The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 19, 1935, Page 10, Image 10

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    H IL L S B O R O
Page Four
| Wohlschlegel homes until after th e
i Christm as holidays.
Programs Set
Benefit Success
About seventy people attended
dinner sponsored by tin
Near Scholls W he om benefit
ans club at the L arkin home
M ethodist Episcopal Church
Church scbool 9:45 Mlss Kose
general superintendent; Mrs.
T w McDonald, prim ary supenn-
December 10. Mrs. C. W. Larkin tender»«. Divine worship. 11. sermon
Mrs. H. T. Hesse w ere in subjecti .-Thc L mortal Gift." Spe-
A n o th e r Case o f
S c arlet and
charge of the dinner, assisted by elal nlusie: Anlhem s. • w hat Mean
other club members Program con- Those Holv v o ic es.' Adams. "There
F e v e r H o lco m F a m ily
sisted of discussion on the A m en-1 Wcre shepherds. Ashfold Solo b\
(B y L . B. Deni m in )
Gift " C hristian Endeavor. 6.30 p.
m Interm ediate thigh school» and
young people A special Christm as
program of music by the choir,
7:45 p. nt. Mrs Florence Klam ien,
director, is in charge, assisted by
Miss Mildred James, pianist. All
are urged to bring a "W hite Gift"
something that our com mittee for
can home, and I h ristm as tre e w ith Miss D oris W eber. E p w o rth League, the needy may use th is w inter. Let
3,). ev en in g service. 7 30 Pageant, us show th e C h ristin as s p i r i t
SCHOLLS Scholls M. E. church gifts Mrs. C A. C arlso n and Mr-'.
will have a Christm as program ¡J ,4- .•e." c 111 ' verc the committee. "The Nativity " We welcome all throughout the whole year by car-
The club voted a paym ent tow ard | to join us in these Christm as serv- ing for our own local folk The
Sunday at 11 a. nt.
the new stove at the church a n d , ices of , hc coming Sunday Give singers are rem inded that the final
Sunday dinner party guests
also their annual scholarship loan Djacc ln Vour life at this Christ- rehearsal for the evening program
the Elmer Howard home were Mr pledge The club is sponsoring th mas season, for an expression of w ill follow the morning service un-
and Mrs. Will Eastwood and sons Red Cross roll call and Christina, your appreciation of the gift ofI til 12:30. Regular choir rehearsal.
and Alice and Lois Eastwood, all of seal sale in this community.
God of his Son to the w orld.—C. Mondays. 7:30-8:30 p. m. Midweek
Portland. Mr. and Mrs. J. A Rrit-
Mountainside school will hold a 1 M. Reed, m inister.
I service. Thursday. 7:30 p. m. A wel-
tian and family, Mr and Mrs. Vern Christmas program Fridav evening
cotue to any and all services.—R.
Sm ith and Mr. and Mrs. J. West-
Mrs. Waldo Flint and infant son
All Saints Church (Episcopal)
L. Putnam , pastor.
I Byron Waldo retu rn ed from th e
Sunday before Christmas: Church
.Tack Russell spent last week at Wilcox Memorial hospital Wednes- school, 9:45: m orning prayer, with
Bethany Baptist Church
I day to their home at the A. B. choral service and Christm as ser- , C hurch school, 9:45 a m.; morn-
Mr. and Mrs. George Lewellin Flint farm.
mon at 11. Organ prelude. "Gesu ing service. "Christm as Sermon,"
visited Mrs. A urora Pixlay in
.Bam bino" by Yon
P ro cessio n al, u o'clock B. Y P. U„ 7:15. p. m ,
Portland Sunday.
I hymn. "H ark the Herald Angels ■ preceded bv 15 m inutes of in ten ­
Mrs. G. Lam bertson and daugh­
d in g " by Mendelssohn. H v m n . ' sive Bible study conducted by the
te r K atherine Lam bertson of P ort­
"Sing O Sing, This Blessed Morn pastor. Church service, “A P rayer
land, D. Carloff of Portland and
b y Hopkins. Offertory anthem . of Surrender. 8 p. m. Tuesday. 7:30
William W ilder of Hawaii visited
"When Christ Was Born of Mary, p m Christm as program bv church
at the Ferd G roner home Sunday.
( B y Mrs. Jo h n M D avidson)
Brown, by choir under direction of schoo|. Wednesday. 8 p. in.. mid-
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Halverson
HELVETIA—Sunshine club meet- Mrs.
of Farm ington visited the F. M ing was held a w eek earlier than ' hymn Ruth Gardner. Recessional week service and Bible study. "The
........... Clear"
"It Came
Upon Miss
the Evan-
Mid- ¿r
L a o d ic e a n C h u r c h
T heo
\ 1 ee­
Lillegard home Sunday.
usual this month to arrange to night
bv Willis.
Ruby Rebekah lodge will meet give its ever increasing benefi- geline Fuller, organist. C hildren of
December 26 instead of December ciaries Christm as cheer. A C hrist- the church school w ill have their
Beaverton Church of Christ
Mrs. Minnie Erdm an and daugh- known friends was a feature. Th? p. m., w ith the Rev. R. T. Hicks in
______ Sunday
_______ _ evening.
, , 7:30.
„ ■
ter Esther and son William of Port- hostess. Mrs Victor Christensen charge. "C hristm as Around t h e I Christm as p ag e an t w ith Mrs. Rob-
land visited relatives here during assisted by Mrs Waldorf. Mrs. Sol- World " a carol service will be told ert Johnston and Mrs Rub>' Jo h n -
the week-end.
. b J e berger
r g e r and Mrs. Hill, served a I £ "m iz an d storv T h e n u b l k i s son ln charge, will be given follow-
in song and storv. The public is „ “
Mr. and Mrs. Chantson Coe of
m o o « .-„¡„„e
in« the young peoples m eeting at
Portland called at the H. T. Hesse Mrs. Joe Baker at M ountaindale | view the creche in th e children's 6:30, also special program by the
children will be given during the
home Sunday and th eir daughter January 15.
. corner of the chapel.
Bible school hours following the
Gloria, who spent the week-end
Union Dance Tonight
at the Hesse home, returned with
A Farm ers' Union dance will be First Church of Christ (Scientist) class assembly at 9:45 a. m. Com-
held at North Plains K. P. hall to -' Services are held every Sunday m unicn service at 11 a. ni. will be
Has Scarlet Fever
night (Thursday),
at jj a m . W ednesday evening followed by a C hristm u m enage
Charles Holcom is the third mem­
Mrs. Carl Hershey and family of services at 8 o'clock; Sunday school by the pastor. Midweek service ev ­
ber of the Ed Holcom fam ily to Cathlamet, Wash., are visiting at at 11 a. m. Pupils up to the age ery W ednesday at 7:30 p. m. We
become ill w ith scarlet fever.
the home of Mr. and Mrs. David of 20 years are welcomed. Free cordially invite everyone to these
Mrs. Rose Jackson and sons John Hershey.
| reading room open on W ednesdays assemblies.—M. Putm an, minister.
and Joe left December 6 for Mus-
Ladies' Aid met w ith Mrs. Arnold and Saturdays from 2 u n til 4 p. m
kegon. Mich., to visit relatives there Berger Next meeting will be with Sunday's topic. "Is the Universe,
Foursquare Church
and jn ^ Illinois. ^They w ill retu rn Mrs. John Berger at Bethany Jan- Including Man, Evolved by Atomic
Spirit of Christm as w ill predom ­
_ about x Jan
t u ary . 15
uary 8.
inate in all services this coming
Mrs. Fred G raff and daughter
w eek-end. The church will be a t­
B irthday Celebrated
Diana of P ortland spent several
tractively decorated in Christm as
Mrs. M att Mercep entertained
M. E. Church (Bethany)
days during the w eek-end w ith her Saturday w ith a birthday party
On G erm antow n road. Sunday garlands of evergreen and poin-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Larkin. for her daughter. Annie, who was school every Sunday, 10 a m.; G er­ settas. Christm as music will be re n ­
Mr. Graff
. came Sunday and with . twelve. Present w ere Anna. Mary man service, 11 a. m„ first a n d dered at both m orning and evening
them visited at th e victor Wen- and Amelia Vrlicak. Lillie Youngen. third Sundays; English service. 11 services but particularly in the eve­
fourth Sundays. ning service, com mencing at 7:30.
strom home
Irene and Doris Ritter, Betty and a. m., second and
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Murray’. Mrs. Jean Yungen. Theresa Bishop. Mary —E- Ju liu s Traglio, pastor.
tf The choir, soloists, ladies' trio, as
Lucile Flint and Mrs. Ada Hanson and Joe Mercep, th e honor guest :
—• ' —
1 w ell as the children will combine
attended th e Rebekah convention and hostess
Banks M. E. Church
to m ake it a beautiful Christm as
and lodge m eetings in Sherwood
Boy Scouts enjoyed ath letic: Sunday school every Sunday, 9:45 service at 11. Monday evening at
games F riday night. Saturday the ?• m" Mr*- Fred Wolford, super- 7:30 the Sunday school will present
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Leist of Oak- scoutmaster. Joseph Wenzel, was at intendent. Preaching services by ¡ts annual Christm as pageant, the
land, Cal., Mr. and Mrs. H arry the scout headquarters in Portland 'E llsw o rth Tilton, pastor, every Sun- subject of which will be, this vear.
C rater of Newberg. Scotty Chur-
The dances at H elvetia hall arc day evening at 8 o'clock. Ladies' "The Star-L ighted Path". In' ad-
ley of near Beaverton and M elburn very popular if one judges by the Ald meets ilrst and th ird Wednes- dition to the pageant a huge Christ
tf mas tree, well loaded w ith gifts
Ziegler of M ountain Top visited crowd that attended last Saturday days at 2 p. m.
at the C arl Wohlschlegel home night. On New Y ear's eve there
w ill be unburdened and its many
will be an(j oid tjme dance.
Tualatin Plains P resbyterian Church gifts distributed so that all who at-
(Four miles north of Hillsboro)
tend, both young and old, will
Miss Viva McCann spent the
Alice Lawson and Jean Wood of
A special Christm as program will share of its good things. There will
w eek-end visiting M ary Baird in P ortland visited the Simon Hershev
home Sunday. Miss Lawson taught be given next Sunday m orning at ; be no service on Christm as Eve.
Mrs. C. K. H ubbard and tw o chil- at Mason Hill school several term s 11 o'clock by the Sunday school. 1 but Friday the w eeklv meeting will
dren of Sunnycrest spent Sunday
Joseph Wenzel and Jim Davidson In the evening, the C hristian Er.- be at 7:45 as usual. This Saturday
at the J. S. Herd home. Miss Wil­ w ere visiting John F. Davidson at deavor gives a Christm as play, at 8 p. m. Christm as carols will be
ma H erd left Sunday for an ex ­ the Good Sam aritan hospital S at­ "The Prince of Peace
The Wo- sung on the street at Second and
tended visit w ith her sister, Mrs. urday. He is in a cast from the m an's Missionary society meets Main. You will find a warm wei-
E. C. Goodman, of Prosser, Wash. arm s down to his foot.
| w ith the Misses Tolke today (Thurs- . come and enjoy a blessing at these
Mike McCann has resum ed work
day). Mrs. Helen Clark Young, a : services. The Foursquare Gospel
on his house, which was started
missionary from Persia, will be the 1 church extends its heartiest season's
some tim e ago.
| guest speaker.—Rev. A. C arrick. 1 greetings to the residents of Hills-
A rthur Hitchcock of K lam ath
boro and com munity.—Guy P. Duf-1
Falls came M onday for a visit w ith
field, Jr., pastor.
The Congregational Church
C hurch school, 10 a. m., R ich­
Mrs. Clifford T rask and daughter
(By Mrs. F. Pexoldt)
Whosoever Will Church
Jean spent th e w eek w ith her
ROCK CREEK—Christm as pro­ ard Wiley, superintendent; C h rist­
(Above North Plains)
mother. Mrs. M ary Hill, of Stayton. gram at the Methodist church w ill mas musical service and sermon, 11
Sunday school, 10 a. m.. sermon
a. m. Music program: Processional by pastQr at
Jess Snyder of th e Scholls Tile be held Monday evening and the “•
consecratlon serv.
Co. made a business trip to Salem prografh at the Rock Creek school
. Ha r f ' l£ e He5 a d
s ice. 3 p. m.; evangelistic service. 8
will be held Friday afternoon. Sun- ? ln ^- Mendelssohn: anthem , "T here p. m. W eek-night 6 meetings
include ,
C. K irkpatrick returned from a day school Christm as program of W ere Shepherds,” Vincent; anthem . evangelistic service Tuesday, 3 ,
week at Oakland, Cal., December the Reformed church will be held "Sing, O Heavens." Tours: solo. o'clock; Thursday. 8 p. m . at Shady 1
11, w here he attended the funeral jointly w ith the H elvetia Sunday P?11?
obR8ato- "O H o l y Brook church; Friday, 7:30, young ,
of his uncle, Edw ard Norton, who school in H elvetia Tuesday eve­ Night,” Adams, sung by Mrs. Bos- people's night, an interesting study |
cow. Fam ily Christm as program for all. A Christm as pageant, "The :
d itd December 4.
V erny Edw ard of M ultnomah
Mr. and Mrs. H artm an Stauss of w ith Christm as tree, 6:30 p. m.—T. Perfect Gift,” will be given Mon- j
spent three days last w eek with Shady Brook visited his mother, A rth u r Dungan, acting m inister.
day evening.—Melvin E. James, I
his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Mrs. A. Stauss, Sunday.
Kingston, and family.
C hristian Church
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Leu and fam ­
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. S tretcher and ily visited Sunday at the Andrew
Next Lord's Day is denom inated
Pilgrim House
sons Tom, P hilip and Joseph visit­ Leu home in Bethany.
"Christm as" Sunday in the C hris­
Friday: Ember day, with special
ed at th e Bill Edw ards home at
tian world. Every activity of the prayers for the church universal
Move to Hebo
Sherwood Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. E dw ard Grossen day will be in com m em oration of
Jacktow n Program Friday
and son B ernard of West Union, th e Christ's b irth and its signifi­
to the
A program and
Jacktow n school is giving a who have traded th e ir farm , m o v -, cance
, world.
C hristm as program at 2 p. m. F ri­ ed to Hebo Monday and Mr. W hite Playlet under the direction of Mrs.
moved to th e form er Grossen farm H. H. S tannard will be given d u r­
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd M urray were the same day.
ing the church school hour from
in Silverton Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan B adertscher 9:45 to 10:45 a. m. The en tire church
Mr. and Mrs. Venus Bunnell of and daughter of Hillsboro visited school offering is f o r N ational
L aurel have moved to the Odd Fel­ at the Mike W aeffler home S u n ­ Benevolence, w hich comprises two
low building, and w ill open a day.
old people's homes in the northw est
Ruth. Ina and Ruben Stauss have . area. Christrfias service, 10:45-11:45.
Lyle P otter spent the w eek-end been absent from school for a few Special music and sermon by pas­
at Mills City, visiting his parents, weeks on account of illness.
tor. Sermon, “God's U nspeakable 1
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Potter.
Mr. and Mrs. C hrist Reichen vis-1
Form er Resident . Dies ,
Red Mr. and Mrs. Edw ard Grossen
Miles H. ZW 1 George.
30, form erly of at * z West < Union
Saturday evening.
- r4 I C TV I O
Az-a t
I Zz-.»-4 I z , zJ T >z - z « z * -
■ z
this place, died in P ortland Decem­
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Dappen and
ber 11. He was the son of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Edw ard Pezoldt of
Lily George and a brother of L u­ Portland visited at the Frank Pez­
cille and Earl George and Mrs. oldt home Sunday. Edw ard Pezoldt
Marie Savage, all of Portland. Fun- __
Jr., ______
of Portland, _ is now
era! services were held Saturday at employed in Cleveland, Ohio.
i lnmy s chapel and interm ent was ,
in M ountainside cem etery at Scholls.
Miles came here as a small boy
W i l V L /O W f l E lilS t
w ith his parents from Kansas, the
fam ily moving to Portland after
th e death of his father several
‘J V E C C I1
years ago.
"Way Down East," a dram a
Visitors at the J. E. Bennett which has had an undisputed hold
In 1 " c o ld " H a r t
hom e Sunday w ere Mr. and Mrs. on America's heart for more than
N. B. Welsh and children of Blue half a century, will be on the Vene-
Super-Shell can save
Lake P ark and Mr. and Mrs. Stan- tian screen tonight. F riday and
E very savings certifi­
up to a cupful of
ley B ennett of Portland. Mrs. J. E Saturday.
cate is insured up to
B ennett is laid up for several
This story is a simple story of
weeks w ith an injured back, re- simple people. But its heroine is a
In 10 m in. hill clim b
$5,090.00 under the
ceived w hen she fell recently.
symbol, a woman betrayed, pun-
Super-Shell can save
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. G otter gave ¡shed and struggling for her right
a dinner party Sunday for Mr. and to be happy and love again.
up lo another cupful
Mrs. Venus Bunnell and three i
of gasoline.
daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Burke Tied for Second
In 1 h r. o f ite a d y running
D elbert B urke of Hillsboro was I
Mrs. C arl Sciffert, H erbert and tied for second place in an inter-
Super-Shell can save
Carleen Seiffert. Glenn Lytsell and | sectional extem poraneous speaking
up to another cup­
Ray Starch visited her daughter, contest at Oregon S tate college in
Savings of $1.00 ac­
ful of gasoline.
Mrs. Della Anderson, at Skainokawa Corvalli December 11 in com peti-
tion with eight other speakers, who
c e p te d o r la r g e r
These three big savings mean
Mr. and Mrs. F ritz Leist of were chosen as finalists in the
amounts to suit your
more mileage from every lankful!
O akland, Cal., are visiting nt the contest held each term .
Helvetia Group
Aiding the Needy
H IL L S B O R O ,
Thursday, December 19, 1935
If you chungo your uddresa kind­
president, und Veldu Kraus, secre­
and the clergy. Saturday: Ember
ly notify the Argus direct nnd ut
day, commemoration of St. Thom ­
Hillsboro Cooking club No. 3: once.
as, the doubting apostle; F orefath­
Mrs Rene Meltebeke. leader, Ja c ­
ers' day, com mem orating landing of
queline Walters, president; Lucille
Pilgrim Fathers in 1621. No pub­
O rganization of 4-H clubs us re ­ Walters, viee-presidQit, und Phyllis
lic services on either Friday or
Johnston, secretary.
Saturday. Chapel open for m edi­
tation and prayer. Sunday: Chapel School S uperintendent O. It Kraus
Mountaindule Camp Cooking:
service of worship, 10:30 a. m L it­
Gladys L. Bailey, leader; Shirley
urgy for fourth Sunday in Advent
Carlson, president; Helen Holcom.
Quartet will sing. "The First Noel " clude the following:
vice-president, and Lois McCool,
Solo, "Angels We Have Heard on
High " Fourth in series of sermons Scott, Raleigh, leader; M yrtle Stark,
on "Light in the Darkness," on president; M arjorie Junor, vice-
Let the advertisem ents help you
subject, "The Pilgrim Torch;" cele­ president, and A nita Widing, sec­ nuike your shopping plana.
brating the 315th anniversary of retary.
the landing of the Mayflower P il­
Bend Busy Bees, cooking: M iss,
grims at Plym outh Rock. Monday: 1 Frances Post, leader; Bertha Bag- I
Commemoration of m artyrdom of 1 genstos. president; Eranees Gohl- ,
Henry Ainsworth, Pilgrim Father son, vice-president, a n d Beulah
Tuesday. December 24: Christm as Peterson, secretary.
Eve Midnight musical festival, at
Farm ington cooking club: Mrs. .
th e Venetian theater, in conjunc­ John
Constipation A Other
Kanina, leader; Elsie Hagen,
tion w ith clubs of Hillsboro Chris­ president;
Rectal Troubles
H enrietta Dalby, vice- '
fuccMM/u//p (f/4f»<f
tian Council. 11:30 p. nt. Topic,
without h ü i p i n l / i i t l i f i
"The Light of the World." After services at 10 a.
Quick, Perm anent Resulta
the midnight service, young people dlally welcomed in. You are Cor­
"llinklzv Lifetime Naw Matluxla*
to worship with
will carol through Hillsboro streets. us.
ST i u « fttr >‘ re«i H u n k l r i —
Wednesday: Eeast of the N ativity
T h e H IN K L E Y C linic
N iw ria l A o m m ttt-M laiin n s fu r ( H it o f to w n P altaalta
of Our Blessed Lord. Chapel open
Argus classified ads get results.
• Here is the modarn electric
all day, for m editation and prayer,
alarm clock. It is sell starting:
and visits to the Manger. The chap­
never stops. *1 lie numerals anil
el will rem ain open until Twelfth
the hands are luminous against
Night (January 6) for visiting the
a black background. T h e price
Manger Christm as music will be
of this model is.......... $ 5 . 9 5
reepa'.ed December 29.
The Memorial you erect toduy you
Also available in same style, but
offer us a testim onial of your devotion
n u ry background and gold trim ­
Baptist Church
to some departed life It serves ns a
mings, $ 6 .4 0 . May be purchased
symbol of that life and as a tribute to
R?> M S. Woodworth will speak
on easy terms. Dozens o f o th er
its worth. Occasionally it Is dedicated
at tiie church Sunday morning
attractive models front w hich to
to more thnn a single person, to a fam ­
Christm as program will be held at
choose. Ciive electric clocks—
ily perhaps, but always it Is erected us
7:30 p. m. Sunday.
always appreciated!
a m ark of affection.
T rinity L utheran Church
Services Sunday at 10:30 a. in.;
Sunday school at 9:45; KEX at 1:45
1‘hone 121
Hillsboro, Oregon PCPC
p. m.; Christm as Eve children's |
service at 8 p. m.; Christm as Day
Organization 4-H
Groups Announced
Luminous Alarm
Not for Today Alone - - -
Sign Up
Solve the
"Family Gift Problem”
Programs Planned
for Rock Creek
We O ffer You a C A SH
Market for Your TURKEYS!
act us bid on your turkeys . . . you are assured thi
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Oregon Savinar Produce Co.
438 S. W. F ront,
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Portland, Oregon
No m a tte r w hat size your tu rk ey flock we pay
cash! O ur trem endous poultry busine-s *0 the East,
our d istrib u tin g outlet in Los Angeles, our huge
local H otel and M arket trade gives us every op­
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Sen? o u r Local R epresentative . . . or ship direct to us.
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We Wish You All
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J. M. PERSON, Mgr.
Savings & Loan Bldg.
with a Year’s Subscription
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Subscriptions to this newspaper make a gift of un­
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Y ear Subscription
W ashington County
$ jl .50
commodity not obtainable elsewhere—NEWS.
The Argus has features appealing to Mother, to
Dad, and to the children. As a gift it is welcomed by
out-of-town members of the family, relatives a n d
W ashington
County and in the
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United States
$2 1.00year
Payable in advance.
And, if you want to be practical, subscription rates
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Busch's Super Service
Hillsboro Motor Co.
Coslelt's Super Service
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Rock Creek Service Station
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With Which 1« Combined The Ifillnborn Independent
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