Page Four H IL L S R O R O M r. an d M rs. G rindle, B anks, W e d 55 Years Speaks Monday A RCU S, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Thurulny. January 2.3, 1936 Mia* I 'oelker Honored— Need Financial Miss Caldwell Vincent P h elp s w as host for a I su rp rise p a rty for Miss Jo y Fuel- Aid for Dental (Given ,. . . Party . , *4Cr T uesday evening at the PlU'ili K athleen I aldw ell w is host- homc Mlss E(M.|k(,,. celebrated her Help Here Ci ted ' honoring her p ailr Saturday evening, j eighteenth birthday. Eighteen high * __ sister Elaine on her Financial aid is greatly needed .«nniversary. T he p a rt, BANKS —Mr. and Mrs. Eli G rin- I Richard Jensen, r.nd th eir datlgh- for dental work among vluldren 1.“¿ T ( J , eared for by the com m ittee on *' ? ¿ P m " , dle celebrated their fifty-fifth wed- ter Marjorie, who has been visit- • Sum m er round-up" work, accord- L 1 ,l " t * M‘ , ' an u '7 din," anniversary Friday. Thev w ere ‘"K “ »««* for sometime, but will ing to M rs J W B arnev. u ho m a.le T '* '• i,n 1 1 return home w ith them. Mr. and m arried in Ashburn county. Kansas, Mrs. Bruce Schuman of Portland llorgelt, Misses J u l i a n a , (he report nt the Hillsboro l’.-T. A. w here they lived for a few years accompanied them. meeting Monday evening at the Selm, der. J u lia Solder. C a th e rin e and from there moved to Arkansas. | high school. It was decided to S(.mi;el. Lena C hiotti, V .ilene U n ­ study the problem, and Mrs. Clem derw ood. E laim . K athleen and In 1891 they moved to Oregon j ( ^ O U l l C i l t O H o i l O l (.'aldw ell; Me- rs Merle Mc­ Eslinger. Mrs. Fred A nuieher and Mary Joseph w here they homesteaded on Green S m ith, G erald A his Mrs. W. R Manley w ere appointed Coy. Mountain. There they made them a as a committee. Mrs. Harney a n ­ Ei .ink H einrich. A m brose C hiotti, nice home. This' place is where the nounced an essav contest sponsored , I v Neil S'.angel. J a c k C onnel and Jo h n With ceremony and ritual that by the Oregon S tate Dental nssocl- * Elwood Logging company building has been used only twice before atom to interest children in b etter j Is now located. The house and barn .Miss Putnam III— teeth w ere destroyed by fire and the or- j *n ‘*»e ‘en years of the existence w ere an- M 'ss Lenore Putnam , daughter ol The room mother chard has been so neglected that it of the clubs of Hillsboro Christian nounced; P eter Boseow school: Miss Re' nnd M,'s “ Ij Putnam . un- no longer bears fruit. Only a Council, the nam e of H. Delbert Ruth Jones- room Mrs I. C. K n - derw ent a serious m ajor operation beautiful pine tree which was Turner, m em ber of the Viking mien: Miss M aurine Moore Mrs a ‘ Portland S anitarium Wed- planted by their small son remain chapter during 1923. ’29 and '30. P A Anderson; Mrs. M ooberrj nesday morning. to remind the Grindles of their will be tran sferred to “Paradise Mrs Ben Faber: and Miss McCor- Early Blossoms_ mountain home. i C hapter," at a convocation of coun- mick—Mrs. W Riippa. David 11,11 j Pink,. quince blossoms After selling off the timber, Mr. c“ next Monday evening at the Mrs. P riest—Mrs. A L. Amaeher; | we. e found on th e C h arles Robin- and Mrs. Grindle moved to Banks cham ber of commerce rooms, Miss \\ inabeth McDowell Mr< J son place south of HlUsboro this R in 1908. w here they have since liv- At this convocation, in which all ed. They both have taken an active chapters of council will meet to- , ... _ ^ arnoy. Miss Gladys Rood Mrs we?k. A sprig is .shown in the ® part in Sunday school and all gether. formal notification will be Neil Richardson, son of Mr. and " • ‘ _yhi istensen; .di~ .iiii.ia John- \, j window _ will ___ son—Mrs. H. Morrison; Miss Hila I - church affairs and all other civic given to ex-M ayor O range Phelps Mrs. C. T. ______________ Richardson, who speak at the cham ber of com- Cornelius- Mrs. G. H Campbell: 1. Modern Uniter affairs. j of his choice by college-age boys Every Saturday night nt Huber ■ m erce luncheon on his tw o trips C. Mooberry Mrs. Claud Coomer. Mrs. Grindle, whose maiden name as "ii i llsboro'L Most V aluable Citi- These women are assisting in a hall. Admission 25c 49p V around the world as a cadet of­ was Ida Wolford, was born in Sum- Judge R. 1 rank Peters and m c W ib e rsn ip drl e to be concluded ™ ficer. er»?t county, Pa., in 1881. Mr ( ° B.,Gat.** “V aluable Citi- K. of C. Dance at the next meeting F ebruary 17. G rindle was born in Kosciasko zens- w»ll also t c invited to be And A m ateur program. Foresters' C harts for each room to show the Preesnt- , j— • county. Indiana, in 1857. They have Preesn‘- Yerboort, Tuesday. Ja n u ary m em bership in P.-T. A. are being h.d While chapters have been meet- C ^ O C i a l IZ V C l fl P two sons. Bert, who lives near r Me- 49p prepared and a prize will be giv­ i 28. Admission 28c. 0 Minnville, and Frank, who liv res In ing this week, convocation official- en to the adult bringing the most Portland. They also have two ly begins the second term of the ltance at Kinton new members. granddaughters and one great school year, and various clubs will At Kinteii G range hail S aturday The discussion of playgrounds begin preparation for social func­ grandchild. night, January 25. Admission 25c. was postponed as the speaker on Com plimenting Mr. and Mrs. tions and the May festival. that subject was unable to ap pear. Dunce at Helvetia Grindle. E. E Nickerson entertain­ M ils B arbara Potts and Jack Kil- S aturday night, J .nuary 25. Old Otto Kiessig of Spokane, Wash- ed them and Mr. and Mrs. McGraw A joint social evening betw een lits entertained w i'h several in-1 tim e music. 49 visited last wdek with his aunt. Mrs. m em bers of the Sea Scout Ship ‘«“resting games, and refreshm ents with a dinner Tuesday evening. George Fischer. He made the trip ... w ere served by Mrs. Wayne Patter- here by bicycle and is on a sim ilar of H ill-boro and th e son chajrm a„ Miss Gladys Rood, trip to Everett. Wash., this week. Sea Scout Ship “Colum bia” of Mrs. W R Manley. M is s Eva m ,-. i He will retu rn to Hillsboro this Portland will attract nearly 75 Cormiek. Mrs. Ruby Estepp and | week-end. young people to the A merican Le- Mrs Ernest K idney Miss M arie Smith, who has been gj? n haR tonight »Thursday». The The P.-T. A Pre-school to 12- employed at the Palm, and Miss a j ,r ' w hich will include dancing year old Study group met at the E verything in Insurance Emma VanLoo of near Cornelius anc* refreshm ents, w ill follow the Peter Boseow school Tuesday to i left the last of the week for San f‘ourt of hon° r a‘ th e county court discuss "The Cost of Failures to Phone 1701Y 336 E. W ashington Mrs. Inez J Glaisyer of Coquille. F« n eisco w here they will visit ^ u s e at ^ hieh a num ber of Sea the School Child" Mrs C. H * »-.h» grand matron of the grand relatives for several weeks. acou.s receive awards. Campbell was in charge ot the - worthy Emil M enke of route 1 Beaver- The form al court of aw ards will meeting, chapter of Oregon. O E S . made SAXTON * LOONEY an official v is ifto Tualatin chapter to n .'w a s a Hillsboro visitor Wed- at 8 .p' following the Producer, of Quality T.mezio,, «««» «»««« » 2 i»u npsHav M r M V cr»vc ha» Hoe to a r a of . c \ i e u . w hich assu res th e Tuesday evening. O ther distinguish- nesday. Mr. Menke says he has review, vvnicn assures the ¿ A ,.4- - 4 .,,.. , 1 rn ed guests were Judge R, Frank taken the Argus for many years. f our‘ tnat scouts appearing before K U l , I c l l l Q l n g ; 1 I t ^ l i l T l l SAND and GRAVEL Peters, past grand patron: Mrs having taken it before coming to ‘L T ', ? Prescribed stand- „1 . : Plnnt located 4 miles north of For- Peters, chairman of the grand chap- “ »is county 24 years ago. r a n t ? d a a ‘‘b » n g for the various L i l \ C l l d t I J e l p l l i a n est Grove on Gales Creek. Phone ter student loan committee: Mrs. Mrs. Sopha Jackson and s o n n X ." r p rof. Harold V anD yke of Pa- 1809R D o r a E. Stipe o f B e a v e r to n , Richard of Portland visited Mr. and o * P esiae eific played two of his own enm- member of the grand chapter cre­ Mrs. E. A. G riffith F riday eve- Sev - a son. Francis Kempen of V erboort will meet for dessert luncheon F ri-I " ear Scholls' I Mrs. Je n n ie A nderson of Farm ing- two brothers and a sister in Hol- lx l> j « /- day at 130 p m at the home of Mrs' E' E Ben‘ley and SOI> E lbert ¡‘on underw ent an appendix opera- Iandtown, Wis.: and seven grand- I’hotos A dt/V e Mrs J W Holt near Matson sta- left F riday for a short v ^*‘ a‘ San “ on Tuesday at the Jones hospital, j children. A stepdaughter, Sister M. Two poses. tion, east of Hillsboro. Mrs. C. B. Francisco w ith Mrs. Bentley's n ie ce .) P r - J 0 Robb operating, and Mrs. Cansuella of Manitowoc, Wis , also | W. H. Bagley of above Forest G rove survives. Williams of Beaverton, Mrs. H. L. is lecoyering from a m ajor opera-1 Funeral services w ere held from MRS. C. W. BLAIR Hoeffel and Mrs. J. H. M urton will tion, w ith Dr. A. O. Pitm an as the 1 Visitation church, Verboort. Wed- assist Mrs. Holt. All members w ish­ FOREST G RO V E--H arriet E liza­ surgeon. (nesday m orning w ith Rev. Father ing transportation are asked to not­ beth Blair, 71, died at Forest G rove Friday and funeral se rv ic e s 'w e re Men Have Eye O p e ra tio n s - J f i J i S S *ondU'" ify Mrs. Murton. held from the Forest G rove Un- ' Dr. H. D. fiuggins perform ed an "ry B u rn slio rtu a rv ' rT "" * d „ u k , „ ? .c o „ p ,„ y Ch.p.1 Monday o p n « . Ba.chMar toaJ' ch„ „ “ “¿ " S S S S ' 1 Mrs. Glaisyer Complimented— Judge and Mrs. R. Frank Peters w ith Elder Becraft officiating Wednesday at St. V incent's hos- | entertained with a dinner party Interm ent was in Forest View pital in Portland, and an opera­ CHRIST MALTHARDT Tuesday evening before Eastern cemetery. She was to r n at Clinton tion for cataract of th e eye for ( F uneral rights w ere held for S tar meeting, honoring Mrs. Inez Falls, Minn., May 18, 1864. De- Andrew Zajac Monday at th e Good C hrist W althardt. 75 who died J. G laisyer of Coquille, w orthy ceased is survived by the widow- Sam aritan hospital in Portland. I the county hospital last Tuesday grand m atron of Oregon. O ther er and three sons. Mrs. Baker Wins_ night at the Lincoln M emorial Park guests w ere Dr. and Mrs. J. B — - , v. . ¡.L t . in Portland last S aturday after- Dinsmore, and Mr. and Mrs. W. F F. L. club m et with Miss Joseph- nnnn ,.- crem ation the MISS LENA ENGLER 4 a res _i noon. a A o lter . Cyrus. Miss Lena Engler, 47, of Corne- m e S tu art Tuesday evening. Mrs. F ., w ere sent to his sis'er Mrs Ann-, _ Baker had honors at cards, R efreih- M H aberkorn Akion' Ohio A Ar I lius, died Friday evening at Hills- Plan Ceremonial — . . „ boro after a short illness. The body m ents Bnd decorations carried out ' rangem ents were m ade’ bv Youne's i Lohese Camp Fire group met was transferred to West Brook. the Ja n u a ry motif. N ext m eeting F uneral Home X Y iungc ¡m Jean t . » r Ann Pasley Tuesday. -----. . . — Minn., . for services and commit- will be a pot luck d in n er at the _____________ 2____________ w ith ” .......... . « i i ■■■ They planned for a swimming par- ment. Miss Engler was born in I. O. O. F. hall F eb ru ary 4. ty foi that night at Pacific univer- Kansas, Ju ly 16. 1888 She is sur- W rite for our 1936 sity. A ceremonial is planned for vived by five brothers in M inne- N eighborhood new s from 30 A r­ SEED AND NURSERY next month. sota. Local arrangem ents w ere m ade ■ gus correspondents i n d if f e r e n t sections of W ashington county a p - , Mrs. Dinsmore H ostess- by DoneI^ n & Sewell. CATALOGUE pear in th e A rgus each w e e k . ; M. HAND SEED CO., Ine. Mrs. J B. Dinsmore was hostess Plan S traw berry C ertification , L earn w hat your friends are do- at a luncheon Tuesday at her home ALBANY—That straw berry grow- in £ f°r ^ess th an th ree cents a N. E. Union Ave Portland honoring Mrs. Inez J. Glaisyer of ers are still very much interested week. tf Coquille. O ther guests were Mrs in plant im provem ent and selection M arjorie Wells Simpson of Port- in site of iow prices of th e Dast land and Mrs R. J. Nicol. | few years is the belief of F C Visit in C a lifo rn ia - ,C0Unty a ®ent On a ... tr j o . . . rccent visit to five prom inent grow- Mr- and Mrs. Fred Sewell left ers of the county Mr. Mullen found W ednesday for San Diego, Cal., for each of them planning to carry a two weeks v isit w ith their son- on a plant certification program in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs for 1936. Don’t Miss These school friends were present G a m e lla WPA owing eliiss at Ju n io r high and singing furnished enlirliiln- ichuol each Tin- day from 12:311 ment, I 1° 4:30- This is free to all women I w lio « I h lo enroll. . Conduct* Sen Ing Class— . y Mis. Ila/.el llcek r will eonduet Argus (lanifici! ads gel results. m Hum»* ramini « « m h i smi Thu-Fri-Sat. a THIS WEEK H e r e a ft e r S a tu rd a y M a tin e e W i l l M a rt nt 1 ¡3 0 In stead o f 2 o’c lock ' Latt^ Mr. Turner >.. 8 I Ä ¿ BUI SHlRZfv . “ '« f r • This »punky litt!« 'Johnny Äcb" in jjantoieffw storms v(»ur h e a rt I 8 i 8 I 1 os she doos her for Sea Scouts Set for Tonight Worthy Grand Matron Visits 0. E. S. Chapter a m RUSHLOW! p h o Funeral Home Diamonds P L U S — M ic k e y M ouse in J. L. Anderson ’Mlckey S Service StatlOn” P L U S — S elected S h o rt S u b jects PREVIEW SATURDAY NIGHT, 11:15 Jam e* D u n n and D o ro th y W ils o n Last Chance SPRING DRESSES SIJL95 REAL BARGAIN DO YOU APPRECIATE ONE? IF YOU DO, WE WILL SELL YOU Regular 50c bottles PEPSODENT ANTISEPTIC ff-i t)JLC 50c FOR THE FIRST B O T T L E -lc FOR THE SECOND Any time you want real Drug Store Service and reduced prices, come to the Hillsboro Pharmacy. Bring us your Prescriptions and save money. SJ_5')W All so sparkling and new — Right off the pages of a sm art fashion mag­ azine. You’ll love them now w i t h your dark coat and you’ll w ear them fa r into the spring. New colors— light shades and spring like prints. The GOAR’S HILLSBORO PHARMACY Woman’s Shop Z. J. RIGGS, Prop. E. M. Ilarne», Prop. v a î 'w in No E x tra C h a rg e Bï^D B( ) V ” I