HILLSBORO Pnffp Four Title “First Citizen” Given to Mr. Phelps AR G U S. H IL L S B O R O . Tit nr 'Ha OREGON January 00, 1'L”.6 Breakfast ( ’lab I V. F. W. Gives Local Pictures Politics Program Tonight Filmed by Mrs. Discusses Breakfast club met Wednesday Mis. IL C Munson Roll call al Vets' Hospital Hines Scheduled With was answ ered w ith current events Mrs. Kramien Leads in Study Group Careful studv of the causes of our child's conduct will help us in correcting it according to Dr. O. R. Chamber, professor of psychol­ ogy at O S C in a lecture to Ra­ dio study grout * over KOAC Tues­ day He explained th.it some causes for trouble in .-chool w ork are i seem ing lack of value of school w t k . conflicting dependencies, lack ef habits of application, c r ie r on the part of parents as to a child's crp ic ity . and cm itio'.'.nl upsc.s. The Hillsboro P T. A Radio Study group listen ?! at the home of Sirs. J. A. K iim ien . w'.i? alsa le I the discussion .-tier th e broad­ cast and the program was a round table Mi Post pfitin. V F W . will spon­ P ictures of the Oregon country discussion ol a ui'rent politic To the accompaniment of viq.v-1 was the principal speaker at the and the Tual.itui volley, which Mrs Rolicrl Iliirlingaino gave a review sor a musical program this evening ©US applause, a resolution t h a t ! i luncheon, which was attended by Ague« Hines of Finest G rove has of 1935 New Year'- 'osolulioiis "youth’s Ideals of citizenship w ere about 15(1. Mrs Emma McKinney of Next m eeting will lie a Viileiilliie (Thin d a v i at the Veil vans' hos­ li ul filmed os "Beautiful Oregon." best exemplified in this com mu­ the local club sent In her resigna­ breakfast al the l> it 11 art i ampl pital in Portland. Music will he and is showing thri ugh Hie n o rth ­ nity ky the Honorable O r a n g e tion as state magazine chairm an and west and California, will be shown bom#. Mcsdanic • It I’ I’ctcr li M furnished by Kocher's dance hand. Phelps’’ was ratified at the convo­ Miss Merle Hollister, editor of the ot the V enetian th eatre next Wed­ Gnoiiiium, R I' Munson, and li II All veterans ire Invited. cation of Hillsboro Christian C oun­ Oregon Business Woman, was ap ­ nesday. Hllhl Senate club is spon­ Ktannard will have charge of Hie z\n office will he opened at the cil on Monday evening in t h e pointed to the position. soring th e showing and proceeds entertainm ent. F and I. Barbel shop, 351 F Mam cham ber of commerce rooms, and street. Io assist velerans to make go to the Hillsboro union high the ex-m ayor was officially given school student body. Citizenship Group Meets— applications tor Hie final paym ent the title of Hillsboro’s "First C iti­ The pictures ure set to music and Tlie Aineric in Cili/eh-.hip group on adjusted couipensatiiin certifi­ zen." The resolution was presented song, giving the story of the pio­ I of Hie Coffee d u ll v ill meet Wed cates Blanks are expected by Nat- by Mack Grogan. Sir Galahad of neers from th e cabin to the nian- nesduy afternoon at 2:18 at the urdav V eteran, a r e urged to bring 1935. representing t h e Associate Mr. and Mrs. I-ee Logan gave a sion. early day Oregon and pres­ homo of Mrs. Fred Fngeldinger. all papers regarding their certifi­ Boys, whose election of Mr. Phelps birtnday and wedding anniversary ent development It shows beautiful with Mrs Marshall Elder a leader cates. to the honor was thus approved by dinner Sunday, honoring the seventh Oregon w ith the blue mountains, Mrs Thomas Connell will give a Next meeting wll he February I the joint meeting of all nine chap­ birthday of their daughter Bernice, and the pioneers on the Oregon ; talk on Japan. at Hie V F W. hull. ters affiliated in the council. Judge and the eighth w edding an n iv er­ trail, coming down the Columbia R. Frank Peters and O. B G ates sary of her uncle and aunt. Mr. to the end of the trail, the lower T hirteen boys of the American w ere also named by the boys of and Mrs. H arry Dyer. Two separ­ Columbia and through the forests Legion scout troop of Hillsboro, u n ­ college age as “Good Citizens." ate cakes, decorated in pink and at V ernonia via Forest Grove, the leadership of Scoutm aster President LuVernc Abendroth of green, form ed the table centerpiece. der Fashion \pproved Styles in Late W inter through Cornelius and Hillsboro I E. Francis, and A. H. Busch of the Vikings, oldest chapter of the O ther guests w ere Mr. and Mrs. the to Portland. O ther places brought scout committee, visited unci Early Spring council, presided Before the adop­ C. E Dyer and grandson Bobby. the l G egion out include route to early day tion of the resolution short extem ­ Miss Verna Maes. Miss Violet Looni­ day. erm an cruiser Emden T h u rs­ Capitol at Oregon City via O sw e­ poraneous speeches were made by er. Mrs. C. H. Heath of Portland, go. Oregon City fall; and mills. Hie Al the cruiser, the com m ander Mayor J. H. G arrett. City M anager and Sam Logan. highway to Salem. McMinnville. assigned one of the cadets as a George McGee, ex-Councilm an Jak e Cliampoeg, Oregon S tate and U. of guide and the boys w ere taken to Weil, Glen Gray ana Jonathan Wei- _ _ <• z-i rx O campuses. Roseburg. G rants Pass. al! parts of toe boat and given don of the Associate Boys, and N . 0 1 C . S p O l l S O l ' Oregon Caves, Rogu • riv er valley, explanations of the m achinery, guns for Nolan Furrow. G l e n Sandford. etc. and sailor's life. Jeanne Abts. M argaret Garfield. A m a t C U V 1 f O g l ' a m Mrs. Hines will appear in per­ Sport Afternoon : Alvin Mohr and Vincent Phelps, of ' S treet son at the showing ol the pictures. Hillsboro Council No. 1634 gave Committees Named— the high school age chapters All Senate boys will sell tickets on Evening W ear and ’YPICAL of th e new d raped n , Mine mid sh irred fro n t fu ll­ New officers of the P ythian Sis­ a dance and am ateur hour Tuesday rem arks were on the topic, "What a commission basis to assist in es­ ness, P a tte rn 8633 Is ono of those slm plo frocks which are so Constitutes a Gooa C itizen" Mr. night at Verboort. I n e program was ters occupied th eir stations for tablishing a fund to buy shades for $»7 .9 5 in charge of Fred Engeldinger, and the first tim e at Friday night's effective. A vailable tn sizes 11 to 19. Size 13 req u ires 4 and Mrs. Phelps w ere council’s the union high auditorium . A prize guests during the evening, as was A rthur M iltenberger took the part meeting, and appointm ents were yards of 35 Inch fabric w ith yard for foundation sleeve. of Sunset Trails. Oregon book, will of M ajor Bowles. Talent was fu r­ m ade for the year's activities Mes­ Mrs. Jake Weil. The bolero In dark blue taffeta over the blue plaid taffeta dress he given the boy selling the most Second half of the oonvocation nished by Hillsboro, w ith the ex ­ dam es W C. Gifford, H. R. C hant­ tickets Second prize will be m akes P a tte rn 8654 a charm ing frock for little sister. A vailable ception of Eddie Schnell, accordion ier and Fred Seweli were named as was a memorial to the late H. D el­ GOAR’S painting. In sizes 4 to 10 years. Size 6 requires 2 ’i yards of 35-lneh th e flower commi' tee. and Mes­ bert Turner, associate member of player from Portland. fabric for dress w ith % yard for Jacket and si yard co n trastin g . dames J. D. A nderson and Dora the Vikings, by an impressive cer­ A ch arm in g and clever frock is P a tte rn 8614 with Its sh irred Nelson as degree team leaders, with emony conducted b y L u V e r n e School Books Repaired— E. M. BARNES, Prop. Fred Sewell as captain. Mrs J. W. sh o u ld ers and sm all neck and belt bows. A vailable In sizes 34 Abendroth. J. Robert Patterson, T hree women, u nder the leader­ Barney and Mrs. H arry Morgan to 46. Size 36 requires 4% yards of 39-ineh fabric. past president of the council: Rich­ ship of Mrs. Miriam Walker, are • To secure a PATTERN and STLP-BV -STEP SEWING IN- ard Abts, president: Wayne Emmott. repairing books at the ju n io r high w ere hostesses. Fred G oetter, son of Mr. and Mrs president of the Vikings in 1928: and grade schools. This work will New spaper Man Visits— R TR l’CTIONS, fill out the coupon b( tow, being sure to MENTION William G oetter of Hillsboro, has Louis C. Lomax Jr., Sir Galahad give them employment for about T H E NAME OF THIS NEW SPA PER. Gordon McNab t.f W orthington. been selected at Oregon S tate col­ of 1932. Mr. T u rn e i’s name was two months, according to C. H. Minn., was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. lege for m em bershio in Eta K ippn transferred to th e roll of Paradise Nosier, superintendent. This is a Verne M cKinney Sunday, en route Nil, national honoi'Wy society in chapter. WPA project. to McMinnville from attending the FASHION BUREAU, 11-13 STERLING PLACE, electrical engtneertag, a n d Tun i Convocation was the official W ashington Press conference a t Circle Two Quilts— Beta Pi, national honorary fra ter­ BROOKLYN, N. Y. opening of the second half of the Seattle. Mr. McNab, who is spend­ nity in engineering. He is a junior | Circle No. 2 of the Methodist ing some tim e in the west w ith a school year's activities of C hristian in electrical engineering. Enclosed fin d ............cents. Please send me the p altcrn s council. All meetings of chapters Ladies' Aid will meet Thursday view of locating, also attended the and yet o n ly Fred visited at home Saturday checked below, a t 15 cents each: will now point tow ard the May afternoon. February 6. at the home Oregon Press conference at E u­ and Sunday. H erm an 'T rav er, a fel­ festival, w ith the selection of this of Mrs. Thomas Connell to quilt. gene. low student, and his m other from I P a tte rn No. 8633 S ize................ year's Sir Galahad and the recip­ Albany also visited here Sunday. ient of Mary's Rose as the chief H arry Morgan, who is w orking Card P arty W ednesday— P atte rn No. 8654 S ize................ features of the May t)ueen's court. out of Lakeview ths week, w rites Ladies of St. M atthews church O ther public affairs planned are that he is stopping at th e Hunters' w ill give a card party next Wed­ Nolilr G rands E ntertain— P a tte rn No. 8614 Size................ an exhibit of old bibles and church lodg?,» a hotel managed by Mr. and nesday night at the school hall, The Noble G rands club will meet . books of various faiths, during the Mrs. R. Shepard, parents of Miss w ith Mrs A. Abts as chairm an W ednesday night at the I. O. O. F 1 Name ............................................................................................... week before F ebruary 22, B rother­ M iriam Shepard, form erly w ith the of the hostess committee. At the ; hall, with the Past Noble G rands’ , A bigger w asher —