H IL L S B O R O Pâtre Six ARGUS, I day evening at the church. Every- j one is invited. Kinton Folk Laurel Folk Plan Community Mrs. E. L. Cox visited Mr. and I Mrs. Thomas C. M illar of Portland and Friday. Mrs. Cox ex- Dinner; Club Sponsors Dance H old Program ! ’ Thursday perieneed the gale on the Sandy, H IL L S B O R O , Thursday. December 26, 1935 OREGON dictate minimum prices but will confine its efforts to other reg u la­ tions such as the size of the loaf, sanitation, etc. • • • Earl Hill. Lane county legislator, while in Salem this week announc­ ed that he would use his influence to exempt farm trucks of the pick­ up body type and light delivery cars used exclusively on city streets from the additional $5 license tax tacked on by the special session Hill says this move was a mistake and owners of the cars, who are paying the extra tax, are not in ­ clined to argue with him over it. • • • Prospect of a contest over the if ih . ..... . , .,, i„ .‘ .r».-V right f the state to regulate trucks ^ Z m ^ t J S big1? / ^ son Robert of S eattle ure spending tile holiduys w ith Mrs. C. F Jesse P arly Friday Ladies of the Roy parish are sponsoring a card party Friday eve ning in the Roy hull. H enrietta. M artha and Ray Vun- Farewell Given for Former derzanden and W arren Gillis re ­ turned home Suturduy for t h e Manning Storekeeper Chrlstinus holidays from Oregon ~~~~ i Normal school. Monday. W arren in » Mr» J»»»» M»ycr»i | left fur his home Ip Washington. BUXTON ( ¡i e e n M o u n t a I n I ■ G range Saturday, at a basket d in ­ ner meeting, installed the follow­ ing officers: Eugenia Quier. m aster. Ethel Turk, overseer; Mae Quier, lecturer: L. L. Crawford, stew ard; C-harlvn Goodrich, assistant stew ard, Andrew Pierson, 77, resident of J()hn B chaplain; Olive S to v J Reedville for 40 years, died last Thursday In Palo Alto, C a l. w here E velyn Rm ek lady’'assistan t ‘ stew : he hud lived far the lust three years. “rd : Ml s Charles Good. tch. Ceres Funerul services were lield Sunday afternoon from the Donelson A- Hessie H iddlnck. î".'?'.?, u " '1 Sewell chapel with burial In FI.' Lawn cem etery here under the aus­ Q ego o wns he |nMa|lln>! wns , the installing pices of T uality lodge. A F A A. and Sam W alker of Forest Grove M . w ith Rev. H. A. Deck officiat­ was also a visitor. ing. Mrs. Vail Given Farew ell Mr. Pierson was horn November A farewell purty was given M r: 23. 185«. in Sweden and came to " / ‘’J 1 b„ ' , c , a t. Jhl’ Man.n «/. >he United States 60 y e n s ago lie chlb h a" Saturday """...... night. * Mrs Vail wus a m em ber of the loeul Masonic ls moving io to ro I ortland, I ru a n a , having re- lodge. C e n tly Sold her Store at Mantling, Book» Borrowed Surviving him are five sons and . 1™“ ” y nooaa oorrow eu two daughters: C arl and Alfred of com m unity library bus been Oklahom a City. Okla.; Oscar and °Pened here at the home of Mrs W. E. Hill. W ithin the month enu- Ray of Palo Alto, f a i l .- a n d Klnil of Portland; Mrs. Clara Peterson December 15 more than 125 of Pulo Alto, und Mrs. Ida B urk­ borrowed^ rim e fur get- halter of Hillsboro. ting books, each Saturday und Tuesday from 3 to 4:30. Librarian« are Misses Eugenia Q uier and Dor­ is Whiteside. Elton Ingram of Tillamook spent ? few days at the Jesse Meyers l , o n i c . , h l s week. A dance and supper were given by _ the __ , W. », — B. . A. , ladies at the K r a n ^njght A Christm as program wus given at the P resbyterian church Sunday night. Rev. R. M. Hood, pastor of Pres- the ’ P*nd‘n« ,he t -hrls,m as ancl New Year holidays w‘f.h ,h‘s family In Portland. There will be no services at the Presby- »by tcrian church next Sunday eve- ning. William and Delm ar Riggle of B irkenfeld spent the w eek-end here. G range Dance Monday A dance wilt be gOoi by May you all enjoy a meas­ the grange December 28. ure full to overflow ing of Good Lurk, Happiness and Prosperity. We are deeply (tty Mi»« Marth» Vand»rt«n<1«n) grateful for your patronage A Sodality party was given at in the past ycur. the William Vandomelen h o m e Monday evening. About thirty were present and the evening was spent S tart 1936 right with in playing games and a short pro- gram was given by the younger MORNINGDEW members. Present w e r e Misses “Irradiated Agnes and Evelyn Plass. Lavonnc Gillings, Eileen Moore. M arjorie MILK" and Doris V anderzanden. Anna Bernards, C lara and Phyllis Van- derzanden, Bernice Herb, R i t a Duyck. M artha and Agnes Vander- zanden, M arguerite and Florence Duyck. Erma and Edna Meeuwsen Lucille Aerts. G ertrude and Erni i GUERNSEY DAIRY Vandehey, Ruth and Helen Var.- "A Flavor You'll Favor" dehey, Cecelia and Agnes Pranger, Loretta Vanderzandcn. Theresa and Sam llu lit A Sons Irene Plass. G ertrude and Evelyn Phone 2568 Spicring, I ranct s Vandehey, Wil- naa McPeak. Mildred and Ann Van- T hree Year Average jjeore by domelen, Mary Ann Meeuwsen and Pacific Intel national Over 1)H the hostess, Dorothy Vandomelen. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dalton and Buxton G roup Elects Leaders Subscribe Washington Six months cents. Two now to the Argus. In county $1 •>« “ yi’lir- 85c. Three m onths 50 months 35 cents. If Mr». F. L. B row ,,) i Elbert attended the C hristm as pro- w here some dam age was done. BAXTON A LOONEY many shingles w ere blown from l.AUREl. A community pot luck gram of the Oswego school Friday Producer» of Quality roofs and the electric lights were dinner will be served at the hall evening. Miss Irene Stevens, who out F riday morning. New Year's day. Everyone invited teaches there, returned home with SAND and GRAVEL them for the week-end. —— Mrs. J. H. Aten and daughter ' to take part. Pliuit located 4 miles north of For- Mrs. John Spoiling and children
evening in several directions. the reg u lar nurse, spends the holi­ a ' CS trCSwiUn b »‘ m id a l e > V Uth° ,,rd Consult young ladies; recitations, William was w ell attended. Robert Pom- I days w ith her daughter. Mrs. Wal­ d, . »“ prnLJ C a i' Sponsor Dance Wright. Rosemary Aten and Ruth eroy is the new treasurer. E. L. ROSS ter Whiting, and family of P o rt­ ing to Frank C. McCulloch, state . Ladies' club is sponsoring a “hard Wright; reading. Roberta Wilson: utilities commissioner, and the mat- Ladies Aid will meet with M rs., times" dance at the com munity hall land. Aloha. D rrgon duet. Marilee and Roberta Pom ­ Social Meet Saturday ter taken m to the courts for de- eroy; Bible readings, Bible class; Lilly M. Bierly Jan u ary 2 at 2 New Year's eve. F arm ers' Union social evening concerning vocal duet, K athryn Pomeroy and o'clock. Newly elected officers w ill | A num ber of young folks from be in charge. w ith program and dance w ill be here enjoyed ice skating on Jack- Beulah Boyles; harmonica s o lo . held Saturday evening at th e com­ Success of the referendum againsl School Christm as program was ■ son bottom several days this week. Beulah Peterson; vocal duet, Rob­ senate bill 43 -the old age pension ert Skeels and Freddy Boyles: re ­ held at th e hall Friday evening I Mr. and Mrs. Teon Lovegren of m unity hall. P. U C. und I. C. C Filing» bill of the special session -will tie citation, Paul Peterson; vocal solo, with a large attendance. Program Cathlamet, Wash., are guests of up tiie $1,000,000 state appropriation Beulah Boyles; songs by all. Candy i consisted of musical and literary her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cally w íth ü L f piövidm g"uny"’'m í í A f í o r W hitmore, until after New Y ear’s was distributed to all. numbers and drills. I ’akimr advantage ad van tau e of federal match m atch {taking Miss Grace McCormick of Hills- Mrs Mar-V Kershaw, who is mak- day. ( l on.inued from pa«e 1 1 m n n e v fo r i« .„ « io n < in t h e n n ln ln n Mr. and Mrs. SamC oy of H ills­ course should have been announced money tor pensions In the opinion boro spent the week-end w ith her inS her home for ,h e w inter months of attorneys here. Only 10.232 stg- grandmother, Mrs. Lilly M Bierly. at the home of Mrs. Lilly M. Bier boro visited at the L. A. W hittle along about the first of the present natures of bona fide voters are ly. spent the holiday season w ith home Thursday, month. Mr. and Mrs M. B. Godfrey and daughter and family. Mr. and Raymond Meyers P resid en t If Allen retires as liquor adm in­ needed to put the bill on the regu- Mrs. Winnie Sheach of Portland her was elected Mrs. K enneth Barnes of Oak Grove. Raymond M eyers istrator, as he probably will, it will lar election ballot and sponsors of visited Mr. and Mrs. E verett D. president of the Broadcasters’ class be entirely of his own accord and the referendum are confident they Kinton school w ill sta rt again Wright of Cooper Mountain last Ja n u ary 6. of the Sunday school for the com- in the interest of harm ony w ithin can complete their petitions easily week. Mr. and Mrs Melvin Vanderm ost ing year, at a m eeting held at the the organization. Allen is known before the last day, F ebruary 7. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Vernon have been spending the Christm as home of Howard Davis Friday eve- to have clashed repeatedly with Leachmann (Mabie V anK leek'. De­ Flax sheds at the state prison, Billy McNay was elected vice- m em bers of the liquor commission, cember 19. a boy. M other and son holidays w ith Mrs Vanderm ost’s . ning. Corner 3rd and Main St». president: Lillie Brown, secretary- who have persisted in m aking his which for several years following m other in Seattle, Wash. are doing well in a hospital in treasurer, and V. T. Speece. ser­ position uncom fortable by stripping 1930 were full to bursting w ith raw Phone 1001 Portland. empty. geant-at-arm s. Games w ere enjoyed him of various duties from tim e material, are now la n almost t n r e n a r e d to Bible study and business m eet­ With the prison plant prepared to FREE DELIVERY after the business session, followed to tim e and conferring them upon ing of the church will be held Fri- by an exchange of Christm as gifts. R unte and Eugene Kelt.v. who is sign up an increased acreage for A nnie Bell to Jam es Hugh H utch­ N ext meeting w ill be held w ith said to be the liq u o r adm inistrator luuu mv iiuitinxviiiviii 1936 the management is imuillK finding kill- dif- SATURDAY SPECIALS ison et ux. SW>4 of S E l4 of Sec­ Thelm a Mulloy Ja n u ary 17. | ¡n fact although Allen bears the ficulty in persuading W illamette tion 34 T3N R3W. farm ers to contract for a flax Charles and F ran k Speiring of title. Allen was in Salem during A Healthful >r Elizabeth ♦ . Ellerby et v ir to _ O. .. O. , ] Cathlam et, Wash., visited t h e i r the early days of the recent special crop at $25 a ton. To meet this We hope everybody had veeten d et w the board of control has cres ectlon brother. John Speiring, and fam ily J legislative session and is under situation NEW YEAR’S a Merry Xmas ami are 9 T2S R1W. authorized the flax plant manage Sunday. I stood at th at tim e to have offered merit to enter Into an open con- A lfred G. Pearson et ux to Geof­ RESOLUTION getting ready for a Happy Program at Church | to resign, but agreed to rem ain at tract, pegging the price at a mini- frey L. Brown et ux, part Section The Christm as program given at the insistence of the governor, a n «1 Prosperous N e w of $22 a ton and giving the 22 T3N R5W. the church Sunday evening was en- sin ce th at time, however, W. L, mum o w .w o r h „ advantage of any ,.o Year. This is our wish. Caroline H asting et al to Ida K. joyed by a houseful of people. Num- Goss, th e governor's secretary, is grower I the ad Sendelbach. Lots 11 and 12 Crest bers on the program were: P a g e a n t; said to have paid Allen a “purely vance in the m arket price at h ar­ PRE-INVENTORY SALE View Addition. in pantomime, accom panied b y : social call" during which he sug- vest tim e next • fall. • • J. A. Black et ux to Bruno S an­ readings and singing: short talk gested the advisability of th e ad- Price» Reduced toro et ux, 17.75 Acres Section 23 by Rev. Speece; song by four small in istrato r's retirem ent. Friends of Oregon Jersey breeders w ant the T1S R2W. girls; recitations by Elaine Whit- Allen among the dem ocratic lead- state to use more Jerseys in th e.r STRING BEANS Emma B. Arey to W illiam B arber more and Ju n io r Madding: vocal , ers of th e state by that time, how- institution herds. A survey reveals Can B lanchard et ux. p art Section 27 m ixed quartet; song by th e L aurel | ever, had rallied to his support and that most of the state owned herds T3N R5W. Lights class; reading by Howard 1 insisted upon his sticking by his are Holsteins. The state hospital at J. W. Connell (Sheriff) to State Davis: ladies vocal sextet: q u in te t, guns, w hich he has done so far— Pendleton has two herds, one of SOUP— TO EAT of Oregon. S W h of N W ii of Sec­ of string music and a tableau il- j long enough to convince the public Holsteins and the other of Jerseys Large can tion 28 T2N R3W. lustrating a song. The church was j at least th at he can stay indefinite­ and the tuberculosis hospital at H enry Jo in er et ux to D enver decorated w ith a large Christm as iy if he w ants to. Salem has a herd of Jerseys. It is Barney et ux, 40 Acres Section 23 tree, cedar and holly. SOAP— Should Runte’s promotion to the proposed that comparisons be made T2N R3W. A rkle Rosevear of CCC camp liquor adm inistratorship m aterialize between the various herds to de- 10 bars H enry S. Nolan et ux to Irene near Nehalem is spending this week it will be over the strenuous pro­ tcrm ine feeding costs, production H. Wirt, p art of William Stokes w ith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. tests of m any influential dem ocrats and . other 366 Days in 1936—because it , ... factors . . entering into^the DATES— A better qual­ claim 61 TIN R3W. is made with fresh milk and George Rosevear. w ith whom the chief investigator iS |COSt ,nl*k fed^to^state wards, Crisco. Ira G. McCormick et al to Leon­ ity. Program Presented not at all popular and the situation ard H erdener, 2 A cres T1S R1W. The Laurel and Laurelview schools thus created would hold am pl? Ow ners of old cars equipped with 2 lbs. Rachel A. H arlan et v ir to West gave a Christm as program at the prom ise of future disturbances ;n pick-up bodies w e r e evidently Hills M emorial P ark, part o f com m unity hall Monday evening. liquor control circles. caught napping when the 1935 leg- FLO U R — Idaho h ard ard Rachel A. H arlan T ract Section 1 A large crowd was present. P r o - ! Islature taxed an extra $5 license A few of our many varieties TIS R1W. _______ ___________________ w h eat. $-< .59 gram: Songs by both schools; dia- { Work on the new dorm itory at fee on these light trucks. The in- White. Wholewheat. Rye. “Old M ary L. W irtz to H enry W eaver | logue by L aurel school: story by the state school for blind was got­ crease in license fee becomes ef- 49-lb. sack Virginia" Corn Bread. Crunch, et ux, p art of S. B. Raffety D. L. Mrs. W illard Hughes; operetta by ten u nder way this week. This an- fective Jan u ary 1, for which II- Cracked Wheat, French, Nut, C. 41 T2N R3W. Laurel school; reading by Evelyn nouncement m arks the culm ination censes arc now being issued and CRACKERS — Salt or Rolls and Coffee Cakes of J. D. K ennedy to M arie E. Noyes, Schumacher; a pageant by t h e 0( a long fight on th e part of the many of these owners of light de- all kinds. 10.30 Acres Section 17 T1S R1W. Graham. Laurelview school. A trea t was friends of blind w ards of the state livery trucks are discovering the Ronald E. Jones et ux to Rich L. given the children by th e Ladies' who have for years been housed in fee change for the first time. Sec- 2-lb. box Reimann. Lots 22 and 23 Block O Social club. th e fram e adm inistration building, i S tate Snell, who is being SPECIAL M etzger Acre Tracts. Miss Ruth Losh of Portland spent long regarded as a serious fire hai - deluSed w ith complaint.«, declares CANDY— Special price». Edw ard Becker et al to A rth u r several days this week w ith her ard. The new building will be ol . ,hat the increase in fee was not of Butteries— G albreath (A dm inistrator), part of grandm other, Mrs. Cally Dailey. brick construction, strictly firep ro o f, doing. Only strictly passenger Dozen .... Section 24 T2S R1W. Word was recently received by n e ! cars are now eligible to the $5 fee. Highest prices paid for 47 by 160 feet, o one J. C. Buchanan et ux to C. B. Mrs. F. L. Brow n and Mrs. George throughout. ■ 1 1 - 1 1 ■ ■ w ith full basement. Com plete­ Farm Produce Buchanan. Lots. 2, 3, 4, 5. 6, 7, 8, 9 Rosevear of th e death of a half- story I ly furnished it will cost approxim ­ rar»»-» * iv*7 and 18 Riverside Acres. brother. William Delano in San ately $81.950 w ith the federal gov­ Edw ard H. Johnson to Fred H. Antonio, Texas. Mr. Delano lived Newell et ux, part Block 5 N ay­ here in the nineties w hen his ernm ent supplying $31.950 through a PWA grant and the state putting lor’s Addition, Forest Grove. m other's family, the A. A. Littles, up $50,000 through an appropriation D orothy Lee et ux to J. F. Jack- j first came to this community, fC o n tin u e d fro m p n r» I ) by the 1935 regular session. The son, 40 A cres T1S R4W. : Mr. and Mrs. Charles L arsen of building is to be com pleted within which has been providing em ploy­ COE and CONGDON, Props U niversal Securities Corporation Portland, th eir five-year-old daugh- six months. ment for 43 women w orking in Phone 451 We Deliver to W. A. Root et ux, Lot 15 N orth ter Audrey and t h e i r recently • • • Forest Grove, Hillsboro, Aloha. Tigardville. adopted three-year-old son called With a steady reduction in state Beaverton. Tigard and Sherwood —— —------ — -----------------------------i on Mr. L arsen’s mother, Mrs. A. levies against property Governor and was shut down this week, not ■ Naderer. Sunday. M artin predicts that w ithin a few J to be reopened until a new project May we take this opportunity to thank you ior your L aurelview school children had years property will pay no tax at is approved. loyal patronage during the past year. j th e ir Christm as p arty at th e school all for state purposes within the Reason for the shut down was : Tuesday afternoon, after which six per cent constitutional limit. attrib u ted to th e fact that the fed­ Our New Y ear’s resolution for the coming year, will he to serve you with school closed un til Ja n u ary 2. This y ear’s property levy for state eral adm inistration appropriaed 40 the best quality merchandise at the lowest possible price. C harlie Schmidt, accompanied by purposes other than to meet special per cent of money allotted to wo­ Our Best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. th e Shook brothers of Chehalem millages, he points out, is less than men's projects for materials, c u t­ GRADE A ( M ountain, w ent to Meadow Lake $900.000 whereas only a few y e a ij ting the w orking tim e of the pro­ Sincerely, in the coast hills Saturday tor a ago it totalled $3,500,000. jects nearly in half. The funds re- 1 “THE FAIRWAY GANG” few days’ cougar hunt. • • ♦ maining have been exhausted, it Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Brown, Mr. is said. G overnor M artin is expected to WE LEAD— OTHERS FOLLOW NEVER KNOWINGLY UNDERSOLD and Mrs. Lee Brown and Lillie announce the appointm ent of a The new project is scheduled to visited at th e A. N. Vail home in new game commissioner this week operate for six months and wil1 FREE DELIVERY Second at Main Street Phone 3251 I P ortland Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. to fill the vacancy caused by the employ nearly 70 women instead of Prices Effective Friday to Monday, December 27th to 30th, inclusive Clifton Berwick (Lois Vail) of of Lew Wallace, wiw 43. If the Portland office of WPA Ask for it every I Evanston, Wyoming, are guests of resignation to regain his seat in the approves funds for operation, it is wanted ' h er parents for several days. tim e you order house and lost out by only one expected that the project will be Amos W atkins’ children are ill vote. resumed sometime after the first of BUTTER w ith the measles. the year. Ladies' Social club held i t s The new bakery control board, A total of 20 projects are in A W ashington County Christm as party at the hom e of which Black or W hite Lime Rickey or met in Salem to organize operation in all parts of the county. j Mrs. W. L. Stevens w ith Mrs. L. P roduct of H ighest G uaranteed to this week, will make no attem pt to Tillotson said. Ginger z\le J Stone as assisting hostess. Tw enty- l-------------------------------------------------- Q uality Pop nine mem bers w ere present. Gifts Large 28-oz. bottle I w ere exchanged a n d Christm as Available at All Groceries ; uongs sung. I.A IN or SALTE Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Stevens and Aid Will Meet January 2- ’ Pomeroy Treasurer . Capitol News Letter Real Estate Transfers ? , U ' 32 4 A S Former Reedville Resident Buried NOTICE Insurance WILEY’S GROCERY 9c 9c 25c Roy Perfection Bread 17c I Morningdew 18c W rA Workers Get Christmas Checks Perfection Bakery 27c FOREST GROVE CREAMERY BUTTER POPCORN MIXERS Crackers 2 ib. 15c H appy Fresh Lima Pure BEANS COCOA Ray-Mai Brand All occasion 2 eN .°.225c 2f.„.. 15c New Year OATS Regular or quick cooking. 35c RP A NIC Smail Prices for Fri., Sat., Mon. and Tues., December 27, 28, 30 and 31 White or Red tyexican. 6 lbs. 25c 7C C TOILET TISSUE. ZxC Er 3 ro||s 10c BL^E rose . 23c TOM ATOES 19c M A T C H E S ^ ,“ ";..... 15c S A L M O N i2'^„.,sTAIL' 19c S P A G H E T T I ' I f J ' “’ 19c VD A T TT* Oel Monte or Hamilton's. 19c X V I / A J A 2'2 s . 2 cans 1EF"- With tomato sauce. 15-oz. glass y v G IN G E R ALE Pint 10c Dozen $1.18 Quart 19c Doz. $2.25 Clicquot Club I V enetian tieket, E arl Moreeruft, Kt, Beaverton) May we take this opportunity to thank all our friends and customers for their patronage and wish them iuck for 1936. All Meats Inspected by Drs. Nicol and Almquist COFFEE Columbia Best Lb....23c Economy, lb. 17c COCOA M other’s, 2-lb. can 13c CANDIES Hard mixed. 3 lbs.............. 25c HAPPY NEW YEAR! May the New Year bring you Increased Happiness and Prosperity! H A M S LH balf °r W1"’lc- 25c C O T T A G E S Lb. 25c P I C N I C S Lb 19c S I R L O I N S Lb 15c R IB S T E A K S u , 13c L A R D COM|,°U"D 3 > ibs. 25c FRANKFURTERS, 2 lbs., and KRAUT, 1 quart. BOTH FOR 35c FRED’S SUPERIOR MARKET Phone 651 5 Deliveries Daily Res. Phone 32IZ (Venetian tieket, F. Setniker, nt. 2, Hillsboro) 19c OATS BROOMS TRIANGLE BRAND, (¿nick or slow KITCHEN QUALITY. 5-SEW, EACH FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES Are always fresh at our store. The qual­ ity is the best, the prices are the lowest. Compare them ! WINES ••or the holiday. We have a com plete line of dry and fortified. •L A z is k flu n r w w su r w jJ,snn —■tn~nr---- I • i ?* < i-Wèr~rT»ni«ns) m flR IK T '^ DEPENOEN:TLY° OWNt?