Paire Two Il I L L S B O R O Merry Christmas to All A R G U S, H IL L S B O R O , O R E G O N Highlights in ITfrÄ’s News T h u rsd a y , D ecem b er 19. 193.' ' Hiilstnan of Fern Hill Hulstnnn re ­ G ro v e , a n d Iva Z im m e rm a n , W h ite taxi dischi i'll collci'IloiiM of $631. ported that he raised a half acre i.f Salmon. W a s h . D e c e m b e r IB ’■73 03 out o f the total o f $9113.3L' , til P u b lish e rs am i em ployes of th e A rgus I Borthfvld variety, which weighed I'li.ti le W. Kvteliam and llow a re a g a in h a p p y to he ab le to w ish the ' from two pounds up to 10. T h » cna Hoi inaim, Ililluboru, Di eem- due that vear, o r >73 033111 still doe W ith W hich la C om bined Ihe H illsboro In d ep en d en t | other v ariety. Yellow Aberdee n on that date. a d v e rtis e rs am i th o u sa n d s of re a d e rs and i ber IB. • December 10 ■ iilaboro A rgus estab. 1894 H illsb o ro In d ep en d en t ex tab. 1873 grew to weigh 174 pounds with frie n d s a very .Merry C h ristm as. W e w ish Survey of press in Oregon by ' the tops. M eK IN N EY a M c KINNEY. P u b lish ers Ask your attorney to send yom to e x p re ss o u r a p p re c ia tio n fo r th e kindly Oregonian indicates Tow nsend pen­ Published T hursday. E n tered as second«cluss m a tte r in the .— — legal m lveltlslug Io (he Argils post o f fire a t H illsboro, O regon sion plan will be decisive factor in c o -o p e ra tio n , w hich m akes it possible fo r coming Oregon elections. Survey This ìs thè liist \veek of the ( Seal s|ih' tttld the . Brislol'-t. unel th.e pest >t I ice 1 last, according to tax figures ns of Selected as O regon's Bost W eekly N ew sp ap er, 1930 "Thoughtful. Sym pathetic hope th a t in th is trie n d ly an d hom e-loving . pollution. squ.tu on the floor for the retu rn Suluni i\ níti m o r n, e 1 fi 1 Ing t h i December 17. N am ed on A ll-A m erican W eekly N ew sp ap er Eleven. 1930 Service" Polk county to offer 344 tracts game w ith Oregon City there Tue com m unity c o rd ia l re la tio n s will alw ay s Phone 973 Hillsboro H onorable M ention N a tio n a l E d ito ria l A ssociation N ew spaper A urvev completed bv G lid y . , of land, taken over by the county day night, according to Coach C hn 'n iai S,.i Is. Dt» Vt mi- pai continue. P roduction C ontest, 1934-35, an d G eneral E xcellence, 1933 Fhm tax deputy, reveals 3.3 24 The following - an incomplete j for delinquent taxes last spring. spring. Goodman Goodman Hilhi Hilhi lost 43 to 29. Thl I tor sale December 21. e a rs basket tossers. with one ex retu rn of larger ales: Weil's Dc per ««nt of 1935 taxes still pav ible. Kubftcriptinn Hate« S tric tly Caah In A dvance i y year W ithin W ashington C ounty C at 11 it Inn cum- making a total collection of $B(IB, | O u tsid e W ash in g to n C ounty Iton b irem an M anufacturing com- cepticn. are draw n from the sec- partaient store P eo p le of th e co m m u n ity a re to be I • pany p a n v . $5. Il E R, ling, Inc. $3; J. 729 against the total due of $9111. IT. 8-, per y e a r 82.00 of P ortland having largest Ond string of a vear ago. The e\ Six m o n th s ... __........ ... . .85 F o reig n ecu nt rie t ..... C o ,n in g 8!M> c o m m en d ed fo r e ffo rt put into d e c o ra t­ I year for unit output point in Ins- eeptien is W arren W.ihner. f o r t '. P e n n e y C o . S Peoples Watc> 202 Com pared w ith the first q u a r ­ A •> . ithlilion to their ter. old ov­ of this year, covering the 193 1 I er their quotas among the students m ent of choice h as been done on th e city h all th a t e v e ry ­ Swan Island air field now c o n sid -! on defensive plav. However, the Each child’s qm ta being ng at O tegon City Tuesday B S ta n to n , H illsb o ro , D e c e m b e r IB. cities, ra th e r th a n to have g r e a te r b u rd en s Hillsboro, Oregon Argus. December 9. 1920 — Frank W. Connell I P o rtlan d ’s "First Citizen" for 19X3 nl8 '’t and lined up for the first i R ic h a rd W illia m Dem in*;. F o r 'st th ru s t on re a l e sta te . string, w ere Wahner. E. Howell, j elected president of the county Holstein breeders' by Realty Board. Ralph Williams, republican na- venter. Lloyd Selfridge, forw ard association and J. F. Peerenboom is vice-president. S. E. F ayram nam ed chancellor com m ander tional com mitteeman, intim ates at . ‘a-wis Garfield. Alvin Mohr. El- i M ake It a C h am b er of com m erce s p e a k e r says o r­ K nights Chicago that Senator Borah is I w o ° 1■ O islett. and Bob Sutherland. , of Pythias. Personally Indorsed choice of Oregon republicans for I fh*ai ds, and Lowell Chase, w ho d ers placed fo r a irp la n e s, w hich w ill c a rry ________ __________ Mrs. Nancy Isabelle Banks, widow of John Banks, president. ' P*a-Vs a* cither guard or forw ard 40 p assen g ers a t 225 m iles an hour. W h a t died at Banks December 7. Townsend pension plan backers ! a newt'onll' r from the J. H. Ray, local painter and decorator, died here a long w ay fro m th e d ay s of o u r p io n eer will put candidates for presidency I , dd e u * ’st- , , r‘'P‘,r*ed as show -) December 6. \\ it h a new. m odern ancestors, who lab o red fo r m onths in cross­ and congress in 1936 race. j ln® considerable promise. I').:.-, I l ltli AFl t x t : TOI KING T h irty Y e a rs A go Franco-B ritish plan to end w ar ) Jack Killits has been assigned ing th e plains. ItltO I'G IIA M Argus, December 14, 1903—U. S Senator John II. in Africa by giving Italy control I first string coach, with Reese H ath -| Driven 4.000 miles by a Mitchell, who served as senator from Oregon many of nearly tw o-thirds of Ethiopia ■ horn handling the second squad, Ij careful owner. A beautiful sage seems doomed. | Coach Goodman said. years, dies in Portland. P e te r P an green finish. Sold in September, A dvance in m ilk p rices a t th e C a rn a ­ Mrs. W innie Williams Kelsey, pioneer of 1841. December 15 j ------------------------- - tins year, for $653.00 tion p la n t here is c le a rly in d icativ e of im- died here December 12. Court house on part of the T a id e m o d el G overnor Eugene Talm adge of N'OTiri o f f i n a l s e t t l e m e n t New ear guaranteed Georgia to seek dem ocratic nomi- in t h . C ounty c o u r t of th e s at.. ,,f ore- proved econom ic conditions. M ay th e se ori8inal Kelsey donation land claim Only Crosley nation for president if Georgia h a s 1 *•'"••• for Wuhinstun ('„iiniy. T. H. Adams, president of C ornelius S tate bank, gains to th e fa rm e rs continue. ‘ T ” presidential prim ary. . ■ ln,,i’h .’ , iMatT ‘,f "I* E 5 -tube. elected president Cornelius Board of Trade. Illsti'llley, Ihs-.*n,tnt. Tangku seized bv Ja p an e se-su p -' N . otice . . , ., Mrs. C. E. Deichman elected w orthy m atron of . j _ * 1« hereby riv e n th a t th e under- T w o band 18 I I UH M’l.ANI K H KING Eastern S tar and George H Wilcox is w orthy patron. ported autonom ous state in East • .¡Kn...i Executor uf the i.s.t w.u ,„,t Coast b u ilding p erm its up 90 p e r cent. T e»t»m »nt of .»¡.I > Congressional party, headed by **i,l «Mate. >z S 5 1929 I A SAl l.E SEDAN M n V O ther Models to V ice-President G i arner, land a t ' ’’“'" i.J hiL - ft. 1 ' ' • 5 ? £ » i r i r kaixz . i . t Al 1.1. E x e c u to r t-f th e I 2 3* 1* ed by Fred Sewell almost en ­ Choose From. attle on way back from i n - Laz»t W ill an d T e sta m e n t of «aid il, - | “ 3 * an tirely for funeral work. Is in ab- CH RISTM A S auguration of Philippine independ- i »»»-»d. iiugiey 4 n « r» . A ttorney-, r, r : t 0 M 2 X. (C o ntinued from p age 1) 3 Visit Our Radio D epartm ent 2. • 0 7 solutily p»‘ifeet condition through- i ~ : » CARDS threat to commit felony. G rubb ence. Today 9 " it. $i December 1C 5'3 • X* was arrested by a state officer fol­ ; 9 Only Republican national com m ittee • lowing an argum ent w ith William • 3 — 9 » i EASY TERMS! -•■a. Fisher, farm er south of Tigard, in invites foes of Roosevelt w ith 'n EJ dem ocratic party to join republican which G rubb is alleged to have Ollier Good I sed Curs chased F isher w ith a butcher knife forces. .100.2 52.45 875.00 8 3.933.75 83.43 h . oh T iirard - ......... during an argum ent over the pur- . .. Thelm a , Todd, . . . film . . comedienne. 304.7 101.55 $20. $25. $65, $185 75.00 7.616.25 3.590.00 Hillsboro S chase of the G rubb fam ily cow. ' d es ln autom obile at Los Angeles. 49».5 127.57 75.00 9,567.75 6,000.00 E. H. W hite, C ochran *100.0« O rris Nelson, in d ic te d h v t h e l ' lc ' lrn °f m onoxide poison. lOO.oO indicted by the Scappoofie ______ ___ __ 75.00 67.63 Hoover, ex-president, in talk at 66,61 FO U N TA IN PEN SETS 126.25 grand ju ry for assault and battery. M I N M K Forest G rove .............. 346.1 27.04 75.00 2,028.00 2^618.00 appeared Friday before Ju d g e R. St. Louis, scores adm inistration re- i G a s t o n ..................... None T u a la tin _ ... .................. 37.7 8.09 1.255*65 f ra n k Peters and pleaded not guil- lief program and proposes setup to, 73.00 606.90 648.75 C H R IS T M A S " B«-.ivert- n ; ! take politics out of relief. 218.5 75.00 16,387.50 7,600.00 23*587.00 ty. to all our patrons, friends and .85 75.00 <{t AI.ITV REPAIR WORK 64.20 P ortland to vote Ja n u ary 31 on i N one 61.20 Sentence of M ark Osburne, con­ ' bond issue of $300.000 for new air- j business associates. We thank T o tal ....... 1,720.0 536.93 151 I.7S S. 3rd Ave. Phone 2IW * « 0 .t7 l.98 *21,617.37 *61.789 35 victed last week by a circuit court i you for your patronage. KRAMICN'S To O th e r C ounties- ju ry of larceny of a 3400-pound ¡ po^ P o rtla n d H ich Schools 27.n | K idnapers of Caleb Milne IV in See us in 1936 C«t 3.051.99 Hudson - Terraplane N one 3,f‘5t 9» pile d riv er ham m er near Buxton Next door to Venetian theater West L in n H igh School 84.42 656.78 N one __ 656^78 Was continued Friday to Decem ber P hiladelphia ask $50.000. Hillsboro W illard — Mohawk N ational Lum ber M anufacturers G ran d to ta l 571.65 »65.598.12 21 pend'DS a fu rth er investigation 843.70S.77 821.617.37 Prescription I) ru eg 1st» Open until 9 I’. M. in le tte r to S ecretary of S tate Hull I'srd Car» ___' of O sburne's record. Realtors and Insurance Phone 266 accept Canada trad e agreem ent Every S aturday Night Suits filed this week in circuit 316 E. Main St. Hillsboro H. Lynch, head of the federal road court include William Josse et al gracefully. Senator G erald P. Nyc of North Bureau. ! vs. Joseph Owen M urry; C redit D irector Morris Weil on behalf Bureau, Inc. vs. Don Cum mings et Dakota, stopping in P ortland on », the members presented gifts to al; T ualatin com pany vs. Fred Van- way back from P hilippine inaug­ ural, says n eu trality law in a d e ­ Sanitation program for Washing­ .r?' M ariner and following school derzanden et ai. 5 Í5 CHRISTMAS GH T EX< H ANGE e w ait®d ° n O rders w ere entered this w eek quate and that nation faces peril of ton county was in full swing Mon­ S w o - war. tables during the year: L'icille Wal- ¡n probate court in the following day m orning with crews at work W e W ish You All a Motor car m akers in Canada urge and a solicitor in the field contact­ ters, Phyllis Johnson, M arjorie Sig- cases: Victor Bailey, Ann Rvan revision of A m erican - Canadian 1er and Helen Cyrus. Bernard. D aniel Ryan, A nna Roter- ing farm homes w here sanitation The cham ber of commerce and mund. Z anataphene Morelock. Mag- trad e agreem ent. inspections are being m ade and sug­ -.v; at Decem ber 17 gestions for improvements given. Mr. and Mrs. Moore presented gifts edelir.e Ochs, Seym our S. Skiff, French cham ber of deputies gives to Mrs. E. J. Davis, who has been M ary E Watson. Edith Alma Tich- F. O. Anderson, supervisor of the BALM GROVE, SA TU R D A Y , DEC. 21st chef at th e cham ber of commercee enor, William Brem er, Dean, Jay P rem ier Laval vote of confidence project, said. And ex p ress our a p p re ­ in the Franco-B ritish plan to settle for eight years. A cknowledgem ent and E lizabeth Bramon, m inors; E veryone bring an inexpensive gift securely w rapped and The program is sponsored by the the Italo-Ethiopian war. was made of the gift of m yrtle wood Jo h n Medol. ciation of y o u r p a tro n a g e state board of health and men em ­ F irst adm itted retreat of Italian TRADE TRADE TRADE The following orders w ere issued ployed are paid w ith WPA funds. gavel plate to thee ham ber by H. d u rin g th e p a s t y ear. . . forces in Ethiopia acknow ledged by U ntn .he orchestra plays "Jingle Bells." Fun for all. Don't mis E. Staples of th e C redit Bureaus, th is week in circuit court: Oregon- . it. Prelim inary surveys have indicated Ralph Wilson of th e retail trades W ash.ngton Jo in t Stock L and bank 1 tdl»an governm ent, a very successful program in this committee Music by a S ix-P iere Modern O rchestra Christm as candy com- vs- Jam es H. Imbrie. dism issal: i A m erican Legion dem and for cash D -is c in , 9 I’. M. to 12 — P fr» t 3 ro u p lr« n d m ittrd i r r r — Adn ; «ion county, Anderson I Sc an d 35c This projiêct hâ's declared. the’^ c i a l back- m it‘ee reported collection of $100 Emil A Johnson vs. G. H. John- 7erti f i U t « ap r e d -°mp^nsa" ing of the Portland health depart- !n cash and 54 in candy The crowd. 5,on and G race Johnson, dism issa, j. prt ment, division of m ilk inspection he said' was larger Saturday than Rutn Huggins vs. Pacific G reyhound v „ r n er W M ain ___i d.'T T . v thir : - coum . y in n in u n s v yearsT n a rc A ppreciation wa« Line";, is m is s a » cm ci *Lid .»«iii, A nd erson'dV ciarV P re «v v io Li««3, d dismissal. ToVn^end “ « e^ D ^ sfo n ^ ro u n •V -'.TA Z««- - health authorities and doctors have expresesd to the Business and Pro- H Dam^ e„ su^ f° r <10.000 against J nd reg u lar V p u b lm a n o rg an z a- J ? ills b o n ® A .rg u s Christmas Seal Sale Finds Soon; Need More Funds LI i I hi Tossers Showing Promise l ax Totals Show Better Colleetions Funeral Moine Real Estate Burdened Credit Bureaus Our Yesterdays Farmers’ Cash Store I M erry ( Christmas U SED CARS R A D IO *1375 695 $21”5 Xmas Hints s3 9 ns 695 42 Damages Denied Mishap Victims Chocolates • s 335 Toilet Sets Men’s Sets B RISTO L Thomas S. Sholes COMPANY Palm Drug Store W. G. IDE County Sanitation Program Launched a DANCE Merry Christmas 5/ * ♦ + given full indorsement. Dairy organizations in particular are interested in the attem pt to improve „ n itm io n in the county and Anderson has received the names of 200 dairym en selling milk ln Portland. Visits are to be made to the homes of these dairym en w here suggestions w ill be made Sessional Women's club for sacking ‘£ e ’800 sacks ,°f candy. A vote of thanks was also extended H. C. V arner for serving as Santa Claus. b e x t meeting will be a dinner session Ja n u ary 13. Miss Rose H einrick of th e Im- perial Cafe and L. L. F airw eather were introduced as new m em bers ” ° * ard F- Hughes and M arjorie F ’republican organiza Wells Hughes of Hillsboro was filed ' „ a jo r d y ovt"r opptnenYs m ‘hls we«k ln circu it court by Roy aJor ■ ° opponents in £ ‘ M a i.e r^ T h l ^ ' President Roosevelt w ill ask fo r, 7 .0 ,1 ) ' M aller- The suit S5oo/x)o ooo public w orks fund for .¿Lth e outcome of an accident Ju ly n . , jsta j vear M ailerr w asekUled ” Wh‘CH LeSleF R epresentative Jam es Mott tells . u i u .u >500 at Townsend meeting in Sa- [r T accident took place w hen th e j h j ,.lo o t f (h M a s to m n rn v a m o n f, Hughes car and a tru ck driven bv „ . 7 ... 1 . I n t ‘nc. Ti I J m e n t s . ---------------------------- H a r r v M a i l e r n f R a n k . e n tiiH o H G roarty bill as revised and amend- If interested in th e movement T " T e. r '' M a“ er of Banks collided, d congress " to improve conditions at their 1 OO L a t e tO C l a S S l f y ,hrowin« the MaIler ‘r uck into a t a ln con*r ' December 18 tree, crushing the cab and pinning homes, the family may have the Sir Sam uel Hoare, British foreign necessary work done at govern­ 15-YEAR-OLD horse. 1400 pounds, Lester M ailer w ithin the cab, crush- secretary, resigns in face of sharp $20, or trade —A. V anD eM oortele., >n8 him. m ent expense by purchasing the criticism of the A nglo-French A fri­ m aterials which will cost not more 1 mile north of Union Oil tanks. 1 can peace plan, w hich he drew up Cornelius; Rt. 2. R. T. ALDRICH 41 than $15, it is estimated. w ith P rem ier Laval ol France. Rolland Thomas A ldrich Two crews have been employed , — died —- P. & S. freight train wreck by WPA to make such improve- WANT ,0 buy 5 to 10-acre tract, Tuesday. He was born at Hesper, at S. Lyle, results in fatal in ­ garage, Ohio, October n. 25. 1879. For . the past ju rie s for Wash., m ents as are asked. Of these crews i 6. rooms- & ----- chicken « house - .. -------- one, tw o injured. H arri- 18 years he had m ade his home one is w orking in the Hillsboro- fruit and nut trees.—C. W. ------- Extension of Oregon City su p er­ F orest Grove area and the other ! SA°,n’u C ° John D' Shaw - Vista Ave. w ith his sister, Mrs. M arietta Perry, highw ay to P ortland connection as­ 44p at Reedville. F uneral services will sured. from Beaverton and Tigard, tim e Aloha' be i.c.u held ». at iu Yoong’s Funeral Home being divided between the two m n « a t p ------- ----------Z------ i mc unS U. S. debt reaches $30.555,791. places. FOR S A I.E -M o d ern '6 -ro o m house,! F riday m orning at 10:30. G eneral Ju an V incente Gomez 1 acre walnuts, and fam ily fruit; 78, president of Venezuela and na- I basement, stationary tubs; $1500, T reated for Poison tion's dictator for more than 25 ! terms.—B ert Huntington. 44 Mrs. G race Cress of Laurclwood, years, dies. H r u r im - e d t I '■ ----------U I 45, widow, is in th e county hospi- New York reports largest C hrist- j 8 CHOICE R. I. R. laying pul- tal in a critical condition from mas trad e since 1930. « « 5 ™ « « , '7 7 7 7 , ^ - : L etters urging early completion N e w to n d h° USe S0Uth oi day- Dr G uy Via of Forest Grove H uge Turnips Grown on of Ihe Wolf creek highway were — ___________ 1___________________•» attending physician. She is l!ie ordered sent by the chamber of CYPHER 300-eea in c u b a to r f o r m other of tw o daughters, one IS, I Frank Hulsm an Farm com m erce M onday night to the sale, in good co n d itio n —G eorge who lives at hom e' and th e o,hcr Turnips weighing 11% pounds sta te highw ay commission and W. ! Hagen. Rt. 5. Hillsboro Phone 4R2 m arried. She operates a small farm and 10% pounds each without th r -------------- ' ‘ ' 1 In th e vicinity of Laurelwood. | tops, are being displayed by Frank » w w w The R a d io w it h . .. ' ■'h • ' T t; SATU RD AY $ Decem ber 21st Only F a c to ry A d v e rtisin g C am p aig n . G ive Y o u r P ro p e rty XMAS PRESENT to Santa Claus ItegurdleKS of rnnke or condi­ tion bring In your old dis­ carded or iin»atl»fnct»ry pen and only 98<- and se­ cure tlii>, ri-ally perfected •■V* VACUUM THE HEW 1936 ROYAL SODA WORKS Phone 2432 345 E. Main 81., Illllbsoro ALL SIZES CLAY A N D CONCRETE DRAIN TILE Hillsboro Concrete Brick SC Tile Co. Phone 1341 N orth of Cannery, across W. W ashington St. •/ « / Z Self-filling Sackless Fountain Pen PHILC O nly Philco give# you th e a u to m a tic E u llt ‘n f.o rlal T u n ;r g S y etem — new a n d am azin g in v e n tio n t h a t doubles th e foreign sta tio n s you ca n g et a n d e n jo y ! I t ’« exclu sive w ith Philco a n d ju e t one of th e m a n y w o rth -w h ile featu rea t h a t m ak e Philco th e le a d e rln to n e , p erfo rm an ce a n d value. Philco is th o W orld's L eading R a d io —a n d FIR ST CHOICE for C h ristm as! 43 modole to select from . Without an oíd peu price I» $5.90 Z IP ! ONE PULL— I t ’s Full and Leak proof » — e —. The Most NatUfactory I'cn f»r ncliool und ' O ffic e |J»e. Ideal ’ Xniaa Gifts. ' nmc c.n lv and select your p) n — 11 p p | y limited. k s i R p i i i i . i O 610F (Above» T un.'-in prog i urn* friun hom e nnd fibromi w ith (bis hnnd-untf* C onnole! F ine to n e Infetti fentnre« «n?in*fiiilsbeil cab in et. W ith llu ilt-in A erini Tuning. Syntem ..... M ay w e s u g g e st D ra in Tile,) a w arm , d ry b a sem e n t, sew-! e r system or w ell c u rb in g . Y ou’ll receiv e m an y years of g ra te fu l service f o r y o u r­ self. ! H oliday festiv itie s a re here . . . a n d s p a rk lin g , , , tangy b e v erag es a re as m u ch a p a r t o f th e holidays as O ld St. N ick. Use R oyal G in ger A le — Royal Lime Rickey A v a ila b le a t All D ealers J VALUABLE DISCOUNT W IT H YOUR OLD PEN / a A ROYAL Toast FRANCHISE FULLER DEALER 151 W est B aseline St. Phone 2691 th a t D o u b les a Early Completion Wolf Creek Asked Pool-Gardner Lumber Co. Kegnlnr «1.00 Pencil to Iln(| „ I.«' tube of extra lead FKKK with eneti pen. G|f{ boxes also free. 54 ’’’ P l l l l .i 'O Mill A -to u n d ln i; v;ilue yet every inch a Philco in finality, to n e mid p e rfo rm a n c e ! Got* Rtnndnrd program » an d som e police an d a m a te u r ata tio n a If purchased from us we see that v our pen gives UHI per cent, satisfaction. '2 2 ” “M f.I.V GUARANTEED FOR I.IFE ” TREE I NEW PHILCO RADIO ATLAS w ith Special M ap an d H istory of E thiopia TH E PALM DRUG STORE S elfrid g e Furniture C o. Phone 21X Hillsboro 13« 8. Third Ave. « e ...» . .. .........' , ~~ S5