H IL L S R O R O Page Four A R G U S. Team That Won Nine Straight on Gridiron H ilh i L eads A ll-S tar T eam County G rid M entors Nam e M y th ic a l 1935 Elevens H IL L S B O R O , Thursday, IVfomlmr 12, 1935 OREGON M axine Dill, president; Bethel W il­ son, vice president; Donald Edy. secretary -ti e isurer A social meet illg was held at the Olsen hull ill SherwiM'd Friday evening Luulet Bulge school has k e e n "hard I.it" by the ehiekenpox ep i­ demic. I ljlf of the pupils have been Sherwood, T u a la tin G ranges compelled to rem ain out of school M r» . M eyer» i» R egistrar; in the three or four weeks just Dance on Saturday ■n Joint In stallatio n B u x to n Folk A ssist C lu b G ro u p s P lace N ew O ffic e rs from California on buslne»» l»»t week. Ilauee Salurilay A dance will be sponsored by the grange Saturday night. Quulity Job printing pasl Elect Officers ifty Mr«. Jr*i a M a y rr « ) l.AUREl. R ID G E - S h e r w o o d Members of the Citizenship club BUXTON Town .end club met G range met at the G range hall eleeied new officers Friday u ■ fol­ Saturday w ith Winona G range of, low . Delbert Davis, president. Hay-I at the grunge hull Thursday. Sev- Tualatin as guest» In joint Install i mend Cappoen. vice-president. Dor erul Townsendltes from here nt- tion ceremonies. Charles T D i c k e n ­ othy Cappoen. secretary, Hilly N y­ tended Hie organisation of a club son of Oswego was installing of- j ström. editor of the Hill Top Bugle: at Tim ber Sunday afternoon. Mrs Edith Higgle visited rela­ lieer. assisted by Mrs G la d 's My­ Verla Aebiseller, printer. John My- ers. m aster of Tigard Grange. O f­ eis. inker; Mary Nyström, llccto- tives at llll'kenfeld last week Mrs I Higgle was a speaker at the lllrk- ficers Installed to r T ualatin were grapber. Townsend club December I Alton H Robbins, master: Ethel Hot soup lunches are now being i-nfeld Mrs William lllddink visited ' Pennington, overseer; M a d e lin e served in the school. The soup is Rice, lecturer; M M Pennington, made by the pupils under the d i­ I relatives in Portland last week. steward; Matt Kindlespire. assist­ rection of the teacher. Mrs. Meyers Registrar ant steward; Olive Gilroy, chaplain; Mrs Ethel Meyers has been a p ­ L P Johnson, treasurer; Mabel p o in t e d offieial registrar for Bus Harkness, secretary; Louis J. F ran ­ I ton precinct, registration books cis. gatekeeper: Mrs. M. Morse. close December 31. Pomona, G lad/S Blank, Ceres. A C hristm as program Is being 1 Pauline Jurgens. Flora, Ruth Mc­ Reynolds. lady assistant stew ard; Members of the planning board planned by the school and Sunday ! Mrs M. I. Morse, executive turn- for the reereutional leaders' group school. Alex Allen was culled to Tucson, j of W ashington county met with niittee. Officers installed for Sherwood Mrs. G ertrude Skow Sanford and Aril., Sunday. He will be cm- I w ere Charles S. Haynes, master; 1. E. Francis, assistant county agent. ployed by the railroad. Lewis Kauffman, who has been Sain Peters, overseer; A nna Boger. Saturday to outline the program for lecturer; Henry Voss, stew ard. the rem ainder of the year. Meet­ .employed in Portland, 1» working T hat’s what all of our Archie Stahlneeker, assistant stew ­ ings for euch month will be in 1 at the Elwood Mill again. Mrs. C urtis Miller and children ard; Marv Baker, chaplain; Sarah charge of mem bers from one com ­ customers say, who use I of P ortland spent the w eek-end ut Rasmussen, treasurer; Clara Edy. munity. The schedule for these meetings the mill. secretary; Robert Allison, gate- our dry cleaning service William and Delm ar Higgle of kepeer; Inez Haynes. Pomona: Tillie follows December. Hillsboro group. Voss. Ceres; Helen Asbahr. Flora: January, Forest G rove group, Feb­ near U lrkenfeld were Suturduy regularly! Ix?t us put your Mrs. Robert Allison, lady assistant ruary, Aloha group; Mureli, S h er­ | night and Sunday visitors ut the D steward; Robert Allison, executive wood group; April, North Plains B. Edw ards a n d J e s s e M e y e r s name on our regular Call group; May, Banks group. 1 homes. committee. The various types of recreation and Deliver list for all Mr. and Mrs. William Fulconcr Wed at Tillamook which will be studied at these | and Bobby and Mary of Elwood Miss G ertrude Darby, daughter m eetings include marching, m ixer ' upper camp visited from Friday to dry cleaning and pressing. of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Darby of circle games, singing, re ­ Sunday ut the O tto Stowell home. Tillamook, and Fred Krebs, son of games, lays, folk dances and large group Mr. and Mrs. C larence Cummings Mr. and Mrs. Otto Krebs of Six and outdoor games. Meetings will Corners, w ere united In m arriage be held regularly on the third Tues­ ‘ and family of near Sehefflin visited in the Lutheran church nt T illa­ day of each month in the Hillsboro Sunday at the Carl Estepp home. Otto Stowell is home from Port- mook November 27. The couple will G range hall from 8 to 10 p. m. 1 land, w tiere tie hus been receiving make their home at Six Corners. treatm ent for an Injured leg and Approxim ately forty friends and j foot. relatives welcomed Mr and Mrs. Frank Burgholzer and family of Krebs on th eir retu rn from their IlllUbnro. Ore. Telephone 47 Fairvale spent Sunday at Fred wedding trip by a rousing charivari Sulivan's. Tuesday night. Fred and Bud Lelpold were hero Potato harvest is in full swing on Funeral services for Mrs Daniel the mountain. Farm ers report that Duavillc. 59, resident of this com­ a large percentage of the crop is m unity for 28 years, w en held at frozen. the Donelson A Sewell chapel here Mrs. H arry W right has returned Saturday afternoon. Interm ent was to her home for a few weeks. She in the I. O. O. F. cemetery. Mrs. has been staying in Portland. D eavillc died December 5 in the The William Dethridge family Jones hospital, w here she had been moved to Portland Friday. Mr for 28 days. Her illness had ex­ D ethridge will be em ployed as a tended over a three-year period riveter at Bonneville. Mrs. Deaville was born in Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Demmin and August 14. 1870. m arried Daniel daughters Melba and Alda of South Deaville at Huron. S D . Novem­ Tualatin visited Mrs. Elizabeth ber 9. 1892. and came to Oregon in W erre Sunday, who retu rn ed home 1907. Deceased is survived by the with them. w idow er and four sons a n d a Miss M axine Dill is employed a? daughter: Ralph F . Gresham; John the J. C. Penney store in Portland T„ Hood River; B ernard R and during the holiday rush season. Edw ard A , and Mrs. Bessie Lari- Mr. and Mrs. W illard Downey son, Hillsboro. and children JoA nn and Ju n e of Longview, W ash. were w eek-end Neighborhood news from 30 A r­ guests at th e H. P. S trick ler home. gus correspondents I n d if f e r e n t Middleton C hristian Endeavor so­ sections of W ashington county a p ­ ciety. recently formed, is arousing pear in the A rgus euch w e e k . much interest in the ncighborhon I L earn w hat your friends are do­ Meetings are held in the Middle- ing for less than three cents u ton Baptist church. Officers are week. tf Ten out of the 11 first string Hilhi gridders w ere named on the two 1935 Washington county all- star football elevens announced this week by coaches of the four major high schools. Tigard was second w ith five players on the mythical teams. Forest Grove next with four, while Beaverton placed three grid- deis in the line-up. The Hillsboro squad, c o u n t y champions, furnished t h e entire right side of the first team forw aid wall and the Tigard Tigers sup-1 plied the left side of the line. Hillis, St M ary’s high school of Huber turned out a football squad that won nine consecutive victories in the capable Viking center, drew the 1935 Season. The eleven won two of the contests by a single point, but in the rem aining seven left keystone assignment to complete no doubt of its superiorly over Opponents and is an outstanding claim ant for the Catholic h i g h the line selections. schools' top grid nonor. Members of the squad an d their coach shown above are. left to right, front W arren Wahner, Hilhi backfield row. Alton. Mathews. Scheetz, Alton. Kelleher. Second row—Webb. J. Hughes. Precise, Bechard. Tny- ace, was selected for a first string I qi * Carrington. Reynolds, Davis. Back row —Coach Robinson, DcPiero, Stassen. Hail, M errill, T. halfback position and was rated | Hughes, Donovan, W ilbur and F ather H eesaeker.—Cut courtesy Oregonian. the outstanding ball carrier of the county for the season. Bailey of Forest Grove was selected as q u ar­ Store took 2 and lost 1 to Horn- terback for his ability to pick the back's in th e City league. right play along w ith the indi­ , In the Commercial league Elry's vidual ability to handle the work took 2 and lost 1 to Fairw ay and of a star ball carrier. Both W ahner j Dodge won 2 and lost 1 to Perfec- , "Dog Gone!” exclaim ed A. L. GREENVILLE — Pupils not ab­ Amacher one day recently in the and Bailey were the unanimous tion. Pharm acy was blanked twice sent nor tard y for the past six choice of th e coaches. Argus office. Needless to say he the Nationals, losing 3 each to Coaches co-operating in the se­ in Bristol's and H eadquarters com­ weeks w ere Patricia Carm en, Mil­ was informed that a classified ad lections were B. M. Goodman, Hills­ pany w hile H eadquarters won 2 dred Cop. Norman Schulmerich. in the Argus was a good way to boro; Fred Halverson, Forest Grove; and lost 1 in play w ith Union Oil. , Vincent and Vernon Susbauer, E r­ bring the dog back, and so a smalt T. W. Smith, Tigard; and Ed W ar­ B. E. Maling office took 3 straight ma and Charles Vuylsteke. Not plea for the retu rn of the pet was ren, Beaverton. Each named his from the Ray-M aling office force ! absent, Robert Cop. E verett and placed on the classified p3ge. Re­ choice for first and second ra t­ the Plant won 3 from th e Ship- J Elmer VariBehey. Mildred Vande- sults w ere almost im m ediate b e­ ings and from these selections the and hey and Elaine Jackson w ere out cause the Argus was distributed by ping departm ent. coaches agreed on the “super all­ of school last week on account of the postoffice Thursday morning League Standing* stars." Tct. illness. W L American League and by 3 o'clock that afternoon Am­ The all-star teams follow: .666 20 lo Fixit Shop Henry Cop of G reenville gave acher was again in possession of Second Team, .500 15 First Team. 15 Royal Soda Works . 43 t a pot luck dinner Sunday. Guests his dog. n vaU, H. Chevrolet Garage 17 L. E. 13 Moore. T. Schulmerich. H Home Laundry A dvertisers appreciate both speed .400 w ere Mr. and Mrs. George H er­ L. T. IS Potbielan. T. 12 Stunkard. H City League Pet. mans of Verboort. Mr. and Mrs. and convenience, and assistance in L. G. W L Quinn. T. T. BtwL .600 Joe VanDyke of Gaston. Mr. and preparing your 12 C H illis. F. G. Hornback Used Furniture IS advertisem ent is Hetu. B. C. C. Store .566 R. G Coe let t. H. ------ 15 1” Mrs. Ray Vandehey of Kansas City. cheerfully given at the desk. Goetter. H Lenta A uto Tarts 16 Wunderlich. H. R. T. 14 Armes. F. G. Pastim e Card Room .366 Mr. and Mrs. Remy V uylsteke of K. E. Mohr, H. ------ 19 11 Torbet. H. Commercial League— Pet. Banks. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cop. Mr. Cook, part of the David Monroe D Q Bailey, F. G. L W G. Hines. F. .566 W ahner. H. L. H Perfection Bakery 17 13 and Mrs. H erm an Cop. and Mr. L. C. No. 44 TIN R3W. Barry, B. Fairway Market K. H .533 Carson, T. 16 14 John Egger J r et ux to Esther Garfield. H. Dodge Motor .444 and Mrs. W illiam Vandehey, all of Emmons. B. F 14 16 .433 Greenville. M. Williams, 5 Acres in Section 24 '■ '< » u Pet. National League— W L Bernice Vuylsteke. and M ildred T2S R2W .800 Headquarters Co. 24 6 Jo h n Egger et ux to Esther M .448 Cop attended th e linen show er at Bristol Hardware . 13 16 .413 Roy Sunday for Mrs. Edw ard Jesse Williams. 1 Acre in Section 24 T2S Union Oil Co. 12 17 .333 of Mountaindale. Hillsboro Pharm acy 10 20 R2W. Pet. Cannery League— W L Jam es A. Bryce to William A. Charlie Vanderzanden injured his .666 Shipping 20 10 East Side Term inal bowlers again .566 foot Saturday afternoon in Westim- Brown et ux. Tract 39 in Comte & Plant 17 13 bowed to the Hillsboro pin dusters B. E. Maling K ohlm an's Little Homes No. 1. .500 ber mill and is unable to work. 15 15 in a game played Sunday on the Ray-M aling .266 8 22 Frances J. Messinger to B. A Francis Herb of Hillside won Individual High Scores Oregon Alleys in Portland when first prize at the card p arty Friday Vose et ux, 19 Acres in Section 18 205 Ray Dillon. American league th e Hillsboro team stacked up a 235 night at the home of M artin V an­ T2S R2W. Rood. City league score of 2635 to 2532. Playing with Tom 241 derzanden of Verboort. C- Koble, Commercial league the locals were Cook. Corey, Es­ R. Dillon, National league 25S As a practical application of serv ­ 204 ice to others the sewing c l u b linger. Rogers and Dillon. I.. H e w i t t . C anneri. In league play last week. Home made tea tow els at th eir meeting L aundry and Chevrolet swapped Thursday and presented them to places in the American League and the K rieger family, who recently Edw ard Franklin Lewis, 10. son Bristol H ardw are slipped up a lost their home by fire. of Mr. and Mrs. A lfred F Lewis notch into second place in the N a­ of the Kansas City district, died tionals w ith Pharm acy dropping in ­ December 4 of scarlet fever. He W restling cards w ill be spon­ to cellar. was ill for ten days. G raveside Positions in the various prize sored by Washington county post. (B y Mrs. Lou W right) services w ere held F riday *ti F or­ contests show Union Oil in the Veterans of Foreign Wars, at their Mrs. H arry M iller of Montesano. est View cem etery w ith Rev. C. P. lead for the C. Eslinger prize; R. hall at Ninth and Oak streets, be­ Dillon in the lead for the Wick ginning December 19, according to Wash., is staying w ith Mrs. B Sabin officiating. Forest Grove U n­ prize; Joe Corrieri leading in the Odell Brandaw, w ho is in charge Gent w hile Mr. G ent is in the dertaking company was in charge Good Sam aritan hospital in P o rt­ of arrangem ents. Men's Shop contest, while R D il­ of arrangem ents. Virgil Hamlin, Portland promoter, land, having his hands operated on. He was born in Forest Grove lon won the weekly cake offered Mrs. D arrel Hayden of W ashing­ Ju n e 20, 1925. Deceased is survived by Perfection Bakery for highest is arranging the matches. ton spent Wednesday night w ith by his parents and a brother, Jam es score in a single game. Sylvia Shiffer at the home of Ray­ Alfred. In league play Chevrolet won 2, Sutherland W in s L etter mond Hodge, w here Sylvia is stay­ lost 1 to Royal Soda, and Fixit Shop in Oregon State Football ing and going to school. won 3 straight irom Home Laundry Dick Sutherland of Hillsboro, F A. Bennett spent from Monday in th e American. Lentz won 3 straight from Pastim e w hile C. C. now a sophomore at Oregon State to Friday in P ortland w ith Mr. and (B y Mr*. Zell G. fit rut Here 1 college, has been recommended for Mrs. B. O rtm an. Hiteon ladies attended Tigard a football sw eater by Coach Lon Rebekah club at the home of Mrs. Stiner. Tw enty-nine w ere so hon­ Eisner last Wednesday. WANTED—Men to Qualify ored. Chester Robinson is out qf high for Good Pay Positions Augusta U. Hare et v ir to Edwin school with measles. W ill personally interview men w ill­ Mrs. H erbert Olson was ill last Wilson Caswell et ux, Lot 29 W il­ ing to work hard for good pay week, but is able to be around 1 low Brook Farm. positions in Electric R efrigeration South Tualatin Juniors met last Annie Bell to P atrick Murphy. again. and A ir Conditioning business. Pre­ week at the Lorenz home, a party 120 Acres in Section 34 T3N R3W. Hiteon pupils have been p rep ar­ fer men with fair education, m e­ followed t h e business meeting. chanically inclined, now employed. F. Robert H auger et al to Charles ing a Christm as program. Must be w illin g to devote some Christm as exchange of the club Clark et al. part of 13 T1S R1W. spare tim e at home to preliminary which will be December 20 at the United States of America to P eter B en efit Program T o n ig h t training to become installation and home of Yvonne Bunnell, is limited Tromp, 80 Acres in Section 13 T2S service experts. W rite, givin g age, at F arm in g to n Church to a five-cent present, each suit­ R3W phone, present occupation. (B y C atherine Boire) able for boy or girl. The session Anna Pcscinski t o Benedictine FARMINGTON—A program will U tilitie s Engineering will also take the form of a taffy Sisters. 28.79 Acres in Section 13 be given at the Farm ington C h ris -, Institute party, each person attending to TIN R2W. tian church tonight 'T hursday) at bring 1 ' i cups of sugar for the Box 551 B everly Hills, Cal. Annie Moran to Elm er W illiams 8 o’clock to raise funds to shingle candy pull. et ux. Lot 156 Johnson Estate A d­ the church. There w ill be no ad ­ David Edmonds of Portland was dition. mission charge. a week-end visitor at the W. A. Virgil B. Price to H oward A. Bunnell home. K nepp et ux, p art of Lot 55 Steel s FLOWERS A N D WINTER Yvonne Bunnell spent Saturday Addition B eaver.os. Flower plant* and hulba so fair HARRISON D. HUGGINS night at Forest G rove w ith her Benjam in F ranklin Savings & I tucked to lied with loving? rare; keep cozy beneath the ground aunt, returning home Sunday. M. D. Loan association to M a t y G. Daly, To When kiriif winter roams around. 1.19 Acres T1S RiW EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT George O. Clayville e tu x to P hilip Through the bleak w inter and «now, SPECIALIST Adams et ux, 40 Acres in Section ’Tin an erstaay of j o y to know. Embedded beneath the aod E. B. Anderson made a business 8 T2S R1W GLASSES FITTED Clarence J. Sam ple et ux to H ar­ A re livin g gems protected by God. trip to Salem Wednesday. A card party and dance will be riet E. Percival et al, 20 Acres in The mild aunnhine of apring Room 3 Will coax them and bring given at the Cedar Mill G range Section 4 T2S R1W. Commercial N ational Bank Annax From the cold barren earth Ernest Johnson et ux to R obert A hall Saturday night under new bloom of colorful mirth. Phonaa Houra P.irves et ux, 20 Acres in Section management. MKRIA S l ’IERING. Laurel. Residence 2972 9:30 a. m. to 12 m. 26 T1S R3W. Mr. and Mrs Dave Schindler of O ffice 2971 1 :30 p. m. to 5 p. m. John W. C url et ux to Gilgian M ilwaukie visited relatives and Ask your attorney to send your Allenbach, Lots 98 and 99 Bailey’s legal advertising to th e Argus. friends here recently. Mrs. Louise May and Hazel May Addition to G roveland Acres. W alter A. S harp et ux to V A. of Vancouver visited relatives here Smith et ux, 15 Acres in Section Sunday. S H O E R E P A IR IN G 30 T2S R1W. and L eath er W o rk Elizabeth Loeffler to H. N. Pen- Subscribe now to th e Argus. In Washington county $1.50 a year son et ux, Block “J" Metzger Acre H . C. V A R N E R Six months 85c. T hree m onths 50 Tracts. Opposite Court House Edna M ildred G razer to M yrtle cents. Two months 35 cents. tf 144 N. Second Ave. Dog Gone! Ad Honor Roll for Greenville Given Brings It Back Hillsboro Bowlers Victorious Again Edward Lewis, 10, Dies Scarlet Fever V. F. W. to Sponsor Wrestling Cards Thatcher Hiteon Real Estate Transfers South Tualatin Recreation Group Meetings Planned Now My Dress is Spotless Again . . . Home Laundry & Dry Cleaners Mrs. Deaville Dies After Long Illness A h e x c e lle n t v a lu e ...tlie FOIS IF b attery 'Let’s go in b y the fireside a . and have ' a . 'to u c 4 h 'o f / . ’f •» ■ » t • , , MY OW N PRIVATE BLEND!' THREE SIZES— 13, 15 and 17-I’late Ranging in price from $6.25 to $8.45 with old but­ tery, The Ford battery is made throughout of the finest materials, with skilled workmanship. Rigid­ ly tested and fully guaranteed. Come in find let us instill! one of th e s e reliuhle, long-life batteries F IT S 8 0 ', O F A L L CARS Bethany-Cedar Mills 4, GIVE ELI XTRIC4 iL GIFTS Life F '7 guess every man likes JlauHdlàfiïac&s to stretch out his feet and sort of ease down . . . particularly if he’s got a glass of real mellow whiskey to put him in a good frame of mind. Go December 12 to January 1 ,1 9 3 6 . Return by January 3 1 ,1 9 3 6 . Stop-over« Permitted Coach Prom Port’and She’ll adore a Hospitality Tray • Trays are o f walnut, mahogany o r antique white. Six individual Fostoria glass snack plates with each set. Cutting block contains built-in cutting knife attractively harmonized. Prices range from $11.50 to $22.50 depending upon whether you w ant single o r double automatic Toastmaster. Easy terms. PEPC ■STORES Argus $ Chicago....... Detroit ....... New York . St. Louis .... ......... St, Paul Washington ........... Butte ... ... Creat Falls Spokane . .... 60.10* 74.15 95.04 61.60* 48.75 92.12 22.01 • 24.93 11.25 T ourist $ 64.35 80.60+ 108.45t 65.90 48.75 104.55t 22.01 24.93 11.25 Standard $ 85.80 98.90 126.75 87.90 72.30 122.85 29.35 33.25 15.00 Proportional fare» to many other point». •Return L im it elx month«. ♦ Good in standard sleeping cars or coache» East of Chicago. “Coach * ticket» good only in coaches. “T ouriet” ticket« good in touriat sleeping car» and coaches "Standard" tickets good in standard and touriit sleeping car« and coaches- Sleeping Car charge» ere in addition. Choice of route« going end returning on ticket« to Eastern pointe. Insure your car against FIRE and THEFT in a com-! pany th a t w i l l p a y PROMPTLY and IN FULL. You face two dangers — | 1. The loss of your invest-! ment. 2. The inability of a I weak company to pay your! loss. "W hen you o ffer a friend a drink you w a n t it to be just that kind of w hiskey.. . smooth and mellow. That’s why I’m proud to o ffer you my own Private Blend. G IF T PR O B L E M T T ’S always welcome, and there’s A a pleasant little hint th a t you’d like to hear from the person you sent it to! T h at’s worthwhile in any gift. 9* r ^ SSLER’s]| "Sure there are lots of good whiskies. But this is the only one I know about w ith 60 years of one m an’s e x p e ri­ ence behind it. That is, that sells at this low.price." W ÿ_ 80 i C pt .’ f Code No PULL 9 0 PROOF CÏIIIHMD lU/Xfl Sbgkthr Higher All Tickets good on these Premier trains Portland to Chicago. E M P IR E m il.R E II vie Great Northern R ailw ay . NORTH < OAST LIMITED V ie Northern Pacific Ry. Through fares via these routes may he had on application to your Southern Pacific Agent. D etails will be fu-nlshed on request by the un­ dersigned— F H. CROZIER,General Passenger Agent, S.P.A3, R ailw ay, Portland, Oregon. CHAS. L WALKER iSiL 116 SOUTH THIRD- RES 1092 HIlLSEORO.OntûOX There is a wide range of prices . . . and most of the types look as though they’d cost a g reat deal more than the low prices you’ll find h e re ! Xiilbbyn^fcAr (j u [vlRY f0Rt1 ^ECUON TELEPHONE 1732 Monogrammed Stationery is partic­ ularly attractive and suitable f o r Christmas. P R IV A T E BLEND Jullill Render hlitilllnff Co., înr. Exeruttve Office«: 465 Islington Av W H IS K E Y N. T. THERE’S WHISKEY FAME IN THE KESSLER NAME— SINCE' 1875