The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 12, 1935, Page 8, Image 8

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    Orenco Roll
T Tonor Given
-a F v jirfu re » A r m ;
P .-T . A . M ee ts T o d a y
Hugh Burdette
ORENCO—Honor roll for the past
six weeks is as follows: receiving
ones and twos, Grace Karns, Verna
Losli. Billy Ensley. Nancy Pitman,
Daniel Bella, Lorene Seheidt. Sam ­
my Csergie, Robert Duncan, A r­
th u r Anderson, and Mary Lu M ad­
Miss Maria McKinnis and Miss
Lucile McGee are working on the
Christm as program to be given by
the grade school children. The old­
er children are preparing an angel
chorus and the prim ary children
are going to represent "M other
Goose" characters.
Christmas will be observed at
the community church by two serv­
ices December 22. Christm as serm ­
on and music. December 23, the
Sunday school will have its annual
program, tree and treat.
Mrs. Fred Leary of Portland vis­
ited Mrs. B. A. M itchell Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. A Lindgren of
Forest Grove visited friends S un­
Arm F ractured
Last Wednesday Andrew Csergie,
w hile playing during the noon hour,
slipped and fell, breaking his arm
at the elbow. He was taken to
Hillsboro and rem ained in the
Jones hospital until Thursday.
Mrs. Otto Hage and son Ernest of
Portland visited here Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Merle Person and
baby of Hillsboro visited at the
George Person home Friday eve­
Mrs. Charles Strong and children
of Walla Walla. Wash., are visiting
her mother and sister, Mrs. Hoptcn
and Mrs Sam Rich, and family,
w hile Mr. Strong is attending a
salesman's convention in Los An­
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ireton and
baby of Portland visited Mrs. Ire ­
ton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J
Meihoff. and family Sunday.
Mrs. Calvin Gross and infant son
Harlan Neil w ere brought home
from the Jones .hospital Friday eve­
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley C urrington
of Banks visited friends here S at­
urday afternoon.
Christmas bazaar held in the
church basement Friday night was
well attended and proved a suc­
cess financially.
Mrs. K enneth Dawson of Yakima.
Wash . is visiting her parents. Mr.
and Mrs. O. F. Anderson, and fam ­
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Goodman
h-'v» returned from near Bonne­
ville w here he has been employed,
and have moved into the house re ­
cently vacated by the F rank Price
Mrs Agnes Bryant of Portland
and Mrs. W. F H unter were dinner
party guests at the Martin Bernards
home Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. George D. G arratt
and Billy of Portland visited Mrs.
S. I e arlyle and Mrs. Mary Beach
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ring en­
tertained the following guests S un­
day: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Holmes
and Miss Edna McMillian of D al­
las, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Blankey,
Henry Stump and Mrs. Marv Borve
of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. H ar­
ry Wright of Reedville.
Miss ArJine Bernards was absent
from school several days last week
due to illness.
The Friendly Circle will meet in
th e church parlor November 18,
w ith Mrs. Lee Randall as hostess.
P. T. A. to Meet
Local Parent-Teacher association
will meet in the school house this
afternoon iThursday). The topics
are “Home Recreation.” by Mrs.
Frank Warren and "History an Aid
in Modern Living” by Mr. Scraf-
ford. Hostesses are Mrs. George
Goodman and Mrs. Austin Scraf-
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Allen of Bux­
ton visited their daughter, Mrs. Lee
Randall, and family Sunday.
Mrs. Frank W arren and children
Leona, Viola. Dorothy, Frank and
W alter visited at the B. Campbell
home in Forest Grove Sunday.
Highlights in
Week's News
December 6
Senator George Norris of N eb­
raska pledges support to President
Roosevelt, but announces that he
will not seek renom ination.
Em peror Hailie Selassie escapes
injury as palace bombed by Italians.
President Roosevelt declares that
no w ar best plan for U. S. peace.
John W. Davis, one-tim e dem o­
cratic nominee for president, in
brief filed w ith suprem e court,
says new deal farm program "fraud
on rights of taxpayers."
G overnor Charles H. M a r t i n
charges state backw ard and needs
younger men in public affairs and
that state tossed off a cool million
by refusing to accept governor's
more elaborate capitol plans.
December 7
Ellis H. P arker, Burlington. N.
J., detective, expresses belief in
innocence of Bruno Richard Haupt-
Homer Angell. M ultnom ah rep ­
resentative, hails tax law change
and says it will quicken collections.
Industry openly strikes at new
Italy's prem ier. Mussolini, defies
nations and sees trouble if em ­
bargo placed on oil.
Farm er-Labor association, m eet­
ing in Portland, opposes com pul­
sory student activity fees.
December 8
St. M ary's wins from U niversity
of Oregon, 18 to 0.
A merican A m ateur A thletic Union
votes to enter 1936 Olympic games
in Germany. Boycott move defeated
after hot session.
G eneral Hugh S. Johnson, ex-N.
R. A. chief, visiting in Portland,
says nation all right and "not going
to hell.”
At least tw o lives lost and 30
reported missing in Texas flood.
Allocated to Oregon is $334,730
for its share of a series of nation­
wide projects for educational, pro­
fessional and clerical persons.
A griculture and forest products
are sacrificed in t h e Canadian
treaty, says George Peek, foreign
trade adviser to P resident Roose­
December 9
State board of higher education
takes stand that a reasonable, u n i­
form student fee constitutes a fair,
dem ocratic and economical method
of supporting student activities.
President Roosevelt cheered by
American farm bureau federation
at national meeting in Chicago as
he lauds new deal's agricultural
program. This was followed by
pledges of support for Roosevelt
farm policies from th e organiza­
tion's president.
At South Bend, Ind., President
Roosevelt points to Am erica's tra ­
ditional religious liberty as a guide
for all nations.
Japan turns down United States'
proposal to lim it navies. Little hope
seen for success of naval confer­
New Jersey suprem e court r e ­
fuses to review conviction of Bruno
Richard H auptm an for kidnap-m ur-
der of tiny Charles Augustus L ind­
Decem ber 10
Secretary of A griculture Wallace
says redistribution of income in U.
S. necessity.
Philippine Clipper seaplane lands
at Pearl H arbor from Alameda,
Cal., w ith second load of tra n s­
pacific mail.
Business called upon by labor
to co-operate in cutting unem ploy­
ment. Wide variety of organized
labor groups throw support to con­
troverted adm inistration effort to
create new industrial council.
W alter Liggett, m ilitant M inne­
apolis publisher, m urdered.
William Randolph H earst believes
G overnor Alf Landon of Kansas
“the one m an” on whom opponents
of the new dela can unite w ith
hope of victory in 1936.
Jim m y Foxx traded by P hiladel­
phia Athletics to Boston Red Sox,
and A1 Simmons bought by Detroit
Tigers from Chicago W hite Sox.
December 11
Small purchase of silver by United
States treasury saves world m arket
from further collapse. S ilver peg­
ged at 61 cents per ounce.
Townsend plan leaders take poll
of congressmen to see how they
stand on the plan.
Strong southerly gales expected
Local Sea Scouts
H a g g H erd at Reedville H as
Open House Hosts
Two Best Cows for Novem ber An open house of the Sea Scout
Ship Rainbow of Hillsboro will be
held tonight (Thursday) at t h e
Congregational church at 7:30 At
that tim e ull parents of mem bers
and prospective members, mem bers
of the district committee, and « o u t ­
ers, and the interested public are
asked to attend.
R. L. Burnett, skipper of the
The following are the records of cows producing more than 70 pounds ' Regional Flagship C o lu m b ia o f
Portland, will be in charge of the
fat during the m onth of November, 1935.
F a i 1 meeting He is acting as skipper of
M ilk
A xe
O w ner of Cow
Nam e of Cow
79 0 the Rainbow for the next two
.......................G. J.
David Hagg & Sons—Judy 4
74.7 months in order to build up the
G. J.
David Hagg & Sons—Ash 3
74.6 L local ship to a point w here it will
p. b a
J W. Mulloy May
P b . j .
74.5 1 com pare favorably w ith any in the
Mrs. Robertson & Son—Ju n e
P. B. h .
74 0 council. With Mr. B urnett will be
A rth u r Connell—Bonnetrix
1 382
72.1 , 20 Sea Scouts from the Columbia.
Mrs. I. V anderzanden—Holstein
G. B. S.
Chris Reichen—Swiss
D em onstrations of ships' cere­
70.4 monies, drills, and a first aid con­
O. J.
David Hagg & Sons—Peggy 2
Class A—M ature Cows Making Over 60 Pound Fat
test will be on the program W ork­
B r« * l
M ilk
Fa t '
O w ner o f Cow
N am e of Cow
w ith the Hillsboro Sea Scouts
74.7 ing
G. J.
David Hagg & Sons—Ash 3
meeting will be held with
74 6 a the routine
P. B G.
J. W. Mulloy—May
learning and singing of Sea
P. B. J.
74.5 chanfeys.
Mrs, Robertson & Son—Ju n e
G. H.
Mrs. I. V anderzanden—Holstein
O ver 25 parents of the Portland
70.5 Sea Scouts will also attend. They
G B. S.
Chris Reichen—Swiss
70.4 sponsor the ship and are anxious
G. J.
David Hagg & Sons -Peggy 2
63 1 to meet Hillsboro parents and point
G. G.
Ju liu s C hristensen—No. 15
P. B. J.
62.4 out how they can help build a
C. B. B uchanan—Doreen
) strong organization w ith adequate
Class B— t-year-olds i Making 45 ro u n d s Fat
M ilk
O w ner of Cow
N am e of Cow
62.8 leadership and members.
P. B. J
Mrs. Tom W illiams—Dian 2
G. J.
E. E. B urkhalter—No. 46
Ju liu s Christensen—Bubbles
54 8
P. B J
Mrs. Edith S tew art—No. 9
53 1
P. B J.
C. H. Bamford—Ruby
G. J.
David Hagg & Sons—P. M. 3
P. B. H
A rthur Connell—Aggie
Ten members of the Rock Creek
P. B H.
Fred Jossy—No. 11
dairy, poultry and crops clubs were
Class C—3-year-olds Making Over 40 Pounds Fat
F a t ! aw arded achievem ent pins at the
M ilk
Ow ner of Cow
N am e of Cow
64.3 annual achievem ent meeting held
G. J.
David Hagg & Sons—Spot 2
P. B. J,
63 8 in the home of H arry Hansen at
C. H. Bam ford—Marie
600 Bethany December 3. according to
G. J.
Andrew V anderzanden—Shorty
59.0 L. E. Francis, assistant county agent.
P. B H
A. P. Ireland—No. 225191
503 Dairy club, led by Fred Jossy, and
G. J.
Richard Hagg—Sally 14
45.9 poultry club, led by Jo h n Hansen,
G. J.
Ju liu s Christensen—No. 51
43.4 com pleted w ork 100 per cent and
G. G
A lbert G reener—No. 17
w ere aw arded certlf i c a te s o f
Class D—Cows 2 Years Old Making 35 Pounds Fat
Fat achievement.
M ilk
O w ner of Cow
Nam e o f Cow
Following the achievem ent pro­
G. J.
David Hagg & Sons—Imleh 18
55.1 gram the dairy club was organized
David Hagg—Im leh 20
48.8 for th e coming year with Henry
G. J.
John Cordes—Ramsy
48 5 Dickman, president: Jack Baumann,
P. B. J
Mrs. Tom W illiams—Dian 3
46 6 vice-president, and John Hansen,
G. J.
David Hagg & Sons—Judy 5
44 6 secretary. Fred Jossy was re-elected
G. J.
David Hagg & Sons—Pinky 4
Moving pictures w e r e
43 5 leader.
G. J
David Hagg & Sons—Toots 6
42.0 shown.
P B. J.
C. H. Bam ford—Ju d y
Club mem bers receiving aw ards
to rak e Pacific coast tonight.
w ere John Hansen. A lbert Grossen
Jim Davidson, seventh year
D irector F echner reports plans
certificates: Irene Hansen and H en­
for closing 389 Civilian Conserva­
ry Dickman, third year certificates:
tion Corps cam p by Ja n u ary 1.
Dick Jossy and P aul Dickman, sec­
Clubhouse of the M ultnom ah golf ond y ear certificates; Jack B au­
A lbert Meyer, "defender of the
Swiss franc,” elected president of club, in the east end of th e coun­ mann. Elmer Grossen and Donald
Sw itzerland.
ty near Canyon road, w ill become [ Meier, first year pins.
Motor shares leaders in stock a new Berg’s C halet as th e result
m arket recovery.
of a lease consum m ated last week.
Ethiopia rejects British - French The lease w as granted to Mrs. A.
peace proposal because of area H Berg.
T he clubhouse w ill be rem odeled
A m erican Farm Bureau F ed era­ and refurnished at a cost of be­
Residents of W ashington county
tion in annual convention in C hica­ tw een $8.000 and $10,000. The p res­ w ishing
to extend th eir education
go unanim ously indorses resolu­ en t locker room w ill be converted along various
lines will again be
tion favoring the AAA and b last­ into a huge dining room and dance given a chance to attend free class­
ing critics.
hall, w hich will be available for es this w inter, according to present
Press poll of congress indicates large events. The lounge w ill be plans of the state educational d e­
cash paym ent of veterans' bonus used as a dining room and ballroom partm ent w orking through WPA.
next year.
O. B. Kraus, superintendent of
schools announced Monday.
S tate grange on record as oppos­
ing sales tax for old age pensions,
Subscribe now to the Argus. In , An attem pt is being m ade to
the Septem ber prim ary and com­ W ashington county $150 a year. ' have teachers assigned by next
pulsory fees for higher education Six m onths 85c. T hree m onths 50 i w eek so that classes may be o rgan­
cents. Two m onths 35 cents.
tf ' ized before Christm as. K raus said
(Continued from page H
d u rin g an average of 703 pounds of
m ilk and 44.95 of fat.
There w etv 27 herds on test with
621 cows enrolled of which 89 were
dry. Total milk production was
378.286 pounds w ith 17.505.1 pounds
of fat. Of the total num ber of cows.
126 produced in the 40-pound class.
Seven cows w ere d e t e c t e d a s
boarders and sold as beef, w hile
tw o cows w ere sold for dairy p u r­
poses. Mrs. I. V anderzanden of For­
est Grove began testing w ith 12
grade Jerseys, according to Ja k e
Lohrenz, tester.
Rock Creek Clubs
Receive Awards
Golf Club House
to be Converted
Organize Classes
for New Program
About nine teachers wilt be em ­
ployed, ull tukeu. fryin Washington
Locution of classes has not yet
been designated. However, classes
will be organized in A m ericani­
1 zation,
dram atics, music, first aid
spinning and weaving. Additions
may be made later, th o u g h present
plans do not contem plate un ex ten ­
sive program.
Putnam to Discuss
the McGroarty Bill
Didn’t Ge
Washer in Time
his wife He pleaded guilty
l' l ' ’
euit court Wedilesduy afternoon
uiid wus sentenced to three months
in the county Jull.
"T h e gasoline m otor I advertised
Il 11 Layman charged with driv ­
In the A rgu s sold so fust
ing w hile drunk, pleaded guilty lie- I recently
hut I hadn't even had Him- to g, i
fore Judge Peters Wednesday aft an
le ctric one to re p la n - II.
ernoon mid was sentenced to 01) I ball e Io
dust o ff the wash board to
days in jail und fined $100
the week's wash," W rites Mrs
Following orders were filed In do
B u n n e ll o f L a u re l "Next
circuit court tills week: A. J. H ic it e Venus
e I 'l l play safe und get the new
and Eugene Riche vs. F. K Lyons, tim
adm inistrator estate of Abel W il­ one before 1 a d vertise the old in
liam Lyons, summons; I* A York the A rg u s "
C lassified colum ns o f the Argus
and Bernice M York vs Mural A
LaFollett: John Heinrich, guardian pro vid e the great m a rke t place of
estate of Irene Heinrich vs F M W ashington county The cost i,
Keim und Clara Keim, dismissal. sm all, hut the results are great
Credit Bureaus, Ine., vs Jam es
Lane, order to appear in court
Say you saw It In th a Argus.
Citizens Hunk vs Elwood II Smith,
recalling execution and dissolving
levy. W Hronk vs Anna Tompkins
et ai. dismissal.
O rders were issued this week in
probute court In the following
eases: Herman C Oerdlng, Henry
G ehrke, Kenneth Wells, Edward A
Korinun, J M. Hiatt, Axel 1.arsen,
Jean Ann Connell, minor; Frank
Smith. Josephine Wright. Charles
W Gramenz. H erbert A Hubbell
Cases filed this week in circuit
court include Hume Owners Loan B o ug h t * Sold - Consigned
corporation vs. Mary Gillis S k e e .
C atherine Young vs John H. An­
derson; A C. Burbo vs. John Doe
St. John: A I. Adamson vs. C I..
Hoyen; C halk's Rumi vs. G E. De-
A ll Used C ara
President R. L Putnam will ad ­
dress the loeul Townsend club at
the Baptist church December 22.
He has been asked to explain the
Townsend plan as embodied in the
new M cGroarty bill pending before
A large audience listened to a
talk by Rev. Henry Young Sunday.
He likened in a very effective way
the forty years of Israel's ex p e r­
ience in the w ilderness to our n a­
tional experience and Dr F E.
Townsend he declared to be the
modern Joshua ready to lead our
■ration to perm anent recovery.
Mrs. A rthur Palm er was ap p o in t­
ed chairm an of the pot luck dinnei
com m ittee to arrange for the sem i­
annual homecoming dinner at the
M E. church Jan u ary 13.
The secretary. Robert Kelly, re ­
ported fifteen Townsend Legion
mem bers enrolled to date. Tow n­
send calendars are on hand and all
mem bers wishing the same cun get I
them at his office.
Sherwood Farmer
Sells Oil Property
193« License
With each ear sold
Visions of weuth from oil roy­
alties seemed assured this week to
J. M Pitman, Sherwood route 1,
ow ner of several lots In South
Fords, C hevrolet! und others
Houston. Texas, where oil wells
from w hich to choose.
(fo n tln a e d from pax* 11
ure being rapidly brought in. ac­
In defense. O sburne declared that cording to new spaper accounts in
he believed the ham m er was d e­ Pitm an's possession.
serted scrap iron, w hile Campbell
l i e was In Hillsboro Wednesday
offered the defense that he was completing
details, which
m erely em ployed by Q sburne as will net him business
an assistant in gathering ju n k The rel in every eight of oil produced
ham m er belonged to Adolph N el­ on his property The purchaser of
son of near Buxton.
the rights is the Stundard Oil com­
See 193 6 W i l l y ! “ 7 7 ”
O rris Nelson of Aloha w is a r ­ pany, Pitm an says.
raigned before Judge Peters Mon­
o o r Sed an $ 5 8 9 here
One of the present producing
day afternoon on an Indictment wells Is only 160 feel from his
G ra h a m S ed an $ 8 6 9 here
charging assault and battery on J property line. O ther wells in the
H. Westcott of Aloha Nelson was city produce from 193 barrels u day
Gas — O il — Accessories
given until Friday to m t « a p l-a to 360. The city itself is booming
and procure an attorney The as­ along with the oil business, P it­
sault is said to have followed an man declares.
argum ent betw een Nelson and Wes­
Pitm an Is a dairym an at present
cott. w hich took place after Wes- ' and much Interested in flood con­
cott had ordered Nelson out of an trol along the Tualatin river. He 2nd and W a ih . P h o n e 2641
apartm ent owned by him.
has been a resident of this county ■ Venetian ticket, William Harris,
N orris Albert, convicted a year for the last 40 years, most of which Hillsboro^ lit 4>
ago in circuit court of larceny and tim e he was employed as brukeman
sentence postponed pending pay on the Southern Pacific,
m ent of costs and restitution of '
property, appeared again W ednes­
day m orning on a bench w arrant
and com pleted paym ent of $28570
M. Davidson and H L. Bratvold
of Portland, indicted by the last
grand ju ry for soliciting accounts
w ithout a license, were arraigned
and given until December 21 to
plead. Davidson, arraigned on a
second indictm ent under the same
charge, will answ er to that indict­
m ent at th e same time.
W H. M cFarland of Scholls was
placed in the county jail Tuesday
night by deputy sheriffs o n a
charge of assault and b attery on
Reports True Bills
Used Car Exchange
1 Powers Grocery î
- k
i Prompt
Phone 81
Main Street
i — —----- ---------------*
M l
% P. i G. NAPTHA. Large bar ....................
P in t............................... ¿
• "Q u a lity Chocked and
G u a ra n te s d by G o o d
Housekeeping," it reads
— the most important en-
dorsement ever given any hosiery.
Backed by months of checking in
the laboratories and hundreds of
' actual wear tests.
O t ¿5
See this Sheerer and Stronger
Holeproof Hosiery—w ith $250,-
000 of improvements that cost
you nothing extral Shadowless
chiffons or light
service w e ig h ts .
GREEN & WHITE. 2 cans .......................................®
7- I
& WHITE, LARGE. 2 cans....... ZÎ5V 0
/sy ______________________________________________ A?
1Qp |
M e n ’!
A u to g a r t
G Ì« y .y a a y \
G ood HouteV»«plng guarantee of
qualify, H oleproof H<Nl< r/ also bea n fhe coveted
eool of approval of the Bolter fabric* Toning
Bureau. It Is the only h .te r y fSui doubly certified.
GREEN. 2 c a n . ............................................... ¿ « / V
t t S aturday. These prices good Dec. 13 and 14 only.
--------------------- “
3 pair« for t2 8_?
9Q,. | g
< ----:------------------------ 4
jSJ Many other items specially priced for Friday and £
/ ouanaNiiio ’
\ !<rrt! niain Z /