H IL L S B O R O Pape Fouf ! mold. Gus Moeller, Carl Schild- hauer, Herman Liebenow and W a l-. I ter Demmin. Party Given w ' t B irth d a y Observed Aloha Folk Beat Depression; Chief Holden Honored at Party F /A i \ P U T O I l l P r S Rev. and Mrs e w - Hinrichs and I U i I t n L U l l I C i a M yrtlle and Lowell attended a _____ | birthday dinner Jan u ary 4 for Mrs. i l l y O. R B e n n e tt I | Anna *****»«*•«»*• Huhman « in Cornelius, given _. , * at . j •> w n iv iiu .’, •«««;•! ALOHA Mr. and Mrs. S. J. \ a l - B lo o m in g r a s t o r H o st; j o e all of her children in honor of ley on Washington avenue have M u so lfs H o n o r e d her eightieth birthday anniversary dem onstrated that the depression _____ About forty persons were present, can be beaten. They have 100 pair Sunday school teachers met in of carneaux pigeons and th eir sale (By Mr,. E. W. Hlnrlcha) I the parsonage Jan u ary 2. Miss Mil- of squabs has helped tide over hard BLOOMING—Rev. and Mrs L I dred K rahm er waa added to the times. They hope to develop an at- W. Hinrichs entertained with a ; staff as Sunday school secretary. t tractive and reliable children’s home w atch party New Y e a r s eve. hon- Emil Brandaw was again able to in Aloha, with home surroundings oring former easterners who a r e oc up past week-end after and kindly care for the children now making their homes in this spending the holidays in bed due w hich will appeal to the parent vicinity. Present were Mr and Mrs. t0 an ¡n fection in his leg. They now have one baby in the George Simantel and Alice Jane, l N eukirk has recovered from home. Helen, Frances and Harold S im a n -. |Ajs reccnt illness. George Johnson has been clear- tel, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf Siman- Addison Marshall returned to the ing his acreage. He has the first tel and Diana and Elaine. Mr. ana ^ja rv jn K rahm er farm after spend- unit of his house now completed Mrs. Leo Musolf and Margie. Mr. ing the Christm as vacation w ith and this week moved his family and Mrs. Ernest H allauer and Low­ his folks at Yamhill. into the home. He has commenced ell and Grace, and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest H ollauer the erection of a cote to protect C arl Schildhauer and Wilma, all spent most of last week in bed and house his present herd o f from South Dakota, and Mrs L. with the flu. thoroughbred Swiss Saanen goats Hackett, formerly of St. Louis. The John Stuebe, form erly of Bloom- Mr Johnson will handle and breed evening was spent playing "Am­ ing. was recently installed as pas- nothing but prize w inning goats bassador" and at m idnight a short tor of the L utheran church at Diet- and expects before long to be service was held for the group in j nj able to go on the m arket w ith these the church, while the bell was rung ; k rah m e rs Given Farew ell fine animals. welcoming the new year. Mr. antj j j rs K rahm er w e r e 1 Harvey Bennett, eastern buyer Mr. and Mrs. M. Neumann. Hen- a farew ell surprise party by for the Bon Marche, on his way ry. John and Regina N eum ann and , group o{ neighbors and friends from Seattle to New York for spring Leonite and Delmar \ oelker w ere p ecember 26. Present were Messrs goods, stopped off between trains New Year’s day guests at the Frank ancj Mesdames Al Hergert. Fred at Portland and joining Manson Miner home in Forest Grove. , K rahm er, H enry G urske. Albert there, came out to the old home Delm ar Voelker of Cherry Grove K ra h m e r William Hammelmann. for New Y ear’s w ith th eir mother, spent the holidays w ith his grand- Fred Hering j ohn Hulsman. Ed Mrs. O. B. Bennett. parents, Mr. and Mrs M. N eumann Ba„ H enry Bering and H enry Poem Published Surprise Given Jacobsm ullen. The evening was A poem by V erne Bright of Henry N eukirk was given a sur- spent in playing cards. Mr. and Aloha appears in the Ja n u ary nutr. prise party by his brother Richard Mrs. K rahm er moved to Forest h er of Poetry magazine of Chicago. The poem is entitled "Good Soil." on New Year's eve Guests were l Grove December 29. Ernest and Esther Meyer, Helen, Mrs. John Jepson was hostess to Eight other poems by Mr. Bright Dorothy and Clara Helmold. Henry, the Fern Hill Ladies' club Ja n u ary are scheduled to appear soon in John and Regina Neuman. Leon- 2. First prize in "500" went to Mrs. Poetry magazine. The Frontier, and ard. A rthur. Elmer and Stella Gur- Frank Hulsman. second to Mrs. Al- In P rairie Schooner. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Arm strong ske and Ernest Burki. bert Hergert, and M ildred Hulsman of Oakland. Cal., spent th e last of Couple Honored was aw arded consolation. the week w ith Ray A ntrim , b ro th ­ Mr. and Mrs. H. A. M cM urphy' M ildred Brandaw Honored • and son Edw ard of Los Angeles Mrs. Emil Brandaw entertained er of Mrs. Arm strong. O ldtim ers spent the holiday season w ith Mr. a num ber of little girls in honor of of Yamhill and W ashington coun­ and Mrs. J. F. Kamna. They left the ninth birthday of her daugh­ ties w ill rem em ber Mr. A rm strong te r home Friday. Mrs. M cMurphy ter Mildred. Guests w ere Jean and as m anager for m any years of the is a sister of Mrs. Kamna. Many Beverly Hergert. M argie Musolf. W apato Lake farm near Gaston. parties and dinners w ere given in Grace Hollauer. Jean ette and Do- Mrs. A rm strong w ill tak e charge their honor by friends and rela- lores Brandaw. Blanche Muhly and of the girls training school at Sa tives. New Year's eve Mr and Mrs M arcella Brandaw. O ther birthday lem for some little tim e during the Kamna gave a watch party and al- callers w ere Mesdames Zanow. absence of Mrs. Patterson, m atron so a farew ell in their honor. O ther Koch and Salzwedel and Miss M ar- of the school. guests were Mr. and Mrs. F rank tha Zanow and A rthur Salzwedel. Claude L Benson of Bend, visit- Harder, Mr. and Mrs. H E. Linde- Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Muhly, who ing w ith his brother, Jam es L. Ben- man. Mr. and Mrs. F Schulmerich. are visiting at Glencoe. Minn., re- -’ on of Beaverton, was in Aloha this Mr. and Mrs. E. Kraus and Mr. and port that a blizzard arose w hile week His great am bition is to be Mrs. S. S. Dalby. they w ere attending th e program able to control circum stances so Kamna Injured on Christm as eve. closing th e road th at he can locate in Aloha. Chief Holden Honored J. F. Kamna suffered side in- that it took tw o hours to travel Chief Holden celebrated his 70th juries when struck recently by an- *ive ml‘es- birthday Decem ber 31. The follow ­ other car w hile driving his light ing friends joined in th e celebra­ delivery truck in Portland, causing tion and good wishes te r many re­ the truck to turn over. turns of the event: A ssistant F ire Rev. O. J. W endling of Forest Chief a n d Mrs. H. C. Johnson. Grove preached the sermon in the Batallion C hief and Mrs. E. J. local L utheran church New Year's League play on Hillsboro alleys M cFarland. Captain and Mrs. P. day. M, „„a m -. resum e this week w ith changes P. Klump, E x-Presecuting A ttorney “ r. r e t n r ^ a T ^ e m h X ^ n K in « ^ " 8 lea^ es and ° nc ncw and Mrs J <* H am m eriley, Carl inn « Changes include Ray J. Hoffman. Miss Mabel Baker, and r-i.h r > ,. h Mann, D istributors, replacing Chev- Clyde Dooley and Miss Leilia Stan- 4hn„i -g i t » rolet in A m erican and Storm y's re- sell. Portland: Mr. and Mrs. A. Rnwftnrr Lldglliy I pannp« UOWIUlg Will Resume Play D°‘“B ,n M ry foflhM r,«rtlm ro ro ll Tho Arana— .1101 ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- I