Page T ua n i L r s n n n n a rg u s , n i l i . s b n r n , o r r g o n Thursday, January 23, 192ß I.ido, they take sightseeing trips. ballots are also available at the They attend theatre parties i n clerk's of lice. WORK PROGRESSING ON U. 0. LIBRARY Hollywood and San Francisco. They A list of the precinct numbers, see great stores and shops. They their form er names and the polling stay at famous hotels They travel place (or each will be ea rn ed in Jan u ary It! deluxe and w hat a time. tlie next issue of the Argus. Thirty-day re p rie i? given H aupt-I The girls are properly chaperoned H a z e ld a le 4 -H M em b e rs to nt all times. maun, convicted kidnap-slayer of I Receive A w a rd s Tiie standings of the contestants j the Lindbergh baby. t By Mr*. J. Smith) Hoover declares new deal scar- ’ will be published regularly. city plan un-American. HAZELDALE— The 4-H club Munitions probe angers solons; I members, who completed their z W ilson charges bring reaction. American Railway Express com ­ year’s work, will be presented with Substitute fur defunct AAA as- pany at Hillsboro rented th e Woods achievement pins at a club pro­ d. building, form erly occupied bv the gram Friday evening, beginning at Jan u ary 17 Washington county Better Housing 8:15. I,. E. Francis, assistant county frnm D office, this week Alterations will U. of O. beats Oregon S tate 29 agent, will sliow motion pictures Wanted here on burglary charges. to 27 in basketball. be made im m ediately and the of­ Ray Kincheloe, club leader, is in n te rta in -¡tw o youths. John Hart and Jack New Jersey governor defends fice will tu» moved to ttic new charge Of of arrangem ents. ents E Enterti q u arters on or about February I ment Is free A short business m eet­ Weldon, were arres’ed in Portland H auptm ann reprieve in defying im- i Friday by Portland police. The pair peachment proceedings. S p ice now used by the express ing of the Corn club will follow. Rudyard Kipling, famed British company on Second street will bo Eight tobies of "500" were in play is alleged to have confessed to par- at the com munity club card party ticipating in the A lexander service poet, dies in London, revam ped as pari of the new S afe­ nt the school Saturday night High station robbery at Beaverton the Under secretary of treasure and way store. scores were made by Mrs George , night of December 30. They are directing head of financing opera- Altishin and A. W. James, second also b elieved to have participated tions resigns in protest of new deal by Mrs. Joe Bush and Max Berger in the attem pted C arr grocery rob- policies. nnd low to Mrs. Max Berger and berv at West Slope New Year's Lincoln Ellsw orth and co-pilot Robert Cameron. Committee i n - | morning when Jam es Oswald was dram atically snatched from death eluded Mrs. J. C. Smith. Mrs Joan captured and Frank McGovern lat- in icy A ntarctic one week before (Continual from page I) O'Connor and Clarence Walker. cr arrested. starvation th reaten s lives. Reaman. A P Ireland. D G Lilly. Mrs. Maggie Zipperman and Alleged to h a v e appropriated Form er m em bership chairm an of I Work on the new $350,COO lib ra ry at tha U n ive rs ity of Oregon is A. J Evers. John I’lass and Ben daughter Rachael left Sunday for $1170 from his employer. Mrs. Mahoney - for - G overnor c lu b s , their home in Gooding. Idaho, aft- IM ideline Rice of Durham. J. H charges senatorial aspirant w ith < being rushed co th a t the structure may be occupied by noxt fa ll. T he Heesacker. Forest Grove; W alter Lindow. Henry Hanson and II It photo above chows the huge shovels digging aw ay the lact corner fo r er spending a montn with Mr. and Dean Simmons of M ultnomah was insincerity. Portland routes: Henry the basem ent cad foundations. T he new building has b ien made pos­ Findley. Mrs. Harold Henning, who are liv , arrested Wednesday and lodged in Senator Glass makes seortching J sible by a P lV A g rant. It w ill replace the old lib ra ry , erected in 1905 and Oscar Hagg. Reedville: J ing on the Fraser farm. Mrs. Zip­ the county jail on a charge of la r­ attack on Senator Nye for calling VanKloek. Beaverton: C B B uchan­ «Ttd now inadequate to r the fest grow ing Institu tio n. perman is Mrs. Henning's mother. ceny by embezzlement. Woodrow Wilson a "falsifier.” an and John Joplin. Gaston: Rich- Four gypsies were arrested near Mr. and Mrs. Emil Schlipp of January IS nrd Joyce and R. M Scott, S h er­ Hillsdale visited Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ Hillsboro Wednesday afternoon on King George of England serious­ when radical-socialist support w ith ­ wood. suspicion of having robbed Mrs. ly ill. drawn. liam Heil Saturday. J. C. Smith is confined to his Williams of the Bank cake in Gas- Sixteen dead of cold in most „ Revolt in Ethiopia believed ser- Ray you saw it in tlie Argus. ton of SI 35 about noon and A. D. ¡ous home with a knee injury. severe cold w ave to hit middle Move to Hillsboro Frakes oi Aloha of S2 in the mid- New farm program should be- west since beginning of century. Mr. and Mrs. John Wolfe who die of the afternoon. The quartet come effective by F ebruary 15 to Voters of W ashington county will Long forces far ahead in LouLsl- have been living on the Black gave their names as Carmel • Mary, apply to crops grow n in 1936. says i ana election. be given th e ir first opportunity to place for the past year, have mov- Eul.a and Lee Marks, ’” ' - ---- —i_________ ' Bonus legislation put to Presi- get acquainted with the new system cd to Hillsboro. Com plaints charging larceny in " c S i tate G range opposes prim ary denl Roosevelt when house puts of designating precincts by num ­ Mrs. John Im lah Is ill. a store w ere filed Wednesday eve- ia,v chan°e sale* t i x an d stu d e n t I i*'- " " IT Wes Miller of Palo Alto has been ning against Eula. Mary and Lee fee bill O K on bill 34b to 59. b er instead of name at th e special visiting his relatives in this vicin- Marks. G erm any pushes w arship build- I P o l a n d club of Oregon S tate election Ja n u ary 31. Precinct names ity and in Portland for several Theft of a set of double harness ¡ng i College Alumni association favor w ere abolished last year by the weeks. He is a brother of Tom Mil- last week was reported to the sher- ’ January 19 compulsory student l'ee bill. county court and num bers assigned. ' , iff by Francis Liverm ore of Hu- 1er and Mrs. Veri Salee. „ Several areas w ere tevninped with , P resident Roosevelt dedicates me- Mr. and Mrs. Tom Miller had ber. m ortal to Theodore Roosevelt in A ,1.__ T . 1 th e result th at th e re are now 49 as guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. F ed Oberg of Dilley was taken jjew York with high praise for M l ’S . jC S S C t O DC precincts instead of the form er 48 Herb Ulery of Hillsboro and Mes- into custody Tuesday on a charge ¡^is "passion of righteousness" and Voting lists are now being check­ dames J. B. Thornton. Ted Nor- I of keeping an unsanitary slaughter "strong sense of justice.' ed at the county clerk's office in cross and A. L. Danford of Port- house. American doctor m istreated by NEW HORTON preparation for tlie election. Sample land. Word that A. J. Seidler. who es- Italians in Ethiopia. Mrs. W ilhelmina D orothea Jesse. t s I 72. of near Roy died at the home ---------------------- caped from the county jail Novem­ G reat B ritain concentrates W ASH ERS ber 7. 1935. w hile serving 110 days most pow erful w ar m achine i n 1 of her son, Harvey Jesse, in Hilis- on a drunken driving charge, was Egypt. ' boro Monday night after an illness O re g o n -W a s h in g to n New type agitator moves one- in custody at Seattle was received of seven months. Funeral services January 20 W a t e r S ervice Co. fourth m ore water per minute. W ednesday by Sheriff Connell. A King George of G reat B ritain dies will be held at 10:30 a. m. Friday Washes fastor. Washes better. m em ber of th e sheriff’s staff will and Prince of Wales. 41-year-old at the Forest G rove U ndertaking (C oM H u ed frnnt p u r e D Yet saves wear on clothes. Over­ chapel w ith Rev. C. P. Sabin of­ leave today to bring the prisoner bachelor son. autom atically becomes interest and the contest being spon­ back to this county. size porcelain tub, large heavy ficiating. Interm ent w ill be in Banks king. He will adopt title of "King sored by local participating m er­ Free C urrent Inform ation cemetery. duty wringer. Operates so quiet­ Edw ard VIII.” chants and this new spaper promises A vailable ly you'd say it wasn't running. Mrs. Jesse was born in Itzehoe. German cruiser Emden visits Port- to arouse more interest than any See this marvelous new washer Hostein. Germany. April 9. 1863. , land harbor. W rite or Call ever previously conducted here today. Suprem e court orders into im- and m arried Claus F Jesse at Clin- La st year sim ilar contests conduct­ m ediate effect its decisions in v a li-1ton- Iowa. August 19. 1884. They R U SSELL, HOPPE ed by 31 Washington newspopers in A fi fo r a Dernonstriition dating AAA and req u irin g refund ram e to Oregon May 1. 1885. mak- iCo’’,inn»'l frnm ne P various communities oroved im- . C c* /X/X /xzx/x zxrtzx _ l i i tx re ♦ lx » ■ »• Vx «xwurx , ». « » » V» <-» « ■ --• « I» S T E W A R T & B A LF O U R mensely popular and 60 girls made Jam es W. McGill failed to appear $200.000.000 in im pounded p r o - 1 **ig their home in what is now the 95 AT 3141 a trip south in special cars. This Thursday w hen the case came to cessing taxes. ; Roy district. Mr. Jesse was killed 7th FI. Wilcox Bldg. year with both Oregon and Wash- trial and Judge P eters took the U. S. senate votes 74 to 16 for when his automobile was struck As low as I tz ington communities and newspapers m atter under advisem ent and paym ent of adjusted service com- ( - a train at Christie station cross- S5 down SI a week participating in a gerat trip spon- awarded the plaintiff $1500 dam- pensation in $50 bonds. “ig several years ago. sored jointly t>y the Washington ages and costs. The action resulted New flax plants in state assured Deceased is survived by six chil- Other models Press association and th e Oregon from an auto accident at Forest Im m ediate building urged by WPA dren as follows: Mrs. M argaret Dai- Editorial association, probably from Grove. October 17. 1935. official. ton. Seattle. Wash.; Fred, Banks; low as $59.50 (Incorpo rated) 75 to 100 girls will travel for nine Circuit court order w ere issued _ Jan u ary 21 i A rthur. Hillsboro; Archie. Banks Collections — Credit Reports Horton Built America's days in special cars on a deluxe this week in the following cases: Ship channel 300 feet wide and 27 H enrietta. Salem, and Harvey. Hills­ trip. Frank Bleid. executor of the estate feet deep at low w ater as aid to boro. Also tw o sisters, Mrs. H. In First Washing Machine Reports from all over the two ?f Mary Peterson vs. W. E. Haage navigation of Columbia riv er bc- Gockel and Mrs. R. W ilhelmsen of in 1871. states show th a t these contests are et ux. judgm ent: Merle G. Camp- tw een Vancouver and Bonneville Germany, and a brother. Carl Banks Washington Tillamook, Yamhill. Polk and Marion Counties. attracting an immertse am ount of I bell. receiver Empire Holding com- favored by U. S division engineer, of Toledo, also survive. MELTEBEKE interest in every community. G irls panv. vs. William J Enschede et Shooting m arks Louisiana voting Personal Contact on Collections seeing such an unparalleled oppor- I al, dismissal; C redit Bureaus. Inc.. Federal observers ejected f r o m Once upon a tim e a country edi- Washington County Office tunity opened fo them are getting I vs. Jam es Lane, judgm ent; Liquida- polling places. i tor determ ined to run a newspa- th eir friends to save votes. T h e re : tion of Bank of Beaverton, author- Edw ard's oath taken as king ir. per ju st like his subscribers w ant- C o m m e rc ia l B u ild in g "Saves You Money on is no great am ount of work in- ' ity to purchase typew riter; Nellie London. I ed. He cut out everything they told ' Second an d M ain Streets Every P urchase.” volved except to get all friends ae- Steele vs. Jam es F. McGill, default City of Salem offers Willson park him to cut out and in six months' Phone 3071 124 8. 2nd Ave. Hillsboro time, he mailed th e paper o u t tive in helping. People are glad to »nd judgm ent; Credit Service com- for larger state capi’ol site Hillsboro, Oregon help a deserving girl. It costs noth- pany vs. Mrs. Sidney McDougall. President Roosevelt plainly inti- blank.—Church Times. M ilwaukee. ing to help. . default, judgm ent: V. D itto vs. mates that he believes suprem e Vote coupons are given out w ith Emma C. Berg, default, judgm ent: court had reversed a tw ice-taken , cash purchases and for the paym ent Elizabeth E Rae vs. N ettie D. Ol- stand upholding right of congress 1 of old accounts. The m erchants are sen- default: William Josse et ux to limit the functions of courts, glad to pass them out on request a t , vs- Joseph Owen M urray et al. ov- O. S C. beats W ashington State the tim e of each sale. erruling dem urrer: Laura M. Jack- in basketball 27 to 26. There is a marvelous trip on s p e - , ?on vs- M artha P o rter et al. order Jan u ary 22 cial sleepers, club car and diner Probate orders were issued in Pacific Steam ship Lines announce all the way to San Diego, w here ’be estates of Carl E. Muller. Rachel suspension of freighter service, af- the great exposition reopened for J Kimball. Frank Kimball. Jo r- fecting about 12 A dm iral freighters th e second year Ja n u ary 15. From ”an H- Kroeger. Adella H. Keenon, operating on Puge* Sound, the there to Tia Juana and Agua Cali- Ferdinand K latt. M ary L. P eter- Columiba riv er and California ports, ente in Old Mexico the girls travel ?on- Gladys L. Fleming. M arie Cnrl- Village folk file past bier for last in big sightseeing busses. They have ,-'on. H enry Gehrke. Lena Engler, look at King George. dinner in a famous Mexican cafe, j an^ B P Bailey. G uardianship or- P rem ier Laval of France and his They see the border town, t h e ' ders w ere for th e Armes minors, cabinet resign. G overnm ent falls barefoot police and soldiers, and J D Shorb. Charles Eugene Bran- the great resort. daw. and Frieda Kr.orr. The Boss ordered us to sell out and clear out—no messing around. They are taken to Catalina Island Cases ,iIed in th e circuit court So come prepared to BUY. Get some money, even if you have to bor­ and see the subm arine gardens in this week included: United Rail- Thousands c f su ffe re r*, m any cates of years standing, a fte r using L d g a report am azing re ­ row it, and benefit by the glass bottomed boats. They visit ways company vs. H arry J. Bab- lie f. Ldg a helps t nd you <>i pain. na •_» *8 23C Oats 2 -lb . 13c 17c Tobacco 25C 3 QUALITY REPAIR WORK 152-158 8. 3rd Ave. Phon« 21W Yes, real cider vinegar in your container. Condensed. c a n . lo r together with Brillo for your scour­ ing. Less than the price of two. Sweet and tender. Soup 25c Vinegar Peas I. G . A . V e g e ta b le 4 lbs. Brillo 28c 1 9 2 5 O v e rla n d $« T o u rin g ................. J L O Thomas S. Sholes FITTED N o. 5 can Treat yourself to some r e a l beans. Libby’s deep brown F ifte e n 3 0 x 3 V i U S E D T IR E S 50c to $ 2 .5 0 EYF.. EAR, NOSE AND TnROAT SPECIALIST Staley’s or Amaizo Golden Table 1 9 2 9 F o rd $ « RTA C oupe ............... JL ■ 1 9 2 3 F o rd $