Page Six H IL L S B O R O A R G U S, H IL L S B O R O , Thursday, January 30, 1931» OREGON ■ b FEBRUARY BUY NOW SAVE MONEY STORE-WIDE CLEARANCE SALE SALE SMOKER SETS Ornamental, All Metal SMOKER TRAY Red, Ivory, Blaek and Green NOW NOW Each 9x12 F elt Base STUDIO COUCHES 18x36 f BIRD CAGES Large sizes, brass Removable bottoms NOW Bathroom Set Occasional Tables Consisting o f 17 x 19 Apron Lavatory, 5-foot Essex Tub, Toilet and Fittings. Complete. NOW $1.95 COCO Utility STANDS square, round an DOOR MATS W alnut finish NOW NOW BED ROOM SETS Vanity, Bench, Bed, Chest finish, good looking........... One Lot of Bridge and Floor Lounging Chairs LAMPS (’om fortable, Homespun ('overs. Rust Color, with Stool. Values $3.95 to $10.00 NOW $35.00 5-piece Dinette Handsome............ ... NOW Maple l-piece Set. Bed, Chest, y and Beneh ........................... NOW $64.45 Light Bench and Ornamental $15 DAVENPORT and CHAIR. Home cover. Green color............................... > NOW $99.50 Moderne Suite, 4 pieces, mirror, high lighted and smart $19.50 DAVENPORT and CHAIR. Cotton D am ask................................... N NOW $99.00 Semiposter Bed Room Set. Full length mirror. Ail 4 pieces.............NOW Unfinished Furniture $109.50 Twin Bed Set. High grade— Bed, Chest, Vanity and Beneh...... NOW Single Deck Simmons DINING ROOM SETS Chest of Drawers, Tables, Night Stands, Book Racks at reduced prices. COIL SPRING $49.50 DAVENPORT and CHAIR. Cotton F reeze....................................... > $54.50 DAVENPORT and CHAIR. New Homespun .................................. N $69.50 DAVENPORT and CHAIR. New H o m e sp u n .................................. N Glo-Cotc WAX $109.50 DAVENPORT and C H A IR — Rust color, modern arm rest. Highe class workm anship ....................... N NOW B reak fast N ook T ab le ■Full size k o w .... piece- 5-piece, a tin finish. enam el AU hard wood NOW ...... 9 PULL-UP ARM CHAIRS Very high grade. anybody. S A .99 finish ARM CHAIRS W alnut finish, rust color. While they last. $/?.95 NOW set. Will ph $-f f | II) 'X X •f’"> X X 5-picce. w alnut finish B reak­ fast Nook Set, ZJ.99 FELT BASE REMNANTS and DROPPED PATTERNS. Per square yard ............................... O U END TABLES Walnut finish NOW X o MATTRESS $19.95 Spring Filled With heavy cotton pad ding, closely tuffed. Nov elty ticks. $■< / f .9£ NOW’ ................. X X $22.50 Simmons Spring Filled MATTRESS Standard quality, corded edge, fine ticks. $ 4 ^5.95 NOW ................... X 1 5-piece Breakfast Nook Set. m aple finish, ladder-M Q back chaii ' • ' ' XO CARD TABLES 'W ithout C hairs, SOFA PILLOWS New and very rayon, plaids a binations. Real Large, double-braced legs w ater-proof top assorted colors W ith foot rest. G reen and $7.50 40-lb. F elted Cotton M at­ tress. N ice, new ticks. $ f f .95 NOW V $12.95 45-lb. A ll-S elect Colton Imperial edged. SQ .95 Beautiful. NOW V $14.95 50-lh. Im perial Edged All- Select Cotton. Just the Mat­ tress for particular s-J A .95 people. NOW Ivory, with tray. NOW' $ 0 .9 5 W A L N U T FIN IS H , SIM M O NS N O W ..................... O RANGES trimmed MONTAG R Porcelain ange. NOW RUGS $35.00 9x12 AXMINSTER RUGS Heavy, good patterns ............... NOW Full size, 3-pieee set-up NOW MONTAG All Steel NOW MONTAG Full Enamel NOW Bed, Spring and Mattress DOMESTIC ORIENTAI the rug for NOW REASONABLE TERMS IRON BEDS BABY WALKERS VERNOIS LESTER IRELAND & CO. H IL L S B O R O , OREGON ASK FOR POPULARITY CONTEST VOTES FOR ALL CASH SALES All Enatnc NOW QUICK DELIVERY «4