The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 23, 1936, Page 14, Image 14

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    H IL L S B O R O
Page Six
A. D Hills
Given Party
F a re w ell G iven in H onor of
C h eh alem P eop le
(B y M m . B ird M rC n rm irk l
D. Hill fam ily was surprised Friday
evening when about 60 of their
friends and neighbors gathered
there as a farewell before their de­
parture. in the near future, for
Miles City. Mont. Mr and Mrs
Hill were presented with a com­
plete set of flat silver« are. Pres-
, wel e . Mes’? !1.Eni ' rt?,SdeiT«
Charles Tatman, Lilly, L. Ott. t y-
ton W hitmore and family. John
Walker, G. Everest. Ariin. Her-
man and baby and Calvin Whit-
more, Ray Voorhees and family
Ben Cooley, Frank Hilt of Hills
boro, A. Koberstein cf Gaston. Mar-
io n B p g e of Portland. K urt Jacky
and baby of North Plains, Mes-
dames Lena Meyers and daughter
Norma, A. A. Soule and son Robert.
Flora Baker, Viola Gordon and son
Jacky of Huntington and Lee
man of Portland, Miss M rh
u ' “
of Chicago Messrs. Lawrence Tat-
William Deidericks.
Chambers, William Walker, Ben
Thull. ¿ e o r g e Hill, Henry Mushalk.
and Earl Baker, and the host and
„ hostess
, . Mr. , ,, and Mrs. A. D. Hill
__ ,
Calvin and Herman W hitmore and
G. Everest entertained w ith old
tim e music, and cards were played.
The guests brought well filled bas­
kets of lunch.
G. Everest's
d . All
u .h , of
™ Mr. ,„ d and I h Mrs.
.lr daughter-ln-
Monday. He and David Otto tnke
the Whitmore school bus from Fir
Mr. and Mrs. W. McDougal and
son A rland of Doyton and a friend
from Taft visited Mr. and Mrs.
Elery McDougal Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ego attended
a pot luck supper at the Richard
Joyce home near M iddleton Jan-
uarv 13.
Mr and Mrs. Aubrey Taylor and
daughter Joan of Woodland. Wash ,
and Mrs. Body of M ountain Home
V1.si1i?d A’," i‘" d? ,rS Ray E g 0 S a t-
urday afternoon.
Victor Lane and Lee Lane and
son Ennis of Tillamook w ere lunch-
eon guests at the J. P. Jones home
Mrs Henry Versteeg attended the
an aunt- Mrs George
Hivly. at Portland Jan u ary 14. Mrs.
Hlv)y bad been ¡¡j ¡n bed for three
„ti, u
H IL L S B O R O ,
A W hittle company on the former
P arr place.
Mrs. W L. Stevens entertained
Saturday afternoon in honor of
her birthday anniversary. Members
B E T H A N Y -C E D A R M i l . I .
G irl
of the Hill and Dale club of Fir-
11. Mrs. A r>. Hill and Charles dale. Mrs. Heaton and Mrs. Ed Scout troop No til has bet'll or-
D em m in of S cholls and sev eral ganized in tile C ed ar Mill district
Tatm an won high score.
The troop meets every Friday aft
Mrs Mettie Cahow and Clyde neighbor ladies w ere present
Lundy of Portland visited at the
Sunday callers nt the E. C ernoon from 3 30 io 5 at the home
its leader, Mrs Emery Wallace
J. W. Mulloy home Sunday.
Mulloy home w ere Mr and Mrs of
Miss Hogene S w an is lieulen .nt of
Ed Mulloy and "Uncle Al" Mulloy
Hills Given Farew ell
of Tualatin, Mr and Mrs. Julius Hie troop T here ure fifteen mem­
en Mr
lerta| and
n “d Mrs
" dh Raleigh
i d n „ er W hitmore
t thH r Christensen of Midway and Mr bers, ages 10 to 16.
‘“w e S n ^ y ^ v e n i n l 8 h S
The Cedar Mill school's soup
and Mrs A rthur Hill of Chehalem
kitchen, organized by Mrs Eineri
ing Mr. and Mrs A rthur Hill and Mountain.
Mr. and Mrs. B G. MeNay and Wallace, continues to operate Mosi
son George and Ben Thull before
of the parents appreciate the hot
their departure for their new home •Wl* daughters of Forest G rove vis­ dish for their children at noon The
it» Montana. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin ited at the F. L. Brown home S u n ­ soup sells for three cents a bowl
W hitmore were the other guests
for those who can pay, others work,
Sunday school attendance was
Fifteen mem bers of the Broad­ or bring veget ibles for their soup
good last Sunday. The Broadcasters casters' class attended the monthly
Mrs K Nvstrom and Mr. and
class gave special music Revival meeting at the home of Miss Thelma Mrs Arvid Sandstrom utteiuleil the
meetings will begin F ebruary 14. Mulloy Friday evening. Com mittee Viking card party a t Portland
according to an announcem ent made heads appointed by President Ray- Thursday.
by the pastor, V. T Speeee.
mond Meyers w ere Bernice Brown,
Tile Townsend club met l a s t
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Voelker of
Billy McNav entertainm ent Tuesday night and elected officers
Blooming were Saturday evening Thelma Mulloy. refreshm ents, and for the year as follows: II II
guests at the W L. Stevens home Helen Rutschman, sick Next meet- Reeves, president: F rin k Steffm ,
Mr. and Mrs S. F Stoller and in« will be w ‘*h Billy MeNay Feb- vice-president: Mis E F Jones,
children visited the Sidney Roth- »'iiary 21.
a n d
H I!
strom family in Portland Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs Rollin Meyers were Graves. Mr- |{ |( QraVM, \l
S aturday evening dinner party Sunday guests at the C. J Waldron Frank Sleffan. W. Burnside. Mis
guesU at the j „ F el.(,n ¡ „ m'e
ln Hillsboro
Roy Haskell. G lenn Carr, and J
w ere Mrs. Felton’s brother. Mor-
Mr. and Mrs. Carl B retth iu e r of L. Hadley, advisory beard It was
ris Turner, her sister, Mrs. Ada Hillsboro visited her parents, Mr decided to have a speaker from
Richard and Mrs. Adolf Rutschman, from Portland I o explain tr insaetion
Tuesday until Sunday of last week taxes at the next meeting. J a n ­
Mr. ■ »•••*•
and * Mrs.
»• *
I r m
il k VI
» a ia a i has
io ' v been
zx vii \(uiu
Alden Rosevear
w ere guests at an "elk feed" at the ill the past several days w ith chick - uary 28. Everybody is invited.
The Cornell club met with Mrs
M ervin W hitmore home on Che- enpox.
N P. Johnaon Wedne idaj Thei e
halem M ountain Sunday evening.
Raleigh W hitmore and J W Mul- w
ere seventeen present
George Schmidt w rites his par- loy attended a w alnut m eeting at
A Townsend club card party will
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schmidt, the J. W hittaker plant at Rex Mon-
that Camp Sitkum of the CCC, day evening.
w here he was educational instruc-
tor was disbanded and the boys re-
Ask your attorney to send your
turned to New York and New Jer- legal advertising to the Argus,
sey. George was transferred to __
Camp Agness near Gold Beach,
Dally Trips to Portland
V eterin a ria n s
Group Organized;
Reeves President
Home Demonstration Agent
to Meet with Laurel Women
(B y M r* . F L . B ro w n )
LAUREL— Blanche E ic k w o r th .
home dem onstration agent, will U*1
the ladies of the com munity of her
work at the next meeting of the
Social club at the L. A. W hittle
home Wednesday afternoon. Mrs
R.chard W hittle and Mrs. John Will
b e^ assisting hostesses Miss
Eickworth wishes to get in touch
with as many women as possible
and make plans for future meetings
¡f desired. Twenty members of the
club met with Mrs. Raleigh Whit-
more Jan u ary 15 w ith Mrs. Her-
man W hitmore as assistant hostess
Officers Named
W. H. MeNay was elected direc­
tor of the L aurel Com munity club
Mp„m outh Sun’day.*5“ 6'1
’ ’ tO su«ceed 9 P .cb am b ers. a‘
annual meeting held at the hall
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hutchens. Jan u ary 13. Seventeen members of
Ray™ g” “a n ^ d e d ^ th e " funTrli the Club
Pre se n t At a broa; d
¡ ^ R a y Ego attended the
Thursdayr ev en in g r . U
Brown was elected president for
at Newberg, who died Wednesday the fourteenth consecutive year. W
{ injuries received in an auto ac-
H. MeNay secretary, and Adolf
treasurer. O ther direc-
Ray Ego was a guest at a ban- Rutschman,
tors are J. W. Mulloy and Rollin
Quet 8»ven by the 99 Bible class at
A program com mittee as
the Christian church in Newberg Meyers.
appointed includes Thelma Mulloy,
Lillie Brown and Ted Rutschman.
Elmer W hitmore’s three-year doe
• Social
. ra 1 Prog ram at
,, Union
deer, which W. S. Allen of Dundee
Such a Goose, a 19-minute
gave him tw o years after it VM play Not put
on by the Farm ington
‘he Program
been taken to McMinnville to make for the Farm be
ers' Union social meet-
j h fox hounds there
. ,
ing at the hall S aturday evening.
i0nOW‘ng Program will be followed by cards
deer instead of fox trails.
and dancing
Mr. and Mrs. Otto O rnduff and
Mr. and Mrs. Amos W atkins
his sister. Miss Ann Ornduff, of i
j ,,, ¡„ n „ . .i
i ___i
S ," S \ i d \ ? i X >r .'7 n d S '? ™ i S ®
PM ," ‘ N , d , „ ;
Thurstliiy, January 23, 193«
law visited them January 15. Pres-
week. '
“ I " ,.“
ent w ere Mrs. Lee Herman and
Buford Deford spent Wednesday erton to visit Mr. and Mrs. John
C h ild In ju re d
baby Sandra Lee, Mrs. .Emil Tous and Thursday in McMinnville as a Will Sr.
H illsb oro A u to F reig h t
The thirteen-m onths-old son of j
T hree small children of Andy
cher, Mrs. Francis Rockwell and witness for th
,at* in the R
Bonded an d Insured C arrier
Egesdahl are ill w ith measles. Eva Mr. and Mrs. R. Roberts, living on Serving Beaverton, Aloha, Reed-
Mrs. Arlie Everest and daughter, Q
Joyce, all of Portland. Mrs. Her-
Mrs E c Wohlschlegel w ent t0 Morh retu rn ed to school at Laurel- the George Tews place, upset a j rille , Hillsboro, Cornélius and
bottle of cresolene over its face
man and daughter remained until Portland Thursday for a visit with view Monday after being absent and
Forest G rove
chest Monday. W. I,. S te v e n s!
her daughter Enola Barlow, and w ith measles.
Pickup and Delivery Service at
A two weeks preaching ser\ ice otber relatives and friends. She will i , . . .
r ,-
Hillsboro, but it was tak en on to
Package Rates
begm at Buck Heaven school house a,s0 visit a sist
Mrs. Collins I o f ‘h « week at O w an Lake.
Doernbecher hospital. One eye was j
Hillsboro Phone 542
M0.vda¿ - . r Venl«
7,30 m ° C^ C Graham, at A urora before r e t u r n - ' A r,h “ r Newland of badly effected and fear was felt
w ith William Morse of Newberg ¡
, Portland and his uncle w ere S atur- t
4 __
East Side Term inal Portland
delivering the message, Dr. and
&iss FranC(?s Lam brix returned
at the Dew<?y M ercer gag-d in" u J ¿ d Jutting for t h e T
Phone EAst 9131
R°Ot •NeW^
her work at Ocean Lake this ho™ '
w , c,
charge of the music »"d ‘he chtl- Thursday after a tcn d
. visit
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Stevens vis-
d re n s work. There will be preach- w ith her moth
M„ G
e S ax. ited her brother-in-law and sister,
lracr all
n il
t this
h i « week
a and
nd a
n next
. . . .
a and
lif t n n R
a t r lo v
ton. and family.
week, w ith the exception of Mon­
Miss L aurine Lam brix arrived P ortland Thursday, w here Mr. Bag-
day evening. You are invited.
ary 15 ' ey *' ‘ak ' n 8 medical treatm ent be-
home from Portland Jan u ary
Mr. and Mrs. Dewev Mercer of
gn indeiinite*stayU She "had been f° r® beginning w ork in his garage
LaUr,e,L V? ited r rj and MrS- M er' w orking in Portland for Mary Cul- at Ocean Lake. The visitors w ere ac­
Vm Whitmore Friday evening.
,en for about twQ
companied by Mrs H attie Williams
Chff Lane, who is w orking for
M rs D M McInnis and Mrs B and son Robert of Hillsboro.
th e s ate agricultural departm ent F Deford w ere hostesses for the
Mrs. W. N. H athorn of Hillsboro
aÎ-,?alec y Va Cd 3 C° USln' ° 6nn Buck Hcaven Q uilting club at the spent S aturday night and Sunday
Miller, Saturday . t
, ... .
McInnis home Thursday. Next m eet- with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E
Li He Brown of Laurel. Vivian ,ng wi„ be w ith Mrf McInnis Feb. C. Mulloy. Harold H athorn visited
Zeigler, Hillie Tvkeson. George i ruary 20 in honor of her birthday, them Saturday evening.
Zeigler Beverly Collins and Bever­ which occurs that day and also
Sunday callers at the Jacob and
ly and Donald Tykeson were din­ honoring Mrs. Deford whose b irth ­ W alter Schmidt homes w ere Mr
ner party guests of Mrs. Lena Mey­ day will be the following Monday. and Mrs. John M arty of Bethany,
ers Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. H erbert Keen and
Guests at a dinner party at the
daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Sam Otto home Sunday were Mr. T igard Girl W inn er
Trachsel and two sons and Mr. and
in R adio S h orth and Mrs. Henry Touchin an d tw o d a u g h -
and Mrs. Fred B. Grabhorn. Mrs.
A. G. G rabhorn and Burton. Alton
Tigard high school again main- ters, all of Elmonica. Mrs. W alter
and Howard Grabhorn, all of Coop- tained its pre-eminence in radio Schmidt is improving satisfactorily. 1
er Mountain.
shorthand when Dorothy M artin, 3 following an appendix operation.
Miss Wanda Finigan entertained Tigard student, was announced as
Miss M argaret Dahlm an was giv-
dth a dinner Sunday for Miss w inner of the gold medal prize for I en a farew ell party W ednesday
C atherine Bogc of Farmington. Miss- the first half of the annual prize T venir|g at the B B. Cooley home,
es Velma and_Nadyne Wohlschlegel contest conducted at Oregon State w here she has been a house guest
and M ilburn Zeigler of Scholls. Ed college. Miss M artin m ade 33 th e past several months. She start-
Hatficld of Midway and Mr and points, seven above a schoolmate, ed Saturday evening for her home
Mrs. Tom Shuck and Stanley Louise Harrison.
in Chicago via California, where
Shuck. Hillsboro.
i she will visit for a short time.
Parlin Goin's coupe got out of
Let the advertisem ents help you | Mrs. A. Soule entertained with
control Jan u ary 13 on the road be- m ake your shopping plans,
I th ree tables of pinochle Jan u ary
low Ray Ego’s place and rolled
over the bank, making three com­
plete turns before it stopped. A
young man riding on the fender
adjusting the carburetor wras p re­
sumedly the cause. He was throw n
and jum ped clear cf the car. Mr.
Coin was the only occupant of the
car. No one was hurt, but the car
was badly damaged.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Anderson
* £ « U $ PAT O f f
and fam ily of Molalla visited her
mother. Mrs. L. T. Proctor. S atu r­
day. The Anderson family visited at
the Proctor home all fall and left
here shortly before Christmas w ith
th e expectation of going to North
Dakota, but stopped at Molalla and
are caretakers on a farm there.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tatm an
T his stu m p in g p o w d er is m ade e sp e c ia lly for
visited her brother-in-law and sis­
b lastin g stu m p s in th is section o f th e sta te.
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rice,
near Hillsboro Sunday.
In every pound of DU PONT LOGGERS’
A. D. Hill and family and Mr.
and Mrs. K urt Jacky and son, Don­
powder you buy, you get:
ald, of North Plains, who visited
them from Friday to Wednesday,
more power per stick — you use LESS
w ere entertained with a dinner by
Mrs. G ilbert Chase at her home,
east of Hillsboro, Sunday.
the powder suitable for blasting green
Wayne Lilly, who lives with his
stumps in wet or dry ground—
parents on the old Wallie W hit­
more place, began the mid-term
the required powder with th a t slow,
at Hillsboro union high school
tie held at I. Young's house at
Cedai Mill Saturday night. Feb
ruary I Everyone Is invited
A m istake « is made last week
in the date of the pie social and
debate to be given at Hie Cedar
Mill G range iiall. It is to lie Friday
nlgnt, Jan u ary 34. instead of Jan
uary 23 Everyone is Invited.
Mrs .. C urtis Johnson
of Portland
,'1" 1 w ,th Ml‘
Mrs N I’ Johnson
Mrs W W Howard of Sandy
spent Hie week end with Mr and
M rs
N. I* Johnson.
linger Johnson, student at (»re
gon Stale college. Corvallis, pent
the week end with Mr. and Mrs
N 1* Johnson.
Cl.irenee Kunz of Portland vi dlcd
Mr and Mis (ilenn C arr and Mr
amt Mrs Charles Boy Suml iy
Mr and Mrs Edwin Hickey anil
son l.arrie of Portland visited M
C I.arsen and family Sunday
Dr. J
E Konant. formerly of
Moody llilile inslilule, and who
now is conducting II series of lec­
tures in Portland, is scheduled In
speak at the Belli any llapti.-.t church
tile first week in February.
Tile Bethany Baptist eluireli spun
sor si a Sunday school teuchors' in­
stitute w ith meetings held eieli
night list week K e y l.ewis lluii-
derup and Dr T II Hagar of Port •
laud were the iii.uu peakei . Be
cause of the large nltendiiuee and
en l l l l i s l . e . i u aroused. Hie uieuiliei *
,.i th.- church .o r do ......
ol pon >
soi ing a slnill ir Institute next year
Tile Missionary Guild iifth e lle th -
auy Baptist church will liuve a
business meeting on the second
'I’I iiii Mlay In February fur the elee
(ion of iiffleela T i l e meeting will
lie held at tile home of Mrs Beu
(o a f
No More Coughing
or Sleepless Nights
M r.
w r lli> :
A lls it.
> « > •
■•( H s rn ls .
» Iillr o -il
I l n ls r i i s
o u r
»11,1 W l n l r t w llh a l o i t b l » i.iim li I h a m
I,»,I m an y »Iraple»» n lg h l» »**»1 in u g lir il
u n til la a ra r a n , »n il n o a lu a ia rh a rh rd . I
■ l a r l r d
» « » III
» U h U n •«!»<• »Id in u g li
a b o u t l i t li h r r f li» l
h ill n l l r l a I t »
ol I I I i h l I C M M I X I I I IK »1» fo u a h »■ »
You can't gu wrong on Buckley's.
Often one nr two (loses ends nsluii-
born cough and some of the tough­
est old hung on eoiigli.s leave for
good in d iy or two. I .li* and B5e at
Hillsboro I’liaruiaey or onv drug
store Money buck if not deligliteiL
Be A ssured H ig h er, S afer,
Q uicker R eturns for Your
P roducts.
Ship your veal, hogs, beef, lamb, mutton, and all
kinds of live and dressed poultry to the
Oregon Savinar Produce Co.
438 S. W. Front.
Cor. Washington,
P o rtland ,
O regon
Telephone 643 and 642
Donelson QC Sewell
Phone 953
the oldest, most reliable Produce and Commission House
in Portland Satisfactory results arc guaranteed.
Secure S H IP P IN G
T A G S fro m the office of this paper!
Established 1912
Thirty years experience
for ’25 A MONTH
with usual low down-payment
Shoot YOUR Stumps with
to LOWER your blasting costs!
C an Y ou I magine /
heaving action needed to take out the
more sticks per case and thev cost you
you can now own any new
When you buy DU PONT LOGGERS’
powder you get more powder for your
money and more power in each stick!
Your d ea ler sells D U PO N T LO GG ERS’ p ow d er,
b lastin g cap s and fu se.
Ask our nearest office for FREE copy o f "PU PONT
E. I. D U PO N T DE N E M O U R S & C O M P A N Y , Inc.
American Hank Bldg.
Iloge Building
Old National Bank Bldg.
Du Pont Loggers' Pow der is a Pacific N orthwest Product
the Faith in BISMA-REX of one
of the w ealthiest men in a New
England State who although he can
afford the finest medical treatment
depends entirely upon BISMA-REX
for relief of his stomach ailment/
Bism a-Rex is an antacid treat- 1
m ent th at's different from the many
o th er ineffective treatm ents you
have tried. It acts four ways to
give you a new kind of relief from I
acid indigestion, h ea rtb u rn and oth­
e r acid stom ach agonies.
B ism a-Rex neutralizes acid, re ­
lieves stom ach of gas, soothes the j
irrita te d stom ach m em branes and
aids digestion of foods lhat arc
m ost likely to ferm ent. Bisma-Rex
is sold only at R exall D rug Stores
G el a J i r today nt D elta Rexall
D ru g Store. R em em ber Bism a-Rex.
D elta D ru g Store
Lester Ireland ÔC Co.
Hillsboro, Oregon
With greater case and at lower cost
of financing, you can now buy any
type of new Ford V-8 car. Make your
choice from the fifteen handsome
Ford V-8 body styles, deposit the
usual low down payment and then
pay the balance at $25 a month
which covers everything.
It enables you to own and drive a
new Ford V-8 without strain on eith­
er your capital or income. Your pres­
ent ear in trade will probably cover
the down payment.
It brings you lower credit cost— only
6 per te n t for 12 months or V2 per
cent per month for longer periods on
the original unpaid balance and in­
It gives you new and broader insur­
ance coverage at regular Conference
And best of all, it is an investment
in real automobile value. At this low
cost you obtain V-8 cylinder perform ­
ance, fine-ear quality, big-car roomi­
ness and Ford economy.
Let us dem onstrate the ear of your
choice and explain this new and sim­
ple payment plan.
M o to r C o .
Laurel— Rt. 5, Hillsboro
Sylvan— Rt. 5, Portland
T liít e pinna* n r. made available by the
I'niveraal C red it Company through all
Ford dealer*.
Tim e payment* need not exceed $25 per
month. If your down payment i* Inrger,
even lower monthly payments may he
W L. Stevens’ Store
J. D. Kelly & Sons
AND U l .
O. ft. Detroit. Standard accessory group, including bumpers and
spare tire, e^tra. A ll body types have Safety Glass throughout al no additional cost.
f’ % plan of financing. Total coat of credit
ia only l/2 per cent monthly on original
unpaid batanee and insurance,
twelve months.)
(f*% lor
Insurance against fire and theft, with $50
deductible collision and protection against
any other accidental physical damage
to your car. Broad form, at regular Con­
ference rate*.