H IL L S B O R O Thursday, Porcm hcr 26, 1935 ARGUS, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Patr* Thr^» Take Our AD-vice - * Use the Argus Classified Columns as Your Quide A Ready Market with Big Results at Little Cost - - - Classified. Columns Close at 10 A. M. Wednesday - - - Too Late to Classify Accepted Until 5 P. M. Wednesday Ten Free Venetian T heatre Tickets in Classified and Display A dvertising—Check the Ads for Your Name. Cuont Word*—Hcnd Money ADVFRTISEMENT FOR niD S I w ith Interest thereon at the rate SUMMONS NOTICE Notice is hereby given, t h a t | ,.f 7G per annum since the 22nd j n the Circuit Court of the S tate In the M atter of the Petition for Letter* of Administration on the sealed proposals will be received of Oregon, for Washington coun­ FIGHT I', week -old pig C I» HAVE l'O t ’R PIANO day of July. 1931 and the further Flr*t Insertion, per word 2c Estate of Axel Larsen, who is at the office of the City Recorder Thompson, IL mile', northw est of Tuned, cleaned, deniolhed and re- sum of $150 00 attorney's fees an d . ty Each additional Insertion, presumed to be dead on account of the City of Bunk* until 7;3l) paired. George Roberts, 47.3 E th eir costs and disbursem ents here- f;a r | a Miebus, Plaintiff, 45 WANTS ANI> GOTH Kioton. ] " T wold 1c 3!)tf I in; that they have a judgm ent and of not having been heard from in o'clock P. M. Jan u ary 8th. 1936. for Washington Phone 471Y. vs. •— deeree foreclosing their said mort- more than seven years from his the furnishing of the m aterials re-1 or vitrified clay Y's. 21 man hole covers. 1. The costs and expenses of ONE Surge m ilker with gas motor Cheap, old hors« I for fox feed It II. Carey, North Plains. 44-5p Fischer, his wife and Vera Liebke sumed to be dead on account of 3000 lbs. of reinforcing steel. said sale; Phone 2091Z. 43-7p complete, for sale, or trade |<,r not having been heard from in more and John D«x* Liebke. her hus­ A nnouncem ent» 1. 4 6-inch and 8-inch Miller 2. The costs, disbursem ents than seven years from his last 1 livestock or grain W alter Schull- 34. Room#, Apartm ent# band. syphons. and attorney’ fees herein; known place of residence, decree­ , berger, lit. 1. Beaverton. Telephone ' HIGHEST ••astern prices for car- | NOTICE In the Name of the S tate of O re­ 4 6-inch sluice gates. 3. To the plaintiffs herein th e load broke or rang«- h o r s e s . | FURNISHED 3 - rrxim apartm ent ing that the legal presum ption of 45-7 I will not lie responsible for debts 8810. gon. you are hereby required to the death of the said Axel Larsen. 4 8-inch head gates. full sum of 81280.00 in U. S. mules and colts. Fred Chandler with private bath, for rent No. i■"•drncled b y nn> o ilie r p e rso n ttin n USED m achinery and tractors of . Horse and Mule M arket. Chariton. , 4047 Gold Coin together with in te r­ .uppeur and answ er the p lain tiffs deceased, to be made out to the 2. 203 barrels of cement. Argus. 3#tf mvst'lf on or after ttiis 2llth dav com plaint filed again, t you in the „ ti3faction of said Court ; and fur- 73 cu. yards sand. est thereon in like Gold Coin all kinds. Hillsboro Feed Co., IIW Iowa. 42-6 nl December. 1935 Rose Ritchey W. Main street. above entitled court a n d cause th er ordering that notice thereof, 116 cu. yards gravel. at the rate of 7% per annum , 43tf H ouses 35. w ithin four w«?eks from the date 587 cu. yards coarse gravel. since Ju ly 12, 1931; C attle signed by the Clerk of said Court 26. M odernize L IC K N S H U sto c k tr a ile r s , 2-cow ------- ------------------------ of the first publication of this sum- be inserted and published for two 4. 4. The overplus, if any th ere 20 M board feet 2x12 I FOR RENT Small bungalow, close | capacity, ren t $1 per day. Light 5 M board feet form lum ber. be. be paid into court subject 1 mens, to-wit: On or before Decern- conj^ u tiv e and ‘successive weeks TWO Jersey-G uernsey bull ealsi ¡nt tw o rooms, bath. sleeping i to the order of the court. ber 20. 1935: and if you fail so to -n jjiu s[jorp Argus, a weekly PLASTERING by day or contract, trailer,* m ade to order. Auto parts Itemized lists totaling the above for sale cheap. J Bruun. L-rntie p(.rcp 51250 per month. Apply J. L. V. U n lit, C. O. amt farm mai l,UH !', I T hat the plaintiffs have judg- answ er said com plaint, the plain- ncw spaper printed and published quantities are shown on the r e ­ Patching a spec la ity . east Bethany Baptist church. 4 >P MacKay. 300 S Fifth Ave. 44tf 23tf 1 ment and decree adjudging and de- tiff will apply to the court for - Churchill. 322 E. Washington St. 152 N. Second Ave. . in W ashington County, Oregon, and spective proposal blanks, plans, SBtf . treein g that the lien of th eir said relief dem anded in his I' line 2152. a c o n i-1 oj a generai circulation, and fix­ specifications, instructions to bid­ Jersey cow fur sale, just 1 HEAVY Jum bo stum p-puller with YOUNG Loans mortgage is a first lien upon th e plaint, to-w it: 37. ing Monday. March 30. 1936, as the ders and general provisions on file fresh, second c alf D. Sabo, mile | line and block, for sale cheap ERNIZ.K your home wttti con­ real property therein described First: T hat there be adjudged to time, and th e County Court Room for exam ination in the office of the 45-8p 1 45-Cp east Orenco. ic septic tanks, well, curb and Phone North Plain* 9F4. Home Loans _____ _ _______ ________ ___ of Hills City Recorder of the City of Banks, prior in tim e and superior in right 0c due to the above named plain- ___ ¡n the County Court House icys Portland Concrete Pipe FRESH cow for sale Mr*. E E For building, buying or refinanc-I to all the right, title, interest and tiff the sum of $.3000 00. together boro. Washington County. Oregon, Oregon. Copies of these documents oducts C o, 5819 S. W Maea- NEW und used farm m achinery N01II. nil. Rt. 3, Hillsboro; near ing on city or acreage property, estate of each and all of the above wjt h interest thereon at the rate as the place for hearing the satis- may be obtained upon application for sale by Lester Ireland A Portlund. Phone AT w ater 4 i ; i Monthly payment* as low as $9 50 named defendants in and to said 0( g p er cent per anuam since the factory evidence of the continuance to the City Recorder or upon ap­ Jackson school. llt f 29tf Co. — per month per $1(8)0. including in- real property and th at all the 4,^ day of January. 1935. and for in ¡¡fe of the said Axel Larsen, de­ plication to R. W. Jones, engineer. MILK cows, heifers, and equipm ent tercst. — W ashington S a v in g s rights. titles, interests, estates and tne fu rth er sum of $250.00. attor- ceased McMinnville. Oregon. No proposal Poultry for B-grade dairy, for sale. -Alec Loan, Hillsboro. 6. W anted— M iscellaneou# 23. 39tf j liens of each and all of the said | ney's fees, and for plaintiff's costs Now therefore, you, said Axel will be considered unless it is sub Eischen. 5 'a miles southwest C o r - 1- “ “ I defendants in and to said real p r o p -1 and disbursem ents. Larsen, if alive, or any other per- m itted upon a form of proposal E nelius. | erty be adjudged and decreed to I Second; For a decree foreclosing 45P 38. Farm Loans \V \N TED Good farm on crop R I. It. pullets for sale.- 828 45 1 • V enetian ticket. Pliilip Shea, Rt. ----------------------------------------------:— . be inferior in right and subsequent ¡that certain mortgage executed by son for him. are hereby notified furnished by said City Recorder or Cedar St. Phone 2821Y. liares Win. Rhode. Rt. 2, Box _______________________________ and required to produce to the engineer. A ttentum is particularly FARM money to loan—The Fed-J m lim e to the lien of p la in tiff s ! William A. Geyer and Lydia Gev- County Court of the State of O re - , called to the prV-qualification re- 2. Hillsboro) 4)1. Boring. 45|> 90 w h i t e Leghorn laying pullel erul l.and bank now has am ple mortgage; th at said defendants and husband and wife, on the 4th gon. for Washington County. Ore- quirem ents of bidders contained in $1 each Phone 26F5. 45 YGUNG G uernsey cow to freshen funds to loan to farm ers at 4%. . each of them be forever fore- 1 day of January, 1927, in favor of gon, within tw elve weeks from the chapter 225, Oregon Laws, 1931. WANT small house or chicken about Ja n u ary first. — Einer J. i . r *1 I _ . —. . ■ 1 I . . ^ • i 4* ♦ L i e : .3 M 1 kk.k • ■ .-«4 Over $1,000,000 has been loaned to (closed of all right, title, in terest A ugust Miebus and heretofore as- house to wreck for lumber. W ion LAYING hen for sale See Bidder's proposal must Vk*-k be ac­ t h W ashington county farm ers by th e and estate in and to said real prop- sjgned to the plaintiff, which mort- date of the last publication of this F Austin, Rt J. Cornelius. 45p Wick. Hill boro Motor Co 45p Jeppesen, Bacona. Phone N o r 45p notice, the said last publication companied by certified check or bank. W rite or call for particulars, i ertv and th at they and each of gage was recorded on the 8th day will be on Thursday, March 26. bidder's bond in an am ount equal • Venetian ticket, Jacob C. Kinney. (Venetian ticket, C. W. Omacht, Plains 3F12. - -Washington Countv N ational Farm them be forever barred, restrained o{ January, 1927, in book 104, page 1936. satisfactory evidence, if an> to 10 per cent of the total am ount Hl. I. Beaverton) North Plains) _ » 27. Livestock Loan Association. J. M. Person. :,nd enjoined from ever asserting 455 of th e Records of Mortgages of there be, of the continuance in of the proposal as a guaranty of ----- T T -----------, . 11 Li., lo secretary. Hillsboro 9 tf /> r claim ing any right, title or in- Washington County, Oregon, cover- life, of the said Axel Larsen, de­ the execution of the contract and WANTED Q uantity of second hand WHITE Leghorn chlx from trap- --------------------------------------- J tcrest in or to said real property ¡ng th e following described real ceased: half or three-qu arter Inch g a l­ nested flocks. One flock pure CATTLE and horses of all kinds and you are hereby fu rth ­ the furnishing of t h e required . . . . . . to ---- ■- ’ i n Washington op except • .1— the . statu ry right of re- 1 property -•— situate vanized pipe W rite price to J -3d Hanson, the other Hanson-Holly- ' bought for cash, sold or ex- m q n E Y to loan on good dairy 1------- er notified that on March 30. 1936, bonds in case the contract is issued hanged. Term s 10 to .0 months on h e rd s —E. A. G riffith. 131 S. 2nd demption, and for such other and County Oregon, to-w it: « ue The Argus. w « km 1 ^pedigreed cockerel record* 10 o'clock in the forenoon ot to the bidder. ...... J “ may B e g g i n g at point 2 28-i 8 ^ ' at 250 to 335. $45 for 500; pullet chlx. ; RI.?sboi1oa 2«21Xri” ° renC° Ph3 « f Beginning at a a point said day. a hearing will be had, Notice is further given, that these be proper in the premises. WANTED to rent IP to 15 acre? $20 for 100; red chlx. $9 for 100. H illsboro 2621X rods Morth of the Southeast and evidence heard of the continu­ bids are to be on a unit basis and “ ““ ceived by the undersigned g uard­ This summons is served upon you witli good house and out build- Breeding cockerel records from 230 corner Af Section 36, T. 2 S.. R. ance in life of the said Axel L ar­ the City of Banks reserves the ian at The F irst National Bank of pursuant to an order m ade and Real Estate lugs Box 550 A, R t. 1. I l e a v e l - and up W hite G iant chix from non­ 28. 2 W. of the W illam ette M eridi­ sen. deceased, in the County Court right to purchase only as many -------------- Portland. Oregon, at Portland. O re­ entered in the above entitled court 45-flp broody hens, $20 for 100; Leghorn ton. an; thence North 58 rods; thence Room in the County Court House units of the respective m aterials as To Exchange from and after th e 2nd day and cause on the 4th day of D e­ cockerels, $2 for 100, Don't come Modern 6-room house. Hili*boro, gon, West 23 rods; thence South 58 in Hil.sooro, W ashington County, the city may require or desire to of Jan u ary . 1936. cember. 1935. by th e H onorable R. WOOD w anted in trade for m onu­ on Sunday Hurt's Hatchery. Beav­ rods; and thence East 28 rods Oregcn. purchase. The units set forth are good location, for land Will pay Dated at Portland. Oregon, this Frank Peters, ju d g e of the above 15-3,1 ••oh difference W. G. Ide. 310 E. the 26th day of November, 1935. ment work. Also light trailer for erton. to the place of beginning, con­ Witness my hand and seal of the being used for com petitive bidding entitled court, and which order p re­ sale or trade Oregon Monumqnt taining 10 acres, m ore or less; County Court of the State of Ore- purposes only. Deliveries of these J5 Date of first publication Novcm- scribes that this summons shall I’ ■ . Oi all kind'; Main. Phone 841. 36t f WANTED also, beginning at a point 13 4-7 gon. for Washington County, here- goods are to be made in s u c h ., ; ber 28. 1935. Date of last publica- be published once a week for four Write, will call, or bring Friday. 15 ACRES, all cleared. 1 . mile rods N orth of th e said South­ from Uf)n Uecember 26. 1935. to affixed on this 9th day of De- quantities and at such times as tlie successive and consecutive weeks Saturday or Monday before noon H elp W anted east corner of said Section 36, 7. Hillsboro, 5 acre* peaches. SI-(XI THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK in tlie Hillsboro Argus, a w eekly cember, A. D. 1935. city may order and are not to be F. R. Harden. Cornelius. 34tf T. 2 S., R. 2 W. of the W illam­ K uratli A- Wismer. Hillsboro. 4.) OJ>. PORTLAND. OREGON, guard- newspaper, printed, published and EDW. C. LUCE. County C lerk of made in one delivery unless the ette M eridian, (said point of MAN w anted for Rawleigh route (Venetian ticket, J. A. Odell, Rt. 2, jan oj person an d estate oi circulated w eekly w ithin W ashing­ ~ HUGHES BABY ( lli( KS Washington County. Oregon, and ' city so orders and directs. The City beginning being the N ortheast of HIX) families. Good profits for Hillsboro) Alice May Ellerson, incapable. By ton County, Oregon, and of gener­ i C lerk of th e County Court of the of Banks further reserves th e right Hughes & Son corner of the M iddleton Ceme­ hustler We train and help you. ( Since 1917 t h e M. A. Taylor. Assistant T rust Of­ al circulation therein, the date of State of Oregon for Washington to reject any or all proposals and tery, in said County and State), Write today Rawleigh Co., I)«-pt. j Hatchery has been serving the MODERN house and lot w ith g ar­ fic e r of guardian. 41-5 the first publication thereof being County. 43-5 to accept such proposals as ara to age for side, at 1545 Oak street. thence N orth 1413 14 r o d s , OR-86 SA2.’ Oakland, Cal 38-49p careful chick buyers of Oregon th e best interests of the city. A ttest. (SEAL) on the 5th day of December, 1935, This is our second season of sell­ Hillsboro For inform ation w rite m ore or less, to th e southeast NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL By order of the City Council. M. B. Pum p, residence and ad­ and the date of th e last publica­ ing Hughes Leghorn day-old p u l­ to Joe Mueller, Sylvan Lake, A l­ corner of the above described To Swap 11. PROPERTY W. T. SELLERS. City Recorder. dress, Hillsboro, Oregon. A ttorney tion thereof being on the 2nd day lets, w ith unconditional money- in : I.i. ('.in nl I 43-3p ten-acre tract, thence west along No. 4258 F irst publication December 26, for C arl Lai sen, and said estate. of January, 1936. WANTED to trade hay or wood for back guarantee of 95% accuracy. th e south boundary of s a i d In the Circuit Court of the State of Date of first publication Decem­ 1935. Last publication Ja n u ary 2. E B. TONGUE, A ttorney for $5000 a bull, not less than a year old. Visit our breeding farm and hatch­ ten-acre tract 28 rods; thence Oregon, for the County of Wash­ plaintiffs. Resident A ttorney of the 45-6 ber 12, 1935. Last publication De­ 1936. Rnv Dclsmun, G aribaldi Ave 45 ery, or send for catalog. We also FOR SAI.E—-The MacKay proper- south 8 13 14 rods, more or less, ington. M— — U l I I ■ ■ II ' hatch production bred Reds and cember 26, 1935. S tate of Oregon. Postoffice address; j to th e N orthw est corner of said ty, W ashington street near First, lnK' l,n NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL Term s reaso n ab le—Apply M. In the M atter of th e E state of Commercial Building, Hillsboro. ! M iddleton Cem etery; and thence 12. For Sale— M iscellaneous I t'jiJ i^ J p u r m a n y custom ers will $61XX1 PROPERTY AT ADMINIS­ “ Bump, attorney, or J. - -- ----- K enneth Wells, a m inor NOTICE TO CREDITORS Oregon. 42-6 MacKay, b c ’ iiM i toclell you of th e i r suc­ ft. East by South along the N orth In the District Court of the United States, TRATOR’S SALE 41tf Notice is hereby given that in CREAM separator, barrel churn. cess w ith Hughes stock. We cus­ 360 S. Fifth Ave. boundary line of said Middle- for the District of Oregon. pursuance of an order of the Hon­ Notice is hereby given th a t by ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE spike tooth hnrrow, 12-lnch plow, tom hatch both hen and turkey In the Matter of Carl A. Carlson. Bank­ ton Cem etery to th e point of orable Donald T. Templeton. Judge v irtu e of an order, license and de­ rupt : No. H 20725 in Bankruptcy. No. 3902 Dogs, Pets feed cutter, 50 R. I. R pullets, eggs successfully We ore now add­ 29. beginning, containing 2 acres, ___ of the above entitled Court, made In the County Court of the S tate Notice is hereby given to all creditors cree issued out of the County Court horse, heater and pipes C. D. ing a 20,000-egg incubator, b ring­ m ore or less. that on the 13th day of December. A. D. the 26th day of November, 1935, of Oregon, for th e County of and th a t the prem ises be sold in 1935, Carl A. Carlson of Hillsboro. Ore­ of the State of Oregon for W ash­ Warner, Rt. 4, Hillsboro; Handley ing our total capacity to 115.000 POLICE puppies, $2. e a c h —C. E. on Washington. Rei I i n i ' . I!' A' __ I I * ' in the above estate, the u nder­ gon. the bankrupt above named, was duly ington County, on the 18th day of place, Orcnco. 45p eggs, all m odern Robbins electrics. signed guardian will from and after In the. M atter of th e G uardianship the m anner prescribed by the laws adjudicated bankrupt: and that the first December, 1935, in the M atter of 1938 calendars now ready.—Hughes of Oregon and th e practice of this the 15th day of January, 1936, pro­ meeting of his creditors will be held in the Estate of John O. Mikelson, de­ PUMP, windmill and tank for sale. & Son Butchery, 1080 E. Oak St.. 30. of Mary Stitt, an incom petent court and the proceeds be applied: the Stoves, H eaters County Court Room in the County ceed to sell and sell at p rivate sale Iv a n S h in e r, Rt. 3, Hillsboro. person. H illsb o ro . P lu m e 3132 43:f Court House at Hillaboro. Oregon, on the ceased. I, the undersigned adm in­ (a) To th e paym ent of the GOOD wood range for s a le —P o rt- at 820 Failing Building. Portland, To the heirs at law, next of kin, 4th day of January, 193G. at 10 A. M-. istrator of said estate will, frohn costs and expenses of the sale. land Gas A Coke Co., T hird and Oregon, upon the term s hereinafter OLD new spapers for sale, 10 cents at which time said creditors may attend, and after the 18th day of January, and all persons interested in the tb) To the costs and disburse­ prove their claims, appoint a trustee, ex­ 1936. sell at private sale to the Main s t 45p stated and subject to confirm ation b u n d le —Argus. 18tf estate of M ary S titt, an incom­ m ents of this suit. amine the bankrupt, and transact such » ■- by th e above court, all of th e e s ta te . petent person. other business as may properly come be­ highest bidder in one tract for cash m of the Cotin ty Court der the Last Will and Testam ent iches, apricots, grapes, ornam en- for w ant thereof the plaintiff will N. 0° 4', E. 712.8 ft. to th e q u arter House, in the City of Hillsboro, Wash­ place for hearing objection» to said final room of the above entitled court In Hills­ NOTICE TO CREDITORS of J. E. Akey, deceased; a n d ?, shrubR, etc. Prem ium Roses apply to th e Court for th e relief corner on the W. line of Sec. 19. ington County. Oregon, as the time nnd account and for the final »ettlement of boro. Oregon, as the time and place for estate. hearing objections to said final account H yatt & Brawn, a corporation, In the District Court of the United States, place for hearing said final account and said c. Send today for our 45th An- dem anded in the complaint, to-wit: T. 1 S., R. 1 W., thence N. 0 ’ 09W Dated this 18th day of December, 1935. and for the final settlement of said estate. for the District of Oregon. all objections thereto and for the final Defendants. ersary sale circular. — Carlton Judgm ent for $500 00 together w ith W. 1046.4 ft. to a point in the cen ­ I RAN’ /, C. PAULI. Executor of the In the Matter of William Eldon Den­ settlement of said estate. Dated this 12th day of December. 1936. Last Will and Testament of said de­ rscry Co. 35tf interest at 8% per annum from te r of Countv Rood the place of i To Fred O. Lyons Jr. and J. Rus- nett. Bankrupt; No. B 204188 in Bank­ HENRY C. THIES. Executor of the Dated this 18th day of December, A. D. ceased. Bagley & Hare, Attorneys for ruptcy. | beginning; thence N. 88 ’ .57' W. 427 I sell Akey, Defendants: 1935. Last Will and Testament of said Deceased. December 29, 1931 until paid, $100.- Executor. 44-8 Notice is hereby given to all creditors N ursery Stock JOHN SCHECKLA. Executor of the E. J. McAIear, Attorney f o r Execu­ J ft. to a point; thence N. 0° 34' E i In the Name of the S tate of Ore- that on the 27th day of November. A. I). 00 attorneys fees and for costs and Last Will and Testament of T e k l a tor. 43-7 MUST be sold. Hlgn grade J u n i­ 205.2 ft. to a point; thence S. 88 J gon; You and each of you are here- 1935. William Eldon Bennett of Portland. Scheckla. Deceased. Thoe. II. Tongue Jr., NOTICE TO CREDITORS disbursem ents herein incurred and per, A rbor Vitae, Cedar, Cypress, In the County Court, State of Oregon, .57' E. 424.5 ft. to a point; thence by commanded and required to ap- Oregon, the bankrupt above named, was Attorney for Executor. 44-8 th a t said judgm ent be decreed a County of Washington, Prate Depart­ duly adjudicated bankrupt; and that, the Spruce, Yew, Azalia, Rhododen­ S. 0° 09(i' E. 205.2 ft. to the place i pear and answ er the com plaint filed ment. meeting of his creditors will he drons, Abelia, Aucuba Box, Caton- first and prior lien upon the fol­ of beginning, containing tw o acres against you in the above entitled first NOTICE TO CKKDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of Margaret held in the County Court Room in the In the County lowing described real property, sit­ Court of the State of T)re- easter, Daphne, Heather, G randa court and cause on or before th e Mnass. Deceased. more or less, situated in W ashing­ County Court House nt Hillsboro. Ore­ gon. for the County of Washington, (Incorporated) Notice is hereby given that the under­ Holly, Laurel, Magnolia, an d v ian y uated In Washington County. State ton County, S tate of Oregon. expiration of four weeks from the gon, on the 4th day of January, 1936. at Probate Department. of Oregon, bounded and described signed has been appointed administrator 10 A. M.. nt which time said creditors others. P lants for edging, hedge, date of the first publication of this Notice is hereby given that the under­ The term s upon w hich said real Collections — Credit the estate of Margaret Maas», deceased attend, prove their claims, nppoint a wind-break, o r garden. E xpert as follows, to-w it: Lot num bered property w ill be sold by said summons, the date of th e first pub- may Floyd Bolich ha» been appointed of by the County Court of the State of Ore­ trustee, examine the bankrupt, and *rans- signed In 75 in T ualatin V alley Homes, as administrator of the estate of Julia landscape advice.—Drew N ursery guardian are as follows: i lication thereof being on the 5th aet such other business ns mny properly Imlich, deceased, by the County Court of gon. for Washington County, and ha« qualified. All persona having claims againsl Washington. Tillamook. Yamhill, come before said meeting. Beaverton, east end of 8th St. shown by th e duly recorded plat Not less than 10 per cent of the ' day of December, 1935, and if you the State of Oregon, for Washington Claims must be presented in form re­ estate are hereby notified to present Polk and Marlon Counties. Phone 11805. 35tf thereof, 1 n W ashington County, total purchase price to he in cash fail to so appear and answ er said nnd has qualified. All person» said same to me at 1009 American Bank quired by the Bankrupt Act and sworn to. County, Oregon; and th at the mortgage having claims against said estate are the com plaint the plaintiffs w ill apply as an initial down paym ent, b al­ The schedule filed discloses $300.00 as­ Bldg.. Portland, Oregon, with vouchers Personal Contact on Collection« covering said property be fo re­ hereby notified to present the same, duly the court for the relief prayed sets, $466.95 liabilities. $300.00 exemptions verified, as by law required, to the un­ and duly verified, within six month» from closed and the p roperty sold to ance Installm ent Note and M ort­ to date hereof. Washington Uoiuity Office for in th eir said coinplaint, to-wit: claimed. dersigned at 1003 Corbett Bldg., Portland, the Dated satisfy said Judgm ent and th a t the gage upon the property, bearing DR. R. J. NICOL and first published December 5, Dated December 23. 1935. within »ix month» from the date 1935. Last the plaintiffs have judgm ent publication January 2. 1936 Commercial Building THOS. H. TONGUE Jr.. Referee in Oregon, defendants and each of them be interest of fi per cent per annum , That and recover of and from Bankruptcy, Hillsboro, Oregon. 45 hereof. CHRI8TEK8BK. Administrator forever b arred and foreclosed of on deferred paym ents, subject to against Second and Main Streets DR. E. W . A L M Q U IS T Dated and first published December 12, C. C. D. D the above nam ed defendant, E. E. Christensen, Attorney. 42-8 the confirm ation of the above en ­ Date of last publication January 9, all right, title, or Interest In nnd Phone M71 I f you change your address k in d ­ 1935. Lyons, as adm inistrator of the estate Veterinarian« 1936. titled Court. to said real property, save only Hillsboro. Oregon W p specialize In quality cuiti- ly notify th e Argus direct nnd at of Abel W illiam Lyons, deceased, FLOYD BOLICH. Administrator, Louis Tender, or bids for the purchase the statutory rig h t of redemption. tf 43-7 mercial printing.—Argus. once. tf V. Lundburg, Attorney. Telephone 643 and 642 This summ ons is served upon you of said real property will be re- the full sum of $1250.00 together ('om it Yonr P rofit. 20. Farm Produce— Fruita, V egetab les 24. Pigs 32. M usical Instrum ents BENNETT’S Legal Notices Credit Bureaus