Papp Tour H IL L S B O R O Hodges Bride Rotary Sponsors Show of M iss Konow Thompson Here for February 14 Ü . ♦ ARGUA, Rl ti. SPO R O . OREGON T h i n ''» l a y , r V b r i i 't r y G, 1 9 0 0 P. U. Forensic Activities Attract Large Number Miss Montalee Estelle Hodges, daughter of A A. Hodges, a n d Konow W Thompson, son of Mr. lan d Mrs W K Thompson were united in m arriage Thursday eve­ ning, Jan u ary 30. at the home of her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. N F Haworth The cerem ony was perform ed between t a l l lighted candelabra by Rev George Reule ! of T rinity L utheran church Only | members of their families and a ; few friends w ere present. The bride wor russet satin pique and a corsage of w hite g ardenias. 1 Her attendant. Mias Del.uurice Bump, wore gray taffeta and a I corsage of rosebuds and violets. I Nelson Weaver was best man Miss , Evelyn Haworth and Miss Bump i played piano selections before the I ceremony. The couple spent th e w eek-end i at Mt Hood They will make th eir I home in Forest Grove, w here Mr. i Thompson has a radio repair shop I in the Forest G rove H ardw are store Mr. and Mrs. Thompson are g rad­ uates of Hillsboro high school and Mr. Thompson studied electrical engineering at Oregon S tate col­ lege. Corvallis. O ur el.eslía' I columns may have just what you ure looking fur Read them. tl County Historical ( ’enter to be ( )pen Washington euinily's historical I heai1i|iiui'lers in the basement of i the court house will he open to the putille on Oregon's 7ïth birth l iv i w in.h Is Fehl m u y 14 Albert Tozici 'a n d Mrs Isillth 'Tozier Weathei i ed. who h ive given their fine historleul eo,lection to this county under the siipoiA i ion of the Washington Conn i t.\ Museum and Historical a mela- I i thin, will hold upen house all d.i\ Donclson & Sewell Phone 953 : Hillsboro Hillsboro Rotary club Is sponsor­ Morley for pot luck luncheon Tues­ F t 'NEH At, 1>I It ECTOR« ing the two-act fare»' comedy. day During the afternoon Mis H •n d “Casey's Trial." which will be pre­ II Stannurd and Mrs J R Watkins LICENSED EMHALMERH sented February 14 at the union were initiated into the club, and high school auditorium. Curtain members exchanged Valentines. goes up promptly nt 8:15 o'clock. Five Hundred was played, with Committee chairmen report they Mrs. O. Coslett Sr receiving high are putting in a great amount of »core and Mrs J. J Johansen low. [ P ublic is eordiully Invited The detail work and will have every Visitors present were Mrs Her­ I m uséum w ill lie open every day thing in readiness for a spectacular man Rehse and Miss Rnzena Willi- I from !> 311 o'clock oil. presentation. It has been billed as eril. the "funniest show" presented here Everything in I I in years. Committees are: R. E. Wiley, gen­ •hone 1701 A' 33« E Washington eral chairman: Thomas bronleewe. patron chairman, assisted by J. M The first of a series of benefit Person; Charles Walker, advance curd parties to lie given h.v mem- 1 Phoenix Lodge No. 34. Knights of ticket chairman, and James Wells, Pythias, will celebrate the 72 anni­ bers of Ihe Past C luefi' club and cast chairman. I other P ythian S ister, was held Man­ versary of the founding of the K illa) afternoon at the home of Mi Cast selected to participate in the P. order on Wednesday night. Feb­ 1.1 D. Anderson, with Mrs. W C. production includes: H A Kuratli. ruary 19. and nt that tim e will pre­ Gifford and Mrs II R I'h a n tle r a , judge; C. T. Richardson, clerk; sent 25-year veterans' jew els to 11 | assisting hostesses Seven tables of , Attorney Skin: members. I "500" were in play, with Mrs F red: Plans are being made for an out- M. H. Stevenson, Attorney Take: Ennis and Mrs Claud Cook recelv I witnesses — Verne Casebeer. John standing program for the evening I Illg high and second score' P ro ­ Gunn: Onie Kramien. Clan Ham­ and many past supreme, past grand | ceeds of the parlie-. will augment mer. Fred Holznagel. plaintiff. Dot and grand officers will be in at- I the Pythian Sisters' fund for the llliuauvv, as well WVII as knights M iilut,' from HUIII Z~'i 1 • Ä • /'I .« tie Perkins: Fred Amacher, de- I tendance, | Oregon-W ashington home. fendant, Dennis Casey. Ju ry —J. H the various lodges in the district l I l T l S t l c i n L O U n C l l G arrett. Fritz Bumbles; Gene Horn- back. Fay West; Jack S e a r c y , Mr. and Mrs. E E Winans of Ask your attorney to »end your Frenchman: R. W Weil, Ihie Gold­ Aberdeen. Wash., w ere w eek-end February 22 and 23 have been 1 I legal advertising to the Argo». berg; Ralph Dresser. H attie Hear- guests of Mrs Winans' parents. Mr designated as Brotherhood" days , more; Vesey G ardner, Hiram J u d ­ and Mrs. R B. Frost. O ther guests bv the National Conference of Jews kins. of M r and Mrs. Frost Sunday were Christians, composed of repre- G um , Am m unition Second a c t—Charles Reed. Preach­ Mr. and Mrs. E R. Venable of sentatives of Catholic. Protestant Fishing Tnchle er Patts; . bride's Portland. Mrs. John Ihrig of For- a|fd Jew ish faiths. Local observance ! the days will be promoted by : mother. Mary Perkins: Lester Ire­ est Grove and Clifford Brown of CORWIN HARDWARE i the Hillsboro C hristian Council land. bride’s father. Henry Perkins; this city. 128 2nd Ave. Phone 72 Mrs. O rville Compton was guest -v ounX people's group w ith mem- P articipants in forensic activities at Pacific u n iv e rsity at F on t G rove include, in the front tow Dick Frank Atkinson, maid o' honor, A gent Long Radios honor at a party given at the bers of .ill faiths within the Union I,ea,li. Ire ew ater, Jam es \ eonians, 1 orest Grove, It n.ilil Wibt*. lie ivcrton, John Sens Hillsboro; Thom Drusillia: Mason Cady, best man, Hemaway; Fred Holznagel. Dot- home of Mrs A Bowe in Portland k*8 '1 w haol district. All clergy in as Fishburn, Tigard Second row: Frank Roberts. F u s t Grove. Vim a n ' F klund. Milwaukie. Fi.iiil S turtevant, Forest Grove. Don Luen Clarkston. W a s'1 Truxton Rim e. P. rtland: Tom M o g i < Portland ' tie; Fred Amacher, Casey. . Sunday. The guests were members this area are being contacted by Back row H arry Seabold. Buxton. Morris Schmidt. Hillsboro; Marvin Stulder. B eaverton; Scott Ellis. There will be a prologue of of a card club to which Mrs Comp- the council, and a general observ- Freew ater.—Cut courtesy Oregonian. songs and dance numbers by th e ton belonged when she lived in ance oi Sunday. F ebruary 23. is be- ATTENTION ing requested in all churches. M in­ Hillsboro school children and spe- Portland Pair . CiT heU± ^ f ag tS- , 1 Mrs I.. P. Stranahan, who is in isters and priests w ill be asked to . sermons on the topic fn M h /s S V ? ‘S r Portland on account of the serious p , h . special Hflv - for the good of the Rotarians, but o of h er sister-in law M rs of f t the h e day. d a- ' in order to help pro- to help the youth movement here Ehzabeth Kelioee a t th e St Vin "tote greater understanding and co- for in this city, it is pointed out. *** ' S ! operation air among the various relig- Heiiltli.v livestock pay« The first act is a court scene in TU6Sda>’ The sales departm ent of t h e tous groups. Special NU-PLY Portland General Electric coinpanx you int'gur profits. which a breach of promise suit is e I -------- acted as hosts for a social g ath er­ being tried in t h e "Gav '90s" Miss Pat Meeuxvsen of Hillsboro, eg z r , r , .<■ ing Thursday night when 74 em ­ R einforcem ent. Casey, the real estate man about Jam es Vanderzanden of Roy and U O I i e C ACME STOCK SALT Members of the two Camp Fire ployes. wives, and families attend- Adolph Mohr was elected presl- town, is sued w hile Dottie pur- Miss M arie Vanderzanden of Port- . Com plete heel anti toe Puts on that p ro fit fo r sues. Through all the hilarious ' land Vls‘ted Miss M eeuwssen's sis- M ’l C i a V , P CbrUiU’V 14 protection. you. Il's io d iz e d — m in ­ scene the judge makes every effort 1 ,e r- Mrs- Charles Brentano, at Paul 1 - ■ ■ to hold order, but the “League of Sunday, erals added. Nations" jury almost gets "hiz- Mrs. H. L. MacKenzie left last Special zoner down. The clerk of the • Thursday for a visit in Los An- — luw ii,. w im airs i ,u a -t* • court, better known as court jest- geles and other California points. Emma McKinney in charge of the he Auxiliary meeting Tuesday ev the Incandescent Lighting D epart­ attended tt»* meeting er, doesn't do a great deal to help She was accompanied by her sister, program. r. ment of the G eneral Electric com ­ | Officers of tlie G rand Lixige of lb. the judge in his struggle. Mrs. Bessie Byrnes of Helena. A special invitation is extended .T u .u •Fnp F ,re g j an terta‘ned pany. Hi« talk was supplem ented ! Oregon present were F M. Sexton Howe & W ells, Prop. Casey, rather than receive a Mont. to charter members and past presi- 1 % ' ? e?r ,ongs and 11 members with moving pictures. Following I of The Dalles. G M. Joe Eek ley 207 E. M ain St., Phone 1412 def ^ n ’ence. decides to m arry M,. and Mrs. E. A. G riffith spent d‘ nts. as well as form er members X m eO can T . ... ... this, refreshm ents were served and of Portland. G. Marshal: Mrs Cora Ui '2 i i r-V ?.'.7L n.- E 'e r m the ev en in g d an c in g wa Heaton of Hillsboro, president of the old maid and the second act Saturday at Salem on business the club. • A m erican i. eg» .n. AA th e R ebekah Assembly; Mrs Bry- is the scene of the wedding in the Mrs Sopha F re e rk ^ n accompanied Hostesses for the m eeting will be ' sh ‘P aw ards' M” A r,h u r K roeger' enjoyed. Ask for Contest Votes orini* . . _ i ant of Gaston, past vice-president bride's S nnmi» home. Thic This cnono scene it? is Full full of them ¡n d . "‘¡sited he? daughter r _ Mrs Mesdames A ? — W Havens’ A m eri“ r chairm an, m aking the of the Assembly, and Dr Henry fun and humor, w hat with a dis- Ada A da1 Elgin. Sl,e er dau«',te r' ‘ Irsi Holznagel. and W. J E n ^ h e d i / ; sented to each girl who can answ er T W O C l U O S F o r m e d Young "t ll.iisb-I a r g . M Mem tracted mother, wise-cracking fath- Mr. and Mrs. W. S. E verett and bers of lodges in Portland, Gresh the 35 questions in the flag code. am. Springfield. Yamhill, Baker give the pledge of allegiance, and } ) y City, Sheridan. Gold Hill and The sing th e “S tar Spangled Banner. I,,. ,v ,, ... , in the catalogue. It is no w o n d er1C J O sterdahI- of P ortland Tues- ch air- Dalles, and the state of Washing Those receiving aw ards w ere Ros- „ % V . « ? ' the noon whistle blows and the i ? a;V. ev®nlng ? I5' O sterdahI cele- v atherine , r A..i„„ Wiley. \i»ii*. Mary mail of the Catholic Studs cl clubs. ton w ere present. Etta Littell, m at­ anne Weil. K th e ir «¡«nov « n r, t - family find much to their dismay bratea his i2nd birthday. Mr and Mrs. E. J. P ageler o f 1 Hlllsboro Tow nsend club will i Ann G arthofner. Phyllis Am acher organized clubs at V erboort mid ron of the I O O. F home in P ort­ the preacher is a union man. NON-BURNING BOTTLE Roy this week, and reports succesa- lan d was also a visitor. Iowa ■t Grov Program following the business Tully guaranteed Mr I cording four m eeting included a play by Mrs on<» year estate at H. „ . Stannard's dram atic club. I was u n ­ the end of the fall session is being tap dance by Loraine Darnell and Vernon Cook and Ross Cox left p A lso hace anoi her fo r 69c able to be present. Lohese mem- Friday w ith Pacific university bas- ed The Hillsboro club will Ro.sanne Mockley, song by Mrs S I bers are w orking for th e ir awards. resum Osfield: recitation, Luella Ortman. guaranteed fo r on«1 venr. Alvin The A uxiliary will also sponsor the meet during th e next week. ,- t.h%r . - " 0Ltherrl A1.v in . N Jr. eubarth Sr. and harmonica solo, K enneth B la c k -, T hey w ill . 0" play Puget Sound . i N „ eubarth of Glencoe. Minn., vis- Blue Birds, a ju n io r group organ­ burn: tap dance. Edith Hardman: ’ ,,, . . -------- colleges. < ¡ted last week at th e H P Sahnow ized this week by Mrs. Paul P a t­ Mrs. Kobb Honored— reading. Miss M artha Jam es; vocal Washington county council of Mr a£n Mrs. J. I. Moon and home and with other relatives in terson of the Americanism com m it­ DO YOU HAVE A BAD COUGH? Try our Mrs. William Robb was honored duet in Dutch. Louis und Jeanne 1 Parent-Teacher associations w i l l , children of Blackduck. Minn., ar- Hlllsboro and vicinity. tee. Riggs' Honey and Tar with God Liver Oil and Bruir.ier; and a pantom im e by Hills- i , w ith a miscellaneous show er and honor Phoebe Hearst and Alice rived Saturday for a visit w ith n Dr r n D. E. f w i i . » perform ed a to n ­ Wiley Hostesses for the meeting w ere buffet supper at the home of Mrs. boro members Talks w ere given Beech wood < rcosote. Sure hits Ihe spot and Birney, founders of the national Mr. and Mrs. L. Sherm an and fam- sil operation for David Campbell. son of Mr. and Mrs. G lenn Camp- m itU ^ ’Ind* Me* ^om m unhy S erv ice H ar‘ra,1>pf Jan u ary 23 Pres- by the grand officers and pot luck organization. with a candle-lighting iiy. They expect to locate here, stops the tickling. e ll W edneng lot you have won is a narrow - ium. Any women interested may ma Lou Kroeger. Shiralee Schukart. attend. Classes meet each Thursday A llene Amacher. Patty Cyrus. Jane Card Party and Dance ual. Our Right-Hand Book ", and son Billy visited Mr. E verett's fath- chested 20-foot w ide lot in an un­ Thursday, February 8, at Roy— a demonstration of a panel discus- er- Oliver Everett, at Sandy Sun- desirable location in a new and u n ­ evening under the instruction of Vinton. Betty May. Georgia P atter- Miss B arbara Potts. son and Nancy Ailccn Easter. The Roy Men. 5ip sion will be given. j day. The father has been ill. . _________ developed subdivision.” Mrs. Allen Knight, president of Mrs. Percy Carstens and son Leo The bureau rep o rt indicates that M n - Bristol Hostess— Places First— Have your ej I • 'mined the council, and Mrs. Lawrence La- of Portland w ere Hlllsboro visitors thes* ?free 1°»" « c k e ts have re- Radi? P - J - \ ^ o u p will Jam ps Schick son of Mrg Eva once a year —Dr. Thom p­ D u r president of th e A loha-H uber Tuesday, transacting business and centlT become active again in O re- H J ^ T u M d a y afternoon w ith Mrs Downs, placed first in the state ora- son. may be consulted next association, are in charge of the , calling on relatives. Promotions of N /e ° „ B r“ to1 r G,^ u“ ' onu toplc ? s tory contest at McMinnville S atur- Tuesday. 11th, Hotel Washington. program and luncheon. M - . - this character have been invest!- ,'« o w Can My C hild's Behavior be day. dayy c n al m cm innviue a a tu r ------------------------- , Wash left M o n S y aftor ^ v e r a l gat hi> thVnf , word Je rry Henry, Ronald Romig, B ar­ c o u r s e that th a t a a S r a u i ing i m is <• to in be i , a Wednesday of the b irth of a son Miss Rozena W itheril of P ortland of course, draw bara Barney, Peter Melhuish, Tom­ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rushlow of visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. R. Pep- held and prizes offered. O rdinarily i to wniHnnr» my Hutchinson, and t h e honor is Dard. this th is week. w p a I t a ll w h o tu r rn n in in rarH« a are m notified n r - . F i / i ’▼ diapori. pard, all who tu cards guest. Mr. and Mrs. H arry C Hill of l!?at ,hey have ''w<>n." but when Miss Putnam Recovers— Seattle. Wash . visited Mr and Mrs ,bey VIS,t ,h e P roperty they find that. the lot th ay have been aw ard- Miss Lenore Putnam, employe of R. R. Easter Sunday. Wri t p j ed is only 18 or 20 feet wide and Sprouse-Reitz store, is recovering at th e hom e of ' m i ? “ in an undesirable location in after her serious operation t w o the subdiyi« pn. When the w inner weeks ago. She is still at the P ort­ Bump Ja n u ary 27 and M indicates that he is not satisfied land sanitorium, but expects to be Bump Jan u ary 27 and 28. Mr and Mrs. W. S. A lexander of with the lot th e salesm an offers to removro home within a week. Newport visited friends in Hillsboro trade him a lot in th e “restricted Visits Lodges— Sunday and Monday. district. This second piece of prop­ Mrs. Cora E. Heaton, Rebekah Mrs. J. R. Morgan of Portland erty will probably be found to be Assembly president, left Tuesday to was a week-end guest of Mrs. H ar­ m ore satisfactory, b u t it is then explained by th e prom oter th at be­ spend the next four days visiting ry Morgan. NEW Rebekah Lodges and Theta Rho Miss Hila Cornelius spent the cause of restrictions it is impos­ G irls at Brownsville, Scio and Al­ week-end with her parents at Cor­ sible to let anyone have a lot in Spring bany. th at district less th an fifty feet vallis. Swaggers wide, so it is necessary for the D. A. R. Meets— Miss Pearl Allen spent the week- "w inner” to buy an additional 25 David Hill chapter, D. A. R., end with relatives at Amity and feet of property for from $300 to w ill meet Monday evening at thé ’ w o .. u t ®500 in order to secure his "prize," home of Mrs. A. W. Moore. Meet­ Mrs. . Betts, who has been ill When the victim realizes w hat ings have been changed to eve­ for several weeks, is improving. has happened he finds th at he has nings instead of afternoons. j an7, ™rs' B ert C ulbertson paid a substantial price for a piece Plaids m?Yea 1? Portland Saturday. of property he probably would not “Child Fears” Discussed— )Fn °f P ortland v is - , have purchased u n d er ordinary cir- Checks P.-T. A. study group, pre-school lted Hillsboro relatives Sunday. cumstances. to 12 years, met Tuesday afternoon Tweeds D o llv o r o d o at P eter Boscow school. Mrs. M Romig led the discussion on "Child H ER E Fears." 4-DOOK SEDAN Elim inate Doubt a t to Mrs. Morley Hostess— Returns for Your Prod- $589.00 Past Oracles' club of the Royal ■ ucts by Shipping to the Neighbors m et w ith Mrs. W. O. COUPE Phoenix Lodge, K. P. to Present Jewels RUSHLOW J First of Series of Parties Held 25% MORE WEAR FfOmOtillg DilV M o n ito S ocks L lUD IVleetS LCPIOU AUXlllÜTV P. G. E. Company Presents Awards Employes Feted to Eleven Girls DAIRfMEN! Mohr President Fhree - Linkers County Group 35C 3 I" The MEN’S SHOP 2c Hillsboro Ment Company JJll? ,»*ar„d » prL r ft? Local Townsend Mrs. W. Wieber Gl'OUP tO Meet H ot Water Bott!e Season is Here! 79c County Council of P.-T. A. Will Honor F o u n c ie r s ^ r ^ “-« HILLSBORO PHARMACY ■ New! Fast Color! AVENUE Vat Print W ash Frocks 8°n' and states that «n. 2, sä h0„„ * ? " r , h“'ch Sizes 14 to 52! THE ECO NO M Y C A R ! • Flared or Pleated Skirts! Short or Puffed Sleeves ! IG G E R 1 9 75 d llB r ■ C K u We Use Specification Hot-W ater WALL FIN ISH Superior to Kalsomine or any other wall finish. CALL NICK Cor. Washington, $559.00 Let them m arket your veal, hogs, beef, lamb, mutton and live and dressed poultry. The Ore­ gon Savinar Produce Company is thè oldest and most reliable Produce and Commission House in Portland. They guarantee you prom pt and satisfactory returns. Established 1912 $600.00 Thirty years experience Perfect Coats for the W inter into Spring Period. Woman’s Shop E. M. Barne«, Prop, 1 Pick-Up Delivery $589.00 Full Equipped J GOAR’S Slay spic ’n span the whole day through! It’s easy when tailored, scmi-tail- ored and frilly wash frocks sell for less than half a dol­ lar ! Regular and extra sizes. an