The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 26, 1935, Image 9

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New Year
New Year
• ■ 11 Tl ” ■ ■ ■ r n r —
Volume 42, No. 45
With Which is Combined the Hillsboro Independent
Hillsboro, Oregon, Thuraday, December 26, 1935
Jilil«boru JmJuy«iid«uL iu»LabU»h«d 1M74
d l l Istui,'IS songs. The children re-
reived sail' s of candy, a gift from |
Un ir teaeh irs.
The 3A of t h e Peter lioscow
school had a Christm as party Fri-
day alterni on. After eating lunch
together in their room, they played
illy M l.. Dorothy Cooke)
I been attending school at normal
i and sang Christinas carols
Rev. a n d Mrs Miss Cooke w ent to Beaverton S a t­
Christmns Parties Enjoyed 'I Hui....
lie, ela . sold 172 C h ristm as S eal, C harles R etd were honored F rid ay urday,
with a quota of only HO.
by D ifferent Groups
Program Given
evening at the M ethodist church
P'lic contest between Nip and with u surprise party on their tw en­
F riday afternoon the pupils of
The Christm as spirit pervaded the after a close race for several week . ty-fourth w edding anniversary. As the C ornelius public school en ter­
the surprised couple entered the
th eir mothers and friends
schools during tin- lust week before
Mai join- Sigler. 1IA2, and Ronald church, candles w ere lighted unit tained
ith an interesting Christm as pro­
vacation. The HA und HA2 clause, W hitworth, 2A. nt David Hill were L ester Mooberry played the w ed­ w
gram at the school.
lii'lpi il m ake Clu Minus huppin' fur ubsent for several days.
ding m arch as Little Joyce Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. C. Fitch of P o rt­
mi unfortunate family by giving
David Hill 2A class has two new dressed as a bride, Jean Barnes as
ii popcorn sale Tuesday, the pro­ pupil Hetty Jean Perdue from Eu­ train bearer and Buddy Barnes a:, land visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank
ceeds of which w ere used for this gene, and Dale B aker from H ill­ groom presented Mrs. Reed with a Dooher and fam ily Monday eve­
cause. These classes appreciated side,
red rose bouquet. Program includ­
Mr. and Mrs. C. Adams a n d
the i o-opei at Ion of the David lilll
In the last volleyball game b e ­ ed songs and pantomime Mr Mat- Loren. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fine-
school and Peter Boscow school
tw een tin1 eighth grade girls of the tie Sm ith read an original poem, gan, Mr. and Mrs. C harles E d­
The 8A2 class enjoyed a Chris' grade school, and the freshman dedicated to the Heeds. Hay Shaw
mas dinner party a lte r .school Wed­ girls of the high school, the high preesnted the honor guests with a munds and children and John Saint
nesday. 'I’eachers present were W al­ school was victorious, w inning two money gift from the church. A w ere dinner party guests Sunday
at the F. Reichard home.
ter Henry, Hex Jones, Mrs. Elsie out of three games.
mock w edding was perform ed with
David Edmonston visited re la ­
Ena ry. K enneth Emery was a spe­
David Hill school's Christm as p ro ­
tives in P o rtland during the holi­
cial guest.
gram was held Friday afternoon at and groom w ith L ester Mooberry days.
Christinas program s were held the school. Mrs. Marie Priest's officiating. Each guest brought an
Mr. and Mrs. Madison Anderson
at every school Friday afternoon room presented a sketch called old gift, which they exchangi d
The Junior high program consisted "The Christm as Doll Shop,” with w ith someone else. Mrs. Reed cut of G aribaldi visited relatives here
of num bers contributed by various children dressed to represent all a tw o-tier w edding cake and cake
Miss M aurine Moore of Hillsboro
classes und groups The HA ela- kinds of dulls; Miss W inabeth Mac- und coffee were served to 54.
presented a 's k it entitled. "Santa's Dowell's room presented a song
M ethodist parsonage has a new was a guest T hursday evening of
Mr and Mrs. L ester Mooberry.
W orries." Pupils participating: Hob and dance, and a play, "N aughty cem ent sidewalk.
Rev. and Mrs. Charles Reed and
Mrs. John Black was hostess lor
n t Peters, M arguret Havens, i.ol i Nicky," dram atization of the C h rist­
Kern. A rthur I.uudin, and Dick mas story was presented by Miss Ladles' Aid society Wednesday at Eleanora nd Byron Reed and Mrs.
Martin The till ela s presented a Gladys Hood’s class; Mrs. Blanche th e M ethodist church. Rev. and E. A. Deaville of Hillsboro visited
one-act piny with the following j Bride’ room gave the Christm as Mrs. Charles Reed w ere present as Mrs. M. D. Mann and Mrs. M attie
people taking purt: Barbara Moore, story in song und verse; M issJunl.. guests honoring th e ir tw enty-fourth Sm ith Friday.
Clifford Mapes, who a t t e n d s
Amanda Showers. Evelyn Brown, Johnson's room, a sketch entitled wedding anniversary.
Victors’ class of the M. E. S u n ­ school in Oakland, Cal., is spending
G enevieve Naught, Dorothy Count­ "The Christm as Shoppers;" "C hrist­
er, Helen Elford. Jack K nm elly, mas Visitors from O ther I-ands," day school w ith Miss Blanche the holidays w ith his mother, Mrs
Robert Bristol. These members of Miss Hila Cornelius' room; and a Emegan as teacher, enjoyed a H enry Behrman.
Mrs. M attie Sm ith was ill T h u rs­
the 7A class also took part in this playlet" Father's Christm as Joke," C hristm as party M onday at the
day. Mrs. Joseph S uver substituted
play: Dorothy Gillette. Edith Mae by L. C. M oobcrry's room. The church.
A Christm as party was enjoyed teaching for her at Centerville.
Latimer, lletty Traughber, M arjorie num bers were interspersed with
Miss Caroline H orlacher of F o r­
Kidney, Carole Fowler. The 8A2 the singing of Christm as songs, T hursday evening by Neighbors of
class sung an ancient English and a rhythm arrangem ent o f Woodcraft In Hunning's hall. Santa est G rove has been w orking at the
O liver C artw right home.
Christm as melody, "Bringing in the "Jingle Bells" closed the program. was present w ith treats.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Suver spent
Hoar's Head " The girls' chorus und Following this Santa Claus ap­
Miss Helen O liver was hostess
boys' chorus contributed several peared und candy was distributed. W ednesday evening at a slum ber , Christm as at Eugene with relatives.
Miss Floy W right is spending the
party, to mem bers of the Beta Phi
holidays at her home in Portlan
club of Hillsboro at her home.
! and Miss Evelyn Reed at her home
Mrs. C ornelius 89
Mrs. M. A. (Aunty) Cornelius 1 in Corbett.
Mrs. L. Jensen and Mrs. C. Jo h n ­
celebrated her 89th birthday an n i­
stone of Portland visited Mrs. Gcor
versary December 24.
W. it. Cooke and Miss Dorothy stone of Potland visited M r s.
BEAVERTON — St. Johns night
I will be observed Friday evening w ent to Monmouth Friday and w ere George Wilcox Wednesday.
Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Shaw and
in the Masonic hull, w ith a pot luck accom panied home by Mr. Cooke's
dinner followed by joint installa­ sister, Miss P e a rl Cooke, who has son John Allen, who have been
stationed at P o rt Orford, have re-
tion of the officers of the Beaver-
i turned home.
I ton lodge, A F. & A. M , and
Mrs. J. Rusher and daughter of
Beaver chapter, O E. S.
Mt. Angel have been visiting rela-
Ladies of the C hristian churc i .
lives here.
held a silver tea and program al
We wish you all the best of
Mrs. W alter Poffcnbarger is con­
the church Wednesday. Gifts were
lock for 1936 and thank
(Hr Mr*. !•’. PM oldt)
fined to her home w ith illness.
i exchanged.
you for your patronage.
ROCK CHEEK Electricity was i A. L. Brock, who is em ployed in
The Beaverton G arden club as turned on in this section December
istcd by the Beaverton firemen 16. Those who now have electricity Montana, arrived Sunday to spend
i sponsored an outdoor Christina and those who will have when the holidays with Mrs. Brock and
tree, winch was lighted for the ready are Rock Creek store, school daughter. Miss Guinevero.
Ural Estate and Insurance
Mrs. W. R. Cooke spent last week
tim e Sunday evening. C h rist­ house. Reformed church. Reformed
mas eve at 3:30 p. m., a com m u­ church parsonage. John Gutschmidt, w ith her daughter, Mrs. Robert
of Portland, who was ser­
nity lin g of Christm as carols was Ernest Stachle.. Mike Waefler, K u r­
iously ill.
atli farm, Christ Reichen, Ben Leu,
Townsrndites to Elect
Mrs. Dayton Peek and son C ra n ­ Christ Jaggi. Louis Zuerchcr. Peter
dall are visiting relatives in C ali­ Zürcher, Methodist church, Metho­
Cornelius Townsend club will
dist parsonage, Howard Nottage, hold its sem i-annual election of
Mrs. J. E Davis of Omaha, Neb Fred Ju ssy und Ju liu s Kay.
officers at 7:30 p. m. Ja n u ary 1 at
I form erly of Ueuverlon, is visiting
Dr. Calvin Looser of Lodi. C a l. the M. E. church. All m em bers are
friends here.
who attended a clinic In Portland, urged to be present.
Sunday school program of the visited his uncle, Hcv, E. Scheidt,
local Congregational church was at th e Louis Z uerchcr home and
; cancelled on account of the cpi- j w ith cousins last week.
domic of measles.
Mrs. Vrlicak Home
Evangelistic services conducted
T he choir of the Bethel Congrc-
Mrs. Mike Vrlicak returned from duNng th e last tw o w eeks at the
i gational church gave a Christm as the east Wednesday from a tw o C
herry G rove Baptist church by
music concert Sunday evening. The m onths visit with relatives and Pat
Malone, nationally famous Irish
C hristian c h u r c h
presented a friends in Chicago; G ary, Ind.; evangelist,
large crowds each
Christm as pageant. Rev. Young Michigan City, Mich., and in M in­ night from drew
the town and vicinity.
filled the pulpit Sunday morning. neapolis. Mrs. Vrlicak was given
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl a homecoming party by neighbors Watson
(LaV crne G rant), Decem­
Matzke, December 13, a girl, Carole Saturday evening. About 40 atten d ­ ber 13, a boy. Richard G rant. Rich­
ard is th e second sm all person to
More cases of measles are being
Mabel Trout returned to Portland arriv e in this vicinity recently on
reported in Beaverton all the time. W ednesday after an extended stay Friday the thirteenth. L ittle S h ir­
forty nre now on record.
w ith her aunt. Miss Minnie Bauer. ley Callahan, daughter of Mr. and
May we take this op­ About
Mrs. George McBreen entertained Miss Trout expects to .resume her Mrs. Charles Callahan, was born
portunity of expressing luncheon and card party. Assisting studies at Jefferson high school Septem ber 13, w hich also fell on
in Portland in January.
w ere Mrs V. A. Wood,
our “Thank You" to our hostesses
Ju n e Euegy of this section and
H. B. Allen of Gaston and his
Mrs. Eulley, and Mrs. G e o r g e Elizabeth Boeckli of Brooks Hill sister,
Mrs. P. Patton, retu rn ed
many loyal friends anil Thyng. T w enty-eight guests Were w ere ill last week.
Wednesday from Southern Oregon.
in attendance. Proceeds w ill be
Chriatm as Program s Held
attended the turkey show at
customers. Best wishes to used for the benefit of th e B eaver­ M any parents of th e pupils and They
O akland on Monday and Tuesday.
ton order of Job's Daughters.
a num ber of other people attended
brought back eight fine tu r ­
you ¡ill!
Mrs. Emma Gerrish. w orthy m a­ the C hristm as program nt the Hock They
key toms for breeders for their
tron of Beaver chapter, O. E. S„ C reek school Friday afternopn. The n ex t year's flocks.
entertained officers and members program consisted of songs,"recita­
W. Scott Sr. of C herry Grove
of her chapter Wednesday m the tions and the exchange of gifts is H.
very ill at his home.
Masonic hall. The officers w ere School w ill reopen Ja n u ary 6.
Union Elects
each presented w ith a gift. Mrs.
C hristm as program of the M un­
Gaston Farm ers' Union local has
V. A. Wood. Mrs. George Thyng. son school was held S aturday eve­ elected th e following officers: W.
II. B. Denny and Guy A lexander ning.
E. Je tt, president; Ernest Dethlcfs,
w ere aw asded prizes for perfect
M ike Vrlicak retu rn ed home from v ice-p resid en t; J . D onald Watson,
attendance during the year. Mrs. camp for the holidays. The camp secretary-treasurer; Mr. Peters, con­
Guy A lexander und Mrs. E. E. Stipe w here he is em ployed will be clos­ ductor; Tom Roe, doorkeeper; P.
w ere aw arded prizes for missing ed for two weeks.
Patton, Jo e M cBurney and M. E.
one meeting only, during the past
Mrs. A lbert Toellc spent the Toliver, executive committee. Next
w eek-end in Tillamook and also
-rf. _
visited her sister, Mrs. Mike Aplau-
Dr. Ilale Resigns
Next door to Venetian theater
alp, there.
B irthday P arty
ren Hale, medical officer at Camp
A group of young people atten d ­
Reehers, CCC, has resigned from ed tlie party given in honor of
the CCC service and will go to Mc­ C hristine Kies' sixteenth birthday
Neil Island to serve w ith the U. S. anniversary at her home Sunday
public health service.
A group of friends gathered at
the home of Miss Minnie Bauer
and Louis Bauer F riday evening.
a il about
Music helped furnish entertainm ent.
Fred Grossen of Hebo visited here
last week.
Programs Held
Local Schools
M r. and Mrs. Reed H onored on
24th Anniversary at Cornelius
Masons, Star to
Install Officers
Electricity Turned
on at Rock Creek
Kuratli QC Wismcr
Cherry Grove
meeting will be at Gaston K. of P.
hall Jan u ary 8.
J. J. Ford of Mt. Richmond left
Thursday for his old home In
Missouri to spend Christm as with
his brothers and sister. It has been
m ore th an 20 years since he left
Couple Honored
at North Plains
Pastor Given
Big Surprise
(B y Mr«. E. W. H in richi)
128 2nd Ave.
Phone 72
Agent Long Radios
Mr. and M r(. W illiam B erk and ' .......................
Dr. Waltz W inner
Dr. R. S Waltz won the sw eep-i
stakes aw ard with his residential I
illum ination entry at Forest Grovz. I
W inners in the various divisions'
were: Churches, Christian; frater-1
nal, American Legion; commercial i
(interior), Holroyd service station;
com mercial (exterior),
service station; residences (in ter­
ior), J C. Venturine; residences
(exterior), J H. Stiles, and most
unique, W. W. McCready.
................. - ---- — ■■■
and Leather Work
Opposite Court House
144 N. Second Ave.
Happy New Year
Good fortune for all my patrons
Dr. Taylor Resigns
Dr. Frank Collins Taylor, dean ‘ and friends is my sincerest wish.
of the Pacific university fac u lty ,,
has resigned. He has been on the '
faculty 29 years and plans to retire
at the end of the present school j
S. E. Fayram
TT IS our wish that all our good friends and
customers continue through 1936 in a
spirit of Good Cheer and Prosperity.
The C. C. Store
270 E. Main St.
J. H. GARRETT, Prop.
Phone 2601W
To All Our
Loyal Friends
We take this occasion that we may wish all our
friends and patrons a Very HAPPY NEW YEAR
and thank them for their business in the past.
Start 1936 Right
Dairy and
Poultry Feeds.
Phone 271
dition due to w ater having seeped | L et the advertisem ents help you
Into th e stone.
m ake your shopping clans.
son left Monday for California to
m ake th eir home.
E. J. H orner has been In P ort­
land for the past few weeks receiv­
Portland Group to Present ing light treatm ents on his foot.
F ern Hill Ladies’ club will meet
Play at Bloom ing
w ith Mrs. John Jepson Ja n u ary 2.
BLOOMING—A num ber of friends
NORTH PLAINS — Mr and Mrs. surprised Rev. E. W. H inrichs or
J. H. Sandford entertained at a his birthday December 18. "Five
dinner party Sunday, honoring Mr. H undred" furnished entertainm ent
and Mr :. W. J. Lindsley of Keasey for th e group. Visiting at the p a r­
on th eir tw enty-fifth wedding an- sonage w ere Messrs, and Mesdames
niversary. O thers present were Mr. 1 Frank B randaw and family, A lbert
and Mrs. Lee Mead and daugh­ Meyer and children, H enry Haase,
ters, Nehalem; Mrs. Ray Dorland Fred Haase, and John Haase and
and children Mrs. Otto H artram pf, children, and Harold Haase.
Joyce and Olive Mae, Hillsboro:
Children of the Blooming school
Mr and Mrs. Jam es W alters and presented a Christm as program to
children, Cedar Mill; Mr. and Mrs. a large audience Friday evening.
Phil Mead, Beaverton; Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. H erm an Jaenicke directed th e
Richard Prince, Mr. and Mrs. A. entertainm ent and Esther Meyer
R. Pearson, all of Portland: Pete I made announcem ents.
Johnson. Mason Hill; Joe, Vernon,
Play Sunday night
Clarabel, Lee. Annabel, JoAnn and
Young people from T rinity L u th ­
K enneth Lindsley of Keasey, Elea­
eran church in Portland w ill p re ­
nor and Glen Sandford.
Pythian Sisters had a Christmas sent a three-act play in the base­
tree and exchange of gifts after m ent of the local church Sunday
at 8 p. m. under the auspices of
meeting Friday night.
Mrs. Minnie Beake and son M ark St. P eter’s Young People's society.
and Miss Edna Vandomelen spent A C hristm as them e will be the
Christm as in P ortland with Mrs. basis of the entertainm ent. The
Blake's son-in-law and daughter, public is invited.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nathan.
Birthday Celebrated
P ast Chiefs’ club, Pythian Sis­
Mrs. Fred Meyer entertained a
ters, had a pot luck dinner and group at her home in honor of th e
Christm as party at the home of 85th birthday of Mrs. Sophia
Mrs. Mary Mathiesen Thursday.
1 "G randm a” Brelje December 20.
Henry Cypher a n d
daughter Guests w ere Mesdames Anna Hyde,
Genie visited M. R. Finch in P o rt­ John Voelker, George Meyer, Al­
land Sunday.
bert Meyer, Robert Meacham and
North Plains Parent-T eacher as­ H erman F reudenthal and a group
sociation met Tuesday evening. The of children.
topic was "Home Recreation." They
Mr. and Mrs. H enry Voelker and
also had a display of toys suitable
daughter Carol left last w eek to
for children of different ages.
Frances M illet of St. Mary’s is spend th e Christm as holidays in
spending the holidays with Phyllis the south.
L u th eran Ladies' Aid will meet
in th e church basem ent this F ri­
day afternoon as the guests of Mrs.
F ranklyn Koch.
Fred M uhly is w orking on th e
Lcnor Fleming, 37, wife of Justice Hesse farm near Scholls.
Fleming, of Beaverton route 2, died
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. M uhly and
here Friday and funeral services children and Miss E rna Sim antel
w ere held Sunday afternoon at the arrived at Woolsey, S. D.. Decem­
Forest Grove U ndertaking company ber 18. Miss Sim antel w ill spend
chapel and interm ent was in F or­ th e holidays th ere at th e home of
est View cemetery.
her brother. The M uhly fam ily con­
She was born in North Dakota tinued th e journey and expected to
December 5. 1898. and m arried Mr. arriv e at Glencoe, Minn., the next
Fleming at Vancouver, Wash., Oc­ day. Elm er M uhly of St. Louis w ill
tober 5, 1925. Deceased is survived join them th ere and th e holidays
by th e widower; a son, Lawrence; will be spent at th e home of Mrs.
a sister. Mrs. Stella Westwick. For­ Muhly's mother.
est Grove, and a brother, Ralph W.
Rev. and Mrs. E. W. H inrichs and
Clark, Detroit, Mich.
M yrtle and Lowell attended a spe­
cial short cerem ony of th e L u th er­
an congregation at Forest Grove,
FOREST GROVE—John M anner-, w herein the cornerstone of the old
80, died Sunday at th e home of church at Seghers was opened. Rev.
his daughter, Mrs. Lillian R obert­ Hinrichs. Ernest D ethlefs and M ar­
son, near here. Services w ere held tin Gerdes officiated. The contents
at th e Forest G rove U ndertaking w ere found in a disintegrated con-
com pany chapel M onday afternoon
w ith Rev. A rthur Stook officiating.
He was born October 13, 1855. in
Guns, Am m unition
Finland, and came to the United
Fishing T ackle
States 50 years ago.
S tate Capitol News L etter—G iv­
ing th e highlights of official ac­
tivity a t Salem.—E very w eek in
the Argus.
Section 2, Pages 1 to 4
Hillsboro Argo« Established 1894
160 W. Main SL
A N e w Y ear D aw ns
W c T hank You
wish Io thank (he people of
W E Hillsboro
and surrounding com­
munity for the interest taken in our
grand opening of Pontiac, La Salle,
and Cadillac ears. Over 1500 people
passed through our sales room within
the first three days.
We are convinced that the resi­
dents of Washington county ¡ire new
ear-minded and that the quality of
our cars and our 6 per cent finance
plan will speed up sales.
It is our intention to equip a mod­
ern place that will he in keeping with
this prosperous community.
Happy New Year
to all out' loyal friends.
We I hank you for your
C an iers
Chnrles Tews
LeRoy Campbell
Bill M ellebeke .
Leon Banner .
Don Uuiiuncv ......
Bill Boscow
Donovan M otor Car Co.
137 S. T hird Ave.
C adillac
Hillsboro, Oregon
Hillsboro Branch M anager
Phone 1052
"F irst w ith th e News”
Perhaps you can guard
against FIRE by being
careful, but no precaution
can protect you from the
burglar's visit. Our BURG­
tects you against this ever­
present risk.
. . . and w ith it are born again
our hopes for th e future, our
Ilians for tomorrow, our resolu­
tions for today. It is our re ­
spected privilege not only to
m ake and keep resolutions which
in furthering our interests will
benefit the community, but to
aid you in keeping yours.
e ^ G -e N C y
116 SOUTH THIRO REi 2092
Large, double-braced legs, water-proof top,
assorted colors.
Commercial National
-"The Largest Independent Bank In Washington County”