H IL L S B O R O Page Two T u a la tin C h ap ter, O.E.S, Installs Officers ARGUS, Thursday, Jnnunry 9, 1930 TT I L L S P. O R O . O R E G O N Public Lectures County President, Hillsboro Goes Orcr-the-Top on Start at Pacific Post Presidents _r o » r» » •'Mathematics, the Universal Lnn- Arnos ¿col Sole opening lecture ,1,e *\f p " at Coffee Club In a series of loe- Miss Templeman Bride of J. Jossi M i x l r r t i I» m e e At Huber Saturday. Jan u ary II Admission 25c. 47 STOP G ETTING UP NIGHTS Milk«' Thin 25c Tc»t U .(» Jiiiilp« i m l. H iii I hi I o .r .. ▼ Miss M uriel Templeman. daugh­ Subscribe for the Argus etc.. Io fhiih out i ’X cchji tichH unit ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Tem ple­ w.r tf m atter (¡«’I lid of Id »«Id« i man of Portland, became the bride I Irritation that c.iir ••'i w aking up. of Jack ,’ossi. son of Mr. and M: I Mrs G ladys Meyers of Tigard, . tures to be given by members of fii*<|u«*nt (Iviiii*, si'aiitv How. hoi n Jack Jossi of northeast once a i president of the County Federation „ „ „ of . Hillsboro, , . i H illsboro's retu rn s from t h e Pacific university faculty fu Mrs. J. B. Dinsmore was installed Ihg amt ha< k.irhr (lot Ju m p er oil as worthy matron of Tualatin chap­ any entertained w ith a dinner par- Saturday at the First Reform church Christm as Seal sale to date has ex- m onth during the rest of the sch o o l; of Women's clubs, is expected to Ihu -tin leaves, ole, in little «revn ' i eu j 3 ! / Vve* _J,ueste ^ ere Portland. Rev. H uftner read the needed the sales for last year, a year. The speaker on this occasion . visit the t offee club meeting Frl- ter, O., E. S„ at the Masonic tem ­ Father t.ihlels called Ihikels. the bluddi i and M other Burger. Fliza service. , total of $20 87 having been * tu r n e d 'w ill be Dr. Henry Ferris Price da>' afternoon it the cham ber o f ple Thursday evening. W. F. Cyrus [¿ ¡" Z L f Portland F rank Abadir laxative In four days if not plea E verything in Insurance The bride, w ho w as given in over to Mr. H arry Morgan, county | professor of mathematics, and d e a n ! ‘‘d m in e rv e a n d be the gm- t peak was installed as worthy patron, h „• C C , ,, , ,, * e’»' honor gue<•!! i Drug Store IM. ad Iron; Miss Rose Cave, secretary; n , I ' n an ' » , "I*4’ «, rose-point lace w ith long sleeves gen Tuberculosis society of m ail- 8 p tn Jan u ary lit. in room six of "ig Mr F.lnli Vo/.i.r W catherred •• Mrs. Helen Deichman. treasurer: B erger ° i Helvetia, Mr and Mrs and (u n train. Her long tulle veil ing SI in stam ps to people and to Marsh hall, which is th e main ad- " t ' 1 d>v>' a 'h o i t ta lk on th e In _ Mrs. R. R. Easter, conductress; Mrs. , u* ueccn was held in place w ith a Ju liet cap. all fratern al and social organiza- m inistration building on the Pacific l°i ical exhibit at me court house The program is in charge of the and w as trim m ed W ith w ide Lice. tions m the com m unity proved ver campus. W. J. Enschede, associate conduct­ The rose-point lace was part of , successful and w ith very few ex . | The i nese lectures are open to Hit A m eritan Home'' tlep.irtnient eom- ress; Mrs. D. B. B urkhalter, chap­ her m other's wedding di e--, w hich ceptions the letters came back w ith general public, without charge foi• I mittee. lain; Miss Patty Lomax, marshal; was made in England. She carried the $1 cash. j admission, and are part of an ed- ' Mrs. Fred Sewell, organist; Miss a bouquet of \ dlow and w hite The Girl Reserves ¿it th e union; ucational service w hich the college 1 d.iughtci Mrs M.o : hi Senko. (’ Margaret Dixon, Adah; Mrs. L. E. Mary Ficker of Mt MacDowell, ____ __ Ruth; Mrs. Edward Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schulz of near rosebuds and hlm s-of th e - v a lle y high school w ith l.aV elle Jackson rendering to this com m unity and n e liu s. Mi I.. Sens, Ellsworth. Coman, Esther; Mrs. W. F. Cyrus. Bethany entertained the evening of ^!r' Emma Hamilton, s is te r of the as chairm an had a penny march. W ashington county in general Angel; Mr Jo-cpli llekele. Odin, M artha; Mrs. L T. McPhceters, December 28 in celebration of their b rid e g ro o m , w a s m a tr o n of honor giving out a stam p for each penny Last year this series of public lee- ,'' ‘n • "• Kansas; and M . l'lora 1', clika, ek Electa; Mrs. J. W. Kelley, w arder; tenth w edding anniversary. Guests She wore a d r e s s o f b lu e s ilk m o ire w hich netted them $12.17 for their tu r e s p r o v e d q u ite p o p u la r. and H. I. Patten, sentinel. were Messrs, and Mesdames Ernest and carried an arm bouquet o' pa rt ¡n the sale. Ju n io r high. P eter Among the speakers lust year Hillsboro She is also survived by E v e n in g at 6 : 3 0 M a tin e e S a tu r d a y at 2 P. M. 44 grandchildren an d 23 great Installing officers were Mrs. R. Zurcher. Elmer Batchelder. H enry Talisman roses. A rline Tem plem an 1 Qoseow and D avid Hill schools , ' vere Professors Smith. Taylor. F rank Peters, installing* matron;' » • « of St. Helens. H L. Hoeffel. and P e g g y Lou H uggler w ere w ................. ....................... ent too per cent, the ......... quota in Jones. Watson. Fitch. G unn and giandehildren One daughter. Mrs Judge R. F rank Peters, installing Paul G raaf and Miss Sara Schulz Hewer Kiri-’, a n d w o re p in k a n d each room being determ ined bv the ! Gd8cr». Their subjects covered Ed Jacobs, died in 1918 TO GfT A ^ S O N IN LOVE! patron: Mrs. J. H. Murton. mar- of Portland. b lu e t a f f e ta fro ck s. F r e d Jo s si grade. St. M atthew s Catholic sc hool I Sl|ch varied topics as "The Balkan patron Good Time Dance cousin of th e bridegroom, was best . sen, ¡„ ju and the S eventh Day Situation." "Optical Chemistry shal. and Mrs. H. A. Deck, chap At G range hall every Saturday ■ YOURE GOING Adventist $1.82. Lohese group of ‘"The Relation of Philosophy to O ther lain. Junior past matron, Mrs. New Year's day dinner guests of man. The couple will make th eir home Camp F ire girls, w ith W inabcth Fields of Knowledge". “The Use night G e,ngi. i I l e - . ; orchestra Ad Verne Curry, and junior past pa- Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Melhuish w ere tron, F. C. Holznagel, conducted Mr. ___ and Mrs. ... H. E. LaBare and for a tim e w ith his parents. Mrs. MacDowell as leader, sold seals and Meaning of Words in Adver- H arriet'o f St? Helens, Mr T n d Mrs J ess‘ graduated at H ighline high one S aturday afternoon in the down- tising". "Light Waves", and "The the opening. Program during the evening in ­ L. W. LaBare and son Donald. Miss- school in Seattle. Wash., in 1929 town stores, ladies of the A m erican Values of Classical C ulture". The Jossi is employed at the C lark Legion A uxiliary one Saturday a f t - ' university com mittee on faculty cluded vocal selections by Mrs. V. es Jane Robb and Marion Baker W. G ardner, accompanied by Mrs all of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. and Wilson saw mill at Linnton. H e 'e rn o o n and the W ah-Kee-Na group le d u re s has promised that there won national honors for m arksm an- of Cam p Fire girls, w ith Mrs. wM be the same variety of sub- Sewell: piano duets by Ann and Charles Douglass and daughters. RUSHLOW R Celebrate Tenth Wedding Date 8 T H U R S ., F R I , S A T . ™ s, : I b, Miss Esther Wick, accompanied by Miss M aurine Moore. Tommy Dins- more, P atty Cyrus, Patsy Hoeffel and Nancy Aileen Easter assisted in the presentation of flowers and gifts. Mrs. C urry was presented w ith a past m atron’s jew el from the chapter, mounted on a ring which was a gift from her son: and Mr. Holznagel was given a past patron’s Jewel. Judge Peters made the pres- entations. Mr P .J and daughter. Billie N aidine of Boring, w ere New Y ear's day guests of Mr. and Mrs. C harles Sewell, Mrs. William Pio and son of V an­ couver. Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. Roy H erbert of P ortland visited the Sewell home Friday. Dr. and and Mr. Mr. D. D. E. ____ Wilev ___ and Dr. family w ere New Year guests of .M rs. W ileys sisters. Misses Anne and C hristine Chalmers, in Port- land. A nother sister. Mrs. Robert Watts of Dayton, Wash., was also »•' = S O ver 200 attended th e wedding dance held at H elvetia hall in th eir honor Music was by the A lpine orchestra. ------------------------- AT L? C ’h l l 'I ’pT l TT H < * ’ ’ v i 'S S S S ^:>y night before Christm as. T he Wl** be presented in an interesting Argus office. Weil's and Delta D rug and popular form, s’ioro bad stam ps on sale at all _ . . XT. umes. Miss \ iolet Gray The seal sale was sponsored by A T , , , . , . : , , . ] I T ,,,,,, the A merican Legion A uxiliary, 1 I t t l ,11 IV t III) Miss Violet G ray, form erly of 1 w ith Mrs A H. Busch and Mrs. Hillsboro, was m arried to Herman Jak e Weil as chairm en. A ip p tin o 'c Jensen in Reno, Nevada. December K V 1 r . * A , G? ,, , . 14. The young couple will make *a7 Sunday the Met a- their home at Alameda, Cal. Episcopal church has been The bride has made her home nt conducUng a w eek of special sorv- T TCnrnrnPI Oakland. Cal., for the past three Appointment of standing commit- a guest. !cesj A team of Gideons from I ort- M ,s tees was made by the new ly in- Davis Auld student at O S C • condu^ ed *be services on Miss Helen A rney d au ghter of >ea, 7 ' ? he is , nII.d a'lgh,eI' J 11 G ray of Hillsboro, who was stalled w orthy matron. Mesdames . Corvallis and Mits Jan e Auid v u ' Tuesday night W ednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. W alter Arney Thomas Connell and Birdella Wil- d e„ i nurse "n P o rH a n d " b u rn e d Pu ° r ‘ 3 iorm " , Newberg, becam e the bride oj visiting her daughter and other oj ! relatives at O akland at the tim e of llama and Messrs. S. W. Melhuis “ “ 2 " „ J H illsb o ra spoke_tothe youngpeopl K a.ui” so n Vof Mr‘.‘a n d ’ Mrs. her daughter's m arriage. and ed Kummer. at a simple cere- _ __ ~ , , - - • P eter's Catholic church D t l V i l l H a i ’W O O d S 7 and Mrs. K. J . N ic o l, relief com- | Auld. ?nA 1 . i Pcab on “Fam ily Re- at Newberg M onday morning. Ja n - ' ' mittee: Mrs. Hoeffel. sunshine, and Mr. and Mrs G uy Sanders of ligion " F riday night the Rev. Vic- u ary 6 at elev e n 'o 'clo ck . F ath er S l l U C l l m b < P l 'i l l i l V Coman, publicity. ¡Silverton, and Earl P rcikett. stu- to r Phillips of C entral church. Port- M axwell officiating. Only the im- IH ld V Installs D aughter— I .lent at Oregon S tate college spent land, will be the preacher for the m ediate families of the couple w ere David Harwood. 87. died F riday in. la is uaugnier th e w eek-end w ith Miss O radell evening. The special services will present. A ll C o lo rs at the home of his daughter. Mr- Mrs. C. E. Wells had the pleasure I Prickett. and attended th e funeral close on Sunday night w ith Evan- Fritz A bendroth. after an extend,' ! F ir m -B r u f C o lla r s D e lb .« T urner. U J . t ó t o r f S j l « . J M ï n T . T *-" of installing her daughter, Mrs. of their relative, illness. Funeral services w ere held G u a r a n te e d Harold Simpson, as w orthy m atron Sunday. a song leader who accom panies sage of gardonia,. She waS atte nd- Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at nor p n n n ttp ‘ inrf tr»r* cnvfmsAc 'Tri.» __ _ of Kellogg chapter. O. E. S.. in N o -W ilt Mrs. E. Fayetta A llen was a guest her conducting the services^ The ed by Miss B erneta Kumtn sls. the Young Funeral Home. Dr A n­ Portland Saturday night. Mrs. Earl over New Year of her sister-in- public is invited to attend the re- (er of th(, bridegroom. Mr Ja ck drew C arrick of the T ualatin Plains N o -S ta r c h Simpson (May Davis), also a form- law, Mrs. Clo E. Johnson, at Sa- m aining m eetings of th is special \ rn c ,. b rother th e ' bride w-w P resbyterian church conducting the N o -W r in k le Mrs. W series. m The m e eetings 7:30. ¡?™c m L, a n “ Ol bndC' " as services. Interm ent in the Hillsboro mer Hillsboro , giri, , was installed „ as „ lem. She also visited Mrs. W inifred inifred senes, e m e tin g s u begin e g m a at i c j u . I best V a t C o lo r e d associate conductress. R. F rank Herrick, state president of Business according to the announcem ent of . I. O. O F cemetery. Peters assisted in the installation and Professional Women's club ’be Rev. C harles M. Reed, the pas- . A fter the service a delightful btif- P r e -S h r u n k C o lla r Mr Harwood was born in Eng­ fet luncheon was served at the land in 1848 and came to America ceremonies. Those attending from Mrs. Lee McCoy retu rn ed Mon­ tor. here w ere Judge and Mrs. Peters, buT 'u ° L the b r‘d e'S Pa.r en ‘\ 3 ,te r .... in 1885. He VU.HV came « to Oregon in 1890 A good investment fot Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Enschede. Mrs. day from Haines, w here she was , a'« h n rt T™.?* , h UP^ an<1 engaged in farm ing near Cor every well-dressed mail. Wells. Mrs. L. T. McPheeters, and called two weeks ago by the death Old Needle-Case E xhibited— LA? .nelius, retirin g from active farm- Ivon H aw kins of near H illsboro ’ to m ake th eir hom e at Newberg. I jn 1919 Since that tim e he h id Mrs. Marion D. Worrilow. w ho is U ^her Zuther;< G* 5^* ^ Vandierwan H er m other, Mrs. VanderwaL will | js ow ner of a needle-case about w here Mr. K um m er is employed. I made his home a member of Kellogg chapter. in Hillsboro The rem ain a t Haines. 150 years old. It was the property He is survived by seven children. Food Sale Saturday— Mr. and Mrs. J. D. A nderson of his late great-great-grandm other, j-s t , l Frank Harwood of Portland. C h a r­ Shute school P. T. A. w ill hold a spent several days last w eek at who was a resident of Iowa. The C Ol 17101’ L j OC c II les of Aumsville: Mrs. Emma T u r­ food sale S aturday at Fred's S uper­ C utler City, and viewed the big case is exhibited in the A rgus win pin. M arshfield; Mrs. Elwood C. ior m arket. Proceeds will be used storm on the coast New Y ear's eve. dow. Howe Wells, Prop. . . z, . . . „ . Johnson. Mrs. Fritz A bendroth and for school and P. T. A. work. Reg­ They w ere accom panied by Mr. A ttends College— r L H| l lr5 raV,» Oi P ° m an'ed a b^ ket sdP ^ r at th e E W; F Montgomery at 500 S. Second last early settler in the Odin com- Kortzeborn home Sunday evening, j avenue. All m others are welcome m unlty. Maling III— and Mrs. Cecil Ager. , Dorcas society of the church will to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Sous moved to Ore- .' E' a'ta’lnS. president of B. E. Mf- and Mrs. T. * G. Bronleew e 1 have a cooked food sale T hursday ; gon in 1912 and lived here until Maling, Inc., and Ray-Maling. Inc.. , and son Loren made a trip to Nels- at red's m arket, Christian Church 1916, 1916, when when Mr. Mr. Sous Seus died. died. Since Since ■ is recovering from an attack of flu, cott Sunday just to hear "w hat th, Tr_ T___. . i Lord's day unified study-w orship 1918. Mrs. Seus had spent part of Ira Ingram of P ortland and Mrs. which confined him to his bed. wild waves w ere saying" after the Ivy C raw ford visited a t th e H allie service, 9:45-11:45 a. m. C hurch i her tim e here and - . p art ___________ in Kan i — storm. Lebens Entertain— Ireland home Sunday. Mrs. Craw - ''hool worship. 9:45-10 conducted It had been three years since she T. W. Zim m erm an arriv ed from ford left W ednesday for her home b y John West, superintendent. Class ' was in Hillsboro. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Leben of Beth- Blackduck, Minn., M onday m orn­ in New York, after five months' session 10-10:40; reassem bly and She is survived by a son. Joseph ing to spend several m onths w ith visit in Oregon. m orning worship, 10:40-11:45. Music j Seus, of near Hillsboro, and four his daughter, Mrs. L. Sherm an, and Dr. H enry Young spoke at the by choir. Mrs. Florence Kramien. family. Need . a " e xneeu Tigard Townsend club m eetim ? director. Sermon: "Do We m ecí- e e t . Çh n st,a _ n _ College?”,-plea for Chris N a tu r a l P h o to s Mrs. M. E. Brown and son Rob­ Tuesday evening and at th ' • e e C m ,■ irx« »> n <4 . - . a . I — IIlNTvl. tin n i innt — a . — _ _ . ert of, San Francisco, Cal., spent ing of the Estacada club Wednes- , Presentation of as you are in your w ork and a Pr °Kram of Northwest several days last w eek w ith Mr. dav evening home are c . a C hristian College?” A plea for Chris- and Mrs. H. E. Staples. She is a Mr. and Mrs. C arl Rickson and tian Endeavor, 6 30 p. m. In te r­ sister of Mrs. Staples. EASY TO TAKE daughter Sholline and Mrs. C. H m ediate and young people Evan- Mr. and Mrs W illard H ughes Jr. Nosier visited relatives in Coos gelistic service. 7:30 p. m Song w ith any camera. and W. C. Gifford m ade a trip to county ____ _______ _ the __ w ________ during eek-end, re- service assisted by young people the coast the last of th e w eek and \ tu rning to H illsboro Monday. . and sermon by pastor. Midweek H ere’s A ll You Need thatlesS« 'tin n the terrific storm in ' B urke Tongue, student of U niver- ! service every Thursday, 7:30 p. m. on' i sity of Oregon, spent the week-end A hearty welcome to all our ser- Kodak “SS” Pan Film Mr. and Mrs. David Lofgren and w ith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. vice .—R. L. Putnam , pastor. Mazda Photo Flood son David of P ortland and Miss B Tongue — —___________ — Esther Wick were guests S unday of Mr. a n d ’ Mrs. Ja k e R ufer a n d ' . Modem Dance Bulb. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Anderson. fam ily retu rn ed to E nright Satur- j r At Helvetia hall S aturday night, ! We carry a full supply Mrs. Elsie Schulm erich of Cor- day after tw o w eeks’ visit with Ja n u ary IL Admission 25c. vallis was a visitor Sunday e v e - 1 Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Peterson. ? in| w ./i® hOme Ot h er b ro th er' Mr. and Mrs. S. L. S tark of Al- u. &. wanes. turas. Cal., spent the w eek-end H. S. Rogers attended th e joint with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. installation of officers of Scout L. Stark, retu rn in g home Tuesday w ith ou r c o m p le t e 109 S. 2nd Hillsboro I Young camp and auxiliary, U. S. Mr. and Mrs. Del win H arader of G re a sin g S erv ice ■ W. V., in Portland Tuesday evening Seattle, Wash., visited his parents, Mrs. J W. Barney attended a Mr. and Mrs. J. W. H arader of luncheon W ednesday at the home near O renco New Y ear's day. Bring your car into either of Mrs. W. E. Frye in P ortland. Clara May M elendy of W ashing­ of our two locations for a Miss G race Reeves of Portland ton, D. C., visited her m other, Mrs. complete greasing . . then . visited Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Reeves Minnie Ennes. and friends here d u r ­ go out and Sunday. ing the holidays. Mrs. C. L. Loennig and son C arl­ Mrs. G. Schlaefli retu rn ed Tues­ E n jo y G o o d D r iv in g ton Haines are visiting her m other, day to Agate Beach after spending Dentist Mrs. G. W. Pool. the holidays at M ountaindale. Social Circle Meets— 1 a I N o Guess W ork NO EXTRA CH ARG E P in k ie T o m lin a n d E d m u n d L o w e in King Solomon of Broadway” I umb nmbtsi m iw ' ri R til 1 SUN- MON-’ tue . E ! C o n tin u o u s S h o w S u n d a y — 2 u n til 11 p. m . A HISTORY-MAKING I I I I I I I* ACHIEVEM EN T... ' New'triumphs for^Miriam Hopkins in the most colorful role of her career . . . New honors for handsome Joel, McCrea, and to Edward G. Robinson,' for the most sinister. portrayal the screen has seen in years... in a picture so powerful, so sweeping, so vivid in the living history it retells that it becomes an unforgettable experience.) ! I Schrämet Studio D r. Brown A tte n tio n ! M en! UNION SUITS Men’s ribbed Union Suits. Winter weight, long sleeves, ankle length .............. 79c S p e c ia l W o r k S o c k V a lu e Army socks rejected by gov­ ernment. Superior quality at a real saving. 49c value ................ PLATES—So thin you can see through them, yet strong and durable. W O R K S H IR T S Blue or gray. Double back, venti­ lated, full cut. ra value.................. D r . P . G . B ro w n 49c Com m ercial Bldg. Second and Main Sts. HUUboro Oregon The C. C. Store P 270 P E. O Main — St. i D Jt Blue. Full cut, two pockets. Won­ derful shirt value ......................... DENTIST J. H GARRETT. Prop. Notice how the shimmies, the little unnoticed jars, rattles and body-squeaks of old have been eliminat­ ed. Phone 2601W ; Protect yourself against FINANCIAL LOSS through accident by taking o u t SOUND INSURANCE. A quack doctor won’t help you recover from illness — and Q u a c k Insurance won't help you recover your loss. DEPENDABLE I NS UR- ANCE IS WORTH ALL IT COSTS. A ls o n o te h o w m u ch lo n g e r y o u r c a r h o ld s its p r im e p e r fo r m ­ ance. DROP IN TODAY YOU’LL BE PLEASED B u s c h ’s S erv ice G a ra g e Phone 501 CHAS. L.WALKER c v [R Y r o n n o f p r o u c t i o n TELEPHONE 1732 11$ íOUTH THIRD - RES ÎO92 HIlLSeORQ.ORIOON MIRIAM HOPKINSI EDW. G. ROBINSON I , 10EL McCREA ! Two Handy Locations B u s c h ’s S u p e r S erv ice S ta tio n Corner Third and Baseline Phone 391 A. H. Busch, Prop. iD ir ttlt d by Howard Hawk» P L U S — S e le c t e d S h o rt S u b je c ts ! W E D . Jan. 17 Herbert Marshall • U tlta itd Ih n United Arti»!, 1 0 c ... 25c I 14 I "A ccent on Y o u th ” Z