i Papp Two hi llsboro B u sin e ss C lu b Has A nnual Yuletide P arty Hilhi Classes Play Basketball Exciting and hard fought volley­ ball games w ere on the program of the girls’ 1’ E. class the week be­ fore Christinas. Each gym class entered a first Christmas dinner party of th ; I turnet! Thursday from three weeks' and second team in the tournam ent. Hillsboro Business and Professional trip to Denver, Women’s club was held Friday ev e-i [....... C S ''Y i '" 1,'*’ ¡Jp**’?* a . , " ' a! ” f I“> ,,':uns 1 !l ‘ ning at the cham ber of commerce Kansas; Nelson. Neb : and Toledo. 1 uesday-Thursdax fu st period team rooms Members and guests present ! Ohio. They visited his brother, J. b\ Florence Jansen. won section, numbered eighty-live. In . Bentley, at Courtland, and lu r in their .... . ,, and on Wednesday , , Tables were decorated w ith holly sister. Mrs. Elmer Baker, at Toledo, second period. which was the Toe - and red candles and the original I ^ |rs Bentlev enjoyed the visits, but day-Thursdav team, captained ." place-cards wet,- made by “un- Mary Ella M arinel, In tbis match known friends.' w ere store. p r e - | Oregon, uu K W ) „ „ J .|.l ,.i sented by the J Favors C. Penney as the central states were ! ol„ of j ? v , ganH,s. ‘thus entitli.,'- , a n n v s, htllsroro , o r f g n n Thur Mr ¡nul Mrs. W E Ogilbec were Miss Newton Bride Yuletide Lesson I guests m e r t in islui.e. el llieir •ee Clubs Sponsor Allen Ogilbec. .md family In Port Weldon land and their daughler. Mi Cited by Leader of Miss Jonathan Christmas Party iG e n ig e L ane, a n d i.n e d v in B ol m i' Morelle Newton and J o n ­ I Tliev were aeeoinpaidi'd by I lieu Weldon were m arried at lugli at Mu si eat Fete athan for 250 Children noeti November 11. at the Lutheran KiTiudson Robert. December PC. 19,1,-, 4 « — I Mission in Bremerton. W ash, with Miss Sldllee Sudili, (»'aching at ’’One of the gr a li's t lesso n s w e Mrs. E v e D ow ns of tin s c ity a m t 'IN’ Christina : party - pop 'red L e x in g to n , is spending th»' ('In id - can learn from the Christm as sea­ F o rre st Six of Brem erton .is a t­ i by tiie Coffee club for . f »i liiit- mas vacatlnn xx ill» her patents, Mr. son is that of co-operation". said tendants. Hal ley S i m i l i ate children of Hillsboro Monday and Mi Richard Abts, high school sen,or Tile w edding was n surprise to afliin o . n at Ihe Venetian theatre and president of Hillsboro C h ris­ their friends as the announcem ent was a decided iuece..s ami brought llirtlis tian Council, in delivering the was not made until Tuesday night i happiness to more than 21)0 chit- Glenn To Mr. ami Mis l> S Christm as m editation at the C hrist­ at a Christm as parly at the home Idreii who attended Toys will be mas eve m idnight exercises at the of the bridegroom 's parents, Mr. delivered to those who w ere in v it­ Glenn of Hillsboro. December l'l. .1 son. l.owoll Duane, at Emnnui'l Venetian theatre, ushering in the ami Mrs. F. W Weldon, of near ed but unable to attend. ho pilul in Portland. holy day. "All join here in cele­ Hillsboro. A siM ing .(’onsorii g clubs were The bride is a d m ghter of Mr. brating the coming of the light of the world, who is able to take and Mrs. G eorge D New Ion of this the W oman'. Rebel' I'orps and Ine Publicity com mittee, i n c l u d i n g ¡ s o barren looking, and the c itie s'th e m to pl.n the Meiuiay-Wedn. s. away every shadow from our per- ; city, and after attending high hlgn Service club Besides the donation EXPERIENCED Misses Potty Lomax, M argaret Cady | go dirty. day third-period team, captained by sonal and from our com munity school here, became associated with of toys bv members of these two Wishing Yon All a | j clubs. Ilia W l( C inmle dells and and Julia Tatom, and Mesdames SALESM A N life." ' Louise Cruzen. for the champion- Mrs. Eve Downs in the beaut» shop Ji"',' Mr. Phillips Returns— M erritt Jackson. Adolph Schmidt, Service club made ixipeorn] Council president expressed the business The bridegroom is a grad 1 , „ .... , , . , ship. The third-period team won Pi'o.tporoUH and mid H. H. Stunnard. served the din­ J. B. Phillips returned last week . the first game by a close score wish that as the members of the uate of Hillsboro high school, and balls for all the children O. Phelps, m anager of Wit* theatre ner. from a four months vust w ith rel- Then the second-period team took clubs affiliated w ith council grew has been employed at th e Colum­ The education committee. Mes­ atives and friends in Illinois. Tenr.- the second game. The third and de- to manhood and womanhood they bia Foods store for the past year had a special m atinee for the ch il­ To sell popular priced ear A dames A. W. Hoffman, Russell Ide essee. Texas. Oklahoma, and Cali-1 eiding game then was hard-fought, might continue the spirit of co- good proposition for the man The young couple w ill m ake their , dren al 2 o'clock. Tina was follow Georgia Smith, Z. J. Riggs, and fornia. Mr, Phillips voisited h i s , the score being tied many times, operation which they enjoyed now home in this citv. od by distribution of toys mid c a n ­ that »an qualify. All inform a­ Miss Hila Cornelius, had charge of sister at Claude. Texas, w here the w ith the score tied at 14-14. The He urged rath er the same spirit o il dy from a lurge Christm as tree m 1 --------------------- tion will !»»• kept strictly con­ the program which included a terrific dust storm occurred on w inning point was finally made by co-operation in civic affairs ill the c, , the lobby Paul Ringle offici ited a s - We thank our loyal friends |,,i i i\ Santa Claus. vocal solo. “Silent Night" in G er­ April 14. this year fidential. Give phone num ­ He brought the third-period team, im. giving them ¡y ear as is shown at C hristm as-tim e s ’l l c l t ' t l 1 ’1 c llY lil their patronage in IB33 and man, by Mrs. Maldwyn Evans, with home some pictures of the storm. , the championhip. ber and address in answ er­ Musical program presented b y iT T t welcome t h e opportunity to Mrs. Fred Sewell as accompanist, which are displayed in th e Argus Misses M argaret Johnson and Winning teams were: Monday- members of council clubs was elab-1 ing. serve them In lil.'IH, an accordion medley of Christmas window. He also brought s o m e K athleen MeAlear, students at U ni­ orate, and the audience joined In Inquire Argus A Sacred drama. "St Claudia", will versity of Oregon. Eugene, are carols by Dale Busch. Christmas Civil w ar m usket balls. Returning Wednesday third period, Louise singing many of th e carols Alvin songs in English and Holland by through California, he visited at Cruzen. Dorothy Barr. Virginia Mohr. C-Hi president, read the in ­ be presented at the Methodist s p e n d in g the holidays hero with Perkins. Jean Person. Ethel Hart When you w ant quality Louis and Jeanne Bruinier. accom­ Los Angeles. Long Beach and W Wat- , , n , n ¿u , e* v 'V' vocation. and President Leonard church the evening of Ja n u ary 2 th eir parents. at­ f V k m erchandise during t h e panied by their mother, and songs sonville. Flow vers are blooming in ! ^ h e r Robb Beulah Shattuck. Eve- Pesehka of the Deltans, gave the by tlu* Olmsted Players, profession­ Mr and Mrs F J. MeAlear and f a ‘terSl>" ; devoting th eir lives to by the club chorus, recently organ­ California, but t it is very, very dry, A " coining year think of m prayer. S crip tu re lessons al artists treen anvw here in his ',TI’i " sday T ond Period- closing this visual sermon Churches (laughter. Miss Kathleen, and Mi ized under direction of Mrs. Evans. he says, no green w ere read by Ann M unkres of the giving and Mrs. Lowell MeAlear of P ort­ Mary Ella Mariner. Annie I.a.uck. from coast to coast have sponsored The personnel of the chorus in­ travels, excepting in Illinois. h e a d a o ltf« . l i a r Pat Hunt, Dorothy Pizer. Gladys Alphas and Raymond I.nir. presi­ these players during the past five land spent Christm as at Forest cluded Mrs. Gordon Sahnow. Elaine n « ( h in n m»ne Brown, who makes trip to Oregon. ’ Eugene, is spending the holidays at Gussino. ford arriv ed today (Thursday) for ‘ler borne at the Masonic Home h er home here. ., ... a few days’ visit w ith his parents, i neor Forest Grove, spent Christm as Miss Gorton Bride— Mrs. G ertrude Calef spent Christ- a ‘f a m iH ^ C h rC t'm 1-1’- S ' y a r n e F Mr. and Mrs. F rank Barr, and oth- w‘‘b Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Cull, Miss LeAudra Gorton, g r a n d M h o m e P r e s e t w ere Messrs, and e r relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard K eppler of AUTHORIZED SALES AND SERVICI daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. ' in ap 9 n i a n d r' Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Anderson and Bellingham, Wash., spent the week- Betzer was m arried Monday to .A ll M a k e s . „ , , _ Mesdames I. M. V arner and son Omar Ferguson of Payette, Idaho, Mrs. Lena Holm of Brem erton, and daughters and J. W. K im ball sons w ere Christm as guests of Mr cnd w ith Mr. and Mrs. J. W. B ar­ .Low Prices ney. at the Betzer home. The couple left Wash., is a guest of her sister, Mrs. and family of Boise, Idaho- E lm ir an d Mrs. Adolph Benson of Port today (Thursday) for Payette, where Robert Cull. Mrs. Holm expects to Varner, P~. G. Cruzen and fam ily " land. ' | Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bentley of .G u a ra n te e Mr. Ferguson is employed. locate in Hillsboro. Mrs. F rank Kimball. W alter Kim- ______________ Mrs. Je an Nye Cowell and son i Portland arld Mrs. Goldie Buell of Dr. H. D. Huggins perform ed a ' ball and Mrs. L arry O. Bennett and 1 Don. and Mrs. N. Nye of S p o k an e,; Salem visited Mr. and Mrs. E. E. .Standard Parts Noble G rands Meet— tonsil operation this m o r n i n g son G ary of Tacoma, Wash. Wash., are holiday guests of M r.; Bentley Friday. Past Noble G rands’ club of the M r- and Mrs. Charles Douglass and Mrs. J. M. Person. F rederick S Haine« of Seattle, FOR R E S T Rebekah lodge will meet Wednes­ B a n k ^ ’’ i0 F JakC NarUP Ot 'a n d daughters spent Christm as ev • C lair Sample and fam ily of As-1 Wash-. spent Christm as at th e home RtCEPTION day evening, Ja n u ary 8, instead of uanR s- of his brother-in-law , Dr. H. o u r wrw Morris Dean, student at W illam­ New Y ear's night. w ith L. F. Brown and Miss Lois to ria a re guests this week of his ette University, Salem, is at the Brown in Portland, and Christm as m other and sister. Mrs. Elizabeth Huggins. Bentleys Return Home— home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. day w ith Mr. Douglass’ sister, Mrs. Bagley and Mrs. Ethel Weik. Mr. and Mrs Florian Mills spent Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bentley re- R. A. Dean, during th e holidays. B. R. Compton, and family of P o rt­ TUBES Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Fayram spent Christm as w ith his parents, Mr. land. A nother sister. Mrs. H. H. Christm as w ith Mrs. Fayram 's fath ­ and Mrs. C. Mills of Vernonia. Stark, and her husband of Spokane. er, Jam es Barber, and other re la ­ Mr. and Mrs. P erry G inther and Wash., were also guests there. tives in Portland. daughter of Lebanon visited the Mr. and Mrs. S W. M elhuish E E- Bentley home S aturday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bentley and Mr. and Mrs. Rupert K ennedy of daughter Evelyn of Marshfield, Mr. and children spent C hristm as with and Mrs. S. A. Johnson and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. LaBare and The Dalles spent a few days this Helfridgr Turn. Co. I’hone 21X week w ith friends in Hillsboro. and Jack Engzell of P ortland and fam ily in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Walch w ere | Mr. and Mrs. T. W. McDonald guests Christm as day of Mr. and 1 and sons spent C hristm as w ith Mr. j Mrs. H arry Morgan. ■ and Mrs. B. E. M aling at their ' Sponsored by V eterans of Foreign W ars Mrs. O tto S teinke was brought home near Depoe Bay’ from Jones hospital to the home M r- and M rs- Dolph Rogers and I We think you re clever. Your homes are effi- of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Jo h 9 Ebner of P o rtland s p e n t Chase, Christm as eve. She will re- • Christm as w ith Mr. and Mrs. G rover ( ient, livable places. our families are well Ivan K oebcr’s 8-piece Dance Band m ain th ere for a few weeks, con- Rogers. valescing from an appendix o p e r-' Mrs. H attie Hill Brow nhill of cared for. You’re good managers and good shop­ To our host of loyal 8HÜTE PARK AUDITORIUM Admission 25c a‘ion. ' McMinnville and Tracy M anley of patrons we extend the pers. You enjoy life and find time to support Mrs. G. G arthofner retu rn ed M S^ aS, gUeStS ° f season’s g o o d w ish e s home from Los Angeles, Cal., th ? M r' nd Mr*' W'. R' ManleJr- the activities of your churches and clubs. W e’re for a bright and Happy last of the week. A son was born to Mrs. Emma D ierdorff and W. H. her son and daughter-in-law . Mr. B ierdorf w ere Christm as guests of New Year. proud of you . . . but we can’t refrain from tak ­ and Mrs. Maurice Perkins, of Los | ^ r - and ^ rs- Jo h n D ierdorff in ing a little of the credit for ourselves! *You see, Angeles, Cal., December 8. , Portland. Mrs. Sopha Jackson and son M r- and Mrs Ered Amacher and we’re aware of the part th at The Argus plays in Richard of P ortland and Mr. and family spent Christm as with Mr. Mrs. W. C. Christensen and sons and Mrs. C arl Trachscl of Reed- llilliboro Washington Street your lives. You wanted suggestions for making spent Christmas eve w ith Mr. and ville. ? 1 zr Mrs. E. A. G riffith. F. A bendroth is spending a week's your homes better and more pleasant. You w ant­ Tom Bronleew e Jr., Davis Auld, vacation in Victoria and Vancouver, ed information about new fashions and current British Columbia. Dick Sutherland, Wesley B atch­ elder, Earl P rickett and Tom Cald­ A. L. Amacher has been very ill events. N aturally you turned to The Argus, and well, students at O. S. C. Corvallis, w ith flu during the,past two weeks. are spending the holidays here. His condition is improving. found articles th at helped. But you didn’t stop The M emorial you erect today you on all Mr. and Mrs. R. R. E aster and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wismer spent offer as a testim onial of your devotion th ere; you found out where you could buy the N ancy Aileen w ere Christm as guests Christm as with Mr. and Mrs. E rn ­ to some departed life. It serves as a I of Mr. and Mrs. George A lexander est M iller of Portland. symbol of th a t life and as a trib u te to I articles you read about . . . you read the ads. at Salem. its worth. Occasionally it Is dedicated Vincent Curry, employed at O lym ­ to, more than a single person, to a fam ­ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Connell and pia, Wash., was a guest of friends In your Usual efficient way you went about ily perhaps, but alwuys it is erected as I son Thomas spent Christm as with here over Christmas. a m ark of affection. Mr. and Mrs. C arleton Hande at your shopping, knowing w hat you wanted to GOAR’S Mrs. Beulah R atliff of Salem is Silverton. a guest of Mr. and Mrs. George buy and where you could buy it. You made your E arl and Miss O radell Prickett Taylor over the holidays. OREGON MONUMENT WORKS w ere guests Christm as of their Mrs. Sophia Smith of Forest Grove E. M. Barnes, Prop. homes better, because you knew where you I’honc 121 Hillsboro, Oregon m other, Mrs. G uy Sanders, and was a Christm as guest at the Mc­ Mr. Sanders at Silverton. K inney home. could get the equipment th a t would save you Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lard of Ore- Misses uain. Jan e Robb xvuuu diiQ and iviarion Marion time and money. You were able to serve better gon City w ere guests Sunday of Baker of Portland visited Mr and Mr A T Long. ---- Mrs s w MeIhuigh Sunday< Mr. and Mr. Mrs. T L. A. meals and found th a t they cost you less . . . be­ C harles Douglass returned Mon­ Mrs. Alice Cowan of Yreka, Cal., The day from ten days’ attendance at spent Christm as with Mr. and Mrs cause you did your comparative shopping a radio school in Los Angeles, Cal. A. H. Biassing. ^ L T IN C Z N£W Y£AR WANTED HAPPY NEW YEAR ifere January z Sinus Trouble The Syn-O-Spray MEN’S SHOP hLUTH F O 1 I1 I irttv ii fi»u i n u i l n ffo o d I SEI» «'A lt j,»«»,- ADIO SERVICE Douglass R ad io S ervice Annual New Year's Eve C a r n iv a l D a n c e M otor Co. cY Message To WOMEN Happy New Year TUESDAY N IG H T, December 31 Prednventory Sale Christensen Machine Works s M » * Not for Today Alone — COATS and DRESSES Woman’s Shop Your Favorite Gasoline- W e’ve Got It! HILLSBORO PHARMACY and its Co-Workers desire to express to our many Friends and Customers our sincere thanks for their generous patronage and to wish you all a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. MR. AND MRS. Z. J. RIGGS Mrs. Ja n e t W aller Fred L. Chase Tillie Hoffman Mildred M cConnahay Blanche Robinson John Leese H a p p y N ew Y ea r F R I E N D S ¿ haw - hew We thank you for loyal support in 1935 and wish you a Happy, Prosperous New Year. A. M. JANNSEN DRILLING CO. Beaverton Oregon Shell « Richfield General Mobile Gilmore - Union Drive up to Coslett's today and fill your car w ith w inter grade gas. COSLETT’S SUPER SERVICE Firxt and Baseline Independent D ealers llillxhoro (Venetian ticket, IT. M. VanderzanHcñ*, TOrT/Coi-holTusiT through Ihe Argus. You were able to buy new er things . . . because you knew w hat stores had the newest stocks. And you found th a t shopping this way gave you more time for your own activities. Certainly, you’re clever . . . and our hats are off to you! l?íllsbortO A -r g us With Which Is Combined The Hillsboro Independent