Page Six II IL L S B O K O feet records of attendance for the period are Mervin O'Connor and Jean and Beverly Hergert. Little Shirley H ergert suffered ccnsiderably front a severe cold early in the week. Mrs. Goldie McCoy returned Wed­ nesday frotn Roseburg. w here she ARG US, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Thurnday, December 12, 1935 Room in the County Court House | lut" th . soth >t«y of u«-»nii>.r. itw;>, <|ny o f J a n u a ry . ItL'ttf, at the ho u r o f 10 nt lh « hou r o f 10 o'clock A M o f nnt>| o 'c lo c k A M o f a a h l «lav a n d th e c o u r t in Hil.sooro. W ashington County, »Imy, anti Ih « cou rt room o f th e above room o f th e above « u titlv il co u rt In K ill» * WK DEAL IN MKAL KHTATK Oregon. ant U led cou rt in lltlla h o ro , U i a p i ii , mm b o ro . O re g o n , aa th« tim e and place fo r W rite Witness my hand and seal of the th e time and place fo r h c a rin y o b jo r t lo t i« h ea rin g objection» to aald f in a l account E ir e an d A u to m o b ile ¡n a u ra n e e County Court of the S tate of O re­ to »aid H um I A c co u n t, uml fo r th e f in a l am i fo r th e f ilia l se ttle m e n t o f aald estate. M a k e ¡.taina an d laaue S u re ty ¡lom ia n ie n t o f »aid cwt ate gon. for W ashington County, here­ mc I D tle D a ted th ia 19th d ay o f Decem ln-r, HM5. a ted thin 2 tith day o f N o vem b er, 19L*» KURATLI & WISMER to affixed on this 9th day of D e­ IIE N ItY C. T llli.S , E x e c u to r o f the I* D l l 'll K O W E N S . A d m in irttia tri.v of I II 1 .I . H I IO R O , O K K O U N cember. A. D. 1935. th e l .- t a t e o f A M C o m m o n *. Decea*ed Luat W ill am i T a a ia in a n t o f said Deceaaed. Schefflin L u th eran s G iv e n ia * T .l» t> h ..ii. ISMI ISS« a - w illd Ht Natives0 P8St thre* WCCkS vUiUng School Plana Program ; Miss R eed’s G rades W in; Party E.. J. M cAlctor, A tto r n e y fo r E xecu­ EDW. C. LUCE. County C lerk of t E r a t r J. l x . M c A le a r, Attorney fo r A d n d 41.5 Program at Glooming to r. 43-7 Washington County. Oregon, and Fern Hill Ladies' club met T h u rs­ Planned Saturday N ight; P ageant Scheduled Clerk of the County Court of the N O T IC K T O t t W a n rO N H day w ith Mrs. Bernt Anderson. The BLOOMING- A rthur G urske was afternoon was spent in sewing quilt State of Oregon for Washington i i „ t h . C o u n ty C o u rt o f the S ta te o f O re - 43-3 H«n. fo r th e C o u n ty o f W a * h iu n to n . elected president o f St P e te rs för the h eite» . r 'n n w S i ifie n"r'.’,hr Following the program a group of County. P ro b a te D e p a rtm e n t. Young People's society Friday Mil­ Attest. (SEAL) (. O R M .l.Il S Evangelical church young pcpole of the M E. church Give Your Property M argaret Goetze w ent to P o rt­ . . u . . j « i N o tic e I n hereby y iv e n th a t th e u n d e r- dred K rahm er is vice-president’ land Thanksgiving day. She is of Vernonia will present a two-act w lll carol throughout the ......... comuni- _ ...... _ M B. Pump, residence and ad- *»«»« ,I Eh-yd U o lleh h a - been ap p o in te d Margaret Ruecker, secretary: H ar­ staying at the home of her broth­ religious drama. "Blind Betty," at nitv. If vou wish the carolers 10 Hillsboro. Oregon. A ttorney ••lmlnlair»i.>r „t i h . .-» ta t. ..f Juha old Meyer, treasurer, and Lois Al­ er. Bill, until she finds em ploy­ the local M E. church Friday eve­ stag at your door, please leave a f'j r C arl Laisen. and said estate. S ST 'S,?!’!!*. £ ton, librarian. M argaret Ruecker ment. ning at 8 o'clock. T here will be candle a t your window Four young- Date of first piiblieation Decern- c „ u , „ ‘y . a i..i ha» A ll " J lir io n . led discussion on “Zionism." S u n d ay school her 1.. 19.15 Last publication Dc- h a v im t i-laim a aninat .a id M a i , a r . Mr. Horner w ent to Portland free will offering. Rev. H. R. er classes of (he Mrs. William Marlin g a v e a Thursday Scheuerm an is pastor of the V er­ have made scrapbooks for t h e »'ember 28, 1935. i h»rN>y a o tifia il tu p r w . n t l h . . a m . , J u ly obtain medical advice nonia church. short discourse on Florence Night­ concerning to his D oernbecher hospital in Portland. n o t ic e o f p i n a l setti em est •< D M u\'orbet77^ foot, which h a s May we suggest Drain Tile, ingale to members of the Bloom- caused him considerable discom- Plan Program Mrs. Pete W hite visited last week , T , Ol hlNAI; ^TTLEMENT O re g o n , w ith in »1« m o n th - fro m th e .la te Preparations are being m ade at ing 4 H Sowing club Thursday. Leo ^ f ^ e past few w eA s a warm, dry basement, sew- in P o rtlan d n , ’,e v o u M y C o u rt o f th a S la t# <4 O ra - horaof. ‘ , con. fo r W a s h in g to n C o u n ty . l>at«d an d fir s t puhllahe.1 t)#r<>nib#r 12, Uchiyama was received as a new Braston McGinn and family mov- the Cornelius grade school for a or system or well curbing. Ml’, and Mrs. Ed Urton of Aloha h l tho M u tte r o f th o K a ta t . o f F r a l . r l . r IM35. D a ta o f last p u b lic a tio n J a n u a r y is. member Alta Meyer was elected ed to Hillsboro several weeks ago. Christm as program, probably De- , ‘ club pianist. You’ll receive many years » Mr. i- and i Mrs. 1 L. M. Nickerson __... ctm b e r 20. Enrollm ent is now 100, were guests W ednesday of Mr. and ■ N o lic , t , h .r.-tiy y l v .n th a t t h . u i u l.r - !»»* F L O Y D B O L IC H , A iln iln ia tr a to r . Lnuia Anniversary Celebrated 13 more than last year. Miss Evelyn Mrs. Joseph Finegan and family. ÌK H ..I. J u ly a p p o in t« ! A t itn in U lr a t u r o f V . L u n iltu iru . A tto r n e y t.t f of grateful service for your­ moved to Tigard Thursday. t he " *“ - . . i t i . - ----------- Relatives of Mr. and Mrs. W il­ Mr. and Mrs. R. Thompson spent ,h‘‘ ■*)»"'• n a n n -l « t a t a . ha» flla.1 In th . M t Y ¿ " „ u S D ^ r u f S M X t h e ^ ' ■ t £ ' ,V X ‘‘x& ■ S X r i E self. N O T IC K O F F IN A L S E T T I.E M E N T liam Hering surprised the couple m a rru g e of Miss Nevil S attler to W ednesday at the coast. “h”" ‘ ••••»« » " 8 > '•» » • h i . f m . w V r» X xU # T» a account a m i re p o rt aa such, an d the Friday in honor of their fifth w ed­ . E. COOke of B e a v e r t o n court ha.* fix e d th e 2 l» t day o f Decern* In t h . C o u n ty C o u rt o f t h . S t a t . o f tir o . Talman in Portland Saturday. largest percentage of C h ristm as iron, fu r W aah iiiirto tt County. ding anniversary a n d presented Louis seals. spent a few days w ith her son. son, W. W b#r. t w s , at th e h o u r o f tan o'clock A I Mr. and Mrs. Theodore S attler M a t t e r o f th e K -ta t« * o f I l c r t n a n ALL SIZES CLAY AN D CONCRETE DRAIN TILE A pot luck surprise party was R. Cooke, and family. M ' ,i,i **■>'• *nd ,h- murt room of 1 In C . . t h O e e r tlittK M r ,hl r an‘d Mrs M eyer of Portland visited . ft«x '«t»r» l. Hot lunches arc served at the ! h 7 * tl^ N o tic e ia he ret, y u lv e n , th a t th e u n tle r- ^ o n rt i n r 'd m , d l o n i at thc w «!ter Demmin home Sun- held Tuesday evening at the Alice Mrs. Henry Jacobsm ullen and Le- day a(tern0OB. Berger home. Present w ere Mrs. Cornelius school. Mrs. R. Schultz ..h jn iio n » to m U, i F in a l a ', „uni. .ml ai« n e .l E a e e u to r o f th o l.aat W il l a n d ¡ « -la m e n t o f -a iti 'r - ¡•in a i A c co u n t and re p o rt aa such, nnd th« B kom .' - ’« « t . K K R Mrs. H urry Hr,«»« >„d B , ™ „ . C o u rt h a - fix e d an d ap im in te d the 13th W alter Hering. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. ing. »■»— M cll\ainc, Mrs». J. Mixon, Mrs. D. here last week due to the death of Hanley A Hare. Attorney- for Admiut*- Mu.dy and Norma and Arlene. Mr. C. Whiting and Mrs. Alice Berger their father, Alex McPherson, re- tr*ll,r- 4 (M Mrs. F ranklin Koch and Mrs. and Mrs. Fred Muhly and Fred Jr.. Alvina H erdlein spent several days nd Miss Oleva. , turned home Friday. --------------------------------------------------- Albert. Oscar, Lester, W alter and of last w e e k w i t h r e l a t i v e « in P „ n Neighbors Woodcraft Miss Blanche is confined ■ ’»••Tit E or f i n a l s k t t i .FMEN t .» v ig ito u is o of i n o o a c ra n lodge toctge m is s o tan en e Finegan .. ............ .. LK " o n relatives m Fort- Thursday accepted Misses Oleva to her home with illness In th. C o u n ty C o u rt o f th e s t a t e ,,f o r e - Blanche, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Neu- land kirk and John, and Mr. and Mrs. ________________ Berger. Myra Weidewitsch. Evelyn Mrs Ellen L ytle of Hillsboro vis- in,'Th. M..*?’ of"*!^ of a m Beed and Floy W right and Mrs ited her daughter, Mrs. C. O. Dixon. C o m m o n ., De. e«»J.t John Haase w ith .Alvin, Mildred and Lucille. S c n n ll« M attie Sm ith into the circle as SO- Saturday. N o tice ia hereby elven th a t th e un d er- cja j members. Mrs. H C. Hill of Seattle was ,lul> appointed Administratrix of Members of the L utheran church at Schefflin presented a program Townsend club held a dance at called to the bedside of her sister. Scholls Ju n io r Woman’s club will a n *« her fin a l of entertainm ent in the local church hold a special meeting at the M. E. Buckeye on W ednesday evening. Mrs. Mrs. C. C. C. C. Ruth, Ruth. Saturday. " ' Mrs. | a w n « re p o rt an auch, and th « cou rt Sunday night consisting of a three- church parlors next Wednesday Leota White and Lee D eardorf won Ruth died S aturday night, act play entitled, "A Ready-made evening. ' prizes for selling the most tickets. M. E church prayer meeting was SAXTON « LOONEY Family,” a soprano solo by Wilma Mr. and Mrs. Fred W ohlschlegel Alr- and Mrs. J. F Mann and held at the George Wilcox home Schaus and a num ber of songs by Velma Wolschlegel and M elburn B arbara Jan e of Portland visited Wednesday night. They are to be Producer, of Quality a group led by Mr. Salzwedel. Ziegler spent the week-end at New- M r s . M D. Mann Sunday. held weekly in homes. All are in ­ SA ND and GRAVEL Doris Simmons and Orville and port. I'arty Saturday Night vited. Esther Meyer w ere on the honor Midway school will have a Christ- Mrs. Maude B Wilcox, superin _______________ . Mr. and Mrs. Fred H ering and P 'a n t located 4 miles north of For roll of the Blooming school for mas program at the school Decern- in d e n t of the home departm ent family, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jacobs- est d ro v e on d a le s Creek. Phone 1609R the past six weeks. Those with per- ber 20 at 1:30. of the M. E. Sunday school, and m uhlen and family and W alter and Mrs. M attie Smith. Sunday school Ernest Hering w ere dinner party- superintendent. will en tertain the ' guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. home departm ent and men's and i William Hering of south of Com e Guns, Am m unition women's Bible classes and friends , lius. the occasion being William of the Sunday school w ith a Christ- Hering's birthday. Fishing T ackle mas party at the church Saturday , Mrs. Edna Russell was a Port- i CORWIN HARDWARE evening. , land caller Friday. Miss Beth Coch- i 128 2nd Ave. Phone 72 Guy Grazer, form erly of north rane substituted as librarian. Cornelius, but late of Stevenson, i Cornelius Civic I m p r o v e m e n t A gent Long Radios Wash., died December 2 at a Port- club held a pot luck dinner and land hospital, following pneum onia business m eeting at th e city hall Pageant Scheduled Tuesday. The rem aining w alnuts "The Story Beautiful," a pageant, w ere sold. will be given December 24 at t h e ' M argaret Jan e Dooher had her M E. church. Santa Claus will be tonsils removed Saturday in Port- present and all are invited to come land. Gurske N am ed G roup Leader V ernonia C hurch to Present Play at C ornelius on Friday XMAS PRESENT Hillsboro Concrete Brick 8C File Co. $ BRONCHITIS! Mt. Home Honor Roll Announced I sings th eir favorite songs under the leadership of G lenn Stiff and A rthur Shrader. C hurch follows directly after this meeing. Never Worries Now M r. C liff o r d C . M o rris o n , R a in . R i v . r , ( In t . , has a b u n d an t reason to hl««» t h . d ay he h ea rd o f B l ’ C K L E V S M I X T I 'K K . A t the fir s t sign o f an s t la r k he nip» u in the had w ith B V C K L E Y 'M M I X T I ' R K . H e »ay»: “ M y e xp erien c e w ith th ia w o n ­ d e rfu l m edicin e m ake» me a lw a y s keep a b o ttle in the m edicin e chest— I never w o rry about h ro n c h itia n o w ." MOUNTAIN HOME—Honor roll NOTICE at M ountain Home school includes M argaret Caldwell, B arbara Lor- In the M atter of th e Petition for enzen and Norma Peters. Those L etters of A dm inistration on the neither absent nor tardy, beside Estate of Axel Larsen, who is If you are lying aw ake nights, the th ree mentioned, included Dor­ presum ed to be dead on account racked to pieces w ith coughing, of not having been heard from in choked othy and Relda Boulin, George Al­ up until you can hardly lison Jr.. Virgil Allison, and Clara m ore th an seven years from his breathe, ju st try BUCKLEY'S MIX­ Piepenbrink. last know n place of residence. TURE. You will be astonished how Miss Helen Schm eltzer is ill at To A xel Larsen, if alive, or any quickly the cough will stop, how other person for him: home and unable to attend college breathing will instantly ease. I on account of scarlet fever. You. and each of you, are hereby your T here's nothing like B u c k le y 's; notified that on December 2, 1335, Mrs. Aebischer President the County Court of the S tate of for quick, sure, safe relief. It acts Mrs. Edw ard Aebischer was elect­ like a flash—A single sip proves ! for W ashington County, it. ed president of the Mountain Home Oregon 45c and 85c at Hillsboro Pharm - I made, rendered and entered an o r­ C hristian Endeavor, which met at der in the M atter of the Petition acy and all good druggists—g u ar­ anteed.—Adv. the Harold Aebischer home F ri­ for L etters of A dm inistration on day night. O ther officers are Mrs the of Axel Larsen, p re­ H arry Schmeltzer, vice-president; sumed E state to be dead on account of j Miss Mildred Nelson, secretary; and not having been heard from in more ' Raymond Hornerbrook, treasurer. seven years from his last i Miss Ellen Marie Jaq u ith will hold than known place of residence, decree- j her position as worship leader for ing th at the legal presum ption of i another year. the death of the said Axel Larsen, 1 Name Officers deceased, to be m ade out to the Church and Sunday school offi­ satisfaction of said Court; and fu r­ cers of Mountain Home Evangelical th er ordering that notice thereof, church were elected December 2 signed by the Clerk of said Court as follows: Elvan Lorenzen, S u n ­ be inserted and published for two day school superintendent: Edw ard consecutive and successive weeks Aebischer, assistant superintend in the H illsboro Argus, a weekly ent; Peronice Ego, secretary; Ray­ new spaper printed and published i mond H ornerbrook, librarian; H ar­ in W ashington County, Oregon, and ' ry Schmeltzer, treasurer, and Mary of a general circulation, and fix ­ Schmeltzer. organist. Church tru s­ ing Monday. March 30, 1936, as the tees are Richard Joyce, re-elected, 1 time, and the County C ourt Room and Sarn Body and John Schmclt- in the County Cjjurt House of H ills­ zer, holdovers. Mrs. R ichard Joyce boro, Washington County, Oregon, is chorister. as the place for hearing the satis­ Ladies’ Aid met w ith Mrs. Alex factory evidence of the continuance Bruce Thursday for an all-day ses­ in life of the said Axel Larsen, de­ ceased. sion. Now therefore, you, said Axel « hat better gift could you Larsen, if alive, or any other p er­ possibly choose for the family son for him, are hereby notified than the new lamps that save and required to produce to the • By H a zel C h urehley» the eyes? Visit Pepco Electric Mrs. W. Holtz of Portland, who County Court of the State of O re­ Stores and learn th e inside story is a form er resident of Reedville, gon, for Washington County, O re­ gon, w ithin tw elve weeks from the is seriously ill. o f these scientifically co rrec t date of the last publication of this Florence Yeo spent last w eek­ lamps. Many attractive designs th e said last publication end visiting her relatives in S heri­ notice, will be on Thursday, M arch 26, from which to choose; both table dan. and floor models; easy terms. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. David A l­ 1936, satisfactory evidence, if any there be, of the continuance in mont, December 6, a boy. Price, $ 5 . 9 5 to $ 1 9 . 9 5 life, of the said Axel Larsen, de­ Betty Prink. 9-year old daughter ceased; and you are hereby fu rth ­ of Mr. and Mrs. H enry Prink, re ­ er notPieU th at on March 30, 1935, turned to school Monday after be­ at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of ing ill w ith measles. said day. a hearing will be had, Mr. and Mrs. B H andy and fam ­ and evidence heard of the continu­ PEPC STOPES ily visited relatives in Washington ance in life of the said Axel L ar­ Sunday. sen, deceased, in the County Court M arjorie Weildon, 6-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Weil­ don, has been ill for three weeks i w ith tonsilitis. Birthday Celebrated Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Snipes gave a birthday d inner in honor of their daughter. Mrs. W Lorenz, of ¡P ortland December 1. Guests at- j tending were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Snipes and daughter and W. L or­ MOLASSES GROUND SCREENINGS enz. Mr. and Mrs. J. Snipes and A low priced Dairy Feed, better than Mill Run. In- daughter of P ortland visited Mr. g'odients: Ground Oat Screenings, Wheat Screenings, and Mrs. W. M. Snipes Sunday. For the past three Sunday eve­ Vetch Screenings, Hempseed Oil Meal, Molasses. nings from 7 to 7:30 th ere has been com m unity singing, when everyone M olasses Ground Screenings, 12% Protein Çitfe EkecrmcAi ct^s Give | Better Sight | Lamps Reedville 70 years Experience A fund of experience, ac­ cumulated from years of dealing with financial prob­ lems in every part of this state, makes the service of The First Natoinal Bank of Portland genuinely helpful to depositors in this com­ munity. Today we offer you state wide banking facilities plus the friendly under­ standing service of a com­ munity bank. D A I R Y S P E C IA L 100-lb. sack ......................... $19.00 ton rack T /W S ervice ★ HILLSBORO BRANCH * Selfridge Eurn. Co. (Kin B unk a r e in ju r e d b.t th e b e d e ra l Deposit Insurance C o rp o ra tio n $1.95 Enjoy the Imperial Egg Mash, 100-lb. sack .................. 1.85 Big-Lay Egg Mash, 100-lb. sack .................. 1.75 CHRISTMAS PROGRAMS Put your flock on one of these better quality Mashes. Let us tune up your Make more money. Radio now! T he FIRST NATIONAL BANK Douglass oypo>TtANPi ^ — Radio Service In Feed for better Egg production, lower mortality: Imperial Milk Egg Mash, 100-lb. sack R J. Sctarct, Manager ItolHMiit* POULTRYM AN Pay Cash and Save — Trade with Imperial Im perial Feed & G rain C o. Phone 21X Phone 01 r, ■ Millers of Quality Feeds South Second Ave. to folks who like to keeb th e ir eyes open! Which covers about everybody, we think, because we ve never encoun­ tered the person who wasn’t inter­ ested in things going on around him —news of the home neighborhood, the county seat, the county, and af­ fairs at the state capital—and (very, very important) what’s going on in the stores of your home city. The Hillsboro Argus gives you all this, and more. Read it every week. Save money by watching the display and classified ads. Keep abreast of what is happening at home in the news columns. Give yourself a year­ long Christmas present by subscrib­ ing to the Argus. The newly married husband cannot give his bride a gift that would he appreciated any more as a year- around present. Parents of these newlyweds should see to it that they get off to the right start by keeping abreast of the times by knowing what is happening around them. No home should be without the great market place of Washington county. Just telephone 3101 or call at the office and we can start delivery at once. One year subscription only $1.50 in Washington county Outside Washington county and in United States, $2.00 a year Payable in advance Accorded H onorable Mention in 1935 National NewsnoDer and Production and G eneral Excellence Contests Selected as Member of All-American Weekly NcwsnaDer Eleven in 1931 Selected Oregon's Best Weekly Ncwapaper in 19:30 WHsbot