H IL L S B O R O Page Six Red Cross Roll Call Brings $590 to Date C ouncil G ro u p s H old C e le b ra tio n ARGUS, H IL L S B O R O , Thursday, December 12, 1935 OREGON There’s No Waste Motion Here B. and P. Club Plans Christmas Party Dec. 20th world; you saw the vast millions for whom Christ died, you took to heart the command to reach them w ith the Message of eternal life You put your young people, pray ­ ers, money into this business the biggest business in the world The only business that bridge over into the next world. Like the Apiadle Paul, you would be “pure from the blood of all men." The deepest wish in Christ's heart became your life-passion; to m ake known to all men that God had a Son who died for your sins And now to the man who cooled off "Go ye into all the world und preach the Gospel." still stands. God bus no plcosurc In those who put their hunds to the plow und then draw buck Figures f r o m tw enty denominations, gathered by l)r Charles Stel/le, say that In the past ten years, support to local churches has fallen off 35 per cent and to missions, world wide. 50 per cent Are you keeping up the cur und letting down on religion? Have vou merely the form of god­ liness Inil deny the power thereof? Just going through t h e motions from old time habit, but with no zeal, no love'* Then read Revela­ tions 3:15; It! "I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would that thou w rrt cold or hot. So then because thou urt n eith ­ er cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth." Harsh words; solemn warning George N. T ay­ lor, Beaverton. Paid adv. First of the annual inter-faith pre-Christm as exercises of H ills-' boro C hristian Council was held at Pilgrim House Tuesday evening, Annuul Christm as d inner u r. d in a celebration of the 400th an n i­ Red Cross m em bership roll call occasion was also Mrs. Mor- versary of the printed English Bible, party of the Business and Profes­ report for the Hillsboro community gan-s birthdav. Guests were Messrs, when three chapters of council, ; sional W om ens club will be held to date in $590 with the promise i and Mesdames W L. Stark. E A Omegans. Deltans and Alphas met Thursday evening. December 20, at of more memberships which have G riffith, L. T. M cPheeter. and Mrs together. Christm as carols w e r e the cham ber of commerce rooms not yet been paid Freerksen, and Guy Fellowes of sung, and Pastor Henry S. Haller, Education committee, with Mrs Clubs, fraternal and patriotic or­ Gaston. Marie Hoffman and Mrs. G ertrude council advisor, gave a brief talk ganizations. and business houses, Ide as chairm en, assisted by Mrs on the w orth of the Bible, point- ! assisted in many cases by the em ­ Known in Hillsboro— Georgia Smith. Miss Hilu C orne­ ing out that though various groups ) ployes, made larger membership Miss Emily K neubuhl of New used different translations of the lius, and Mrs. Louise Riggs, are in contributions, which allows more York, who received the appoint- I original languages, the basic id e a s' charge of the tree and program. money to remain in the county for ment of head of the R ural Elec- ) of religion were the same in all. Any m em ber who has not draw n relief and disaster. L arger contri­ trification adm inistration, is known i This was the first of a series of u name for a gift is requested to butions are listed as follows: to many of th e mem bers of the lo- ¡joint m eetings for the anniversary see Mrs Fayetta Allen Publicity committee. Misses Patty Memberships of $5.00: cai Business and Professional Worn- celebration. Vikings. C-Hi and Sig- Lomax und M argaret Cady, co- Legion Auxiliary, Coffee club, en’s club She was form erly secre- ! mas will meet tonight; and the chairm en. assisted by Miss Ju lia Safeway Grocery, F red’s Superior tary of the National federation of Gammas will have th eir observance Tatom, and Mesdumes A n n i e Market, Palm Drug Store, Fir-t B. and P. clubs, and had spoken | ¡n connection with their Christm as Schmidt, Maude Stannurd, and Effie National Bank, C. C. Store, J. C. at several m eetings in Oregon, as ; party next Monday evening. Christ- Jackson, have charge of the din- I Penney Co., Paul Patterson, Sel­ well as the national convention at nias exercises will be clim axed with D elicio u s, T a s ty ner. fridge F urniture Store, Woman's S eattle and regional conference at th e annual Christm as Eve midnight The chairm en must be notified ! musical celebration at the V enetian Relief Corps. Scout H arrington Yellowstone park. about guests on or before Saturday, , I theater, December 24 at 11:30 p. m. Camp U. S W V„ A uxiliary to Conducted by the young people. December 14. U. S. W. V., Bristol Hardware, Model Planes Displayed— Models of a clipper ship and this musical event will be open to Powers' Grocery. Portland Gas & Coke Co., Pool-G ardner Lumber eight different types of airplanes all parents ar.d others of the corn- Co., People's W ater & Gas Co., Re­ m ade by Robert Allison of Hills- m unity Council members, after the The hand th a t rocks th e cradle may ru le the nation, but In this bekah Lodge, D aughters of Union boro a re shown in th e A rgus w in­ public exercises, will go caroling The Dalles, Ore., household, the foot th u t rocks the cradle ch u rn s Veterans. Phoenicia Temple Pythian dow. A branch of noble fir bearing through th e Hillsboro streets. the b u tter. As this ingenious housewife w orks the tread le of her I Suit to foreclose a $8,000 mort- Sisters, Tualatin C hapter O. E. S.. tw o fine cones is also in the w in­ are SANTA’S CHOICE Busch's Service Station. Hillsboro dow. It was cut on the coast range tew ing m achine, two wooden bars move up and dow n: one Im p art­ gage on th e building occupied by Rural Mail Carriers, T. H Tongue, in August. The n atu ral altitude at A C a p e lla S in g e rs ing a soothing m ovem ent to the baby's crib: the o th er stirrin g the I Percy Long's hardw are and the R. E. B. Tongue, Relief Office, A. J, w hich this tree grows is about butter. for HOLIDAY MEALS P Shaw second hand store, was G ive C o n c e rt H e re Ray & Co.. B. E Mating Co., H ills­ 6000 feet. brought this week by Pacific Uni- I boro Feed Co., St. M atthew’s Young Plan Christm as P arty — P ortland A Cappella choir brought versity. The university asks the I X m a s S eal S ale People's Society. Business and P ro­ I Hillsb °ro rnusic lovers a rare treat foreclosure on the property and St. M atthew's Young PcoDle’« fessional Women's Club. .uJ, I Sunday w ith a concert at the All Meats Inspected by Dr«. Nicol and Almquidt the appointm ent of a receivor to club met Tuesday night at the Methodist church in the evening. C lo ses D ec em b e r 20 Memberships of $10.00: adm inister rentals from the build- | school hall, and m ade plans for a Sponsors of the Christm as Seal I *n8 Hillsboro Argus. Commercial Na­ C hristm as party to be held at the The singers, who w ere directed by i sale for th e prevention of tu b e r­ tional Bank, Hillsboro Motor Co., hall next Thursday night. After Professor F arris of Pacific univer­ including culosis are planning to close the Post Office Employes, Hillsboro the business rt.eeting, games w ere sity, sang a program sale by December 20, according to Grove High School to G rade Schools, Junior High School. played and refreshm ents w e r e anthems, negro spirituals, a n d C hristm as carols. Mrs. M ark V. W eatherford of the chairm an, Mrs. A. H. Busch. Have Teats Tuesday M emberships of $25.00: served. A bunco party will be held For that reason, those having seals Weil's D epartm ent Store. Ray- in a few weeks, according to plans. ! The appearance of th e a capella Albany, state regent of the D. A mailed Skin tests for tuberculosis will be to them are requested to R., made her official visit to the singers was sponsored by th e M. E. Maling Cannery, Union High School. S h u tr P.-T. A. Meets Friday— given in Forest G rove high school choir, and they w ill endeavor to David Hill chapter, D. A. R.. Tues- either send the money or retu rn Tuesday w ith the Legion Auxiliary O ther donations are a new quilt December meeting of Shute P.-T. j obtain them again in the early day. She was accom panied by Mrs. seals to Mrs. Buseh before that from the Dorcas society of the ...2 1 1 U ~ o I «»«««« C ........-1 I U n lm n c a le r t rtf A lh o r tv f lA t t f * The quota has not b e e n of Forest G rove post and Wash­ Seventh Day Advent church, and A. w ill be at th e home of Mrs. R. ! spring for another concert. Several j G. Glen Holmes, also of Albany, date. ington County Public Health assoc- reached, and an effort will be ciation W G raf Friday. Shute school P.-T. fine m usical program s are b e in g ' state corresponding secretary assisting Mrs. R S Waltz condensed milk by Carnation Milk made to reach it by the 20th. planned for the w inter months. A. m em bers who attended t h e The ladies w ere honor guests at is chairm an of the com m ittee as­ company. | a no-host luncheon at the Hillsboro The Hillsboro chairm an wishes county council m eeting at Dilley sisting, and doctors present will be to thank all who took out mem- Tuesday w ere Mesdames Oscar Pharmacy, and^thc^busincss m eeb L e o p o l d M o h l ’ W e d s Guy Via. H. C. Fortner. R. S. Waltz, ing was held berships and those who assisted in Jacoakes. John Simpson. R. W. M iss S o re n se n B rid e 1 Fred S. Richards and R. M. Kines. any way to make this fund possi- Graf, W ard H arader, Lloyd ■ ><"- Knox hotJ? EngIish at the W ashington M iss R ach el G eil ¡of T h u rm o n W ilson Chris Sieber and Ralph Hiatt. 1 hotel. ble, especially members of the Hillsboro Grange Installs Business and Professional Women's L etter from China Clipper— Miss Rachel Geil. daughter of Mrs, W eatherford, in her speech Miss Eva Sorensen. daughter of Officers Next Saturday Rev and Mrs. R H. Geil of P o rt­ club who assisted in the solicita­ L ittle Lois M ildred Stone re . j Dr. and Mrs. Julius Sorensen o f 1 before the chapter, told of the land, and Leopold Mohr, son of G range officers, elected in No­ tion. from her sm a ll! Hillsboro, and Thurm on A. Wilson. I plans w hich are being perfected for ceived a letter Mr and Mrs. Michael Mohr of P o rt­ vember, will be installed at the M r- and Mrs. Edw ard _i Wil- j the of the most outstand- nephew "Skippy W vnn of Hono- son ..... oi . of / n Portland, ...___ kt itio selection cxsrtirvt* girl oirl m -I i 11 land, form er Hillsboro residents, m eeting here Saturday. P. J Kreu- lulu T. H. via the • first flig h t' of son w ere m arried N o - i‘ng senior in fhn the Y Hillsboro * * . v o m n /jr 77 V /A r th n i A n n n i ’ l I In I l i n i f der, m aster of the Pomona Grange th e China Clipper. H er nephew 's ) , a* North Bonneville union high school, who w ill draw were m arried November 27 at C al­ of M ultnomah county, will be the father is a lieutenant in aviation in " ,as^ Only a few friends were lots w ith girls from other high vary P resbyterian church in P o rt­ installing officer. Hawaii. The letter is show n in the j Present at the ceremony. They are schools in the state for th e Good land. The bride’s father perform ed Argus window ' m aklnK th eir home w ith Mrs. Sor- Citizenship tour. This tour w ill in ­ the ceremony. BIGGEST BUSINESS YET clude a trip to W ashington. D. C.. Mr. Mohr attended school in C n n /iiz c zt A , ensen until the first of the year. If the bridge had washed away Send F ru it to Hom 1 and a viist to all governm ent Hillsboro and is a graduate of Ben­ buildings. Every state in the union son Polytechnic in Portland. The and you sat still by the fire, re ­ FRANKFURTERS, 2 lbs. and F ru it for the P y th ian Home at \ T q o H lz a n v t, C lu b w ill be represented by one high couple will make their home at the fusing to race out and w arn back er Wash., will be N e e C U e C ia il U1UD Vancouver. gathered Mrs. M. Donald Spencer, manager the cars, then their blood would KRAUT, 1 quart. Both for school girl. She also told of the Mount Tabor apartm ents. up today (Thursdayi, and mem bers r ? i GV-P-g,’ _ of the Portland Symphony or­ be on your hands. Over they go Pageantry at the 44th National D (Venetian ticket. Mrs A Newton, Beaverton. Rt. 2) of Phoenicia Temple are requested E /I C C I S C / I I l C d ' S chestra. will be the speaker at the into the sw irling w aters and to A. R. conference last A pril at to have donations ready when it is 1 meeting of the Coffee club Friday N eedlecraft club elected Mrs. E I Washington. D. C., w here she rep- Miss Higdon Weds— death, w ith you snug inside by the afternoon at the cham ber of com­ called for, as it w ill be sent to L. McCormick president for the i resented Orgeon. D uring her talk A nnouncem ents have been r e ­ fire! m erce rooms, and Robert E. Mil­ the hom e F riday or Saturday. ensuing year at the m eeting last : she stressed the duty of every pa- ceived here by friends, of the m ar­ But you are not that kind. You lard, flutist of the orchestra, will Red Cross Meeting Tonight— Thursday. O ther officers are Mrs. j triotic citizen in preserving the riage of Miss Elsie Higdon, daugh- refuse to sit idly by w hile the pro­ give several flute num bers on the A. Hodges, vice-president, and > principles upon w hich the United te r of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Higdon ! cession of the lost goes over the County Red Cross chapter will program. Mrs. V. W. G ardner, ch air­ meet tonight (Thursday) at the Mrs. W » ilbur . . . Bonar, d »- ry . -trea . _ te s were founded, - secreta s-! i sta especially in of Vancouver, to Jam es W Alvin, brink to suffer the "pains of hell." man of the music committee, is in cham ber o f commerce a t 7:30 urer. Mrs. H. Kellington was h o st-1 guidance of the youth of the na- in the W ashington city on. T hanks­ Seven die every m inute und you charge of the program, which will o'clock. Im portant business will be css. tion,. since our youth of today con­ giving day. The Higdons form erly would not see them go out lost begin at 3 o’clock. All members are discussed and an mernbers are urg- w ithout Christ, having no hope and stitute the governm ent of tom or­ resided in Hillsboro. nrfln/4 /> otTiinn onri hrinrr Trinndc urged to attend and bring friends. ed to attend, as w ell as anyone in ­ w ithout God in the world. Jam es Wells took his sister, Mrs. row. Phene C51 5 D e liv e rie s D a ily Res. Phene Business session of the club will terested. Your eye swept out over th<> (Bryce Nosier, and children to their Mrs. R. C. Vaught of Yakima, Mrs. W eatherford also told of the begin at 2:15 sharp, and final plans , home in Medford Sunday. Misses progress which had been made on Wash., is spending the week with will be made for the Christmas Siegenthaler Injured— | K athcrine McConnell and Jean Me- th e restoration of McLoughlin house Mrs. C. E. Lytic. party December 23 at the Venetian Sam Siegenthaler suffered a I Donald of Portland accompanied at Oregon City. ■ — theater for less fortunate children broken skull and in ju red rig h t 1 them on th e trip. ■ ............... Indignant bridegroom (bursting The president, Mrs. Fred Engel- shoulder Tuesday evening when a Mr. and Mrs. H arry Sawdon I B irthdav Celebrated Lin upon editor of local paper): dinger, requests all mem bers who limb from a tree he was falling i Mrs. Bernard Meltebeke enter- Look here. I distinctly told you I are donating toys to bring them to struck him. Dr. J. O Robb attend- i \ ^ lei „ « H a%he^ i t h OiMP ° rtla 2d rted Tuesday w ith Mr. and Mrs. the meeting. Toys to be repaired ed him. He is in Jones hospital. ed «¡af,,rrinv Saturday afternoon «.¡th w ith a a ! was going to live at the old manse? F. W. S inclair They left Wednes­ ; | tam daughter W hat the blazes do you mean by will be left at the home of Mrs. W. birthday party for her day for San Diego, Cal. Located at San B e rn a rd in o - W. Bonar. I H enrietta, who was twelve. Mrs. saying in your rotten little rag that M-. and Mrs. Guy H athorn and V ictor Meltebeke and Mrs. Della The happy couple will m ake their Miss M argaret Uppenkam p, who w ent to California w ith her m other family of Bend are visiting rela- Arm strong assisted Mrs. Meltebeke home at the old man s'?”—Humorist. A ttends National Meeting— several m onths ago, is now located ' tives at Forest Grove, M ountain- in serving the lunch. Present were 1 Charles Douglass left t o d a y at San Bernardino. H er m other is ! dale, and Hillsboro this week. They . Carolyn ____ ______ ______ ____ ______ _ | No longer do motorists scurry Kalkwarf. Fern Weintz. (Thursday) for ten days' atten d ­ at Lancaster w ith her daughter, will re tu rn to Bend Friday. j A lverta and Bertam ay Rickets. A l- , from the road at first sign of snow ance at National Radio school in Mrs. W ill V andervelden. R. W. Cox retu rn ed home S atur- i ma Armstrong. Freda Sturm . Viola put th eir cars up on blocks Los Angeles, Cal. He is studying day from several m onths' w ork ' Bean, Janice Seymore, Mary Ellen and until spring thaw, according to the television, modernizing equipment, Baby in Hospital— w ith the U. S. Forestry service in Morrison, H enrietta, Maxine and The baby daughter of Mr. and Washington. He w ill rem ain for B ernard Jr. Meltebeke, Bernard touring departm ent of the Oregon and the oscillograph, the latest tate Motor association. Not only Mrs. Clinton Duley u nderw ent a th e holidays. piece of servicing equipm ent. M eltebeke Sr. and Victor Melte- S are people continuing to use th eir serious operation a t the county Mrs. Rose Ogilbee of W innipeg,! beke. Study Group Meets— cars througout the w inter, but more home Tuesday evening. Dr. D. E. Can., is visiting her uncle and i Young Tews Honored— and more they arc planning long P.-T. A. study group of pre-school Wiley operated. I ^ R e ) ^ n v and MrS’ C’ A ’ WUSOn’ Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Freudcnthal m otor trips, usually southw ard to age to 12 years will m eet Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the P e t­ Yamhill Woman in _ H ospital— ... ! entertained Sunday w ith a dinner more balmy w eather. e r Boscow school. Topic for dis­ Mrs. Sherm an George of Y am -j Mr. and Mrs. E P. H um phrey o i J party for th eir grandson. Henry cussion will be "Social Side of hill underw ent a m ajor operation F ort Lewis, Wash., w ere guests ¡Tews, in honor of his 21st birthday School Life,” from the December at Sm ith s hospital last T h u rs d a y : F riday night at the home of Mr. , Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Edw ard evening. Dr. C. T. Sm ith opera»- ' and — J Mrs. E. ------- num ber of P arents’ Magazine. Straw . ■ F reudenthal and daughter M argar- ing. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. G arrett and et, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Freuden- Officers E ntertained— ' Mr. and Mrs. L. C. K ram ien spent i thal and daughter Norma, Mr. and Officers of Tualatin chapter, O. E. Smashes Finger— Jam es W hitelaw accidentally slam -, ^ sd?.y evening wJ th M r- and M rs.-M rs. Carl Wilhelm, W alter Tews. b„ were entertained at luncheon Mrs. Lena Morris and son Chester. Bowman in Beaverton Tuesday afternoon by th e matron, med a car door on his left hand Miss L aura Deck, teaching at Mc­ Miss M arjorie V anderzanden and Mrs. Verne C urry of Portland. Saturday night, smashing the in ­ Bill Greener. Games Were enjoyed during the dex finger. Dr. C. T. Sm ith am pu­ Minnville, and Homer Deck spent Sunday at Independence. tated th e end of th e finger. afternoon. Divorce Suits Filed M issionary society of the C hris­ Mrs. Steinke in Hospital— Xmas P arty Monday— Lee—Edie V. from William J. tian church met Tuesday at the POUND Mrs. Otto Steinke underw ent an church. Daughters of Union V eterans will at hold their annual Christm as party appendix operation Tuesday Tom Connell is spending t h e m eeting Monday evening at the Jones hospital. Dr. A. O. Pitm an weeK w ith his sister. Mrs. Carleton V eterans' hall. All mem bers and operated. She became ill Saturday. Hande, at Silverton. th eir friends are invited. Social Circle Meets— Nebraskans Here— Social circle of the Congregation­ Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Roscncrans al church will meet at the church and daughter of Omaha. Neb., are December 19 for one o'clock dessert residing here now w hile looking luncheon. for a location. Car T urns Over Church Redecorated H. J. W agenaar, 47, and Lucy M. Large Main Lorner _______ is Wagenaar, 43, Portland, w ere in ­ Seventh Day Adventist church 3-oz. jug being redecorated inside, and new jured Saturday afternoon when the and «¡C* Streets FLAVORING Model chairs have been purchased. Work car driven by Mrs. W agenaar skid­ Phone 1001 is being done by volunteer labor. ded and turned over a half mile north of Six Corners on the West 640X FREE DELIVERY Celebrates 91st Birthday— Side Pacific highway, according to Quart Mr. and Mrs. H arry R. Morgan an accident report. .50 YOUR CONTAINER INER Week-End entertained Saturday evening with a d inner party in honor of the 91st We specialize in quality com- birthday of Mrs. Sopha Freerksen. m ereiai printing.—Argus. tf Meats University Seeks to Collect on Loan D. A. R. Regent Makes O fficial Visit Tuesday COTTAGES Lk 25c SEASONING BACON u. 2 0 c VEAL ROAST Lb a m BEEF ROAST Lb. Mrs. M. Spencer Symphony Head OpeaKS at L,IUD 12c 9 c .. 1 2 c SIRLOIN STEAK Lb 15c RIB STEAK Lb LARD COMPOUND 13c 3 ibs. 2 5 c 35c FRED’S SUPERIOR MARKET t WILEY’S PHILCO FLOUR o y s t e r s 2 1::. 1 7 c GROCERY 8C VANILLA SALAD OIL 99 SPECIALS CRACKERS— Salt or Gra­ ham. Excellent Selection PU RE USED CARS at Bargain Prices Due to the Popularity of the New 1936 DODGE and PLYMOUTH We have an unusually good selection of used late model Fords and Chevrolets from which to choose. See them today! REMEMBER—Whether a new or used car— our finance charges are always the lowest. from the farm to your doorstep — laden with health of sturdy sun­ light and the natural strength of real vita­ mins—comes your daily bottle of FIR GROVE DAIRY MILK. Drink lots of it and find con­ stant and vibrant pow­ er and vigor in this deli­ cious treat. FIR GROVE DAIRY CADY MOTOR CO. Phone 4RX1 18 Years in Hillsboro (0ÉJ*fí • *i— ■■ . i A - im ii ........ Grad« A MILK and CREAM aiiiMfa" (W li 2-lb. box ........... Ä Í V COFFEE—Fresh ground. 1-lb. 15c COCOA— 9c Ilershey. ’/g-lb. . DILLS^-In bulk. 9c Q uart................... TISSUE — Fine grade. 1000 sheets. 4 4 rolls Jl W v FLOUR — Made f r o in Idaho hardwheat $-1.69 49-lb. sack .......... JL (Limited quantity) You will find our prices right on all our merchan­ dise. Highest prices paid for Farm Produce 5 lbs. OR ( RED BLACK Aerial Trade in Allowance. Easy Terms EXCLUSIVE Only Philco has the aerial tuning system “built in’’ . . . it’s just as much a part of) the 1935 Philco as the sta­ tion dial! This system doubles foreign reception aj, your command! And it’s completely automatic! (Venetian ticket, C. A. Newman, Cornelius, lit. 2) Selfridge Furniture Co. Phone 21X CANDIES and NUTS WHITE Giant size bars CRACKERS 22t 23C SUPERIOR. PLAIN OR SALTED Iba. BORENE SOAP KRAUT BEFORE YOU BUY THESE ITEMS SHOP OUR STORE. We’ll Save You fyloney! POPCORN 2 With Philco All-Wave 136 S. 3rd Ave. BEANS SMALL WHITE F a m e u i I n c lin e d S o u n d in g B oard P h i l c o . U n e q u a lle d In to n e, p ow er en d f o r e ig n r e c e p t io n at th is la n ia t io n a l p r ic e ! 25c THE REAL BORAX SOAP COFFEE l lb B jar '::’ 2 3 c TAVERN. PACKED BY GOLDEN WEST Mackerel FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES Fine for loafs or patties. No. 1 Tall Tin Friday and Saturday Only 6c SQ UASH 3 LOCAL GROWN for PO TATO ES50 Bag "’ 6 3 c ORANGES Dozen 1 5 c SWEET VALENCIAS, MEDIUM KIDDIES, D O N ’T FORGET' 5C SIZE Santa v ili he ìli 'lo v n