» » Page Four 111LLSB O R O A R G US , w w • • • H IL L S R O R (), 0 R R G O N i hm day. December 2(», 19! > five gi-ls: song by Sunday school; brother. John Woehlert, and family | song by Young people's class; Mrs until after New Year's. Sch«M»l Spirit 23, llllill. in llelgiitm Sin vlving i» 1 Hillie Tykeson presented Mr. Wil­ Vt»-• I <• With Help* to Make Capt H. Stayton and Miss Shaw tile widower, Gustaf Curéis. Y o u r l l i l l ü a B e tte r School liam Morse with a gift from the of Portland visited Stayton's son- N vwa S tu ff Sunday school in appreciation of in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs the w ork he has done here in M arvin Ornduff, Saturday. t--.lil.sl bv HUl.baro Untan l l i v h (Uhoni Student ll.sty | church and Sunday school in the Mr and Mrs. E Hanson spent E uucial services f o r Josephine YOUNG’S two years he has been holding Saturday and Sunday in Portland. Q f 1 111»U ltg F n i n u Band Leader Honored; Two meetings Curels. 55, Cornelius route I, who here. A free will offering w here they visited the Henry and l U U t l l l . s C z IlJ O j l l l l . I l l NEW S STA FF died last Thursday In a Purllund was taken for the benefit of the Orvel Hanson and Lacey O rnduff P k i n ' . d n i . i o Home from Colleges \ .- ... a Editor A n n M unk res hospital fater an Illness of Hire.1 K err baby home in Portland. Many families. Lacey O rnduff is tem per- *** “ l l l l c t c ' zASAC ' R l b l v "Thoughtful. Sympathetic mouths, were held Monday m orn­ A ssistant Editor« farm products w ere also contrib­ arily crippled. having recently IB» Mr«, John M Da\id»«,n) The long-awaited Christm as as- I Her vice" ing from the North Plains Catholic i uted. M a ry C a ld w e ll, Joy Foalker. and I^a- "The Wishing Well' Is an li i ;n church with burial In the Catholic 1 ritorta 972 HELVETIA — Christm as program dropped an eight-pound brick on sembly finally came and it was ' Hillsboro V e rn e A b e n d ro th musical c medy w ith all the eluirtn , cem etery th e re S he w as born Ju n e at Helvetia school F nd av night was I , New " »11 be elected Sun- hl» .iOOt;,u ~ , w orth the wait. Program was a A th le tic s R aym ond I a ir. E xe cu tive and picturesqueness of old Erin | w ell attended. The school was dec- da-v al M ountain Top Sunday school, Mrs. Albert Deckman of Wood- reading by Velma Abendroth h u m - i C ou n cil Irm a t T ra s k . C lub Repreventa- The east was chosen after the | orated with evergreens and C hris’- ‘ ni" ' cal' church building was burn visited her father and sister, pet duet by Jam es Forsvihe and Don ti\< * P hilo. Hasel ('h u r c h le y ; (Siri judges hud practically worn them R e.erv.'r.. Jetin A n n e C o n n e ll. Senate. mas colors and a Christm as tree ' ’'Paired and painted on the out- R B W hisnand and Mrs. Ida Stew- Fowler, song by Betty" Mayes, son; M a urice Peerenb.H.m ; lllu e -H . Elm an selves thin trying Io make d e­ Program included band music and and ,ncw song books boug.it. art. Sunday by boys quartet, saw" solo" bv Tom S c h u lm e ric h , l li- Y , Tom S tre tc h e r. cisions. nsical numbers. Santa Claus y e a rs aim Is t to paint the in -I Mr. and Mrs M arvin W hitmore Stretcher, songs by Elwood Coslett other music: T ri-S q u a re . H a ro ld Meyer. distributed presents to all the chil­ te n o r of the building and the pews, and son Leonard Whitmore left ear- ditet by Delores and C loyce'B uinii F rancis Moyer and David C rit­ Advlaor Misa P e a rl A lle n N closing the year of lll.l.l, dren and others. Band members Will Davis of P ortland came to ,v ly Monday - m .....-------------------------- orning for A uburn, accordion -------...................................... solo by LaVelle - Jackson' tenden play the respective leads I wish to extend my slo- presented Joseph Wenzel, leader, the home of his uncle. W. R. D av­ Wash., w here they are attending a Then who should come down tlv of Lady Mary Dannell and Sir E pita |>h cere think', to all my many w ith a music portfolio in apprecia­ is. and father, Ja k e Davis, last reunion of her parents' family. Mr aisle but jolly old St Nick hltn- T errence O’Grady O ther membet friends for their loyalty in Here lies nineteen hundred th ir­ of the cast are Joan Person. Ethyl tion of his services. week for an indefinite visit. and Mrs Fred Qorton and family self, while his reindeers iinpatient- ty-five He was a gay year, a grave favoring me with their in su r­ M argaret Brooks, who has been Buck Heaven school Christmas of Taft spent Sunday night at the ly jingled their bells outside. Two year, a laughing year, a weeping Hendron, Bob Boggs, Josephine ance 1 assure you that it Is w’orking for Mrs. Elmer Guerber. program and social afternoon was Gillette. /Mien Sigler. Mary C ald ­ hitm ore home and accompanied girls brought up a bundle of let- year, a hard year; an easy year, a well. Ann M unkres and two boys greatly appreciated. retu rn ed to her home at Brook; enjoyed by the parents and the them to Washington. Mesdames ters w ritten by avaricious studen, Hill a week ago. Santa read , them all aloud to the lovely year, a drab year, a young not yet decided upon. m ajority of the neighbors in t h e , W hitmore and Gorton ,, . are . . daugh- . With best wlshea for a Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Davidson district December 20. There was ' e«'f . '?» "*rs- “ ■ M artin great delight of the m ajority and year, an old year, a long year, a Happy and Prosperous New short year. He gave and he took, w ent to Portland Friday to visit no school here this week. School >, a , Bertha C lark has rented great chagrin of the m inority Year. Yours most sincerely, The Philo girls had a Christm as their son, John, who is in the will be resum ed December 30 ‘arm 10 " er son- Ua.v Clark. The assembly ended w ith a "Mer- he smiled and he frowned, he ca r­ parly at the home of Violet Wick essed and he struck He was gen­ Good Sam aritan hospital in a cast and expects to move to her Portland ry Christm as" from Mr. Bai nes and W. R. Reece left for Meridian. property in the spring. erous. he was miserly. All tne last Friday night. from the arm s down. Mr. Goodman. things that a year can be lie was M r. R oinig and M r. Ila tlih o rn each Mrs. L. Hess returned to P o rt­ Cal., last week. Miss Beryl Deford arrived home ___________ -__ Mrs. A lfred H utchens arrived S aturday afternoon from Eugene land a week ago. She has been D uring the sixth period Friday We cursed him alive and we will received i package of shelled Wal- bless him dead. He did his best and nuts Friday home from the McMinnville hos- staying w ith her mother, Mrs. A. to spend her Christm as vacation someone came along the halls and ' A. Anderson, since her father died. pital Tuesday. She is convalescing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. opened all the doors. Ju st then angels can't do better. Sleep in Miss P arr's sixth period history Carol Wenger, daughter of Mr. from a m ajor operation F. Deford, and brother, Buford De- voices were heard singing. "Away peace. class, who seem to appreciate the Mr. and Mrs. Parlon Goin have ford. and Mrs. John Wenger, returned finer arts, gave tier a cathedral in a Manger." Thus did the girls an apartm ent at the Glenn Millet from W hitman college Saturday Miss Marie Fuchs of Newberg trio contribute to the Christm as The biology classes made wreaths, picture. home w hile Mr. Goin is making m orning to spend the Christm as visited Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Mey­ entertainm ent. collections of Oregon evergreens wood here. ers Sunday. vacation. and shadow boxes. Bouquet ar- I Members of the senior class re- Mrs. F.mma H utchens of Newberg Wesley Batchelder, a student at Five freshmen on the B squad ’■angements, suitable for Christm as eeived their com plim entary tickets O. S. C., is spending th e Christm as and W alter Randall of W oodburn this year, who show promise for decorations, “ - w ere m ade of holly to the alumni dance December 30. 1 i holidays w ith his parents, Mr. and are staying at the A lfred Hutchens the A squad in the future, are Bill and evergreens. home w hile Mrs. Hutchens is re ­ Mrs. Jam es Batchelder. Grogan. Loren Bronleewe, Elmer Miss Br.igden's fourth p e r i o o Mr. and Mrs. C arl Hershey and gaining her health. Rollins, Jack B utler and George English class presented her with | Mr. and Mrs. G lenn M iller and son of Cathlamet. Wash., are visit­ Tsugawa. There are approxim ately a lovely cyclamen Friday. (By Mrs. J. A. McCoy) ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D an­ I little daughter G lenice returned forty turnouts for basketball this Miss Broadbent's students made home Sunday from a th ree weeks' iel Hershey. KANSAS CITY— Kansas C ity year. their Christm as gift to her in the I auto trip. They had planned to be , Farm ers' Union local will have a In traveling around the state Mr form of a handkerchief shower. NEW 1936 MODELS O f gone six weeks, but said they were chicken dinner New* Year's day at Goodman inspected Gus Lunow found life outside of , anxious to get back w here th e re Banks • ' - He says. "We have school Banns in the Royal Neighbor hall, other schools. very"unnm fftuhln was good w ater to drink. They *nnn°ngram W‘H b° held the # it' fi th ° most. outstandil'K basket-j turned to school Friday.' w ent as far south as Tia Juana, ernoon. ^ n ro v e m e n ," h“ * SUt— — — -................. .. j p ven ’— by Mesdames zanden. until after the holidays, dinner will be held Ja"nuarv t in f hristcnscn. 49. died Friday in her EASTER w ashing speed with Its V ivian Zeigler: exercise, Beverly G ranville Everest est. A. D. Hil, John when w ork will start again if stead of December 28 as stated in hom?, on r,’ute 1 Cornelius, after t e e larger agllalo r Collins. Donald Tykerson and Char- Walker, Clayton a Whitmore. Herman w eather perm its. last w eek's items. ' * *n an A 1" 6“ of !wo months. She had m aine Brunson; son. junior class: W hitmore and A rland Whitmore, I Leon H eesacker has been absent SAFETY In ile new automatic resided th ere for the last 11 years three-act play, Ida Mae Stew art and guardian bar Solely wringer "B urglar A larm ,” given by from school a few days on accoun. ,, ,, Aid « . . . in W irin ir W ill Fun® ra * serveies w ere held Mon- Vivian Zeigler, Eldon Haveman, Mesdames Raleigh W hitmore. D. A of sickness. Wiring Th n , A,d V ,n W irin r day afternoon from the Donclson Helen Mae and Lloyd Guenther. Otto, Jo h n W alker and Miss Dall- -------------- ------ ¡ gave . Z , R ural Electrification Admin- & Sewell chapel in Hillsboro with A combination offered today for Ihe Kansas City . school children C larence Tharpe, Clarence Wood man were presented to a capacity first time a l Ihe new low price of Christm as program Tuesday eve- ‘!'tra n ° n wiR finance the wiring of Rev. H. A. Deck officiating Buri.i! and A rth u r Stew art; exercise by house. Old tim e music was furnish­ a ning at the hall. A fter the program nouses and other farm buildings in 1 was in Scotch church cem etery at ed by Calvin. Herman and Arland 1 the children exchanged d gifts, and ; areas . w . here , rural line construction T u a l" -----------— Tualatin Plains. She is survived bv W hitmore and G ranville Everest. ! sacks of candy and nuts w ere d is­ is m aking electricity available. Ad- her widower. 1*. J. Christensen m im strator Morris L. Cooke an- _________v n n s re nsen. CONVENtENT TERMS P .y for you' EASy with th . m nn.y now .pant „„ Pleasant View school children tributed to all in the district. ± . n,drm y ,or : ar ; took com plete charge of th eir more W. W. R abuck motored to C or­ nounced today. Subscribe for the Argus. 1 than one-hour Christm as program vallis Monday and retu rn ed Tues- W l¿ . r L Ï j’wn. ,h* EASY *" a '•» mon,h« Buy Other e u o y . J .L w with lb . b uadrtd. el dollar. It continu., to . o r . yajuly. w n r .n ia n c ^ ! Sunday evening. Fern Ego was : day. I m aster of ceremonies. A large Harmony club members met with crowd enjoyed the program . The Mrs. W innie Waldron Friday a fte r­ ■ com munity exchange of presents noon for a social time. proved popular. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. V anderzan­ May Happiness and Good For­ Mr. and Mrs. Ear! Pierson visited den and little son W ayne visited tune favor you all through her mother. Mrs. Rhoda Cady. Sun­ Mrs. Vanderzanden's parents. Mr. TO ALL Ol it FRIENDS AND PATRONS day and Monday. Mr. Pierson’s and Mrs. George Vandehey, of NINETEEN THIRTY SIX ! step-father died a t Vancouver. J R °y Sunday. W wish to express our appreciation of th< December 15. Mr. and M rs. , — HILLSBORO ABSTRACT Wash.. patronage shown us in the past year. Pierson are m aking their home with AND TITLE CO. i his m other at Orchard. Wash. F ir Grove school will have two A. W. Havens A benefit Townsend card party 1 weeks vacation, beginning school was held at the home of Lincoln again Ja n u ary 6. Young S aturday night, w ith five F ir G rove school, u nder th e d i­ tables of "500” in play. F. K urtz Phone 21X UUisburo 136 H. T h ird A ve. rection of its teacher, presented and Mrs. John M uerer won high, a play, “Babes in th e Woods," F ri­ W. Burnside and Mrs. Jam es Wai­ For more than seventy years The day evening. There was a com mun­ ters second, Jo h n Zitzman and ity Christm as tree w ith gifts for Mrs. W. Burnside, third, and B. B First National Bank of Portland all. Reeves and Mrs. F. Kurtz, low. has maintained a high standard of snd a il w esiern p o in ts Miss Velma Wohlsehlegel . j ■ of - i M r- and Mrs- w R- Prince of Scholls spent the w eek-end Leave any day from Dec. 12 to ON PI. HUONS FOR THE FORMA! ION OF THE w ith i Sylvan and Mr. and Mrs. A rth u r sen ice to clients and a constant ef­ Vivian Ziegler. Jan. 1, inclusive. Be bat k by m ill- muar, „ U , . , P earson of Portland visited Mrs fort to he of genuine helpfulness to NORTHWEST OREGON BONNEV1I LE Twin calces were born last week Jam es W alters Wednesday evening n ig h ,, Jan. 14. R o undtrips— both < ? a heifer belonging to Mrs. Rhoda Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Alderson of First Class and l.o a i h-Tourist — this state. Prompt, considerate a t­ PEOPLES’ UTILITY DISTRICT reduced to rtrry S. P . station ill T t „» ..................... N ebraska are visiting Mr. and Mrs. tention to the financial needs of its the W est, l o r a fast, com fortable L aura L ue and V irginia M urray w. Burnside for t h e Christm as holiday trip , take the train. of M idway celebrated th eir birth- holidays customers, large or small has been day anniversaries Sunday w ith their Mr. and Mrs. F. Dick of St. Johns EXAMPLE ROUNDTRIPS grandm other, Mrs D. M McInnis, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank a fundam ental principal of t h i s Caatb-1 onrul h r u C/ttn L. T. Finigan and daughter. Miss Kurtz. i IH Un», thè Ily droelertrtc »’ oiiiiii I hh I oii ( o bank. San F ranriseo $18.5.» $27.70 W anda Finigan. and grandson. Rob-1 Misses M artha A llenback a n d >'■ llg.itloN US lo thè ii.lvlsablltty of n e a tln g t ert Ornduff, attended a Christm as ROSe Traglio of Portland visited at I-os Angeles 27.80 41.gg lo Ito l.nonn io thè N nrthweat Oregon llotuu v W e invite you to open cheeking and trief, huch illHtriet scottiti li.cltnle portlnns of th Ilio People»’ Utility IH«, h X Crn?,ar % , H t o e Z ra; k ShULk the A1'enback home Wednesday Z~,OULD any word be more C oach-Tourist fares good in e c o li n d e » o f t 'h i c lt u i n it K , h r n tn O r n r f u f f Sunday. The P resbyterian Ladies' Aid met IntHop, t oliitnhln. Lincoln, Polk, Wimhlngtot welcome ’ Could any word coat lies anil chai r-i arso n all our savings accounts here. UMlilncton and Vatnhlll h„nH i«a°= M h a s J ust J ‘n ishcd w ith Mrs. Christ Schinder Sr. Wed- hold so much promise, signal trains; also in T o u ris t Pullmans, 3 nCW chlcken house 16 nesday. T here were fifteen pres- th e end of so much worry plus berth. First ( lass fares good . . . or honor your doctor F rtriv u u v e h t Mrs J °hn Wismer of Hillsboro in Standard Pullmans, plus berth. F rank Stew art, who has been in was leader more? R J. Scearce, Manager Dr. Wilcox' hospital at Newberg! Mrs. Powell of Eastern Oregon EAST! A lso special holiday This is a trib u te to your since October 20. was moved to the and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Burton of roundtrips to eastern cities, via doctor, to his trium phs over Em anuel hospital at P o rtland Fri- I Portland viisted Mr. and Mrs Rob- C.aiifornia. (»<> between Dec. 12 colds and his glorious vic­ day. M elburn Ziegler took him I ert Graves last Tuesday. and Jan. i. Return lim it, Jan. 31. tories over t y p h o i d a n d ' s i 0' y s.r J — . M r and M rs- w - p Snook of pneum onia and all the other Mrs. Emma W oodruff came from Portland visited Mrs. E. E Jones Newberg Saturday for an indefinite last week. ills that once w ere almost Y«n.hingConu m 7 ,: í r no r .n e .u d e í,,Ck,‘,,,M C” U“ ' y visit w ith Mrs. F ran k Stew art. alw ays fatal. Cornell club met w ith Mrs. O M ountain Top church will hold Bauer last Wednesday. There were OF PORTLAND Believe in your doctor. And a New Y ear's watch party at the , tw enty-tw o present. ’ OUUtr HATIONM UHK w hen he suggests or pre­ Haveman home. Everyone is invited. Mr. and Mrs. A rvid Sandstrom » tn or mt tocutr scribes something, do justice Buck Heaven neighbors are plan­ ! visited Patsy Johnson of Portland ( irciiit t „in f Room Court lion U"° ,. nt SL «t ’ to your faith in him. II D. OLSEN. Agent ning a New Year's eve p arty at i last week. lo-e-ni tt,,« n.,„i, ar> ,„.,jrfd |„. ,)[t LMjer<| I)rpo|>.| |n„urj(nre , |o|) Columbia County, O re of g o fho n / County ~ °Un‘y C° Urt H° Phone 621 the school house. Friends and pa­ A carnival dance will be held trons of the district are invited. New Year's eve at the Cedar Mill William Morse and others from G range hall. KRAMIENS th e Christian church in Newberg A show er was given in honor of A storia, Clatsop0ConunD',l,Or(’gon"