W Ils b or Read Advertising— Lutest Stör»! News Always Appears in the Argua. Volume 12. No. 46 Rebi-knhi Plan Installation, Mrs. Flint in Charge Illy I,. II t l. iu m l n ) Argus 1 of 2 Weekly ABC Members in West With Which is Combined the Hillsboro Independent Hillsboro, Oregon, Thursday, January 2, 1936 llilla b o r u iu day gUl'aiB guests UI of ilkS his hlSlCF, sister ?chcdl Tl, . of near Hillsboro, called . on Mr. and Mrs. Ernest H allauer Johnson of Yuba City, Cal , are tnined with a Christm as dinner for Mrs lamia» Ray Hansen, and family of HmmT r L n acc° r,"Panlcd by have purchased the farm adjoin­ visiting their daughter and sister, Mr and Mrs Olas Bolma. Mr. and Kinton. Jim m y Enschede of Hillsboro. ing the Fern Hill school and have Mrs. Waldo Flint, and family at Mrs Albert Bolma. Jack Bolma, all Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McNay at- , and Mrs' Adt Rutschm an moved onto the place. the A. It Flint farm until after of I Portland, and Mr. and Mrs Alma tended the funeral of her grand- t « ° sons w ere Christm as day Program Held New Year's. ¡j -¥ ? n t' .. Ialh‘T' W H G a» a” d Newberg. Mr and M ^ 'R o y ^ e in e c lT o i A sacred Christm as program was Mr Edith M orris is spending the Mr. und Mrs Eli Robinson. Mar- Monday, given in the L utheran church and Francs “ . week . I at the Hoy - Lazier home in i vin — -•••- • Tiegs and V irgil-i Velma Rosevear. senior in Hills- Portland. Gordon Heineck and tw in Christm as eve under th e direction nephews, Law rence and Clarence M - nt . n .! v i ,,, ,, enc Dyc' al1 of Nampa. Idaho, a r e . boro high school, is ill this week of R. P. Moeller. A lta M eyer and Veek. returned home with them M s |,|., Do,. Of s . r I io Woolley, visiting at the II T Hesse home, with ehiekenpox. (B y Misa D orothy Boy) Velda S tark asked the questions P'lit he Week-end at the Mr and Mrs. Alma Bolma of Mr. and Mrs. Roy A braham and Sunday to rem ain until after New BETHANY-CEDAR MILL — Mr which were answ ered by pupils of ' c h r . ' s l o . s ' j o ' " , " ’T n c t c r Wh‘tlock. Mont , are nt the Ed Rol- son Donovan and daughter Dorothy Year's day. and Mrs. Sam W alters entertained , the school and Sunday _____ _________ school. Fol- ( h I tu n s gu. Is at the f u r l Seif- ma home for un Indefinite stay. of Toledo and Mr. and Mrs Frank Play Well Received u- 'ti ? r c k r ‘fia*r ' “'“I i ar Sunday guests at the Ernest Han- H anauskc and thre< children o il "The Corn-Fed Baby." fiftcen- with a dinner Christm as Guests were lowing the service attractive pack Mr. and Mrs. John Chatterton, John i ages of candy, nuts and oranges ' ll » i. o ht'rtdan and Bob Eyt- son home were Mr. and Mrs Odis Portland w en Sunday _____, guests at _P’ay j n. . onc atd' 8‘ven by Jr. and Francis C hatterton of Os- were distributed by the Ladies' en i ortiund. .. .i ... , Stringer and son and H arry and the S. E. Stoller home. Mesdames Earmmgton folks at the Farm , ........................ . un», n u n y u n u -j xu. a i u m r n o m e, a ie s a a m e s ....... .................... o .v r a n n trander, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. F rank Aid. Christm as gift packages were n • i i i ’. ,,hlplpy and Henry Lambert, ull of Portland. A braham and Hanauskc are Mr Union program S aturday night was Parm er and baby of Portland. Mr. | also distributed to the shut-ins and son attended a family reunion W. G Hesse is slowly Improving S toller’s sisters. well r»?ceived by a hall full oi and Mrs. Jack Satchel and Delina persons living alone. after several wi-eks’ illness. Mr. and M ri. Sidney Rothstrom Pouple. Cast included I.o irain c Put- Satchel of Beaverton, Miss Phyllis A group of young people from Mr. und Mr? Ralph Buckley and and two sons w ere Christm as day nam . Loren Rehse. E sther Boge. White. C harles W alters and Mr. and Trinity Lutheran church, Portland, Mrs. Alice Buckley of Forest Grove, guests of Mr. Rothstrom ’s m other Erunk Schulm erich and Eva Dodge. Mrs. Sam Walters. Guns, Am m unition presented a three-act play entitled Mr and Mrs. Floyd Allen of Cor- , and sisters in Portland. O ther program num bers w ere a Fishing Tackle Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W right of "L ittle M other B aker” to a large nelius and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence I Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh W hitmore monologue by Fred K rahrner and Portland visited M. C. Larsen and audience in the local church Sun­ CORWIN HARDWARE B urke and family of Beaverton and two daughters w ere Christm as instrum ental music by th e Laurel family Sunday. day night. Following th e perform ­ 128 2nd Ave. Phone 72 were Christm as guests at the Wal- flay guests of her sister, Mrs. Hillie :,r >ng orchestra. High scores in Mr. and Mrs. Glenn C arr vis-1 the P ortland visitors were ter B urke home i Tykeson, and children of Chehalem "50°" w ere won by Mrs. T urner ited Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kunz of ance A gent Long Radios given a reception by St Peter's Mountain. ;md John Haase: Mrs. W alter O rr P ortland Sunday. Young People's society. Harold Mey­ Christm as day dinner party guests and Bevin Boge receiving 1 o w. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boy en ter­ was toastm aster. M ildred Meyer, t the L. A. W hittle home w err I’inochle high scores were won bv tained friends Christm as eve. Pres- er Lois Alton and Clara Helmold w ere 1» charge of the meal. Among oth­ ers in the cast w ere Florence Haase H A R R IS O N D. H U G G IN S and Richard Lankow. Leonard EI.MON1CA—Work on the new Ruecker prom pted behind the M. D. auditorium and gymnasium o f scenes. school district No ll is well under EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT Program Held way. It is anticipated that t h i preached in place of V. T Six', ce. Rochstad and daughter Janice and Charles R„v A large audience witnessed a SPECIALIST Christm as program given by pupils , GLASSES PITTKO of the Iowa Hill school under the direction of Miss Freda K ehrli De- | Koom > cember 24. A short play was given Com mere la I N a tio n a l R a n k A n n as by pupils of the low er grades, an ­ other by those of the upper grades, l'hon«« H<>ura Dleii. e. 2972 9 :20 R. m to 12 m. accordion solos by L ester Newman O ff ic « 2971 I :30 p. m. to ft p m and recitations and Christm as car­ ols by all of the children Gifts /ere exchanged by th e pupils and each received a gift and some can- led south by her niece. Manson Bennett, who recently hanged moved to P ortland and is w orking Farm ers’ Union in the Harold Doty architect office, krn<1 e n ld « , l i n y f e v e r , been changed for ■ ■ I b m ■ and e a ta rrb « spent Christm as day with his par- D o n ’t « n d ■ r • t h ia t o r t u r e business meeting ents. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Bennett. i n o l h r r d n y . A a k f o r a F ltK IC le school Jan u ary Miss Ruth Lundgren «pent Chirst- c h L.ls,mas Thursday O ther Christm as eve""and* ¡ ¡ r i ? G len n "C arr T i t K A TM »«: N T n o w , T O D A Y . mas day w ith friend« In Woodburn m i^ ie ^ v Thn^.«« »71» i® C'iFeT0*? Christm as guests w ere B. G. Me- W ayne G a rritv ’ of O akland Cal 8 and the social meeting w ill take I l l a r o r e r ho»» O im ia a n d « l in v a Saturday night guests at the John ,4,1'r S f s:-h 11 d Joseph Stret- Nav and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brown spent’ th e holidays with his m r ’ place in Cornelius on the fourth fo u n d r e l ie f q u ic k ly w lt b | Lundgren home included Harold Mr«S V T ^ e ^ c c “ » ^ !c w e George Schmidt. CCC education- ents. Mr. and Mrs. H arrv G arrity' Wednesday of the month. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Newman and Gustafson and Glen Wilson of Cor sented w ith a com forter from the M v X 'P o i° n t “a n d 'T f,fenriU A r r " » ^ " h ‘h°m r<* eived hi«h , fam ily - spent ---------------------- ----- Christm as w ith Mrs. valila, and B eatrice Donaldson of Mountain Home Ladies' Aid A Smith a .r »L 7 ' i, Apth" r sc° re at th F H ubcr card Pa r ‘y Sat- Lola Stickler of Forest Grove, T o o r fre e t r e a tm r a t I Tigard n o r a v a ila b le a l l group of the members of »1,7 a '™ cd. a tJ hc hon2e ° L lh e urday night. ! Mr. and Mrs. Elm er Boge and down to attend the teachers' con­ vention in Portland, Mrs. Schmidt Honored Mrs. Adolph Schm idt was pleas- i',?rIy,-iS,e Zp riM r-1’‘lAtu Thu,r,sd»»y whe,i ii L X k ’ u . 7 ? h r‘’ H£ fim an ot. | Chnstm as. Ervin Baker of Portland visited Saturday night and Sunday at the F. L. Brown home. Adolph and-C harlie Schm idt vis ‘ted their brother and uncle Al bert, at Tualatin Sunday The latter ! lattcr has been ill with rheum atism for sometime but is improving. Christm as guests at the M K ey­ ser home were Mrs. M. Bradley. Theodore Keyser and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Jungers, all of Portland. rs. Cecil Herst, 'who former Willings farm, repairing buildings. Francis West fam ily have to Brighton and expect to spent th e w inter there. Mr. and Mrs. Willis H iatt o f Stringtow n road and Miss Anna Laemerman of Forest Grove were home with th eir folks, Mr. and Mrs. George Laemerman, over the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Updike and family visited Clarence's sister, Mrs. Floyd Rawleigh, and family of Portland Tuesday. Floyd and Ross U pdike w ere | ‘ j I I i Enjoy REAL COMFORT this year! Many Parties Held Bethany District GET Y O U R N E W Every savings certifi­ cate is insured up to $5.000.00 under the Federal Insurance Plan. _ Gym Under Way at Elmonica School Sinus Trouble S tate Ca ing the I tivity at I the Argus. Pharm acy Z. J. Riggs, Prop. I h i, „ „ y -,™ , ,,, h , B m a t th is w a s c ,„ d y , c No m atter how large or small the memorial you select may be, w e will m ake every possible effort to m ake It truly beautiful. Only the finest m aterials and w orkm anship will go into it. In d e­ sign. likewise, it will be original, modern and distinctive. O ur prices are the very lowest possible. OREGON MONUMENT WORKS PRINTS! N»'w as tomorrow— the very latest in col­ orful, attractive, col­ or-fast cotton prints. Tualatin Valley Federal Savings & Loan Ass’n. J. M. PERSON. Mgr. Savings & Loan Bldg. Hillsboro Oregon QUADRIGA CLOTH PRISCILLA PRINTS Regular 30-lneh w idth G u ar­ anteed fast color. A w onder­ ful print in new designs. 20c 11ÍC Yard Yard — few ;moî2t.hs’ A' E' Wilson of Beaverton. Mr. and Mrs. John McFec w ere Miss M argaret Dickm an of Mon­ Christinas eve and Christm as da- m outh spent the holidays w ith •* her iniests nt fhr» W William w err home u ‘ parents, hi PortPand llham K Rev, and Mrs. Dickman. voting on the proposed union high Mr and Mrs. Andy KaMdahl and ■ 1 1 school to be built at Sherwood nnd four children were Christm as guests to elect directors for th e district. I of her mother, Mrs. Ida Shaw of U SED CARS and Trucks D r. Brown fayette for a dinner There will be no Sunday evening party. C. E. services until after the re ­ Mr and Mrs. William Joos Jr. vival services are over. and baby ion of Hillsboro w ere Mrs. Bertha Waldron entertained Christm as guests of her mother. with a dinner parly Sunday for Dr. M r s . Flora Baker. and Mrs. F. E. F errill of Portland, W alter Reese had a s Sunday Mr. and Mrs. M. Dillon and Miss guests Lucille Bennett of Portland Agnes Dillon of Milwaukie, and L. Thelma Mulloy and Gilman Wight’ R. Ralston of Chehalem Center. Mr. and Mrs. W alter Schmidt Miss Ruby Hodson of Willamina spent several days last week with her sister, Mrs. R. P. Courtney. Mr. and Mrs. Elm er Hodson and family of W illamina were C h rist­ mas guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Courtney. Guests at the E. Lorenzen homo AT NIGHT Christm as day included Mr. and Il's a simple m atter to make Mrs. Carol Simpson and daughter lifelike, natural snapshots with llelly Jean of the Gibbs district; almost any cam era— Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Simpson, of Liberal; Mr. and Mrs. L, S. Loren- I Here's A ll You Need zen and family and S. C. Purkcy, all of Dayton: Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Kodak “SS” Pan Filin Lorenzen and family. Amity, and Rev. and Mrs. I,. II. W illard und Mazda PhotoFlood three children of Portland. Bulb. YVc tarry a lull supply The C. C. Store »I - WINTERIZED 3 nnnc in Alaska ior j ro th - w ith his parents. hom E. e ,h e‘i'b Mr ’ and Mrs. & v c „ ‘i h e 'k h J r S '" “ — u„„.,i^i u u ■ ,, m „ 8 p r *.h< h,,° 1 El<,,'.tlon1 , Notices of a special sihool elee- lion been posted Ja n u ary 11 at have the school for the for purpose of Excella P atte rai, 15c und 25c J. H. GARRETT, Prop. f 49 k-75 Lester Ireland & Co. SPECIAL / H ere’s W hat “W INTERIZED” M eans D entist Business Men are Judged by Their Appearance Snapshots 110 s,|Uare Jfi-ineli width. Ex­ ira fine quality, newest p at­ terns for early spring. ■ W ' »LW t H. H. STANNARD, M anager Phone 121 Hillsboro i 270 E. Main Ht. T h e F r n e s t nnd M c illO ceivvd H from thc trec nt having the Moun- Hogan 1 andU daunhter tvit u iu riílls iia ib o o i f T i r rilC u c o Rc'lU c a u i tV y tain olne bvcn chi L ”nl day RVeMs of prescnV a T ^ e church> r v t'ristm aV proi^rim 1 ^ri''\mas 1 « You CAN have a new Mon­ tag C irculator H eater in your hom e im m ediately. W e hava m ade it easy fo r you to hava real com fort in your homo th is w inter. See us today! A M ontag C irculator H eat­ e r w ill furnish an abundance o f w arm th econom ically. I t w ill bring beauty into your home, for new M ontag m odels are m odern— attractiv e in ap­ pearance. There is 5 type, a size, a sty le , a price fo r every re­ quirem ent. Something New! a d i r i c i s ia ic a BLA STIN G TRIBUTE C ir c u la to r N O W ! Savings of $1.00 ac-, cepted or la rg e r amounts to suit your convenience. Start a systematic savings account today. Syn-O-Spray H illsboro MONTAG Phone 2601W w «g W V W w w w w E. L. Ross Insurance Fire, Life. Auto, I'llli k Aloha, Oregon Schramel • Studio 109 S. 2nd PLATES—So thin you cau sec through them, yet strong and durable. DENTIST Commercial Bldg. Hillsboro Oregon “Winterized” used ears are sold by Dodge dealers only. Every “Winterized” used ear on our floor is com­ pletely serviced for winter driving, comfort and pro­ tection . . . without extra expense to you. Come in today . . . See for yourself tiie extra value that you get in "Winterized” Used Cars Dr. P. G. Brown Second and Main Sts. Hillsboro An immaculate suit, free of spots and stains, marks the ma/i of pre­ cision. Let us do your Dry Cleaning in o u r modern process. ♦ Brakes Serviced. ♦ Battery "W interized" for Easy Starting. ♦ Safe Tires. ♦ W inter Grease and Oil. ♦ Radiator Serviced for W inter. ♦ Windshield W iper T hat Works. ♦ Free from Usual W inter Troubles. Home Laundry Dry Cleaners Telephone 47 Hillsboro, Ora. CADY MOTOR CO. Hillsboro, Oregon