Page Eight H IL L S B O R O AR G U S. H IL L S R O R O D ecem ber 2(5, 193. mas party at the Buxton : above a year ago, will show no look by industries is fuiulauientall.v goods industries moved us ahead M arriage Licenses school Friday evening. [ startling m ark-ups during 1936. In ­ sound. Miss Bernice Willis of Forest 9 per cent Now, as we .stand on D o n ald E H a tto n M y ers a n d stallm ent buying, aided by lower For the past two years govern­ the threshold of 1936 wo are only G rove spent the week-end with 'e ir r y in g charges, will be verv ment and other high grade bond, 10 per cent below normal. The Hit • K a th e r in e It W hite, b o th of Oregon her mother, Mrs. A E. Willis City, December 20 brisk Quality goods will move bet­ h iv e enjoyed a bull market Inter ot recovery Is running strong ami X Series o f B rief Discussions on Driving, Dedi- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hollenbeck ter than they have In recent year.'. est rates have tum bled to ttie low­ cured to the Safety, Comfort and Pleosura 1 look forward with conlldeuci to and daughter Helen took the fruit Let the advertisem ents help you One of the bright spots of the re- est level on record and bank re- progress in the big m ajority of in­ from the North Plains Pythian o f the Motoring Public. Prepared M ountaindale People Signed tem cent holiday season was the good serves have hit new highs. As dustries tills coming year, lienee. 1 m a k e your shopping plans. ple to the Pythian home in b y General Motors i call for luxury m erchandise and recovery continues, however, de-I pi edict that when the curtain falls V ancouver Wednesday. Up for Electricity • this trend will be even more notice- mand for money is sure to lncrea e , on 1936 tin' great depression of ttie Mrs. W. K. A rnold returned j able next year. S o gilt-edge securities have prob­ thirties will be fuding into memory! home Sunday from the Jones hos­ (By Mi«» M argaret Maihieaent ♦ » * No. 1— CURVES AND TURNS ably now reached a ceiling The I N o t . ' T i l l , urth'lo cannot bn rcrrailiitsst A Selling Year MOUNTAINDALE Mrs. James pital. day is coming probably not during If ever there was a tim e to get Mrs Sue Dorland and M. S P o t­ in whole or in juirt without per in I ion Mathicsen was hostess for the North ’o nt vrrrs how expert we may be as drivers, we are all apt to fall into 1936, however when the price of (nun the copyright h "hier* l*uhliahe>n ► ’I- I Plains Past Chiefs' club w ith a pot ter of Oswego visited Mr. and Mrs. habits of driving that don't quite measure up to what we really know is behind sales campaigns gnd drive high-grade o u i i i 'I h I llnicnii, I ’urk. Mn** bonds will decline as them ahead, it is now. Sales m an­ luck dinner and Christm as party Henry W e .n rr WMtoMdaj »VI right. t'opyrikiht 1945 I ' u M im I iv i «' I’ ltiMiu lnl ■ money rates advance. Medium and mr.g. agers and salesmen alike can ex ­ Thursday Officers w ere elected as I Iti risiti For instance, we all know that we ought to be careful about passing pect fine rew ards next year for second grade issues more depend­ Robert and Lester Schlegel a t­ cars, follows: Mrs Earl Hollenbeck, pres­ especially when another car is approaching from the opposite direction. ent upon business profits are still tended a Christm as program at the people are in a buying moo there is a general recovery o ver­ second. Mrs. Fred Gordon will en­ line of more than sixteen cars standing in ness. In studying this subject r e ­ the road, and sixteen cars in a row will reach half a block. This is probably months. seas. The core of the trouble lias tertain the club in January. Farm regions appear to me as the been a mud desire for self-suffici­ Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Adkinson cently. I discovered that during the a new idea to most of us. If we kept it in mind, we would never pass a car best selling territories. They have past 16 election years th ere have ency and the erection of impus;- and daughter Beverly of Boyd wer? Unless we were sure that there w ere no oncoming cars for a good long been the most favorable sales areas able trade barriers The recent U nit­ week-end visitors at the J. L. Van- been 7 pick-ups. 7 declines and 2 distance ahead. for the past eighteen months. How­ “no changes." This explodes the Domelen home, But turning aside to pass is not the particular kind of turning that we ever, urban centers are due for a ed Stutes-Can idum reciprocal trail, general theory that business is pact, however, Is significant. It Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. bound to be bad in an election are interested in discussing here. What we are now come-back and they may have the m arks the first real move toward Henry Weaver were Mr. and Mrs. year. It is foolish to be doubtful concerned with is taking curves and corners. From edge by next December. The best trad e restoration in a decade. I WHIM R. L. Appleton and Mr and Mrs. about 1936—coming as it does in tim e to tim e in these discussions we will find that advice. I can give it to spread you. believe It will aid the business of W l WANT the same old laws of N ature will be involved. Fore­ R. E. Hamford and family of P o rt­ a vigorous recovery period. N atur advertising risk geographical I y both nations to a m arked degree TO GO land and Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Ap­ ally political m aneuvers w ill be most among them will be the laws of momentum, and keeping in mind that the Pacific next year. In fact. I look for an THIS pleton and daughter Joliene of irritatin g and upsetting at times. momentum plays the m ajor p art in going around coast, the Rocky mountain, the mid- i Increase of 10 to 20 per cent in WAY * curves. Because momentum not only wants to keep Beaverton. dlew estern, and the southern states ' foreign trade in 1936 with Hi • But as I have pointed out repeated­ us ¿ y Z j «OMENTUM going, but going in the sam e direction. When it is Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sahnow of ly, political campaigns do not m ake will give you the best retu rn as gains well distributed on both the , WANTS Hillsboro visited Mr. and Mrs. Otto and unm ake basic canditions; ra th ­ trying to make us go straight instead of curving our the year opens. Most im portant of im port and export sides of the i us ro course, it operates under an assumed name, if you C. Voges and family Sunday. { GO , all. be sure that your selling m eth­ ledger. er it is basic conditions w hich please. For then we call it •‘centrifugal force.’’ Mr and Mrs. Oliver Wescott and m ake and unm ake th e campaigns. I THIS ods are in step .w ith the times , The outlook for various world Now of course we all know what centrifugal force J WAV family of Hillsboro and Paul Wes­ New ideas, fresh copy, attractive m arkets is mixed. Japan, now pav­ This campaign will be a b itter Is. We feel it when we go around curves. Highways ■ cott of Forest Grove visited Mr. one. Political propaganda and elec­ displays and delivery of th e goods ing the way for control of the P a­ and railroads are banked a t curves to offset centrifu­ and Mrs. Archie Thompson and tion oratory will monopolize the ! - decide w hether or not you will 1 cific, will steal more of our Chinese gal force. Aviators bank their planes at turns by tip ­ children Sunday. headlines from May to November ping them with the controls. But even though we all know about centrifugal j m aintain your trade position and trade. O ur business in Europe will w hether the profi’s of your com ­ Miss Opal Stew art of St. Helens If the balloting w ere to tak e place force, few of us realize how powerful it is, and how much greater it gets the pany will keep pace w ith the gen- suffer from unsettled conditions is spending the Christm as vacation today th ere would be no doubt faster I there although the Italian-E thi- we go. ! eral im provem ent in earnings. here w ith her parents, Mr. and that Mr. Roosevelt would be relect- 1 opian dispute will not lead to a A 3000-pound car making a turn of 500-foot radius, has to overcome a Mrs. George Stewart. major war in 1936. The economic Bull M ark ft Not O vrr ed .But as th e m onths tick away, centrifugal force of only about 156 pounds at 20 miles an hour. But at 30 miles The huge increase in industrial crisis in France, Holland, and S w it­ Thirty-one subscribers have sign­ the president probably w ill coil- i an hour, that force has grown to 360 pounds, and a t i profits and the steady advance in zerland will result in currency d e­ ed up for the electric lights on the tinue to lose strength, particularly 60 it is nine times as great as at 20 . . . over fourteen j dividend paym ents have been very valuation sooner or later—prob­ extension line, which will soon be in the industrial areas. N everthe­ hundred pounds trying its best to push us off th e | much in the 1935 spotlight The ably this y o ir This would breui; started from the M ountaindale less, I question if the rising tide of road! The only thing that keeps us on the road in th e j same will be tru e in coming the path for international currency opposition to the new deal w ill be school to the Meacham school. first place is the friction between our tires and th e and improve tiie i months. As a rough estimate, I stabilization Mrs. L. H. Peters returned home strong enough by November to road. The minute the centrifugal force gets stronger 1 should say that profits would swell chances of a real business revival Sunday morning after a six weeks’ engulf the president and rob him than the force of that friction, off the road we go. ' by about 25 per cent. That is the in all nations. At present writing, of his personal popularity. B arring visit w ith relatives in Nebraska. The trouble is that we often don’t realize how fast i principal reason why I am not Latin A m erlei, South Africa. C an­ unforseen events.t he chances are Mrs. Thor Gronbeck of Vernonia that the adm inistration will da we’re going. On road trips, for instance, after w e j w orried over the sharp rise in ada, Australia, the Near East, an I spent Thursday at the Jam es M athi­ nothing upsetting to business b e­ have driven at a certain speed for a long time, it ■ prices since last March My basic Scandinavia would seem to offer esen home. seems a small m atter to increase our speed a few 1 position on stocks is that a buil the best m arkets in early 1936. tw een now and election. Mr. and Mrs. George S tew art and miles an hour. Then after a while we may do the m arket began in July, 1932, and Coneluslon Polities In Saddle Opal and L. H. Peters and daugh­ same thing again. In other words, we keep putting | that th e long-pull upw ard swing So now in retrospect: This is the The final session of th e present I ter Liela attended a party at the forward our basis of comparison till by-and-by we has not yet culm inated. Despite any third December since recovery set home of Mr. and Mrs Fred Poe of congress begins on J a n u a ry 3 and have lost our usual sense of how fast we are going. tem porary unsettlem ent, the trend in, but I can safely say thut it is North Plains Saturday evening in w ill probably last five or six Then, the first thing we know, we are face-to-face next year will be upward. As to the first year-end when the m ajor­ months. It will be neither a re-form , honor of Mr. Poe’s birthday. w ith a turn or even half way around it and we feel Old Man Centrifugal the ex tent of the rise, it is im ­ ity of people adm it that business Miss Irene G ardner spent the nor a re-eovery session, b ut ra th e r Force trying to push us off the road. possible to m ake a definite forecast, has shown m arked progress. Back a re-election session. Politics will week-end in Portland w ith Miss So w hat do we do? We clamp down the brakes. It’s the only thing w e com pletely rule its decisions. While can do when we find w e're going too fast. But just the same, approaching j although I would be surprised if it ill 1933 a consumer goods boom Maida Slavon. gave us the first boost from tin- I were less than 10 per cent. The Misses Marie Raffety and it w ill not be a “ru b b er stam p" i that corner too fast has kept us from taking it as we should have liked to. W ithin this broad pattern there depths—10 |x-r cent; in 1934 we e n ­ Alma Raffety attended the C hrist­ congress, party harm ony w ill b e ' For if conditions permit, it is often desirable to increase speed ns we go ' arc a num ber of industries whose joyed another advance as the au to ­ stressed and th e president w ill hold ' around a curve. As long as our rear wheels are not being retarded, but a re the w hip-hand on the m ajor issues i actually pushing us ¿.round the curve, our steering is effective and our ca r I percentage gains will be better- mobile industry pushed us upw ard , than-average from here on. Those 8 per cent: this past year, the heavy As the program lines up now, the Is under control. most im portant bills are the veter-1 • The long and short of it is that we can't take liberties with the laws o f | groups connected with the heavy ans' bonus and th e n eu trality la w .1 momentum ar.d cer.n fu g al force. Man's speed laws may not Always be industries, as distinguished from those doing a consum ers’ business, With the mem bers casting their observed, but N ature’s speed laws always are! look best tom e. Building companies eyes nervously tow ard the election ■ it looks as though the veterans car. likely to back off d u rin g 1936. I per cent). Monthly electricity and will reflect the big im provem ent in I construction activity They will I quickly lobby through a cash pay­ ment, or equivalent, even over a have in m ind hogs and th eir by­ gas statem ents will be slightly low­ stim ulate other industries, p articu ­ er. but fuel bills (coal coke, and products. The cycle of livestock larly raw and fabricated metals presidential veto. such as the coppers and steel. Farm j A neutrality bill, prohibiting the production is once again upw ard oil) w ill be more burdensome. tool, industrial machinery, and of­ “Help W anted” export of m unitions and sadd'ing and quotations in this particular group will probably soften during have already given my opinion fice equipm ent concerns face a n ­ Bought - Sold - Consigned i heavy taxes on w ar profits, will be the year The same com ments ap ­ on I the Buy at your own price! outlook for the heavy in ­ other year of recovery. Electrical passed. The Townsend movement is gaining strength daily but w hat it ply to th e dairy industry and ,o dustries w here unem ploym ent has equipm ent m akers anticipate a bet- We have a car for everyone C oats, D resses, field crops; although, w ith the been so severe. With these busi­ ter dem and for their profitable can accomplish at Washington this 1929 Ford Coupe year is a question mark. Congre-: w eather such an unknow n factor, nesses getting back on th eir feet, heavy items. Automobile produc­ Suits, and at a Rum ble Seat—Very Good. may steal some of th e Tow nsend- it is a poor policy to m ake any the num ber of people retu rn in g to tion will easily top this y ear’s out dogmatic forecasts at th is season. w ork will be one of the highlights put of 4.135.000 cars, lifting acces­ Bed Spreads, : ites' th u n d er by upping th e per 1924 Dodge Sedan i capita paym ents under the new ! As for cotton, I believe we are due later on in the year. S harp gains in sory business along with it. In Fine Condition—Cheap. , to recapture a good portion of the U tilities and Rails dem and for durable goods during fine Sheets, M unsing Un- i social security act. If the suprem e O ther groups do not have quite price that cannot fail to court okays th e Guffey Coal act, j exports lost during 1934 and 1935 recent m onths is a valid reason for 1930 Ford Tudor Sedan I so th at prospects favor m oderately G ossard such an optomistlc outlook, a l­ not expecting too big a percentage This is the one you have been I sim ilar m easures covering other in- higher prices for this vital south- rise in em ploym ent early in the though only a few lines will show please — Stock must be i dustries may be passed. Funda- I ern crop. looking for. new year. However, as volume losses. Mail order and chemical i m entally, this will be a typical cleared by Jan. 1, 1936. picks up in these lines, activity earnings will be satisfactory, the H igher Wholesale Prices 1933 Chev M aster Coach I election-year congress w ith plenty railroads will welcome heavier crop Silk H ose, B lankets, A uto will be stim ulated in hundreds of of bombast and little constructive Industrial c o m m o d ity p r i c e s Excellent Condition Throughout. 1939 S tu d e b n k e r S ed an action. should resum e the rising trend other industries. The concrete re ­ and d u n b lc goods tonnage but the OTHERS TO PICK FROM. Robes, B atts Spending Peak Passed? w hich was in terru p ted when the sult will be more jobs, fatter pay higher operating costs will prevent 1928 C h e v ro le t C oach The real fight will come on the NRA began to crack up. They will envelopes, and higher wage rates satisfactory earnings. Dairy, foods grocery chains, meat packing, coal, O ut­ spending issue. Mr Roosevelt real­ be sufficiently inflated to boost the by n ex t December. TIRE SALE CONTINUES 1929 C h ev ro let C oach The news in 1936 will probablv and textiles will enjoy only m oder­ izes that his fiscal record as pre:;-1 departm ent of labor wholesale pric^ Sample — 4.40-21 $6.16 ate gains. On the other hand, the ing F lan nel, Shoes ident makes his 1932 cam paign | index between 5 and 10 per cent headline more strikes than during 1931 C h ev ro let C oach 6-ply Under Tread speeches on “economy at Washing-1 S harp advances from now on de­ the period ju st closed. However, outlook for p ip er, oil, and d e p a rt­ 1-year w ritten guarantee ment store groups is promising De­ lacking any stiff increase in living 1927 B uiek S ed an ton" sound silly, so he will restrain i pend to a large extent upon the G aloshes, FREE congress as much as he can. It < type of business revival which we costs, and no real shortage of un- I spite political uncertainties the power industry has a great future. skilled labor as yet, I have no fears ' 1927 N ash C ab rio let Tube with each new Tire looks as though the peak of the | experience. C ontinuation of the H ouse Slippers, W ork Shirts, m oney-scattering wave had passed normal, healthy revival which we of prolonged tie-ups in any m ajor Taken as a whole the stock o u t­ 1930 C h ev ro let C oupe industry next year. By next C hrist­ for the tim e being, but the budge'. are now enjoying would bring Shirts K ayn ee B louses, ’ is far from being balanced. T h e n -, about only m oderate m ark-ups. If, mas, industrial em ploym ent and 1926 C ad illac S edan BATTERIES factory payrolls should stand at a will be at least a $2,000.000.003 on the other hand, we should go cn O vercoats, Suits, 13-plate, heavy duty spread between betw een income another spending jam boree and new peak for the recovery period— J 1930 D u ra n t S ed an $4.95 and your battery and expenses in the fiscal year | credit inflation should get under roughly 10 p er cent above the 1935 Lain C oals, G o lf K nickers, 1-year guarantee ending Ju n e 30, 1937. Because of full steam, prices would mount level. One feature of the coming 1932 P lym outh C oupe the elections, there is little to fear rapidly. The latter is now unlikely tw elve m onths from a labor »♦.and Jum pers, H ats, from heavy new taxes this y ear | for th e new dealers will do all they point will be the dem and foi, an J 1929 D u ra n t C oach Sec 1936 Willys ‘'77" $589 unless the suprem e court throw s S can to prevent any sudden price premiums commanded by. skilled workers. All factors point to a 1927 O lds C oach the AAA processing levies into the j rise before election-tim e marked im provem ent in purchasing ash-can along with the NRA codes This should be good news to power in industrial areas. 1927 H udson C oach In that event substitute excises I those consumer who have felt the TO ALL! f u rth e r Farm Recovery might be enacted. | pinch of slowly rising living costs, 1932 F o rd C oupe Buying power in farm sections 2nd and W ash. Phone 2641 Regardless of w hat the court de- Right now food prices are close t > [ cides on this vital corner-stone of | the highest level in five and a half will also be higher—probably from 1929 O a k la n d S ed an R. P. SHAW the new deal, some farm prices are years, but they are nearing their 5 to 15 per cent. No n u tte r what the suprem e court may decide on peak for the tim e being. N ext De­ the 1927 Essex Sedan THE WHAT-NOT STORE benefit paym ents to farm ­ cem ber th e average householder's ers AAA, will continue at least until the H ardw are 1927 B uick C oupe running expenses will total 5 per flies. With more acreage New and used Goods cent larger than today but his food snow planted and a fourth y o ir of 1927 P o n tiac C oupe bills arc unlikely to be any high­ Second Ave. Hillsboro er than right now they may even drought, unlikely, crops should lie | better. Larger harvests, multiplied 1927 O lds C oupe be less. The rise will probably ' come in clothing <5 per cent), relit by approximately the same prict O lds T o u rin g '8 per cent), and furnishings (5 equal larger total income. Since I the cost of the products which the 1925 I t pays to feed y o u r cow s a good F o rd P ick u p farm er must buy will not be m urii I BEAUTY SHOPS physician and surgeon higher, his profits in 1936 should | b a la n c e d D airy F eed. 1929 C h e v ro le t S ed an continue the upw ard tendency whicn started several years ago. Farm ers 1932 F o rd V icto ria C oupe Imperial Dairy, 20% protein ........... $30.00 ton E V E ’S B EA U TY S H O P a . (). PIT M A N , M. D. have now greatly reduced their G eneral Beauty Work debts, so their increased income Cow Ration, 17% protein .................. 26.00 ton 1927 C h e v ro le t C oupe PHYSICIAN .n il HltllGKON will mean even more money for P erm anent. nml all klntla of X B .» and Phyata-Therapy M olasses Dairy, 15% protein ........... 24.00 ton D entist new purchases. 1925 Chevrolet. R o a d ste r homily work. Commercial National Rank Bids. M erchants face the best trade o ut­ M olasses Grd. Screen’gs, 12% protein n 20.00 ton Telephone 1381 X look in five years. The combination Telephone« That's our wish for all at Hillsboro Pharm acy Linseed Oil Meal ..................................... .. 33.00 ton O ffice 8231 of increased farm income, larger Residence 791 Z our patrons and friends factory payrolls, and greater d iv i­ for 1936. H em pseed Oil Meal ........................ 25.00 ton dend paym ents should boost sales 1931 C hev D ual T ru ck S a n ita ry B eau ty Shop in most lines between 8 and 12 per DR. D. E. W ILEY, M. D. cent above the 1935 average. Be­ A ll klnrls of Benuty Work 1935 C hev D ual T ru ck cause wholesale prices are not sla t­ Physician and Surgeon PERMANENTS 1930 C h e v ro le t T ru ck , Third and Lincoln, Hillsboro ed for any sharp advance, retail « «peclnlty Wells Building stock ra c k price tags, which are now slightly Telephone 1471 Imperial Milk Egg Mash .................... $39.00 Chiefs Elect New Officers W e D rivers N Optimistic View Taken by Babson ANNUAL Pre-Inventory DOLLAR SALE NOW ON! See our windows! Prices cut way down. Sale positively ends Tuesday Night, December 31. USED CARS USED CAR Happy New Year Used Car Exchange $ \V (>men s Bkti'U size wool Women’s large size wool 2 yards Silk, Rayon 54-inch Wool­ ens, Six 10S 2 dergarments, Nature’s Foundation Garments, 2 pair Women’s lull fashioned 2 big ( otton (3 lbs. each), 10 yards 36-ineh white and colored for Women and Chil- dien, W omens Zipper 3 pair 2 .Jiant Jim >) I»oys and Boys’ Boys’ all wool Boys’ Men s Men’s blanket lined Men’s dress e tc .— TAKE YOUR PICK FOR $1.00 Men’s Suits and Overcoats Milk Prices Are Good % k $ BUYERS! B A R G A IN Tables Piled High With DOLLAR SPECIALS HILLSBORO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Dr. Brown 4- Happy New Year Trucks Sahnow Garage POULTRY FEEDS ton Imperial Egg Mash ................................. 37.00 ton Big-Lay Egg Mash ................................. 35.00 ton / PLAN NOW FOR A ll above prices F. O. B. o u r w a re h o u se an d s u b je c t to m a rk e t c h a n g es. We th a n k o u r m any frie n d s fo r th e ir p a tro n a g e in 1935. ♦«M. HAPPY NEW YEAR P ay Cash and Save —— Trade with Imperial Sewer Service W e a re p re p a re d to su p p ly you w ith q u a lity , tim e -re ­ sisting c o n c re te new er pipe fo r co n n ectio n s w ith th e m u n icip al s e w e r s y s te m . D u r pipe, high in q u a lity and re a so n a b le in cost, is d u ra b le and wi I serve you in d efin itely . PL A T E S — So th in you can see th ro u g h them , y e t stro n g an d d u ra b le . Dr. P. G. Brown DENTIST Ipiperial Feed & Grain Co. Phone 01 Millers of Quality Freds South Second Ave. Com m ercial Bldg. ALL SIZES CLAY A N D CONCRETE DRAIN TILE Second and Main Sts. Hillsboro Concrete Brick &. Tile Co. Hillsboro Oregon I’hone 1341 N orth of Cannery, across W. Washington St. 1929 1928 1930 193 1 F o rd T ru ck C hev T ru c k s C h e v ro le t T ru ck C h ev ro let P ickup Hillsboro Motor Company JAMES WHITELAW. Prop. Chevrolet anil Oldsinobile MAIN STORE 318-322 E. Main St. Phone 414 Hay or Night USED CAR LOT 136 S. Second Ave. (Venetian ticket, Lester Morgan Rl. 1, Banks) W E I L ’S A P A R T M E N T S Mabel Sfhendcl DENTISTS D entist Commercial Building 144 INSURANCE T. Agende« IN S U R A N C E H E R V K R F lr«t N ational Bank I ’hone 2211 lo r In fo rm .O o n and cans Telephone 1391 buy your 'R U B B E R STA M PS from llu ild in * IlillHhoro , hoo, G a rb n p e C ollection RUBBER STAMPS M cG RA TH Wnuhlnitton (n u n I y collection JACK MAIER Kvrnlnsa, Sundays I,y Appolnlmsut G EO RG E Re«l»lenee 2GHI GARBAGE DR. R A L PH DRESSER Telephone Telephone« Office 2882 HILLSBORO ARGUS A d„ rt|M ,r i <■■11 Th« Argun— 3101 r