Page Two H IL L S B O R O Wins $1000 Christmas Seal Sale B reaks All Records ARGUS, H IL L S B O R O , Thur "lav, .Ttnutry If». 1936 OREGON Club Extend* Thunk*— Hook Circulation The Coffee club, by a vote at I the meeting Friday, extends Its ap- for the many Christinas Totals 26,719 in preelatloli pin iv donations und other courtesies by the following Velio Hillsboro l ibrary extended theatre. Mrs. Harry Morgan. P U. F a c u lty | Sponsor Plan M ember Speaker ¡Occasion for Meet * I..«, »1... — -.....A I 11 Krueger. M r s 11 II Stannard. and Mr-- E v il B u llc r w t i l t h o l P o ll land Mis. S t . ilin a id lo c c iv e d h ig h h o n o r * nt “ 50 9." w i t h M is Claud C ook c e o iid Following th e court of honor he- Grange Meets January 7.1— Peters. by the llilh h o ro J I Hoy Scouts a! its annual meeting Hillsboro G range w ill have a pot January 23, the group of ladies, I Woll's store. Bristol's, Corwin's. luck »upper and meeting Thursday Breaking all previous records, the Miss Carrol Hollingsworth, d irec­ who are organizing a sponsoring Circulation of books and maga ! In land Co. Hillsboro firemen. Paul evening. JiUiiiary 23. al the G range sale of Christmas seals in W ash­ Emma McKinney reported the in­ tor of women's physical education group for the Hillsboro Sea Scouts, Ringle as Santa Claus. MacKciizle at Pacific university, wilt speak to are to have a business meeting, zines from t h e Hillsboro public 'M otor Co. Rotary club. Business hall Initiation ill the third and ington county by the public health corporation of the club and the the Hillsboro P -T. A next Monday program and dance at the Amerl- library totaled 20,710 for the year land Professional Women'* c l u b . fourth deglees will be exemplified association brought In a total of purchase of what Is know n as the at high .. school $988 46 during the 1935 holiday sea­ rest-room property, just north of . 8 . , p. m. , , in the ,, union ... .„ i can l egion hnll All scouts and ending December 31. 1935, accord­ ¡Christian Council. Ilo\ Scouts, and P ast C h ie f* M e e t— Mrs J o h n G ardner w ill be h o s l- son, according to a report this week the Baptist church, from Mr and building. Miss Hollingsworth will , heir parents and others interested ing to the report rele iseil tills week all others who assisted in any way Mrs. R. C. Vaught. Also means of talk on I laygrounds 1 heir P r o -, the scouting movement or he- by Mrs, H arry R. Morgan, county r lising funds to pny for same Mrs to make the children's party a suc­ ess to the Past Chiefs' d u b of by the tin tees O perating costs for gr.ims a n d Management. This coming a sponsor of this new group Phoenicia tem ple tonight iT h u ti- chairman. This figure am ounts to cess. C. H. Emmott of Portland, form erly meeting is part of the project to ire invited the period totaled $2023.14. day > ut her home on Fifth avenue 3.29 seals per capita. of Hillsboro, reported the w recking Window Display Varied— develop supervised playground ac­ Return from the sale in 1934 of the old building and erection of Total of 515 new books were ad d ­ f.adles who are initiating t h e tivities at the schools during vaca­ Mbs June Clark of smith of H ills­ am ounted to $751.90 and in 1933 to the present cottage as the project group are Mcsdaines W W. W eav­ ed to the library during the year, It It Parkinson of Portland, com­ tion months. $622 78. Hillsboro, Forest Grove and of her year. Mrs. R Frank Peters er. Jak e Weil. I! K. Faster. A II 481 being purchased and lit being boro brought in a triple blossom mercial manager of the I'oitl.ind ■ ' The P -T A . assisted by the Am- calla lily Io place i l l the Argus Beaverton all exceeded the per told that the most outstanding i Busch. M P. Cady. A F. Opdeu- donated The library now cent dlls window The lily froze down twice Gas and Coke eompaiiy. and John ■ • erican Legion and its auxiliary. capita quota of five seals ns did achievement of her term was the F B. Tongue, John A nder­ 5971 volumes I sponsored the work last summer wever. and then blossomed with a triple A Dierdorff of I’oitland. lib u i several other outlying districts. completion of the club cottage Mrs son and Tom Hronleewc. I which was started the year before Fiction circulation for the year bloom Gruell glass Japanese fish 1 of the Pm lland Gas and C o k e com­ Beaverton reported the sale of 7 9 William H are reported the study of Following a short program at t am ounted to 12.639. 4690 of this iid limits owned by W W. Juquith pany, were 111 Hillsboro Wednes ■ by the Legion A uxiliary. About seals per capita. Forest Grove 7.5 Oregon history as the main pro­ ■ i $600 in equipm ent has been provid- which — Johnson, field execu- total being for children and 7919 of near Scholls rue also displayed day o n b u s h ie s t and Hillsboro 6.9. gram of her year. The highlight of ■ I ed by these organizations and the ot'tland area Boy Scouts, and for adults. Circulation of non-flc- These glass balls float across the : Mi . Juines Walters of Cedar Milt, Clinics, public meetings with the Mrs. Thomas Connell's term was ■ i school district. SERA funds have R. b lank Peters, judge of the court tion books to adults amounted to Pacific ocean from Japan, taking M u Philip Mead of Silverton. Mis showing of health films, the county the burning of the m ortgage which 1 paid for the supervisors each vear. of honor. Hillsboro B o y Scouts, will 3568 about three years In the crossing, A rthur Pearson of Portland. Mi.. fair exhibit and new spaper public­ was placed on the property to fi­ | A chart showing the growth of I Rive *hort <«lks. an organization and are picked lip on O r e g o n J R S a n d fo r d and M r s A I ) Break-down of expenditures for ity during the past year attributed nance the building of the new cot­ Chamberlain of North Plains were I ! m embership by rooms and schools I meeting will be held and the bal- beaches. - 7 ’’ the year was as follows: Books. to the success of th e sale, Mrs. tage. and Mrs. I.ois W alw orth re- J diiuiei party guests Inat W c d iic .d iy ’ will be presented as a feature of I ancp 1 *lc evening will be spent $588 80: salaries, $1030: heat, light Sliver le a Wednesday— Morgan stated. That 45 per cent of ported travel lectures as the o u t- ' . «mno o f M r s d tto Hartruinpf ...... > f llae drb ? to interest more parents i 1,1 dancing, the music for which is p S S n S : f e r a » -!,k , | m m by c ..... and water. $169 18: janitor supplies. the proceeds from the seal sale re ­ standing program of her term of I L i l l i e M ild t e d Itunkor of Forest M F Ladies' Aid will hold a .............................. .............................. $4188: repairs and alterations. $28.- mains in this county was the dec­ office Two recent presidents. Mrs. . , . ... Ivor lea Wednesday afternoon in G r u y e w .o . u p d a t e d m i fm 'I | m other representing each room in The boys arc expected to bring laration of Mrs. Essex Marsh, presi­ C. E. Wells and Mrs. Fred Sewell. I daughter of Mr- and Mrs. H. R. I the three grade schools is also help- their girls and the ladies and escorts I 58: supplies, $49 70. and other e x ­ the church basemenl. pendlcltls at Smith'- hie-pitat Mon ’ Findley of Cedar Mills. She won penses $115 Income from t h e j y . Dr. F. S Richards of Forest dent of the county public health were unable to be present. -An ef- ! inc with the drive. to participate in the dancing. 1 city. $2500: fine , $125 68. rentals. Past Oracle* Meet— Grove perform ed Hie operation association. Fifty per cent goes to fort will be made to have all past ,de prize in a jin x puzzle contest. E ntertainm ent in the form of P a s t Oracles' club met Tuesday $43 87: and non-resident cards. $30 presidents in attendance at the ' ---------- = Miss Julia Tatmu is ill with the the state and five per cent to the ; games and stunts will be directed national office. Borrowers registered during the at the home of Mrs J It. Watkins measles by Miss B arbara Potts, physical ed- Pre-School Group Meets— next meeting p p M o m b e i ’S Miss Marlon Lytle spent Tuesday Appreciation for the co-operation , ucation director In Hillsboro grade i P.-T. A. Pre-School to 12-year year totaled 12 529 A total of 214 for a pot luck luncheon and curd Miss Ruth Boyles of Forest G rove ' ’r k ’ pal ly Guests of the club were Mis .it Newberg on new borrow ers were signed in 1935 of county new spapers, to district gave several v'olin selections, ac- F j i q n i i and high schools. Mrs. W ayne P at- group will meet Tuesday afterm m oon chairm en and to all persons who I companied by Miss Caroline Wood- 1 terson ls in charge cf refreshm ent» a, 3 o'clock at the P eter Bose Members of the trustees include aided in putting over the Christmas ford Mrs. W R. M anley was hostess fo, r the evening She willI be assist- school. Topic for discussion will be M H Stevenson, president; II A 7 , he ¿V eni£? « ’hool. Topic for discus»! seal sale was expressed by the Miss Gladys Rood, Mrs. W. | • • Failure F a i l u r e is Too Ton Costly for t h . Deck, secretary; Mis R Flank Pi t ­ trs. Olin Hosford, president of for the m eeting Monday afternoon I ™ i ad£ ™ Mrs health association during a board the Portland Women’s club, and of David Hill chapter. D. A. R MrA E R | School Child.’’ taken fnn rom the J in- ers. Mrs. J. W. Bailey. J M Per- I meeting Monday night. secre-i T,le program consisted of several s e v e r a l l y '“ MCLormicK and Mrs Ruby Es-1 uary P arents’ magazine. ¡ Mrs. . P. S. Kaadt. recording secre- son and A rthur Krueger. Report bv the various districts j tary of the state federation, were piano selections by M ary Manley, ,e PP- are as follows, in dollars and cents: present and gave short talks. Edvth • reading by Mrs. A. K Reynolds, ------------------------- " West Union. $1: Cornelius. 20: Tozier W eatherred. another visitor, and a round-table discussion of the R o d i n < t l l i l v f i l ’f l l i n Laurel. Laurel View and Whitmore, told of ork of installing the measures to be voted upon at the T . k u iu u p . the __ w ____ __ ______ ng __ 19; Centerville. 3: Purdin. 5: Union. : Tozier historical collection in the vlectiop on Ja n u ary 31. On Lincoln's w birthday, 5: Hillsboro. 206.87; Hillsboro in- assembly room of th e court house u i i u a .v . th m e e v club iu u “ W h a t i r p th o \ h r l t < n f a r eludes St. M atthews w ith 6 and 7th basement, and called attention to win »end th e local school g irl’s H om e’" \v"is the subject of Dr O tu re 1 o ,.° Day Adventist w ith 1.82; Jackson, this being the hundredth anniver nam e to the state departm ent and R Cham ber's W lecture Tuesday- over 484: Dilley. 6.23; Gaston. 16.12: sarv of th e first organization of a I in Hlrn tb e state departm ent se- KOAC The local P -T . A. radio Greenville. 3.77; Banks. 12.47; Roy, club by pioneer women, sewing | lection will be m ade on ton's birthday for the trip to Wash- I I s,u d -v Ifroup listened to the lecture 5.30: Forest Grove. 140 60: Scoggins clubs among the Indian women. at Mrs. A. W. K F ram Montgomery's was made of the , ‘X T b ? D ^ a o P r Z S ïen* S a n . home Valley. 2.50: Jacktow n. 4.00: Pro- A nnouncem ent n .m e e t.n g _ to be Ôm ^ U n i t e d V a t e T ’ " th,Úl' 8h' I b u s s i e n . Mrs H R. Ke.ling- .•SA z.” ;. •a jy r t \ gress. 4: Shute. 4: Chapm an and County Federation Middleton. 10; Academy. 3; Tigard, held at Tigard on Jan u ary 30. and ton was elected vice-chairm an. S o m eth in g N ew ! 55 51: Tigard includes St. Anthony th e following delegates w ! Hillsboro group now has 15 m em ­ A ere nt- elect cievi- 1 J-y II 1 w ith 2: Bacona. 1.50: Firdale, 4.50: ed to attend: Mesdames Robert D . i i n C l 1 . C lU O bers. Enrollm ent in study groups of . Tualatin. 10: Watts. 7.89: Hill. 4.65: Burlingam e, W. E. Pittinger. C M , , Attractive in design, ' the state is now over 500. meeting J A N U A R Y 10 to MARCH 2 Reedville, 15: Gales Creek, 2.48; Reed. Lloyd Brown, and W ilbur AlGCtS F l’lClflV i in 42 clubs, according to the a n ­ these sp re ad s a r e nouncement of the station. Grabel. 4: Cherry Grove, 3.65: Jo h n ­ Dillon. The president, Mrs. Engel- Jan u ary m eeting of the Hillsboro son. 6:50: Scofield. 1:50: Kinton. 4: dinger, and Mrs. Connell, members guaranteed fast - col­ Orenco, 3.43: Bend. 9: Mountaindale. of the county board, will also a t­ Business and Professional Women's or, extra large size, club will be held Friday evening 3; Hillside. 9.15: Shady Brook. 3: tend. at the cham ber of commerce rooms. Manning. 4: Cipole, 5, Buck Heaven. Mrs. P eters and Mrs. Otto H art- Legislation and “they improve committee. Mrs. C. E 3: Laurel Ridge. 3: Beaverton. 92 97: ram pf w ere appointed as a com- _____ __ , , . , yyeus anti airs, ixiauae Boscow. Wells and Mrs. M aude with use.” Woman's Relief Corps will in ­ Beaverton includes St. Mary's of “ lariti? C ontesi"' b è L ^ c ò m I chairm en' have charRe ° f th e d in ' stall officers Friday afternoon at th e Valley. 2, and St. Cecelia w ith ner. w hich will be served at 6:30 the V eterans' hall, w ith Mrs. H $ 4 .89 1.92: Meacham. 4 40: Iowa Hill. 2.68: ducted by Hillsboro business firms „ m Fern Hill. 3: Rock Creek. 3.57: for an educational trip to California : p' Program is being arranged by - H. Stannard as installing officer. pot luck luncheon will be served Helvetia. 3: Kansas City, 4: Barnes. and Mexico. publicity com m ittee w ith Patty- A at noon, and a program will be Mesdames McKihney, Reed and; the 5.58: Farmington. 3: Arcade. 3: Haz- Lomax and M argare’ Cady as ch air­ given in th e afternoon. eldale. 4: Wallace. 4.50: Cedar Mill. Connell w ere named as a com m it-' men. Members of the Daughters of 4: Harrison. 4: F ir Creek. 2.30; tee to procure some cabinets for Union V eterans and t h e Forest Seth, 2.34; Tualatin A'iew. 4: Pleas- the Hillsboro Historical society and Grove W. R. C. will be guests at ant View, 3; Lyda, 9.35; N orth museum. the meeting. Following the m eeting tea was IT'I zaz -.E^ T Plains, 11; Fairview. 4.10; Buxton. An Independent Store 3; Mulloy. 3: Bethany, 5; Prickett, served by Mrs. J. W. Holt and Mrs. P j l e C l b i-iC tlC lQ l b ¿ 2 270 E. Main St. Sub-Deb club enjoyed a waffle J. H. GARRETT. Prop. Phone 2601W 2: Mead, 2.25: Blooming. 3; Timber. H artram pf. p arty at the home or Dorothy B arr 7; Witch Hazel. 4; McKinley. 3 ; ------------------------- Friday evening after the basketball G el P o p u la rity C ontest V otes H ere Durham. 3.03; Hayw-ard, 2: Wood- P ' d i i m ’ T ’ q IL'C f n game. land. 3; Sherwood. 13.85; Heywood. 1 U I K b IO Officers w ere elected as follows: Miss Ju n e Iverson a n d Ross 3; Wilson, 2.37; Seghers, 1.21; Gar- L-rl’rylTlA V irginia Perkins, president: Dixie Ringlets of Hillsboro w ere m ar­ den Home. 9: Cooper Mountain. 6: VV U l l i e i l b V rI O U JJ Lee McDowell, vice-president: Le- ried Jan u ary 6 at Vancouver. Wash . Raleigh. 10: M ountain Home, 3: Ver- C. C. Chapman, editor of the . anore Sherm an, secretary: Alma and will m ake th eir home in H ills­ (Votes given on cash and open acuount payment«) boort, 5; Thatcher, 3: Strassel, 2; Oregon Voter, discussed Eslinger, treasurer, and Esther Har- boro. The bride is a daughter of Midway, G roncr and M ountainside. Security in Oregon.” before the ty. reporter. Mrs. Dorothy Gibbons of Jackson­ 17; Metzger. 10: Aloha-Huber. 20.10 A. A. U. W. m eeting at th e home The previous week they enjoyed A loha-H uber includes St. M ary’s of Mrs. Paul L. Patterson Ja n u ary one evening's perform ance of the ville. but has m ade her home with Home for Boys. 3; Hiteon. 3; Buck 8 He said that the legislature f a il- ’ s ? r V m 3 S h K r ^ r e a n ¿lav' ers Mr. and Mrs. R. V. McFall for some „fain 2; 9- C arpenter Creek, Q p is ln t in n m mn k in u 3,-nii. lin ed s>naxespearean n ay- time. The bridegroom 's m other re ­ M ountain, 3; . ed od to to nass Pass lc legislation aking avail- stream presented at the S hrine auditarium sides in McMinnville. Rosedale, 3; Laurelwood Academy, , able the m axim um benefits under in Portland. 1: Schefflin Lutheran, 2; Blooming the national program, ow ing to the 1935 T erra p la n e Sedan 1933 C hev Sedan fact that the attorney-general had Mrs. George Emmott of Port- L utheran, 2. Completely equipped, A very clean car. Has | land, form erly In the m illinery m isinterpreted the national law. trunk, heater, first class He outlined in detail th e national been overhauled com­ business here, and Mrs. C. H. Em­ mott. also a form er resident of legislation, listing th e various classes shape. pletely i l l O l l i ' $y 1 benefitted. None of th e benefits. Hillsboro, attended the Coffee club Low mileage V i/t J shop. Only _ ; ______ he said, _ _ are _ as large as they m ig h t; Scout H arrington camp, U. S. W. meeting Friday afternoon. (No votes given on power or electric bills) be, but a s 'la r g e as source o l l n - 1 v - and A uxiliary will install offl- Mr. and Mrs. W ibur Ham ar and 1929 Ford T udor S ed an 1 cers Friday night at the V eterans’ daughter 1929 Ford C oupe Betty Jean. Mrs. Anna hall, beginning at 8 o'clock. Hugh New lacquer p a i n t . Good paint and top, 19- S. Rogers, departm ent senior vice- A ltree and grandson, W ayne Altree. i Mr. Watkins Honored- Very good rubber. Mo­ inch wheels. Good rub­ I com mander, will be th e installing a student at Reed college, all of Portland, w ere guests Sunday of Past presidents of the Coffee club A party was given Saturday night officer for both order« tor overhaul- ber. $ Mrs. Nelia B utler and family. w ere honored at the meeting F rl- 1 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J R _____________ ed Priced at Priced at ....... day afternoon at the cham ber of W atkins in honor of th e birthday Honored at Dinner— Mr. and Mrs. H. R. C hantlcr re ­ commerce, but owing to the loss anniversary of Mr. W atkins. Guests turned Sunday from a few days’ 1936 LICENSE WITH AI.L ABOVE CARS Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hurd enter- of all record books between 1905 present w ere Messrs, and Mesdames vacation — at -- _______ Nelscott ___ and __ other _ 1926 Ford Roadster S 15.00 and 1922. a complete list of presi- j Joe Collins and H arry M erritt of talned Wlth a dinner party Sun- beach points, and a short visit with 1925 O verland Tour. $ 15.00 dents was not available, and only Portland. Messrs and Mesdames T day honorinR Miss Evelyn White, th eir son in Portland. 1923 Ford Pickup 12.50 1924 Ford Panel Del. 25.00 zix w ere present. Those attending H. Pitman. Lowell Brown. Floyd wh.° 18 ^ ^ a d u a tin g from Hillsboro Card t at R unnin„.s hal) Co 1925 Lincoln Sedan 100.00 Camp T railer 275.00 ” 17. L°„U; W artin^M rs. Maier. Ted and Miss « ^ W h l t * neliUS' T - 8dayA ^ » “ ^ n u a r ’y 21. quets by th e president, Mrs. Fred P earl Maier. Games and dancing enJ s- Mr. and Mrs. H arry 1931 FORD TRUCK — Long wheelbase by the Young People's club. Five Engeldinger. .w h o observed O thers L n be w ere enjoyed. who th eir 22nd • w edding « I ¡ üímArLl model. Very good rubber, duals. New A d d itio n a l Sponsors m ay aign up until 5 p. m. ¡anniversary. present h- u ndr-e d and P‘"<*hle will i anniversary. O thers present w ere i niavf>ri A short talk was given by each paint job to suit. Motor T hu rsd ay, Jan uary 16. Sponsor list p o sitiv ely School Program Friday— Mrs Helen Deichman. Misses Ju n e honor guest on th e outstanding Two rooms of David Hill school. ' W hite and Bernice Felton. Ernest Lohese Camp F ire group met achievem ent of her presidency. Mrs absolutely A-l ..... clo ses that d ate. < Miss MacDowell's and Mrs. Priest's. ' White. Glen Pickens, and Robert Tuesday at the home of Elise Mar- OCR PRICES ARE ALW \ V S A S ADVERTISED will have a short program in the • and Edw ard Hurd. tin, and m ade plans for the moth- auditorium . F riday afternoon dur- R eturns From South_ ! « -d a u g h te r tea. HUDSON TERRAPLANE ing parents visiting day. Miss Mac- „ j « ... j , , , 1 Mrs. Robert G reer and children Howard E. Hadley left Saturday, returned Saturday from a visit with Dowell's program will be "Telling Time in O ther Lands,” and Mrs Ja n u ary 4, for a w eek's business her sister. Mrs. Vi-iatltch of San Given at time of transaction on the basis of 50 votes Priest's pupils will have a Chinese trip to San Francisco, and Los An- Francisco Cal 152-158 Third Ave. Phone 2IW !ts follows’: 16 CaSh Paid ,,ar,ici”«tfng merchants L antern Drill, celebrating China New Year’s. Schulm erich In San F ra n c!« » and wP„ h ' MS„ Ha|ic a and Dr. and £ (V enetian ticket, Dora E. Jaquith, Rt. 5. Hillsboro) retu rn ed to H illsboro S aturday in) On all counter cash and C. O. I), purchases. H. D. Huggins. Visits Brother— Mrs. Frances Spencer of P o rt­ (b) On all cash payments made on open ac­ A. S. Eischen of near Gaston r e ­ land was among the out-of-town SPECIAL counts. 1 tu rn ed Tuesday from Fresno. Cal., visitors at the P ythian joint in ­ w here he visited his brother. Joe stallation Monday night. Eischen. Conditions are much im ­ (< ) On nil cash down-payments made on time- Mrs. L. G. Selfridge and her proved there since his visit th ree daughter, Miss Pauline Selfridge. payment accounts during the period of the years ago, according to Mr. Eisch- I spent the w eek-end w ith Mr. and contest, regardless of when purchases made. . .... 1 .r