H IL L S B O R O TliundaV. Januai v 2, 1936 ARG US, H ÏL L S B O R O , P af* Threa OREGON Take Our AD^vice - * Use the Argus Classified Columns as Your Quide > A Ready Market with Big Results at Little Cost -- - Classified Columns Close at 10 A. M. W ednesday-- - Too Late to Classify Accepted Until 5 P. M. Wednesday Ten Free Venetian Theatre Tickets in Classified anil Display Advertising—Check the Ads for Your Name. Count Word«—Send M onry NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL iff of Washington County. Oregon. NOTICE OF HALE OF REAL sums and for the cost and expenses PROPERTY AT ADMINIS­ in the m anner provided by law I PROPERTY of sale and said writ TRATORS SALE fur the »ale of land upon execu- I No 4258 Said sale will be made subject T IIR E E - v e a r- n ld g e ld in g . g e n tle and GRAHAM Bros, tuli truck a n d W’ood Haw Mai bine First Insertion, per w ord 2c Notice Is hereby given that by tion and that from the proceeds of In th e Circuit Court of the S tate of to redem ption as per statute of Ore- n e . i bi uke 2-year-old mare, Mmlel T Funi pick-up fui' sale hi j;uiid ni'der, witli special m agneti b u ti.u virtue of an order, license and de­ gon Each additional Insertion, tti B e lg ia n P e rc h e ro n ; also f ir m said sale th ere be paid th e follow-- Oregon, for the County of Wash- or trude Ray Dclsman, G aribaldi I and 3 biade« all drcssed lui- ae- burse, c h e a p Dan O 'B rie n , B e ib ­ ¡ng am ounts in tire following order, ington Dated at Hillsboro. Oregon, this cree issued out of the County C ourt per w ord !• ■ In the M atter of the Estate of 21st day of December. 1935 of tin State of Oregon tor W ash­ Ave 111iii. $60 Hillsboro Mutui Cu, 3111 i n . 40p to-wit: service per Issue les* J W. CONNELL. Sheriff of Wash- ington County, on the 18th day of 1. The costs and expenses of , K enneth Wells, a minor. 4(1 than 25c) CHEVROLET ’24 Inurbili ear. A-l E Mail! S t . P i llin e 444 Notice is hereby given th at in ington County. Oregon. By H C. December. 1935. in the M utter of said sale; condition. Inr sale. A. I.. Y an -| USED m achinery and tractors of , FINE work team, rhpap 2. The costs, disbursem ents (pursuance of ao order of the Hon- ' J o h n ,on. Deputy. \\m . I. Beatty, the Estate of John O. Mikelsnn. de­ Reader«, per line 10c key. Iti 2. Hillsboro. 40p | all kinds Hillsboro Feed Co , 100 | or 2563. orable Donald T. Templeton. Judge A ttorney for Plaintiff. 514 Porter ceased, I, the undersigned adm in ­ and attorney' fees herein; Black Face H eading Perm itted of the above entitled Court, made Bldg, Portland. Oregon. 46-9 istrator of said estate will, from 3 To tlie plaintiffs herein the 43IÍ I X head horse . fo r sale o r tra d e . Cush should accompany order. 16. Furniture, P ian os, R ad ios W ’ Main street. R ay D e lsm a n, G a rib a ld i A v e and after the 18th day of January, on the 20th day of November. 1935, full sum of $1250 00 in U. S ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS 1936, sell at private sale to the in th e above estate, the under­ 40tf Gold Coin together with in te r­ I.ICENSBD stock trailers. 2-cow ¡ Phone 2107. Out of fulrness to ull no In­ KKDUUF EXPENSES Notice Ì3 hereby given, t h a t highest bidder in one tract for cash signed guardian will from and after est thereon in like Gold Coin ' m ’A X r *?.u. Ù‘. ± SHETLAND pony, r iddle and ( haps form ation on the C l a s s i f i e d i Modernize your battery radio. No the 15th day of January. 1936. pro- sealed proposals will be received in hand all of the following d e­ at th e rate of 7% per annum Page will be elven out until more troublesome b attery re- trailer,* m ade to order Auto parts for rale cheap Janie W alters teed to sell and sell at private sale at ‘he office of the City Recorder scribed real property belonging to since Ju ly 12, 1931; (he paper I* Issued. i charging Free inform ation gladly and farm m achinery I.. V. Holit. Phone Beaverton 3118 4(!p at 820 Failing Building. Portland, of the City of Banks until 7:30 said estate and lying, being and 4. Tlie overplus, if any there 23tf given Douglass Radio Service, 152 N Sci '.» e l A v e Oregon, upon the term s hereinafter o clock P M. January 8th, 1936, for situate in Washington County, O re­ be. be paid into court subject O ld H orses W a n te d Selfridge Furniture. Phone 21X 42t stated and subject to confirm ation ’he furnishing of t h e m aterials gon, particularly described as fol­ to the order of th e court Cheap, old horse« for fox feed.— 23. P ou ltry T hat the plaintiffs have judg- by the above court, all of the estate, herein liter listed. These bids w n' lows, to-wlt: 1. A n n o u n cem en ts Phone 2091Z. 43-7p Fuel 17 ment and decree adjudging and de- right, title and interest of the estate be publicly opened and read at All of Lot num bered 9 in the I 50 W H IT E L e g h o rn la v in g p u lle ts . creeing that the lien of their said : of Kenneth Wells, a minor, in the 7:30 «clock P. M. of said day at plat of Beaver Acres, situate in C AR D OF T H A N K S HIGHEST eastern price« for c a r­ For Sale mortgage is a first lien upon the following described real property aid plate. Tlie bids to be received $1 each Phone 26F5. 45 Section 7. T 1 S.. R. 1 W. of We u ish to llia n k our many No. 1 16-lnch cordwood. $5 per load broke or range h o r s e * , real property therein described , situate in Washington County, Ore- are in two groups as follows W illamette Meridian, according o d ' fo r a ll th e ir k liid m « in our Fred Chandler cord; No. 2 10-inch cordwood. WE', a re h o o k in g o rd e rs fo r W h ite m ules and colts. 1. 11,537 ft. of sewer pipe 6-inch to the duly recorded plat th er- nt sorrow, Mi ■ F. Klatt and $150 per cord; No I 12-ineh cord- H orse and Mule Market, Chariton, prior in tim e and superior in right 1 gon: to 10-inch. concrete pipe or L e g h o rn . W h ite R ock W h ite T he West two and one-half of, containing 3.77 acres 1 n 42-6 to all the right, title, interest and I imi iy. wood, $5 25 per cord. No 2 12-lncli i W ya n d u tte s. R hode I s l a n d Red vitrified clay. acres of the South four acres of Washington County, Oregon. estate of each and all of the above cordwood. $4 75 per cord D e liv e re d . c h ic k s fro m p u re b re d flo c k - m ated 440 feet of 3-inch drain tile. Lot num bered T hree H undred Bids will be received for said named defendants in and to said < A K D ^ IE T H A N K S C attle 26. Alfred Belidiek on. Phone Scholl I w ith p e d ig re e d c o c k e re l- a ll 100' 1248-inch to 6-inch concrete property at the law offices of K. real property and that all the I and Seventy-nine 13701 in Jo h n ­ I > a i .ti i" i s pi c my appréciai Ion 2507. 4«p I b lo m l-tc s te d I ’a lw 's H a tc h e ry , M c ­ or vitrified clay Y's. son Estate Addition to Beaver- I J. McAlear in the First N ational of the many acts of kindness e x ­ i Venetian ticket, Mr». M artha Hull. 1 YOUNG Jersey cow, just fresh with rights, titles, Interests, estates and 21 man hole covers. M in n v ille . O re g o n Phone 5 46lf Bank Building, Hillsboro, Oregon, te n d e d d o r n ig m y b e re a ve m e n t, tlie Gaston i second calf, for sale. F W. I.cp- liens of each and all of the said , ton-Reedville Acreage, accord­ 3000 lbs. of reinforcing steel. i from and after the said 18th day (h a th of my wife, ami also for the achat, Rt. 4; mile east of H ills­ defendant* in and to said real prop- i ing to the duly recorded plat 4 6-inch and 8-inch Miller I of January. 1930. 01.1) GROW TH 12 and lO in c h fir W HITE L eg h o rn ch ix fium tr a p boro. 46p Tty be adjudged and decreed to ] thereof. b e a u tifu l f lo r a l o ffe rin g « syphons. nested flocks One fh x k pure The term s upon w hich said real Dated this 18th day of Decem­ be inferior in right and subsequent 12 and 16-ineh block wood, and 4 6-inch sluice gates. in tim e to th e lien of plaintiff's property will be sold are as fol- ber. 1935. 4. M odernia« 4 foot country »lob for sale, Tele- ; Hanson, the other Hanson-Holly- Y O U N G J e rs e y cow . r o m in g fre s h 4 8-inch head gates. CHARLES G KELLER. A dminis­ 4Hf i wood pedigreed cockerel records ........... .. r ...... soon, fo sale F. H. B o w lb y , Rt. mortgage; that said defendants and lows, to-wit: On contract provid- phone 1091 203 barrels of cement. | 250 to 335. $45 for 500; pullet chix. ' j Cornelius Phone 3292 trator. E. J. McAlear, A ttorney for IGp each of them be forever fore- ¡ng paym ents of at least $15.00 per P I.ASTERINI) by day or contract 73 cu. yards sand A dm inistrator. 44-8 closed of all right, title, interest . month or more, tugether with in- llay $20 for 100; red c h ix , $9 fo r 10(1 ( i FIRST class wood for sale I Putchlng a s p e c la lty . 116 cu. yards gravel. and estate in and to said real prop- ( terest at 5' • . total price to be at Delsman, Gurlhaldl Ave Phone , Breeding coi keiel i ecords from 230 L ivestock 27. St F Washington Churchill. 322 587 cu. yards coarse gravel. NOTICE OF F IL IN « OK FIN A L ir ty and that they and each of ■ least $600 00 and the guardian to 40tf and up. W hite G iant chix from non 3 8 tf J ' " 7 Pilone 2152. 20 M board feet 2x12 ACCOUNT A N lt REPORT bnxxly liens. $20 for 100; Leghorn CATTLE and horses of all kinds them be forever barred, restrained execute a deed to th e undivided 5 M board feet form lumber. cockerels, $2 for 100. D on't come No. 4« IS bought for cash, sold or ex ­ and enjoined from ever asserting one-half interest on the paym ent S eed s, Plant* M iscella n eo u s 18. 6. W a n ted - Itemized lists totaling the above In the County Court of the S tate of on Sunday. H art's Hatchery, Beav changed. Terms 10 to 20 months on or claiming any right, title or in ­ of the total purchase price. Oregon, for (he County o f W arhinxton. Dated this 6th day of December, quantities are shown on the re- 45-3p sales -Gail Karns Orenco. Phone terest in or to said real property HIGHEST quality trees, largest as erton WANTED Io rent 10 to 15 acre» spective proposal blanks, plans. In in the Probate. sortmcnt. greatest values G raft- I _ -------- Hillsboro 2021X 30tf except the statutory right of re ­ 1935 Matter of the Eatate o f Thom»» with good house and out build­ ,d Suckerles* filberts, walnuts, WANTED First publication December 12. specifications, instructions to bid- Onear M<>ndabatigh. Dece»»e«t. demption, and for such other and Poultry of all kinds N otice in hereby given that the nn«ier- ing- Box 550 A. R t. 1, Beaver­ prunes, pearl, cherries, a p p l e s , | further order and decree as may j 1935. Last publication Ja n u ary 9. j ders and general provisions on file R eal E state Write, will cull, or bring Friday, 28. for exam ination in the office of the »«ne»i adm iwfetrsirix of the eatate o f ton 45 6p peaches, apricots, grapes, ornam en­ '1936 S aturday or Monday before noon. ! ------------------------ ------------------------- I be proper in the premises. bn* at L F R r n r.R FFV G uardian of City Recorder of * th e City of Banks. J*1 0!“*? her ° ^ Final ar , M« Account \ nriabaogh. and Dereaaed. l s s e r v e u uudii » mu i A f MriXeEe-x, o u c ir u iu ii u> * filed Report u in tals. shrubs, etc. Prem ium Roses F. It.’ Burden, Cornelius. 34tf HAVE fine home close to college. This summons is served upon you o rd e r madX and ' the Estate. Leland B. Shaw. A ttor- Oregon. Copies of these documents lh, c^ B,y Cmm ,h, stll„ O w ,„. H elp W an ted . ------- -------- ---------- will trade for land Bt Hillsboro. l pursuant to an vJ* free. Send today for our 45th An- ____ 7. C ld 11 L a M X ; « a i* . . « m o sr K n K ln in n r l iir x r y r t n r u ra l i n r * ♦ i n r t t - .u _ •__ * s * « i t k s l 43.7 may be obtained upon application f,,r the < County of W ashington, and that A F. Louden, 1409 Monroe. Cor- | ,.n1ered jn the above entitled court , ney for G uardian __________ —------ to the City Recorder or upon a p - Monday, the 3rd day o f February. IW«. n iv c r ary sale circular. Carlton HUGHES BABY ( IIK KS _______________ 46 and cause on the 4th day of De­ lilis. E x p e rie n c e d S a le s m a n W a u le d Nursery Co. 35tf Since 1917 t h e Hughes A Kon * (Venetian X O IK F OI BOND SALE pllM tion to R W. Jones, engineer. Jfr Si ticket. T J Elford. Rt. 3, cember, 1935, by the» H onorable R. To e l l p o p u la r p ric e d c a r A good Hatchery has been serving the Sealed bids will be received un- McMinnville. Oregon. No proposa. county Court Hou«e. at HMnfcoro, in «aid Hillsboro) Nurxcry Stock Frank Judge of p ro p o s itio n fo r th e m a n th a t can careful chick buyers of Oregon I . «.in. Peters, *w«»o. „vswa^ y. the - above - - - - . ] will be Considered unless it is sub County and State. hHH been appointed by entitled court, and which order pre- til 1.30 p. m. Jan u ary | & for ; n of D ro DO sal « m co n rt •» th» tlm . and p l.c « for th» q u a lify A ll in fo r m a tio n w ill he MUST be sold High grade Juni- This is our second season of sell­ $5000 | x t , Arbor Vitae. Cedar. Cypress. scribes th at this summons shall and imm ediately th ereafter opened . .. d P bv „ ¡ j c it v n e c Gr hoarinx o f objortioiu to -«id Final Ac- a nt tr ic tly ' ‘.’ifid eiitii.I G iv e tc b ing Hughes Leghorn day-old p u l­ FOR SALE—The MacKay p ro p er­ be published once a w eek for four by the City Council ol the City of i . “ ™>»hed by sa d City H e w d e r or , , R.,.,rt .„d ,h . 1 Spruce, Yew, Azalia, Rhododen­ , m b ei in d i d d n n In ani lets, w ith unconditional money- ty, W ashington street near First, succew ve and conw cutive weeks | Banks. Washington County. Ore-1 e n g trn e r ,l m pobHr, tta. , M M r r 2. d ro n s . Abella. Aucubo Box. C a to n - 1 gu’a T a n U e 'c T m T ' s Kcuracy. v ( l ing Inquire Argu* A. $5000. Term s reasonable.—Apply M. in the Hillsboro Argu» a w eekly gon. for the sale of sewer bonds of | called to the pre-qualification re ­ T t’.B. L>ate o f lust publication January caster, Daphne. Ilea her, • u • our breeding farm an and hatch­ B Bump, attorney, or J . MacKay, in inc n i n s o o r u . .. , , h f ci a on . quirem ents of bidders contained in 34. 1936. thC SUm ° f $ ’ chapter 225, Oregon Laws. 1931. WANTED Farm hand. $25 month Holly, Laurel. Magnolia, and m a n y 1 ery. or send for catalog. We also 41tf circulated w eekly w ithin Washing- as follows: WILLA MAE MONDABAUGH. Adnain- production bred nens and 360 S Fifth Ave 4355 Argu*. 46 oth* rs. Plant» for edging, hedge, i Bidder's proposal must be ac- {«tratrix o f th e Katate of Thom as Oacar City of Banks Sew er Bonds _ ___________ — wind 1 break, o r garden. ton County. Oregon, and of gener­ R^-ks O ur many custom ers will ' companied by certified check or Mondabauirh. Angell A Fiabar. S toves, H eater« in denom inations o f $1000 00 j bidder’s bond in an am ount equal Attorney« for Dereaaed. al circulation therein, the date of MAN w anted for Rawlelgh route landscape advice Drew N ursery be glad tix tell you of their sue 30. A dm iawtratria._______ each, bonds to be dated Feb­ if 6(10 fa m ilie s G ood p ro fits fo r I Beaverton, cast end of 8th St the first publication thereof being NOTI( E OF FINAL settlement 35tf c,‘ss w *'h Hotfhes stock We cus- WOOD range for sale, good condi- ru ary 1, 1936. and to bear in­ I to 10 per cent of the total amount hustler. We train and help you Phone 11805 I * tom hatch i—.i- both i hen and i turkey ... (jo n —Brogden Acres. Telephone on the 5th day of December, 1935, of the proposal as a guaranty cf , th2 1.000.00 1, 1942 Oregon. 42-6 gm. right to purchase only as many ington County, and that said Court has Tuned, cleaned, dem othed and re ­ Got Walnut* and Filberts at 15c 1.000.00 1, 1943 Monday, the 2Jth day of January. paired.—George Roberts, 473 E. ' Got 22-acre improved farm to sell. 24. Piga 1,000.00 I units of th e respective m aterials as fixed 1, 1944 SUMMONS A. D. 193«. a t 10 o’clock A. M in the 12. For S a le— M iscellan eou s Got 6-acre seini-modern fruit farm. W.i ’..1. ;■ 1 ’h . ..» » The S tate of Oregon to John F or reject any or all bids in th e in ­ hereby notified to present the same, duly ceased. Bagley & Hare. A ttorneys for eral Land bank now has ample X ». if «-» - X . x x r - i T f y , X e i KTonr i v y -Tn verified, a* by law required, to the un- Executor. 44-8 imberly and Jan e Doe Wimberly. terest of th e city. funds to loan to farm ers at 4%. W ________ at 1003 Corbett Bldff., Portland, Legal approving opinion ol Messrs. dersi«;ned Over $1.000.000 has been loaned to husband and wife. Mrs. Thomas P. Oregon, w ithin aix month« from the date Teal, Winfree. McCulloch. Shuler, W ashington county farm ers by the Eskildsen and Thomas P. Eskild- hereof. Date»! and first published December 12. bank. W rite or call for particulars, sen, wife and husband: Ralph and Kelly w ill be furnished the 1935. D ate of last publication January 9, successful bidder. 46-3 H. N. Penson et ux to D. J. —W ashington County National Farm ' M artin and Jan e Doe M artin, hus- W T. SELLERS. City Recorder. 1936. I.oan Association. J. M. Person, band and wife; Rose M artin, un- FLOYD BOLICH. A dm inistrator, Louis Healy et ux, Block J Metzger Acre V. Lundburx, A ttorney. ' Tracts. secretary, Hillsboro 9tf m arried; also “T he Unknown Heirs SHERIFF S SALE H arry A. Morse to B. M. W right -------------------------of William T. Wimberly, deceased.” NOTICE OF FIN A L SETTLEM ENT Notice is hereby given, th a t by MONEY to loan on good dairy | ' The Unknow n H eirs of Tilden et ux. p art of Section 22 T3N R5W. In the County Court o f the S tate o f Ore» v irtu e of an Execution. O rder and herds —E. A. G riffith, 131 S. 2nd I M artin, deceased" and “All Other George Lewis Cousinequ t o »on. for W ashington County. a v e n u e _____ ____________ 7tf , persons or P arties Unknown Claim ­ Decree of Sale, issued out of and In the M atter o f th e Eatate o f Herman G rayce M Cousinequ, 40 Acres under the seal of C ircuit Court of C. Oerding. Deceased. Section 7 T3N R3W. ing Any Right, Title. Etsate. Lien N otice is hereby given, that the under­ J. W. Connell (Sheriff) to M erle 1 or Interest in the Real Property the S tate of Oregon, for the Coun­ signed Executor of the Last W ill and ty of Washington, dated the 21st Described in the Complaint H ere­ T estam ent of said deceased has filed in G. Campbell, Lots 14 and 15 Crest day of December. 1935. in favor of the above entitled court and cause his in,” Defendants above named, and View. ‘ 1 The Federal Land Bank of Spo­ Final Account and report as such, and the E. O. Krook et ux to B ert Landis each of them. SUMMONS Court has fixed and appointed the 13th kane. a corporation, plaintiff, and You. and each of you are hereby 1936, at the hour o f 10 et ux, 1.95 Acres T1S R1W. In the C ircuit Court of the S tate of against M artha F Ross and Oilman day of January. John C. Sm ith et ux to Jo e A. M. of said day and the court O r. gon for Washington County. required to appear and answ er the G. Ross, wife and husband; H. G ra­ o'clock room of the above entitled court in Hills­ Madol, Lots 14 and 15 N orth F o r­ For a few pennies an yon e can m ake H illsboro A rgus A. J. Riche and Eugenie Riche, hus­ com plaint filed against you in the ham and Ellen G raham , husband boro, Oregon, as the tim e and place for est G rove Acres. above entitled suit on or before band and wife, plaintiffs, vs. E. and wife: A lexander K. Lumsden: hearing objections to said final account E. S. McCoy et al to Eugene C lassified A ds bring real results. E. Lyons, adm inistrator of the Jan u ary 2. 1936, which is more than Isabelle W. Neate, a single woman: and for the final settlem ent o f said estate. this 12th day o f December, 1935. S tew art et ux. part of Omri P a r­ estate of Abel William Lyons, six weeks from the date of the Evelyn W arburg and John D o e; Dated henry C. t h i e s . E xscutor o f th« sons D. L. C. No. 50. first publication of this summons deceased: E. E. Lyons, unm ar­ upon you. and if you fail to ap ­ W arburg, wife and husband: The i Last Will and Teatament o f said Deceased. Frances J. Messinger to F rank R. ried, Stella Danner, adm inistra­ pear and answ er th e complaint, unknow n heirs of Arnold E. Neate, E. J. McAlear, A ttorney f o r Etxecu- Menne et ux, 53.50 Acres Section 43-7 trix of the estate of F red O. L y­ for w ant thereof the plaintiff will deceased: W. B. Goodman and Jan e tor. 13 T2S R3W. No. W o rd s .......... ons, deceased; Stella Danner, ad ­ apply "to the"'C ourt for "the relief Doe Goodman, husband and wife; Gl A ROIAN’S NOTR E OF FIN A L Clara H. Shaw et ux to Max M. m inistratrix of the estate of dem anded in th e complaint, to-wit: i also all other persons or parties SETTLEM ENT Reeher et ux, 7 Acres Section 11 N otice is hereby given that the under­ Rhoda Lyons Reed, otherw ise Judgm ent for $500 00 together w ith I unknow n claim ing any ¿'« h t. Utle signed has filed npr her fin al account _ in n the T2S R3W. T im es to ru n ....... known as Rhoda Reed Lyons, d e­ interest at 8% per annum from estate, lien or interest in the rea* matter of the guardianship o f Robert Ladd Estate Co. to C arl Trimm, ceased; Stella Danner and Albert December 29 1931 until paid $100 - estate described in the com plaint E llingson, a minor, and that by an order Lot E Rosewood Acre Tracts. (P lo a s e W rite P la in ly ) S. Danner, her husband; James 00 attorneys fees and for costs and herein:, a n d Sherwood NaUonal « ^ i b l » 4 » ^ f B j- A m t. E nclosed $ Max M. Reeher et ux to Clara “ P Jj disbursem ents herein incurred and Farm Loan Association, a corpora­ W ashington County, Oregon, «aid court H. Shaw. 3 Acres Section 11 T2S C lara D. Foord, his wife, Fred that said judgm ent be decreed a tion, defendants, for th e sum of has designate«! Saturday, the 25th day of R3W. O. Lyons Jr., unm arried. The first and prior lien upon th e fol­ $5067.31 w ith interest on $4952 20 January, 1936, at the hour of ten o'clock Otto O ldenstadt to Bertha Olden- United States N ational Bank of lowing described real property, sit­ from th e 1st day of October, 1935, A. M. as the tim e for hearing objections* stadt, 80 Acres Section T2S R1W. said final account and for the final P ortland (Oregon),"a corporation, uated in W ashington County. State at th e rate of 5 per cent per an ­ to Alvira J. Mitchell to Mary E. ent of said guardianship estate. and J. Russell Akey, Trustees u n ­ of Oregon, bounded and described num. and for the fu rth e r sum of settlem Dated December 26th, 1935. Boyd. W*4 of T ract 39 Spring Hill der the Last Will and Testam ent as follows, to-w it: Lot num bered $61.50 w ith interest thereon from 8T E N A ELLINGSON, Guardian o f th e Person and E state o f Robert E llingson, Farm. o f J. E. Akey, deceased; a n d 75 in T ualatin Valley Homes, as the 21st day of December, 1935. at Lizzie Dillon et al to August W. H yatt & Brawn, a corporation. shown by the duly recorded plat th e rate of 6 per cent per annum, a minor. E. B. Tongue, A ttorney. 45-9 Hinrichs et ux, 11V, Acres Section Defendants. NOTICE OF FIN A L SETTLEM ENT thereof, i n W ashington County. to me directed and delivered, com­ 14 T2N R5W. the County Court o f the S tate o f Ore­ To Fred O. Lyons Jr. and J. Rus­ Oregon; and th at the mortgage m anding me to m ake sale of the In gon. Edw ard W. Anderson to Bernice for W ashington County. sell Akey, Defendants: covering said property be fore­ real property hereinafter described, the Matter of the E state o f Marie E. Smith, 10 Acres Section 28 T2N In the Name of the S tate of O re­ closed and the property sold to I have levied upon and pursuant In Carlsen. Deceased. R2W. gon: You and each of you are h ere­ satisfy said judgm ent and th a t the to said Execution. O rder and De­ N otice is hereby riv en , that the under­ Edw ard Grossen et ux to Henry by commanded and required to ap ­ defendants and each of them be cree of Sale. I w ill on Monday, the signed Executrix of the L ast Will and E. W hite et ux, 80.45 Acres TIN estam ent of said deceased, has filed in pear and answ er the com plaint filed forever barred and foreclosed of 27th day of January. 193«. at the T above entitled court and cause, her R2W. against you in the above entitled all right, title, or interest in and East door of the Courthouse in the final account and report as such, and the Eber E. Rice et ux to Frank court and cause on or before the to said real property, save only Hillsboro, Washington County. O re­ court has fixed and appointed the 18th Rice, 50.20 Acres Section 34 and 3J expiration of four weeks from the the statutory right of redemption. gon. at th e hour of ten o'clock a. day of January. 1936. a t the hour of 1« T2N R3W. o’clock A. M. o f s a il day. and the court date of the first publication of this This summons is served upon you m. of said day, sell at public auc­ room of the above entitled court in Hills­ summons, the date of the first pub­ by publication thereof, by order tion to the highest bidder for cash boro, Ore$ron. as the tim e and place for Neighborhood news from 30 A r­ lication thereof being on the 5th of the H onorable R. F rank Peters, in hand, all of the following de­ hearing objections to said final account gus correspondents I n d if f e r e n t day of December, 1935, and if you Ju d g e of the above entitled court scribed real property, lying being and lor the final settlem ent o f said estate. sections of W ashington county ap­ Dated this 16th day o f December, 1985. fail to so appear and answ er said made on November 16, 1935. direct­ and situate in W ashington County, ADA JOHNSO N. Executrix o f the Last pear In the Argus each w e e k . com plaint the plaintiffs w ill apply ing such publication to be m ade In Oregon, and more particularly de­ Will and T estam ent o f said Deceased. L earn w hat your friends are do­ Baxley A Hare, A ttorneys for Execu­ ing for less than three cents a to th e court for the relief prayed the Hillsboro Argus, a legal new s­ scribed as follows, to-w it: trix. 44-8 for in th eir said complaint, to-wlt: paper of general circulation, pub­ All of the East Half of the week. tf T hat the plaintiffs have judgm ent lished in said County of W ash­ Southw est Q uarter of Section NOTICE TO CREDITORS against and recover of and from ington, S tate of Oregon, once a Seven, in Tow nship T h r e e In the County Court, S tate o f Orexon, County of W ashington, Probate D epart­ the above named defendant, E. E. week for six consecutive weeki South, Range One West of the ment. Lyons, as adm inistrator of th e estate from date of first publication th ere­ W illamette Meridian, contain­ In the Matter of tne E state o f Margaret I of Abel W illiam Lyons, deceased, of and the m ailing of a copy ol ing 80 acres, more or less, to ­ Maass, Deceased. j the full sum of $1250.00 together summons to each of you at your gether w ith a certain parcel of INSTRUCTIONS: Write the ad plninly, print or typewrite. Count the number N otice is hereby given th at the under­ signed has been appointee! adm inistrator with interest thereon at the rate last known address. land situate and bordering upon of words. If the ad is to run but one week the cost is two cents per word. For of the estate of Margaret Maass. decease»I, of 7‘7 per annum since the 22nd th e West line o f the above de­ Date of first publication is No­ by the County Court o f the S ta te o f Ore­ day of July, 1931, and the further vem ber 21. 1935. Date of last pub­ scribed tract and being east of the second and each consecutive insertion of the same ad, the cost is but one gon, for W ashington County, and has Him o f $1501)0 attorney*! fee.'- m ill lication is Ja n u ary 2, 1936. <1 ualifie