Papo Tour H IL L S B O R O JRiUsbon^Arg us With Which Is Combined (he IlilUboro Independent ■ Anrus eeteb. 1804 H ilbboro Independent « ta b . 1873 McKINNEY A M rKINNEY. Publishers Published Thursday. Entered an eecond-claee m atter In tha poe to ff ice at HiUttboro. Oregon Oregon Men, Materials Governor M artin is absolutely right in his opposition to the proposal of the state tapitol construction commission to employ a supervising architect or any other archi­ tect outside the state. 1’cople are too prone to think it is necessary to go elsewhere to get competent help or goods, when there are probably .just as capable men in the various lines right at home. The governor also rightly favors pur­ chase of all m aterials for the new capitol building in Oregon. The specifications should be so written. .Many states, includ­ ing California, confine public expenditures within their own borders. People of Oregon must pull together in working for a greater state. Patronizing home industry and buying at home will do much. A R G U S , R I L L S P O R O , O R F fl O N Highlights in Week's News ¡ Officer Gassed; Many Cry Teal’s Thin 'day. January 2, 1 9flfl ,,,.1 l, ick strain w hen eats driven T igard route 1 Two Local Youths L u, , \ I || 1'lr i' m or ■ until M of C arney Pythia ns Will of T igard according a icpoit Jn the Accident Victims collided, Install Officers sheriffs office. horn nrhooh, had served as a c a r­ January J3th ried dii!« » U Porti md | .j»» i • Women to Receive D eerm ber 27 ( ( t»n(Imii'tl fruiti |iag» I) B iller cold besets all slates east Consternation reigned, and of Koekies and causes 108 deaths. fo r t i strong men wept nt the court While this was happening Hillsboro i house M onday am t T uesday ! Knights of Pythius and Pythian hen* and wat> more recently em was enjoying spring teniperutures. ill because W W W eaver. Sisters of Phoenix lodge and I’hoe ployed at the Fir (»rove Dairy. Chester C Davis. AAA adm inis­ K enneth R ichard M cD anifl was verne M c K inney MRS. E. C. McKINNEY Hillsboro night p o lic e m a n , I nieia tem ple will install officers trator, says recovery started by Associate Editor Editor Women em t lloved oll W I’A sew- suffered an accident. Monday night. Jan u ary 13. at the i horn at ilarlctn. Montana. March AAA. The trouble began when lx I’, hall, followed by a social 14. 1913. and m oved to H illsboro |11(. p m jeeb and laid off because Powerful Italian fleet ready fur December 21. the amo v e n lie ,,, m rlage ot fundi, will 1«' re- j meeting. Weaver viisted a court house OPPICIAL N EW SPAPER OF W ASHINGTON C O l’NTY “any eventiw lity." Mrs W C. Gifford will be In- | illeiided public and high s e ll o u t in tni'n«r2.00 31.50 Rush MendenlialI. who was born particularly the m anner of Six months ___ — .... .85 Foreign countries .......... 3.50 diction of G. O. P. victory in 1936 I.tniLa? en " i l l be alow oil to w ork long at Buxton, is chief officer of the e r and two brothel ins flight Through blinding if republicans adopt dem ocrats' 1932 State S S company of New York dent cutlet at March Field. C i l . enough to use up the icm iiinuig tears lie sought sanctuary in MEMBER Oregon State platform, which he claims t h and A rthur at n a ta l training ta- F irs t Audite«! Pap er and was in charge of the crew and m om V Editoriul Asstw-iation and the corridor, there to offer dem ocrats never lived up to. l.arce-it ABC W eekly Tii - pipe line project at L a m e t lifeboats at th e shipw reck off the tioii at San Diego: his uandinotln-i N \ explanations of h i s plight C ircu latio n in W« m . P rem ier Laval scores narrow vie Mrs W A. L im isi' and an uncle, to turni i w ater to t li e sellout «dation. Philippine coast recently, according and receive the condolences tory on a promise to uphold the Frank l.indsay of Hillsboro there, lae, been eom pleted. T lllot- to his fattier. Attorney F. J. Men ef whomsoever might be in ­ league of nations in t h e Halo Funeral services will be bold at on. od In addition to w ork first denhall of Portland, who was a terested. Ethiopian war. . 2 p. m Monday from Young's F u­ planned .the line w as lengtliened Hillsboro visitor today. Since then t h i s sanctum M auna I.oa volcano in Hawaii neral Home with Rev. ti A Di to include nolliei sprliig. doubling Mrs. Itmixlass Hostess— lias been shunned by those answers aerial bombing attack with ami Rev H. 1. Putnam officiatili.: Hie q u an tity of w ater vuilable. Dorcas d u b of t h e Episcopal Newspaper readers are getting more who knew, but the u n inform ­ terrific blast of fire and a V z-m ile .Ident Delbert Turner. 23 church will meet witli Mrs C tiarle, One of the finest things the Portland advance of m olten lava tow ard ed entered blithely only to and more for their money in the m atter of Douglass next Thursday evening Hillsboro for man.' year«, w a s weep and wonder why. General Electric company could do for Hilo's w ater reservoirs. Mrs S W Melhuish “ is as isting killed In an nuton ■ Ink- I'l.i.'it H erbert Spear of Portland fatally news, features and advertising and all of the improvement of Hillsboro’s business hostess. near Toppenish, Wash , Wi dm -day injured at Camp M eriw ether. Boy afternoon, while returning to W in­ it without any increase in subscription district would be to remove the poles, Scout sea coast resort, when crushed Brother Visits— rates within the immediate retail trade carrying electric lines, from the business under a log overturned by large Sidney Luce of Plush, near Lake- throp. Waste, with Ills family after B ristol b ald w are d ole on M u n view. spent the last few weeks having spent the holida> here No n e i i being leinodeled tills w e e k area. This is particularly true of the Ar­ streets. The poles surely do not add to the wave. details of ttie accident had been visiting his brother, Edw ard C. Ababa reports tide of war to provide additional slndf room gus, which has had a $1.50 a year rate beauty of the streets and it would be has Addis Luce, here and his m other and learned here late Thur-da,' a fte r­ and to facilitate customer se rv ic e turned and the Italian invaders noon and no funeral arrangem ents in the county ever since the w riter can mighty fine if the company could arrange being pushed steadily back. sister at Forest Grove. \ li.ik i i i i . v li.- been constructed on bad been made. New business of fir mills exceeds the cast side of llie store and remember. to have the poles come into the center of production. Hurold Delbert T urner was born Mr. and Mrs. C arl Pickerts of Group of mills show ■ t pi It.i' e bei'ii in.slailed to m ake Just as a m atter of curiosity news and the various business blocks and service the 26 per cent increase in orders for Mr and Mrs. Carl Millet en ter­ Olympia. W ash. Mrs A. W. Holt, October 9. 1912. lit l aurel When 'a i d loi in on the second floor be watt five years old lho family ami Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. Williams feature material were measured in the A r­ business houses from there. 1935. tained Christm as with a family of e. two of the building available were Christinas guests *” then y.i December 29 Mohr brother« are handling the dinner, guests being Mr. and Mrs. of Beaverton gus issued just before Christmas this year miles west of Ilillsooro lb- wa re.’ip'dehng Mr. and Mrs J. W. Holt. Urging league intercession to halt Rupert Kennedy of The Dalles. Ro­ co n tract and cxpind to graduated from Hey w oo I school in as compared with the Argus issued in persecution of Jews. Jam es G Mc­ land Kennedy of Sauvies Island, Mr. amt Mrs DeForest Clements 1926 and from Hillsboro union high have impi o 'e lu e n ts eoinpletod w ith ­ the same week 15 years ago. The paper ol' Donald resigns as league of na and Mrs. Gail Kennedy of P o rt­ of Salem w ere guests over New in 1930 In 1939-31 be a t ­ in a short tim e W illiam M cB ride tiorfs high commissioner for refugees land. Mrs Kennedy left the last of Year of their relatives. Mr and school 15 years ago, December 23, 1920, had tended Pneifie university. where he of P ortland, ow ner of th e building, from Germany. the week for San Francisco, w here Mrs. F. W. Walch. " a s a member of the Gamma S ii ;! "- i is I ii I p ' i I to lie p lan n in g to im ­ eight pages of seven columns or 150,5 Deaths from automobile accidents she will m ake her home. fraternity. From the fall of 193.' pluvi' Hie loonc on Hie secund inches to the page and the type was of a have num bered 36.000 this year, until Inst spring he attended O re­ floor. I). F O'Donnell and son John about the same as last year. Rate F airw ay M arket i» also Im prov­ larger size, which allowed for less words gon State college ns a major in llie Judging from w hat we have read on opposition death per accident increases 7 I., of Astoria were Christm as guests departm ent of fore try. being a ing it site Folding door» are be­ to the column inch than in the present to codes covering farm products—and aside from of of Mr. O'Donnell's brother-in-law per cent. member of Kappa Delta Rho frater- U1k’ installed around tin töre «pace. day. The paper of December 19, 1935, the selfish opposition of those who m ake a profit A. J. Priglio. Illinois democrat and sister. Mr and Mrs. Fred C ald­ nitv ami a national forestry bon- well Mr. O'Donnell retu rn ed to Hilhi basketball team defeated from farm products but who do not take any part leader, m urdered. .Marrlagp Slinrt was 12 pages of eight columns each with Astoria last Thursday, but his wife Scappoose in a pre-season game orary. in production—we are forced to the inevitable con­ American Student Union indorse Man n it Dei mber II. Anna M 168 inches to the page. In Septemb©** 1932. he w a ........ m clusion that most of the opposition is based on the th e “Oxford pledge." refusing to and children rem ained for a visit at Scappoose Saturday night 43 to ried to Eiizaoeth Thump >n o f * ,v brought u n t for divorce* 31. The previous night the Scap­ As an answer to the occasional news­ desire of some producers to receive a fixed price support the United States in any w ith relatives at Cornelius. Ab in P S kdhn The couple Hillsboro. They have a twenty <»n<. poose five took Forest G rove high th at is profitable, the w hile they are free to go w ar it might conduct. One speaker Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Fox of Wes­ paper critic, who says there is little news ahead and produce m axim um crops. months' old daughter. Joan Eliza­ at meeting said action definitely ton returned home New Year's into camp at Forest G rove 30 to 20 beth. tii.- ci »m plaint. ™ and mostly advertising, the issue of De­ Local boys play Manley C enter U nfortunately for them —and for those w ho are labels student union as “radical day after spending the holidays at While In school he w»as alw ays' here tonight and Washington high cember 19, 1935, had 817.5 inches of news, backing them in th e ir opposition—no such delight­ organization." the F W. Heintz home. Mr. and interested in ftthletics. having tak- ; First increase in postal revenues Mrs. Brad Fox and son of Port in Portland Friday night St Helens I en particular honors >n track, both editorial and features in contrast with ful plan is in prospect, or can it be successful. Con­ plays here Tuesday night and the that there is under consumption of many since 1930 helped Postm aster-G en­ Angeles, Wash., spent the w eek­ Id and B-montha-old 308.5 for December 23, 1920. This is in ceding first conference game is set for i in high school ami colic««’ At C) s 14 MONTHS-old farm products, it only emphasizes the fact th at there eral Farley claim his second suc­ with Mr. a n d Mrs. F. W. I Jan | C. be won a gold medul for th«* GiHTnsey hnlL for sale, eligible u ary 10 here w ith Tigard. keeping with the growth of the commu­ is over-production, ar.d unless new. m arkets can be cessive annual surplus today in end Heintz and family. | cross-country run. xuttin« a record if» n «isii y E I binun Téléphona nity, which has resulted in enlarging the found for th e various surpluses, or they can be governm ent operation of the mails. Mr. and Mrs C. W. H ergert and in that event. 48p B«siv«tton B719 December 30 kept off the markets, th e re are bound to be gluts Last spring he was appoint««! local news staff several times together and family spent Christm as w ith Mr. ; Rev. Frank E Carlson, ex-pas­ and Mrs. C. W. Schink of Portland atten d an t unprofitable prices. forester in th< natchiH* national young • Wi EGR .SALE K M ) with the news from more than 30 differ­ To our way of thinking, codes and orderly m ar­ tor .,f W averly Heights Congrega­ Mrs. H ergert and the children spent forest, where he 1ind since h<*«*n 50 • ack . Ilurbfl - Call ent communities in Washington county, re­ keting are tw o m ain factors w hich could easily put tional rh u ic h in P ortland and now the stationed. Soon after this appoint­ Wick 441 or 1194. 46,, rest of the week w ith her m oth­ cf Poeate’lo, Idaho, elected state (C o n tin u e d fro m p a r * 1> ment. he learned that he had pa su­ ported each week by a staff of loyal and agriculture and h o rticu ltu re on a paying basis. But superintendent of t h e Congrega­ er. Mrs Theodore Strohm eyer of units, which w ere begun List w inter ed the national junior forestry ex ­ LOST Tri I)« Ita horority pin on th ere will be opposition as long as non-producers Oregon City. hardw orking local correspondents. under SERA. Main or Second avenu»*. Monday. am ination with one of the four w ho have selfish interests in mass production, are tional conference of Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. C E. M ariner en- Huge waves b atter Oregon coast. Ii«- a .id Mu Edwyna Uroadbcnt. new men will be em ployed, high« t grad«s in the 1 nit«-I Stul in a position to persuade the producer th at codes ertalned New Year's eve w ith a on Few McKenzie pass closed as blizzard the added projects as under the dtp He is survived by li w if i Eliza- and orderly m arketing are not cures for over-pro­ dinner party at th eir home. Guests rules regulations, first moil to beth, hla d I rnoth- duction, under consum ption or w hat you w ill.— rages in Cascades. w ere Messrs, and Mesdamcs H ar­ be put and L etter business conditions in 1936 CYPH ER 300-egg in cu b ato r fo > back to w ork must be those er, Mrs. E T. T urner of Hills­ Hood River News. s.ile. in good condition Georg«» predicted by E B. MacNaughton. old McKinster, N. A. Peters, and who w ere assigned to WPA projects boro; tw o brothers. Vernon and president First National bank of Roy Heartt, all of Portland. which have been completed^ T i'llot-, Glenn T urner of Hill In : o. .md tw o H o u. lit 5 Hillsboro. Telephone Voters of the state will go to the polls Mr. and Mrs. W arren Barnes and son pointed out. Portland. 46 sisters, Mrs Dui ild Horine of P ort­ •1H2. January 31 to consider w hether or not Ai Sm ith levels accusation of fal­ children. Buddy, Joyce, Jean. Da­ land. and Miss Winona T urner of New Spring Orrtwe» sity at White House, denying fre­ vid and Donald of Cornelius, were student fees at the schools of higher educa­ M arriage U c r n s e s Hillsboro. You oe invitti! to see the new' . u ' New Year's day of Mr. and quent bids to home of president. Iden H Cochran. Selina, and While driving through the fog tion should be left in the hands of the One of the easiest ways of getting money dis­ Itoiim 420. Platt Income tax figures for ¡934 show Mrs. B. W. Barnes. Agnes M. Carroll. Portland. Decem­ early Saturday morning. Donal I spring dia state board of higher e d u c a tio n . IL honestly is the advertising racket. Almost any busi few building. Portland, Friday. S atu r­ er persons in the higher brack­ Mr. and Mrs. Earl L uther and ber 20. • G ab ert, 23. of Timber, driving is a question th at should be rightly left ness man w ill give money for almost any kind of a ets, but more in the lower income hildren of Salem and Mrs. Ella Idcn H Cochran. Salem, and Ag-I car ow ned by Mutihta F B»>,a rt of day and Monday, 9 a m Until 8 advertising scheme that has a local accent. groups, indicating tren d tow ard dis Vanderpool of Bend spent t h e nes M Carroll. Portland, December Gaston, narrowly i ca.ied itnurV p m Vesta Rutherford. 44 if in the hands of the state board of higher so-called Directories, special editions of new spapers th a t have tribution of wealth. FOX terrier puppies for sale — 20. '.i lie n t h e i! ' .■ i i io ,| into a w e e k -e n d with Mr. and Mrs. Otto education, which is in a position to know no circulation, restaurant boards, billboards th at no­ Congressman W alter M. Pierce Hartrampf. FI .yd Anderson. IH 1 Hillsboro. Joseph H Grimes and Helen S lo f-. flat car attached to a train pa ng the merits and demerits of the question, body reads, charts of various kinds, calendars, any would bar straw ballots from mails fer, both of Beaverton route 2, De- over the crossing at I!a line itreet SIX Mammoth Bronze toms fur H R. Chapman of L ester Ire­ kind of church sheets, church fans, bills-of-fare, and A djustm ent of tax m atter paves land fi Company accidentally cut cember 31. whereas the people of the state know lit­ dozens near the cannery. G abbert repurtvd b ,lei Kopetz Champion mar- of other tricks th at have no advertising value for opening of O regen-Am er the thum b and index finger of his that he was driving slow md Io ink with short legs and very tle of the question. As a student the w riter at all. Any of these are easy to sell to the business way ¡can Lum ber com pany mill at Ver left hand on a buzz saw Saturday Divorcea Granted ! damage to the ear was not great. broad breasts AI m Shepherd pup- paid this student fee for four years and man who feels blackm ailed and intim idated into r.oi.ia. idle for six years. David Hazel from Orville. P. W. Llllison of Hi hop'. pu- Nella Butler, Hillsboro Rt I. night. patronizing th e scheme—not because h e th in k s it December 31 Morris Lena from Roscoe D feels that the activities and benefits that good advertising, but because he feels that the lo­ least of Tigard, suffered a shoulder Phone 1043 4« 7 Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Edw ards of Lindbergs land at English port come to the average student from these cal institution may need the money. Red Cross unit of 32 wiped out Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd En­ Why is it th a t fake advertising is so easy to in Ethiopia by Italian aerial bom nis and Mr. and Mrs. R W. Gates expenditures are essential to a well-round­ spent the w eek-end at Eugene with Sim ply because the local new spaper has labor­ bardm ent. ed education. Students at Oregon State sell? Mr. and Mrs. Leonard David. ed many years to give the word “advertising" a good Bond prices stage sharp recov college left a record of their attitude on name. Because the home paper is really and tru ly a eries, carrying some to new six Fred Zilly Jr. of Portland, well this bill in the nature of petitions asking good advertising medium, made so by the years of year highs. known here, is convalescing from approval of the measure, which puts con­ labor by the publisher, th e m erchants feel th a t they F arm credit adm inistration at an appendicitis operation at Good owe som ething more for advertising than they have Spokane ends 1935 w ith report of Sam aritan hospital. He is a son of trol of the activity fee question in the paid th e local paper, and therefore are liberal spend­ im proved northw est farm ing con Mrs. Edna Im brie Zilly. hands of the state board. The great ma­ ers for any kind of a scheme that is called advertis­ ditions and the passing of the per Mrs. R. W. Cox spent th e past jority of the students see this question in ing.—Archbold (Ohio! Buckeye. iod of em ergency farm loans. week w ith her daughter. Mrs. January 1 Carlos Johnson, and fam ily a t its proper light. D eath takes holiday in Portland Gladstone Ross Cox spent several streets«, only one person killed in days at Gladstone. Political Capital or Conservatism traffic crash during Y uietide sea­ Miss Mary Benson, student at T he P o rtland Oregonian, in its anxiety to deride son. Accident total increases, how­ U. of O . Eugene, was a guest from P resident Roosevelt in everything he does or says, ever. Monday until New Year's night at even attacks him for arguing in favor of forest con­ Use of poison gas by Italians the home of her sister, Mrs. Paul That Oregon products are appreciated servation in th e northw est. protested by Em peror Haile Selas­ Patterson. O regonian suggests, in effect, th at we let sie of Ethiopia. for their quality throughout the country fu The M illicent F air of North Plains generations of the northw est go hang and cut Stanford defeats Southern M eth­ is widely known. The following comment our tu re forests down now. bringing forth the argum ent odist university of Texas 7 to 0 in underw ent a tonsil operation at hospital Monday. Dr. D. E was made in acknowledging the gift of a that, if th e forests aren 't cut, they may go to waste annual Rose Bowl game at Pasa Jones Wiley operated. dena. Cal. a.nyway.—A storian Budget. box of Washington county apples to a Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Anderson and M rs. Nanny Wood Honey,"nan and West Virginia publisher from the w riter: Dr. William S. K nox praise Ore Mrs. Jam es Jackson w ere C hrist­ “On Saturday the expressman delivered to gon’s liquor law regulation as the mas guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. We’re a’l for free speech for A m erican citizens best plan in operation anywhere. Erickson in Portland. my home your very fine box of Oregon rise voted for Eugene milk Mr. and Mrs. R R. E aster en ter­ apples. For many years I’ve thought we . . . but un til these foreigners become A m erican on Cent approval of m ilk control board tained with a dinner party for citizens, we can do w ithout th eir Communistic produced unusually fine apples — a n d mouthings, much of w hich is inspired for them in Taxes collected during 1935 in eight at th eir home S aturday eve­ Clatsop county exceed tax roll for ning. really we do— but they can’t very well Russia.—Lake County Tribune. same year. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Morgan compete w’ith the ones you sent me. You Jan u ary 2 visited relatives at Heppner C hrist­ should have seen my three girls wade into Senator Joseph T. Robinson, sen­ mas and Thursday, and later vis­ them .” The apples sent were grown by Judge Long o f Portland is long on sentences to ate dem ocratic leader, defends P res­ ited friends nt Grass Valley. ident Ifuosevelt’s plans to get fu ll­ Ernest Schaer of Bethany. drunken drivers. And most o f us wish there was a est publicity for his message to Mr. and Mrs. T. J. O krasinski of Judge Long fo r every local court in Oregon.—Hood congress by giving it at night, by Gresham have moved to Hillsboro and Mr. Okrasinski is employed at R iver News. saying protests are “absurd." Hugh Jean Sloan, 41, farm er near the Donovan Motor Car company. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. K um m cr and Salem, slain after quarrel. Bonus bill steering committee Miss Berneta Kum m cr spent New A w oman was heard to ask w hat in th e w orld agrees unanim ously to fight only Y ear’s day with Mr. a n d Mrs. W hat can one make of this? A spokes­ would become of the younger generation. T h at’s for full cash paym ent regardless George VanDyke of Forest Grove. man at party meeting said at session re­ an easy one. They'll fall in love, get m arried, have of method. Mrs. W alter Schm idt of Laurel A N Invention which lias bee» cently that if a move is not made prom pt­ children and tro u b le and all th at sort of thing, and Prices on Canadian, Scotch and underw ent an operation for ap ­ awaited more than a century, ly “to rescue the situation there won’t be as they get older they w ill w orry about w hat's to Irish whiskeys to be reduced in pendicitis this m orning fThursday) and which may affect the entire become of the younger generation.—Gresham O ut­ Oregon F ebruary 1. at the county hospital. much in the way of incomes of any kind look. social and ecomonlc structure of Tommy Touhy, leader of t h e Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H ulbert of left.’’ On the other hand a man at the Uni­ T errible” Touhy mob, was su r­ Medford, and Mr. and Mrs. W. G. the south, has been tested and prised in hie apartm ent and taken H ulbert spent Christm as with Mr. proved successful. versity of Chicago reports th a t suicides I t Is a cotton picking machlno w ithout a struggle. and Mrs. H arry Johnson. and business failures have decreased pro­ which, In a 7*^ hour day, can Mrs. Malcotnb Irvine of M yrtle portionately since 1933. “Both rose to un­ B irth s pick some 8000 pounds of sfed Lazuck—To Mr. and Mrs. D. Creek arrived December 22 to make cotton: several weeks’ work fo r precedented figures in 1930, but since her home w ith her son, Lloyd I r ­ Lazuck of near Hillsboro, Decem­ an average man. 1933 the decline in business failures has vine. » ber 29. a boy. Fifteen Years Ago Whether th is "robot” cotton been by fa r the greatest it has ever been B ard—To Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Bard Lester Jones underw ent an ap ­ hand proves nn tinmlxcd blessing The B ust cotton p h liln g machine, « tild i heralds n new era for Argus, Decem ber 23, 1920—Silver w edding su r­ of Forest Grove, December 29, a pendix operation at Jones hospital in the 20-year period. There has been a to the region, however, remains th o south, Is pictured above, " t ill its Inventors, J. D R ust left prise given Mr. and Mrs. Homer R. Emmott Sunday. boy. Sunday. Dr. D. E. Wiley operated. «ml M. 1». Rust. ‘ ,trt» corresponding decrease in the number of to be fieen. Back of the enthu­ Sam Weil is to take an im portant position w ith Rowe To Mr. and Mrs. Lester Mr. and Mrs. Ben W. F aber and siasm displayed by many planters suicides.” Lipm an, Wolfe & Co. Rowe of Rt. 2, Portland. December family spent Christm as week w ith In the new machlno Is a shadow: Edw ard Wall elected editor of Hilhi annual and 30. a boy. them Into huge bags dragged on relatives at Oak Harbor, Wash. of small, smooth revolving roils A rth u r S hute is business manager. What w ill become of the 3,000,- Craw ford -To Mr. and Mrs. C hes­ the ground behind. projects sideways. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. B eatty and H illsboro to have first autom obile show Decem­ te r Craw ford of Hillsboro, Jan u ary I t remained for John D. Bust son of P ortland visited Mr. and 000 Negro and w hlto laborers In Carried on un endless belt, the ’ a girl. Dixieland and other regions, who It must be a real satisfaction to the ber 28. and his brother. Mack, ot Texas, Mrs. R. II. Easter Sunday. rods llrst pass through a moisten­ Robert Webb dies here December 16. W yatt—To Mr. and Mrs. Delbert have thus belatedly become vic­ to accomplish what 800 preceding non-union high school district to be clear ing device, then comb thro u g h Ladies' Aid of t h e Christian W yatt of Cornelius. Jan u ary 1, a girl. Inventors fnlled Io do: devise a of debt, all w arrants to date being paid church will m eet Tuesday tit two tim s of the machine age? tho cotton plants. The cotton Thirty Years Ago Solution of th is problem rests, machine that would take In bolls o’clock at the church. sticks to, nnd winds around, the off. This is a much brighter picture than S p in n in g and W e a v in g w hile planters aw ait general in ­ w ithout In ju rin g green plants or Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Jensen spent wi i rods. Is then mechanically Argus, Ja n u ary 4. 1906—B G. I.eedy, state G range existed a little less than three years ago Classes to O rg a n iz e New Year's day with Mrs. N. P. troduction of the Invention which gathering so much rubbish that stripped from the rods, and mny help them attain the prog­ Women and men, interested in Nielsen at Longview, Wash. when county scrip whs issued to case un mas,cr' ,a"d Mrs- Leedy, °i. Ti*a.rdviUe return from ginning was Impossible. parsed Into a hopper by suction. instructions in spinning, regions. The feature responsible fo r suc­ h t w a t rant situation for all public bodies Hillsboro's business streets have all been planked obtaining Mrs. George Burge of Corvallis ress achieved • In • other 1'’g all tlioro Is to It. • weaving and crafts, have been asked in the county so th a t discounts wouldn’t and this expense will not come again for seven or to attend a meeting Tuesday at visited Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Jo h n ­ TN 8000 years of cotton produc- cess of the Rust machine Is a If tho south reaps great benefit smooth w ire spindle, autom ntkal- eight years. Now if th e city authorities will get in 1 p. m. In the office of 6 . II. son Monday. become too great ' ' 1' " Bust cotton pi- iter, ae tlon, only one Im portant ad­ ly moistened, to which tho cotton next year and grade up the unplanked streets and Kraus, county superintendent of Mrs. J. C. R um m er spent New la expected, It owes a great deal clings. Spindles of previous "In­ use the split log system we shall have good road3 in schools. The classes are under the Y ear's eve with friends in N ew ­ vance has been made heretofore— of credit to n little old Texas Indy E ll W hitney’s cotton gin, devised town. ventions’' had been equipped w ith direction of Mrs. P. O. Firlie of berg. who hnhltually moistened her 140 years ago. But before nnd Eddy Baker, nlnc-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Forest G rove and are a part of the Injurious "teeth." and Mrs. W. G. M iller of spinning whn l to make her cot­ Union Pacific workers quit to stay in George B aker of M iddleton died Thursday of effects WPA educational program in O re­ W Mr. since, as In India 30 centuries On one side of tho Rust har­ oodburn spent New Y ear's day ton stick to It. Oregon, rather than move to Om aha with of .22 caliber bullet, w hich he received Christm as gon. No charge is made for mem­ w ith ago, the picking of cotton re­ vester la n tunnel-like opening Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Haw orth. It the memory of this habit day, while playing w ith a neighbor boy. quired the hack-breaking toll of a change in offices. Who would blame bership in the classes, according to from fro n t to hack, allowing the that gavo John Ilust, tho Iftdy's Mrs. Jo h n Howell of M ountaindalc died here Kfaus, but pupils m ust be 16 to men and women, who plucked the L et the advertisem ents help you machlno to ’'straddle" tho row of them for preferring to live here? Sunday. grand ¡on, the Idea for his epochal I register. m ake your shopping plana. Cutty bolls by band and th ru st plants. In to this opening a lino Get More for Money WPA Employment Could Help Appearance Bristol Hardware Store Remodeled Social Neufs of Local Folk and Their Friends Other Editors Say Paying Basis Hilhi Basketball Five Wins Game Too Late to Classify Road Improvement Projects to Start Student Fees Not Just a Word After Thirty Centuries, the Machine Age Invades the Cotton Fields Oregon Products Appreciated Contradictory Invention, r