Page Two H IL L S B O R O A R G U S. H IL L S B O R O . OREGON Thursday, Decem ber 12, 1935 Ihese Hilhi Football Warriors Receive Special Honors at Rotary Meet Mrs. W right New Aid Head Kinton, Scholls G ranges In­ stall; Church Elects IR r Mrs. R. L C o .) i G \ C ite, $3*26. Ilc ih c rf V Fb’inmc. $7; Fli/abelh Wc ro ll. $ ” *. M rt ( I W. II. , foi Sylvia B. m i ) $3 5nn » W llbt $1 W G S1 IL $35 16 Did A«r Peno..11 eXp $1 7 96 (t'o ffllo u rd on peer 5. column I > • xp. $ l6 5 p . toxwl Samaritan llo *p ila l ii lir l Mr* Marion B idw rll, $2 56, Di J A lt«‘*t M D rxarn rx p R otirrt Rotar. $5. A W lla vrti« IlilL b o ru J o x tirr of P»- << • J i i * i $ Crt rx p $ 'X 9 5 , .1 W u n til ( ’a s h il x rx p $31 16, P I. Palrr*on Juvrhife SUITI.I. LOVE A C it rx p $36. Donald T Ti'inphlon Co .Imlx»'* rxp. $6. B I Roblh*oti Crt II • xp $4.59, (Mix l.lexaloi Cu ( ’ l l II* rxp. $6 ». Pariiic Caaxt Stamp Work*. * o ( In k ■» rxp ßtfr j ( ha rlir llilw p i Co ( Irik '« • xp $6 77. Co C it rx p $2 56, >*,l 2« . I i tiiklm P im tin« Co Co ( ’b ik * • xp $2 46. Di W I Sumiton» i r l i r l Glad)« sat* $1 25, in«l,\. $15; Mary Mauth- |>ix*on $6; F l*.r M Dod«r $1 5, L . l t i r B la iu h r F /rll $23, Fm» K Filwaitfe, $ |6 ; My rile Flux li >, $22, l.o tla Ii F ob . R«**»'(ta Ft« r I nor, $25. Opal Glbben«, $16, I'U ir Nobb- j Hu*on, $35; Althea lla in p in $16. Ao«ux( > ; Hoffiter, $15; lam ia F ila llavne*. SIS, ■ Mabie I |l«rrt«. | $17. A lla Alice Johlixoli. $15, SleHa Ream. I $26. Mattie Km«. $15, Dura Hr,! Lee, i 1FMKAPI ANE TOl'KING S I5 . Cathrrme Marxball, $15. Donna l»-»6 tun« t h i n **« han«k kb ditfeth. $22, Cura Flrie M«»r BKOHUH AM —Driven $32; Laura L. í«iufrajr. $2«. 4 000 mile» by u careful owner F l o r e n c e J. Newton, $29. Anna J J New car Paves, $ |6 , Franc#« Randolph. $29. Hulda S. Rydman. $42. Addy« M shaffcr, $23. guarantee Strife Nhaffrr, SIC«. Almme F Sharp, $23. Bertha A Shaver, $15; Jennie \ shepherd. $15; Mary I. Smith. $22; J o jie Smith. I ¡935 riHKACLANE TOURING $15, Julia Van Stiphoui. $20, Ot«a Gen* SEDAN—Only tJ.000 rii ile». Per- Va Wall, $36. M i*. J P Water«. $22; Clara KINTON— Ladies' Aid society | met with Mrs. Elida Ward Friday. Officers were elected as follows. Elizabeth Wright, president; Lilly M. Bierly, vice-president. Laura Peterson, secretary, and Sarah Dall- mann, treasurer. Mrs. Sarah Van- | Kleek of Hiteon and Mrs. Walter 1 VanKleek of Beaverton were guests j Joint installation of Kinton and Scholls granges was held at the Kinton Grange hall Saturday aft­ ernoon with Mrs. Jessie Millar of i Portland us installing officer. hav­ ing for her assistants B e r n i c e Dobbins, Agnes VanKleek and Hel- ma McKercher of Beaverton Grange. The officers installed were as print­ ed in this column a short time ago J. L. Anderson Reading from left to right; Warren Wahner. The Men's Shop trophy for the best all- around player on squad; Denzell Stunkard. John W. Bailey award for best tackling; with the exception of one. Jose­ Bill Wunderlich. Rotary club loving cup. voted by teammates as greatest inspiration to other members of squad during season; Duve Torbel. trophy from Rotary friend for phine Cox having resigned as sec­ the most consistent playing, and Elwood Coslett. William G Hare trophy for best bloc king Pictures by Sehrantel Studio. retary and Ivy Flint being installed in her place. The traveling gavel, which will be presented to every , the part of officials as well as cm- Sprvitzer, $7 SO, J C Hell«, $2.70; Tony j Crt H i exp., Sc. tot u $15 73. 1: I Me *alary. $75; t'h jx O Roe Co |{o*p exp. $2 grange in the state, was brought j pioves, is now believed to be very Hilhi Grid Stars Kemper, $2 SO; Fred Knox, $2.80; Perry Cormirk. C rt H* exp., $107 54, Co. Jail .‘2 0; J W ( t'linell Personal Tax Collection to the local grange by Scholls rar^. but still of sufficient gravity exp $16. .1 VS Connell Tax |)ept » xp $93 Gabbert, $2 79.; t|okU ie l,ei— W l | G erndi. B omow C o Treat exp $2 43; I A G riffith and President C. T. Richardson the .teorge ScherlitiK, *• $51 9:45, followed by Bible school at . . . S7; I. II Smith, $8; F ir Grove Dairy, Co. Jail exp $11 40; Co Surveyor*« exp $3.09; Buxhona A Co Rotary and Men's Shop trophies. Old Age Pension exp $22 99. C F Pnie»« 936*27; P ite r l*tlu*o. $36 27; C M Rot» 10:45. Everyone is welcome. Plans | Gasoline taxes collected oy the F W right relief-vA nna Ep. $16 60 , F 1. Hewitt exp, John II Laml»ert, $5, Tbe C C Store, elar. 31; Jesse Rasmussen, '32: Bob ter tMd Age Pen .ion exp. Joseph I iMore. $1 $5 5S ; \ ,—| S.dee. $35.76. H Meacham, Old A* Hub)» $11.3«. Moth lN H l, a iiu U l . CtUU a a daughter Miss d Joan, and Dr. and ■ Pension rx p — S Stella 32, To $ :'1 7 7 : C 1 Downer, $ 9 1 7 7 ; I I $26.59, * '" ¿ '5 0 ' Co. Trea«. T r. j« rx u IX 77 t Co. \ . S» s. h I. " rr's * Prnsu'n trlla Shafer M u l. r 36 <6 32. Io Mrs. J. Emil exp. $x 75, il Nelson were recent County Agent 1 ells lai $19 40; Portland tie General F le d tic Co. Funk. $i.3 84; Frank It. Ii. $79.78; II Supt. SupI exp ' »75 T ,'K Dept $4. t o ld j $114 * lu U l $1» n rrx i E lector T ax guests of Mr !r. and Mrs. Frank C. ¡ ‘ “ $,110 2 3 : J.... So 76; II O B $75, Benn,,« I » X | , S T « l.xnds <» «5. C r t I I . ex,. $97.16. County Court Fluke. Dr. Nelson is a brother of feet I x „ J . w r . $ | . , , . . i ; ( It llenxley. $32. , „ w , rror , l t f . A |o h i T « Ca re- ,o , jl - * • s u ' ’ l'» lu « tru l I A .n tum m Farm Quiz Reason CLAIMS Mrs. Fluke. ALLOWED FOR MONTH throughout A rt shepherd, $ .$ .8 1 ; Thus K.w.1, s , hiel». $12, M m J F b u rrh h ill Contribution. $90 S I; Col Church and Sunday school in an (Continued from pare 1> OF OCTOBER. 1935 $ n ;l,t, I I \l,l.,,« l. $ .0 98; A P it* . . $27. total $39 . M jrx Christensen. 01.1 A te Conn.nt M iehinery * Supply Co. nual Friday evening elect- On February 4 and 5 a general . . meeting „ . R. & H.— Loomis Hardware A Imple S i l l , , Win \ m ile, I,.ve nn*. Don i>,.„,jon , M, $««; Edna Marie Rnl ent, Roberta Wilson: assistant su-’ day of this conference will be de- Tom Pieren, S39«39 Y irxii \ u ,,s. $33.* s.tun.u r*. Il II \ • . $1 i • - - L I t o - F o k b .M ; I. \ Ik lm i. $ • .? • ; F r« l Mo„ , JW , jb rv Fll j 4o 5 u . g..,.,,, tfo I $306 75; Libry L Fd. $32 H T K i $21 60 Etta Laura Peterson; organist. Madge $?sted. invited to meet with the E rjn k R‘?w<*: 3 - ^ 9 9 ; John Sim condition A rth u r Jr»«r. $513 44; 1. Ilail.-y, $18 20 Lawyers Co-Operative Pub. Co Law Libry Lincoln, $19 26, Dewex M» \ truer, $2*190. Pomeroy; chorister. E lizab e th committee or committees working \-h *’ ! IC\ G Rosrvear, $14 9 5 ; A Roxevear, $13.95; Fd $260 56; Hare. McAlear A Peters, l.axx Frank >immon*. $11 40; k ari I' upper, $19 The above rar« are peraonal- Wright; librarian. Dorothy Van- out a program for farm enterprises K ./ < - j, i * / \ u ' < . Il Kemper. $13.95, B VVtl*on, $13.95; C ly iodorerd and (U-trantrrd Libry Fd. $746; Union Di! Co. of Calif., .20; Mae I Via. $19 20; Polls ** Weil. Kleek; trustees. Everett Wright, they are most interested in. v ^ V , ; ' : , , M | W Broxhcr. $13.95; D Yandertanden, Co Home exp. $4 60. State Industrial Acci f i x uxrd rara. Prod I W ohin « I.»'.I. $20 $0; John one year. Edward Cox. two years. Advantages of developing a re- $ .'7 ! o ) ; John t ra $25 SO; «13 95. W F Cranford. $13 95; A Schmidt. Comm, relief exp $3 16, Co Home exp B W orth $20.40 Cha« v Wuiuk $ $13 95; 1 1 k lin < fr. $26 94. E Klin<«r, 1 L»a. $25 ... SO; “ C. H Flora. $ r A Roll c la t fender T e r H t w S port or program of this klnd arc 1 ................... $4.16, $7 32; J VV Copeland Yard» C rt H* $16 26 F W W aith, $9 56, Anna V oung. $10.56; Harvey LAP- $1 44. A 1. Arnacher balance due on $ U 20. $25.80; Fa Mcad, $1« 4 ; Elsworth . $29.94; E It Sheets, C ?-ur' m o - i , evident," Cyrus savs. “New people man, 1929 FORD TI'DOK SEDAN New Je**e. $543 36; Sa.xton A Laxaney, $331.50; Audit of Co. hook« 1st half 1935. $125; „.,“ 2 „27 ®7.rIy? ’, » ^ K re1' have come into the county and if K illy . $13 9 5 ; Ed». Kelly. $ U S 5 ; J Grand J u ro rs ;— F J Maple. $7 2D; A P I H to i paint job Very gohn Bl11- 1 H T n -ha m . $ > 3 7 . Very good rubber. Good point and B row n'. Tin Shop. $ 1 5 0 ; P Jm D ru t yj ' $ , „ ; ' u ,n jlJ T Templeton. I‘ J" ' - » 1" employed, out-of-school young peo- terprises and what they may ex- f " i F r,n q il' *-’ .79; V. Lee Reed: | large line o f attractive i body. ; ^ ? ° n. 5 c " Jl,d«G •< l> Kerkman Go. Co.n.n C.rc. Crt. W dnoui- State SI pie of the state. Special mention is pect from these. Also as these , u 4 A lce *13 o il; H W 4 ^ “ r ‘? arner, $2 ; Elmer ft P .J i ...-J. i a I • — «« a« • m — Aa» Motor O K « or 4V»a» .he ,'e indivld».! « .d ,4 ih . I | M ^ — p e» —la» l . com^’ ¿A i, i, — going u — aa — — ** at O* «»• '• () 'i Varner, $2; E«lerator O t H« rx p . $44 70; L A Grand Jury Witnetiet:— Amies Almuni. past two years has helped more i farming system and these need to stein. $26; A Cory A Marx O'Connor, $7 - ***>' «k Contractor « Machinery ( o , $31.60; Lone Janitor Circ C rt, C rt Ils exp. $24 76; $2.66; M«r«aret Imlay, $2 66; l.ueile I than 3900 young people throughout be foreseen. 5 0 ; W ilfred J. W hitten. $27 50. Bureau of Labor. $12. Ix>tlie G ifford Janitre«« C rt H« exp $34.70 Ryrhen, $2; Adolph Nelaon, $12; Fred 1923 FORD PK'K-CP—A very go. I Union Oil Co of Calif. $ 8 9 1 4 9 ; State Portland Concrete Pipe 1 Product» Co.. May H artram pf B a iliff Circ Crt $15; J R Ovensen. $2 ; Margaret Garfield. $2 36; the state with their home study. "These conferences are intended utility car with good top • • * ' to set out the facts and recom- Industrial Accident Comm, $12 17 J W £130.08, Lentz Auto Part«, $26 1 1 ; Sah Ptppard Grand Ju ry B a iliff $6; Maud W Fritz Reber, $6 40; E«l McGahey, $3 46, and roomy box • 15 ' ' Bail* Servic* Sta b ,----- - < w Trent $1 00; Lena D e lp b n r h * ----------------- — ------ ------- Motor vehicle registrations in mendations which together make W hitm an’« Boxed - - - tion, $4 94; J D Kelly & Son. $294 90; f lc r ii Co Trea». $60, J E Carpenter Co E Heesarker, $35.57; John Flora, $2f Oregon reached a new all-time high up a general sort of program which. A ...................... i |MJ TYPE PEP UP" STOMACH Albert. $5 84; Bitumul« Asphalt Sales A*«e««or, $150; Helen Steinke. Deputy Co. this year with a total of more if used, should prevent some losses 28; Harry Lee. $32 67; Carl Flora, $32 R C o, A $1072.36; COUPE Aletnite to ., $1 81; D S Assessor, $100; Viola M Sundburtt, Deputy 07; Al Hoffman, $36.68; Ed Kelley, $36 RELISH YOUR FOOD CHOCOLATES than 300.000. Nearest previous ap­ and which should tend to unite 68; Shiffer, $3 2 3 ; Beall P.|»e A Tank Corp.. Co Assessor. $75; James H Davis Co Rr MacIntyre, $143.76; Louis I Don't let atonic indigestion spoil proach to this record was in 1930- all those agencies working towards ax. L $71 I. 76; j $4*3 26; J.!,, Schlesser, $7 6 0 ; John A c©rder. $100. Ophelia W itmer Deputy Co Wavne En«mott, $67.27 31 when registrations totaled 283 - the agricultural development of the W Barney. $199.76; W A Tupper. $115; Rotkding « Son« to . of Calif., $293 61; Recorder, $75; Valen« Underwoxl Deputv your appetite, make you feel run- I'... . Iron i . .. Culvert A Mfg. . r*. io j f . (> ... . . .. .. . hr».... r I92S OVERLAND TOFRINfi— 549. Secretary of State Snell points county. The problem is not so Constance Cochran, $14; G E Vgnoote, Pure Co . e«r.i $451.18; »'rder. g«U; Usvis down’ s>uK«'’h. without ambition or zest for the good things of life, out that an unusually large pro-', much what is taking place nation- $123.25; Al Pieren. $24 4 3 , Torn Pieren. Hill*boro Concrete B riri^ A Tile Co., $126 . Co Recorder. $55.46, J W Connell, Ç As is. .84; Mackenzie .Motor Co . $251 34. H>IK i $149.70; Harry Johnson Deputy without trying WHHamit S. L. K portitm of the c$rs registered this ally as it is in what this county > ■; \ . \ only • . z T o ile t Sets year tvere new ones. Tbe new 193C pan grow best and grow most econ- Ka«*e, $3« 2T; Alfred Nelson $$6 27; JV few-- Lm iiber Co., $447 19; C Inkley, *$10 $124.70; Richard Busch Deputy Sheriff, Fòrmula. The first bottle must p ro ' , -r. plates will be available December omically and the farm organization L. M urphy, $3»k27; H St*» hl«, $33 4*;. M e n ’« Seta Mills. $36 27 ; Fred Danzer, $36 27; 15 with 20.000 numbers already as- that works into the production of W E Kies, $36.27; Fred Benson, $36 27; signed and ready for mailing. these various crops most satisfac- John Simmons, F o u n tain Pen Set« Thomas S. Sholes $36.27 Frank Roue. $36. • • • torily. In other cases it is a ques- 97; Mat Vrlicak. $36 27; Richard Rice, Governor Martin spent his boy- tion of laying plans on a commun- $15.34; Frank Hofer. $2 79; H E Sus- $7.97 ; The Austin Western Road Machin Tax Dept. $36 69; Minnie Wyffels Clerk rormcr army doctor, it acts as u Qt'ALITy REPAIR WORK KRAMIKN'« hood in Illinois, where the fisher- ity and county basis for expanding hauer, $103.55; U G Gardner, $85.31; ery Co., $35.64; Concrete Pi,»e Co., $246; Tax Dept. $69.76; Gladys Eisner Tax mild laxative and diuretic stimu­ 112 153 «. 3rd Ave. Phone 21W men sit on the bank and watch the some products for which there ap- Hans Rasmussen, $166 6 5 ; R W W ill- S W Melhuish, $1.40; Henry Tym er Co, Deputy, $134.76; (> R Hem«in<, Personal lant fqr the kidneys. Being n liquid Palm Drug Store cork bobbing up and down, b u t' pears to be a good future market, tan«, $49.70; E D Lusbv, $97.76; Jack Inc., $17 55; Robertson H»’avy Hardware T..* Collector, $109.70; O II Kraus Co —already dissolved—it starts to Hudson . Trrraplane Co . $26 13; Phoenix Iron Works. $117.56; L s«-h Supt exp. $150, Zola F Morgan As«t work almost immediately. Highly ' • ' || H | he prefers the fishing in Oregon "In reviewing the report of the H- Prescription DreggUta Cp«r Corp., $86 89; Busch's f f o Sch Supt exp $7 5; Chas (> Roe Supt concentrated, it is economical to Willard — Mohawk even if it is a little more strenuous economic conference completed in N Mann. $41 89; B Cornelius, $71.76; T Howard land A Co Hasp $34 7 0 ; Belle C Roe Matron Co take. Try a bottle under the mon­ Elmer Gray, $38.87; Mary Service Garage. $4.36; Lester Ireland Phone 266 and requires more exertion than this county in January in 1925 some Smith, $71.76; 36.69; Al Hasp. $34 76; Ruth A ntrum Cook Co Hasp I’sed Cars $6 5; Bruce Combs, $5; J E Co., $7 .88; John Simmons. $30.69; ey-back guarantee See how much did the "nigger fishin’ ” of his of the committeemen have been Woodward, Sills, Jamtress, Co Hosp, Mitzel. 3107.01; Chas Austin, $72.97; Pieren, $38.39; V irg il Vanosse, $25 11; i $49.70; Vera better you feel after a few doses. youth. Oregon's wild life, the gov- somewhat surprised to find how John Wes’ . $ 7 1 3 9 : A rt Palmer. $7: > Lester Rowe, $30.69; Alfred Nelson. 329 Ison, $29 $29.76; Gertrude McLaren Laundres« Co ernor declares, is one of the state's , accurate and applicable are some Melvin Harty, $8.97; C Hinkley, $1 49 .29; W L Murphy, $26.56; M h M ills, Hosp $29 76 , Gertrude Bennett Waitress At good drug stores. greatest assets and contributes large- ¡ of the conclusions made at that Russell Burris. $1 49; Geo Fisher, $39 9 2 ; $29 2 9 ; Fred D a n irr, $28 2 » ; N Kies, C« Ho*p. $29.70; Mabel Bennett A*»’ t ly to the maintenance and increase, time. With changing conditions it John Bill. $ » 3 7 : Clem InU ey, $2 .76; ' ‘ Fr‘ ' 1 Ben-on. $ H * 6 ; Frank Rowe, C o o k Co llo-i> $22 77; E A Rachat N uria of tourist travel to the Pacific' is important to add to these reports Russell B u rr,-. $2.79; C May, $ 4 9 5 2 ; - J " « » ; Mat Vrlicak. $9 29. Richard R ife. Co Hosp, $69.76; Erma Hickenlooper, Hill. 4 Ite r Ib il. $16.74; W -M » F ,jn k H.Jcr, $29 29, Chris W a r | Kursc Co Hosp. 9 M -* $ i Mrs Johastee* Northwest. - and findings new facts brought out A Bert rt McAlen. $19 33, Floyd Easley, $1 1.16 ; | $ !* • •* '■ 1 l t t . 9 2 ; F ills ’ Nurse C.i Hosp. $29 90, Mr«, \ ,r,der * * ’ by new developments." h Hamel, $15.34; L Hamel.' $12.20 u ' "• *-'2 32; I. M etam tiaa, $ 13 95; brook N a n a Ca Naa* »1 74. D l 0 F Via Thirty-seven lives have been lost i ----------------- FFred Dunn. $11 1«. James Walters. $39 Melvin H arty, $6.73; J W B irney. $6.54; Co Rhysipan. $100; Maraaret Dixon Co « iiu 81 u i persons p c is u im n ave u w n z injured n ju r e a w-x « pj and have been 81; A l Drier. $33.43; Chris Tchanti, Allis-Chalmer* .Mff. Co., $16.45; State In ' .Nurse $151.50: W alter fc Hutchinson Clerk in fires in Oregon during the nine- POftanQ PaStOF »33.48; N H Toates, $33 4 8 ; H H Butts, dustrial Accident Comm., $521.96; Stab- Dist A tty $100; Addyp M Shaffer Mother*» month period ending September 30, Industrial Accident Comm.. $72.09. Pension. $2 ; D S K elly Secry Circ Jud