The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 23, 1936, Page 10, Image 10

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    PapTP Two
n T l L sn n n n , O r e g o n
J?illsbon3$*Ar g u s
Uniform Student Fee
The uniform student activity fee in the
schools of higher education is the demo­
cratic way to handle such things. It gives
everyone the advantage of many fine ad­
ditional educational opportunities in the
way of l.vceum attractions of different
kinds, which without all participating
would be excessive in cost.
Only by a co-operative plan can the
advantages of activities be made available
at a low cost.
To approve the bill coming up to the
electorate January 31 and regularize the
collection of moderate and uniform fees
for the support of student activities an
affirmative vote is necessary.
As one who paid this fee when in
school the advantages seemed entirely
worthwhile and beneficial. Students 15
years ago, when conditions were not any
too rosy, did not complain about the fee.
They considered it an essential part of
college life.
A Fine Stand
Declaration of Louis J. Taber, National
Grange master, in stating the position of
the Grange as a patriotic American or­
ganization is laudable and should receive
the commendation of all good citizens.
In his annual message he said in part:
“Ours is not only a truly national farm
organization, but it is forever essentially
an American one as well. When some
groups are worrying about ‘Red’ influ­
ences. communistic and class activities,
the Grange should be thankful that a man
from California, J. H. Wright, in penning
our Declaration of Purposes in 1874, for­
ever placed the Grange as the champion
of patriotic idealism by declaring, ‘In our
noble Order there is no communism, no
agrarianism.’ Thus those who preach col­
lectivism on the one hand, or class-hatred
on the other, can never be received into
membership in the Grange.”
Public Forum
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m I k i i i
lillp lh ,
n iitti n ih il« ' •
w r tlr r .
«m l r i h i it Im i.
n ihH
n ««lily
I, .Ui!
nV Ihr
T o th e
E illt o r o f th e
A r g il
D o r a tte n tio n lias I
11 e a lle il Io
tw o le tte rs b y 11 T McBain, in
o p p o s itio n to I lie pro|M ised N o r th
w e s t- ( Ir e g o ii
Ilo n in \ llle
P eople
U t ilit y district
M c B a in
e lin rg e
t h ill lid s
p ro p o s itio n was e v o lv e d b y p o ll!
T in - m illio n a ir e beam ed "Yes ah leal c lim b e rs w h o a re t r y in g
tr u e !"
b r e ik h is c o n c e rn a n d a ll o f th e ir
G a rth s m ile d b a c k nt h im
" B y n e ig h b o rs S uch ch a rg e s h a v e al
th e w a y I m ea n t to let y o u d is ­ w ays been m ade against th o se ail
c o v e r fo r y o u rs e lv e s at F >rt S m ith v ia a lin g m easures lo r th e p u b lic
th e h a p p y s u rp ris e I've hud a ll w e lfa re , e s p e c ia lly p u b lic n w n e i
a lo n g fo r y o u . B u t sin ce y o u 'r e so s h ip o f p o w e r
B e fo re c h a rg in g
pleased a lre u d y over m y prospects. fa rm e rs and o th e r c itiz e n s o f these
I ' l l le t y o u in to th e .secret r ig h t s e v -n c o u n tie s w it h s in is te r m o tiv e
now "
! it w o u ld be w e ll fo r h im and hi
"S e c re t at F o r t S m ith ? "
i c o m p a n y to com e In to c o u rt w it h
"Y e s . 1 fo rw a rd e d m y p a p e r* by clean hands In o th e r w o rd s , be
th e s o u th b o u n d B e lla n c n la -fo re I fo re a rt-u s in g p e o ple o f t r y in g to
bad th e p le a s u re o f m e e tin g y o u b re a k th e ir n e lg td io i s. let Hie pow ­
and M iss R a m ill
My c la im has e r c o m p a n y w h ic h M r
M- li o n «
bi-en on re c o rd fo r th e past fo u r r*pn ,1.1
return Io th *
w e e ks o r so "
and o ld p e o ple o f th is d is tr ic t and
H u x b y g la re d w it h a
sudden to th e ir o w n e m p lo y e s th e m illio n
d o lla rs
w h ic h
th e y
ch a n g e fro m g lo a tin g to c o ld rage: o f
" Y o u lie ! Y o u w e re g o in g o u t in th ro u g h Hie sale o f w o rth le s s stock
In a d d itio n to these m illio n s let
yo u r canoe"
H e was on h is feet a lm o st as soon th e m r e tu r n to th e ta x payers o f
ns G a r tti H is fis ts s w u n g in b lo w s Hie state th e fo u r m illio n a tu l m o re
d riv e n by n il th e fo rc e o f tils d o lla rs w h ic h th e y h a ve re c e iv e d
fu rio u s lin g e r
G a rth s id e -s te p p e d J fro m s e llin g Hie peo ple W A T E R a’
b o th , and c lip p e d in n hook to th e W illa m e tte F u lls A ls o let th e m r e ­
ja w
H u x b y d ro p p e d as I f h it by t u r n Hie *2«M> 000 w h ic h H ie S ta te
a .sledge Yet it was not n c o m p le te o f O re g o n lo a n e d to b u ild
th e
k n o c k o u t. A f t e r th re e o r fo u r sec­ locks, and o f W h ic h d eb t H icv o n l y ,
onds. he snt up. b lin k in g lik e a re tu rn e d $43(1 re fu s in g to pay th e
dazed o w l. n nd r u b b in g th e f la t t e n ­ b a la n c e on H ie g ro u n d o f th e s ta ­
ed w a d o f b e n rd on his Jaw.
tu te o f lim ita tio n s T h e re Is a lso a
G a rth had s te p pe d
b a ck
H e U tile Ite m o f th re e a n d o n e -h a lf
said: "A p o lo g iz e , o r get u p nnd m illio n d o lla rs sent to e a s te rn h o ld ­
ta k e w h a t is c o m in g to y o u "
in g c o m p a n ie s w h ic h has been o f
H u x b y sto p pe d b lin k in g
T h e d o u b tfu l v a lu e to p o w e r users
daze c le a re d fro m h is eyes T h e y
M r. M c B a in fe a rs th a t a p a jw r
new safety-responsibility act.
the brilliant blue diamond to o k on t h e ir u su a l c a lc u la tin g m ill at B o n n e v ille w o u ld he d is a s ­
• • •
engagement ring seemed to
trous to O re g o n C it y m ills S u ch
T raffic accidents on Oregon high­
her She rubbed nt it with and re p lie d w it h c o ld d e lib e ra tio n . a d is a s te r w o u ld he a v e rte d b y Hu-
ways during 1935 took a toll of
of dry moss, between bites
cheap p o w e r
fu rn is h e d
th e
259 lives, according to figures com ­
A r r o g a n t as w as th e tone, th e
People's U t ilit y d is tr ic t T h e re Is
piled by Secretary of S tate Snell.
Il.v the tim e G arth finished his
p le n ty o f ro o m fo r e x p a n s io n o f
W hile this traffic toll represents a
own half-spoiled meat, he managed G a r t li tu rn e d to L ilit h , w h o stood th e o u tp u t o f n e w s p rin t in th e U.
decrease of 54 from the 1934 rec­
By Robert Ames Bennett
also to swallow his bitterness. A ft­
s .1. the .................... I* approsiin
ord. Snell insists that the traffic
Pedestrians abroad on the highw ays at night fatalities are still too high and
er all. what else could he have ex ­ g lo w in h e r b lu e eyes. H e sp o ke
■ IM S Ill t o n -
o f
( t t ' N U S e rv ic e C .'p y riirh t by
ought to carry lights, the H illsboro Argus reasonably urges a continuation of the acci­
pected'' The girl was the daughter
R o b e rt Arnes B e n n e tt)
900.000 tons was p ro d u c e d w it h l
of Burton Ramill thi selfish spoil-
concludes, or—even b etter—th e re should be foot­ dent prevention w ork being con­
th e U *4 In 1934 th is b e in g a loss
cd daughter of an unscrupulous e n o u g h fo r y o u to use. M iss R a ­ o f 1.200 000 tons fro m th e y e a r tie-
paths paralleling the thoroughfares. Everybody agrees ducted by various agencies th ro u g h ­
m ill R u b th e m on as a m u d is is ie
( C o n t in u t il fro m la s t w e e k )
business sharper.
that something ought to be done, nor can you m ake out the state.
a c o rre s p o n d in g
In ­
t i l l th e potash c u ts th e grease, th e n fo re w it h in
Even Huxbv joim-d in gathering
fish of one and fowl of th e other by representing
He broke in upon her rubbing sco u r w it h sand, a id rin s e B e tte r crease o f 80 p e r c e n t In Im p o rts
that the pedestrian and the m otorists, respectively,
Boys at the state training school
fro m C anada nnd F in la n d , w h e re
are antipathetic and naturally hostile species. The near Woodburn are to be given ev ­ ches for more fires. W hile they a sk y o u fo r th e s l i t a nd tea bags. ta k e y o u r ashes -n th e b la n k e t, cheap p o w e r Is a v a ila b le W e ask
pedestrian of one hour will be the m otorist of the ery encouragem ent to become good were burning. G arth beached the M is s R a m ill' T h e y 'r e as good as and use it fo r p ro to , tio n w h ile yo u M r M c B a in w h e th e r lo w e r rates
next, and the most confirm ed m otorist sometimes dairym en. Officials of the Oregon canoe and tilted it so that the sun empty. I st e Itut I can refill them d o y o u r la u n d e rin g T h e skeets a nd fo r p o w e r w ill in ju r e In d u s tr y , or
b u lld o g flie s a re s w a rm in g Y o u 'll
ventures abroad on shank's mare. But the chief fault Jersey C attle club have offered would dry the soggy inside. Huxby fur my retu rn t.» the valley."
fin d a b it o f sand b e a c h ju s t u n d e r business in th is district, b u t w ill
in the m atter of accidents occasioned by footmen on their assistance in prom oting in te r­ stirred the fires, and Mr Ramill
not la th e r b e n e fit a ll th e p e o p le by
She iita red nt him, wide-■eyed.
m p o f s p ru c e ."
the highw ays is, as the Argus intim ates, and as The est in dairying among th e boys broiled the last of the partly spoil­ " V a lle y ! You you’re going bacK : th a W t ith c lu
m o re ern p I o y m e n t
o u t a w o rd o f th n n k s , she fu r n is h in g
Oregonian repeats w ith a prem onition of w rath to through aw ards of m erits and prizes ed bear-cub meat, w hile L ilith th ere?”
d ra g g e d tin - b lu n k e t to th e edge th ro u g h in d u s tr ia l d e v e lo p m e n t
come, that of the pedestrian. T here are reckless mo­ of various kinds. As a result of tried out a cupful of the rancid
M r M c B a in is v e ry s o lic ito u s lest
“To be sure Why not? You can't o f th e n e a re st o u t b u r n t f ir e and
torists. to be sure, and everybody condemns them, this interest on the part of the fat for a final mess of mosquito
b e g in
b ru s h in g Hu-
f lu f f y
g ra y | th e ta x p a y e rs v o te b o n ds fo r elei
but w hat each motorist knows is that there are rec k ­ Jersey breeders the board of con­ dope G arth brought the girl pitch suppose I'll abandon all that m il­ wood islie s u p o n It w it h 1 s p ru c e
t r i c i l d e v e lo p m e n t, b lit fo rg o t ti
less pedestrians, too— and of these you will hear trol this week authorized S u p er­ for the mix from the nearby th ick ­ lion in my platinum placer."
Huxby's face had gone blank spray. H e r fa th e r h a d been g a zin g m e n tio n th a t his c o m p a n y owes
little official or popular criticism.
intendent Laughlin to change the
t h o u g h t f u lly at G a rth He to o k o p bo n ds to th e e x te n t o f $53 665.077
No cleaning could be done until His agate eyes stared w ith all h is e m p ty fo x s k in bag
Setting aside the hazard of plain carelessness, or school's dairy herd to Jerseys. State
th e ir cold rancor. But Mr. Ramill
issued w ith o u t a n y v o te
o f th e
nervousness, on the part of the pedestrian, th ere is T reasurer Holman presented the
" C o o k - on. Vivian. This Is w ash­ p e o ple w h o h a ve th e In te re s t u p o n
chuckled. "O f course, my dear
the self-elected hazard of w ilful stubbornness and proposal of the Jersey breeders to
the placer He will be going back day. T ake L ilith's bag and get th is d e b t to p a y as a p e rp e tu a l
almost m alevolent ill-w ill so frequently manifested the board of control after a con meat, all squatted down as usual to his placer next spring."
your potash."
b u rd e n .
by pedestrians, young or old. hale or infirm, in the ference with a com m ittee from
T h e w o lfs k in k n a p s a c k , w it h its
The girl did not turn her nston
A s tu d y o f O n ta r io p o w e r show s
broad light of day. These people—and. m ark you. the breeders' association at t h e
p la tin u m a llo y tre a s u re , had been th a t th e p o w e r d is tr ib u te d fio m
they may have cars of th eir own. and in any case training school earlier in the week. hot meat handed to him by the does not understand. I do. You le ft a tta c h e d to th e m o o rin g lin e
N ia g a ra a d is ta n c e o f 125 m ile s
millionaire. The smile hardened.
it is certain th at often they trav el by m otor—have
I mean now! You planned it from o f Hu- canoe T h e re was no bag
A sudden change had fallen upon the first. All that caribou meat / o r G a rth . H e m ade one b y o p e n ­ costs $3 39 fo r 350 K W p e r m o n th ,
Four persons w ere killed and 24
th e appearance, in th eir dem eanor, of daring the
in g th e fr o n t o f h is b u c k s k in s h ir t n nd at 250 m ile s c o s t $4 26 T h < ^
m otorist to dispute th eir occupation of the traffic Injured in grade crossing accidents his three companion^. He coulJ and the—”
sam e a m o u n t at W in n ip e g co «4
lane. It should be obvious to even the moronic m ind in Oregon during 1935, according easily guess th e cause. They rea l­
“Good guess.” he broke in. "It and h u n d - la d lin g w o o d uahisr in ­ $3 08 and w o u ld cost $7 89 at O re -
th at th e motorist has only the highw ay on w hich to reports compiled by F rank C. ized that this was the last meal has taken a bit longer than I ex ­ side.
. I t is in te re s tin g to note
to travel, and that if he sw erves aside he may be McColloch, state «filities commis­ they were to share as fellow voy- pected to get you tu t But in my
Lilith w ent over beyond t h e i gon C th ity
e a v e ra g e C a n a d ia n c u s to m ­
inviting collision w ith a car coming tow ard him. sioner. This com pares most favor- ageurs w ith him.
light birch-bark, I fancy I can spruce thicket w ith her blanket- e th r a t uses
4.321 K W a year, w htrh
The moment they stepped from m ake the head of canoe w ater be­ bagged ashes. G arth led Mr Ra­
w hereas they could yield a yard of clearance readily ' ably with the record of 19 fatalities
enough if they would and w ithout least inconven­ ! and 41 injuries in 96 crossing ac­ th e canoe onto the w harf at the fore the freeze-up. After that, frost mill and Huxby to the strip of coats h im a b o u t th e same as it does
ience. But. instead, they transfix th e approaching cidents in 1934. In 47 of the acci- em ergency refueling post, t h e i r and snow will m ake no difference. sand below the beached cunoe. th e a v e ra g e A m e ric a n w h o uses
only 003 K W p e r y e a r
driver w ith a most contentious glare, challenging | dents the victims beat the train forced com panionship with him In
IVhat Other Editors Say
Pestiferous Type of Pedestrian
I'll have a pair of wees snow ­ There he showed them how to
Under the T V A nt a point 75
to the crossing. In 33 of the acci­ the lost valley and on all th e long shoes."
cheat tin- buzzing insect pest* In ­
dents trains w ere already occupy­
T he m illionaire spoke in place of stead of stripping for his laundry miles from Muscle Shoalr a farm ­
ing th e crossing when some mo­ stead of a trio dependent upon their his wild-eyed daughter. “But. man, work, he muddied his sshe* and er paying $10 a month would re ­
torists attem pted to cross. In one opponent for food and guidance— the cold?"
plastered the paste ull over his ceive the following benefit*; pow­
case a m otorist hit th e seventh for life itself—they would be a
G arth smiled “Have you forgot­ body and on the Inside and o u t­ er for light, radio, w aterpum p.
electric iron, percolator, washing-
car on a long freight train. Cross­ trio not only independent of, but ten I told you that I w intered with side of his clothes.
machine. toaster, waffle iron, v ac­
ing accidents w ere most frequent hostile to him and his interests.
the Eskimos at Coronation G ulf?”
(To bo continued)
uum cleaner, food m ixer, funs, re ­
That was at least tru$f of the two j "They have dog teams.”
in w inter months w ith 20 recorded
in December, 18 in October and 14 men. And even Lilith betrayed in
"Some of those teams w ere re a r­ What Is This Thing ( atled Love? frigerator, electric range, electric-
her look and m anner a vivid con- ed from wolf pups. I might e x ­
in January.
"Love is when two people use w ater heater, operation of small
• • •
sciousness of the im pending change ' perim ent. There are several wolf th e same piece of chewing gum
farm motor for sawing wood. ru n ­
ning feed mill, ensilage cutter, nnd
S tate T reasurer Holman regards of relationship. As for Huxby, th«' families in the valley."
Gordon Marsh.
relief and old age pensions as n a­ cold gloating in his stare showed ' "Y ou're stalk mao! If you think
"Love Is a feeling that you feel light and power for .■ 30-cow dairy.
G W T H IF .S S E N . c h a irm a n N o r th ­
tional issues, rath er than problems how he was anticipating the rob- ’ you can—”
when you feel you're going tn feel
to be solved by the state or coun­ bery and ruin of the m an who had
Mr. Ramill paused He listened to a feeling that you never felt be­ western Oregon Bonneville People's
Utilities District
ty governments. In a statem ent is­ so far outplayed him.
what Huxby was m u ttering in his fo re" Ted R a in w a te r-E x .
Mr. Ramill had reacted in his 1
sued here this week in opposition
to the state sales tax for financing own way. His tem porary friendli- I
old age pensions Holman declared ness had disappeared. He was again
School S p ir it
that “the need for old age pensions the bland, adroit investor in mines
Help« to M ake
f le t t e r School
and public relief now is so gen ­
eral throughout the nation th at it prospectors w ith a thousand, and I
is a national problem and m ust be retu rn took over claims worth many 1
• Iv li. boro U nion H igh S<-b<-..l W udcot H oly
met squarely as a national issue.” thousands. H uxby of course had
• • •
been a hopeless case. But G arth
Serious injuries in high school football
The state board of control in up­ had fancied th ere w ere possibilities
holding Dr. G. C. Bellinger, su­ in the older pirate.
Editor ...
Ann M ankro
in the past year have brought out the need
perintendent of the state tubercul­
Amlatant Editen
for a more careful guidance of this sport
We who consider our bill for national defense osis hospital, in his dismissal of Dr. real disappointm ent. Though she
Blue-H club 1« preparing a pluque.
on the honor roll for
M11 ry C a ld w e ll, Joy E u r lk r r , a n d L»>
on which to place athletes who
among boys in their teens. An attending of about half a billion large, should look over Rus­ P hilip Newmyer, hospital physician, had done nothing, so far as G arth the Students
V r r n a A lir n d r o lh
figures. Russia is spending alm ost th ree billion declared the incident to be closed could tell, to disprove her declared
have made letters. Space will he
physician to a New York high school foot­ sian
A th le tic *
H a ym ond l .a ir .
F .ie e u tlv e
dollars, six tim es our figures, on h er m ilitary so far as the board is concerned hatred of him, she had seemed ester are as follows:
left for other nam es to be added, as
ball team suggests some steps that, in his establishm ent this year. This from a com m unistic Friction between th e superintend­ more and more to show a spirit Honor roll freshm en— Alvin tive« T h ilo , H a r r i C h u r r h le y ; <«(rl honors
are won. Tom Goodin and
P.ccker, K atherine Cawrse, William
opinion, would reduce injuries to a mini­ regime, w hich in this country preaches continually ent and his assistant is understood of fair play. It kad led him into Corwin,
Ernest Brown have been appointed
ite -e rv e a . Jean A n n a Connati ; S a n ata,
Robert Eastman, Irene
against “m ilitarism ." Russia too says her m ilitary to have been the cause of New- thinking she possessed a tru e spirit j
M u o rie n
Teeren linoni ; ll) iie - H ,
E lm a n
to attend to th e placing of the
mum, He advocates at least four weeks m
Engeldinger, Ted G ardner, Mary
B c b uirn erleh :
H l- Y , T o m
S tre tc h e r.
achine is for defense only, b ut w hen annual ex ­ m yer’s dismissal rath e r than any of sportsmanship.
plaque in the hall.
of supervised training before the first con­ penditures run into several billions per year. It is
Yet now the girl avoided look­ Ann G arthofner, Evelyn Haworth
w ith his professional
__ ___ Mia» Tearl Allan
Stanley H ergert, Byron Jack, M ar­
test; rigid adherence to the age limits of certain th a t a fighting m achine of such m agnitude dissatisfaction
rath er hard at her fiance and m u r­ ian Jackson, Dorethy K uratli, Mary
* • •
Miss Brogden, In m aking out a
16 to 20 for all players; supervision by a will be created th a t of its own size and im portance
Ella Mariner. Ann Peters, Glen
roll into action sooner or later. Even the d e­
list of nouns for the exam ination,
In spite of efforts of the board m ured about the hotel at Edmon­
physician experienced in treating athletic will
For many years we have had a thought she would include an easy
fensive action is like th at of Japan, w hich prefers of control to curb th e use of state ton. But for the most p art she sat Powers. Lucille Rassussen, Esther
injuries and with knowledge of best meth­ to "defend" its own borders in th e h eart of another owned automobiles th e num ber of in moody silence. The grease that Robb. Dora Sandstrom , Ruth Sim - debate team. Never a champion one, "cat.” Imagine her surprise
antel, George Tsiigawa, M arjorie
ods in preventing them; compulsory wear­ country.—Astoria Astorian-Budget.
motor vehicles owned by state de­ of authority as well as funds for Vandehey, Maxie Williams, Lucille one, perhaps, but one of whom we when she read on a stu d en t’s paper
might well be proud. G radually the plural, "kittens."
partm ents and institutions was in ­ proceeding w ith th e project.
ing of protective material and supports for
interest on the part of the students
From one of Miss Cimino's s tu ­
The act creating the board a u ­
ankles, wrists and weakened joints and
Sophomores — Robert A l l i s o n ,
trucks during 1935 according to thorizes it to "from tim e to tim e G race Bowman, G lennis Carlson, has been dying out. Finally the in ­ dents, " T iie R a p t of tho Lock“ waa
muscles; limited number of games and
w ritten by A lexander, the pop«1.
a report by Dan Fry, state p u r­ recommend to the governor com­ D elbert Crews, Helen Haldum,
From another— Tennyson was
chasing agent. The state now owns prehensive plans for the utiliza­ Ethel Harty, Toshlo Inahara, Mil­ gave it up entirely, so that this
severe discipline for those who indulge in
year th ere is no team at all. The
574 automobiles and 754 trucks.
tion, conservation and developm ent dred Krahm er, M ildred Meyer, Jean blame is upon the shoulders of popular because he was a great
unapproved games. Several deaths result­
friend of Shakespeare, a favorite of
of the n atu ral resources of the Person, M argaret Ruecker, Tosh
From the Argus of January 13, 1921
ed in the past season and these rules sound
Oregon estates contributed a to­ state.” The board is also required Tsiigawa, Helen Walters, Helen those who should take an interest the English people at th a t time.
and don't. If those who are capable
like good preventative medicine.
T hirty-eighth annual session of F arm ers’ M u­ tal of $681,300 in inheritance taxes "at the request of the governor or Wakayama, Jean n e Wenger.
are too busy or too lazy to give
Strange as it Seem s
tual Fire Insurance association held. E rw in R itter, to the state’s general fund during the legislature of this state, to con­
Ju n io rs Eleanor Bendler, Keith a few hours of their tim e to con­
W arren W ahner passed nil his
1935, it was reported this week by duct investigations, surveys and Busch, Lucille Carlson, Lois C ran­
secretary, reports most succesful y ea r in history.
Mrs. Emil Fischer died at N orth P lains J a n ­ State T reasurer Holman. This is an research upon any subject and to dall, Mary Fenimore, Marybcl Flint, structive study how can any teach­ subjects.
Peggy Ross w ent to class u n a t­
increase over the ten-year average. subm it reports and recom m enda­ Helen Graf, Esther Harty, Dixie er be at fault?
California is receiving another big slice uary 7.
Debate is Interesting as well as tended.
S. E. Fayram installed chancellor com m ander of Two estates paid 57 per cent of the tions on such subjects to the gov­ Lee McDowell, K ilph Nordlund.
of federal defense funds. Announcement
educational work, Ju st because It
The last le tte r of Cox is still
ern o r or to the legislature.”
K nights of Pythias and Mrs. H. R. Em m ott as chief total tax for the
Dorothea Schaus, Dorothy Steinke,
has been made that the war department of
• • •
Pythian Sisters.
As to funds, the board still has Evelyn Steinke, f.eanore Shertnan, happens to he classed as an "extra linked w ith a Cypher.
cu rricu lar activity" everyone shies
will rehabilitate Fort Rosencrans at Point
Ann M unkres contem plates the
If th e state senate figured to dis­ to its credit a balance or more Florence W underlich.
A. C. G ilm ore installed noble grand of I. O. O.
away from it as if it w ere poison.
ent of her greatest asset,
courage G overnor M artin in his de­ th an $33,000 out of an original ap ­
Loma with an immediate expenditure of F. and M ary Williams is noble of Rebekahs.
Seniors Billy A l l i s o n , H e l e n There is so much more to be got­ banishm
term ination to develop Oregon's propriation of $46,273 set aside for Becker, Lowell Chase. Joy Foelker,
$200,000 and the garrison is being in­
"H appy" practised the terpsichor-
m ineral resources they reckoned its use by the legislature which Wayne Goetter, Radah Gottlieb, ten out of school than the subjects
From the Argus of January 25, 1906
printed on the regular schedule. ean art (to you dum b bunnies,
creased. Meanwhile one of the most im­
w ithout th e ir host.
created this new state activity.
D ebate is one of the most useful that's dancing) until his ankle hairs
• • •
D uring the recent special ses­
portant natural gateways for an enemy__
M artin Sandberg, w ealthy recluse, dies here J a n ­
nice Howard, Dorothy Jacksonj
sion the governor asked for an ap­
Estate estim ated at $40.000.
G rants Pass continues the p rin ­ Ruth Kraus, K enneth M eirjurgen, of these things, and yet debate has w ere singed.
the Columbia river—is left relatively un­ u ary C 20.
theatre, investm ent of about $6500, propriation of $15,000 for the use cipal gatew ay through w hich to u r­ Harold M eyrr. M arjorie M ontgom­ been discontinued due to lack of
defended. Is Oregon the forgotten state nearly rescent
New Deal Expected
completed. Opening set for F eb ru ary 17 w ith of the state m ining board in m ak­ ists enter Oregon. Out of a total ery. Frances Moyer, Ann M unkres, interest. It is too late to do an y ­
ing a survey of the state's mineral of 100.303 foreign cars visiting the Lucille Quaintancc, C hristine Robb, thing about it this year; but when
when it comes to defense? It would seem home talent play, “Tony, the Convict.”
Due to the fact that only a few
next year eomes around, rem em ber people have been doing the new s­
Miss Jessie Schiedel and Josephine S utherland resources. The house cut the am ount state during 1935, 21,465 registered B yrdeane Rodgers, Betty Ryan, I ' to
do your part.
to $5000 and passed th e bill, but at the Josephine county seat. A sh­ Robert Tongue, K enneth Woodward I
paper work for the high school, a
m arried at T ualatin Plains church Ja n u a ry 21.
"new deal" in this staff may be ex ­
M. D. Cady, prom inent B eaverton resident, dies the senate, under th e leadership land ranks second in point of reg ­
Kenneth Topper, and Betty Will, pected this semester.
istrations w ith 14,304.
eart attack Ja n u a ry 22.
roll for the semester, hut not for 1 juniors; Melba H averstlck, A rthur
“Corset Chief Speaker at Civic Club’s of h Mrs.
• • •
Baker county, killed th e measure
Ludw ig Holtz. 68. dies at Blooming.
the 1st six weeks w ere Betty John-1 Kraus, A rthur Mohr, Lelia O 'Con­
No, F ranklin O liver's crutches
Banquet”—says head in a city paper.
Oregon m otorists paid a total of son and Eldon Pauli, both fresh­ nor, Winona Putnam , C atherine
A. B. F lin t elected president ol Scholls T ele­
For a tim e the governor was $9,150,229.65 in state taxes on gaso­ men, Jean n e Ahis, sophomore, Tom
are not the result of a broken leg.
Well, well, we have often marveled at the phone company.
stumped, but at last he appears to line purchased during $1935. accord­ S tretcher, Junior, end Holcomb
He has a boil.
A rticles of incorporation filed for electric line have
achievements of scientists, who have in­ at Forest
found a way out of his dilem ­ ing to a report compiled by S ec­ Hines, senior.
The new mim eograph mnehine
G rove from depot to city and on various ma. The
state planning board this reta ry of S tate Snell. This is an in ­
recently bought by the school
vented a radio, which is a little cabinet other streets.
week announced plans for an im ­
board was most useful during e x ­
in your home with a voice, and many
Local groups agitate question of city park. Sew ­ m ediate survey of the m ineral re ­ crease of $851,306 54 over 1934 gas­ honor roll for the last six weeks: I tractive furnishings for the long am
oline taxes. Purchases of gasoline H arry Mason, freshm an; Dorothy neglected teachers' le st room.
other remarkable things, but we didn’t ell tract east of town seems to be favored.
sources of the state. This is identi­ from Oregon distributors during
Among the papers received on
know that a corset had been invented land Jo u rn al to chaperone group of young girls on cally the sort of program th e sen- 1935 totalled 183,004,590 gallons, an omores; Harold Arm strong, Willis S enate club dance was held nt our exchange desk are those from
ate rejected, but the planning board Increase of 17,026,130 gallons over Croenl, Evelyn Hatfield, Shirley
Beaverton, Tigard, and McMinn­
with a voice. How thrilling!
trip to Honolulu.
I he gym Friday night. Attendance ville, all printed school papers, su p ­
appears to be clothed w ith plenty sales during 1934.
Kelly, Iclc Miller, Donald Rogers, was not up to expectations.
ported by advertising.
Might Help
I lls fr o w n »m oot 1 o il out, and
lie a g a in fa v o re d G . ir tli w it h th o
s m ile th a t d id n o t g. u p as h ig h
as Ins s h re w d eyes.
"O h , w e ll, m y
bi.y, If y o u 're
b o u n d to r is k y o u r lif e in fo o l-
h a rd y a d v e n tu r in g , th a t's o f course
n one o f o u r b u sin e ss."
" Q u ite so." G a rth a g re e d " I f o u r
s ix t y - f o r t v
d e a l had n o t
fa lle n
th ro u g h , it w o u ld h a ve been y o u r
b u .m e s s to do th e le g a l assessment
w o r k on th e c la im , t in t ns things
stand. I m a y as w e ll p u t in th e
w in te r d o in g th o w o r k m y s e lf The
m e ta l f sled o u t w it h rnv w o lf
team s h o u ld pay e n ru g h to b u y me
a fa ir-s iz e d fr e ig h t p la n e ."
So much time is given over to elec­
S ta te C a p ita l
tions under the present set-up with nearly
W it h W M e h la Com bined the H ills b o r« In d ep en d en t
a six months’ period between the primary
■ U b b o r u A ry u a eetab. 1894
H illtb u r u Ind ep en d en t eetab 1871
N e w s L e tte r
and general election that it would seem
M e K IN N K Y A M r k l N N K Y , PaMiefcero
P u b Ila bed T h u rs d ay.
E n te re d ee i>^ron<l«claee m a tte r In the
p o e toffiee a t H ilb b o r o , Orer«*n
B Y A U I. I N ¡1 H E C K
change from May to September primaries.
VCRNR M c K inney
M R S . E. C. M e K IN N K Y
At least people could concentrate on issues
Associate E d ito r
and individuals and not forget what it is
Governor Says Relief
a Local Problem,
fair to the candidate and to the voters,
Selected a« O re « o n ’« Best W e e k ly N e w s p a p e r, lf.1 0
Not Federal
if such a change is made, ami wo fail to
N a m e d on A IL A m e ric a n W e e k ly N e w s p a p e r E le v e n , 19.30
H o n o ra b le M e n tio n N a tio n a l E d ito r ia l A s sociation N e w s p a p e r
see the logic in the argument that the
P ro d u ctio n C o ntest, 1934-3.’», an d G e n e ra l E x cellence, 19.35
shorter period would be a detriment to ÇA1 EM Relief is .1 local problem
’ and not one for flic state or n a­
S a b scrlp tio n Rates S tr ic tly Cash in A d vance
the poor man in politics. In reality it I tion
to deni with in the opinion of
W ith in W as h in g to n C o u n ty
O u ts id e W a s h in g to n C o u n ty
Per y ea r ....... ........................ 11.50
i G overnor Martin, w h o declared
U S .. per y e a r
.......... 12.00
Six m o n t h s ........ ........._ ..........85
F o re ig n co u n tries
.......... 3.50
not be necessary for him to make a long himself as opposed to any further
huge federal appropriations for un-
and consequently expensive campaign.
O regon S ta te
1 employment relief Mich as the $4.-
F ir s t A u d ite d P a p er,
E d ito r ia l Associati« n and
b a rg e n l A B C W eekly
The following two paragraphs taken 800.000.000 authorized by the last
N a tio n a l E d ito ria l A
C irc u la tio n in W ent.
ciatio n .
from an article by Ralph Watson, political i congress.
Local officials, the governor ex ­
writer of the Oregon Journal, in which he plained.
are in closer contact with
analyzes the proposed change and told the situation and in better posi-
“President’s Birthday Ball"
of past independent political campaigns 4 tion to weed out the deserving from
‘ the undeserving th an are state and
Everyone that can possibly afford it are very pertinent:
federal officials.
will want to co-operate by buying a ticket
It does not change or shift a comma in the
The governor, discussing the re-
to the “President’s Birthday Ball,” spon­
existing law governing and controlling the com ­
1 lief situation in Oregon w ith Elmer
mencement, the progress or the conduct of an
sored by the Hillsboro firemen, and which
Goudv, executive secretary of the
independent candidacy — except that it would
Î state relief committee, expressed
will be held at the Shute park auditori­
tend to retard the malicious and elim inate the
the opinion that an allotm ent of
um Thursday night. January 30. This
political ringer.
month was adequate for the
dance is being held in conjunction with
needs of the average individual on
The only spider in the soup of the potential
relief qualifying t h i s statem ent,
similar affairs in thousands of American
independent is that his independent desire must
however, by explaining that re­
be open, honest, frankly stated disagreem ent
cities on this date.
cipients of relief should be able to
w ith the policies and affiliations oi candidates
All proceeds from the dance will be
supplem ent this fund through part
for party nom inations—certainly a reform p o in t­
used by national and local orthopedic so­
tim e or seasonal jobs.
ing tow ard cleaner campaigns and b etter gov­
• • •
cieties for the fight against that dreaded
Sixty-six Oregon motorists Inst
disease—infantile paralysis. Seventy per
th eir operators' licenses during De­
cent is to remain in the local community
cember. 38 for driving while drunk
30 for various other reasons
for the rehabilitation of resident infantile
County students were well represented and
reckless driving, speed­
parlysis sufferers. Any effort directed to­ on the rolls of honor at the various institu­ including
ing. hit and run driving, etc. T hree
ward fighting this disease is worthwhile tions of higher education last term. Their motorists had th eir licenses sus­
pended for failure to satisfy a
and should have wholehearted support.
work is a source of gratification to their judgm
ent resulting from an acci­
friends at home.
dent under the provisions of the
Should Be Welcomed
T h u r d n y . .Tanunry 22, littrt
him to do his worst, and m ake as though to give
him no inch of pavement. In w ard ly these idiots are
fortified by th e know ledge that, if he does not
yield, they can step nim bly aside and console th em ­
selves w ith hurling im precations after him—but th e
m otorist cannot afford to tak e chances on th eir
agility. Such people it w ere th e highest of com pli­
m ents to style m erely pestiferous and insolent.
T here are a few pedestrians, of course, and these
are homeless vagrants for the most part, who p e r­
haps w alk more than they ride w hen th ey take to
the highways. But even these ride occasionally, and.
for th a t m atter, the real com plaint is not against
such people, but instead is validly directed tow ard
those whose attire and m anner clearly indicate th at
th ey are in fact m otorists afoot. T h eir evident r e ­
sentm ent is, in view of this, a puzzle th at can only
be explained by assum ing them to be m ental ch il­
dren. To sum it up, the peril of th e pedestrian on
the highw ay could be sharply decreased if the pedes­
trian woold only co-operate w ith th e motorist, who
has no desire to maim or kill anybody. A nd some­
thing. q uite as th e A rgus believes, ought to be done
abcut it—the sooner the better.—Oregonian, Ja n u ary
H ilhi News
Hilhi Roll of
Honor Announced
Blue-H Club
to Honor Athletes