Page Two H IL L S B O R O A R O, F S , H IL L S B O R O , O R F G O N Thursday, January 2, 19.'!, Study Group Meets Tuesday— To zier Rings Out Miss Nissen Weds Library Book State President State Leader Masonic Officers I' -T. A study group, pre-school “American Home’’ I t( 17 'c a rs, will meet Tuesday at at Coffee* ( ’lub List Growing' Old Year at Local Janies McCann American Legion Tlie following books have been Installed Friday; Guest of V. F. W. •I p m at Peter Boseow school x -i » -r-- SCROLLS Mis.« Gladys A Nis- Dwight E Alderman of Portland, Topic for discussion is "Your Child "American Horn)1" will be I h into eireul.ition since the list Church b4th I im c ^ Nissen. n daughter „r m , a„d m . Theo depat intent com mander of V Need Friends," from the December them e of the Coffee club meetln, Auxiliary Visits J put Program, Dance stale and Jam es McCann, s an of was published: F. W„ and his wife w ere guests of Issue of P arents' magazine. Friday afternoon. January III Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McCann. were Si ven-day shelf "Heavy W eath­ the local p o i n t V eterans ol Foreign I the cham ber of rum inerei1 I..... < New Year's eve watch night serv- ; m arried at Vancouver. Wash. De- Mrs. J. H Turnbull of Pori land er. W odehouse.' "Broad A rrow," ,« dance P rivate installation of officers Wars at tin1 New Yeat s I Mr and Mrs. Bruce Schuman, with Mis Fie,I Amacher, Ice at t ti e Methodist Episcopal 1 cember 24. They were attended by departm ent president of the A m er­ nd "For Honor and Life." llaine; was held at Tuality (.edge No. il. Attendance at Hie d.uiee num bered J man of the departm ent, in i li. o « church in Hillsboro h is become h is - , her brother-in-law and sister, Mr ican .Auxiliary, will make an o f­ "R angel's Revenge." Brand: "State A. F. and A M . Friday night. De­ ol'i'f five hundred The post wisties Mis Alice S encll, Miss Lena Good­ , of the program. toric Albert Tozier of Champocg. 1 and Mrs. Lester Grow. ficial visit to the Hillsboro unit vs. Elinor Norton." R i n e h a r t : cember 27, and the following offi­ to thank its friends and the public in. and Mrs. M argaret Fritch, all I Hostesses for the afterm of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Oregon historian a n d collector, Both voting people w ere born next Tuesday evening at the V et­ "Change Here f o r Happiness." cers w ere Inst died by Judge R. for their support. Scw. ll -.pent New Year's day with I»1 Mesdames W J Kusche . S t 'J who has rung the bell for 64 years, and reared in this community. Mr. erans' hall. I Ruck; "Trail to Y esterday." "Clear Frank Peters, deputy grand master, Next meeting of tlie post will lie Mr. and Mrs Jam es Sewell. Fayrnm, J II. G urrett, urtd J w was present again on New Year's McCann attending Mountainside Hostesses for the evening will the Trait." and "Boss of l azy Y." with Alf O Johnson, retiring m as­ Tuesday evening. at which plan: Holt. eve this year for the occasion. Mr school and Mrs McCann at G roner Setter: "Basque People." Canfield: ter. acting as installing marshal. for w restling will be made The Charles It Loonier left Tuesday be members of th? constitution and Tozier in testing the bell before the Mrs. McCann is a graduate of Hills­ "Prison Wall," Dell: Hansom," Hill: Robert II Kelly, worshipful m as­ I bonus issue and oilier m utters of morning lo r Fort McDowell. Cal . stroke of twelve made the dis­ boro union high school. She is pres­ by-laws com mittee Mesdames A. Derelict." a n d "P earl Lagoon." ter: Jam es 1.. Auld. senior warden: ' im portance to veterans will be dis after spending the Christm as vaca­ Aeeldrnt Yietlm Improving— covery that it would not ring, evi­ ident of the Scholls Ju n io r Wo­ W. Hoffman. E. A. G riffith. S. E. Nordhoff: "Tale of Shipw reck." Hall: Carl Russell, junior warden: Fred cussed. All overseas veterans are tion with Ins patent: . Mr and M rs Mrs. Lucy Kincaid of Corbett Ift Olsen, Otto Schultz and Fred G or­ dently it had been turned over man's club. "Sinbad the Sailor," Wren. Rental HoUnagel. secretary: Cal Jaek. invited to attend. 1 convalescing at the home of h e , Il Loonier. don With but a few seconds remaining shelf-, "Pole Star." White: "It Can't Mrs Sam lliiltt, from , hi » They will make their home at treasurer for the 19th year. W H Date of the district conference Mi s M yrtle W alker returned S at­ daughter. of the old year a ladder was rush­ N uteroft farm. obile nceident I), i i itnl«'i I ' I, has beep set for Ja n u ary It!, and Happen Here." Lewis: "F air as the Treglown. senior deaeon. Don Me- , E ntertain at D inner— urday to her home nt College Place, autom ed from the basement of the church. Morn,” Bailey. She and her son Ralph wei e nil gurgel. junior deison; J W Barney. | will be held at Forest G rove Legion anil Mrs. J II l.oomer gave near Walla Walla. Wush., after ‘»’"•I their way here to pend C tu isim aa Byron Reed ascended and speedily Non-Fiction "Saga of the B oun­ senior steward. II R Kelllngton. i a Mr hall, w ith a session at 2:30 and a d a y , visit with tier parents. Mr. with U n lit, a n d th e n cm- d id o i t | dinner party Saturday evening the bell was righted, and Mr. Toz­ mass meeting at 8 p. i n . according ty." Irvin Anthony. Its strange his­ junior steward: Jam es Cruiekshunk, in honor of their son Charles R ich­ and Mrs A W W alker ier with face beaming welcomed i . , paiemeni, Injuring both Ml. tory as related by the participants chaplain, and L. D. Shinaberger. i to Mrs w . F. C j ru Auxiliary J N Cochrane, who has been I\III, I I . I .1.1 II I, ard. who was home on furlough the New Year with the familiar J themselves. As tins book gives a tyler. president. from Fort McDowell. Angel Island, visiting at the home of his daugh­ lust week-end. sound of the bell. Following the installation, a pro- 1 Cui. first-hand account of the Boifhty Present wa r,1 the honor guest ter, Mis J. W. Barney, left S un­ The Hillsboro Grange w ill visit The program was arranged by the disaster, it will be greatly enjoyed gram and dance was open to the and Limite nor party Thoao present were Mr, Vivian. Lewis, Patsy day for his home nt linker. King's Daughters' class of the S un­ Gale G range at Forest Grove S at­ by those who have read "Mutiny public. Tlie program consisted of and Shirley and Elbert B en t­ day school. Cornelius Methodist urday night, and will have charge George W Gorm an and James and M r. C S Bristol and Mrs on the Bounty," "Men Against the accordion solos by I.aVellc Jack- ley. Kenneth Martin. McDaniel and K en­ Walpole of San Francisco, C al. a re : W Sehroedoi of Silverton, Mi arfl Church sent many representatives of the program. The traveling gave! Sea." and "P itcairn's Island." son, duet by Dolores and Vivian neth Stunt. and assisted with the program. Les­ will be presented by t h e local guests of Mr. and Mrs W. G. Ide Mrs. E C Bristol and two etill- Hump, reading by Mrs. H H Here are two books of value to dren of Snlrm , host and host»1! Miss L e tt Sturdevant. daughter ter Mooberry sang a solo. Mrs. Mat- G range to Gale Grange. Mr. Gorman is their son-in-law. Stannard, and a solo by Mrs V W. C elebrates 83rd Itirtli,lay— those deciding on a career: "Careers and children, J. R. Forsythe, master of the lo­ of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Sturdevant. tie Smith and Miss Myra Wiede- G ardner, accompanied by Mrs J Mr and Mrs Robert Watts of Samuel A. W alker of F o r e s t for Women " C atherine F i I e n e; wifsch sang a duet and played their cal Grange, was given „ surprise was united in m arriage to W. H er­ "New C areers for Old." W alter 11 Murton. After the program up­ Grove is celebrating his 83 b irth ­ Portland and Mr. and Mrs E. B I n r llani r own accompaniment on t h e i r party after G range meeting last bert Jaynes of P ortland December stairs, there was a short dance on At Huber hall Saturday n i g h t j today, in good health. Mr. Watts visited Mr and Mrs Orin guitars. Rev. and Mrs. Reed sang Thursday night in honor of his 29 in Portland. Rev V. W. Anglin B. Pitkin: "Choosing a Career," the main floor, w ith music by Ivan | day Walker, belter known as Fiddling Darety at North Plains Sunday. January 4 Everybody welcome. a duet. Mr. Tozier and Mrs. Edyth birthday anniversary, w hich was officiated. The bride's dress was George Bejur. For th e am ateur I Koeber's eight-piece dance band Sam." M r. E 1.. Staples of C o rv a llis1 is a brother of Charles I,. w hite satin and lact She wore her Ph.°V’«r »Pher we have a very help- With the band were Alphonse and Tozier W eatherrcd each spoke on on Christmas. (iood Tim e Ilanre W alker of this city and is ttie o r ­ was a guest of her son and daugh- t......ful book. "Practical A m ateur Pho- 1 m other's w edding veil ar.d j carried the history of Oregon. A brief de­ At O range hall every S aturday » Bethel, two colored men from the of W alkers' orchestra, fa­ t, r-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. II E. pink roses. She is th e granddaugh­ I tography,” William Davis. Would south, who did a num ber of tap ganizer . .... a Ad<_ A i votional service was held prior ol rile ,11 night. Georgia H ess - ........... mous for its old-tim e music. He Staples, during Christm as week. ter of Mrs. S. J. G rabel of this city, you be beautiful, read "Help Your- dances. to the ringing of the bell. 291 < mission 23c. 1 was born and reared on the Wal- i self to Beauty.” Dorothv Cocks. Mr and Mrs E. G. Wilson of and form erly resided here. Many friends of Mr. Tozier and | ker donation land claim at Roy. Seattle, W ish , and G lenn N orton: .After a short w edding trip Mr. Mrs. W eatherred came in for the of Toledo spent Christm as with Attend Officer's Funeral— and Mrs. Jaynes will m ake their j V I o i 'p j s S c l i m i d t services, and many came for the An old Spanish silver coin, dated Mr. and Mrs. O. M Heaton a t­ Mrs. Mary Subin and family. first tim e that they might have , 1784. is shown in the Argus w in­ home in Portland, w here they are , Miss Thull of Toledo was u w eek­ tended tlie funeral at Dayton Mon­ some part in this service, which Is dow this week. It was found by both employed. I Miss Alpha E. K err of Hillsboro day of I,. A Rosner. G rand I'.itrl- end guest of Mrs Mary Sabin and contributing to the history of Wash­ I Ben Coussens about nine years ago M orris Schmidt was elected pres­ and Charles M. Fletcher of T illa­ , arch of tlie Grand Encampment, I Mrs Ora Laws. She Is a teneher ington county. i in the field on the Goodin place at Toledo. ident of the llilhi Alumni associa­ mook were m arried i n Kelso. 0 . O. F. near North Plains. It is somewhat tion at the annual meeting at the Wash . December 23. Miss M arjorie Rose of Portland larger than a q u arter Bullets from T n s t l l l l A l o P f l i l V tV. It. C. Meets— Mrs. Wilson Complimented— high school gymnasium Monday Miss K err has been principal of is a guest of Mrs George Selfridge the Civil w w ar at New New- iu v u u a j ar battlefield battlefield at Woman's Relief Corps will meet during the holidays. Mrs. Howard Wells and the Miss­ m arket. Tenn.. are also in the w in­ Mrs. M ary F erb er of Eugene n*8ht. Miss Florence McDonald is the Pleasant Valley school near Friday afternoon at the Veterans' Tillamook for the past year. Mr. es Anona Joos and M argaret Prang- dow. They are th e property of J. state departm ent president of “ the ' secretary. Mrs [,. (• Selfridge spent the Dancing was enjoyed to music Fletcher is a cheesem aker for the i hall, im portant business will lie week end with Mrs G len Render- er w ere joint hostesses for a m is­ B. Phillips. Daughters of Union Veterans, will ^transacted and all members are by K oeber's dance band. An alumni Tillamook C ream ery company in cellaneous shower complimenting II of St. H e le n ,. install officers of Alma Bennett urged to attend. picnic will be held at Washington that city. Mrs. T. A. Wilson (Eva Sorensen* Jack Butler spent Christm as week Mr. and Mrs. Percy Weik re ­ Olden tent at the V eterans' hall park. Portland, August 9. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher will make Friday evening at the Wells home. Employes E ntertained— Monday evening. with his grandparents, Mr. a n d their home in Tillamook. New Year's decorations w ere used. ceived word Tuesday of th e birth Weil's store was host to 21 em ­ Mrs John Butler, at Sheridan. The bride received a show er of of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Rob­ Meachams Have Reunion— Mr and Mrs. George Thomas, ployes for a turkey dinner Sunday / " ’( U 'l.I) any word be mure Joan Carlson of Portlnhd spent toy dishes and cooking utensils in ert Cowie of Portland at Emanuel Ira Ingram. Mrs. Ivy Crawford, all Mr and Mrs. E. R Bailey and evening at the Im perial restaurant. last welcome ' Could any word 1 Family gathering was held at the of Portland. Mrs. B ertha Otis of sons. week w ith her grandm other. addition to many lovely gifts. Court hospital December 30. Mrs. Cowie their house-guest. Richard The event was held in connection Mrs. Elma Denby. hold so much promise, signal whist was played and Miss Marion I will be rem em bered here as Phvl- W. F. Meacham home in Portland Vernonia. Mrs. Fannie Thayer, H ar­ Radliff of Hood River, and Miss with the annual inventory. the end of so much worry Christm as day. Guests present were ry and Lyle Thayer of Wapato, ' Gloria Coulter w ere guests at a Mrs. G. C. Chase and son Irving Lytle made high score w ith Mrs. lis Weik. . . . or honor your doctor Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Barnes and Messrs, and Mesdames Charles Mea­ Mrs. Lulu Ingram. Ed Ingram , and dinner party Sunday at the home Mrs. Ilullcy Hostess— were guests S aturday of Mr and Verne McKinney. low. O ther guests more? . __ ____ m D elphian society will meet at 1 Mrs S. 1). Davis of near Boring. were _________ Mesdames _____ Henry Stohler of ; children and John Sm ith of Port- cham Sr.. Robert Meacham Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Malchow w ere of Mrs. Bailey's mother, Mrs. A. Banks. Verne Hadley. Edgar Karn- l3nd- and M r- and Mrs. J. D. Web- son. and Fred Ennis Sr., all of H ills­ Christm as guests of Mr. and Mrs. | Gordon, in Portland. O ther guests o'clock Tuesday afternoon with Mrs Mr. and Mrs Nyc Bristol en te r­ This la n tribute to your J W. Bailey. na. Ruth Longfellow. K enneth P at- ber and daughters of Oswego spent boro: Mr. and Mrs. George Mea­ Hallie Ireland. tained Sunday with a family din- were from Salem and Portland. doctor, to his trium phs over terson of Salem, and the honor Christm as w ith Mr. and Mrs. J. K. cham and son Elmer. Thomas Mea­ colds and his glorious vic­ Mrs. L. O Rinard and son Rob- Mr. and Mrs. Florian Mills of cham, H. O. Meacham, and Mrs. Webber. guest. tories over t y p h o id a n d Bessie Jackson, all of Banks: Mr. ertson of Enterprise. Mr. and Mrs Montana, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Buchanan. pneum onia and all the other Stephen Brown and daughter Loell with Mrs. Mills' parents. Mr. and Schoens Honored— Mrs. Frederick Haines and Clark and Mrs. J. J. Meacham of S eat­ of Portland and Mrs. L. B Howell Mrs. E. E Bentley, and other rela­ Ills that once were almost Mr. and Mrs. Ed Freudenthal en­ G ardner w ere guests of Dr. and tle, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Floyd En­ alw ays fatal. tertained with a dinner party Sun­ Mrs. A. O. Pitm an at a dinner p ar­ nis of Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. were Christm as guests of Mr. and tives, left Monday for Portland, Edw ards of Ashland. Mrs. Nellie Mrs. F. L. Hewitt Mrs. Rinard and w here they will reside this winter. day evening, com plimenting their ty New Y ear's eve. Believe In your doctor And Bross and her mother. Mrs. Rose: Mrs. Brown are m other and sister j DeLoss Anderson was a guest house guests, Mr. and Mrs. Herman V h e n he suggests or p re ­ of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smuck and i of Mrs. Hewitt. Mrs. Rinard r e ­ Sunday of Richard Hillis in Forest Ronald Pierson, and Mr. and Mrs. Schoen and son Donald of Klam ath scribes something, do justice Grove. Falls, who arrived last week. Other children of Seattle. Wash., spent E. P. Evans and daughter, all of mained for a few days’ visit. to your faith in him. Christmas week w ith Mr. and Mrs. Christm as guests at the R. A. Portland; and another daughter guests w ere Rev. and Mrs. George Charles L. Walker. They visited ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a Dean home were Mr. and Mrs : and son of Mr. a n d Mrs. E. P. Reule and Mr. and Mrs. Herman friends at Salem Sunday. Evans, Miss Bertha Evans of the L. C. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. T. H Freudenthal. Every dress on our cotton frock rack must Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Tongue and M arine hospital at San Diego, Cal., Pitm an and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. ! Attend U ncle’s Funeral— sons Burke and Robert and Mrs. and E arl Evans of th e S. S. S her­ L. L. Brown and son, E. L. Dean. ! go, so we are selling. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Connell of J. T. Shannon spent Sunday with man. and Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Bell of $2.95 Dresses $ J .9 5 KRAMIEN'S Hillsboro. Mr. and Mrs. H enry Cy­ Mrs. K athryn M etsker at St. H e l-, Corvallis. Plan Celebration— for pher and Mr. and Mrs. Richard ens. Christm as day guests at the home , T raditional celebration of t h e of Mr. and Mrs. J. Bose were Mr i Sandford of North Plains attend­ Mr. and Mrs. L. L. W itheril and $1.95 Dresses $ ß .0 0 ed the funeral Tuesday of Calvin daughter of P ortland spent C hrist­ coming of th e th ree Wise Men from ¡and Mrs. Fred Bulling and Mr. and | Bagby at Oregon City. He was an mas w ith Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Pep- the East to Bethlehem Manger will Mrs. Albert W ahner and family * for ........ Prescription Druggists for be held Sunday and Monday at the Hillsboro, and Mrs. G. F. Rebitzke uncle of Mrs. Connell, Mrs. Cypher pard. Phone 266 GOAR'S Chapel of Pilgrim House, w ith the and Mr. Sandford. Mrs. Callie Coomer of San Fran- singing of th e festival service in I of Barton. Miss Siegrist Weds— ctsco is a guest of her so n , and G. Sunday m orning at 10:30. and Mrs. S. E Olsen of Hillsboro i (Venetian ticket, .lolui Ny- Miss Sally Siegrist. daughter of daughter-in-law . Mr. and Mrs. the telling of H enry V anD yke’s! ! and Mr. and Mrs. Zenas Olsen and lünd, Cherry Grove) E. M. Barnes, Prop, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Siegrist cf , Claude Coomer. Man" on ' d au sh ter Elizabeth Ann of Port- story of "The O ther Wise (Venetian ticket. Mrs C. F Millet, City) Oregon City, form erly of Hillsboro, o'clock ,and arp spending th e holidays at Mrs. G. A. Patterson and sonj Monday evening at 7:30 will be m arried Friday evening at i W ehrung Patterson of Oregon City Music on Sunday m orning will in- ! Tillamook w ith Mr. and Mrs. H. J St. Paul's church, Oregon City, to 1 visited Saturday at the homes of ! elude carols of Tw elfth Night, as Duncan. Stanley W. H aberlach of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Long and Mr. the Feast of th e Epiphany is some­ Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Anderson and i The couple will make their home in and Mrs. A lbert H artram pf. times called by th e congregation: sons . w ere guests Sunday of Mr. Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Davis a duet, "From the Eastern M oun­ and Mrs. Edw ard L iedberg in P o rt­ and son R upert of Prineville are tains," by the Misses Frances and land. Celebrates Fourth B irthday— Patricia Moyer, and a male trio. Mrs. W. B. Boseow retu rn ed Tues­ Mrs. Guy Paine gave a p arty De- I guests of Mr. Davis’ parents. Mr. "We T hree Kings,'' by Messrs. Bud cember 21 honoring th e fourth and Mrs. L. I. Davis, of south of Person. LuV erne A bendroth and day evening from a w eek's visit w ith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. birthday of her daughter. Connie \ Hillsboro. Kenneth Short. H. VanV rankien, at Walla Walla, L ittle guests were Theresa Schneid- j Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watt of Day- Wash. er, Denise and Lee Rawson of Port- ton. Wash., and Misses Anne and Complimented on B irthday— land. P eter Melhuish. Lee Pow- Christine Chalm ers of Portland were M iss Iren e LaLande of Nampa. Mrs. R. E. Wiley gave a dinner ers. M erry Ann Douglass. M ary Lou Christm as guests of Dr. and Mrs. D. and th eater party Friday evening I Idaho, form erly of Hillsboro, is con­ We're overstocked with quality E. Wiley. Phillips, and the honor guest. in honor of the 14th birthday of valescing from a recent m ajor oper­ Ties—so w e're offaring them ation. She is a sister of Mrs. How- Theodore and H enry Kauppi of her daughter K atherine. Guests Mrs. Allison Honored— at a V ernonia visited Messrs, and Mes- were Rosanne Weil, Colene Mac- ! ard Wells. Mrs. R. A. Allison was guest of dames A. Malchow and Hallie I re -| Dowell, Anna Mary H artram pf, Christm as guests of Mr. and Mrs. SPECIAL honor at a party F riday at the land Saturday. Elaine Cruzen, Helen Cyrus, Vir- S. E. Olson w ere Messrs, and Mes­ home of Mrs. George Glodt in REDUCED PRICE Mr. and Mrs. Ja ck Lochead and giniä Havens, P hyllis Amacher, dames H arry J. D itter of Eugene. Portland, the occasion being her LorreanM ay, Phyllis Johnston, Jean Zenas Olsen and daughter of P o rt­ Grayco End-Lock three children, Donna. Joan, and b irthday anniversary. and Accordion Gail, of Salem spent the w eek-end Ann Pasley, Carol Estepp, and the land, and Onas Olsen of Salem. V isitor Com plimented— w ith Dr. and Mrs. A. O. Pitm an. honor guost. | Richard Radliff of Hood River $ £ .0 0 spent the holidays w ith Gordon $1.50 Mrs. C. E. Wells entertained w ith Mrs. K enneth Patterson and little Miss Korn Honored— I Bailey. an afternoon tea Saturday for Mrs. son of Salem are guests at the Tie ... and Mrs. Carl J. Christensen Dave Crockett of G rants Pass, house home of Mrs. Patterson's father, J. of Mr Mr. and Mrs. A lbert Mickey o f 1 Scores of up-to-the-minute business firms have converted Sewell station entertained F ri­ $1.00 guest of Mrs. L. T. M cPheeters. W. Connell. day evening with a card party hon­ Portland were w eek-end guests of their form letters, bulletins, announcements and direct Tie .... Sub-Debs E ntertain— . Mrs, Dave Crockett of G rants oring Miss Lydia Korn on her re ­ Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Bergen. Members of the Sub-Deb club ' Pass visited Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Mc­ tu rn from California. Four tables I Mr. and Mrs Reid Eldridge vis­ Many others mail advertising to one cent postage*after seeing the new held a party last T hursday night Pheeters th e latter part of the were in play. Mrs. Victor C hristen­ ited Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n Eldridge 25c and 55c ' week. , at The Dalles Sunday. sen and John Ryan made high MAIL-WELL style postage saver envelope known as the it the G ardner cottage at Meacham, and entertained a num ber of young Mrs. Ella Ireland of Portland vis­ Mr. and Mrs. J. H M urton and scores and Victor Christensen, low. E C O N O M A IL “ ? men schoolmates. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Megargel Music, singing and dancing were ited Mr: H allie Ireland arid Mrs. A. Malchow Monday. W illard Hughes Jr. chaperoned the spent New Year’s eve with Mr. and also enjoyed. party. MrS. Floyd Miller of Portland. Birthday Celebrated— The new Economail Ralph Ireland Jr. of Portland I Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Wells and , Robert Peters, son of Judge and I spent the week-end w ith Mr. and envelope has all the ■ Mr. and Mrs. P ark er an d son of Mrs. R. Frank Peters, was honored Mrs. Hallie Ireland. Howe & Wells, Prop. ear-marks of first ■ Redmond and C. E. Wells spent Sunday, on his tw elfth birthday Mr and Mrs. W. G. W alker of 0(17 E M a in P hone 141° , the week-end at Pacific City. U none 141_ anniversary, w ith a supper a n d .Banks spent New Year’s day w i t h l ^ U< class mail, for it is Eddie Wells retu rn ed Tuesday theater party. Guests w ere Duane Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ennis. «■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ apparently c o m ­ j from Redmond, w here he spent the Chapman, Jack Goodman, Donald | holidays with his father, Irus Wells. MacKerizie, Robert Ogilbee, Theo­ pletely sealed. The C. E. Wells left Tuesday for Med- dore G ardner, and the honor guest. necessary opening, ford to visit Mr. and Mrs. Bryce In O ther Days— to make it third ■ Nosier and children. A picture of early day Hillsboro, class mail, is at the Mr. and Mrs. K enneth P erry of showing the starting of paving op­ —Is the watchword of j Salem spent the week-end w ith Mr. erations on Main street 25 years extreme left end on this store which is pass­ I and Mrs. Donald Templeton. ago, was brought into the Argus by Are you interested in better hatchability, stronger the opposite side as Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Taggart spent L. J. Rushlow. The picture shows ed on to our many pa­ I New Year's day w ith Mr. and Mrs. th e city's first banking institution, Chicks hatched? If so—feed your hens Imperial Breed­ the flap is opened. "J. W. Shute, B anker.” This loca­ ers' Mash — Come in and talk to us about this better trons. We are inter­ Spencer Jones of Portland. tion is now occupied by the Vene­ Mr. and Mrs. W. Welch of P ort- We sell Economail ested in the welfare of I land Breeders’ Mash— More Vitamins—Higher Digestibility. were Christm as guests of Mr. tian theater. envelopes in three our customers and our i and Mrs. O. Coslett Sr. Ilohm Passes Exams— B reeders’ Mash ........................................ $2.15 popular sizes,either Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Bell of Port- sack William II. Holm, assistant to A. community. | land were guests of Dr. and Mrs. L. Amacher, certified public ac-1 plain or printed, in Milk Egg Mash ......................................... 1.95 sack I A. O. Pitm an Friday. countant, recently passed the C. P. I We expect to grow with any grade or color Imperial Egg Mash .................................. 1.85 sack Mrs. G. H. Tullock of Kahlotus, A. exam inations and w i l l b e ! our community by of­ Wash., arrived Monday for a visit eligible of paper and in for his certificate after an ­ Big-Lay Egg Mash .................................... 1.75 sack fering Hardware Ma­ w ith her mother. Mrs. W. S. Tilton. other y ear’s experience. either regular or Local Grange Visits Gale Miss Sturdevant Weds W. II. Javnes Old Coin. Bullets Shown in Window Alumni President Miss Alpha Kerr Weds in Kelso D. U. V. Will Ja n u a ry Clearance Cotton and Rayon Frocks 59 2 Palm Drug Store Woman’s Shop c ARRSCS THIS S e AICD L lT T E R OUT OF TOWN 79c The MEN’S SHOP £ conomy POULTRY BREEDERS terials carefully select­ ed and sold at the low­ est possible price, qual- est possible prices, qual- May W e Serve Y ou? BRISTOL HARDWARE COMPANY K n t door to Venetian theater HUlsbor. window Styles. — DAIRY FEEDS — Now Is the Time — You should be building up your system to guard against Colds, G rippe and Flu. Cod L iver Oil is one of the very best products for this purpose, which convalescents, delicate children, and those who are weak, ru n down and lacking in vitality and energy should ta k e Cod Liver Oil. We have several different physiologically tested kinds that contain th e proper Vitamins A and D, Im perial Dairy, 20% ............................ $30.00 Cow Ration, 17% ................... * .._ ....... 26.00 M olasses Dairy, 15% ............................ 24.00 M olasses Grd. Screenings, 12% 20.00 Hyd. Lime, 50 lbs........... 40c sack, 2 sacks ¡subject to market changes. ton ton ton ton 75c warehouse SALES MANAGERS, ADVERTISING MANAGERS, EXECUTIVES: Ask us for your copy of “Postal Economies”, a 40-page book giving all the Postal Rules and Regulations as they apply to your business. It’s free. "Blotters, circulars, folders, etc., In printed form, or multlgrnphed, mimeographed or printed letters may he mailed at the rate of lc per each piece under Sec. 562, P. L. R. (third class) In quan- tides of 200 or more identical pieces.