n Thurulny, December 12, 1935 H IL L S B O R O - ra - I ARG US. H IL L S B O R O , Paste Thrrfl OREGON L et the advertisem ents help you th e w inter with th e ir son and Eichen home at Iowa Hill several daughter. Eunice and Gwynn M itch­ days last week. m ake your shopping plana. Urli»« to M ilk* Jan et Rttfener has been visiting I ---------------------------- ------------ ■, — ell. N «w i S ta ff th e m orning. it Il« tl« r School T. L. Sm ith and Mr. and Mrs. her uncle and aunt at Helvetia the M ountain Top Sunday .school and Horace W ert and Tower Sm ith of past week Fdlle.1 I,y yill.lM O » U nion llls h S rl»«.| S t i< l » t l l - l y school will huve th eir Christm as Seattle, Wash., and Oscar and program and tree December 22. G race Deverell and Mr and Mrs. Hillsboro Argus contains all th< Seher of Portland and H erbert Dev­ news of Hillsporo and the sur­ Mr and Mrs. Fred Tweetlule of M i l . I l l N E W S H TA E P erell of Corbett spent Thanksgiving rounding communities. Read i I IL T . I la r i Presidents T w o Portland visited Iter uncle. Ford Arm Munkre« Fxllhir at the Charles Deverell home. T. L. and keep inform ed on w hat is. Dcldei Icks, Sunday F o rm er Residents Die Mr. and Mrs. A dult Rutschman W ednesday the Ju n io r class gave ABHl«tant Kdltora Mis: Mary Holmes, representing j Smith, cousin of Mrs. Deverell, left happening at home. tf and tw o suns of Laurel, Mr. and! til«' preview of th eir play. "Who Mnry C»l Iw rll, Joy Foelkvr, und the O r e g o n Tuberculosis association. Thursday for Santa Barbara. Cal.. Vrrnw A la n d ro ' h I gave a talk on "Tuberculosis" to to spend the w eek-end with his TIMBER A Townsend club m eet­ Mrs. Joe Twlgg mid tw o sons of I Did It?" To ..... the play each pupil ; parents, Mr. and Mrs B B. Smith. m kitymofid I.a ir. E x m it lv r the student body December 3. ing In Hie basem ent of the II. T. Scholls and Mr and Mrs. William had to pay one cent, the proceeds ( ouiu il Irrnnl Trunk. <’lub A rthur and Ferd Steinhoff and Hurt restaurant Sunday was e n ­ Sm ith of Hillsboro visited Mr. and nf which will U't to th e Christm as |o, H tzrl ( ’burchlry ; (lir i liv»*« Ph sister Mi3s M ildred attended a fam ­ Diary of a Freshman Seal fund. joyed by many. Mr Moore of Mon­ Mrs A rthur Hill Sunday. Kr» rrvrw. Jtotfi Aon« I'o n n e ll; Srriwtr, ily gathering at the home of their Fir Grovo Ladies' club met at It Is rum ored that dear old Santa Dear Diary: mouth wio, speaker. Officers, to act M ¡i u r ir r |'r«»renb 1-owellh j and son Richard, Mrs. John Haase The least we could do to promote held December 20. day and S aturday, celebrating the living In Portland for sometime Tryouts for operetta j and daughter Lucille of F ird alean d and develop talent is to form a Ira O. and Hodson McCormick birthday of her mother, who was 81 • Simply "plug in” and this Mrs. Pearson. Donny Pearson Jr. or club to encourage am- this week were In Vancouver, Wash., the Mr Skene's civics class is w ork­ society years old __ _____ ___________________ Delora Sm ith has moved w ith her c o o k e r ec o n o m ic ally bakes, and the honored guest. literary attem pts in the high A meeting was railed last W ed­ first of this week, building a yard ing on an Insurance project which ateur cooks and roasts. All (he natural nly to develop parents to southern California Word has been received here of is called the T rojan Life Insurance school" arid ’’not only nesday to decide w hether or not fence for Mrs Jessie Dezure. flavor of foods is sealed in. Ideal talent but fo discrim inate between , H erbert Schneider retu rn ed to the death of Guy G razfr, who liv ­ Honor Roll Listed to have n P.-T. A. in this rum - for cooking on hot days; for pre- dowmerit and apl^ nCe ° f • w eek ed in this district several years. He .munlly. It was decided to w ait un Children with perfect attendance tring picnic meals. £ » c had recently been employed at the til after the first of the year to ttll, j»jr o roVO school for the last unce and annuities, erms, Each........... Next door to Venetian theater Bonneville dam and lived at S tev­ make any m ore plan,. s| x w ere Eurl, Helen, Ger- Hillsboro enson. Wash. He died at the S t .; P ortland Friday. He is survived by Mrs. E M Hollam returned homo a)d and Teddy Voorhees. Irene and Vincent hospital in Portland o f Open until 9 P. M. his widow C larrisa, a daughter, from Portland Friday. Wallace Whitmore, Norma Meyers. pneum onia and was buried at the Every Saturday Night Mrs. Ferd Toelle. and sons William, B irthday Celebrated T htlm n. Beth and Mutirice Lilly Lincoln Memorial cem etery in PEPO John, U. and M McClure. Mrs. Mc­ A birthday dinner was given ,,nd u e|on Otto Mary Joyce was Portland. He was survived by his nt the Tallm an home Sunday eve- no, Client, but was tardy Site has Clure lived on th e Skyline road (B y Mrs. O. H . Petereon) wife and th ree sons, tw o sisters nlng for LuVcrne and M axine Kil- | „ |,JPm way to come and rides a (It» Mr». F. P e w ld t) about 50 years. BEND—Mr. and Mrs. Fred Plicth ancj one brother, HOCK CREEK-sLawrence Swang- Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Chaney and burg and MavereneTallman, w hose: horse Thelma Lilly left Sunday to birthdays were S aturday. Sunday m akc hcr home w ith the Bulbs er, who came here from Kansas M addie Boeckli of Portland visited w ere surprised Saturday evening by | Mr and Mrs F w aib el enter- and Monday. Present were Mr. and fan,jiv ;il Lukevlew and uttend last summer, w here he was in the at th e Jo h n Boeckli home on a large num ber of friends, in hon- tained the Firdale "500" club S at­ or of th eir wooden w edding an- (u rd ay night. garage business, has opened the | Brooks Hill Sunday. Mrs George Higgle und George j school there. nivgrsary. Present w ere Messrs, —----------------------- Bledsoe of Buxton, Evelyn Lach- F lr o rove school w ill have Its Rock C reek garage. Mr. Sw anger is | Sam G erig and daughter and Mesdames, Alvin Maley. Fritz M Mrs. apelle. I-aVerne nnd M axine Kil- cornmunity C hristm as tree and ildred Haase visited friends and Eisner. H. L. Eisner and children, tlves, Mr. and Mrs. Bradly. burg. M averene Tallm an. David , chool program Decem ber 20 i Ed Johnson and daughter Lucille, relatives in P o rtlan d over th e « _ Mr and MrJ w a ite r entertained liall, L orruine T allm an and i Mr | w eek-end. veUn and Lydia* K o n /v is ite d at j'/ed W eller and” children. Mrs Joe and Mrs II Tallman. w ith a dinner party Sunday as a __________ _____ and Ben- I Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Robinson and | Baggenstos and sons John Mrs, Ju a n ita Ebbert nnd Lewis farew ell for George, Loren nnd the C hrist Jaggi home Sunday. Marie and Louise M ullenaircy I CAMP REEHERS, CCC, Westim- nv. ’t he Misses M ildred Steinhoff. daughter Margie visited Mr. and Woods, accompunted by the 1, lite r's G lenn Hill. O ther guests w ere Ted and Mary M ullenaircy of St. Johns ber, Dec. 11 (Special)—T he Christ- Claudia Stein, Ju n e North. Ann Mrs. H. Church and family at Otis. gran d m o th er. M rs C J. B ax ter of sm ith. Law rence Tatm an. Kenneth Lasich. Ruth and Leah Zednik, Deeember 2 and X The Church B a n k : visited Mi and Mrs. Curl W hitmore ___ _ and Raymond Meyers. visited ut the M ike V rlicak home I mas stocking of some CCC trooper Miss Yoppo, Joe Baggenstos J r . . ! family form erly lived here. ! at Camp Reehers will include a Wednesday. K ubitz of Portland Tuesday eve- : These young men grew up to- Mr. and Mrs. William Borgelt Joe Kusy. Ferd and A rthur S tein ­ gift w orth $150. nlng. - rove district gether in the - Fir G Ladies" Aid Meets hoff, Melvin Hanse. Robert Plieth are staying w ith Mrs. Borgelts par­ la d l e s 'A i d : A w ard of a one-year tuition Tim ber grade school defeated and have been com panions all their Phill th ents. w hile Mr. Borgelt is cutting A r n o ld H .^ ee rW ed - scholarship to Pacific university, and Herman Zweiner. W itts 15 to 12 in tile Gale Creek lives. ith Mrs. Arnold B erger Wed Q r£ve tQ met with Miss Phyllis W hite and Charles wood at the Don Pearson place. gymnasium last Wednesduy. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Etzw iler and nesday. A canned fruit show er was Mrs. F. Waibel visited at th e A. Reehers m em ber who has dem on­ W alters of C edar Mill visited Miss family, Mr. and Mrs E. V. H an­ given for Mrs. John Pubols, who strated outstanding initiative and White's aunt, Mrs. Bert Meyer, and son and family and Mr. and Mrs. had lost hcr home by fire r e ­ industry in the camp ed u c atio n al; Mr. Meyer December 1. H arry Hart visited the Clarence cently. Mrs. Louise Z urcher and - J - 'I w “ u" ” s “ " e-» I O rnduff family at L aurel Sunday . . . . __ isfactorv work record during his son Norman of W illamette visited George Emerson's portable sew- ed on enrollm ent period, announced Lauri Mrs. Scott's parents. Mr. and Mrs. C’ mill.« have finished sawing th e tim - T U-Cek n N w II with Mr\h John Pernu, camp educational adviser. Otto Meyer, and Mrs. Scott al3O (B r M r . ltlr.l M .-f.-rm irk I b (.r ()n ( h e o ]d O t | g p l u c e | n t h e dies Aid will be w ith Mrs. John Included in th e A ll-Oregon mem- visited at th e Henderson home De- CHEHALEM MOUNTAIN— F i r Buck Heaven district and will be B « KCr a m X a V Z-J n v s i / j r of bership of th e R eehers camp are cember 1 Constipation ft Other G rove Ladles' Social club will give mfived , o a new set on tile cast Ag^ie S eath and Mr yn id Mrs Rectal Troubles 15 Hillsboro men. most of. Clayton Scott, private pilot for Successfully treated a program at th e school house next j 8jdc of the 30 acres. them stationed at the F airdale side Mr. Boeing, and Mr. Scott’s wife without hospitalisatiou W ednesday evening. T here will be Mr and Mrs Henry Stayton nnd Belor of th e Yaquina Bay lig h t­ camp, and many others are from of Seattle. Wash., visited Mr. Scott’s Q uick, P erm an en t R esults tw o short plays and also instru- baby visited his father. Captain house called at th e John Fuegy W ashington county. parents, Mr. and Mrs. A lbert Scott, •’Hinkley Lifetime New Methods'* m ental music. A small admission j Stayton, at Portland Friday and home December 1. IT ru ^ to r P r o a B o o k le t — I r s i d w s t B id * . , ■ | several days last week. will be charged. Saturday. Mrs. Hector Feucrstein of H el­ T he HINKLEY Clinic P u r t la n d , O r*. Ask your attorney to send your Mr. and Mrs. B. F. M itchell of Austin Hanson, youngest «on o f ' Mr and Mr«. Jack DeVault of vetia spent several days last week Bperial Arromnv>datlaaa for O ut-o f-to w n P a t.e n u S parta arriv ed recently to spend Mr. nnd Mrs. E V. Hanson, has Seholla visited th eir son-in-law and w ith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. legal advertising to th e Argus. “ AMORTIZE”— from the old Latin— been seriously ill for the last tw o daughter, Mr. nnd Mrs. Parlon M ike W aefler. means “to kill, by easy stages.” weeks w ith tonsllltls. He is re- ■ t join. on the G lenn M iller place j Mr. and Mrs. P ierre M ills moved covoruig. Sunday. O ther visitors lu r e Sun- i to Yacolt, Wash., about a week ago, • Today, you can amortize a mortgage, Benefil Ruceess day w ere Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Nel- | w here he has em ployment. and “ kill off” the debt in easy pay­ A crow ded house enjoyed "'Wind- son and tw o daughters and Alva I C hristine Kies has been selected ments. This means you can repair, mod­ mills of Holland." an operetta, giv­ and H ervey DeVault of Scholls I w ith the G irl Reserves of B eaver­ en by the Mountain Top school F ri­ and Mr and Mrs John Rosenbaum ton high school for a trip to C or­ ernize, remodel or landscape your own of Amity. Marion DeVault of vallis. Miss Kies spent th e w eek­ day evening children taking solo home and pay for it conveniently, by parts w ere G elcne Wenger, Violet Scholls, Mrs Coin's brother. Is stay ­ end w ith friends in Beaverton. ing here with Mr. nnd Mrs. Goln the month. An amortized mortgage is Mr and Mrs. P eter Reidwig and Morgan, Juanda Keep. A rtlm r Stew ­ M ilton H arvey of T ualatin visited fam ily of C ornelius visited at the art und Zane Wood; others tuking one which is gradually paid off— in Andrew Johnson home recently. part w ere Virgil Morgan, Beverly his father. M. M. Harvey, Friday. other words, “ killed by easy stages.” Mr. and Mrs. A rth u r Reetz and W. T. C lu b Meets Collins, Donald Tykeson. Frances It’s the new way, the sensible way to W. T. club met w ith Mrs. Lue Vehrs. Arnold nnd Harold B run­ daughter, Retha, of Junction City son. Claudia Wood, Jean and G er­ visited the Ray Ego and William Davis last week. Next m eeting will real home ownership. aldine O rnduff, Bonita and Bruce Rodgers fam ilies December 7, 8 and be w ith Mrs. H. J. G etty Ja n u ary 8. Fred Benson is em ployed in P o rt­ Clark and Helen Mae G unther. 9. At the end of th at time the mortgage Leslie V aught visited nt Salem land. Mrs. M McCann, teacher, nnd Miss has been completely amortized. THE from Thursday till Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. D elbert O linger and Mcribel Flint oi Scholia played a Mr. nnd Mrs. Ruben P rice and daughter C arlene of P ortland vis­ DEBT IS DEAD. Your home is free and duet on th e piano and M ervln W hitm ore played several violin tw o sons of Hebo, Lee Lane and ited at th e Jo h n B erger home re ­ clear. num bers accom panied on the piano son Ennis of Pleasant Valley and cently. Sunday dinner party guests of by Vernon Nuby of Springbrook. Mrs. Victor I.ane of Cloverdale Let us show you, with figures based oa Money raised for the benefit of the visited the J. P. Jones family S un­ Mr. and Mrs. John Schneider w ere your own income, how you can pay, day. Mr. and Mrs John S chneider Jr. piano fund am ounted to $8.80. Tom Twigg of Hillsboro visited and family of Shady Brook. Mr. monthly, out of- income, for home re­ C lu b M eets S a tu rd a y Pleasant View com m unity club Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Jones S un­ and Mrs. A rnold B erger and fam ­ pairs and improvements. Come in and will meet S aturday evening w ith day. ily of West Union, and Mr. and talk it over. Mr. and Mrs. A lfred H utchens Mrs. Edw ard Scheldt. a pot luck dinner at 7 o'clock, hon­ Mr. and Mrs. H ubert Kies and oring those whose birthdays occur and family visited hcr mother. Mrs. in November or December. A short E. L. Nielson, at N ew berg Sunday. fam ily of Portland visited at the program will be given followed bv Mr. nnd Mrs. H. W. Tim ber of H. J. G etty home recently. W oodburn visited her sister. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. P eter B auer of ,i .., i.il i \ ening W. R. Reece is home again, h av ­ A lfred Hutchens, and family T h u rs­ P ortland visited Miss M innie Bauer and Louis B auer Sunday. ing gone no farth er than eastern day. Mr. and Mrs. F. E Hoffman and Those on the sick list recently Oregon on his recent trip. Mrs. Ira G. McCormick was host­ daughters Gloria and M cribel vis­ included Mr. and Mrs. H. J. G etty The Largest Independent Bank 1» ess at a dinner party at her homo ited the Homin family at Laurel- and Helen Fuegy. Washington County” wood Sunday. Services Held Wednesday evening for 18. Funeral services for A lexander Sunday guests at the D. M. Mc­ Oregon Hillsboro McClure, late of Skyline road, who Innis home were Mr. nnd Mrs. John died December 3, w ere held in York, Aloha; Mr. an d M rs D. W. McInnis und four sons, Mr. and (B y V iv ia n Hud»nn> Mrs. J. A. York, Reedville; J. A. Several men w ere building a new Thom son nnd mother, Snuvles Is­ bridge nt H unger's mill. All traffic land: Miss Alice McInnis, Portlnnd, betw een H ayw ard fnrm and the mid Mrs. I,. L. M urray and chil­ mill had to detour via Banks F ri­ . . . because Terraplane’s beauty is fresh dren, Midway. day and S aturday, and new. The one (ompleie new design in Ferd Deidericks returned home Two men by th e nam e of Cam­ S aturday from Lebanon, w here he eron, who w ere living on the the low price field. bad been staying w ith a daughter, George A ydelott place at Cedar PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON BEAUTY SHOPS Mr George Goman, for several Canyon, have moved into the old months. Mr. Deidericks is ill. Boos prune dryer. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest G uenther . . . because o f the world’s first safety EVE’S BEAUTY SHOP A. O. PITMAN, M. D. and fam ily visited her m other, Argus classified ads get results. engineered chassis, w ith Radial Safety General Beauty Work PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Timber Folk Organize Club Mrs. A. Naderer. nt Laurel Sun- i day. They attended church there in ] K p r r s ir With Y o t ir H i l h i 'Talk on Health Given Assembly Play Review Aids Benefit Toys and Gifts Darrel Pearson Honored Friday BRISTOL ? $1 5.UU Couple at Bend Honored Saturday Rock Creek Has Garage Business HARDWARE COMPANY ■STORES P. U . Scholarship Planned imnivu for CCC Fir Grove Club to Cnve Program The home loving Romans had a word for it T he ONE lo w -p riced car th at's r e a lly NEW TERRAPLANE Io , 1936 Commercial National Bank Hayward L ovely to Look At HILLSBORO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY D eligh tfu l to Drive Control (patent applied foP). Tru-Line Steering. D u o -A u to m atic H ydraulic Brakes (patent applied for). And 88 or 100 smooth horsepower. Every savings certifi­ cate la insured up to $5,01)0.00 under the Federal Insurance Plan. LOW XMAS FARES — everywhere! Leave any day from Dec. 12 to Jan. 1, inclusive. Be back by midnight, Jan. 14. Roundtrips—both First Class and Coach- T ourist—reduced to rrrry S.P. station in the W est. For a fast, comfortable holiday trip, take the train. Some example farest ROUNDTRIPS: Savings of $1.00 ac­ c e p te d o r la r g e r amounts to suit your convenience. S tart a systematic savings account today. C.aac A- Tottritl P int Clan San Francisco ..,$18.55 $2 7 .7 0 Los A n g e le s ...... 2 7 .8 0 4 1 .65 EAST1 Also special holiday roundtrips to eastern cities, via California. I^ave any day from Dec. 12 to Jan. 1, inclusive. Re­ turn limit, Jan. 51. NEW XMAS TRAIN for holiday travelers — "The Santa Specisl”— toCalifornia every day December l6to24,inclusive.Coaches, Tourist and S tandard P u llm a n s,d in e r. Also 5r and 10c tray food-service. I,eave Portland .............. 3:48 P. M. A rrlvo San Francisco ... 1:30 1’. M. Southern Pacific H. D. OLSON, Agent Phone 621 Tualatin Valley Federal Savings QC Loan Ass’n. J. M. Téléphona 1381X at W ith N ew Comfort, T oo N ew t 1936 PERMANENTS a specialty Telephone 1471 WEIL’S APARTMENTS Mabe! Schendel SAFES DR. RALPH DRESSER a n d up f o r D e L uxe m odelt, / . o. b. Detroit. Standard group of accettarios extra. Dentist 88 or lOOh.p., 115-in.w.b. C A R S ON H IG H W A Y S 152 S. Third Ave. BUILT BY HUDSON —TERRAPLANE. $595 AND UP: HUDSON SIX. $710 AND UP» ' AND HUDSON SUPER STRAIGHT EIGHT. $760 AND UP. F. O. B. DETROIT Wells Building Offloe 2682 Telephones Residence 2621 COLLECTION Garbage Collection JACK MAIER Telephone 1391 INSURANCE RUBBER STAMPS GEORGE T. McGRATII BUY YOUR Washington County Arenclee INSURANCE SERVICE H illsb o ro , Oregon Phyalclan and Surgeon Telephone 144 Evenings, Sundays by Appointment SAVE with the new Low HUDSON-C. I. T. 6% TIME PAYMENT PLAN THOMAS S. SHOLES DR. D. E. WILEY, M. D. AND CANS Commercial Building T O D A Y ’S X-Ray and Phyalo-Therapy Commercial National Bank Bldg. Telephone« Office 8231 Residence 791Z GARBAGE DENTISTS TERRAPLANE 595 Hillsboro Pharmacy Sanitary Beauty Shop AU kinds of Beauty Work , . . because Terraplane's bodies a ll o f Steel arc now one-pftb bigger inside than cars at double its price. W ith The Rhythmic Ride . . . the Automatic D raft Eliminator. Ready now for you to see, to compare, to drive. PERSON, Mgr. Savings A. Loan Bldg. Hillsboro Oregon Permanent» and all kinds of beauty work. First National Bank Balldln« Phone 2211 Fey Inf «m ie tian Hillsboro sh eet Directory er RUBBER STAMPS ' from HILLSBORO ARGUS Its Advertleetp rail The Al««»—>I«I