER DISTRICT SUPPORT iterested prim arily in supplanting in g - w a y out across the sky First f ir b elter eating than even the best To th e Editor—It has been a surprising thing W. L. Gosslin. th e governor's p ri­ States receives adequate appropriations. Jam es H Hazlett, sta te senator there was the drone of the motor of trout. Mr. Ramill's slight fever vvu'.eh for smoke downriver." "I'll do that D n your diddling m e th e stand th a t the holders of the so-called vate secretary, in his capacity a from Hood River and Wasco coun­ Then I saw it- way off Onlv. I g iv»» him a distaste for duck meat Securities of th e Portland G eneral Electric com ­ political advisor to the governor ties is understood to be flirting coul 1 do nothing Ye terdny 1 used and th<* rabbits that were snared with any raft! Ten to one. you've pany have taken in th e m atter of the form ation of : w ith a man of m ore m atu re politi­ with the notion of entering the your las', match I w anted to boil But he ate his full share and molt* nlrendy let every steam er slip pa ' All tin ; tim e with your nose ru b ­ the proposed pow er district. cal experience. Rum or has it that political arena as a candidate for for Dad the one pinch of tea th a t’s j of the delicious fish. Besides tile cranberries, Lilith bing those d d logs'" The form ation o f this district does not m ean the eventually Gosslin. who has been attorney general. left A puff of wind blew out the G arth w ent down to tell l.lllth Liberals at the University of Oregon, destruction of any w ealth nor th e creation of any . blam ed Tor most of the faux pas of flame Now there's no hop»* He took gathered black currunts and blue­ her father was by way of be­ successful in their efforts to abolish the w ealth. The proposed district w hen formed will use | the present adm inistration, w ill be S tate salary increases aggregat­ your rifle too. No fire or food or berries and mushrooms. More fish that ing ¡1 well man H e -ent her to .w en* caught Uiun could be eaten th e facilities already« existing by contracting w ith transferred to ano h ter and more ing $285 a month for 15 employes gun. or any chance of rescue!" compulsory student fee. proceeds of which th fre.-h A num ber w ere .soon on the move the cam p to a small opening e present ow ners to deliver power, or it may take lucrative post and the combined f the public utilities departm ent G arth looked around and saw her in the thicket, close behind Ihe have financed student activities at the over these facilities at th e ir actual physical value secretarial duties shouldered upon have been held up pending action by fallu tossing in feverish sleep u n ­ smoke r ick. along w ith ducks mid grum bler Fuel for a bonfire hud university and college for years, have now- paying the ow ners in good A m erican dollars, and i Wharton. the board of control. T he increases der the shade of a slight brush rabbits. For the present and near already been heaped up on the future, the question of foixt had w ere sent through w ith th e ap ­ started a drive to change compulsory mili­ operate th e lines in th a t way. G overnor M artin and S t a t e proval of Carl Cov er, assistant b u d ­ canopy. H gave the overw rought been inet. Hut the subarctic summ er beach. E ith er w ay the stockholders have as much pro­ girl a bantering smile. But G arth did not count strongly tary education to optional. Efforts to abol­ tection as in th e present set up. Now let me give I T reasurer Holman do not agt as get d ir e c to r , and Dan Kry. -•ct-.1- had about reached its end Still on sighting any steam er The b o . it . ' What, m erely a m atter of fire, more rapidly than before, the ish compulsory military education in the you th e present set up as obtained from w hat w e Ito the status of state funds. A tary to the board of control, but e ago Holman announced th it w ere held up when it developed m ed', food and (.scape’ If only nights w ere becoming longer and ! might have ling, - le d at the fa r­ schools of higher education are in keep­ believe are reliable sources. T he liabilities of th e • ¡tim aw ay A rctic trading posts Delay you w ere a boy scout! How about blacker the state had $11.500.000 of idle ¡that the board had not pas Portland G eneral Electric com pany today are as fol­ meunt ilang.-r of an e a r ly h llz z a n j! ing with radical trends and teachings. ’’ " P - • becoming a Cam pfire G irl? Ketch i funds on w hich th e banks refused A cold, sleety rainstorm drenched in the new pay schedule. lows: S40.000000 4*2 per cent bonds du e in 1960 ' me a two-foot willow branch the the ram p. It brought only tem por­ lb* rushed his w o rk on the raff j to pay any interest. The announce- Under military education in t h e s e S6.813.000 5 per cent bonds due in 1960. $6 000 000 m ent is said to have brought a size of your forefinger, a thong, ary discomfort, for G arth kept ihe, When du*;k panic. I.lltth went to schools the freshmen and sophomore men w orth of p rio r preferred stock bearing interest at [ deluge Jack E. Allen, form er liquor ad ­ one straig h t dry stick, and that fire alive under a slanted heap of watch, in place of her father. Garth of crank letters to both the students are required to put in two hours th e ra te of 6 per cent, another S6.000.000 w orth of j treasu ry and executive departm ents m inistrator. expects to become a chunk of dead birch trunk." spruce boughs None Ihe less, the relieved her at midnight Hut n eith ­ preferred stock bearing interest at th e ra te of with innum erable suggestions for candidate for the state legislature . lorm spurr» d him to redoubled ac­ er of them saw any light out on of drill each week and two hours in mili­ 6 prior A little sand increased the fric­ per cent, $3.000.000 bearing interest at th e rate of profitable use of th e funds, rang but has not decided w hether to the vast expanse of ghostly gleam ­ tary book work, or a total of four hours. 7.2 p e r cent, tw o notes of $1.500.000 each, and an- ing tion of the fire-drill point at th e tivity He knew it to be the fore­ ing jvhlleeaps. ru n n er of the autum n blizzards from financing of old age pen try for the house or senate, he (T o l>* r o n t ln n M I block ° f prior Preferrcd stock am ounting to sions to relief of hard pressed in ¡aid. w hile on a visit to Salem this bottom of th e shallow hole he made that might now howl down tiff the This is little, indeed, to return to one’s at 6 p er cent w hich is accum ulative. The 1 dividual taxpayers. This week the week. in th e block of wood. The dry snowclad Selw yns at any time. country for the many opportunities it $3.000.000 Subscribe now Io the Argus. In birch soon began to smoke. L ilith interest on this has not been paid for several years governor issued a statem ent in While Mr. Ram ill's slight fever brings to all, and especially the university so had gathered tinder of dead inner rem ained, he ..aid little and seemed Washington county >1.50 a year th is is com pounding and we do not know for • which he branded the statem ent Six months 8.5c. T hree m onths 50 and college student. Preparedness is our sure how m uch this does am ount to. T here is com ­ of t h e trea su rer as "nonsense' QUESTIONABI.E OIL LANDS bark. In w ide-eyed wonderm ent, 1 to t-ake everything ¡as a m utter of cents Two months 35 cents *f greatest protection against war and the mon stock outstanding to the am ount of $23 946 000 I pointing out th at all of the funds (R y P o rtla n d B e OFFERED tte r H itu ln n n B u rea u , ( n r .) is voting stock. The grand total is $91.759,000. i w ere earm arked for specific put- aim of this military education is to pre­ This Srh