» Page Four Il 1 E L S B O R O A R G US who will rest and visit with friends »i’.n Üí ' N? r,h .1| l?iins I at Liverm ore and San Francisco A loha People Cornelius C hristinas Program s HUI, George Hill and Hen Thull I for several weeks. w ere Christm as guests of Mr. and M. Baucom of W heeler avenue is clearing his property by blasting Plan P roject stum W ell A tten d ed ; P arty E njoyed home ’ trs. Mr John . . . W alker . in th eir new ps and burning brush. He will im prove by building a modern n r - in iP w v i Mis» me , . .. al,d M ,a. Joe Everest and and Alice spent the w eek-end w ith four children of Langlois surprised Do»eth* Cooke) c-u . house. The first unit will Kansas Selects Property at chicken CORNELIUS Christm as pro- relatives in Portland. • his uncle und aunt. Mr. and Mrs I be r- 24x60 vi- vi feet. „ , i gram s at both the Methodist and Mrs. L. C. Mooberrv attended a G ranville Everest when thev naid Aloha as the Best BaHkwil.e " o i u 0 n " d fam *y frT Lu,lU'ran ehi‘rcheS Christm as party at the W. Robb home at then, a visit F r,d a\ Joe E v e n s ' (B y O. B. Bennet,) ALOHA—The property owners west _ of ™ Huber evenue. 1,0. which is .... < ,O the west end of District No. 2 to fam ily of J o h i '<5»™^ vlsl,,n« ,bc eve were well rendered to unusual- Hillsboro and M. Simons home at lived with his u n d e and aunt in K ^ n„ r r n d u b of St. A,ex- s S « J ? * - _ Mr. - X and ""• M - T urner spent p X •.«V i ^ V nui m V n V ^ i i j v l \ ? i vi V K . tl* lolllltiz* X ’ “^ Mrs. T urner spent party at Bunning's hall December « S T VU1’ln8 M1SS MaymC SUSbaUCF h0S' ' ^ d Gul,'s t ’rcek spent fin ísim a s w ith M rs Wilson's m other Mrs. B. II. Tillotsun. Mrs. Jesse Brown und son Clif- ford und daughter Elaine of Ku- gene spent several days visiting friends here last week Morris m d W ill ire .•.„»loved 1» iv n . i , ttn “ r . weeks’ ‘ 1''‘ Christm as guests it the H e rle l.il. | son visited Mr. n n <1 Mrs. Ilrlce hospital Friiluy evening fur tre a t­ Adams Christmas eve (hi C hrist­ ment fur rheum atism . inas day they all spent the day at Beaver Creek with Mr and Ml Quality Job printing Argus. A. II Rowton and son. M ia E E l’owton of Otis Is vis­ iting Mi and Mrs. Hi iee Adams. C y n l Lorenz wus taken Io the Credit B ureaus (Inrorporated) ('olleilliina — Credit Itrporta Dally Trips to Portland Hillsboro Auto Freight Bonded and Insured Currier Serving Beaverton, Aloha, Need­ Mrs. W Suver of Port- I h o ^ t X In W ashington Tillamook, Yamhill, Polk und Marlon Counties. I Personal Contact on Collections ted Mr ° " d MFS J SUVCr ‘^ " l i » •"* “ V an^X ’ ville, Hillsboro, Cornelius und are getting signers to a petition to Forest Grove the PWA for the continuance of .. 1 federal represent.!- Mr and d Mrs. " — • ............... Mrs. Joseph Joseph Finegan Finegan en en- Mr. — and 1 **— Mrs ” Russell Thornburgh ville. Mr and Mrs. Tom Shuck und G ilbert F ro st m d H illv it . , ,,r W ashington County Office Pickup mid Delivery Service at Beaverton creek drainage Thev L „ , . Io r fH A in ,hls »’ate. is tertained Mr and Mrs. Elv.n Fine- and family spent Christm as day Stanley Shuck of Hillsboro «nd M Huxtm v.s e f ,e„d an I .ela Packuge Kates Com m ercial Building will present the petition to Drain- "Uilding a new home on his Wheel- gan and Eleanor and Melvin of with friends in Newberg and Mrs Otto O ° rnduff ? n ., Saturday ¿ . John “ ’dU" " nd ,o n „ “ i,v Ve* evening. Hillsboro Phone 542 Bceond und Mitin S treet! age District No 2 to join them ,e5 avenue acreage. It presents to Hillsboro and ano Mr. air. and and Mrs. Mrs. Charles Charles John Snyder, Snyder, who who is■ is employed employed R o b ert East Side T erm inal l*ortlund Pitone 2071 and try and improve the creek to ne people Aloha ,an opportun- Finegan Christm as day. in Washington, spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Karl E t/w iler and ~ Phone EAst 9121 U liisi,oro, Oregon m e connection v o n n w u u n w ith n n Rock hock Creek. v reeK. A }Iy • * 1° t K-’ a p r a c tic a l understand- u t.u v i> ia im . th Religions Drama Friday h" m- folks. family and Mr and Mis E V Hun- C o i l l l t V N a t i v e <5nn delegation composed of Ray A ntrim ins °* " " al ,b e governm ent is do- Members o f t h e Evangelical . J ohn M cK illo p o f P ortland spent son and family visited Mr and Mrs ' * 0 4 1» » • Weisenbach, . . . George — . • Johnson , in c Hl . lls. its housing hnn< n o program, as church at Vernonia will present a *he Major holidays with Mr. and Mrs O. A. Hanson at Portland S aturday and Mr. Hack met with members i', r Mf bt^ ’ home is of th e type religious dram a "Blind Bettv" at Mr. and Mrs H arry Cook mid of district No. 2 at Beaverton Fri- , ng bulIt on the Tennessee Val- the Cornelius M. E. church Friday children. Know! and Carol, of West CHEHAI.KM MOUNTAIN Rufus PLAN NOW FOR day night to present their proposi- k’i . f ’rbJne5 F . ... evening at 8. A silver offering will O f f i r - n v c P L » ,» r » w J L in n v is ite d Mr. and Mrs J. E. Ornduff, 27. died' at' his’ hom e"h.'re | 1 tion and were met w ith much en- ,I' lr and Mrs- " isoman entertain- be taken d tC ttC l *Z’Cr a n d Blazer Sunday, in the M ountain Top district Fri- ‘ couragement and advice as to pro- ed the holiday season, . «u«v hav- - Mr. an and a Airs. Mrs. A A rinur rthur B Bishop and inir during ac ivh K hopana f i r* « < Mr. and Mrs J. E. Blazer left day afternoon. 1 ceedure. . . . O W nr/ u izcu.x u and uu w im y w e ere re < n ris tm a s s Tuesday for o U v cA e rtu rfh?josenhVnp w s J ?mcí Düris Dennv w Christi^ , Eugene for a tw o He was b o r n April 23 18!)« Josephine Wiseman) W isemani nf .11 ... » A public meeting will be called r v triu ri f 'Josephine of guests .if of her benthos brother. i Loel n Hollen- w . Wl,h ,h eir *ons’ 1,-111 in thc >’leasant View district, t. - — 1_ (B y M m . B ln) MrC.irmirk) W e a re p re p a re d to su p p ly w ithin the next two weeks, to fam- M*ss H arriott from Mon- beck, and family of Mount undale --------- --------------------- and Mrs. Morton of Cor- C. C. Ruth spent Christm as w ith CHEHALEM MOUNTAIN Offi- and Charles Blazer, und families, ccived his elem entary school edu iliarize .u the - citizens of Aloha with Mou,h- . you w ith q u a lity , tim e -re ­ the methods of proceedure, and the vaiils- sisting e o n e re te se w e r pipt'< benefits to be derived by the fur- , ' , Taylor, Oregonian distrib- ther improvement. u°r ?or te rr>tory. has pur- fo r co n n ectio n s w ith th e Mr. A ntrim and Major Weisen- chased an acreage on Tobias avenue m unicipal s e w e r s y s te m . bach were at Gladstone Saturday, and ** im proving by building a O ur pipe, high tu q u a lity in the interest of the project. If Pew 6ara8e and rem odeling the am i rea so n a b le in cost, is successful in getting the co-oper- h.0,?,se. The farnib ' hopes to be in- ation of the property owners to the s‘a ‘*cd Ja n u ary 15, (ItiPahle am i will serv e you vu Muiuice. Mr. and and n e leaves the widow, three dan-h- ________ ily o v er’the holldav,: £ " 1i‘° rs' ’ nd E™ « ‘ G uenther and Mrs. E U Neilson and Mr junction of Rock Creek the WPA Kansan Buys Land Allen, and family in d efin itely . ters, Doris, Jean and Cora Id inc spent Mr; Johnson, lately from Kan- . ^ ^ 1 . ^ 0 ^ ^ O rnduff. a »stepson. Keith Marlow; for labor in the vicinity, and ex- sas. bought 20 acres near 'o re n c o an overnight g ALL SIZES CLAY A N D CONCRETE DRAIN TILE M Livengood a n d ’her £ ,u ° e gi.e t A / < ' ’‘‘‘^ o ’ s a .u r d a y 1 and Mr" and ""nm ^n H y .^.m e "W n" * a u property owner will ... and . will ... plant filberts In ______ pense to — each conv^r garet Cooke Wednesday. be much less than the value of the sation Mr. Johnson made t h p Charles Black and his land drained by the project. statem ent that he traveled o v .r Be,ty Lce H inerm an of .V . m — other. .U .. | ¡\,,ss. Miss L,erord Deford attended attended a a i reunion at Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ego and chil- " Christmas Party Held the Pacific coast from British Col ®isco visited Mr. Black's I’linnr 1341 Nortli of Cannery, across W. W ashington St. The B. Y. P. U. had a Christmas Mexico border look- ^ / o h n Black, several days las. ^ ' ^ 8 a f a ^ ' ^ n t T h ^ d r e n / “ “ ed ^the Gene“ ^ ’! ^ Mm‘-' d . F / a uneral i « ’™ services * ‘¿t* M were ?‘ o | , held ^ " , n Mon- „ Dies M ountain f o p — Sewer Service by S unday School H illsboro C oncrete Brick & Tile Co. party last Thursday evening. The ior a home and found nothing T T_nn ,T . . . fOr the holidays P * homes ily at Six Corners Sunday. at Laurel and interm ent w is in th< ?ne"7i S £ ° l £ Christmas sermon Sunday evening e ^ n in i Interesting sides w vere ere shown Mrs. L. K Staiger iger (nee Agnes O'Meara) of Livermore. Cal wh” was called here by the sickness and death of her grandm other re- turned home T h „ L , „ accom pan­ turned home Thursday ied by her aunt, Catherine O Meara , M; ,»nd M r,. R iv A „ „ t a „ « a i".‘! ^ " i . s i S S h i " , '' , T , „ rn m h e^ M rs" D hi’ Tillamook t hristm as and rem ained e? " a telegram tele^ram from th eir son Loy t0 M aiSain* SPE C IA L A N N U A L O F FE R Los r' T ^ os VeS»s. Vegas. Nev.. inform ing them i » » M ‘ Ir' ì n r r a ? MrS' rs' A' Lyt L>tle e of Toledo R ... y until S aturday as guests of Mr and *hatu he had ^ s t m arried and would Mrf® B « , lday gUMrs,’ ° . A Hanson and family S ta te S upervision. Invest N ow ! oah H itt p™ t Norman Horman and and E E vart vart Swanson Swanson of of or Portland, Portland, the the Misses Misses Anderson Anderson |A with Mr. and Mrs ; N Noah Hill j > • t t , reasonable Real shaving comfort a t a Hall is principal of the Washington ^ dn^-y' N e b ' spcnt Christm as at and Eldon A nderson of Salem. Bob M rm lirr tr d r r a l llo m r l.o.in Bank schools. ‘ S n tb e George Feldm an home. Nor- Y"rk H ^ d v ilje. Mr and Mrs _ _ very low price. They fit all RATES Aloha Lum ber company is install­ man and Evart Sw anson w ere pu- John Buell and Florence Buell of doubled caged razors. Every ing a modern electric lum ber yard pils of Mrs. Feldm an in Nebraska. Newberg. Messrs and Mesdames blade guaranteed. »1ST RICIFTION Mrs. L aura Oswald of Portland ??lr' Etzw iler and family, H arry TIMBER Dr. and Mrs Hale have service. visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hart. Elmer W hitmore and M arvin moved to Tacoma. Wash. Plant Filberts Ornduff. Misses Clara Shook and Lester Finch of Beaverton visited anY > Gr Tc .rn,er' nor,h of Reedville, C. O. Dixon, Christm as day. Safe Miss Helen Godfrey of Tigard Erma Ornduff. Messrs Don Haynes, here several days last week and C. J. Stickney of Tobias r>»'r,e" d of » p,3S *.as ub ?n “ overnight of Miss eith n jin d A Mr and Mrs. William Huffman, have just completed the planting 'e rn ig h t guest guest of Miss £ K e,' ann A lbert ‘O‘‘rt Brunson Brunson, John 15 acres onP tl thei?*™ . Blanche F)negan Sunday night. F r>'e, C larence Wood. W alter Whit- ................... K acres of of filberts filberts on 1 spective tracts 1 Miss Helene Shaw. Frank Oliver. rPorc and K enneth McInnis, and 'Pent Christm as with their cousins u r u à a tu li. n o w The H. A. M orrisons had w i,h Edm°nston.. John McKillop th e host and hostess and family. Mr and Mrs. Clifford Huge ¡n I them Christm as Mr. and Mrs I and Bon' Roscoe and Wade Allen , Mrs. Ira G. McCormick enter- Carlton. U S I THIS A C T IO N R U U T B n Payne and children of A lhanv attended ’he annual P ortland dis- ^m ed w ith a party Christm as eve Mrs. Gordon Ebbert i spending FOR ACID IN O IC IS T IO N Mr and Mrs. Joseph D ucham ' of trlc* Fpw or’h League skating party A grab ljag of gifts was the main her Christm as vacation with rtla - J M. PERSON, M anager feature of entertainm ent. Sixteen tives m Monmouth. Selfridge Furn. C«. Phone 21X Portland Mrs. Payne rem ained as a at Portland Friday evening. 'O’ od ' il k H rciicf you ItarJIy tlmught house guest - of f Mrs. Mrs. Moi Morrison ^her , Mrs . Hie" r ‘e'” a Morgan of Hills- at,.8nded- , , I Duke Sm ith spent the holidays -------------- havings A Loan BI(L|. pt>a»ible with till» 4 a, tmn antacid 11111» bur,,. O rigon sister, for the week-end boro visited Mrs. W D. Mann Tues- —Mr. and Mrs. Allan Com ber of ‘ a’ his home in Carlton week-end. P«>wJer. Try It now. day-. r p o r’tand visited her parents and I Mrs. Morris Kochman has been Miss Lucille Schultz of Portland brother. Mr. and Mrs. Ira G. Me- visiting her sister. Mrs Hammond spent the holidays w ith her par- c °rm iek and Hodson McCormick at R<*<’ Lodge B is m a - R e x Are You Satisfied with ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Schultz. Decem ber 24 until T hursday' ~ Dale ’ Willis of Portland, form erly Rev. J. R. Shaffer of Estacada Mrs. McCormick retu rn ed home the Returns You Get for of Timber, is recovering from a re ­ visited Mrs. L. G. Weidewitsch and w i’h them and rem ained until cent illness. Your Products? M rs. M. D. Mann Friday. ; Sunday. Lewis Woods is spending the ON PE 11 HONS FOR THE FORMATION OF THE Mrs. Ju lian D elm onte and Betty , , The D. M. McInnis fam ily held holidays with Mr. W oods' parents. Let th e oldest, m ost reliab le P ro d u ce a n d Com ­ . "1" ~ ■ ’h eir C hristm as dinner party at Mr. and Mrs. George Woods, at NORTHWEST OREGON BONNEVILLE T y p e w rite rs F o r R ent m ission H ouse in P o rtla n d . . Mrs- L. L M urray at Dallas. /- in u e r b O I l Midway. Covers were laid for 25 Mr. and Mrs M F. W elter w ere PEOPLES’ UTILITY DISTRICT and F o r S ale i All the children and grandchildren Christm as visitors in Portland and eFa Rfesent ex cept Don York of Beaverton. Geoffry Brown worked Im l t n í "-Parato public hearing, will ba ? 5rarid.?on. Bob w York o fjln.H*e garage in Weitet ab enee CHERRY GROVE -A ugust An- R ^ S v ijle retu rn ed home ith Mr 438 S. W. Front, Cor. Washington, Portland, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. A rth u r Braden and derson, for more than 20 years a and Mrs. D M McInnis and re-' M argaret and Mr B rad­ i'esident of C herry Grove, died at m ained until the following eve daughter m a rk e t y o u r veal, hogs, beef, lam b, en's brother of Silver Creek Wash ■us home early S aturday m orning ning " arc visiting at the Ray' Elliott m utton, a n d all kin d s of live a n d home. dressed p o u ltry . Emma Leo, m , Id spent Christm as at her home in Beaverton. Prompt Service — H igher Returns Mr and Mrs. Courtney Syvcrson ,Kbls_o',Jand M.rs' Svea Menegat of | Mrs. Elm er W hitmore entertained Secure SHIPPING TAGS from the office of this paper! k ? ^ i id<Ù, and °.ne s?n- C arl of w ith a dinner Christm as f o r ' th¿ and children spent Christm as with Syverson's parents at Hazel- Ä Z . :t h ree gr’ n d - Misses Bessie and Edna A nderson Mr. E stab lish ed 1912 T h irty y e a rs ex p e rien c e B id? : A „ d X „ ^ S a ^ Mi ., dale. Mr. and Mrs M urphy returned ducted by Dr. O. H. Holmes Mon- Clara Shook A lbert and Kri'th Friday night from a month's dert ‘if,crnoon ln Forest Grove Un- Brunson and Don H ayne, ' home vacation in Arizona. dertaking company chapel with Mrs Hillic Tykeson was hostess Mrs. Badger, who has been v is­ b K e n « 0!! .cem etery. at a d inner Christm as Present were iting relatives in California for sev­ H W A1, Ho!’p,UI J Mr and Mrs. Raleigh W hitmore Independence In po|k County The „ „ «»« months, has returned to her Sr. was removed to and daughters of Laurel Mr- f r eral home here. the Jones hospital Sunday. He H avem an m L s Vivfan Z e i X ' C k r Doris Syvcrson of Hazeldale spent th“ wSeek y lm proved the f,rst ot ence Tharp«, M arvin Mosj«r ¿ C l ^ several days here last week. H eating Number One will he held on Friday. January in 197« vii«*! n i <1 <»’ j Zeigler and Eldon Haveman. Mr. and Mrs. Joe K irk have be­ M n Berg Und Wed* , . F red Haynes, who has been con- moved into the house form erly oc­ lli,, Miss R uth Berglund, daughter of ’med to his home five weeks with cupied by Dr. and Mrs. Hale. it T S r e " ™ ? C° Un,y C° Urt ,,0U'’° « ’• 'H elen,. Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n Berglund, and illness, is able to be out again. Columbia County, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. H arvey Wilson of ( s e » C arl Johnson, son of th e late Axel Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Carow o. nC aS , m ! n ng'atr - 9 0 i’'“’*! ° n Ra,urd*y' J *nuary » • » 3 « , Johnson, w ere m arried in Vancou­ Hillsboro, Mr. and Mrs. A rth u r Mr- before Christmas. , ver , the J . Saturday . ....... — , Corm ick of Portland, Mr. and Mrs Mr and Mrs H arold Olson and i W. N euenschw ander and family of Oscar Berglund accom panied them, j Lakeview and his m other were A w edding supper was served at ' Christm as guests at thc Clayton ““ K n n K i ? 0 ? ^ l hk^„h^ oX r^ " d; y’/ a » ; ? 7 ” • I*™. the home of the bride's parents, W hitm ore home. City Hal, the City ,,f N ew port/ ^ c " ^ C o m , ; ; ; ,^ S ; , ' ,‘ Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n Berglund, S at-I M embers of the Zeigler and Chap- urday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John- 1 man families and their relatives BUSCH ’S ONE-STOP H eating Number Four will be held on Saturday, j.„ son w ill m ake th eir home in C herry and friends held their seventh an- GlMVe' a »■» nUj* N,VW d e a r's pot luck dinner Mr. and Mrs. W D. Lovegren and volley ball game at the Dun- and two sons K enneth and David dee com m unity hall Sunday. About of Black Rock, arc spending their 45 attended. is d esig n ed to give H earing Number Five will be held on , You Should Insure with vacation at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Susbauer and • l” I lid (if 4 M Monday, a.». a «TnniiAFy 20 liF'IO * ’ • M O D ERN SE R V IC E School will open again Jan u ary Mr. and Mrs. Lee M cIntyre of H ill,- .» " X “ C" ' » " < « "X. Van,nui c o u ,,,,. 6. after a two weeks' vacation. boro visited the ladies' m other for A Christm as program was pre- Mrs. Lena Meyers, Chriatmas M O D ERN CARS sented at the church Christm as eve- Mr. and Mrs. G ranville Eevcrest H earing Number Rix will he held Fire Insurance Co. ning by the children of the Sun- attended a family party at the So d rive in a t e ith e r of ou r !io n f (ei noo day school home of their son-in-law and Houso In thé City of tw o h a n d y locations a n d le| Mrs. C. M. Cooper 'E th el Allen) daughter, Mr. and M r, Lee Her- JllllHboro, W ashington County, Oregon, of Roseburg and her family, I. ne, man. at Portland Christmas. us d e m o n s tra te o u r p ro m p t H earing Number Seven will he lieta n.. »< , Betty. Allen. K enneth and C harles,; Mr. and Mrs. G ranville Everest 1. R ated “ A -P lu s” by service on CKlnnlng nt 2:00 o'clock in "f’, e , ' m . T ’-Ji" " ,n,y 27’ 19''fi and Taylor McCord returned to attended a pioneer m eeting at B est’s. of said ïim day, c In th eir home Saturday, after having Champoeg Sunday, Circuit Court Room of the County Court H ou.¿"¡n í í y the '^ G asoline - Oil (Highest ratin g possible) spent a week here w ith relatives. Mr. and Mrs. K urt Jacky and o™ ,on Cllx. Cl.ck.ma. ( „„„i,, órenon. Battery Checking Lcisyvillc RADI0*>ÎTÎ7î<1ÉERVIcÉ 65 S LET US 30 STAG RAZOR BLADES -4 9 c Hr. mid Mrs. Halt' M ove from T im b er »0Y. Douglass Radio Service 4 ashington Savings Óó Loan A ss’n. ¿50« SHIPPERS! NOTICE OF HEARINGS A ugust Anrfprsnn Oregon Savinar Produce Co. D ies C herry G rove v DELTA DRUG STORE Friendly Service T H E GREEKS H A D A W O R D FO R I T In Greek, water is “hudor,” and one Greek poet said: “Hudor ariston,” meaning “Water is best.” (Ask your youngster to ask Teacher what that p o e t’s n am e was). In our organization we are “w ater-m inded;” we agree with th a t old Greek. And we have a sim­ ple recipe in our w ater dealings: Mix with court­ esy and serve. 5 Reasons W HY S U P E R S E R V IC E O regon M utual I 2. O v er $1,000,000 in assets. 3. P olicies a re assessab le. R E F R E S H IN G non 4. 25 S sav in g on p re ­ m ium costs. When you w ant to relax . . . when you w ant a pick-up to renew your vigor , . . o rder a bottle of our stim ulating, deliciously flavored P ro m p t a d ju s tm e n t of fire losses. ROYAL SODA PO P A vailable All Dealer» Peoples W ater and G as Co. Bottled at R. E. \ \ ILEY, local m a n a g e r ROYAL SODA WORKS ívciéA u / a W- fo n n or pdojicdoh TElCPHONt 1732 24j L. Main ht. Ilillshoi o miusboro . orcgon - ........ "i ï , ; ; " 1: ;! " ; :“ “ ;;; W e also o ffe r q u a lity and 1,1 th City, e C ircu it C o u rt oom ■„ 111 gon Clackam aï R Coüm y • ? t„. ^ n » c T /A.',' " ” 0 ' “ i’.'" U,',,,ng Ól* econom y in Tires, A c c e sso r­ ies, G reasin g , C ar W ashing ,A„ ? . nr." j’_'l?,n ."f .'.',b »«’’•rltory Included In the proposed utility dl«- and P ain tin g . ’ flit a i S d forti, |„ ,r «’I»’ ’«'«1 Ullllly dia- Two H andy Locations B usch’s Service G arage CHAS. L WALKER 116 SOUTH THIRO - RTS JOfJ Phone 3432 (Venetian ticket, Mrs. I E. O’Rourke, Hanks, Rt. I, Fbone 501 B usch’s S u p er Service Station i- Ute Itami, of thè county clerks o7 éncI, / f been place,1 aalil dlstrlet woitld he loci,te,I and eoi,le» mr v hè l "" ln, whlrl1 Hydroel, etile Commlsslon, Salem, Oregon, o ^ e q tm s t" ° ’" Ul° The purpose of organizing said prelHiilmiry petition" tiled ,Glh” 't'l,,7 ¡ ¡X i" d c H rm ',l, ',n IT !1" a - i'» « '" o n a n d /o r constn.e?iòn „ i^ o w T r ' 'O" ° f facilities for the generation, transm ission à ribntIon nnT ' ’¡" '1 llK,,t generated an d /o r purchased -leetrlcnl e7'e gy 7 r e X a n P a i d a l. Industrial, agricultural and general co n su m er^ " ' co," u,er- nF .h e ‘" ‘•"•«"t”* n te Invited to be present nt Of Iho hearing« nt the tlm rn mid tdarr« l»i»rL n» each of finch hearing« the H ydroelectric i ’nn.mi b|°Vt ’ " ’’'mission Oregon " Wll‘ will m ake a report or Its preliminary Invm.ligation of H e ' of n OrSB° and win hear evidence In favor of a n d '^ M • n ’’) s t" of '. the ' proposed d istrict against the form ation of said district Corner Third and B e r lin s Elione 391 A. H. Busch, Prop. Dated a t Salem, Oregon, this 16th day of December, 1935. hydroelectric commission of oreqon . By Chas. E. Stricklin, Secretary. r t ‘X B i