OREGON S e r v ic e s fo r M rs. B o g e S et Mrs Lucy Boge, 73, resident on Cornelius route 2 in the Firdale district 47 years, died Monday in Hillsboro. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 1:30 p. m. from the Donelson & Sewell chapel here, with burial in Fir Law n cemetery. Rev. E. W. Hin- ricks of the Blooming L utheran church will officiate. Mrs. Boge was born nt Niagara Falls, N. Y, December 30. IMS Her husband. Henry Boge, died in 1933 Surviving are four sons. H arry of Portland, Charles of Challis. Ida., Frank and Elmer, and one daughter. Mrs Mary Gnos, all of route 2 Cornelius. FOREST GROVE 31 "President’s Ball” Attendance Small SOAP P- & G. N a p th a Let the advertisem ents heln von ”“ kc ” ” y Doctors Recommend R ead W hat Mr. G ull Says H m m ilt on. O n f . : " F r o m (h r tim e I w „ a •»mull u n til th e » s r of th irty » ! I w a» n e v e r fre e fro m a h a rk in g t ous II n is h l and d a y . D im loro fnlrf me , w Hs e u f f e r in r fro m < h r o n ir h r n n r h i t i* __thm th e re w aa no p e rm a n e n t re lie f. On? ,|ay I m w an a d v e rtia e m e n l fo r H I ( K I E V ’S M I X r i ' K K . T h e w ord h ro n rh ilfo arrested - m y a t te n tio n . I puri-haned a hottie. It < av e m e r e lie f. I hmm hl tw o more . und mv ro u g h le ft me c o m p le te ly . T h a i h«n- pened nix year-» ago. and th e ro u g h ha. nev er r e tu rn e d .'* BU CK LEY S MIXTURE will give! you the same instant relief from (lie strangling to rtu re of Bronchitis, and if acts like a flash on coughs and colds. Why not grl a bottle to­ day? B uckleys is sold everyw here) and guaranteed Hillsboro P harm t r y • v. ill b t glad to supply you— Adv. » Sleepy H o llo w S y r up $4 I “9 59c 19c 33c zc 14c M o rn in g d e w Irradiated Milk (W inter Sunshine) Rich in vitamin D content. Irradiated Milk contains the elements necessary to build resistance against w inter's dangerous, devitalizing sick­ nesses. Ideal fop Every Member ol‘ (he Family Morningdew guernsey dairy "A Flavor You'll F avor” Sam Hulit A Sons Phone 2563 Three Year A verage Score by Pacific International Over 98 1 b 21c 2b 39c Use Nueoa for short­ ening, cooking and baking. COFFEE BISQUICK L arge 29c SHRIMP— BI uc Plate 10c 5 -o z. tin CLAM S— F. A. B., Minced. 9c 7-oz. tin 1000-sheet Rolls PEAS— Del Monte Early Garden. 25c 2 No. 2 can s S Y R U P — Log Cabin. 3 COCOA 9 c The large 2-lb. tin for only 5c ^3C 171c 3 lbs. 23c 49c Premium. a £■ _ JL vC * 2-lb. bar WHITE KING— G ran­ ulated Soap. O Q 5c L arge p k g . 1/C 10c CANDY BARS — Gen­ eral Foods. 3 for PINEAPPLE MACARONI RICE ca n s L ib b y 'ri Rose City. 4 lbs. FANCY BLUE ROSE BAKING POWDER ¿ t« /V CRACKERS — Edge­ mont Smacks, 4 »W _ lbs. C A LU M ET. Pound 17c 19c 19c 17c Fresk Fruits and Vegetables PEANUT BUTTER I’al Brand M ake your se le c tio n s h ere— th e la r g e st, fr esh est and m ost co m p lete sto ck s a v a ila b le and at g re a ter sa v in g s to you. 1 tocKs 1-11». g la ss 15c 2-lb. g la ss ................... 29c LEMONS Sunk ist, full of MAXWELL IIOUSE- 26c 1-11». tin LA FRANCE FLAKES. Give it a try. 3 pkgs. SAI INA. It will give surprising results. P k g. SNOWDRIFT 47c I he W est’s Most Populai L arge p a c k a g e M O T H E R ’S SUGAR s io CHEESE COFFEE JELLO P6S MINCE MEAT (L b. 1 7 c ) RITZ S m all 49c PERFECTION BAKERY CRACKERS OXYDOL SCOT TISSUE MOTOR OIL NUCOA (C n n tin u rd fro m pag r ») avenue. Hillsboro. The report to Sheriff Connell also .stated that an shed WUS missing iro,n the wood- Buckley’s Mixture 6br.7.u,ar 19c 30c A-PENN. 2000-mile Officers Upset Plan for Gaston Party Old Cough Yields to 19c B U T T E R (C o n tin u ed fro m p a r e 1) M iller & Babcock. Buxton lum- , u rr. , operators, reported the theft of a Vaughn drag saw from a float in the mill pond and a a ra- dio from an automobile parked at Valentine Cakes J5C had, and probably will continue to have, surplus dairy cattle to sell, dairy farm ers recommended that some kind of a Westeren Oregon association is needed to conduct or direct the selling of these su r­ plus dairy cattle, particularly, to California. "Open-end" contracts o n al 1 farm products w ere severely con­ dem ned by these farm ers’ groups and those firms, and organizations that have followed an established practice of stipulated price con­ tracts w ere commended. Washington county need not go out of the straw berry business, but the raising and production of straw ­ berries needs to be placed on a somewhat different basis than it was during the boom period about 1929 to 1932. The berry growers believe that if the straw berry plant- , A gricultural history was w ritten when W illiam M orris, upper left. Nueces eoiinly, Tey is, cotton ing on the individual farm is kept planter, received the first AAA benefit cheek front P resid en t Roosevelt, Ju ly 2K, Itl.'t.'t. I.Ike ibnu- w ithin such a limit than the straw ­ sands of Ids neighboring p lan ters, M orris was paid for plow ing u n d er every th ird row of Ids berry planting can be rotated so crop, l o r g enerations the m ules of Dixie were ta u g h t to w alk carefully between th e ro llo n that there will be at least two oth­ rows, hut under the AAA they w ere steered down th e m iddle to destroy th e precious crop up­ er crops in between them, the per rig h t. Above, one of th e vast w estern w heat t'uAiIs th a t lay partially idle under AAA control. grow er should obtain satisfactory yields and that the problem of in­ 'T'HICK clouds of doubt have the grocery stores. Very soon. age d id It. Factually, up to Jan sect pest control will be more piled up over the farm steads however, prices for food should 3, farm ers had received $1,153, simple. Lengthening the life of the of America, in the wake of the drop to the extent of the tax 033.376 in benefit payments, berry planting is the big problem which previously had been paid facing the sm all fruit grower and thunderclap th at crashed the Upward of $209,000,900 in proc­ in the opinion of the growers can , AAA to earth. on them. Wholesale prices, how­ essing taxes is. now tied up by The momentous decision of the be accomplished by improvement ever. Immediately should fall to the courts and in addition the in planting stock, and more a t­ United States Supreme Court out­ the extent of the processing taxes. government Is obligated to pay tention to m aintaining fertility by _ lawing in principle and operation Can farm ers now show a profit $002,000,003 which It has con- using livestock and crop residues, the entire fabric of the Agricul­ w ithout benefit of the AAA? Ex­ tra d e d to give farm ers under the Third Cash Needed tural A djustm ent Act puts the perts disagree, but most of them AAA scheme. Newcomers to the county should farm problem back in the politi­ believe a good many farm ers come prepared to pay not less than cal arena for another battering. could show profit If present prices 33 per cent of the purchase price EAN'WHII.E, Illeso farm ers Observers agree this means were m aintained. of the place in cash, and in addi­ AAA officials have always in­ tion should have enough capital to only one th in g — another period th e ir contracts. If the govern­ buy the necessary equipment, if he of uncertainty and stress for the sisted that with governm ent con­ m ent tried to enforce these acts, does not already have it, and to farm er. How long it will con­ trol removed, farm surpluses nppeal to any federal court would provide a living for at least one tinue, the political barom eter does would quickly increase to a point h alt such enforcement. year for his family. The size of not yet indicate. v. here prices again would decline. u nit needed will vary according to Finally, what of the future? Only one thing can be forecast the type of farm ing to be done. —the decision and how the New T entatively, there are three pos­ For a general type of farming, with TAEMOCRATS see the possibility sibilities in sight as both New dairy cows expected to provide the Deal and the opposition meet the of a trem endous reaction la Dealers and opposition seek a situation likely will have far- basis of income. 40 acres of cu lti­ favor of P resident Roosevelt and new farm program. vated land is estim ated by the com­ reeching effects on the coming th e AAA, should farm prices One considers organization of presidential campaign. To a large m ittee to be about a minimum. slum p anil clamor for farm relict 4S stato AAA's, financed by fed­ W alnut and filbert growers should bloc of voters—the farm ers—the once more begin to fill the air, eral grants. expect very keen com petition in AAA was popular. It spoke in w ithout adequate response from the future and should expect that i tennis A second considers payment of cash. Washington. plantings on d e e p , w elt-d rain ed . subsidies to farm ers for "proper soils, where a good supply of m ois­ Prices of virtually all crops In­ use ’ of land and not for crop re­ TN the meantime, while forces tu re can be m aintained through­ creased under the AAA program s. duction. out the summer, are about the only align, either to invoke a con­ B ut how much of this was due to A th ird plan Involves adoption ones to be expected to produce a stitutional am endment to revive th e AAA? T hat also Is a ques­ of some tem porary form of relief, sufficiently high yield per acre to the AAA principle, or substitute tion of disagreem ent. such as a domestic allotm ent m ake them profitable. an entirely new farm program, F or example, the farm er sold plan. here are some fundam ental angles his cotton at C.l cents a pound In Above all these Is the threat of of the issue: 1933, before the AAA, and la a ronstitutional am endm ent tak­ Mrs. Sm ith likely, won't notice 1935 it sold a t 11.4 cents a pound ing the en tire New Deal Issue any difference In retail prices im­ Hogs doubled as. another example bach to the people for a final de­ mediately, because taxes have al­ The AAA claimed th e credit cision th at might override Hie Small net receipts and a light ! ready been paid on goods now In The opposition said drouth short nine high justices. crowd, marked the Hillsboro "P resi­ dent s Ball" Thursday night in the m*ll, The saw and radio were Advertisem ents tell you how much foods, clothing and Shute park auditorium despite fair found missing Thursday, w eather and excellent music. Fire- Washington county's hospitality household needs will cost you before you go shopping. men expressed themselves as dis- toward visitors received a rude appointed over the amount of ad- ! l o!t Thursday night when burglars vance ticket sales, handled by other <,nt::red the home of G. L. Marugg groups in the city. and stole a leather suitcase valued Total receipts were $116 made up at 545 and 3 brown suit, both own- of $40.50 in advance sales. $61.50 t y John H. Giddeg. guest. In in gate sales. $4 50 from the check add*tion to the Giddeg property the room and $9.50 revenue from the thieves took 3 case of cann ed 'm ilk sale of the cake lurnished by Per- and a black billfold containing r e ­ fection Bakery. Net receipts, after oeipts. expenses of orchestra and auditor- -------- —-------------- *“ m, rT?’a l' c t c - wore paid am ount- G range Meets Saturday ed to $18.29 of w hich 70 percent re- Hillsboro G range will me Sat- cent goe^ t ^ n X M £ Wilbur Dillon and S. W. Meihuish, AhJ ef’ in ?h3rKe of arrangem ents Advance ticket sales were handled by,rivari<,'us Hillsboro organizations. The fire departm ent extended thanks to The Argus for printing and advertising furnished: to Floyd Bentley of Aloha for window post­ ers, to the Perfection Bakery for the cake, and to all organizations assisting w ith the ball. ment welfare and liberties ficial deminei ition in Europe, Mex­ tion bis aim. ico and South Ainetleu Coast seamen vote to end tie up Two out of every three autom o­ of steam schooners. bile tatalities last year occurred in Koosex elt arranges to cancel more small towns anil rural com m u­ January 30 nities. says National Safety C onn­ G overnor Hoffman orders New | than $ 1 ,000,000,000 in unspent funds, ell report. Jei -ey state police to reopen in ­ believing use of these authoriza- I lions now unnecasary. Death of 4-ycar-old child In Rose­ v e s tig a tio n of kidnaping and slay­ Federal labor bureau to study burg laid Io dog poisoner. ing of the Lindbergh baby. T w enty-three thousand members buying liabits of consumers. Senator Borah announces candi­ of building trades council set April dacy for president. 1 as deadline for contractors in P o rt­ Heart Shaped F ebruary 3 land to meet 20 per cent wage rise 5tHX) sawm ill and , W ' demands. ............... Also .’V ’a’xr CMavtllllll .....a » Il U il II Oil I) II tl I ater . ">>111 front .,'UUI labor 1 situation bright- tim b er w o rk ers' union m em bers ask I *r ” ” coast th an at any tim e s in e , ( ( 'o u tin tird fro m |>n ** I ) ino uoieo of in _a V-in V.. ..................... increase 10 per _ cent San Francisco Log Cakes for general strike of '„■lately necessary for the veteran, 1934. Italy stren g th en s hom e defenses. who borrowed through the Port- LINCOLN’S BIRTHDAY S plit in ra n k s of labor looms with Senator Borah plans Oregon vote I mu office mi his certificate, to ' m ine w orkers authorized to quit on his candidacy. Just the Ihliix for parties hove t i l s pink receipt slip if it can­ federation. Zero w eather numbs northern not be found. ORDER THEM EARLY President gives birthday thanks half of nation from Rockies east­ ward. for aid in fight against paralysis. If you change your uddress k in d - ’ Veterans' organizations give as­ Alleged communist activities tiring ly notify the Argus direct and at sistance in filling out bonus blank raids, labor dem onstrations and of­ once. V a len tin e C ookies tf applications. Iced in Red Jan u ary 31 Sp 'i i.il p r l« . Tax drive at this session of con­ Iliu m gress to raise $730.0(H).()00 to offset farm relief and bonus costs under S atu rd ay S pecial consideration by adm inistration. G rad e A C ream ery Italy prepares for possibility of Orange and Wtnti war over sactions. Cake ( u t Tw enty negro convicts die In burning truck in Alabama. A delicious pustry. Delmar Fadden's body reached bv Try it today! search party on Mount Rainier ' 1 Portland approves airport bonds. Mrs. Huey Long, widow of late D ate-N u t Cake TRY IT TODAY! dictator, appointed to fill unexpired Silver White ( ake senate term of husband. F ebruary 1 _____ One trial of this md I nited Mine Workers formally in ­ \\ ashington county product will con­ Demand Perfection Bread al dorse P resident Roosevelt for re- lo u r G roerr election and decide to contribute vine«* you of its high merit. to the dem ocratic cam pagin fund. House inflationary bloc for new cash and no new taxes. ASK FOR IT AT ALL GROCERIES S ecretary Hull acts to prevent dum ping of lumber. Leo Hall and Jack B ernard J u s­ tice indicted in Portland for slay­ ing of W. Frtink Akin. S hortage of fuel threatened in east with bitter cold continuing Coal m ining speeded. Mussolini w arns European pow­ ers that Italy will “defend itself w ith teeth and nails.” Stock trading in Jan u ary reached greatest peak since July. 1933. F ebruary 2 Ty Cobb. Babe Ruth, H onusW ag- I ner. Christy Mathcwson and W alter i Johnson placed in baseball's per- I rm nent hall of fame. Lack of funds may shunt S en­ ator Borah back into a re-election drive for senate. Renewed pressure for inflation holds up bills in congress. D irigible saves isolated group of fisherfolk on Chesapeake bay island I John Basset Moore, ex - world I court judge, flays proposed neutral- j ity m easure as homicidal mania. Shadow of w ar darkens Europe. M assachusetts legislators vote to I revoke 300-year-old exile of Roger Williams from Massachusetts bav I region. For y ea rs it has been th e by-w ord for T h rifty Shop p ers. O ur con stan t co n ­ F ebruary 3 tact w ith fa st ch a n g in g m arkets, co m b in ed w ith vast p u rch asin g resources Seven men burned to death at m a k es it p o ssib le to o ffe r you T O D A Y ’S LOW PRICE T O D A Y . Enjoy th ese P ark er dam on Colorado river. Widow declares M innesota gov­ m o n ey -sa v in g a d v a n ta g es to th e fu lle s t ex ten t at your S a fe w a y Store. ernor to blam e for m urder of Wal­ ter Liggett, ncwsDaperman. Roosevelt urges repeal of potato, cotton and tobacco acts because of WE MOVE possibility of being unconstitutional P riera E ffrrtiv r Iruly the finest cane and maple Syrup, Mussolini calls suprem e council to our I riday, Saturday to prepare for European war and yet priced within the means of ev- Mrs. George Cham berlain, widow I NEW LOCATION very one. TASTE IT HERE! and Munday, I of late senator, dies in Salem 10-lb. tin 5 1b. tin Pitlt Jug NEXT WEEK Q uart Jug F ebruary 4 Feb. 7, K and 10 .09 Middle west fights to dig out o f 1 paralyzing snow drifts before sub- : zero cold wave swooping down from Canada. S enate votes to repeal cotton SOUP— Van control, tobacco and potato laws. S trikes and other labor troubles < 'amp's Tomato impede business in many parts of world. F ORM A Y—Shortening. Ten dairies attack Oregon m ark ­ e tin ’,' act on constitutional grounds. 3-lb. tin Italy indicates plan to leave League of Nations if oil em bargo < )regon, full cream. CREAM OF WHEAT— imposed for her w ar on Ethiopia. Pound Labor's ranks split. Federation head defeated in clash with m in­ pkg. er's chief on organization plan. King Edw ard VIII assures parlia- AIRWAY— CHOCOLATE— B akers Legion Gives Aid Bonus Applicants High Unit Yields for Farm Profits Hillsboro fire departm ent with a Highlights in H ccA’s News Farm R elief I ssue Flung O pen Again With Crash of New Deal’s AAA F u neral D onelson & S ew ell C h ap el This A ftern oon Thursday, February 6. 1936 25c 6c 3-lb. pail S-lb, pail 53c $1.03 CANDY BARS and G UM for 10c P rices E ffe c tiv e F rid ay, S a tu rd a y a n d M onday — F eb ru a ry 7, 8 and 10 U o .c n .im e e 14C ORANGES Exira large Navels. Sweet, D ozen 25c GRAPEFRUIT Arizona Seed less. Large size Dozen 29c P ru d u rr prices rffn T iv r Fri. anil Sai. LETTUCE L arge, solid h ead POTATOES Orc. U. S. No. 2. 5c CARROTS 50 -lb . bag ONIONS ( alifornia. Large hunches. b u n ch es 10c RADISHES < risp, rounded. b u n d le 2» 10c 59c On*. U. S. No. 1. 4 lb«. 9c O N ION SETS Ore. U. S. No. Is. 4 lbs. 1