The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 26, 1935, Page 10, Image 10

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    Pip-p T wo
Hillsboro Leads List
Red Cross Roll Call
Miss Hermann Bride
of Charles Keteham
H IL L S B O R O .
Hugh Rogers
Pretty Wedding*
Fortner Soldier
Jepson Fleeted
Finding Haven Honored Sunday
Leader U.S. W.V. Ceremony
T he B lu e E agle restau t ant w as
A p re tty w edding cerem ony w as
eeting place S unday of tlv>
nized at W hosoever Will ta b ­
from Troubles th log e m sealers
Friday Evening e solem
in th e em ploy of the
rn acle in A rcade d istrict D ecem ­
Miss Rowena Hermann and C har­
les Keteham of Hillsboro were m ar­
ried Saturday night at the home of
Mr. and Mrs L C. Mooberry at
Cornelius. Rev. Charles Reed pe--
Haven from drought and depres-
Washington county Red Cross roll for the county hom e was packed formed the ceremony in a bower slon has been sought and found by
call report to date is $15.30 62, ac­ and Christm as carols sung during of holly and silver bells lighted by numerous families from east of the
cording to W, F. Norman of Aloha the breakfast hour. Program, w ith tall tapers Mrs Reed sin g "O Rocky m ountains in the rich abun-
president of the county chapter. Mrs. B. M. Goodman as chairm an, Promise Me." and Mr Mooberry dance of Washington county soil
Four communities. Phillips Evan­ and Christm as tree and exchange played Lohengrin's wedding march, and one of these has been the John
gelical church. Verboort. Watts, and of gifts was enjoyed after t h e
The bride wore a tip-toe length , Jasgott family located on the city
Gales Creek, have not reported.
gown of heavy w hite crepe with a limits of Hillsboro,
Hillsboro leads the list with $600
w reath of orange blossoms and car-
Jasgott. with bis wife and datigit-
In cash, 20 cases of condensed milk,
tied a colonial bouquet of w hite ter. came to Hillsboro th ree years
and a new quilt. Forest G rove is
roses Mrs. M aurice Romig. m atron ago from the coal fields of southern
Focond with $281.03; Metzger. $43.-
of honor, wore a frock of pale blue ! Illinois near St Louis. Mo . when
55; Cedar Mill. $4 82; Bethany Bap­
and carried a colonial bouquet cf tim es became so tough for the
tist church, $6.93; Bethany Presby­
,T. H. M urton. assisted by Judge pink roses, Mr. Romig was best m iners that business in bis store
terian church. $14: Phillips Metho­ R. F rank Peters, acting as captain man.
! and m arket no longer was toler-
dist church. $2; Helvetia, $3: North of hosts, installed officers of the
Following the ceremony ices and able. Hillsboro and the rich sod
Plains. $12.50: Shady Brook. $2; Hillsboro ch ap ter No. 51 Royal cake w ere served to the group of " f II»’ county appealed to hint so
T ualatin, $7; Hillside. $2625: Cor­ Arch Masons at th e Masonic t e n t - friends present. Miss Oradell Prick- bo settled here
nelius. $20.75; Orcnco, $10.25; Schef- pie Friday night. The ceremony cjj poured. Mrs. M attie Manti i Last sum m er he built n w inery
Mn, $6.50; Dilley. $12.10; Cherry was followed by a a lunch.
Sm ith cut ices, and Mrs. Romig * capable of producing It) (XX) gallons
Grove, $21.50; Reedville. $6; Tigard,
Officers installed w ere Donald H.
of w ine each year, and now he has
$60; Groveland. $5; Glenwood. $7; Megargel, high priest: C arl Rus­ served th e w edding cake
The bride's geing-away dress was 261X1 gallons of the vintage ripen-
Timber. $6; Hazeldale. $10 25; Jack- sell. king: Alf O. Johnson, scribe;
town, $5.30; Farmington, $5: Scholls, ! V. W. G ardner, treasurer; W. A. of hunter's green w ith a corsage of ¡«8 ■» the basement of the build-
$19; Laurel. $9.50; Kansas City. $5. Tupper, secretary: R H. Kelly, cap­ gardenias. Her coat was rust with in8 to be ready for another C h rist-
Leisyville, $6: Pum pkin Ridge. $4; tain of hosts; J. W. Barney, p rin ­ brow n hat and accessories. The ‘ >nas. for the w ine will not be good
Buxton. $5.50; Beaverton. $6214: cipal sojourner: C. T. G ardner, couple left for a short wedding trip, before that time, he says,
With a small vineyard on his
Mountaindale, $4 25; Banks, $34; royal arch captain: H. A. Neilsen, after w hich they returned to make
Aloha-Huber. $68 50; Sherwood. $85.- m aster 1st veil: J. L. Auld. m aster th eir home in Hillsboro. Mrs. Ketch- place on West Jackson street, he
75; Gaston. $47.25: and Washington ,2nd veil and J. R. Bubals, m aster ant is a teacher at the ju n io r high has leased another five acres to
County Federation of Women's I 3rd veil; Jam es Cruickshank. chap- school and Mr. Keteham has a supply at least a part of the m ater­
cleaning establishm ent in Hillsboro. [ ¡als necessary. The grapes a r e
clubs, $1.
I lain, and L. D. Shinaberger. sen­
Guests present were Mr. and i pressed in his w ork room above
Mrs. J. N. Wilev. Mr. and Mrs. M. «round, w here the juices are placed
Sinton. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ide. in settling tanks before being trans-
Honored on B irthday—
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Romig, Rc\ ferred to th e basement barrels for
Dr. and Mrs, H. D. Huggins en ________
and Mrs. ________
Charles _____
Reed. ___
Mr. ___
and j final ferm entation.
I tertained Thursday evening w ith I Mrs. L ester Mooberry, Mrs. M. D
Asked w here he learned the art
a party at the M ultnomah supper Mann. Mrs. M attie Smith. Miss- of w ine making. Jasgott replied
club in Portland, in honor of Mrs. Ina Pearl Allen and O radell Prick- that his inform ation was gained in
. his
• • home town among -•
Huggins’ birthday. Guests w ere Mr. ett, and Mrs. Nolan F urrow .
the coal • min-
I ers, w here it was necessary to ship
Mrs. W. R. M anley was elected and Mrs. V erne McKinney. Mrs.
j in grapes from California.
president of the Service club m eet­ F. S. Haines and C lark G ardner.
He is a form er service man.
ing December 18 at the home of Mrs. Kelley Hostess—
' serving w ith the First division in
Mrs. J. W. K elley entertained H i l V t ? A T Y liiS P a r t y
Mrs. P. A. Anderson, w ith Miss
France during the World war. Aft-
Mildred Jam es as assisting hostess. w ith a luncheon and contract bridge
Royal Neighbors held a Christm as ' e r the w ar he retu rn ed and entered
O ther officers are Mrs. A rthur Roil­ party Friday at th e A lexandra Court
ing. vice-president: and Mrs. Wayne hotel in Portland. Mesdames Jam es p arty th e evening of December 18 th e m erchandise business, which
Ritterson, secretary-treasurer.
Say, W. Verne M cKinney and V. at th e old G range hall. Mrs. Gray, disappeared as hard times hit the
district supervisor. Mrs. A. Kelly, coal fields.
Members brought toys for t h e W. G ardner won prizes.
and Mrs Erm a Kibler, state super- j Improved m achinery put many of
Coffee club Christm as party, and
visor, all of Portland, w ere visitors, (he m iners out of employment.
a Christmas tree, and exchange of
O. A. McLeod underw ent an ap ­ About 20 Forest G rove members ( j asgOtt explained and the depres-
gifts for the Service club mem­
bers w ere also enjoyed. The club pendix operation Sunday night at w ere also present. C nnstm as tree , sjon accounted for many more.
m ade 200 popcorn balls for the Jones hospital. Dr. D. E. Wilev per- and 8ifts io r al> present furnished
formed th e operation.
! entertainm ent for the evening. Re-
Coffee club party.
freshm ent com mittee included Mes-
A total of S46.70 was realized on Meeting January 2—
dames R. B. Frost, Fred Ennis, and
the milk benefit program and Serv­
O. Coslett Sr.
ice club members wish to express
their appreciation for the co-opera­ evening. Ja n u ary 2. at the old
Mrs. Fred Beach was hostess last
Mr. and Mrs. J, L. Scearcy and
tion given them by Hillsboro m er­ G range hall. All m em bers and WPA
w orkers are requested to attend.
children spent Christm as w ith her Thursday for th e Christm as m eet­
chants and other citizens.
parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rags­ ing of the Kappa Tau club. Roll
Mrs. Sm ith 111—
call was answ ered w ith "My First
Mrs. Peters Hostess—
Mrs. W. M. Smith, w ho has been dale of Moro.
. . . . . . . .
Christm as.” and a humorous paper
Breakfast club met w ith Mrs. R. very ill w ith pneum onia, is now
Misses M ary and Linda Koch o. on ..jjy C hristm as Shopping," was
F rank Peters December 18. A box convalescing at Jones hospital.
P ortland are spending th e holidays read by Mrs. Beach. Dram atization
w ith th eir brother, H. C. Koch, at o( the Book of Ruth was given by
Mesdames G eorge Fi.-cii« r. J. R
Mrs. Sylvester W orkman retu rn - 1 Peppard, Fred Chase, and W. L.
ed Tuesday to San Luis Obispo. Lormor. G roup singing of Christ-
Cal., after a m onth's visit w ith her mas carols closed the meeting,
daughter, Mrs. Ja y Phillips.
Mrs. Delia St. P ierre and Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Sewell of
and Mrs. Neil Meyers spent C hrist­ north of Hillsboro, Miss Alice Sew ­
mas in Portland w ith Mr. and Mrs. ell, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Shuman,
A NEW YEAR—a new opportu-
' W. W. St. Pierre.
and Mrs. Jessie Schum an of P o rt­
nity to do great things. We
Je rry Wieber, student at Gonzaga land were Christm as guests of Mr.
thank you for past patronage and
, university, Spokane. Wash., arrived and Mrs. F red Sewell.
hope to be of service to you in
Sunday to spend the holidays with
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Stiles and
his father, W. H. Wieber.
Mr. and Mrs. William Stevenson of
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. W iley and Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lackey
daughter K atherine spent C hrist­ and Mr. and Mrs. John Rislove of
mas in P ortland w ith Mr. and Mrs. Capitol Hill, spent Christm as w ith
Mr. and Mrs. C arl Haldum.
J. S. Williams.
Charles Sharnke, m ayor of Sandy,
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Schuman
North Plains, Oregon
visited last W ednesday at the and tw o councilm en ot th at city
I visited Mr. and Mrs. Louis Carrow
W'eatherred home.
last Thursday. They w ere in H ills­
boro on business.
Robert Emerson of Nashua. Mont.,
student a t U niversity of Oregon,
t ugene, is spending Christm as va­
cation w ith his uncle and aunt, Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Kelley.
Mr. and Mrs. F red Cornelius, Mr.
and Mrs. Theodore Bowlby, Miss
H ettie Jack and Cal Jack spent
Christm as w ith Mr. and Mrs. John
Purvis of Portland.
Ira Ingram and Mrs. Ivy C raw ­
W e W ish to Extend the
ford of P ortland and Edwin Siedel-
man of V ernonia spent the w eek­
end w ith Mr. and Mrs. H allie Ire­
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Bryant, Mr.
1 and Mrs. W. V. Morrison of Port-
I land and Miss Hazel Bryant were
¡Christm as guests of Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. M urton.
Mr. and Mrs. Eino Pekkola (Mil­
To AH Our A utom obile-O w ner
dred Dunlap) of Pendleton, are
spending the holidays w ith Mr.
and Mrs. Dick Stoltenberg.
George F isher of Los Angeles.
! Cal., is spending the holidays at
(the home of his relatives, Mr. and
Mrs. O. B. Gates.
During the twelve months’ period just drawing to
Misses M argaret and Helen Dal-
a close, we have delivered mòre
1 rym ple and Roland Newton of The
jD alles spent th e week-end at the
, A. W. Lentz home.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bennett and
son of Oakland, Cal., are spending
th e holidays w ith Mr. and Mrs. H.
cars and trucks than during any like period through­
i L . Hoeffel.
out our 19 years of business in Washington county.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Bowlby of
'C anada and Mr. and Mrs. Fred
(Cornelius w ere Sunday guests of
Miss H ettie and Cal Jack.
A portion of this record we attribute to our new
Mr. and Mrs. John Humphreys,
location, where we are better able to serve our cus­
| Misses Lucy and Lois Hum phreys
of P ortland visited Mr. and Mrs.
L. E. W ilkes Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John D. H are spent
(Christm as in Portland w ith Mrs.
Another portion we attribute to the splendid mer­
(H are's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.
H. Emmott.
chandise with which Dodge Bros, supply us.
j Miss Edna P ageler of Yosemite,
Cal., is spending Christm as with
(relatives near Hillsboro.
But w e credit the greater part of this record
| Mrs. Richard Connell is spending
to our m any friends and custom ers w ho indicate
I the holidays at the home of her
brother, Alex Chalmers.
their confidence in Cady M otor Com pany and the
Local Royal Arch
Holds installation
Mrs. W. R. Manley
President Service
Club for Year
Royal Neighbors
KcipPCl Taus Have
Christmas Party
■5\ Happy New Year —
Mays Bros. Mercantile Co.
S o u th ern P acific railw ay , nt a d in ­
Scout H arrin g to n cam p. U nited
n e r given by th e boys to H ugh S
Rogers, w ho w as re tire d as chief S p an ish W .ir V etctun :. F riday night
log sealer of th e com pany last O c­ elected th e follow ing officer •: Jo h n
Jepson. com m ander; Ray F T aylor,
tober, a fte r 30 y ears' service
A tten d in g w ere F 11 C aldw ell of senior viee; F ran k C ate, ju n io r v ie«.
H illsboro, new ch ief log sealer; I 1.. It H aley, officers of th e day;
H. Holt. D allas; J . W. M itchell. E. D H ite, officer of th e guard
K roll; J F M itchell, C arlto n ; Hugh Jam es W elch, tru s te e for t h r e e
F arrow . C orvallis; A. C. C avlness, years T hese w ith the ap p o in tiv e
W heeler: Jo h n P ru e tt and W. V. officers w ill he in stalled -at th e
R abenau, M arshfield: S. A. Gay. J a n u a ry m eeting jo in tly w ith 111"
S ilverton; R obert Jo h n sto n e, N orth n ew ly elected officers of tin' a u x ­
P lains; C B. M cClure. T im ber; I.eon iliary by S enior D ep artm en t Com-
S h in ab erg er. pensioned agent, an d I naander II S R oger
A fter th e m eeting ad journed, a
Mr. C aldw ell, as toastm aster, p re ­ (jo in t social m eeting w as held i t ’
| V eteran s' hall w ith the au x iliary ,
sented M r R ogers w ith a gold w atch
eh arm su ita b ly e n g rav ed w ith a w ith C h rid m a i tree, d istrib u tio n of
log. scale stick, m o u n tain s and fit- I p resen ts and candy and nuts. Th >
tre e s on one side, a n d 1912-1935 on Jep so n fam ily gave several m usical
the reverse, th is for th e y ears .set v- selections, piano, accordion a n d
ed as sealer an d ch ief sealer. A fter I m outh organ
N ew ly elected offelers of t h e
th e d in n e r M r. R ogers w as also
p re sen ted w ith an 18-pound tu rk ey a u x ilia ry a re as fe llo w ' O ra L aw :,
by Mr. R abenau and o th e r sealers i p resident: Ida H ite, senior vice;
Mrs. R ogers e n te rta in e d at d in n e r M a y 11.ill, ju n io r vice; M i n n i e
for th e w ives of som e of th e se a l­ I H aley, conductor; E tta W elch, chap-
ers: Mrs. F. 11 C aldw ell of H ills­ lain: M ary S p ielin g , guard; Mary
boro. Mrs. J W. M itchell of K roll E. Rogers, secretary tre a su re r; l.e o i
E dw ards, p atrio tic in stru c to r. Viol i
and Mrs. I.. H. Holt of D allas.
I Boyd, histo rian ; M atilda K nor •,
1 A nnie T aylor. E dna M crickle and
i Rose C ate, colors, and M artha Jc p -
i son. m usician.
Grange Visiting
Prog-ram Outlined
Dodge and Plymouth
19 Years in Hillsboro
149 S. Third Ave.
Hillsboro, Oregon
31 iss Weil Hostess—
brings Success, H appi­
ness a n d Prosperity.
We are also grntyful to
you for the wonderful
support you have so
loyally given us during
Start thi' New Year
right — Try o u
laundry and dry
cleaning service.
A Happy New Year
nt the usual m eeting hour.
| H erbert Axtell.
Mr. I.ocm rr Honored—
Dr. and Mrs. R. J. Nicol spent
C h arles R. L oom er a rriv e d S a t­
Christm as eve w ith his sister, Mrs.
M. N. Cooper of Silverton, and u rd ay n ig h t from Eort McDowell,
Christm as day w ith her parents. A ngel Island. Cal., for n short fu r ­
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Sandifer et S a ­ lough w ith his p aren ts, Mr. and
Mrs. J R Loom er. His sister. Mrs.
P aul C raw ford, gav e a d in n e r p arty
American citizenship com mittee for him M onday evening.
of the Coffee club will not meet
New Year's day. The next meeting
will be F ebruary 5 at the home ol
I wish to thank my friends and
Mrs. W ilbur Bonar.
neighbors for the kindn.<ss and
Mr. and Mrs. C arl Rickson and sym pathy extended in illness and
daughter Sbolline of near Taft, and death of my wife; and also for the
and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Nosier and lovely flowers Pete Christensen.
sons of Portland spent Christm as
w ith Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Nosier.
wish to express our apprecia­
Mrs. L. I.affea of Roundup. Mont., t i o We
n for th e kindness and sym ­
is in Hillsboro, called here by the pathy extended us in the loss of
serious illness of her sister, Mrs. our m other and sister, Mrs. May
G race Cress.
Blades, and also for the lovely 1
W illard Newton, teacher at L e x ­ flower* Jean Bladei M iller. H a u l
ington. is spending the holidays Blades, and Dr. 11. H. Hurtley. p 1
w ith his parents, Mr. a n d Mrs.
George Newton.
Mr. and Mrs. Ja k e R ufer and
I wish to thank my friends and
sons Bobby. John and W alter of neighbors for the kindness a n d
Enright are holiday guests of Mr. sym pathy extended me in the loss
and Mrs. E. J . Peterson.
of my beloved wife. Iowa Wray
Mr. and Mrs. H enry Sprlngmey- Ruth; and also for the lovely flow- 1
er and Mr. and Mrs. J McKinley crs.—C. C. Ruth.
of Portland w ere Christm as guest3
L et the advertisem ents help you
of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Pile.
E. R. Moore of Detroit, Michigan, m ake y o u r shopping plans.
is a holiday guest of his brother, A.
W. Moore, and fam ily.
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Moore of
Newberg w ere Christm as guests ol
Mr. and Mrs. F. J . Rice.
Dr. and Mrs. W. E. P lttinger
spent C hristm as w ith Mr. and Mrs.
M. E. Groshong a t Cloverdale.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ramey spent
Christm as w ith her parents, Mr. ,
and Mrs. M. Reid of Newberg.
and those we are yet to
have the plensure of serv­
Blue Eagle Cafe
Horne Laundry &
Dry Cleaners
Trlrphone 47
IfllUbcro, Ore.
Hillsboro, Oregon
The whole crew of us join in
sharing w ith you the Happiness
and Goodfellowship of th e NEW
YEAR. We thank you for your
business in 1935.
Make 1936 a ROYAL Year
Available at All Dealers
Plume 2432
343 E. Main Kt.. Hillsboro
New Year's Eve Dance
Swiss - A lpine music. H elvetia 1
hall, 25c admission.
45 '
New Year’s Eve
MUST BE SOLD BY DECEMBER 31. Put in a supply for your future need*
and save many dollars. It will pay good interest in groceries as many things
w ill be higher than at present. Price» on all m erchandise reduced. H ere are a
few item s:
Corn or Gloss
Dalles, 49-Ib. sack
Prizes for the best
Auspices L aurel Ladies’ Club
Scotty or Playfair
Can ..........................
W hite Star, Columbia
river. Steak.
JL *
Pound ................
To w ish you oil the best
Luck and Happiness possible
in th e y ear 1936,
to the
Everything in
Insurance and Bonds
Raymal Golden Bantam
2* ^. brok. slice J
8-Ib. sack
J L7c
T IS S U E -
1090 sheets ......
Busch’s Service Garage
Phone 501
Regular 5c.
Busch’s Super Service Station
A. II. Busch, Prop.
for ................
PUREX ’/2 -gallon ..... ............................. 15c
Large 2% box
Red & W hite. 4
Solid pack, 2 */o J
and we’re hoping that
it brings you all your
h e a r t desires, We
many friends and customers for their
. , our
— -----v
kindness and business during the past year.
PEAS CS ER........ 3
Cross and
Blackwell .....
Robert H. Kelly
Phone 391
ber 17, w hen Miss Inez
Bonar. d a u g h te r of J. M B onnr of
P ortland, becam e th e b rid e
Good Time Dance
C h arles W, lev Knits, sou ot Mi
hall every Saturday
and M i
D W Full
Rev. M elt In
1 Jam es, pa .tor of W hosoever W.ll night Georgia lb- < niches Ira Ad­
291 f
mission 25e.
tab et uncle, offieiuted.
T he b rid e w ore a d ress of w hite
silk crepe, w ith a long w h ile veil
of w hile tulle, held in place by a
bandeau of satin an d tulle, w ith a
d u s te r of o ran g e blossom s on e ith ­
e r side Stic c a rrie d a bouquet of
pink rosebuds and w hile bouvnrilla
M is s M yrtle K nudson of L ong­
view . W i h , b ridesm aid, w ore .f
d ress of pale green silk crep e and
carried a bouquet of orchid colored
chry san th em u m s. P erry I.. W right
acted as best m an for Mr. F ults.
Mrs. P au l B ru n sw ick sung "I
Love You T ru ly ," follow ed by an
in te rlu d e of chim es. She th e n sang
Sw eet W«Hilling H ell, " ns the bridal
p arty en tered .
T he ch u rc h w as a ttra c tiv e ly dec­
o rated in green anil w hite.
A larg e n u m b e r of relutivc* and
To n Successful
frien d s a tte n d e d th e w edding.
A w edding luncheon w as served
M rs
A rth u r W abshall of P o rt­
land. p receding the w edding c e re ­
W e hope th a t 1936
m ony.
T hey a re m ak in g th e ir horn«' In
H illsboro to G ale. J a n u a r y 4; j G uests w ere C olene M acD owell.
G ale to R iverside. J a n u a ry 10; R iv­ ( A nna M ary H artram p f, H elen C y ­ Hi«' A rcade d istrict for th e present.
ersid e to A loha. J a n u a r y 16; A loha rus, K a th e rin e Wiley. C arvl F.stepp,
to T igard, F e b ru a ry 5; T igard to P h y llis Jo h n sto n , V irginia H avens.
W inona. F e b ru a ry 15 o r 17; W in­ B everly Weil. Je a n A nn Pnslcy. and
ona to S herw ood. M arch 7; S h e r­ E laine C ruzen.
wood to B eaverton. M arch It; B eav ­
e rto n to Scholls, M arch 21; Scholls C lub E n te rta in s H u sb an d s—
to K inton. A p ril 4; K inton to l.eedy.
K n o tty K n itte rs' club m em bers
A p ril 15; L eedv to G reen M oun­ e n te rta in e d th e ir h u sb an d s w ith
tain. M ay 16: G reen M ountain Io a d in n e r p a rty M onday ev ening at
W ashington. J u n e 6; W ashington ta tlie O ran g e L an te rn in P o rtlan d A
H illsboro. J u n e 13.
(C h ristm as tre e w as enjoyed a fte r­
to friends and customers,
Granges will meet on these dates w ard s at th e hom e of Mr. and Mrs.
products w hich they distribute by their continued
Dance at Kiulun
Saturday night. December 28, at
Kinlon G runge Modem und oi l
tiun- music. Admission 25c
Modern Dance
At Huber. December 21 13c and
B ernice 35c Ladles free until 9 15 p. m.
The young couple are active
w orkers nt Whosouver Will ta b er­
nacle, both playing in the orchestra.
W ashington County G range v is ­
Miss R osaline W eil w as hostess
iting program, us announced, is us j for a d in n e r p arly F rid a y evening, They also assist in church work
at West Linn.
c e le b ratin g h e r
12th b irth d ay
That the New Year may be filled with
Happiness and Prosperity is the sincere
wish of the
Thur day, O'“«ember ?•>, 19.?»
MILK RiS.‘ WHrra'
D '-z O r
Large can
rLLS n
I I-.L/ n Pound
i . " 5 . sK
Ss ........... 28c