T i li, LS R O R O Thursday. December 12, 1935 ARGUS, Pane Five Il î L I, S P. O R O , O R E G O N Secure Spare Cash W ith a “For Sale” A d Below - - Phone 3101 for Results A Ready Market with Big Results ut Little Cost - - - Classified Columns Close at 10 A. M. W ednesday— Too Late to Classify Accepted Until 5 P. M. Wednesday Ten Free Venetian Theatre Ticket» in ClaHflificd and Display A dvertising— Check the Ads for Your Name. __________ Count Word»—Keml Money complaint the plaintiffs will apply N O TR E O F R A L E O F R E A I. talnlng 80 acres, more or less, to- as an Initial down payment, hal­ lo Ila- cour t tor the relief prayed PROPERTY BY ADMINISTR ATOR gether with a certain parcel of | anee installm ent Note and Mort- for in their said complaint, to-wil: Notice is hereby given that in land situate and bordering upon gage upon the property, hearing HAVE YOUR PIANO First Insertion, per word 2c HIGHEST quality trees, largest as­ YOUNG team dapple-gray mares That the plaintiffs have judgm ent pursuance of an order o fth eC o u n - the West line of the above d e - j interest of 6 per cent per annum 2HltU pounds; gray m ule'; several Tuned, cleaned, dernothed and re ­ against and recover of and from i ty Court of W heeler County, O re- scribed tract and being east of on deferred payments, subject to sortment, greatest vulucs G ra ft­ Each additional Insertion, p a ir e d G e o rg e Roberta, Rt 4. ed Suckerless filberts, wulnuts, farm horses Buy Heisman, Gurl- per word ....... lc Hillsboro Phone 1282 39if the above named defendant, E E «on. made and entered on the 16th County Road No. 361. and being a i the confirm ation of the above cn- buldi Ave Phone 2107. 43tf prunes, pears, cherries, a p p l e s , Lyons as adm inistrator of the estate day of July, 1935. in the m atter part of the West Half of said titled Court. (No service per Issue less peacln a. apricots, grapes, ornauicn- of Abel William Lyons, deceased, of the estate of Mary .J. Hoover. Southw est Q uarter of said Section Tender, or bids for the purchase th a n 25c) R oom s, A p artm en ta iuls, shrubs, etc. Prem ium Boses TEAM 2500-pourid mules, g o o d 34. the lull sum of $1250 00 together deceased. the undersigned adm in- Seven, containing 1' . acres, more of said real property will be re- shape und gentle, will si ¡1 at free. Send today for our 45th A n­ Headers, per line ............. 10c with interest thereon at the rate istrator " f s dd « ta te will sell at or less, situated In Washington ceived by the undersigned-guard niversary sule clrculur. Carlton bargain, or what have you’ W. FURNISHED 3 - room apaftinent of T : per annum since the 22nd ! a private sale to the highest, bid- County. S tate of Oregon; th at, the ian at The First National Bunk of ... th pi i . ata b.i' h, for rent. No. Black Face Hooding P erm itted Wyss, 7511 S W. T aylor’s Ferry Kill Nursery Co Aigu 39tf day of July. 1931. and the fu rth e r tier for cash in hand, all of the mortgage described in plaintiff s Portland, Oregon, at Portland. O re­ Cash should uccompany order. road, Portland. 43 p sum of $ 150.00 attorney's fees and interest of the estate of said de- com plaint be foreclosed and the gon. from and after the 2nd day N ursery block their costs and disbursem ents h ere­ cedent in and to the following de- mortgaged premises be sold in one of January, 1938. Out of fairness to all no In­ 35. H ou ses O ld H orses W anted MUST be so ld H ig h g r a d e J u n i­ Dated at Portland. Oregon, this parcel in the m anner prescribed in; that they have a judgm ent and scribed property, to-wit: formation on the C l u s s lf le d per, A rbor Vllue. Cedar, Cypress, Cheap, old hot «• for fox feed by the laws of the State of O re­ the 26th day of November, 1935. EIVE acres, 4-room house, barn, decree foreclosing th eir said m ort­ Beginning at th e SW corner Rage will he given out until Spruce, Yew, Azalia. Bhododen- Date of first publication Novem­ Phone 2091Z. 43-7p gon and the practice of this Court; chicken house, close In, for rent, gage set forth in th eir said com ­ of the Donation Land Claim of the paper Is Issued. drons. Abellu. Aucuba Box, Catori- th at th e proceeds thereof be ap- ber 28. 1935. Date of last publica­ $10 month. Bert C. Huntington, plaint and decreeing t h e lands Jam es W. Cham ber and Mary custer, Daphne. H eather, G randa HIGHEST eastern prices for c a r­ 113 N. 3rd Ave. plif?d tow ard the paym ent of plain­ tion December 28, 1935 43 therein described and described In Cham bers No 54. thence n o rth ­ load broke or range h o r s e s , THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Holly, l.uurel, Mugnullu, and many tif f s decree, costs and accruing said mortgage be sold by the S h er­ erly on the line between said others Plants for edging, hedge. mules and colts, Fred Chandler FIVE-room modern house w ith one iff of Washington County. Oregon, A n n o u n cem en ts 1. costs; th at at said sale plaintiff OF PORTLAND, OREGON, guard- claim and th e donation land be perm itted to become a p u r - , tan of the person and estate of Wind break, o r garden. Expert Horse and Mule M arkut, Chariton. acre of ground. 1 'y miles west of in the m anner provided by law claim of Thos. and Mary Otchin NOTICE lan d s'ap e advice Drew N ursery Iowa. 42-0 Hillsboro on Gak Park road; chick­ for the sale of land upon execu­ chaser; that plaintiff have a de- Alice May Ellerson, incapable. By in said County and State, 15 85 We will not be re puli.'Ible for Beaverton, east end of 8tli St ficiency judgm ent against the de- M A. Taylor. Assistant T rust Of- en house for 500 chickens. 36 apple tion and that from the proceeds of chains to a stake 4 rods S. of lulls incurred by the Bunks Pool Phone 1IH03 35tf 26. fendants, Martha E. Ross and Gil-1 fleer of guardian. 41-5 C attle trees, for rent, $20 month.—Elmer said sale th ere be paid the follow­ th e center of a swale, thence Hall on or alter Di'i'i'inbi'i 0, 193:». Wohler. Phone 6R2. 41tf ing am ounts in the following order, man G. Ross, wife and husband; easterly running parallel with N U T fC K O F F IN A L S E T T I.E M R N T C. Kandy und B F. Friday. 43p 21. Farm M achin ery H. G raham and Ellen Graham, hus­ In the County Court of the Stato of Ore- YOUNG Jersey cow for sule, due to-wlt: said swale, to a stake on the — band a n d wife; A lexander K. to freshen December 10, second 37. L oans E&rfX for Wajthintrton County. 1. The costs and expenses of line between th e eastern and M od ern ize 4. Lumsden, and Isabelle W. Neate, In ton. 43p ington. H elp W an ted date Of the last publication there- tlem ent before «aid court at the court 7. being in W ashington County, closed of all right, title, interest In the M atter of the Estate of and estate in and to said real prop­ of is the 12th day Of December, thereof in H ilb boro, Oregon, on ELDERLY couple w ant woman io I W A N T E D -P o u ltry of all kinds Oregon, 1Qqe Monday, Oecember 23, 1935. at 10 o clock 28. R eal E state K enneth Wells, a minor. erty and th at they and each of Bids or offers for th e purchase 19^ M L BEATTY, of A ttorneys a. m. of said day. w o rk in hom e, m u st be a b le Write. will roll or bring Friday, ------------------- — ---- Notici hereby given that in Dated and flr» t published November 21. IV. .. s u lin •■ m a ll w ag. , b u ' go,.d Saturday Monday noon m M O I ) E H N luroay or m onaay before o r , o r e «.oo and |,„ w ith gar- pursuance of an order of the Hon- them be forever barred, restrained of said iands should be m ade in for Plaintiff. Post office address: 19.35. b a te of la»t publication December and enjoined from ever asserting w ri,in o and m a v be delivered to '■ R. Barden, Cornelius. 34tf i H|{(, f()r 154r, o a k gtreet. arable Donald T. Templeton. Judge home. F. Klatt, mile east of Or or claiming any right, title or in- the undersigned at the office of 514 P orter Building, Portland, Ore- 19. 1935. A. J O N E S . A d m in b tra trtr of 43p Boute 4 »■'«■■DU babv « M ir-v u i Hillsboro For inform ation w rite of the above entitled Court, made terest in or to said real property Fred Finsiey, his attorney, in Fos- 8°n-_______________________ X___ the ED<¿AR » t a t « of H a rry M. Jonaa. Deceaaad. t. H l GIIEh BABU < UK KN l(> J(x. Mue| | c r, Sylvan Lake. Al- on the 26th day of November, 1935. M B. lium p. reaidenca a n d addra»«. t ea c HKRS’ EXAMINATIONS Hughes A Son Canada. 43.Jp in the above estate, the • u n d er­ except the statutory right of re- jjj. W heeler County. Oregon, at Mz\N wanted for llawleigli route Slnce 1917 t h e Hillsboro, Oracton, A ttorney fo r »aid demption. and for such other and any tim e after the first publica- x o H c c D hereby givTn that the 1- uib Hatchery hus been serving the 43-1 of BOO families. Good profits for signed guardian will from and after hustler We train and help you. careful chick buyers of Oregon. 8t? ACRES. l'-_. miles to Hillsboro, the 15th day of January, 1938, pro­ further order and decree as may tion of this notice. Or before the Cou ° .y ¿ cho^,l SuD»rin"enden‘ of --------------------------------- —-------------- m aking of said sale, w hich ft ill w ashinaton County Oregon wiB , u rNO W “ To « M » ™ » , n w ith modern 5-room house, shad< ceed to sell and sell at private sale be proper in the premises. Write tixlay Hawleigh C o, Dept This is our second season of sell- This summons is served upon you b e as soon after th e 1Cth day of ^ dh‘?h^ r e S a ? e x a r n S n o ' " 2 ^ °* **■ 38-49p j ing Hughes Leghorn day-old p u l- ' trees. shrubbery, garage, b a r A at 820 Falling Building. Portland, OR-KC KA2 Oakland, Cal yon. fo r Washington County. i 935. as a satisfactory a ° ‘ ,ica" , s fo? state teachers' certif- In »h« M a tter o f the E m tate of H en ry ---- J lets, with unconditional money- 1 chicken house. $3250. term s.—W. G Oregon, upon the term s hereinafter pursuant to an order made and ^ ^ r back guarantee of 95% accurucy ajg e . Main. Hillsboro. Helmold, Dec-eaaed. B ids 9, stated and subject to confirm ation entered in the above entitled court bid has t>een received and ac- -ca.es at the office of the County N otice is hereby given, th a t the anA tr- Hillsboro, Visit our breeding farm and hatch- niB.,hl. „ , J , by the above court, all of the estate. and cause on the 4th day of De- cepted T he rig h t to reject any and g chooi SuDerintendent signed has l»een duly appointed by th« i n n . n i - i s l 01 z , . . .. , . . . > _____ cembcr. 1935. by th e H onorable R. a n bids being reserved, and said OreBon as follows Commencing al>ove entitled BIDS wanted on 60 ricks of 3',i- cry, or se n d f o r c a ta lo g W e aL < i 29 A t R r.K . li m ile right, title and interest of the estate an A d m in istra trix Hillsboro near Bethany, for sale, Fran, ^ PetC^ ' Jli dgeu?fu t h u ab ° VC 33,6 wiU be m ade subject to con* w Jdnesdav December 18 1935, at of the estate of Court, f'iot Hr wot«! Good live' old or hatch production bred Reds and said deceased, and ban of K enneth Wells, a minor, in the a d conti™ ing duly qualified a» such. econd growth D elivered at Union Rocks O ur many custom ers will $20 per aere. Terms Kurntli A following described real property entitled court, and which order pre- firm ation by the County Court of scribes th at this summons shall said w h eeler County, Oregon. 9 December 20. 1935, at N ow , therefore, a ll peraona having High School No. 1, at Banks not , be glad to tell you of th eir sue- Wismer, 138 N. 2nd Ave. Phon claims against said estate are hereby 42 situate in Washington County, O re­ be published once a week for four j G iven under my hand and dated later than August 1. 1938 Bids to cess w ith Hughes stock. We cus- 1391. 4 o'clock p. m. notified and required to present the gon: successive and consecutive w e e k s' t bjs 6th dav of October, 1935. be in the bunds of the clerk not 1 tom hatch both hen and turkey Wednesday Forenoon—U. S. His­ same, together with proper voucher* T he West tw o and one-half in the Hillsboro Argus, a w eekly 1 w . W. HOOVER, A dm inistra- tory, W riting «Penmanship), Geom­ therefor, to the underwigned at the law later than January I. 1936. Right eggs successfully. We are now add- FOR SALE A 36x50 barn in fa ir­ acres of the South four acres of ly good paint, partly new roof. newspaper, printed, published and f0r 39-43 office of Bagley A H are, in the First n served to reject any or all bids ing a 20.000-egg Incubator, brtng- Botany. Lot num bered T hree Hundred N ational Bunk Building. in Hillsboro, circulated w eekly w ithin W ash in g -, --------------------------------- ----------------- etry. 13 ing our total cupucity to 115,000 Located east of Orenco, one-milo Bruce F M i't'ann, Clerk. W ednesday A fternoon — Physio- Oregon, w ithin six months from the and Seventy-nine 1379) in Jo h n - ton County, Oregon, and of gener- | SUMMONS 'eggs, all modern Robbins eleetilcs n o r th Q u n ta m a s ta tio n M u st be date hereof. ogy. Reading, Composition, G en­ aoo E-Udo A ddition to Beaver- al circulation therein, the date of j n the C ircuit Court of th e State Duted this 14th day of November, 1915. 1936 calendars now ready. Ilught moved a t once. For fu ll p a r tic u la r s 11. T o S w ap ton-ltecdville Acreage, accord­ ■ the first publication thereof being , of Oregon in and for th e Coun- eral History. V E R O N IK A H E L M O L D , A d m in istra trix 10K4» K. Oak S t. « e F. O. Eilgon. on highway. Jtiills Thursday Forenoon—A rithm etic. of the Estate of said Deceaseii. Bagley S « « WAlicry : ing to the duly recorded plat i on the 5th day of December, 1935, , y of Washington: 4ltf 43tf boro. Plum e 831. AMMONIA Ice machine, C harter hone 3152 History of Education, Psychology, A H are, A ttorneys fo r A d m in istra ­ Wff-n of. s unon which said real and tbe da.l1 The term the ' T he Federal Land Bank of Spo- Geology. Oak electric range, new car ra- , tr ix . 3»U3 S5000 dio, to trudc for cow. -T elephone i 24. •operty will be sold are as kiL tion thereof being on the 2nd day kane a corporation, plaintiff, vs Pig» T hursday A fternoon — Gram m ar, i FOR SALE—The MacKav prop«?r- property operty will be soia are as loi , Qf Ja n u ary 19S8 I M artha E. Ross and Gilman G. | N O T IC E O F F IN A L A C C O U N '.' 252.1 43tf ' to-wit: No. 4.11)7 EIGHT wc;incr pigs for sale C. ty. W ashington street near First, lows, to-wit: On On contract contract provid P^ovid- | E B TONGUE, A ttorney for Ro Civil Government, Book- Account Ochs, TWELVF and fl-wecks-old pigs for the statutory rig h t of redem ption, of th e total purchase price. in the County C ourt of the No. 3902 Sherwood, Rt. 3) . a a deceased: W. B. Goodman and Jane State of Oregon fo r Washington County, s.ilr E S' ImIII li bel I..uirel p This summons is served upon you D ated this 6th day of December, Ino fh Oregon y for°Uth e County o L D m Goodman, husband and wife; Qp £ KRAUS. County School and that Monday, the 16th day of De­ by publication thereof, by order 1935. POTATOES. 75c hundred. Bring cember, Il*.'t5, a t the hour o f 10 o'cloek W ashington a1^ a11 ° ? e r . persons Superintendent, Hillsboro, O r e - of the Honorable H. Frank Peters, First publication December 12, in the forenoon of said day. in the bug,. Also straw for sale.—J. H. « «.» ' unknow n claim ing any right, title, 42.3 Judge of the above entitled court 1935. Last publication Jan u ary 9. In he« Mattecr . ° f thC G uardianship 1 estate, ben or interest in the r e a l , o f said Court has been Ap­ Grimes. W alker road; 3 1» miles '___________________ _________ courtroom pointed by said Court as the tim e and made on N ovember 16. 1935. direct- 1936. west of Beaverton. 43p of Mary Stitt, an incom petent estate described ¡n th e com plaint sa le OF SCHOOL WARRANTS place fo r the hearing of objections there­ SUMMONS ¡ng such publication to be made in ALFRED GREEN, G uardian of (Venetian ticket, Fred G o r d o n , e nheirs at law next of kin herein: a n d Sherwood N ational Notice i , hereby given th a t the to and the settlem ent thereof. No. 10674 the Hillsboro Argus, a legal news- the Estate. Leland B. Shaw, Attor- ToPeth Dated and firs t published November Hillsboro, Rt. 4) n n d 111 in te r e s te d in th^ Farm Loan AssoCiatlon' a '’orpora- 3chool Board of School D istrict No. 14th. D ate of last publication Pe- In the Circuit Court of the State paper of general circulation, pub- ney for G uardian 43-7 and all persons n e s te d in the Uon D eiendants. 2, Washington County. Oregon, will cember 1935. 12th. 1935. 18 H. P Russell, state tested, good of Oregon, for the County of lished In said County of Wash -------------------- ------------------------------- estate of M ary S titt, an incom- Tq th e above nam ed Defend- receive sealed bids for the sale of A L B E R T S C H E C K L A , Executor. Fred Washington. ington, S tate of Oregon, once a NOTICE for small mill, in good shape, pelent Pers° n, ants^ M artha E. Ross and G ilm an 53 ooo.OO ip interest-bearing w ar- A. A tlehoff. A ttorney. 512 Mead Build­ L. F. Patnoe, Plaintiff, vs. Les- week for six consecutive week! In th e M atter of V erne C urry, Bank- $300 Cash or term s.—A. H. E rick­ ing. Portland, Oregon. 39-43 You, and each of you. are here- Q Rojs wi(# and husband; H. G ra- ~ nts> at go,, interest. rupt. Hillsboro O r^ o n ^ by R0, lfled tbat r , pursuance of | £ ™ dW E H e n '''c V a h a , ^ ’husband son, Forest Grove. 42-3p lie C. Endicott and Anna C. Endj- , from date of firs, publication there- ham and Graham husband These w arrants are to be retired The trustee is offer ng - tor sale Dy an . . w i- . Ellen Evp1 vn W arbur„ and N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L K M B N T cott, husband a n d wife; E. R of and th e m ailing of a copy ol _ an order order of oi the tne County co u n ty c v o o u u r n t of oi wife- Fv^lvn and “ f° J ll0W’ - ^ W arburg n l hu"»- HEATERS, '29, '30 und '31 Chevro­ Lundburg, A dm inistrator of t h e sum m ons to each of you at your ; scaled bids, the stock and fixtures the County of Washington State - d„ In the County Court of the S tate of Ora- $1.000.00 one year from date gon, for W ashington County. let, special price Instail<*d, $4 95 ! Estate of Tilden Martin, deceased last known address. j of the above estate. Stock inven- ° i S regOrlK ma w i t " th® 26th day 1 band; erlv. husband and MELVILLE H CEIL. A ttorney will be opened in the office of the cause, if any exists, w hy a license band and wife; also all other p er­ of Philena P. Oleson. Deceased, has filed date of issue. tet Plaintiff. 514 Broadway Bldg., trustee. 471 Pittock Block, Port- to sell the following described real sons or parties unknow n claim ing FENCE posts for safe,' 10c de- Mrl Thomas P. Esklldsen and hi» Final Account in the County Court any right, title, estate, lien or in ­ All bids are to be in the hands Portland. Oregon. 40-6 land, Oregon, at 11:00 A. M.. F ri­ property should not issue to Carl the State of Oregon, for Wauhington live-red Ray Delsman. G aribaldi terest in th e real estate described of Louise M. Cochrane. Clerk. C or­ of day, December 20th. C ertified check County, and that »aid C ourt ha* fixed M unthe as prayed for in his peti­ in th e com plaint herein; Ave. Phone 2107. 34tf ! bandi Halph M artin and Ja n e Doe nelius. Oregon, at or before 8 p. m., Monday, the 23rd day of December, A. CITATION for 10% of am ount offered must tion filed herein; _____ ____________ i Martin, husband and w i l e ; Hose D. 1935, at 10 A . M. of »aid day in the In the nam e of th e S tate of O re­ 27, 1935. C A L L IN G C a rd E v e ry u " m a n 'M " 1 "i, unm arried; also " T h e U n- In the County Court of th e State accompany bid. Right reserved to All of Lots 3 and 4 in Block 22 gon, you are hereby required to December County Court Room of the County Court The board reserves th e right to of Oregon, for W ashington C oun­ reject any or all bids. Bids sub­ known Heirs of William T. Wim­ House in the C ity of Hillsboro. W ashing­ in the City of Beaverton, County appear and answ er th e p lain tiffs should have calling cards as a so ....... l’“' - any or all bids. ton County, Oregon, a» the tim e and ject to approval of the court. ty- of Washington, S tate of Oregon, ac­ com plaint filed against you in th e reject clal necessity. See The A rgus for berly, deceased," und "The U n­ _______ „ _ _ LOUISE M. COCHRAN, Clerk, place for hearing said F in a l Account and G W. INGRAM. Trustee, 471 P it­ cording to the duly recorded plat known Heirs of Tilden M artin, de­ In th e M atter of the E state of Quality work. objections thereto, and fo r the fin al John O. Mikelson, Deceased. tock Block, Portland, Oregon. 43 thereof in the office of the Re­ above entitled court a n d cause | school District No. 2, Cornelius, all ceased" und "All O ther Persons or of said Estate. w ithin six w eeks from the date Oregon. 42-3 settlement Dated this 21st day of November, A. T>. NO TRESPASS, Apartment for Rent, P arties U nknown Claim ing Any To: Michael Mikelson, Anna Flick. corder of Conveyances, in H ills­ of the first publication of t h i s --------------—---------------- CALL FOR WARRANTS H enry Mikelson, Amelia M ikel­ 1935. No Smoking, For Rent, For Sale, Right, Title, Estate, Lien or In ­ Oregon. summons, towit: on or before De- NOTICE O L E O L E S O N . Executor o f the La»t All County G eneral Fund W ar­ boro, son, Lena Odson and Edw ard No Peddlers, etc., signs for sals at terest In the Real P roperty D e­ Beginning at the southw est cor­ W ill and Testam ent of Philena P. Oleson, No. 38-010 Mikelson. an insane person, and rants of W ashington County, Ore- ner of th e north half of Lot 3 of cem ber 13, 1935, and if you f a il; Deceased. Thus. H . Tongue J r., A tto r­ E lie Ariti 27tf scribed in the Com pluint H erein,” to all persons and parties hav- I gon. endorse^ "not paid for want Steel's A ddition to the tow n of so to answ er said com plaint, th e I G uardianship of Alice May Eller- ney for Executor. 40-4 Defendants. son ing or claim ing to have any in- of funds" on or before April 30. Beaverton, running thence north plaintiff w ill apply to the court The S tate of Oregon to John F 14. Cars, T ru ck s, T ires N O T I t E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T for the relief dem anded in its said ¡n the Circuit Court of the S tate tcrest, right or title to or claim ; 1935, are now payable at the of- along th e west boundary line of Wimberly and Jane Doe Wimberly, the County Court of the State of Ora- of Oregon, for the County of in «on, or lien upon the real property fice of the County T reasurer, iti Lot 3 of Steel's A ddition to the complaint, to-w it: First, for a de husband and wife, Mrs. Thomas P. for WaHhihjrton County. FOR people who w ant to self- M ultnomah, P robate Department. In the M a tte r o f the Estate of M a ry E. herein described. G reeting: Hillsboro, Oregon. Interest on such town of Beaverton 100 feet; thence cree ordering that th e sum of service Iheir automobiles with Esklldsen and Thomas P. Eskild- Watson, Deceased. In the Name of the State of Ore- w arrants not heretofore called w ill •M t 60 feet: thence south 100 feet $265.00, being the par value of 53 In th e M atter of the G uardianship sen, wife and husband; Ralph Power Seal, send $1 check or m an- N otice is hereby given th a t the under­ shares of stock in The Federal of Alice May Ellerson, incapable. gon, you arc hereby cited nnd re- cease December 14, 1935. Martin and Jane Doe M artin, hus­ parallel w ith th e w est line of Lot signed a d m inistrator of the estate of , v order to It C Harder, loth Notice is hereby - ' * given that pur- quired to appear in the County ! MAUD W. BOSCOW, County 3; thence w est along the south L and Bank of Spokane, pledged ___ i n t M ary E. Watson, deceased, ha« filed his and W alnut Sts., Hillsboro; care of band and wife; Rose M artin, u n ­ Court of the S tate of Oregon for j T reasurer. by the Sherwood National Farm suailt to th e_ o rd ' er and decree OI f i nai account and report as such ad- 43 m arried; also "The U nknow n Heirs boundary line of th e north half Foliis Service station, or Rt. 4. tf Loan Association as additional se­ C ircuit C ourt of th e S tate of ...in is tra to r in the County Court of the of William T. Wimberly, deceased,” Washington County at th e Court of said Lot 3 to place of begin­ curity for the loan made by the the SUMMONS Oregon, for the County of M ult­ State of Oregon fo r Washington Coun­ Room thereof In Hillsboro in said "The Unknown Heirs of Tilden ning, m aking a parcel of land sixty ty, and th a t said fin a l account and fe - WE buy and sell used cars. plaintiff herein, be applied to the deceased" nnd “All O ther • County and S tate on or before th e j 4 n 4 b e G re in t C ourt of th e S tate of by one hundred t60xl00) feet, sit­ paym ent of the am ount secured nomah, Probate Departm ent, duly port has been set fo r fin a l hearing ami made and entered on the 25th day We want to buy 75 used Martin, 16th day of December, 1935, at the ° r eC ’ni, f° r jWv Shin^ ° S i h ° U i i ' , ! ' ’ ent before »aid court at the Persons or Parties U nknow n C laim ­ in W ashington County, S tate by plaintiff's mortgage; and that of November, 1935. the undersigned, settlem court room thereof in Hillsboro. Oregon, J- R>chc and Eugenic Riche, hus- uate cars.— Used Car Exchange. ing Any Right, Title, Etsate, Lien hour of ten o’clock A. M. of said A- band of Oregon. on Monday, December 16, 1935, at 10 th e plaintif h a v e a judgm ent and wife, plaintiffs, vs. E The First National Bank of P o rt­ or Interest in the Real Property day to then and there show c a u se ,, E. Lyons, adm inistrator of the It is fu rth er ordered th at this against th e defendants, M artha E. a. m. of said day. Oregon, guardian of the p er­ o’clock Dated and fi.r»t published November 16. F u rn itu re , P ianos, R adios Described In the Com plaint H ere­ if any th e re be, why an order j estate citation be published in th e H ills­ Ross and G ilm an G. Ross, wife land, of Abel W illiam Lyons, son and estate of Alice May E ller­ 14, 1935, Date of lust publication Decem­ in," D efendants above nam ed, and should not be made, rendered and deceased: E. E. I-yons, u n m ar­ boro Argus, a w eekly new spaper and husband; H. G raham a n d son, incapable, has been duly li­ ber 12. 1935. entered by the above entitled Court SMALL safe for sale, $18.50.— each of them. published at Hillsboro. Oregon, and M E. W A T S O N . A dm inistrator of Ellen G raham , husband and wife; Stella Danner, adm inistra­ and Selfridge F urniture Co. 43 You, nnd each of you are hereby in the above entitled cause an- j ried, rioaz n f 1 the Estate o f M a ry E. W atson, Deceased, of general circulation in the county A lexander K. Lumsden; and Isa­ censed mt to sell, « . . and it will from trix of th e estate of Fred O. L y­ after Thursday, th e -nd day of y Bump, reakWnee a n d aildreaa. (Venetian ticket, J. R. Betzer, city) required to uppear and answ er the thorizing, em powering, licensing j ons, deceased: Stella D anner, ad ­ In which said real property is sit­ belle W. Neate. a single woman, January. 1936. sell at private sale Hillsboro, Oregon. A ttorney for said com plaint filed against you in the nnd directing th e A dm inistrator of uate, for 4 successive weeks; and ____J » - « MUST repossess standard m a k e above entitled su it on or before the E tsate of said deceased to sell i m inistratrix of the estate of th at you, and each of you. appear and against each of them, for the to the highest, bidder, all of the , Estate. pianp in this locality. Will sell January 2, 1936, w hich is more than ■ at private sale to the highest bid- ■ Rhoda Lyons Reed, otherw ise before said Court on the 30th day balance then rem aining unpaid of estate, rights, title and Interest in N O T IC E O E F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T for unpaid balanco. A bargain. six weeks from th e date of the dcr for cash in hand the real prop- i know n as Rhoda Reed Lyons, d e­ of December, 1935, at th e hour of said indebtedness, to-w it; The sum and to the following described real In the County Court of the Htat« of Ore- of $5067.31, w ith interest on the estate belonging to Alice May E ll­ ceased; Stella D anner and Albert gon, fur Washington County. Easy terms. Write Tallm an Piano first publication of this summons erty belonging to said Estate and 9:30 a. m., to show cause, if any In the M a tte r of the Last W ill andTsata- Store, H.i .. .....I SI., Salem, O re­ upon you, and if you fail to ap ­ particularly described as follows, I S. Danner, h er husband; Janies exists, w hy a license should not sum of $4952.20 thereof at the erson, incapable, to-wit: ment and Estate of Edith (M a ry ) A lm a A. Sewall, P hilip Foord a n d be granted for th e sale of the fore­ rate of 5% per annum from Oc­ gon...................................................42-4 pear and unswer the complaint, to-wit: An undivided one-half interest in Tichenor, Deceased. tober 1, 1935, un til paid, and for C lara D. Foord, his wife. Fred Notice is hereby given that the under­ All of Lot num bered 9 in the the property beginning at an iron for w ant thereof th e plaintiff will REDUCE EXPENSES O. Lyons Jr., unm arried. The going real property as prayed for the fu rth e r sum of $250.00 or such stake at S. E. corner of H arriet J. signed adm inistrator w ith the WIU an­ plat of Beaver Acres, situate apply to the Court for the relief in th e petition on file herein. nexed of the estate of Edith (M a ry ) other sum as the court may ad­ Modernize your buttery radio. No U nited States National Bank of in Section 7, T. 1 S. R. 1 W. CARL MUNTHE, G uardian. L e­ judge reasonable as attorney's fees Ellerson's 37.77-acre tract located A lm a Tichenor, deceased, has filed hie more troublesom e battery re ­ dem anded In the com plaint, to-w lt: Portland (Oregon), a corporation, of W illam ette Meridian, accord­ in Sec. 24. T. 1 S., R2W WM thence fin a l account and report as such ®d- Judgm ent for $500.00 together w ith land B. Shaw, A ttorney, 820 F ail­ herein, together w ith »p lain tiffs N. 0° 4', E. 712.8 ft. to th e quarter m in istra to r in the Count? Court of the charging. Free Information gladly interest at 8% per annum from and J. Russell Akey, T rustees u n ­ ing to th e duly recorded plat 41-5 costs and disbursem ents; given Douglass Radio Service, der the Last Will and Testam ent ing Bldg., Portland. thereof, containing 3.77 acres, corner on th e W. line of Sec. 19, State of Oregon for Washington County, December 29. 1931 until paid, $100 - Second, for a decree foreclosing T. 1 S , R. 1 W., thence N. 0’ 09 M.' and that said fin a l account and report Selfridge Furniture. Phone 21X. 4‘2t of J. E. Akey, deceased; a n d N O T IC E T O C R R D IT O K S in Washington County, O re­ has been set for fin a l hearing and set­ 00 attorneys fees and for costs and H yatt fi Brawn, a corporation. In the County Court. State o f Oregon, th at certain mortgage executed by W. 1046.4 ft. to a point in th e cen­ tlem ent before said court a t the court gon. disbursem ents herein incurred and County o f W ashington, Probate Depart« M artha E. Ross und Gilman G. Fuel Defendants. 17 ter of County Road the place of room thereof in Hillsboro, Oregon, on that said Judgm ent be decreed a said sale to be m ade for th e pur- nt. Ross, w ife and husband, on March beginning; thence N. 88’ .57' W. 427 Monday. December $6. 1935, at 10 o'clock pose of securing funds w ith w hich To Fred -O. Lyons Jr, and J. Rus- In BM the M a tte r of the Estate of M a rg are t first and prior lien upon the fo l­ of said day. 23, 1918, in favor of plaintiff, which ft. to a point; thence N. 0 ’ 34' E. a. D m. OLD GROWTH 12 and 16-lnch fir. sell Akey, Defendants: Maas», Deceased. ated and firs t published N ovlm hsr described real property, sit­ to pay the liens against said Estate, 12 nnd lfl-lnch block wood, and lowing Notice is hereby given th a t the under­ m ortgage was recorded on April 205.2 ft. to a point; thence S. 88" 14, 1935. Date o f last publication Decem­ Iiiueu III ....... V.OU..',, with the Interest thereon, and the In the Name of the S tate of Ore- uated in W ashington County, Stnti signed has been appointed adm inistrator 6. 1918. at 11:00 o’clock A. M in 4-foot country slab for sale.—Tele­ of 1935. Oregon, bounded and described claims against said E state and the gon: You and each of you are hcic- of .57' E. 424.5 ft. to a point; thence ber D A 12. the estate of M argaret Maass, deceased, N I ’. C H A M B E R S , A dm inistrator phone 1091. 41tf as follows, to-wil: Lot num bered costs of adm inistration thereof. by commanded and req u ired to ap- by the County Court of the State of Ore­ Book 80 of Mortgages, page 303. in S. 0° 09 Vi' E. 205.2 ft. to th e place w ith the W ill annexe»! of the Estate of gon, for W ashington County, ami hm the office of the County Recorder of beginning, containing tw o acres Edith (M a ry ) A lm a Tlchapor, D«e«ase»b 75 In T ualatin Valley Homes, as Witness, the Hon. Donald T. pear .and answ er th e com plaint filed FIRST class wood for sa le.— Ray W ashington County, Oregon, qualified. A ll persons having claims against of M B Bump, residence a n d s i de s», Delsman, G aribaldi Ave. Phone shown by the duly recorded plat , Templeton, Judge of the County against you in the above ent it lea said estate are hereby notified to present covering th e following described more or less, situated in W ashing­ Hillsboro, Oregon, A ttorney for said i n W ashington County, Court of the State of Oregon, for court and cause on or before the the same to me a t 1009 Am erican Unnk ton County, S tate of Oregon. Estate. » »4 » 2107. 49tf thereof, Oregon; and th at the mortgage I the County of Washington w ith j expiration of four week» front the B ld g , Portland, Oregon, w ith vouchers real property situate in W ashing­ The term s upon w hich said real ton County. Oregon, to-wit: All of and duly verified, w ith in six months from covering said property be fore-1 the Seal of said C ourt affixed, this date of the first publication of this Subscribe now to th e Argus. In S eed s, Planta the East Half of th e Southw est property w ill be sold by said Washington county »150 a year. 18. date hereof. closed and the property sold to 13th day of November, 1935. summons, the date of the first pub- the Dated and firs t published December 5, Q uarter of Section Seven, In Tow n­ guardian are as follows: licatlon thereof being on the 5th SEAL. 1936. Last publication January 2, 1930. GART.IC seed for sale, 5c a lb.— satisfy said judgm ent and th at the Not less th an 10 per cent of the Six m onth, 85c. T hree m onths »0 ship T hree South, Range One West day of December, 19,35, and if you C D. C H R IS T E N S E N , A dm inistrator. tf Attest: EDW. C. LUCE. Clerk, W. T. Pulnatn & Sons, Farm ing- defendants and each of them be of the W illamette M eridian, con- total purchase price to be in casli cents. Two m onth, 35 cent». C. D. Christensen, A ttorney. 42-ti fail to so appear and answ er said By Z. R. Hiatt, Deputy. 39-43 ton. 43 forever burred and foreclosed of Count Your Profits 18. S eed s, P lan ts 25. H o rte t 32. M u sical In stru m en ts d Legal Notices av j j