H IL L S B O R O Page Two Hobby Show Planned at P-T.A, on Tuesday C. H. Nosier, principal of the Sunday evening w ith a dinner Hillsboro grade schools, is organiz­ party at the John G ardner home. ing a "hobby show" ns a feature Guests w ere Misses Eunice Spooner of the P.-T. A. program to be giv­ of Forest Grove. V irginia Meeuw- en at the regular meeting Mon­ sen and Dorothy Delplanche of Roy, day at 8 p m. at the union high and Messrs. W alter Vandeeoevering. school building. This program is John Meeuwsen and Jim Vander- one of several being given during zanden of Roy and Howard Evers th e year, em phasizing school and of Dayton. P.-T. A. ideals for leisure tim e ac­ tivities. Mr. Nosier has assembled u num ber of interesting exhibits, end anyone who has something of interest to exhibit along this line is invited to communicate with The Christian church gave their him. Parent-Teacher association, with pastor, R. L. Putnam , and family Mrs. Paul Patterson, chairm an of a pleasant surprise Monday eve­ the program committee, has p re­ ning in the form of a "Pound" pared other numbers, w hich will party at the church. A large group contribute to the com munity en­ of members and friends gathered joym ent of the Christm as season. w ith their miscellaneous gifts, groc- _____ chairm ________ _ the __ eries. fruits, vegetables, etc., and Mrs, R. W. Gates, an of hospitality committee, is also host- ¡then sent for the pastor and wife, ess chairm an for this meeting. I After a short miscellaneous pro- Rev. Charles Reed will speak I grain furnished by the young peo- briefly on Christm as customs in pie of the high school class under other countries. Ardis Ellingson the direction of M artha James, will present the solo play, "The leader, an original reading, hum or­ Night Before Christmas." "The ously w ritten bv Mrs. C. H. Nosier, Cold Turkey, a playlet, w ill be and a reading by Deloss Anderson given by a group from The Har- th e evening was spent in games leqins, a high school age group, and a good social time. Home-made directed by Mrs. H, H. Stannard. candy was served to all present. P. The Legion Auxiliary sextet, under A Anderson acted as chairm an. the direction of Mrs. L. C. Kram - j The affair was in com mem ora­ ien, will sing some favorite C hrist­ tion of two years' m inistry of the Putnam fam ily w ith t h e local mas carols. church. Pastor, Family Given a Surprise Drive for Toys Here Continued A nnual drive for toys, games, nad books to supply the Coffee club's Christm as party for l e s s fortunate children was opened last Friday, w ith the Hillsboro Chris­ tian Council's celebration of St. Nicholas' Day, at Pilgrim House, council headquarters. Council mem­ bers and m any other young people participated. Gifts of the young people were placed underneath lighted C hrist­ mas trees, and refreshm ents were served during the afternoon by a committee of Coffee club members, including Mesdames A. H. Abts. T. G. Bronleewe. A1 Chase, E. L. Mc­ Cormick, and Fred Engeldinger. Although about 225 items were brought in the first day of the drive. Council President Richard Abts has asked members of the affiliated chapters of young people to continue the drive for another week. Persons desiring to donate gifts are asked to deliver them either to Pilgrim House or to Mrs. W. W. Bonar, 246 South Third av­ enue, at whose home repairs to broken and damaged toys are be­ ing made. Lemons Exhibited— Californians would have us be- lie v l that lemons grow only in the sunny south, but the Argus w in­ dow this week contains two lemons grown at the home of Mrs. C. B. Taylor of near Banks. Her mother, the late Mrs. Melissa Jackson, planted the seed there about 10 or 12 years ago. and the tree is now about 18 inches high. A ttend Funeral— Mr. and Mrs. E. A. G riffith and h er mother, Mrs. Sopha Freerksen, * attended the funeral of Mrs. Freerk- sen’s son-in-law. F rank Jackson, Tuesday at Holman-Lutz in P o rt­ land. Mr. Jackson passed aw ay sud­ denly Saturday at his home on Powell Valley road. He is survived by his widow and a son, Richard. Attends Dealers' M eeting— Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Cady went to Seattle Sunday and Mr Cady attended the Dodge Dealers' con­ vention at the Olympic hotel Mon­ day. E ntertains at Dinner— Miss Pat Meeuwsen entertained Poultry Wanted We need light and heavy hens for the market. Also turkeys, ducks and geese. We buy and sell laying pullets, all breeds. Highest cash prices. Can use a few good second-hand brooders. Multiple Potato Displayed— A m ultiple potato weighing seven pounds was brought into the Argus office by Frank Fisher of ScholL It was displayed on the counter for several days this week. The veg­ etable had nine distinct potatoes growing in one. Mrs. Raleigh W alker of Forest Grove and Miss Angie H arrington spent the w eek-end w ith their brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence B arber of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. B arber are g ran d p ar­ ents of a baby girl, Carol Ann Reinmer, born S aturday at t h e Portland G eneral hospital to M r and Mrs. C arl Reinmer. Mrs. Rein­ m er w ill be rem em bered here as Miss Evelyn Barber. "Good Neighbors" club of th e G rabel com munity met last T hurs­ day w ith Mrs. L. O. Edmiston. Present were Mesdames A lbreicht and son Bobbie. R. Withycombe. Robert Enschede. H oward Rice, C. E. Dyer. R. Miller. Norman Mann and son Ronald, J. E. Hattrick. Clyde Jones, Joe W erre Hiram Skuse. Charles Grabel. Eail Grabel, H. L. Stout. L. Hillicke. Gus Larsen and C. W. H ergert. Mrs. Eva Gordon and Brooks Gordon of Portland. Miss Dorothy Gordon and Will Lindfoot of S a­ lem, and Miss G loria Coulter were guests Sunday at a dinner party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Bailey. Misses Tennessee and Eva Weath- erred w ere w eek-end guests of Miss Helen Johnson and her m oth­ er, Mrs. B utterfield, in Portland. Miss Johnson was form erjy a mem­ ber of the local high school faculty. Mr. and Mrs. Will Sanders and family of Seattle, Wash., and Mrs. George H. M errym an and son George of K lam ath Falls visited last week at the E. B. Tongue home. Mr. and Mrs. John Bose and family. Mrs Fred Bulling and Miss Radah Gottlieb spent Sunday aft­ ernoon w ith George Tews and fam ­ ily at Gaston. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Watts visited Messrs, and Mesdames Clifford Mc­ Gee. John Forken, H arry Watts, and Bob Watts in P ortland Sunday. Mrs. George Stangel and son and daughter of P ortland spent the week-end w ith Mrs. Caroline S tan ­ gel and family. Mrs. R. J. Nicol spent th e w eek­ end at Salem with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Sandifer, and friends. Mr. and Mrs. F. K oberstein and children of Portland spent Sunday w ith Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Lentz. Ferdinand G reenbem er and his son Will of Ashland visited Mr. and Mrs. Hallie Ireland Tuesday. Mrs. R. L. Fox of Weston is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Heintz, until after Christmas. C hapter Elects Officer»— Election of officers will be held Tuesday evening at the meeting of Tualatin chapter, O. E. S. AU members are urged to be presentl CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for the sym pathy extended us in th e loss of our Feed - Seed - Wool and Poultry husband and father, A ndrew A n­ Telephone 3061 derson. and for th e beautiful flow ­ ers.—Mrs. Andrew A nderson and family. 43 Farmers’ Cash Store. Worrying About a Gift? A MEN’S SHOP GIFT BOND will solve the problem! H IL L S B O R O . | About 60 parents and teachers met at the county council meeting Tuesday at Dilley to discuss ideals and methods in parent education. E. Britt Nedry. superintendent of schools at Tigard and legisla­ tion and Juvenile protection ch air­ man for the council, spoke of the Christm as season as being a special tim e for tile consideration of the child and his possibilities and needs. He suggested th at other mothers, like the m other of Christ, have "pondered these things in th eir hearts." and have learned the value of studying them together. ’ We must rem em ber the changing , times our children must face and tin t we are dealing w ith children, . not books. He urged that in times of depression and strain our chil­ dren need more music and art and j recreation, w ith beautiful expres­ sion of emotion, not less of these things "The blame for children's troubles and mistakes must be laid upon the adults who deal with children." Mr. Nedry said he had found adolescent children to be w onderful people w ho only need a fair chance and the American parent to be honestly open-minded and progressive. Mrs. L. D. C ourtw right, state Mrs. Ed M aurer was entertained w ith a bridal shower th e afternoon m em bership chairm an, presided a« of December 4. at the home of a pow-wow m em bership luncheon Miss Louise M aurer of Hillsboro. sim ilar to the pow-wow held at the Present w ere t h e honor guest. Medford convention. Presidents of Misses M argaret Waeffler. Wanda nearly all th e locals in the county Park. O rpha Shipley, all of Hills­ responded w ith reports. Mrs. A l­ boro. M ildred M iller of Forest len Knight responded as chief of G rove and Mesdames C. Diebold. i the county. School principals W H A. Downey, W. Bunker. O. Miller. Arstill. E B. Nedry and Mrs. Em­ M. Bunker and F. G reen of For­ ma Bryant responded on th e sub­ est Grove. F. Klauser, C. J. A nder­ ject of "Co-operation Between P ar­ son, S. Miller. M. Senske. C. G roes­ ents and Teachers." Max Hceher of beck. J. Brown. E. Shipley, K Forest G rove responded as the on­ Shipley, J. Green. E Hoover. G. ly high school P.-T. A. president Bucher, and J. Roberts of H ills­ in the county, and Glen Epler re ­ boro, F ran k Corey of M ountain- I sponded for P.-T. A. fathers. Indian songs, place cards and dale, and K enneth H arris of S ea­ side, and the hostess. Misses Ship- head bands and various am using ley. Park, and Miller assisted the stunts added to the sociability of the luncheon hour. Lunch was serv­ hostess in serving. ed by the Dilley P.-T. A. Mrs. W. F. Blum emphasized Girls Finn Activities— The Camp Fire girls met at C ar­ com mittee work und organization oline Kalkwarf*s Tuesday. They d e­ in her P.-T. A. lesson. A num ber of cided to go out to the county home P.-T. A. w orkers are taking her the day before Christm as as their course for credit and expect to a t­ Christm as project. They also v ot­ tend all four council meetings this ed to prepare a Christm as basket year. E ntertainm ent was furnished by for a needy family. The next sw im ­ ming party is scheduled for D e­ the Dilley P.-T. A. under the d i­ rection of Mrs. Glen Epler. First cem ber 7. grade pupils of Miss Virginia T hom ­ N. E. W. F. to Meet— as gave a charm ing silhouette pan­ P ortland speakers will be at th e j tomime of the "B rahm in Band." N ational Economic W elfare F ed er­ U pper grade school girls, directed ation m eeting at the old grange by Mrs. W ilfred M arshall, sang hall at 7 o'clock tonight (T hurs­ Christm as carols. Mrs. Elizabeth day). All members are requested Todd, who was to speak, was u n ­ to attend, according to L. M. H aw ­ able to be present. Next meeting kins, secretary. WPA w orkers are will be at A loha-H uber in F eb ru ­ invited. ary. Bride Honored with Shower Thursdav, Decomber 12, 1936 OREGON Past Chiefs’ Club P.-T. 4. Council ’36 Officers Well Attended Elects Officers of th e Past Chiefs' club Phoenicia Tem ple w ere elected Friday evening at the Christm as • Dilley Tuesday of party at the home of Mrs Dora Miss Edna Stucki Weds Henry Berger BETHANY-CEDAR MILL Miss Edna Stucki. daughter of Mrs Elise Stucki of Bethany, a n d Henry Berger, son of Mr. and Mrs. John I E. Berger of Bethany, were united I in m arriage at her mother's home December 4. Rev H G. Dickman officiated. The bride wore a w hite satin gown and carried a bouquet of Talisman rosebuds and w hite Hespfris. Miss Alma Stucki. sister of the bride, was bridesmaid. She wore a celestial blue silk gown and carried a bouquet of sweet peas and rosebuds. Ernest Berger, b ro th ­ er of the bridegroom, acted as best man. Miss Esther Stucki played the Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin, and i accompanied Miss Freda Berger of Portland who sang "I Love You Truly." The rooms w ere decorated in blue and w hite w ith palms, ev- ergreens, and chrysanthem ums. About forty imm ediate relatives of the bride and bridegroom were present. Misses Bernice and Esther Trachsel. nieces of the bride, helped serve. The wedding cake was made by Mrs. Ruth Kestek. sister of the bride. The couple will reside at his farm near Orenco. ARG US, Kelly Elected *7 ! I SUN. - M ON. - TURS. - WED. Nelson. Mrs. Nelson was elected president; Mrs C. E Wells, vice- president; and Mrs J. D. Anderson, se c re ta ry -tre a su re r. ( ON IIN I'O I'S SHOW SUNDAY — ? T H .I. Il P. M. A decorated tree and o t h e r Christm as decorations gave t li e rooms a festive look and each member received a gift from tier "unknow n friend." Miss Pearl Allen acted us Mrs Santa Claus (in cos­ tume* and was assisted in dis­ tributing gifts by Jan et Johnson and W alter McKinney In t h e games which followed. Mrs. Frank Barr and Mrs. Fred Sew ell re ­ ceived high honors. Next m eeting of the club will be held Jan u ary !> at the home of Mrs. Jo h n G ardner, with Mrs. John Kamna Jr. as assisting hostess. W. R. C. Elected Officers Friday Woman's Relief Corps. G eneral Ransom No. 47. elected officers for 1936 at the meeting Friday a fte r­ noon at the Veterans' hall. Mrs. Nellie Sellers was re-elected presi­ dent; Miss May Cook, senior vice- president; Mrs. O rpha Carlile, ju n ­ ior vice; Mrs. F rankie Olsen, con­ ductor; Mrs. S arah Stansell. guard. Mrs. Jessie Sutherland, treasurer; Mrs. May Schiedel, chuplain. Ap­ pointive officers will be named later. Corps mem bers met Tuesday a ft­ ernoon with Mrs. W. W. Bonar to finish th e Christm as sewing for the needy. Attend Delphi Temple— A large num ber of P ythian S is­ ters attended t h e home-coming meeting of Delphi Tem ple at F o r­ est G rove Wednesday evening. Members were also present from other Temples in the district. I.urille Spiering Honored— Mrs. John Spiering entertained with a surprise party Decem ber 3. honoring her daughter Lucille, on h e r sixth b irthday anniversary. Nine school chum s were present. Goodmans E ntertain— Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Goodman en ­ tertained S aturday evening w ith three tables of bridge. Mrs. J. L. Searcy and Mr. Goodman received high scores. To Elect Officer»— The Women's Church Service league o f All Saints' Episcopal church will meet W ednesday at 2:30 p. m. for election of officers. R obert H K elly w as elected w o r­ shipful m aster of T uullty Imlge, A. F. and A. M . at th e M asonic te m ­ ple F riday ev ening O th e r officers elected a re J. Law son Auld. sen ­ io r w arden; C arl R ussell, ju n io r W arden; F red H olznagel. secretary; and Cill J a c k tre a s u re r for the 19th y ear. B. M. G oodm an w as e l­ ected tru stee. Installation will be held Decem­ b er 27 w ith Ju d g e R. F ra n k P eters, d ep u ty gruud m aster, as in stallin g o ’ " * ’ « '• officer. ('aril Parly and Danre At C edar Mill G ra n g e S atu rd ay night, Dec. 14 C ards, lunch, d a n c ­ ing. all 25c U nder new m nnage- inent. E verybody w elcom e. 43 O o '» 1 ' ,o < ' .1 « ’ ’« , C°> Modern and Old Time Dance At K inton G runge hall. D ecem ber 14 Adtn. 25c. 43 Modern Danre At H uber, D ecem ber 21 I5e anil 35c L adies fre e u n til 9:15 p. in. Modern Dance At H elvetia hall, S a tu rd a y night, D ecem ber 14. Four-piece o rch estra A dm ission 25 cents. • 43 Good Tim e Dance At G range hall every Saturday night.- -Georgia Hess orchestra. A d­ mission 25c. 2St1 G e o r g e H im e s RADIO SERVICE 164 8. 2nd Ave. SANTA RECOMMENDS- CHURCH PROGRAMS F irst Church of C hrist (Scientist, Services are held every Sunday at 11 a. m.; W ednesday evening services a t 8 o'clock; Sunday school at 11 a. m. Pupils up to the age of 20 years are welcomed. Free reading room open on Wednesdays and S aturdays from 2 until 4 p. m Sunday's topic, “God the Preserver of Man.” — it— Tualatin Plains Presbyterian Church (Four m iles north of Hillsboro, Sunday services: Bible school at 10:15; preaching at 11 a. m.; ju n io r C. E. at 11:20; C. E. at 8 p. m. Women’s M issionary society, last Wednesday of each m onth at 2 p. M. E. Church (Bethany, On G erm antow n road. Sunday school every Sunday, 10 a. m.; G er­ man service. 11 a. m., first a n d th ird Sundays; English service, 11 a. m„ second and fourth Sundays. —E. Ju liu s Traglio, pastor. tf Banks M. E. Church Sunday school every Sunday. 9:45 a. m.. Mrs. Fred Wolford, super­ intendent. Preaching services by E llsw orth Tilton, pastor, every S un­ day evening at 8 o’clock. Ladies' Aid meets first and th ird W ednes­ days at 2 p. m. tf M ethodist Episcopal Church Church school, 9:45, Miss Rose Cave, general superintendent; Mrs. W. T. McDonald, prim ary superin­ tendent. Divine worship at 11. S er­ mon subject, “The Gifts of the Wise Men.” E pw orth League, 6:30; Evening service at 7:30. Subject, "O ur N ew Testam ent.” On Sunday evening we are to have a n um ­ ber tof S crip tu re exhibit cards from the A m erican Bible society. These cards w ill show th e S criptures in different languages. We w ill also have th e S cripture read In d if­ ferent languages in the service. Following the custom established last year a Christm as pageant will be given on Sunday evening, D e­ cember 22. the title of which is "The N ativity.” This w ill tak e th e place of the regular preaching serv­ ice of the evening. At 11 a. m. th e m onthly missionary service w ill be held, th e pastor speaking on a m issionary theme. Sunday school is at 9:45 a. m. and th e C rusader service at 6:15 p. m. W eek-night m eetings include Bible study and prayer on Tuesday at 7:45 and an open air m eeting at Second and Main at 8 p. m. S atu r­ day.—Guy P. Duffield, Jr., pastor. You may fuss until you get to the fuming point over her present, but you w on't please her any more than if you choose, lace trim m ed lingerie, PANTIES - PANTIE SETS - STEP-INS SLIPS - GOWNS - PAJAMAS ,o a - S O 95 Beaverton Church of C hrist P reparations are being made for a Christm as pageant. Bible school, Sunday, 9:45 a. m. Communion serv­ ice, 11 a. m., followed by preach­ ing. Yeung people's meeting, 6:30 p. m.; preaching by pastor, 7:30, preceded by a song service con- ' ducted by th e young people. Ladies of the church m eet each Wednes­ day in th e church parlors for work. M id-week service Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., followed by choir practice u nder leadership of Mrs. Ruby Johnson.—M. Putm an, minister. The Coi.grcgational Church Church school. 10 a. m., R. E. Wiley, superintendent; m o rn in g worship, 11 o’clock, "Your Church in the Com munity." Music pro- | gram: Chorus, "S pirit of G o d ,” Hu mason; vocal solo, "Song o f Thanksgiving," Allitson, Mary Eve­ lyn Caldwell, Portland.—T. A rthur Dungan, acting m inister. Pilgrim House Sunday; chapel service of w or­ ship. for th ird Sunday in Advent, 10:30 a. m. L iturgy for Advent. Special pre-C hristm as music, with young people's choir. Christmas carols by congregation. T hird serm ­ on on A dvent subject, "L ight in the D arkness;” topic, "The Promise of th e Dawning", a study of th e prophecies of the coming of the "Light of the World,” (Isaiah 9:2, Wednesday, Ember Day. w ith spe­ cial prayers for the church u ni­ versal and the clergy. No public service of worship. A nnual C hrist­ mas eve m idnight musical service, at the V enetian theatre, in conjunc­ tion with Hillsboro Christian Council December 24, 11:30 p. m., followed by coroling through Hills­ boro streets. P astor H enry S. H aller j may be consulted any day between F oursquare Church “The Touch of th e M aster's H and” 10 a. m. and noon, or by appoint- ! will be th e subject of th e Sunday ment, at the House office, 232; evening evangelistic meeting be­ N orth T hird avenue. ginning at 7:30. A half-hour Gospel B aptist Church song service will be followed by a Church school at 9:45 Preaching, program of m usical num bers cen­ tered around the theme, “The Mas­ 11 and 7:30. You are cordially in ­ te r’s H and.” and will include such vited to any and all meetings. num bers as, "The Touch of His Christm as program will be given Hand on Mine,” "Ju st One Touch Sunday night of the 22. as He Moves Along,” "The Hand Argus classified ads get results. T hat Was Wounded fo r Me,” etc. ÌSSÈ®- The Men's Shop Gift Bond Those Who Really Care TH IS BOND ENTITLES BEARER and appreciate first class food, in m erchandise at The Men’s Shop w ithin one year from the date hereon. properly cooked and served THE MEN'S SHOP Signed:..... Eat at the G IFT HEADQUARTERS FOR MEN T H E HOWE MEN’S SHOP and Wells, Props. Hillsboro 270 E. Main Street Oregon HILLSBORO PHARMACY Hillsboro, Oregon Z. J. Riggs, graduate of the California College Pharm acy MEN’S SHIRTS Individually packed i n handsome gift box—Art- set collar, requires no starching — full - shrunk, color- .49 The C. C. Store 270 E. M ain St. J. H. GARRETT, Prop. ■ w » w ww Phone 2601W PLUS— Silly Sym phony in Color PREVIEW SATURDAY NIGHT, 11:15 i.