H IL L R R Q R O A RCU S, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON edge and flung bis engagem ent ling at Ills fare It struck Ills upjerked forearm and glanced outboard. The asli i lean led diamond (lashed like Prosrram Annrec ¡a tet 1 B llU boro A ryus eatab. 1094 H illsb o ro in d ep en d en t * iia b . 1871 M r K IN N E Y A M c K IN N E Y , PublUbera Published Thursday. Entered hs second-claw* mat tar puatoffira at Hill»burt), Oregon verne M c K inney Editor M rs io tha R c . M c K inney A ssociate E ditor OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF WASHINGTON COI’NTY Selected as Oregon's Rest Weekly Newspaper. 19.10 Named on All-A m erican Weekly Newspaper Eleven. 1910 Honorable Mention N ational Editorial Aasoeiation Newspaper Production Contest. 1934*11. and General Excellence, 1915 J o u rn a l a n d th e J o u rn a l J u n io rs in p re ­ se n tin g th e p ro g ra m here F rid ay night to r th e ben efit of th e W ash in g to n C ounty M useum a n d H istorical association. T he a lw a y s fo rth c o m in g co-o p eratio n of M an­ a g e r P h e lp s of thi* V enetian th e a tre is also g re a tly a p p re c ia te d . P roceeds will help m ate ria lly in a rra n g in g the very fine his­ to ric a l exhibit b rought here th ro u g h th e co u rtesy of A lbert Tozier a n d .Mrs. E dith T o z ier \\ e a th e rre d . T he p ro g ra m w as an o u tsta n d in g event in th e lives o f a la rg e n u m b e r of school c h ild re n of th is county w ho a tte n d e d . The O regon J o u rn a l is to be c o n g ra tu la te d u p ­ on hav in g such a fe a tu re as th e J u n io rs in co n nection w ith the g re a t d aily , for th e re is no w ork th a t is any m ore m erito rio u s th a n h e lp in g th e y o u th of th e c o u n try to a fu lle r an d b e tte r life of service to the com m unity. D. .M. M cD ade, m a n a g e r of th e J o u rn a l Ju n io rs, is to be e sp ecially c o n g ra tu la te d on his w o rk of te a c h in g tn ese a m a te u r a rtists to p re se n t a p ro g ra m w hich w ould have d o n e ju s tic e to any p ro fessio n al p e rfo rm e rs, lie has h elp ed to build th e m em b ersh ip up to 200(1. a n d it is a w ork w hich will k eep m any o f th e voung people out of m ischief, fo r a f te r all th e re is n o th in g like music a n d sin g in g to b rin g out th e best th a t is in us. Tliili' H'tv. FcbrilRr}’ 0. 1930 ter. The canoe sw ung around went yaw ing out upon th e mighty expanse of the Mackenzie L IN U B IC t U tility D istrict Must F u rn ish S ervice to All in B o u n d aries s PAYS í Y T H R O U G H QNCRgASOO Ptèü&ies B u r if t h k y a k a e niECLAREh 3LLECAÎL. T t f ê PROCESSOR PROFOTS IS V T H Ê REFUND. — ? V Woodcraft Out of the pit of blackness. G arth'a first dimly ceiisckiu., thoughts were of w ater He was still in sw im ­ m ing . No, the w ater was o n ly oil Ids face Not 1.1111. n o r p o n i e d watei somclliing w e t s o p p i n g lu I forehead. lie opened his e y v t, I d i n k e d t h e daze from them. a n d f o u n d l i u u - self gazing up into a pair ol .sunken blue eyes They w ere clouded and dark with m i s e r y Y e t w i t h s t r a n g e suddenness they brightened At that he realized they w ere the eyes of Lilith Ramill "What'S happened?" he mur- m u r e d . E v e n a s Ills lips moved, lie Peoples' utility districts under Subscription Rates Strictly Cash in Advance authority of an act passed by the W ithin Washington County Outside Washington County legislature of 1931 must "furnish , V . S.. per year 12.00 Per y e a r ............................. 11.50 electric service to nil applicants Foreign countries 3.50 S ix m o n th s — — ....... — .... .96 residing w ithin the boundaries of such district upon term s which a p ­ MEMBER O re p o n S ta te F ir s t A u d ite d P a p e r, E d it o r ia l A — *>«i»ti«»n and ply to all equally under like condi­ la r g e s t A B C W e e k ly N a tio n a l E d it o r ia l A< o* tions." This opinion given to the C ir c u la t io n in W e s t. eiation. Hydro-Electric commission by A t­ torney General V anW inkle is e x ­ pected to have an im portant b ea r­ ing upon the fate of these projects, three of which are now under con­ T he c learly en u n c ia te d policies of the sideration. Two of these em brace h u pistol. re n u m b e re d : "H uxby A m erican Legion as o utlined in a recen t only the most populous portions of ' M u s t h a v e s h o t m e .' th eir respective counties Marion I talk here by D e p a rtm en t C o m m an d er "Yes Dud algo.” and Linn The othur contem plate- K oehn of th e legion sound like m ighty G a r t h s o u g h t to t e n s e his f Licci A a super-district of seven counties i muscles, ready to bound up S h e good m edicine fo r the co u n try . T he ta lk -Clackamas. P o l k . Washington. luid a r e s t r a i n i n g h a n d o n h is fore- Yamhill. Columbia, Clatsop a n d , seem ed to he th o ro u g h ly a p p re c ia te d by heud "Lie still lit* went Lincoln. Public hearings have been all who h e a rd it an d rig h tly so. Went','" held in each of these counties and "Right ufter It Be quiet, else There is no denying the fact that the field survi'ys com pleted by engi­ you may go unconscious again T he neers em ployed by the commission. American Legion is truly the great pacif­ bullet cut across the back of your Reports and recom m endations ol ist organization of the country. It would head All these two days you've the commission will be forthcom ­ lain there in that R ightful stupor keep us out of war through adequate ing w ithin th e next four m onths j I could not w ake you up I felt These recommendations, which will preparation rather than to allow our na­ sure you'd die." deal largely w ith the feasibility of tional defenses to get in the deplorable "Stupor two days?" he m uttered. the proposed districts, will be only state that existed prior to the World war, " C o n c u s s io n b r u m " i advisory. Sponsors of the project He mude deliberate trial, and can call an election for the purpose; when the central powers held this country found he could move Ids legs and I of organization by filing petitions ! in such contempt from an arms standpoint u l'in s "Luck no paralysis. Soon be "■vrV * 'Z i \ - signed by five per cent of the vot- i that it went ahead with its unrestricted all right. Out your father? You ' ers in each parcel of territo ry w ith- suid. 'fother also.* Can't see why. , in the proposed districts regardless submarine warfare. Wolf was rabid only for my claim The New Deal is receiving hard jolts. The NRA of the commission's recom m ends- • No one can appreciate the horrors of not blood mad " tions. was declared unconstitutional by the suprem e court . . . war as can those boys that went through and the AAA has now been invalidated by th e same "Of course! The cow ardly beast meant only to m urder you But it 18 years ago. They want no more of it court Just as the NRA accom plished m uch th at was Jack E. /Mien, retirin g adm lnis- 1 when he fired again. Dad jum ped for themselves or their children, but they good at a critical tim e in th e economic life of the tra to r of the state liquor control I up between." , system, predicts th e dow nfall of ' nation, so the AAA has rendered invaluable service do know that this world is far from being during an em ergency in th e realm of agriculture. i the system and repeal of the Knox “Bad?” "Not if there was a doctor It's perfect and that war is still possible even There are m any who believe that ag riculture should act if the liquor commissiofl does I irrigation ditches and canals and through the shoulder. The eowurd hand« braced upon G arth's lax for peace loving Americans. It is well to stand on its own legs, and processing taxes have not not mend its ways. Allen blames t h e t h i r d a p p r o p r i a t e s $3000 for side. —to run off w ith the canoe, i n s t e a d most of the woes of the commission been popular. Ju st as there w ere dissenters in the point out here that, in spite of their hor­ I the establishm ent and m aintenance Even ns she gazed, the gray of of shooting himself like a m an'" handed down by the suprem e court on the upon its chairm an. A rthur K Mc­ ' of a mobile laboratory for plague ror of war. these men. who offered their opinion her father's face became less ghast- I "Ran off, did lie" Thought M ahan of Albany, who refuses to so there are dissenters am ong th e farm ers re ­ control and prevention. An appro­ lives for their country in 1917 and 1918, AAA ly But in place of the smile of had killed your father?" comment upon A llen's charge that garding the high court's decision w hich was given priation of $15.000 for the purchase "No. he said It w asn't serious 'h e (McMahan* had been "attem pt- relief for which Huxby looked, she would dc so again if this country were in in a six to three vote. O thers believe that agricul­ of livestock in connection w ith the All we needed was to take Dad in sprang up to flare at him in an- ' . ing to use his office to fu rth er his By Robert Ames B ennett new range livestock experim ent danger and if a foreign power attempted tu re must face conditions and in some way or an ­ own political am bitions." the canoe and get H ut man Tobin's other outburst of denunciation: other, work out its own salvation. Com ments in the I station near Burns is also included kit " to overrun us. • • • ( W N U Service Copyright by M urder' liar! There'll his knife medical among the 24 new laws. press particularly the daily press thus far, have been "Yet he ran off w ithout you” ' Robert A inc« B ennett) The legion commander rightly advo­ m ore or less partisan and political. Otto J. Runte, w ho succeeded w here I left it. He did not have "I made him go I drove him off. O ther new laws authorize the II’ 1.1.o' M Hsik! He did not attack the beastly sneaking cow ard'” cated that all aliens, who advocated over­ The court's action has brought about a crisis in Jack Allen as state liquor adm in- state treasu rer to m ake tem porary Dad. But you you craw led up the of contracts entered into and complied ! istrator. is th e fourth man to hold i transfers of public funds in his lC ontlnu*rf from last w w h l G arth stared, perplexed "You did throw of this great free government of w ith payment ' this post in th e less than tw o years and shot him w ithout warning! agriculturists, but it seems th a t th e solu­ keeping; dissolve the Nestncca high­ that" Yet he w anted to take your His lips tightened "Y ou're mad. ours at the point of the bayonet, should tion of bv this the liquor control system has been Huxby dropped his musk. financial side of the AAA. is to be way Im provement district: create darling clear off your head I shot ¡fa th er w here he could receive tre a t­ in operation. T here are those who the be immediately deported to the “utopia” solved satisfactorily. "W hat of it" The d d w oodlouse' ment " Deschutes county livestock dis­ predict that R unte's ten u re will not On the streets, the statem ent of Judge Stone, trict; authorize th e sta te to build to save your father, not at him. Heil first lie thought It funny to She frowned "He thought you from which he came overseas. last out the year. Eugene Kelty. a central heating and pow er plant No. listen you must listen to met keep mum nbout having recorded . dead who gave the dissenting or m inority opinion, is assistant Hut after 1 nearly fainted The legion chief would also ease the finding adm inistrator, is under- an echo when he said: "For the appeal from ' stood to be contem plating resign­ l and to install its own telephone e x ­ T he d d roughneck attacked your his claim to play your father and j I pushed against you to get up I employment situation in this country by unw ise laws th e recourse is not to the court but to change: and authorize cities of 5000 father —w ith the knife had him me all this tmie G reat joke that | felt you w ere still alive I was ing to accept an outside job. population or over to condemn land down. At my first .shot he dodged. Only it back-fired on him. I'm the I afraid you'd come to —would move deporting all aliens, who had been given the ballot."—McMinnville N ews-Reporter. • • A 1 and erect m em orial monum ents or I thought I missed. Your father only pilot who can find the valley He would have finished you. So a fair and ample opportunity to become G overnor M artin is expected to buildings. No one can say that the claim we sprang up just as I fired again. It's file on is the same ns the one he I—drove him off." American citizens and yet fail to do so. • • • announce th e appointm ent of his "Leaving yourself and your fath- the tru th ." new executive secretary this week r e c o r d e d ." What other country would permit aliens, Sales of hard liquor at state stores ch marooned h e re " "Truth!" she cried "truth! You've Wallace S. W harton. P ortland new s­ T he girl quivered, tensed, and and agencies during 1935 aggregat­ The biggest contributors to the w ar chest of The girl stiffened Her m outh went who had made no effort to become citi­ the Liberty league are members of the Du Pont paperm an. is understood to be sla t­ ed $6,041.282.11 according to the a n ­ killed them both!" bounded sideways The belt-ax was hard "D on't fancy I did It for zens, to hold the jobs of its own citizens family, according to revelations m ade in W ashing­ ed for the post. W harton served as nual report of the S tate Liquor A great shuddering seized her lying near the knife She clutched ■ you! It was it was because I was and also feed and keep them as our relief ton. Of the nearly half million dollars expended by secretary to Congressm an Elton i Control commission. This isanciver- shook her like a fit of ague. Almost one in each hand and straightened not going to let him finish his sneak m urder It would have been this organized foe of the new deal, the Du Punts W atkins and handled M artin's pub­ ige of more than $6 for each resi­ swooning, she sagged forw ard on erect, her eyes’ ablaze agencies are now doing. licity in his first cam paign for dent of the state or nearly $40 for the body of her father. "You beast!" she cried. "Go! Go. ’ the same if I'd gone off and let you almost a third. Against the subversive fnrc.es such as contributed congress six years ago. or I'll kill you'" I each of th e 153.755 perm it holders. di' You eon see that You mus' Du Ponts are the largest of m unition m ak ­ H uxby advanced w ith w ary q uick­ communism and its ugly threat to Amer­ ers The Profits from liqoor sales and p er­ ness But at sight of th e tw o men He smiled w ith cool Irony. "Why He smiled up nt her frown "AN in th e country and have made a great p art of mits during the year am ounted to so theatrical? Hysterics are not The WPA m ining classes 1 n 1,1 I the more sporting of you Not half ican institutions the men and women of th eir millions out of the profits of war. Recent dis­ he had shot, he th ru st his coot- your line, my dear Lilith.” $1,218,719. to w hich is added $526.- Josephine county have attracted an bad. I'd say." hidden pistol into its sheath. All our patriotic organizations will always closures have shown ju st how strong a p art m uni­ ! enrollm ent of 1152 men and boys, 205 05 from privilege taxes a n d th T hat low ered her voice, but not "Oh. but it Is bad frightfully e back of G arth's sidew ard tu rn ­ m akers have played in bringing about hostilities stand as the bulwark of defense. The tion $146.636 from the license division the knife and ax. She began to edge ' according to O. D. Adams, state bad! No food not a thing to give ed head was a crim son blotch. betw een nations. | for a net surplus of $1,891,611. tow irds him. w ith the blades rais­ director for vocational education patriotic men and women of our veterans’ Dad all this tim e No chance of What need of w asting powder on a This rich fam ily is not donating to the L iberty • • • ed ready to strike lt«*r voice came getting any for either of you And .vho is in charge of the project. man shot throught the head? groups and auxiliaries uphold the right league out of philanthropic motives. Its urge to ' Forty-tw from her stiffened lips, low and o per cent of the students V eterans, who are in arrears on I Mr. Hamill's wound gave him no now his fever, too. No medicine of free speech and freedom of the press, contribute to th e organization seeking actively to i are men actually engaged in min- th eir for it!" state bonus Ioans, will be r e ­ less satisfaction, though for an e x ­ hoarse and deathly calm: the Roosevelt adm inistration presum ably |in g in Josephine and Jackson coun­ "If you do not go, I will kill you, but they forcibly contend that “Free discredit quired to apply th eir federal bontis A sudden thought jerked G arth comes from self-interest. The public may well look opposite reason. The bullet unless you first kill me." who are being instructed in to this debt, th e World War Vet- , actly struck up to a sitting position He swayed speech ends where treason begins.” Trea­ askance at an agency th a t is so strongly backed by ities. high up on the shoul­ T he smile left his lips. His eyes from dizziness Then his head cleor- I the new er developm ents in placer erans' S tate Aid commission has d had er blade, betw een neck and arm. son begins in the advocacy of the forcible interests w hich cash in heavily upon w holesale and hard rock mining. ruled. F ailure of veterans to m eet I Huxby pulled th e thickset body narrow ed. He replied no less q u iet-i ed. He was only rath er weak from slaughter. In these days when w ar clouds are loom­ • • • overthrow of our form of government. th eir obligation w ill result in fore­ from under Lll th and opened the ly: „You ar(? g(ork blood-loss and sore about the bark ,. ing upon the eastern and w estern horizons and when The perennial fish fight will be closure on th eir property. D elin­ front of the leather coat T he s te e l-, , b , „ « b<>. , ™ ™ head An exploring hand the president of th e United States is pu ttin g an em ­ quencies on state loans to veterans f t b k T hat h , a wad of moss, tied upon his bargo on the shipping of m unitions and w ar m aterials I injected in to th e forthcom ing gen­ now total approxim ately $1.000,000. Jacketed bullet had drilled clear, f eral election cam paign if th e Col­ through and come out below th.. bc long eno’ Mh , or ymj , Q gtarV(. w°un«l w ith a band of plaited to belligerents as one means of keeping this country • • • The state supreme court has refused to out of conflict, the actions and attitu d e of th e Du umbia R iver Fisherm en's Protec- He heard the girl m urm ur: co bone. into ganj,y You’ll be glad to wel- grass. ' tive Union has its way. R epresenta- "I fixed Dad's the sam e w ay— Defeat of the sales tax at Friday's rehear the case of Dirk DeJone, confessed Ponts are both significant and suspicious—A storian- | fives of the union filed prelim inary "Look!" he shouted his relief come me then. Only, how about ashes and the moss to hold it on election is causing the S tate Relief Portland communist, who was convicted Budget. petitions w ith the state departm ent com m ittee no little concern. Should "Your father—he's not killed, only you- fath er’ Docs it not sober you Ashes or soot—1 once heard about knocked out. The w ound s not to realize it will be your fault if of conducting a communist gathering. In i this w eek for a proposed initiative th e public w orks program fail to som ething like th at for cuts.” (m easure w hich w culd bar all traps absorb all of the em ployables or serious, so high up through the i |1(. dies He pointed to the scattered ashes commenting on the case the court ruled chest. Sam e way one of my class- I For answer, she took a full step and seines from th e Colum bia river labor disputes add to the list of of the dead fires "Be quick Build the criminal syndicalism law constitution­ mates was shot by c holdup. Take nearer. The look in her eyes daunt- i We realize, of course, th at advocating a policy and its tributaries. a big blaze and throw on green needy it is generally adm itted that , hold. We ll get him into the canoe him He slanted sideways, caught wood. That southbound plane! Must al. This action of the court is a blow at the of "Buy at Home'' often falls on deaf ears. T he lu re • • • the relief situation throughout the and m ake a quick run down across up G arth's rifle, and ran across to forces of communism and rightly indi­ of distant m arkets has always exerted a m agic th a t F irst approved sale of privately state inay become serious. G over­ to the refueling post. T hat fellow the bank above the canoe When. signal it. Even if he's aboard, he people cannot resist. can't keep the pilot from coming owned tim ber land in this state to nor M artin has repeatedly declared , Tobin will have a medical kit.” rates that the laws of Oregon are not in­ m any But, m ore slowly, she came to the top down.” w henever you find a good town, a lively, the federal governm ent under an that he would not call another sp e­ tended to grant leniency to those who progressive The pulling of her fath er from of the bank, he had the canoe (To lx continued) com m unity w here stores are bright and act of the 1935 legislature is now cial legislative session, holding th at : n d er her had let the girl down launched and was heaving in the ' would forcibly overthrow our government attractive, w here fine churches and schools are n u m ­ before th e N ational Forest Reserva­ all possible sources of revenue have u upon the body of G arth. H uxby's w olfskin knapsack. Subscribe now to the Argus. In erous, w here th ere is pride taken in th e attractiv e­ tion commission for final action. already been exhausted. at the point of the bayonet. He jum ped aboard with the rifle W ashington county $150 a year. eager assurance roused her from . . . ness of homes and lawns, you w ill find th a t th e The deal w hich involves ow nership , people of that tow n are mostly "buy-at-hom ers.” This of 8950 acres of tim ber land in the W hite pine beetles kill more trees | the semi-swoon. She struggled p a rt­ and one paddle. As he backed o f f- 1 Six m onths 85c. T hree m onths 58 tf M ary's Peak area of Benton county in Oregon each y ear than forest ly up, to peer at her father, her shore, she ran down to the w ater's cents. Two m onths 35 cents. applies as much to the business men and his farftily Governor Charles H. Martin has en­ as it does to the day laborer; oftentim es it is th e has been approved by th e Benton fires, according to J. W Ferguson, er who is th e biggest offender against the “buy- county court and ratified by t h e ' state forester. The beetle invasion tered upon the second year of his term form School S p irit C o o p e r a te W ith Oregon Board of Forest Conserva­ is particularly serious in Klam ath at-hom e" program. Help« to Make as chief executive of the state and the Y our llilh i The person who buys m erchandise 1»’»y from tion. If th e tran sfer is consum m ated , county, Ferguson said. a Better School New« S ta ff great majority of the people of Oregon home is no b etter than th e local em ployer o f labor the federal governm ent will pay up t delinquent taxes and in th e fu- , "SONG SHARKS" PREY wish him well. He is a strong governor who hires outsiders. Both are contributing th e ir mite all Edited by H illahoro U nion H igh School Student Body tu re the county w ill receive one- YOl'NG WRITERS' ■ - . . tow ard crippling th eir own com m unity, and helping at the right time. This country needs some other town.—Pioneer-Tribune, M anistique, Mich. fourth of all revenue from the (’By Portland ON B etter Bualncaa Bureau, In e .) i strong and courageous men in official life, tract in lieu of taxes. Young Oregonlanr, am bitious to I I I I . I I I N E W S STA C K become song w riters, are w arned and Governor Martin is of that type. E ditor .. Ann Munkrea An even tw o dozen acts of the by the P ortland B etter Business Anaistant Editors ____ Bureau to beware of the “song recent special legislative session A Blue-H meeting was held Mon­ The S enate club gave a high M a ry Caldw ell, J<»y Eoelker. and I. * - becomes effective S aturday with sharks." These so-called song pub- and initiation of five new m em ­ j school benefit Wednesday night at Yvrne Abendroth Peter Grossen, who was buried last th e elapse of the requisite 90 days lishers. according to the bureau, day the V enetian theatre w ith a show ­ A th le tk s Raym ond L a ir. Executive of grace following adjournm ent of offer to w rite music to any sub- bers was planned for Friday. Those week at Bethany, was one of the most Council Irm a l Trank, f'lub Rcpreaenfa- ing of Mrs. Agnes Hines' "Beaiiti- Argus of February 8, 1906 the session. Seventy-four measures m itted poem and usually state they unfortunates are to be Eugene Howell, Lowell Chase, Edw ard ( tlvca Philo. H azel C h u rc h le y . G irl j ful Oregon" scenery, accompanied highly esteemed residents of the north J. A. T hornburgh and A rth u r Caples of Forest w ere enacted into law by th e ses­ “g u arantee publication Kcnerves, Jean A nne C onnell; Senate, H urd, Homer C hurchley and Bill 'b y songs and music plus the reg u ­ part of the county, lie was active and al­ Grove. Charles Wescott of Gaston, W ard Downs, C. sion. Forty-nine carried th e em er­ T he bureau reports th a t when i Churchley. M aurice Peerenboom ; Blue-H, Elm an to be held lar feature. The money which was Schulmerich ; H l-Y , Tom S tretcher; ways ready to do his part in the affairs E. Deichman and E. P. C ornelius assist S h eriff J. gency clause and becam e effective young w riters send poems to such som etim e in A th dinner e fu tu re was dis­ Tri-S q uare, H arold Meyer. J innde has been put in the school im m ediately upon being filed with organizations they almost invariably | W. Connell in w riting tax receipts. of Helvetia and adjoining neighborhoods. Advisor ----------- Misa Pearl A lltn treasury. Ed Schulm erich. John D ennis and J. W. Bailey the secretary of state. One other, receive a flatterin g letter, p ra is in g , cussed. The th ree plaques for the names induce Portland wholesale men to give $600 to apply the sales tax act, was referred to the poem and urging that an en- I of the football boys will be put in Tom Mills H urt E ditorial on the am ount paid for rig h t of w ay of th e T illa­ the people who turned it down u n ­ closed contract be signed. This c o n - ' the hails soon. As a result of being pushed! der an avalanche of “no" votes in tract, however, provides th at the road. S 'u d en ts are to be complimented Many people, who voted the demo­ mook Japanese would be w riter m ake a paym ent boss on Tillamook line arrested, charg­ Friday's election. on th eir im proved behavior in the against a post by n horse. ToilT cratic presidential ticket in 1928 and who ed w ith embezzling T ourney in M uddle w orkers' pay. Of th e 24 new laws only a few to the publisher, th e am ount usual­ hulls. T here is noticeably lessrow di- Mills had to have tw o stitches ta k ­ The basketball tournam ent is in also heard Al Smith in his vitriolic attack Jam es Sample, recently of South Dakota, died are of m ajor im portance, most of ly ranging from $50 upw ard. If the ness and "roughnecking." Time was, en ir. a sculp wound and is still a m uddle with th ree schools tying the m easures involving only minor contract is signed and the paym ent if a stranger stepped into school w eirin g a bandage. an the Roosevelt administration as an at West Union F ebruary 4. Principal Barnes reports 371 enrolled in local am endm ents t o existing statutes, made, the publisher, of course, can for first place. They are Tigard, St. when classes w ere not in session, American Liberty league feature, would schools. Marys and Hillsboro. Let us hope O utstanding among th e acts to be­ very easily keep his p art of the Hl-Ys Plan Trip a t our student body will get us he could not possibly escape with perhaps cast their votes differently if it The Hl-Ys held a special m eet­ W R. H arris of Forest G rove appointed county come effective S aturday is o n e bargain, and still m ake a profit; he th less than a sick headache. This im ­ out of this m uddle by going to w aiving penalty and interest on prints the song—sends out a few were to be done over again. ing Monday evening at the home of fruit inspector. T igard F riday night 100 per cent provem ent is not due to an in Petitions circulated asking council to req u ire delinquent taxes of 1934 and prior "professional copies” and is through strong and cheer th e Blue and creased pressure from teachers, but Tom Goodin. They are planning Io cem ent sidew alks on both sides of M ain street from years under c e r t a i n conditions. w ith the deal. it is rath er an unprem editated gift take a trip to Mt. Hood next S atu r­ Those conditions include prompt Com petent sources state th at In W hite to victory. First to Third. from heaven. The hoys (and girls) day to indulge in w inter sports. Oregon veterans numbering 35,376 will paym ent of cu rren t levies and an- ail the history of the song industry them selves have come to th e realiz­ P rotect Sinht nual paym ent of nt least one-fourth i th ere has not been a single even receive in adjusted service compensation Argus of January 27, 1921 ation that such rudeness was n eith ­ Boners W alter C. P otter was introduced of the oldest year's delin q u en cy .; m oderately successful song pro- The difference betw een a whole- $34,079,306 of which $656,392 goes to Forest G rove has no city tax on roll. M ust run Anothei of the new laws abolishes dueed through the medium of these to th# assembly last T hursday by er sm art nor profitable. The improved behavior is a cred a ile r a nd a r e ta ile r r; H int th e Washington county veterans of the World behind a year on taxation, indefinitely. the office of budget director and advance paym ent publishers. Jack M urtón of the P. G. E. Co., it to our school, and we should be w holesaler Is the one thnt makes Phelps of the Liberty Jh e atre will d e­ creates th e new post of executive war. This ought to help prime the pump. vote M m anager Each year more than 20.000 m usi­ and spoke on the conservation of proud to continue to uphold the the sales and the retailer is the atinee and evening show to help swell E uro­ secretary to the governor. cal compositions are copyrighted in eyesight. He showed the students rising standards. one who gets the money. pean relief fund. The am ended old age pension act this country. Loss than 200, and several new developm ents in lig h t­ Q -In w hat three states is m at­ R. F. Peters elected m em ber of th e board of d i­ reducing the age of beneficiaries chiefly those w ritten by profes­ ing. ter found? Query by an anti-war organization re- rectors of trustees of Pacific university. This week 1he m anual training to 65 years and its companion meas­ sionals, achieve success. In other A W ashington, Oregon, C ali­ Helena M iller installed noble grand Scholls Re­ ure providing financial assistance words, the am ateur w riter has less veals that 14 per cent out of some 50,000 Inasmuch as many seniors regard classes have been w orking on a fornia. (By the way, the right an­ m elting furnace using air blasts, bekah lodge. registration in the required n u m ­ th an one chance in a hundred— to needy blind become e ffec tiv e1 farmers and office workers voted that they E. L. McCormick installed chief p atriarch of I. Saturday, but will not become "op­ probably even less if he deals with ber ol subjects as a guarantee of wiiich is expected to provide sw er is: solid liquid and gas). would not fight in any war, even if this O. O. F. encam pm ent. graduation, the faculty is consider­ enough heat to melt copper and erative" until federal funds become the song shark. Hear Reports H ousew arm ing of new M ethodist parsonage held available for the needy aged and country were invaded. This is far from ing a retu rn to the old method of brass as well as alum inum . The Girl Reserves Monday heard de- alum inum ut present is being used Thursday. req u irin g seniors to take final ex ­ blind residents of this state. T he bee, from his industry in the American spirit that made America ileJ reports of last w eek-end's A. H. Rasmussen and Glen Bell announce plans T hree m easures of special in te r­ th e sum m er, eats honey all the am inations, ju st as the other stu ­ for the east butts and guards for m id-w inter conference by Esther what it is today. Such a vote would indi­ to start the hunting knives being made by am bulance service. est to central Oregon are included w inter.- Ex. dents do. I'Oge and M argaret Cypher. Pro-4 th e M anual A rts VI clas6. G eorge H arrow installed m aster of H illsboro in the new grist. One of these r e ­ cate willingness to give up home, wife, gram chairm an presented a plav, quires th e paym ent of taxes on Grange. The girls' gym nasium classes are State Capitol News Letter—Giv­ and themselves to any foreign invader. Keeping K itty's Dates." Coroner's ju ry absolves Dr. J. O. Robb of blame transient livestock before the stock ing the highlights of official ac­ organizing a basketball team. P rac­ The Blue-H club will take in What kind of a person is it who would In deatli of S. M. Chapm an and finds accident u n ­ can be taken from t h e grazing tivity at Salem.—Every week In tices will be held every Thursday four new m em bers in assembly F ri­ English IV class has been study­ not fight for these things? county, another forbids wading in the Argus. tf night at 8:15 in the gym. day, avoidable. ing the ..liort story. Legion Policies M EM CIIAPTF.It VIII What Other Editors Say Another High Court Decision C A U G H T IN T H E W ILD Liberty for What? g This “Buy at Home” Talk H ilh i News Blue-H Club Plans Initiation Senators Sponsor A Benefit Show