Thursday. January lì, 193ft H IL L S B O R O Better Times Year Highlight ií S v T a « . Ä" ARGUS, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON* Mayor G arrett announces "Clean ; program Project to employ 3001) Up" week. linen on Wilson river route sought | May 2 Toni Bronleewe receives | Septem ber 12 Hilhi attendance i Major-Gen- ; shows m arked gain on opening S h eriffs sale day A C. Forrester. Portland en- A Serif» of Uriel Dhcuiuon* on D r it inf, D t d i - *4 foret* h med property In delinquent glneer, authorized to install demon- I cuted Io the Sufety, Comfort and Plunure tax suit set. for May 18 County .(ration .ewage di .posal plant City , of the Motoring Public, Prepared Survey of 1935 New» Stories court cuts Interest on w arrants lu ,i|« iii,u i, hospital plan. County n by < General Motor, three pel l ent Gieil G Gregory. ; lief office I Io. e ll d u e to eie'ou.d Shows Interesting Events Portland, killed when pi. m e crushes labor available near Progress. I Septem ber 19- WPA refuses to (C u n lln u re l fro m page l> No. 2 —NIGHT DRIVING May il City orders survey for I •" ‘ ept Wil on river and Wolf creek betw een Dairy C’o-op unit various new sewer County lum ber mills road.-, a s works project I.ocal w i l l - l's just as true as can be that when people get expert at anything they're milk distributors ami dairym en set­ hit by strike. »ut growers seek to void control opt to begin getting carele.,.: about it, and that's what we have to look out tled. Ktute legislature opens May 18 Lum ber mill I a b o r i Cf»de. for when driving our cun. For Instance, we re.-ently heard a group of Jan u ary 21 Denial of reports troubles hold focus of Intere t In ' S e p t e m b e r 20 City bond bring engineers discussing nii.iit driving, and one thing they kept talking about that 50 transient families In Wash­ countv C T Richard on elected high premium. First crew draw n was “over-driving our headlights.” ington county are starving issued president Hillsboro Itotary club. for WI’A projects W F Cyrus re­ Now that term seems to be a common one with them, but It’s new to most by It. W Weil, county relief com ­ A orbited Walnut G row ers of O re­ elected legion commander. County of US. m ittee chairm an Two inches of gon seek separate w alnut code for total valuation lowered Business­ What they mean is that the distance we can see snow fulls In Tuulalin valley, the state County planning eommls-mn men report better sales and re-- clearly by headlights is, of course, limited, and that nam ed by county judge Laurel turni'ig prosperity. first In ulrnost tw o ycurs. we are apt to let our car speeds get beyond the point October 3 Governm ent grant , January .'II Better housing cam ­ mall routes to b e di continued. where we could easily stop within that limited dis­ fund, for construction of «Wwagr May 23 Deadlock exists between paign in Washington county launch­ tance. It’s true that we naturally tend to go a little in Hillsboro. Congressman ed with scries of meetings ut cham ­ opposing factions in lum ber strike system -J Molt s|a-aks in Hillsboro, explain­ slower a t night. But if we aren’t careful we gradually Nearly 200 tracts of land sold ut ber of commerce. County F edera­ ing M cGroarty bill Dr I. B Smith get going faster than wo realize, and that may get us tion of Farm organizations formed county tax sale. Belief program dies. Announce official dedication Into trouble. You see, momentum, the same force costs for county total $200.000 d u r­ Tux leaguers oppose repeal of crim ­ of new post office building. that tries to keep us from making turns safely; that inal syndicalism law. Rcpresenta- ing past year. October 10 Fieri Heed. 14. killed Muy 30 City o b serv e; Memorial cuts all kinds of capers on slippery reads . . . never live E I , Russ puts oil bill in in hunting accident near C herry sleeps! He works on the same old principles night and day Siege Stimson mill broken by * legislative hopper. Grove. County budget shows gam county and state police after two day. Darkness doesn’t hinder him, but it hinders us. ' F ebruary 7 Farm Union favors men injured City plans to re bond over previous year Banks voter Most modern headlights are pretty wonderful state bunk m easure 1935 corn-hog $98.858 in Bancroft und general ob­ approve finances for gymnasium lights, but after all they don’t give us the distance program, announced Federal a l­ ligation bonds and auditorium at high school. or clarity of vision that daylight docs. Ko, on considerably shorter notice lotm ent for work relief In county Ju n e (1 State power plan studied Funeral services for T S W eather- than in the daytime a vehicle or pedestrian can come out of the darkness. slushed till per cent. at northw est Oregon meet here l e d held Almost before we know it we may have to slow down or stop for someone F ebruary 14 Local cannery a n ­ N inety-two seniors graduated at October 17 If V Gates, G A It or something on the road . . . perhaps one of those big lumbering trucks nounces big building and packing Hilhi. Glen Tlioruburgh of Forest leader, dies. City budget asks for that you barely see till you're right up on them; or a progruin to treble production in Grove killed In auto accident Coun­ liigtier levy. T hirty-five 4-H corn car whose tail-light has gone out . . . an unexpected 1935. Scouts hold silver Jubilee a n ­ cil sets hearing on zoning plan club boys to exiiibit product at curve, or what not. niversary program. Amendment to Ju n e 13 Highway improvement Commercial N ational bank show. And that's where we meet up with momentum milk control bill in legislaturu pre­ and bridge plans for county sub­ October 24 Vincent Ober, truck again. You see, stopping isn't the one simple action cipitates buttle. Vulue of arm y air m itted t o pi inning commission I driver, on trial for m anslaughter. we always thought it was. The tru th Is, we are told, base near here stressed at cham ­ Total $414.071. H L. MacKenzie I Verboort boys win honors in corn that there are really three things we have to do to ber of commerce re-elected president cham ber of 1 show. Congressman Mott speaks be- stop. First we have to think of stopping. Next we February 21 Hilhi hoopsters de- commerce. j fore cham ber of commerce County have to move one foot over on to the brake pedal. f it F o re it G r o y i IB to Id to • ■ June 20 Twelve pickets arrested tiog raisers asked to ballot on con­ And then we have io push down on the brake pedal. county basketball title. County near Stimson mill as county lum ­ trol plan. Now wc might not believe it, but they tell us those court cuts interest on w arrunts to ber strike front becomes active October 3! Obcr freed by jury first two steps take time. Less than a second, perhaps, five |>er cent Sever Venus of Beav­ again State troupers disperse pick­ on m anslaughter count. Farm er but even in that instant momentum is carrying us on. erton, pedestriun. killed by auto ets M P. Cudv named head Hills­ j e< k economic study of ru ral prob- In fact, at only 20 miles an hour the average driver near Beaverton Council repeals boro g rid e school board County i terns Hillsboro voters appr ove bond goes 22 feet before he can even start to use the brakes. "blue laws" to allow Sunday bow l­ I Townsend club rally held at Shute | issue for sewers. More projects ing. Relief body announces com ­ park launched by WI’A. D IS T A N C E R E Q U IR E D F O R S T O P P IN G pulsory garden projects for relief November 7 Freezing w eather June 27 H V. Gates. Hillsboro, clients. named com mander of Departm ent takes toll on firm and orchard. Old February 28 Marshall Dana sees of Oregon, G A R. Deli gates from j age pensions burden to county fin- 2 0 ^ 3 1 4 0 FT. F71 feet traveled bright future for county In talk at northw est Orogon counties favor ' uncc, Judge Donald T. Templeton WHILE THINKING cham ber of commerce T ualatin V al­ super power district Separation re ­ ' tells cham ber of commerce. WPA 7 3 FT. ley post of Amerleun l.egion r e ­ em ploym ent' and relief offices in approves $285.000 fund for county B i G E T TRAVELED ceives charter. highways. Bank deposits m ake j ! county ordered. WHILE USUI« BRAKES | March 7 T ualatin Valley D rain­ July 4 Miss Tilllc Huffman nam ­ steady climb School district p ro p ­ age und Flood Control association ed Goit'h s.s ,,f Liberty ( o r H a p p y erty values hold old levels. (6 109 cites reclam ation value of river Days event. Shute park scene of November 14— County budget ¡6 5 FT. control project during annual m eet­ gala event Suit attacks validity passed w ithout protest Hillsboro 156 it ing Farm Union passes resolution of county tax foreclosure City to sewer plan gets final approval by 2 2 2 FT. taking G overnor M artin to task for fight hydrant claim of local « • ’ < i government Aged Hillsboro farm ­ 240 I Z» 319 attitu d r taken against farm ers' leg­ company er. Chris Peterson, struck down by 7 0 ; .... islative lobby. July 11 J. W. Goodin, ex-county hit und run driv er in Portland March It Nell Richardson aw ard ­ , judge, dies F I. Brown. Laurel, November 21 Senator Steiw er ed Rotary club basketball trophy. nam ed chairm an Hilhi school board discusses governm ent problems. City Then after he does get the brakes to working, it takes him another 18 feet Refunding of W ashington county July 18 Two Gaston boys fatal­ plans holiday opening. Special road , to stop completely, even w ith the best brakes in the world and with good w arrants authorized by legislature. ly hurt In truck accident near G as­ meeting called. Bethany woman tires, under favorable road cond.'.ions. At least so we are told by the State Formation of Washington county ton W ater com pany sues city in victim of poison dose to end life. Board of Public Works of cne cf the states which has made a very Intensive utility district planned. U. S e n ­ federal court on hydrant rental November 28 Second offering of study of drivers and driving conditions, and which gineer tells flood control associa­ claim. Record heat of 107 degrees city bonds in big demand. PEP has prepered the data for the above chart. tion that T ualatin river flood con­ recorded in county. Second suit company plans 1936 expansion. J The important thing to realize Is that distance trol project has been recommended filed county tux fori-closure H Krocger, local businessman, dies needed to stop increases a great deal as we increase for federal aid. July 25 William McLeod. G len­ County law m akers speak before our speed. March 21 National vice-com­ wood. and Lester Mailer, Canada cham ber of commerce. Sherwood We just have to remember that when w e're mov­ m ander of A merican Legion cites killed in autom obile accidents East­ proposes to construct high school i adjusted com pensation program ns ern part of county classified in Governm ent continues relief fund ing along in a car, we think by the foot, act by the effective recovery m easure in m etropolitan area under works pro­ month. foot and step by the foot, and if we aren’t careful, it’s cham ber of com merce talk, W ash­ gram Forest Grove National bank December 5—City council opens i easy to get going faster than is really safe. ington county newcomers w elcom ­ conducts second annual sheep sh o w .' bids for sew er construction Farm ' Now, Just as engineers have told us how to operate is ed at Hillsboro meeting. Control of County reports reduction of $45,- ' union to hold rally. Larger levies I In safety with our own lights, many experienced "Happy Days" event placed In 039 in w arranted debt. revealed in tax figures Special levy drivers have pointed out how to avoid trouble from hands of citizens' com mittee by August 1 SERA program to con­ for roads defeated. County seeking other people’s lights. They say that all we have to do, council. tinue 30 days pending organization land for Gales Creek highway. when passing other cars at night, is to stop looking March 28 Tax collections for of WI’A. W ashington County His­ Di'cembcr 12- Hillsboro Rotary at their lights and watch the right-hand side of the road. first quarter of year total 3U per torical and Museum association o r­ club honors local grid stars. Farm The truth of the m atter is that night driving can be just as pleasant and cent of the 1935 roll Hillsboro stu ­ ganized. City refunds bond issues economic survey underw ay. City ’ " . , d.-iv dr:, But. we have to be more alert and more careful. dents, totaling 775. receive tu b e r­ Cut m warranted di bt ol county aw aits funds for sewer. culin tests In program sponsored school districts totals $41.070. ac­ liecem ber 19 Non-union high conservatory of music and became by American Legion, auxiliary and cording td announcem ent. County school district free of debt. H ear­ a talented musician. W hile living health association. T G Bronleewe voting precincts chunged. names ing on citizens' utility district set in Forest Grove she was a member named chairm an county Better abolished and num bers substituted. for Jan u ary 25 Children throng of the M ethodist church and in I By Misa Helen Asbahr) Housing drlvo. Hillsboro federal building c o m - city to greet Santa Claus Bowlby 1920, w hile w orking in Portland, Measles and mumps took so m any April 4 -C ity fares legul snarl pletcd. ’ wins auto dam age action. became interested in the P en te­ children out of Sherwood school over Fourth of July event. A uthor- ! August 8 -Five killed in train December 26—Babson takes op­ costal mission work, going o u t that it was impossible to produce ity of citizens' com m ittee limited crash at Cochran. Cost of proposed tim istic view. Beaverton farmer. daily visiting the sick and afflicted, a Christm as program. to arranging sponsorship Frank city sewer plan estim ated at $184.- Andrew Christensen, killed in truck com forting them. On October 5, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haynes of Rowell of Scholls named on state 000 by engineer. Reduction of 15 accident. Registration for election 1924, she m arried Justice L. Flem ­ Home and Donald Haynes board of agriculture. T w enty-tw o per cent under base acre age set I to close. C annery products sent to ing and they continued th e ir m is­ Swiss spent a few days w ith relatives in scouts receive honors at record hon­ in four-year wheat production eon- ■ all parts of nation and world. WPA sion work together. this district. They retu rn ed home or court. trol program. w orkers get checks for Christmas. Deceased is survived by the Thursday. April 11—County court seeks bids August 15 S. S. Jefferies. B eth­ widow er and a son, Law rence; her Mrs. Dot Tews and tw o sons on refunding w arrants. Federal any, killed in lugging cam p acci­ mother, Mary A. Clark; a brother. spent Christm as with her brother, MRS. GLADYS FLEMING Housing campaign office opened In dent. City denies claim s of w ater Mrs. Gladys I.eonor Fleming died Ralph W. Clark. Detroit. Mich.; E. A. Saylor, in Portland. Hillsboro. John Baldwin of Tobias company in hydrant rental suit. at the home of h er sister, Mrs. and a sister, Mrs. Westwick. at F or­ A large crowd attended the killed by auto w hile w alking near High tem peratures cause fire haz­ John W estwick, in Forest Grove est Grove. Christm as pageant and program at home. ard, logging camps close. December 20. F uneral services were the M iddleton Friends church S at­ April 18—City firem en to spon­ August 22 -J. M. Hiatt, former held December 22 at the Forest Ask your attosney to send your urday evening. sor annual "Happy Days" event. county commissioner, dies. Wash­ G rove U ndertaking company chapel legal advertising to th e Argus. Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Haynes John Thornburgh, Forest Grove, ington county irrigation projects and interm ent was in Forest View nam ed on W illamette Valley Im ­ visited on annual W illamette valley cemetery. provem ent committee. County d airy ­ tour. Realization of proposed alco­ Gladys Leonor C lark was born men organize herd im provem ent as­ hol plant here indicated. Wilson December 5. 1898. in Hankinson. sociation. Hillsboro area considered river road project considered. N. D . and lived there until 1902 for arm y air base, says Dr. R ay­ August 29- Ninth annual county when the family moved to Spokane. mond R. Staub at local meet. fair opens Past office moves to Wash. During the infantile paralysis April 25—C ircuit Judge Peters new quarters. City sustained in or­ epidemic of 1907 she contracted the signs foreclosure against 1050 par­ dinance to reduce hydrant rentals. disease, which left her w ith cu rv a­ cels of property in county delin­ Septem ber 5 — Thugs a s s a u l t tu re of th e spine. The family quent tax suit. Hilhi school board George Burrett, Scoggins valley. moved to Forest G rove in 1913. votes salary increase for teachers City seeks federal aid on sewer She attended the Pacific university W e D rivers I ."WS» Laurel Ridge Pag« Flvi Were h o s ts Christm as to a g ath er­ ing of the E'ly clan Guests were j Mr. and M, II. 1’. Strickler, Mrs. Florence Young. Mr and Mrs. Djri- ■ tel W erre and Lona Marie. Mr. and Mrs. Will EJy. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schaltcnbrand, of this community, land Mr and Mrs. W arren Baugh of Portland Mr. ar.d Mrs Fred Hayne and Donald of Swiss Home, .and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde White of j Cozad. Neb. Mr. and Mrs Jo h n S trickler and , children spent Christm as with Mrs. S trickler . mother. Mrs. Grace Jack, at Tigard Frem ont H arrington, who is wdth a CCC unit th irty miles out of Tillamook, was granted a nine-day ; vacation with Ids family here. Young Folk Carol Through Beaverton of lumber Saturday for another cabin. W. S. French and family sjient Christmas ut the C. II Menasco home in Sellwood. Mr. and Mrs. J. S Cannon of Portland visited at ttie C. H. Gonyo home Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Charles Wood and Helen Kinsey spent Christm as in | P ortljn d at the T. R. Mohler home. BEAVERTON A group of young people from the Congregational church met at 5:30 Christmas m orning and went caroling about town. They were entertained at breakfast by Mr. and Mrs. Jay Gibson. Next meeting of the Bethel La­ dies' Aid and missionary study class will be at the church January 16. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer H arnden at the Wilcox Memorial SOUTH SCHOLLS Members of hospital. December 21. a girl. Julie. Mrs H arnden was form erly Miss the Scholls Co-operative berrygrow - lihoda Shellenberger and is the ers will meet at the Scholls I. O. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. D O. F. hall Jan u ary 6 at 2 p. m. Scholls Rebekah club will hold a Shellenberger. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Wood of scries of card parties Jan u ary 17. January 31, F ebruary 21 and March Kinzua spent Christmas w ith Mr 6. l i t , M r , o . H P e te rz c n ) Wood's parent:, Mr. and Mrs. V. Mrs. Olive K ercher and daughter A. Wood. Ruby lodge will commemorate Pearl, Miss G race and Oscar Dev- the memory of Thomas Wildey J a n ­ erell of Portland, and H erbert Dev- 1 Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Barnes. Mr uary 8 with a pot luck supper at erell of Corbett were Christm as and Mrs. E. C Webb. Mrs. R. B seven o'clock. Com mittee includes guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Denney. Mrs. R C. Doty and M Mrs. H. T. Hesse Jam es Moore and Devercll. Mrs. K ercher and Her- I H. Metcalf of Beaverton w e r e Mrs. George Allison. bert D everell rem ained to spend among the five hundred singers, the rest of the week at the D ever­ who participated in the "Messiah" Services Hi Id at the Portland auditorium S un­ ell home. Funeral services for Ferdinand day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A lbert Scott enter- Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Metzler and Klatt, 70, who died at the family tained th eir son-in-law and daugh­ daughter Marion visited Mr Metz­ home near Hillsboro December 22. ter, Mr and Mrs. V ent Cross, and ler's parents at '"orvallis Christmas were held December 24 from the three sons Clifford. K enneth and day. Bethany Baptist church instead of Bobby, and Mr. Scott's son and D aughters of Job will install of- { the Bethany Presbyterian church daughter-in-law . Mr. and Mrs. C lay­ ficers next Thursday evening, Jan- ' as erroneously printed in the last ton Scott, of Seattle, Wash., I r e n e ' uary 7, in th e Masonic hall. Aigus. Scott of Portland Friday guests at Mr. and Mrs. J. C. H untley of the Scott home w ere th eir son-in- Tacoma, form erly o f Beaverton law, Archie Bernard, and daughter, ' spent Christm as with their son-in- I Miss A udry Ann. of Eugene law and daughter, Mr. and M rs.' Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bowne and A1 George. GOOD MILK A N D family entertained th eir sons, Hen- ! Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Fleetwood ry. Clarence and Thomas, and •M argaret Peterson) of Jew ell vis­ GOOD HEALTH daughter Miss Joan, from Portland ited Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Barnes and M artha Hoffman of near Sylvan, « Christm as day. niece of Mrs. Bowne, Christmas. Mrs. Em m ett Moody of Rock- 1 They are practically inseparable. Mr and Mrs. D L. Gholson and away was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. ' The healthiest people always drink fam ily entertained relatives from | S. B. Law rence from Friday until lots of good, pure milk. It not only builds them up In weight and Portland and different places for Sunday evening. Christmas. Mrs. J. E. Davis of Omaha. Neb., | provides good, red blood, but is a School starts Ja n u ary 6, after a attended the installation of officers fine preventative against ill health. i two weeks' vacation. of the Beaverton Masonic lodge and The milk d rinker who uses McFall's Milk is always in the best condi­ Girls of the Bend school are Eastern S tar Friday evening. tion. ready to w ork hard or play starting a 4-H cooking club. Offi­ hard. Phone your order today. It cers w ere elected as follows: B er­ will be a real service to your fam ­ tha Baggenstos, president; Frances ily. Gholson. vice-president; Beulah School resum ed December « 30 Peterson, secretary. The Tollefson fam ily spent C hrist­ after a w eek’s Christm as vacation. Mr and Mrs. Delm ar M artin of mas with th eir niece. Mrs. Fern Yamhill brought home Mrs C har­ . Van Tassel, of near Troutdale. Phone 2104 Mr. and Mrs. H L. Eisner en ter­ les Johnson and Betty on Sunday tained Christm as for Mr. and Mrs. from their Christm as visit there. M Conrordy brought out a load Fritz Eisner and family and Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Scott and son Wal- j ■Pi te r of T ualatin, parents of Mrs. Eisner, and Mr. and Mrs. W illiam ' Scott and son N orm an of Willa- I mette. , Ferd and A rth u r Steinhoff a n d 1 sister, Miss M ildred Steinhoff. w ere ' at a family gathering Christm as GRADE A day at th e home of th eir sister. I Mrs. F rank Anderson, and family of Portland. Berry Growers to Meet January’ 6 Bend Mason Hill McFall Jersey Dairy FOREST GROVE Jersey Meeting Saturday Oregon Jersey C attle club will m eet at the M arion hotel, Salem. at 10:30 a. m. S aturday. In th e aft- ernoon Dr. Jam es Brew, m ilk spe- cialist for the A merican Jersey Cat- tie club, will speak. CREAMERY BUTTER I ' j r j Ask for It every tim e you order BUTTER Neighborhood new s from 30 A r­ gus correspondents I n d if f e r e n t sections of W ashington county ap ­ pear in th e A rgus each w e e k . L earn w hat your friends are do­ ing for less th an th ree cents a week. tf A W ashington Count P roduct of Hight t Q uality Available at All Groceries FfflRUJflV^^ mflRHCT in d e p e n d e n t i Y a , ow ned WE LEAD— OTHERS FOLLOW NEVER KNOW INGLY UNDERSOLD FREE DELIVERY Second at Main Street Phone 3251 Prices E ffective Friday to M onday, January 3rd, 4th and 6th, inclusive FA IR W AY MOTHER’S FARINA COFFEE OATS Save on your breakfasts. Try this high grade cof­ fee at this low price. We guarantee satisfaction. W ith Prem ium or Cup and Saucer. Large Pkg. .. 15c Pound 27c Pancake Flour Self-Rising ........... ÍO'b b.« 45c Pure cane and maple. 48c (10c deposit on bottle). SYRUP 25c SOAP Double value ......... Crown Brand. ‘You Can Take My Ad Out’ \ 1 Here are just a few of the reasons given by classified adver­ M s Morning Dew . Vj-gallon bottle Double Size Bars Arm our’s Big Ben. tisers for telephoning the above message to us: FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES Friday and Saturday Only FLOUR “I rented my house the day after the paper came out.” GRAPEFRUIT Seedless Arizona Full of Juice ..................... 4-H Brand T I •> “I made a good trade on that bull.” il* K rs ■> 4- n ln M z l ORANGES Medium size. s.W M l:.15c CARROTS 5 ib, 10C W e M anufacture Our Own “I advertised for cows and bought five dandy milkers.” Hams, Bacons, Backs, Lard, W ieners, Bologna, Minced Cheese, Head­ cheese, L iver Sausage, F ra n k fu rte rs and m any other Items “We sold that bed Thursday afternoon.” “The end gate for my truck was found and returned to me.” “I sold my kitchen range and could have sold several more if I had had them.” ■I ! Want Ads until you have tried one. 14C for juicy Navels. Dozen “Seven different persons were out to buy my horse Friday and Saturday.” You cannot realize the quick results achieved by the Argus tf A TRY WILL CONVINCE YOU HILLSBORO MEAT CO. Large, smooth, tender A W JC * SMALL WHITES £■ lbs. OVZ^IIC* llJIVlj J T n osregon .............4 NO. 1 QUALITY. LONG GRAIN ..................................................... PRUNES ^ lbs. lbs. TU N A FISH SALMON OYSTERS L ig h t meat. Solid pack. These are not flakes. Columbia riv er Chinook, Not a cheap pink. Fancy quality Large Willapas, 5-oz. cans . No. l / 8 T i n ........... 10c No. 1 Tall tin 10c 17c