Page TvPW R r L L S B O R H T ra in in g C ourse for Scout W o ♦--------------------------- rk P lan n e --- d ----- N e a rs 100 M a r k A R Ö TT fl , W IL L S B O R O , HillsboroAlumni to Hare Reunion on December 30 ORPOON C o n g o M is s io n a r y Tlnir 'diiy. Derember 19. 1935 "The Nativity'' Pageant, Sunday at M. E. Church School Plans Program — Gaud Time Dance Mi Kmlev grade school will have At G range hall every S aturday S p e a ks a t C h u rc h a t ’hiisim a program Friday eve- liing at eight o'clock at the ehnol. night Georgia lle-.s orchestra Ad- Mrs Elmer Boyer, missionary on Dili' 'Ogg uo,ss,ui Everyone is invited. the Congo. Africa, spoke In the C hristian church Sunday morning. M ikon in Vets' Hospital— Mrs. Boyer, us a special feature of • — - I IL A. Allison wus taken Derem- According to announcem ent of the service, read a passage of G eorge Himes "The N ativity" is the title of the ber II to the Veterans' hospital in, Robert II Kelly, president, the ail- scripture from the fourteenth chap- pageant to tie presented at the Portland for observation ntial "get-together" of Hillsboro <*•«' "I John's gospel in the African Methodist eliiueh Sun- high school alum ni association, language. In fact she told h e r day night at 7 30 This pageant tells Madern Itance former students and th eir friends audience she would rath er speak th e story of tin- birth of our S av­ rim ile 2011 At Huber. December 21 15c and 1(11 S. '.‘nil Ave. will he held in th e high school >'» 'h e native language of Africa iour in four episodes Time and «if. i gymnasium December 30. at 8:3il than in English. The Boyers m e fort is going into this woi k to 35c l adles free until 9 15 p. m. p in. Ivan Koeber's dunce ban t home on th eir second furlough for m ike it an occasion worthy of this ¡will play for the occasion. The re-t 11 year. Her husband is taking ad- great gift i of the program has not, as yet. ditionul training in Eugene this Mrs. H. II S tannard is assisting • been worker! out. winter. the pastor l{i-\ Charles Reed, in All alum ni m em bers and form er D uring th eir term of servlet' In I the directing'> 'f the page a n t" Mi students are asked to pass the word J ongo. Mrs Hover said they hud I M inerva Fuller will take the p u t alon j. so that nobody will be miss- been stationed at Bolenge, the larg ­ of Mary in the first episode and _ I ed by the fact they did not know *'•» station right on the equator uml will sing the Magnificat. M i s s about it. Come and tell all of your Mondombe and Wema. the most Helen Dean will hi- heard in a old class-mates to meet you there, distant points from th e central solo, t iking the part of the angel T hete will be u small charge to dc- station. T heir field at Wema is but in the annunciation to the shep­ fray expenses. one day's jo urney from a village of herds of "Peace mi Earth. Qnoil Committees appointed for this oc- can,,Jbl,ts However, t h e "w hite Will to Men " J A Krum ien w ill M atinee Saturday at 2 P. M. —- Evening at 6 :3 0 casion are; man." as th e native calls the mls- take the part of Joseph. All of the Refreshm ent c o m m itte e - Eliza- m e m 'v i U a . ^ '1'.’/ a " E '« ”" * 1 in characters so fam iliar in t h i s beth Ott. chairm an Norma Toelle village^ and they come and Christm as story appear in the pro­ cess of the development of the pageant. The east will be supported by a chorus choir singing the C hrist­ Tennessee W eather red. mas carols inspired by the events lo f thc occasion The service is ope.i Decoration c o m m itte e — J o h n D o i 'C f l S d i l l ) to ’ all and this pageant is a m es­ ( ,ate< chairm an; Ruth Gates. How- i sage for each one who attends. Meek'’" '1 Edn° O lanie and Jin » E l e c t s O f f i C P l ’S To Improve th e quality of scout- , ... ing by instructing scoutmasters, as- char8lsboro and the country- dent and \ t r V F rn e st'‘K id n e v 'X ‘r t The men are organized as such Mr uuu and Mrs. Uuiius Ju liu s acnoenoer Schoenberg : ^ide are in tarv ta r -treasu -treasurer M r s F i- k ^ n .T , . .......... about ........ evenly u divided . m ucu m rer Mi and operate the same way. We Christmas P arty Friday— and Mrs. Lottie Tannock I m of N North »entiment Ä regarding t the Ä questions \ , r r.U .m i.. * vr fir i Ä ™ S X k 7 Dod' ¿ ? “ d learn by doing. It is the responsi­ Woman s Relief Corps will meet Plains. Albe bility of all troop committeemen Friday for the annual Christm as ily of Portland O hio’' " • ' dS'V<’!:h 1S| Jp ;ö p r.c ty 'ta ofU<' n i n n a i 1" ' .solution Mrs" BeMHe B .n i" ' lofl'V“ T " ' as well as more active scouters to party, w ith a tree, exchange of a native of take this course.” gifts, and program, preceded bv a F o r m e r E d i t o r i w a r ^ h ir h Men taking the course assume pot luck dinner. Mrs. H H. S tan­ Hath Knhrs no responsibility to assume leader­ nard will be in charge of the pro­ ’' I I here u n d e r ^ h e Ä Ä 3nd " iU "» a it Bathing Suit ship positions nor are there any gram. and all members are urged t VO* Bell Mel fees. There are absolutely no strings to attend. b? r<’„ Chrj s,iarl C°!.,ncl1' a’ a pa«'t| gifts to°aTl S s e n E ‘aUS ‘“ S ,n b u ,“d I VlNt V i s i t s in S o u t h attached. Billfold O r » u, ■ i Of a national poll conducted bv "Hillsboro, as an integral part of Social Club has P a r t y - Brushes f?rmei' PHbhsher of , the Council for Social Action of „ the Portland Area Council, m ain­ .e Hillsboro Independent and who the Congregational and C h ristia n 1 i ®eneva Jones of Hillsboro had Eastern S tar Social club will Caps. Hats tains the headquarters partly for meet £ oAt,and.. " 1,h his ¡churches. With only a few more tonsils rem oved nt Sm ith's hos­ for 1:30 p. m. dessert lunch­ ^ . . l L \ “ ,g C igarette Cases this technical aid,” stated Ralph eon and Christm as gift exchange at m Robert Beatty, has days in which ballots may be cast pital Friday and Harold Geiger of Easter, district chairman, today. the W. H. C igarette Lighters wHh hd irotn “ two monttls' the vote on these two question! Cornelius underw ent a tonsil o per­ Treglown home Fridav. "Men of the district owe it to their bls son. Captain Wade In favor * ' Fountain Fens ation at S m ith s hospital Tuesday David Rutherford. S E isl41k I 1 Is I wltb 1 I n-s M • V W ~ a V V t . . . stands; _ community to enroll in this course. Mesdames and Fred Sewell are as­ G arters — PLUS — It will mean everything in the ef­ Fayram sisting hostesses. Gloves * ficiency and success of scouting this coming year and our young Newly-weds E ntertain— Gift Bond manhood a few years hence." •f het'linehlmtolnM';1v,pd tF‘P acr03s ! On the othcr Kand- overw helm ing »he last of th e week for' New Y.u k H andkerchiefs Mr. and Mrs. Thurm on Wilson Men not in scouting are cordial­ e line into Mexico. m ajorities have been cast for g o v -, ,o spend the holidays with another Jack et And Other Short Suhj ectt ly invited to enroll. Rev. Charles (Eva Sorenson) entertained with a cocktail party at the home of Let me congratulate you and em in en t control of the m unitions daughter. K evtainer Reed is acting as training chairman Mrs. J. Sorensen Sunday evening i ™ rum° ,h e r i° r V he fine new spaper industry which in the local vote Mrs. G rant Jones. Miss Ruth for the district and is in charge of Muffler f r ha ' e made th e Argus, which I carr *ed by a vote of 520 in favor. Jones and Mrs. Lowell M cAlear of arrangem ents and recruiting. He from four until six. The party was k believe Pajam as now to be the kind of a an d .9 opposed; and for more equal Portland visited Mr. and Mrs D ir- an announcem ent of th eir recent has application blanks for those marriage. new spaper that Hillsboro deserves, distribution of world resources and rell Jones at Gales Creek S u n d a v Playing Cards who wish to secure them. and express the hope that you will - m arkets, which carried thus far b y t m a n d M rs it r i n " \ NO EXTRA CHARGE Purse The opening meeting program E ntertain Card Club— ««». Four share of the prosperity. a vote of 357 to 90 T he vote on Mhu H am tet L a B « J ," ’d gives an idea of the activities of Raincoat i xt v* Neighborhood card club met at w hich seems at last to be slowly consultation with oth er nations in 1 spent Sunday w dh M the other sessions. It includes op­ coming from around the corner’.' j support of the Kellogg Peace Pact w t w f f 'h M d M h' Scarf ening exercises, organization o f the W. A. Hughes home Saturday says Mr. Killen in a letter to the was « 8 lor. 61 against. Vote for a , , V Shoes patrols, "The Organization of Scout­ evening, an- five tables of pinochle editor. Dcccm brr larger arm y, navy and air force A' J ' " " 'd d o n attended the fun- Shirts ing,” patrol meetings with t h e w ere in play. Mrs. A. L. Chase and ------- ------------------ was 338 in favor. 182 opposed, w hile Eini 1 L ukrenbuhl. father of 22 nnd 23 emphasis on tenderfoot scout re­ F. W. Walch made high scores and Slippers Miss Emmy Lou H eadrick re- . ° f. comPuI»o ry m ilitary i i 2 i a yred E ll,ott‘ in Portland Wed- quirements. “The Scout Objectives Mrs. Walch and Russell Ide. low. Socks rned last week io h -r h 1 »raining in tax supported institu- and Program,” inter-patrol con­ Join in Xmas P a r t y - first . Sport Coat Portland, after spending tw o w eeks 1 WMh ia X ° " d' 330 ,o 192 Mr? ' , . Nel1 ®colt ot Tillamook tests on tenderfoot requirements, Scout Harrington Camp, U. S. W. w ith Miss Helen Nelson whose . hundred-seventy persons sPen » »he w eek-end in Hillsboro, Suit and troop formations. V.. and Auxiliary will meet Friday mother. Mrs. A. W. Nelson was in \°. suPP°rt only a war in H er father, F ra n k Wallace, return- Suspendrrs night, and after the business meei- ..................... — - , which United States te rrito ry had e<^ hem e w ith her Sunday. nai ' a n e F »he business meet- Walla Walla, Wash., taking care o f h i , btates »e r r *‘°O Sweater wR1 J°u» ln a Christm as p a r - , her mother, Mrs. C. L. Shemwcll p55tn ,*nVaded' , w hlle 230 votes w ere Elmer Johnson Jr. arriv ed home Tie. Tie Hark P h rio ii» ! Veterans hall, w ith a who is convalescing from an ill-1 S i ? 1° support a ' ' ’a r declared by Friday for th ree w eeks' vacation Christmas tree, gifts and program, ness. our Sovernm ent after m aking ut- from Stanford university at P ilo Tobacco Pouch Mr« irin. u j ! ... . . most use of every agency for peace Alto, Cal. Toilet Case - rs. King Honored— Miss Jennie Cahow. who has fifte e n ballots favored support of Mr -mH Mr« n. , . Mrs. Ed Wilson entertained Sun- ^ “,en loo»»'ng after extensive p r o p -' any w ar against any internation- ' Portland t i n t e d Mr a n d ^ lT T ’ ii n t'n d e rw ra r day w ith a birthday dinner in hon- er,y in»er^ t s here for more thau all>- recognized aggressor, and 21 ' lie irH and Fridav d M ” * or of her father, G. M. King. Guests a month, left Tuesday for a few Persons believed in an uncondition- re,anja ' rla a y' Mrs. J. W. Barney was elected from Portland were Mrs. I. Colfer days. Vlsit in P ortland before re-1 al support of any w ar w hich might ' n 7 °d M rs' S pencer Jones of 1 most excellent chief of Phoenicia and daughters and Mr. and Mrs E »yrn ‘n8 to her home in Turlock. ' be declared. Strangely. 21 persons .,ort 3nd spent »he w eek-end with Temple, Pythian Sisters, at the W. Krueger. Cal., to spend the holidays. She aI«° declared th eir unconditional Mr and Mrg G N ' T a8«a rt. meeting Friday night. O ther offi­ i a . . plans on retu rn in g to Hillsboro opposition to any w ar w hich might is spending a few’ cers elected w ere Mrs. Henry John­ Celebrate A nniversary— next month. be declared. days with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Howe & Wells, I’rop. son. excellent senior; Miss Angie Mr. and Mrs. C. B. W illiams of Roy Mullen of Oregon Citv form- T hu poU of C hristian Council Mickey of Portland. H arrington, excellent junior; Mrs. ga' C 7 dinner party erly of Hillsboro, was calling on I c ”? J helr fam ilies will Mrs. H. H. Shayler and Joe 2 0 7 E. Milin St., Phono 1412 G. Russell Morgan, manager; Mrs. Snnda?°i? R. Frank Peters, mistress of rec­ ann,dv3> honorln8 the 54th wedding old friends here Tuesday Mr Mul fha»6 KOr?i ? aturn a? evenln<- A lter Bourne of P ortland visited Mr and . Mr" ! u r y u f .herr parents' Mr. and; len has been located in, Oregon ¡n h ‘ I be given to those Mr» G. N. T aggart Tuesday. J ords and correspondence: Mrs. Lee Mrs. J. W. Holt of Matson station. ' City for about 17 years " he business and industrial l i f e ' ------------------------- J— Oakes, mistress of finance: Mrs. W. ' °.f Hillsboro, to ascertain th eir sen- ■ C. Gifford, protector; Mrs. John Attends Annual Banquet_ Mr- uar)d Mrs^ Florian - ____ Mills, ____ who - tim ents on these same questions. G ardner, guard; and Mrs. E. L. 1 !_ ” 1ntana fQr SCVeraJ ' Moore, re-elected on the board of BANKS HIGH h n Bechen, who is now located banquet at Eugene Monrtav -i returnec* to Hillsboro Mon- J Jo °nn trustees. Mrs. J. R. Jeppard will be nual night OX the U S W V Camn wiU rcm ain dl a‘ m ,h e e E,. E- E 3t CIacka™ s. was Panin « nay ; ,Th Mrs' L E F'»n'ro w visit­ Mrs. C. M. Pow ell left F rid ay to program, and the pie social will ed E C. Overman in the U. S Vet- spend the holidays w ith her son, j r a n » ? ospital in Portland S atur- follow. Proceeds will be used for Bernie Powell, and wife at San school equipment. Everybody w el­ day. They report him as improving. Francisco. come. .7 ed SchaPPert of Laurel Kum and K latter club met D e­ ernocn MfS' Sam HuHt Tuesday aft* Continuous cem ber 11 w ith Mrs. Fay H ulit at H. £. Club Elects— 2 P. M. Show Home Economics' club of Hills­ Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Anderson and her hom e south of Hillsboro. Till 11 P. M. W. J. Enschede w as a business boro Grange met last Thursday in fil'd M WPw Eunday guests of Mr. visitor in Tacoma several days the the old Grange hall and elected of­ and Mrs. W. R Wion at Gresham. last of th e w eek. ficers for 1936 as follows: Mrs. R. H. McAninch. president, and Mr? M anicure Sets J. S. Forsythe, secretary-treasurer. Y ardley Toilet Sets Circle Meets Today— PAGE THE NATION! V antine Toilet Sets Circle two of the M E. Ladies' PAGE THE WORLD! Evening in Paris Sets Aid will m eet this afternoon (Thurs­ Body Pow der day) w ith Mrs. C. W. Gillette. PAGE THE UNIVERSE! Perfum es ’ G irls to Give Program— 1 irre s lovely M arion back Toilet W ater W ahkeena and Lohese Camp Fire again . . . after nearly two L eather Goods groups will present the program I years . . . in all her glory! C hristm as Eve at the County Home Bill Folds, Zipper H e r f ir s t f o r W a r n e r Mrs. George Fischer and Miss Win- I Stationery Box P aper abeth MacDowell are guardians of Bros., and the best of herj F ountain Pens and a th e groups. h it-stud ded career ."TV I ! Pen and Pencil Sets Ladies’ Aid Meets— Silhouette Pictures Leave any day from Dec. 12 to Jan. 1, Ladles' Aid of the Christian Milk Weed Silhouettes church met Wednesday afternoon I inclusive. Be back by midnight, Jan. 14. Fram ed Mottos at th e hom e of Mrs. H. H. Stan­ Roundtrips—both First Class and Coach- J T IS our happiness nt this sea­ nard. w ith Mrs. R. A. Allison in Diaries, five-year Tourist—reduced to ewry S. P. station in the West. For a fast, comfortable holiday Fancy Playing Cards son to wish you happiness for In her first Cosmopolitan Production for W arner* Bros trip, take the train. Some example fares: Ash Trays the Christmas and the New Year H air Brushes roundtrips : P int Clast Roller and Yorkshire M argaret B urnham 's Cottage ahead. Holidnys and every day San Francisco . $18.55 $27.70 Candies Los A n g e le s ...... 2 7 .80 41.65 of the year, it is our wish and XMAS TREE DECORATIONS LAST! Also special holiday roundtrips to XMAS CARDS aim to serve you well. eastern cities, via California. Leave any Cigars, Cigarettes day from Dee. 12 to Jan. 1, inclusive. Re­ Poker Chip Sets turn limit, Jan. 31. M A R Y A S T O R • F R A N K M eH U G H Men's Shaving Sets NEW XMAS TRAIN for holiday travelers A L L E N JE N K IN S • 6 OTHERS F rid ay and S aturday — 1 he Santa Special”—to California every fl Cosmopolitan Production' A Warner Bros. Picture' at day December 16 to 24, inclusive. Coachea, Tourist and Standard P u llm a n s,d in e r. S E L F R ID G E Z. J. RIGGS, G raduate of the Also J r and lOr tray food-service. R. E. WILEY, local m anager F U R N IT U R E CO. California College of Pharm acy PLUS SILLY SYM PHONY Leave Portland 3:45 P. M . H. D. OLSON, A gent Arrive San Francisco ... 1:30 P. M. Phone 621 R A D IO SfiR V IC r- I I THURS., FRI., SAT. (Were/1. • ♦ of , 0 « ' « ’ I »°'ltl BttN ™lD W I I G IF T I H IN T S I I ro 5 « Ä 0 oa I I I •uni CREAT AMEBIC, »Ü M I Silly S ym phony, "C ookie C arnival’ I i I i Pheview S aturday N ight, 11:15 I i I I SUN. and MON. for HIM! IRnoTHER SEnsnriotiRt I STORV OF ITS HIRD . . . FRORI g IRS PROOUIERS OF O-RIERtitF Mrs. J. IV. Barney Head of Pythian Sisters' Temple I I MEN’S SHOP I The |B E T T E H U IS FOOTBALL DANCE , GEORGE BREnT I I IlHUiUI I I I VENETIAN g I TUES., WED., THURS. ! I I XMAS DAY I B II u I 8 Merry Christmas LOW XMAS FARES I I I — everywhere/ Happy New Year MARION DAVIES PAGE MISS GLORY' C A N A R IE S I for Xmas Gifts Southern Pacific H illsboro P harm acy P A T O 'B R IE N • D IC K P O W E L L P e o p le s W a t e r a n d G a s C o . I PLUS— Selected Short Subjects I c