I’linr 11 if i'I i i |, ti'C urtl i,f C ’ o I m * I , . b «- i I « I «Oil l . i h l i t i II 0 I em igratio n of 1843 helped in b a ck­ Bhaitnaey and Union "70" took tw o I ll’l l w a r '* l i ’tiin, u p he ld by n v ic ­ game , am i lo».t one to H e ad qua rte r* < }« •« .« l o I noo H i l ft n ing up the decision made at Charn- 1 but passed in C a lifo rn ia and Wash- to ry bud Krldn.y eve n in g ove r T i company. Dodge M otor, in Hie new | ington. In Sherwood' s itu ili “ band box, ’ poeg. IJlird by ii seme uf .’III In 24, were au tom otive league, won tw o unit H ills b o ro wtis ro u n d ly tr o u n c e d by W ith this the case. K ra m ie n said, Donation o f re lic , and oth er things U '■ bed Tin iluv evening when the lust o n e to ( '(le v,,,le t, w h ile F old S h e rw o o d 32 to Hi last F rid a y n i^h t. of h is to ric a l interest was urged by the o n ly th in g le ft fo r the people i f on I I n ii f d fr o m -»•<* I ) fit M ary's fiv e tu rn e d tab le* nn look three s tra ig h t fro m Donovan L a n e of S h e rw >od w in high ¡joint F. L B row n extended an In v ita ­ speakers. Perm anent qu arters have to do was to w o rk under the al- the B lue an to 23 Baiun«' o tner H ills b o ro w ent dow n to defeat the b a llo t box. Raid Ed G io /a n w re outstanding Tuesday n ig h t at Cm Iton. 32 to 22. 1»I iyers in the H ilh i second team Hisey i.f ( 'n it o n was high p o in t H ilh i fiv e meet s M c M in n v ille man w ith 15 counters. h ig h at tin* lot* :d gym ne xt Tuesduy ( a r llu n < JJ » 122) lllll.koro evening T his is not (inference H'MiD.er. 0, («r<*K»H game, but w ill be one of interest, A • « li llu i, i I lemi hr 1ft due to the tra d itio n a l r iv a lr y be­ I I . M. < . y "Irra d ia te d ” C o u n ty budgeted fund, matched l'e tr p t o n , < ‘ a rn te n tw een the tw o .*.< hooL by the state and term ed ‘'P u b lic I h rL rrto n , 4. S h a ttu c k Lineups fo r the games: H ('». Itic h a n lx o it ' Assistance Fund.'' is the o n ly m oney • JO i lltlkho 24» T i r a r r i S v \ i I h ,„, now a va ila b le fo r unem ployable Wahn« I-' S m h e n k ii ni|* The game scheduled w ith O ren- and d e stitu te people in W ashing­ /(«’ I f r li lf ir . I. »tolrne« C ontains 15 tim e , the V ita ­ co fo r next F rid a y has been chang- ton county, according to R W. W ell, It. .w e ll, 1 Ile . k h u n t m in I) content o f o rd in a ry eil to Thursday. county re lie f com m ittee chairm an. G a r fie ld I , Ha i m ilk It's pure and h e a lth ­ M. h r h, Katon Persons w ho have accepted w o rk fu l. It is h ig h ly recom m end­ S u h a litu llo n « i r ia m i I 2 i l l i i i l y S h ip p e d to B eaverton by the W PA. even though they arc f o r H< w e ll . Ila M .h r . i t ­ ed fo r c h ild re n , too. The body uf A ugust O tto M yer, nut now w o rk in g , are not e lig ib le Ward h o w le r fm w ho lust his life in the w re ck of fu r assistance from any fun d han­ ll il la b o r t t I C a ll fo r p a rtic u la rs ti?» St. Marr*« Ihe Iowa o ff the southern W ashing­ W a ll. « ' ; Ml, dled by the r e lie f com m ittee, he S e lfrid g e . 4 ll n r k le y ton coast e a rly Sunday m orn ing , said. llowell, 2 1»» M . r r i l l was shipped tu the W E Pcgg To aid a ll d e stitu te persona w ho '• a t fie ld I H u ilh ra M o rtu a ry at Beaverton. M r P cgg arc legal residents o f the county M h r. 2 I« .1 t lii v h r a Huhttt Huilona : S u t h r r lu m i f u r is a w a itin g w o rd from relative :, in when, and if, m oney is a va ila b le M • n r lo r K u rk le y , ' G erm any as to b u ria l plans. fo r th is purpose is the p o lic y of T a y lo r fo I Hu ‘‘A Flavor You'll Favor” the re lie f com m ittee. W eil stated Witch i i . i / d D in s Sam H u lit A Sons No funds are a va ila b le fo r tr a n ­ U nion g ia ile school basketball sients. Phone 2568 tentn met W itch Hazel at W itch A ll federal funds w ere w ith d ra w n T hree Y ear A verage Score by Hazel T hursd ay night The game fro m the SERA in N ovem ber. 1935 P a cific In te rn a tio n a l O ver 98 was a 20 to 20 tie, and w ith fiv e The governm ent then tra n sfe rre d m inutes O vertim e p la y in g W itch ' file ra re o f a ll em ployable persons A lth o u g h it Is n little ■nrly fo r Hazel won w ith a 28 to 24 score. to the W PA. Persons e lig ib le fo r baseball, plans are being lu id by the o ffic ia ls o f the league fo r this year's | en nant race. T I, •, .11 be tw o Sunset leagues th is com ing sum m er a- the W ash­ in gton C o u n ty league has been dis­ banded It is ‘.lie aim o f llie o ffic ia ls o f the league Io make th is year's play Ihe he ...ic e the league was started fo u r y e iirr ago. S ix te e n te a m s w i ll be selected fro m the fo llo w in g edies: V erb oo rt, G iston. C ornelius, G 'e nw o od . Hoy, V ernonia, Banks. N in th Plains, La ure l, Beaverton, A lo h a , H ills - b rro, O renco. M aplew ood, T iga rd, l.in n to n . G arden llo .n e . Sherwood, T u a la tin N ew berg nnd W illa m e tte H ilhi I .oses X to St, M ary’s Local Q uintet Loses Contest Tignrd Beuten in Openerj Mac Came* Tuesday Sironi» Orenco Tram lo Play Ih re Friday Night Historical Import Cited at Meeting Council Votes for New Utility Setup Educator Speaks at Luncheon Meet B on ne ville, assuring lowest possible rates. In the m atter o f rates, K r am ien said, governm ent en g in e e r, have estim ated that the cost of pro du c­ tio n at B o n n e ville w ill be one and one th ird m ill, w h ile tra n s m is ,ion costs to th is county w o uld am ount to one and three qu arters m ills. In answer to the charges tha t bonds m ig h t tie saddled on resi- denls o f the d is tric t, K ra m ie n said th a t under the law. bonds cannot be voted except by t h e people themselves To aid in the w o rk the governm ent has established t h e federal e le ctric a d m in is tra tio n w ith a cap ital o f 100 m illio n do lla rs to finance ru ra l e le c lrllic a tio n . U nder the act establishing the F E. A., no com peting lines can be constructed, b u t the d is tric t has the pow er to condemn e x is tin g lines ond purchase the same, K ra m ie n pointed out. F o r t h i s purpose m oney can be obtained fro m F. E A. nt 3 per cent u n til the system paid out its obligation. T he cou ncil too k up the in a lte r o f re tu rn in g c ity a w n w i pro pe rty to the ta x r o ll and it was agreed that an appraisal should tie made fo r the guidance of real estate men. The m a tte r was referre d to the ap­ praisal com m ittee From 25 to 30 lots are owned by the city. I ’tilitirs Speaker Coming I,. E lfin m u n of P ortla nd , execu­ tiv e assistant o f the PEP com pany, w ill be the speaker at the cham ­ ber o f com m erce luncheon M onday noon, it was announced th is week by Ed. L. Moore, secretary. H in ­ m an's subject w ill be "T h e H um an Side o f the P ub lic U tilitie s ." A sk y o u r a tto rn e y to send you r legal a d ve rtisin g to the Argus. y) Beaverton Team Loses First Game Trips Offered by 1 lillsboro Firms Wo.! WINTER SUNSHINE <; Hillsboro Loses Out to Carlton All women want to be beautiful — which is to say. all women want to be healthy. Morningdew Weil Explains Relief Status M IL K M (24 Prices Effective Friday, Saturday and Monday, January 17, 18 and 20 Morningdew GUERNSEY DAIRY M < Sunset Baseball in the Talk Stage FLOUR Salad Oil PRIDE OF THE WEST PURE VEGETABLE Bring your own container. 2 ...25c Gallon ................ 98c Juart 35 .............. $1.19 49-lb. bag ................... BLUE SEAL HARDWHEAT Every Sack Guaranteed 49-lb. bag ................... Sardines Pineapple Raisins Fine for Seasoning or Frying. Portlanders Win from Local Team H eadquarters com pany bowlers, kone o f the best o f t h e b o w lin g B txig u e teams o f H illsb o ro , m et de­ feat Sunday in P o rtla n d nt the hands o f Ihe Bosso P rice team 2327 to 2181. P la y in g lo r H ills b o ro w e re I'l-.iiik.i, B ak ery S P E C IA L S Butteries R e gu lar 20c — Special 18c Doten Tasty Pies F r u it USHER S BRAN I» iinl,|i!iln ng lu-ib. Bag 40c - Cream - C ustard um Pu m p kin k in SI I 9 r lo u r I I FLOUR Russell, Stsngel, Patter­ son and Rogers. W ith six leag ies registered fo r play, e o in p e titio n is again u n d e r­ w ay on the llills b o .'o alleys. W om ­ en. offere d free in s tru c tio n on Wed- 9 PANCAKE ■ \I»Q' ARIERS fi Y()U (’AN RUY ALL I I nt, GRADES OF FLOUR | l,ERti.KA, ^ . ,WEIt G R A PE FR U IT ALBERS OATS beautiful lusterware - CUP and saucer in each package. ................ 27c 5 ..... 10c 19C L E M O N S ¡ « ’Tute«........................ dozen i fancy iced , large heads . o LL I I UCL, imperial v a l l e y ..................... Z for «/C POTATOES,:,;? ADD! EC GOOD, SOLID ............... 25-'L 35c SPITZENBERGS. faced and filled , large s iz e ............. box SALMON DATES BROOMS Columbia River Chinook. Tall cans ...... Fancy quality. New crop. 5-Sew Dollar Value. 19c æ 2 lbs. 13c 50c Each 25c CAKE SPECIALS G O l.n -N -S N O W O range fillin g , w h ite boiled ic in g and coconut. wUt PO R K & BEA N S LARGE ARt"” 'R 's BE ST- 31-oz. cans. M ILK A BEST. RMOUR'S 25c 4 C T .;',' 25c cans APPLE SALCE CAKE 30c ANGEL 49c FO O D CAKE 39c Demand Perfection Dread from your Grocer. Fresh from our ovens dally. PERFECTION BAKERY J O E L CO E LEE CONGDON Mrs. Stewart’s TOILET BLUING SARDINES Tissue Large, oval cans. The old reliable. 13c Bottle RICE Fancy long grain. 4 it, 25c 4 rolls 2 «..........13c WHEAT puffs RICE PUFFS CORN PUFFS Large Cello iîr» Pkg....................... OV CORN—Butter Kernel. 2 No. 2 cans ........... Molo Brand. Crushed. No. 2 cans. Each ................... MUSTARD—Bronson’s Pint jar .................... SYRUP—Sleepy Hollow. Quart ......... Finest Cane and Maple. BEAR BRAND D A T E S ¡u,'£..... 15C Large pkg. Crystal Wedding 23c OYSTERS—Dunbar. Quality. 5-oz. tin . ASPARAGUS—New West. 1-Ib. tin ....... Fancy, All Green Our Choice. 5C Assorted flavors. SPLIT PEAS— Yellow. 2 lbs................... «zLz For Better Soup. C A T S U P £ £ , ,9C 5c can. ............................... 2 cans Regular JELL W ELL Qn OATS CLEANSER S,';. FO RM A Y Short';k ' 3-lb. tin ..... ..................... 49C 19c Pound *1.49 Maximum. Oval ........ WE LEAD—OTHERS FOLLOW NEVER KNOWINGLY UNDERSOLD FREE DELIVERY Second at Main Street Phone 3251 Prices Effective Friday to Monday, January 17, 18 and 20, inclusive Bacon Squares PA N C A K E Maximum. 2 1/9-lb. pkg. ... JLtJV CLAMS— Warrenton. 2 No. »/j tins ............ Razor, Minced. PORK & BEANS— Van Camp’s. 11-oz. tin.... BEA N S Red and White* 5 lbs. ........................ 15c 5c TREE TEA—Orange Pekoe, %-lb.......... 17c TISSUE—Waldorf. 3 roll« ........................ 13c Headquarters for Fresher Fruits and Vegetables At Consistently Greater Savings to You Soft, Absorbant. Bananas PEACHES— Del Monte. Sliced or Halves. 2»/« tin .................. BEAUTIFUL GOLDEN RIPE F R U IT - POUND ....................................................................................... 5c BIG, NEW NAVELS. Oranges EXCEPTIONAL VALUE. DOZEN 25c SOLID AMERICAN Lettuce EXTRA 5c BEAUTY. HEAD ............... Apples IDAHO ROMANS. Fancy and Extra Fancy Combination. FULL BUSHEL BASKET ..... Grape Fruit LARGE 80 SIZE. ARIZONA MARSH SEEDLESS. DOZEN ........................................................................... (The market is higher—Stock up!) BOILERS. Real Cold Weather M V jn j Food. U. S. No. 2 ................. ib , Produce Price» Effective Friday and Saturday 10 89c MOTOR OIL—Penrad. J 100',' Penn. 8-quart Factory Sealed Tin. RITZ CRACKERS— 8-oz. pkg................ »■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■aaaaiaaaaaa Clip This Valuable Coupon Presenting it to your Safeway Store will entitle you to purchase EDWARDS’ DEPENDABLE 29c COFFEE 10c 13c 20c Per lb. in 1 or 2-lb. cans. Guaranteed to please. (Limit one deal to a customer) WE R ESER VE T H E R IG H T TO L IM IT Q U A N T IT IE S