Page Eight H IL L S B O R O 1 C atherine and « > y Esther and Eddie w™» Boge visited Mr. and Mrs. O. Penne Many Attend of Scholls Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Boge and fam- Mr. and Mrs. W hitmore of Local Opening j Iy .aurel and were guests of Mr and Mrs. • A R G U S, H IL L S B O R O , day in Washougal. Wash , w ith the Knepper family. Mrs. G enzer's par riïFfllPrS I V>lllkZll J f llO t l ««XI.I11VI.O TI Lucky Envelopes | Charles Sehmidlin of Vernonia Decried by Bureau , visited at Mrs T Sinejknl's Sunday I ents. Has Big Rally lly Mr. and Mrs. C. J M arion Boge in P ortland T hanks­ daughter Joan of giving. M . . 1 pending ten days Sahnow Garage Scene of Mi and Mrs S H. Dalby and National Secretary Coming stru b b home son W ebster went to Bonneville to a« . H e r e S a t u r d a y I Charles W alters and Gala Opening Friday , Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Will 1 n e r e oaiuraay i i'iH> are putting in a I and Miss Aloah Finnell of Portland I farm here. Wishing the Sahnow brothers accompanied them. coum v" M ^ n T i T r s ' V H Me i W llklnson Logging every success in their new garage streets, a crowd of approxim ately 200 persons attended the official opening at the Sahnow garage . - Eri- . day evening. William Bevans of Portland acted as m aster of cere- monies and introduced the various features on the entertainm ent pro- gram , , / An expression of appreciation for the confidence shown by the Sah- nows in docating their business in Hillsboro was given by Mayor J IL G arrett. New testing equipm ent in- stalled in the garage was explained by W. H McCann. United Motor Service representative. O ther events on the program included musical num bers by Claire Beeler, Miss DeLaurice Bump and the Laurel orchestra; a ventriloquist act by Bill Brown of Portland; and a short talk by Sid Hammond of the Sun- F r te a u t o chm c was conducted at the garage Monday and Tuesday by McCann. The clinic will be con- tinued Monday, Tuesday and Wed­ nesday. «7 ---------------------------- ! T-. 1« Valley Towns Form Basketball League Sunset basketball league, consist­ ing of eight teams, has been organ­ ized. and Hillsboro plays the open­ ing game at home December 10. A cbmplete schedule for th e first half of the season ..«-w has been wot ««« completed to end February 4 The second half probably will start about Feb­ -_ _ _____ _ ruary w 8 with the two w inners meet- ing at the end of the season for the championship. Ernest Clinton of Portland was elected president and F. E. Cum- mings of Forest Grove, secretary- treasurer The follow managers er; Carlton, ton, Louis Rpssell; 3t rlonor G,ourt bll‘ a®7- IVt.rfl LaNldie I ransitrs of the new stafe h o u seCM r/V o 'o r- Plan« w ere marte fnr a i - m - ! w hen four windows w ere broken. , N«llle R"«m u> hies, who ,s a m em ber of a pio.wer c o u s i n 7he " K e m í X V T o u t * ^ zui’k reported iL V » , - aav,s«.i«ti. subdivisions of the state may fix the interest rate on their w ar- rants at a figure lower T hm ' Aw legal iD i.' • ' S ' - « rate •’ M C a n ' v . m ’ W i i n i f i t n l S " 8? accepted z . as i its u j portion * e inc of tn the 1936 followed on mcr^asing th ° ‘ of scouts .n H i l S n ir« ,™ I o w i V SCOUIS T n T II J ’ was pointed out by the field ex- ecutive W. F Johnson, that t o o high a percentage of th e Hillsboro scouts w w ere ere in in m the e m higher age scouw gher age brackets and p articular em phasis must be made on recruiting young- er boys in local troops and trans- le rn n g oiaer ferring older scouts scouts to to the the Sea Sea shlp R' ,L ' B urne“ - skipper r^glonal fla8-shlk’ of Portland. ' ' * 11 a act as s skipper the e n next v i us» n ip p e r i for or m ext tw o m onths in an effort to increase the num ber of boys in thi- unit 'ijar- ’jaF- co n ,r‘buting as much Rehearsals have begun for a play as $3.500,000 a year tow ard the "Cornfed Babies," to be given at support of state governm ent. the schoolhouse December 19. The , „ y o, S „<™ , . r a ; l n s . , j . „ - - - 10 m ake good its offer of W i l l s o n _________________ Pa rk ior capitol purposes. The city v . «. _ ouncil ls expected to pass an ordi- K rieger Home Destroyed nance concerning t h e proposed by Fire Friday Evening J® at an early sos-ion So far The home of John fcrîëgèr and no objection has been heard from family, who lived on the G rcen- any of the Willson heirs to the viIle-Forest G rove highway, was transfer and city officials do not destroyed by fire Friday night a* expect any protest. It is not ex- 6:15. It is reported th at the fire peeted th at the park w ill be used was caused by the ignition of gas- for building purposes, but will be oline on the hands of one of the preserved intact as a p art of th boys when he entered the house capitol grounds after w orking on a car. The fire burned so rapidly that the family escaped w ith little else but thc clothing they wore. A piano was (By I. R. struhbi saved and a few other articles, it Mr. and Mrs. John Jeppesen and is reported. children of Bacona visited at the The residence, which was a total Joe Sm ejkal and V. C. S trubb to n , was the property of A lbert J> homes Sunday. Evers, and was partly covered by Lester Fenn spent Thanksgiving insurance. w ith his parents in Portland. _____________ Mr and Mrs- Earl G enzer and If you change your address kind- daughter Donna and E verett Gen- ly notify th e Argus direct and at Ps) zer visited from T hursday to Sun- once. tf Prompt Service Phone 81 Main Street s s Pancake Flour « SYRUP CANE and MAPLE. Red & White. Pint. COFFEE i « Irene A. Vi». Lot 7 < ( lam R. ..I « u M ux. M rA m nch Oak Park vs Davla 1» 28-oz. pkg....... Two new tires u rst p u o iic a u o n or in is su m m o n s Used Car Exchange n e y s f e w a n d for c o sts a n d Phone 2641 ei ux Fashion Craft CHRISTMAS TIES " ‘ " ‘c " • » « '" • « *>•«» • " » „» office of John Connell, sheriff. The cars w ere driven by T. W. Mulli- van and CIark F‘'a'n p ‘on. both of Scholls Mrs. Elizabeth Reed entertained Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Schulm erich and daughter Alice of Hillsboro Thanksgiving day. Mrs. Frances Kellogg has been pa'st -tW0 weelw “* thc home of her son, Hugh Kellogg. Mr. and Mrs H. L. McCool and fam ily were T hursday guests at D L G. Ferdinand VonKanel et ux to Herl»ert Olaon et al. Lot « A *h Valley Tract. E lm e r W . C la r k e t u x to C la re n c e W . C lark et «I. part I«ot 16 («arden Home. Ju liu * Chri»ten*en et ux to M arion E. H a rt et ux, part Lot 5 Block 4 Hill»-* boro. M arion E. H a rt et ux to D« ri» L itera l et ux, p a rt Lot 5 Block 4 H igh ., Hill»> boro. M athilda Garde to (»a»r*e Cecil Lud- wiir et ux, T ra c t 327 Johnson Eatate A d­ dition. Emma Keen to Hazel Berirquam et vlr, part Lots 1 and 2 KinneHAW«H»<| Acreage. A. k. Haye* et al to Joaeph M a rtin Richter et ux. part John Flett D. I. C. It« l>er‘ S C a n n e ll to I o»l>< Í M a rg a re t 1 Cannell et al. part T I N ItlW . Washington county to f,ew i* C. Sm ith, part Block 20 We»t Portland H eight*. Floy Constance Arme» (E x e .) to I red Not for Today Alone — The Memorial you erect today you offer as a testim onial of your devotion to some departed life. It serves ns a symbol of th at life and as a trib u te to its worth. Occasionally It is dedicated to more than a single person, to a fam ­ ily perhaps, but always it is erected as a m ark of affection.’ OREGON M ONUM ENT WORKS Phone 121 -:- Hillsboro, Oregon (V enetian ticket, Chris Zurcher, Rt. 2) HILLSBORO MOTOR CO., 318-332 E. Main St. d o o ñ Í T P /lt-z y o iS ENdOYz £ s 19c f 10c 9c § s Many other items specially priced for Friday and Saturday. These prices good Dec. 6 and 7 only. 1926 Model T Ford Coupe X ” L°d i n . *' T ¡“ V 4-door Sedan $589 here I” '®* and answ er the complaint, Graham Sedan $869 here for .w ant .thereof the la.n will apply to the C ourt for the relief I (■as — Oil — Accrasorim dem anded In the com plaint to-w,.: et al t«» Guy I' J lB lg lU C Ilt fO I (M) together With Section 35 t in interest at H i per annum from ... .« December 29. / 1931 until p aid . $100- vtr In A lbert II j r «. « j VÜOR R ip e M A R T /P Everyone genuine “ Fashion G raft” quality. Silks, repps, moires, wools, houeles. Hundreds and hundreds of tie». G ift boxes FREE of course. Featuring 250 BEAUTIFUL FILS Matle by “Fashion < *«‘U “ j «ill the newer colors you 11 Ilkc* g 20-oz. ing Any Right, Title. Etsate, Lien ‘ - a l ITopcrty lt ; w 33c RED & WHITE. 1-lb. jar J et p a rt U l.- k F s i « l « ' . A .ldi- tion. Beaverton Gicnn s. Ehie HOW P lP 1 w 'h 19C r is J. « disbursem ents herein incurred and 2nd and W ash. to ( iimu-r w. that said judgm ent be decreed HI J F. Longdon. 45, Hillsboro r route PoidaJd Hei’bU 31 M'Hl 31 , I. • »» of 10 hens from his chicken t.2 K,w . . house sometim e betw H « rry J C arru th rn , r i ux I" ( « rrl» een Thursday n ‘ s ^ i ^ ' i ' i ^ k ” f X '„ ' go " « k night and Sunday morning. s Specials for Decem ber 6 and 7 h ri THE ROYAL Mason Hill Powers Grocery | 2 for USED CARS 1927 Essex Coupe and Mrs. Frank Schulmerich, Sun- Monday to be held at noon w ith a day, speaker. Ralph Harford of Blalock visited at the Frank Schulm erich home O ur classified columns m ay have Friday, .. ju st w hat you are looking for— Mrs. H. H. Boge and daughters Read them. tf ------ ------------------ — -------------------------------------------------------------------- --- PALM OLIVE. i lowing describí',1 l i ai property, sit uatttd in Washington County, Stiitv of Oregon, bounded and described as followH, to wit: Lot num bered 76 in Tut.latm Valley Homes, u shown by the duly recorded plat thereof, i u W-i hiugtou County, Oregon; and that the mortgagt covering said property be fore­ closed and the property sold to satisfy said judgm ent an t that the defendants and each <>f them be forever b an t'd anti foreclosed of 'till right, title, or interest In and to said real property, save oidy the statutory light of redemption. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof, by order »f . the Honorable It Frank , Peters. . „ Judge of the above entitled court j made on November 1(1, 11135, du«*et- Jng SUCh publicutlOll to he m ade 111 D riven by elderly people Look-, three years later. Farmington SOAP Club Girls Receive Award for Winners High School Safe Baffles Burglars Thanksgiving the Char- at th e other th e w ater was so hot jng to reports to the treasury rie- 1 nanxsgiving guests at tne m ‘he summ er th at the fish had partm ent J *es s Johnson home included Messrs, Sbenrood; to be moved to colder w ater and p d ru n en l- . . . and Mesdames Ernest Huntley and Paul a t O r a e o ; Linnto n a t C .r l- { h e n frQ z e tQ d p a t h ¡ n t h w in te r a u tn m n h il. l i e n I . children of Sheridan, Clifford Rob- to n ; Gaston at Hillsboro. Pollution of stream s was another win b c a v a i S for P . S February 4 -S herw oo d at St. P a u l; O r­ ertson and son Lester Delm ar Mar- *" be availabIe io r use ° n « r s - enco at M u ltn o m a h ; Hillsboro at L in n ­ present menace to fishing, he de- of Pike. Miss Toll ...e n c c e iu iisn iiig , n e a e - n c w o r „ Id — b e fo re n e o m h r r 1A tin u n 01 1 IKe- M lss Wilma W ilm a T o ll o of r ton ; Carlton a t Gaston. d a re d in closing, for which meas- according to S ecretary T f S t a t e ' Yam hi11' M r' a n d M rs G e o rg e Hill ures must be taken to gain im- c-,„ii CCi . ary ,,, b ,a te and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Gonvo m ediate corrections. He cited a con- ‘ c ', 1 c plates will present and m rs , \ ndy Christenson an alum inum background w i t h spent T hanksgiving at the A. N. dition in Portland, which he said black r- '¡ , o , r w Miss Maude Pattee. who has been polluted the riv er for a distance of laCk letterS and n 8ures. Anderson home in Portland. working at the Herman Koeber four miles during the sum ¡J-'"« m er and « :? wlV,ot f bS i2 ; *2“ " c JA s c o t o T v “ a home at Sherwood for the past through _ _____ ______ which salmon three months, is now staying at the fish could not pass during 1Uw wm- low w .t . " V; oouver. W „h .. « „ „ o d a, C. II. Captain S. S. Dalby home, while er »— s enues througn income taxes and Gonyo home Sunday. Mrs. Dalby is visiting at Astoria. A business meeting and dinner mlscel*an ^ u ’ sources by 1933 is and Mrs. Mattoon of Bob and Ju n e S tew art of Beaver for the night of December 16 was by l !?e state tax commission. W Mr. ilsonville visited Roy ' Wednesday at OATS H. O., quick or regular. Bureau) Capitol News Letter ltnom?h “ CEREAL WHEAT, Red & White. Uuainaan Mrs. Vina Hill's in Portland. Lois , Itn iiin «•, in . i>»rt III» , k 2 W alkrr'n Ad- und John McCool remuined till I t"i<-i urov» W illia m St Thom »* ct ux t«> C arl E Sunday Mrs A It. Wenstrom of Portland I ‘.'.r'h.V;' •'!, Itw*‘ "• HW'« "f ■ s,''" ul‘ visited Mrs. Elizubeth Reed Sun- „................ . W i, li li iK lm i m iit ily III W r n lr r u t lm lir r CP,,r S C. C. Speaker m.)ny Qf thp adjacent counties wU Orenco at Gaston n llv lt c r Five-Year Award estim ated $400.000.000 each year as ^ n o '. h ^ n T t ^ ^ ^ fid o im r i g to to O l ic r I in n t the h e w ay o has s n nothing offer of f game, he said. The outdoors, he declared, December 10— M ultnom ah at Orenco be considered as a great farm St. Paul at Sherwood; Gaston at Carlton Linnton at Hillsboro. w hich can be raised a great December 13— Hillsboro at Gaston ; Carl of game for recreation and ton at Linnton ; Sherwood at Multnom ah spite the densely packed Orenco at St. Paul. tion. To clinch his argum ent December 17— M ultnom ah at Carlton Gaston at Orenco; Linnton a t Sherwood. ferred .c u a v n o w ucic to Massachusetts, Sr. Paul at Hillsboro. huntinc has been restored a n d December 2 O -H iU sb cro at M ultnom ah; i ? reS.lOred 4l_a n ? Orenco at L in n to n ; C arlton a t St. P a u l; ' ' h e r e the population IS SO thick Sherwood at Gaston. that rifles are forbidden and hunt- December 27— Multnom ah at L in n to n ; m g must be done w ith shotcuns Hillsboro at Orenco^ Sherwood a t C arl- a n d b u ck s h o t w ith ic h to n ; Gaston at St. Paul. anc^ . buckshot w ith u w h hich equip- January 3— Linnton at Gaston ; Carlton B le n t hunters kill nearly 10,000 at H illsb o ro ; St. Paul at M u ltn o m a h ; O r- d e e r each season, enco at Sherwood. Referring again to th e O re e o n January 7 M ultnom ah at C ««ton; O r- sj tu a tio n A v e rill d e c la re d th • enco at Carlton ; Linnton at 1 St' P*ul: there is too much oohdes in the Sherwood at Hillsboro. gam ! and fS h c o m m iX n ¿ n ! January 10 — Hillaboro at Sherwood O ra«,; commission learnina its Iota in t ,.°"e im » Gaston at M u ltnom ah; Carlton at Orenco St. Paul at Linnon P . u | . to be replaced by a newly elected January 14— Multnom ah at St. Sherwood at O renco; Hillsboro a t C arl- governor. Game farms and hatch- eries are located for political D olitical r rea- ea. to n ; Gaston a t Linnton. Gaston ; Carl- January 17— n - s St. u r Paul a u i at Gaston; Lari- sons he and t f th . . ton at Sherwood; Linnton a t M u ltn o m a h ; u „ ..... -b t Orenco a t Hillsboro. results. He cited two hatcheries January 2 4 - Multnom ah at H illsb o ro ; which had been located in eastern a s A f t s s ; 1 81 c" " “ " °™ " " "5 Pu.,riy I 'n r l t s i i 't Thursday, December 5, 19,35 Yazzolino and ,, . „ C u.. c u r t S v .'IH 'li 22 T I N KSW. to h o u se . s o . lic . ito rs a r e , vis- P ortland - are - - ... House . ,...............___ MISS Helen llout spent Thunks- T . F. Maloney In J"» M alon ty, NIC, at the V. C. 1 " 's m inus oifei ing free enlarge- giving at the parental home in St '* s'''""" i n Haw ments of photograplis. 1 Johns. - • 1 I W m In n I .. n e n iilily In W n. K i 11 ve 11111 Stiv­ er,,,, i , , , i i il ,1 / i II 'ills '. * I..m il I. I * . I t ' l l , ! l u l l , I , 111 !» llliH'k I sons of C.len- Some of these solicitors Sunday guests at the Alfred lien- n. .-g,.,. . m, Addili. ». ii . , h , , crop on their bunch ol envelopes. They extend diekson home w ere Mr. and Mrs W a.'lilnyiun I'ounly in W „.hiiivimi Sav them to the housewife, telling her Emil Ucndickson of Hood River. i’1«" * la»,, hi". i.,,t u iii,„k Co. of North I U sh 1'utlÍMtiit a M o iu n ’a 1st AthlUlou t<» is lucky enough to draw Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Kellogg vis­ lllllalH .ro. one containing a “special ad v ertis­ ited Mrs. Maxle Phillips ol P o rt­ D m ii I v I A. O ’McMru «•( ux to M aruuret ing coupon“ that she will get a land last week. E I'w i * . purl N efli.'ii I T IK U2W . ton several months. M aruarvt Sp«n. *• to I> o iim I«I M< liil.w h photograph enlargem ent absolutely i Miss Esther Clark, who attends Marion countv. <*( ux, I. ota 13 mul part 6 Block .1 Gaa- free. The trick lies In the fact ton. | the Adventist academy at Camas, A nother pot luck dinner will be that practically every one of the John Yauti et ux lo Henry IL CarMena \y ash. was home for the Thanks- held a ‘ lhe Hillsboro union high f L I ) I CiltlCFS C lC t envelopes contain a lucky coupon. et ux, in Aerea Section I'» T.ES It IW glvmg holidays. school Saturday at 11:30 It will be v j ,i F re tlrk k W . Haun r l ux I*» John An« The coupon used by one such Mr and Mrs p ranll Tum a of 111 honor of the national secretary, .Irnum vt ux. part i.m i bi . . k w. lure«i company says: Gruve. p ortiand visited at the Ed Boge E E K ennedy of Kankakee. I l l , (C ontinue«! fro m pane I ) "This certificate entitles the hold­ M ary J Shaw to Geurire Shaw, part of home Friday evening. who w ill make four addresses in (Continued from page 1> Co. Both companies work in er to one portrait 10 x Hi inches in : ! I t h e H illsb o ro A rg u s, i, legal n e w s ­ Guests at th e John Boge home Oregon on his w estern tour. Al- to K club, which is the oldest 4-H size absolutely free, for th e pur- co-operation with t h e extension .1. ".'.’■‘‘ i ’.N u paper of general circulation, pub­ Thanksgiving were Mr. and Mrs though this is the regular county club M a ry J Shaw I«. John Shaw, pari «>f Klkanah W alker and IL II. la tc h lu u E K Boge and son “ “ lished In suid County uf W ash­ claim T I N B.lW ^ o o k and Mr. and ington, State of Oregon, once a l‘ 1* i «••«»•«» Ity rl io Pau F, Mooter et ua, Boge and familv Week for six consecutive weeks I.»»I 2 Block 60 M a t /y ir Acre Tracia. Mlss yeva Boge s I from date of first publication th e re­ dav until Monday of and tile mailing of a copy of SIMMON'S Bo'ge home at Beav summons to each of you ut your No. 10674 In the Circuit Court of the Stute I last known uddress. Date of first publication Is No­ of Oregon, for the County of . be open to ».« s m i e w i r m is year. photo enlargem ent scheme. The Cooking club. H arriet A. Ford, l o r e G illllC vem ber 21, 1039. Date of lust pub­ visitors, states Mr. Mary L. Horn- ^ m b e > s of the teain b< ing Jam es purpose of a ll of them is to sell Cornelius route 1, leader; North Washington. w er, county secretary h °P® h n i* 1 hA Itjree scholar- frn„u.s. The enlargem ent may be Plains Cooking club, Mrs. Della M L. F. Putnoe, Plaintiff, vs. Les- lication is Jan u ary 2, 11)3(1 M a ery farm er in the county and •■ ‘P« ha' e been b-v technically free, but com plaints in Cypher, lender; Bald M o u n ta in 'll,' C. Endicott und Anna C. Endl- MELVILLE II GEIL, A ttorney “ “ b' ,Ue° rge and Al" the files of the Portland Better Cooking club, Agnes Kelly, route | ‘ »tt husband a n d wife; K. It lei Plaintiff, 914 Ilroudway Bldg,, be fish ‘“ u "* o 7 " ,E m ig r a tio n s n ^ * “ SinCSS BU ri“U p n ’V«''uPh unless one buys a frame g.ird. leader; Naughty Nine Cloth E '< Lundberg. A dm inistrator of O m lake in particular, he nid. ---- k t ------------------- ■ ----------- « P- w hich U aponaored by no| rign a memorandum for in« club, Louise Clapshaw, F orest ‘he Estate ol William T Wimberly was an outstanding exam ple of o n ie e1UFanit* T L 'r s Soi?m lL byxT«TL a photograph enlargem ent u n t i l Grove route 2. leader. Busy ltee deceased; Jo h n F W imberly and w hat could be done This is Dia- m te t-go. in c t. nen.iiem aioun- vm, h»,-/» , , a a z'i.'ii'in.. ,.i,o, s ,... ........ ¡Jane it,,,. i„ i,,,. i,,,.,.i .... and club, M Mrs. Waibel, Doe ve,,,,i,.., Wimberly, husband an ■ 1 ___, ,_■_ .. ~ : aon tin u rd from Dane t> ! ________ ,..u u . i . . . J you ™ n have a v e r e e a a u d _ it u i. ...m e carefully a r e in iu iiu u y an v Clothing io m in g ciuD, rs. W aibel. r route o u te i ' v l ,‘ (Continued page 1) 20 OflO ^ r f n n s athv e ^ a h hera ,he republican mem bers of the ac- wmrk' ''v .a?mi’rwiClCd understand It. The signed agree- 3 Cornelius, leader; Live Wire Sew ' wife; Mrs Tlioi mas P. Eskildsen und a.n d ?‘dent commission w i t h A lbert p„nf ‘ k or L pa 1 - l r 100 per ment fixes your obligation not the ing club. Mrs Marcom, rout. 2 r,ll’’" 'i; P. E k klldsen, wife und hus- H o n T J th 6 larg,H, iegf ta ^ g SU- H unter a e m ^ t i V ^ ^ o i m ^ . Dem- Cent talk of the agent. Cornelius, leader, und Laurel Light band; Ralph M artin and Jane Doe tion in the world is located. ocrats are known to be insisting The addition of these two five- Clothing club, Mrs Mary Ha, le ­ M artin, husband und wife; Rose Recounting some of the state dc- upon a change in the line-up here -v ear leaders makes a total of four Martin, unm arried; also "The Un­ mán of Gaston, leader. velopments. he declared that in to provide a place for another of active leaders in the county, who known H e irs of William T Wim­ Maine, the recreational value of the faithful. have been leading clubs for five berly, deceased." and "The Un­ H. C. Varner to Start wild life and game had been placed • • » years or more. O ther veteran lead- known Heirs of Tilden Martin, de- Bought and Sold at $30.000.000. In Pennsylvania, deer R epresentative Ellis Barnes of ers are E- H Jossy, leader of the Shoe and Leather Shop ''e a s e d ' .mil "All O th e r P e rs o n s or ^ ere v ‘r ‘ually extinct, A verill said, P ortland is said to be out to get Hock C reek dairy club, who has Sometime during the night, be ie- it n v ../« . i. Parties Unknow n Cluiming Any v a i n e r is o p e n in g a s h o e ■i'.,, i- . . ■ . . .J 11 now there w ere more deer the scalp of . Dr. G. C. Bellinger, seven years service, and Albert tween Saturday and —— Monday ...« mor "> T It. L C. __ ___ r _-w Bellinger, . __ ________ » __— S ! 1^ ± . a ^ . r ± * 8b' ’i., .at. i v n - d ' in th e Re‘,1* P ,'o p e r.y r I)” -" 1930 Ford Coach Jhan ever before because the state superintendent of th e state tuber- Hansen, leader of the Verboort ing. safe crackers attem pted 10,1.1.1 N orth Second .v..n,. . „ ,, ------ Extru good. Low mileage had learned that wild life could be culosis hospital. B arnes is under- eorn club, who has been a leader burglarize the Beaverton high 1 j / l n n J . .J ? . , b rib e d in the Com plaint Herein, “ J , Ir) ‘his ......... have filed com plaints 1OT *ears' sch00* Mfe aiter o b u in |n< X budne« restored- state th e value stood 1928 Chevrolet Sedan throu«h the by breaking l i d e r a ^ exnerlenee In . i t ? The S tate of Oregon to John F game is placed at more than all against Bellinger w ith th e board _ in w ith a chisel. The burglar n e s l X em ‘?K ^ i Cl; a y s . thiS bU" ' ! W,,nbv‘.'-V an<1 Jan c Doe Wimberly Runs fine. the food products of the farms, he of control, whose m em bers have ^ m n t c R otA zas-r-L i/J 1932 wheels Run-' fine. sal< v , , been discussing the m atter behind _____ _____ J husband and wife. Mrs. Thomas P sai ° ?' - n v n arO u iu C v O u k nocked o f f th« knocked off the <«f«> safe >>«>,i/.n combination E-skilil-.i n .im! T ilo in a . I’ E .k ilil- Vermont, he declared, was an- closed doors for the past two weeks T T /-i and attem pted to drill Into the lock 1928 Chevrolet Coupe ° ‘hcr state which had restored th e or more, failed to open the safe. R(*nl F a ta ti* r r a r » c íí> fc M ' 1 artin 1 wlft and husband; Ralph and Jane Do.' M arlin, hus- game resources until now the value • • • Somebody will gel u leul buy Steven Lazuck, 17, Hillsboro route in this one. St. Paul, K enneth Cribble; Sher- wood, Gus Hanke. The schedule for the first half follows: s, OREGON J| O ft U|i^|V ■ Come down early, prepared to buy plenly. G ift boxes FREE You know w hat to expect of thc good used or reconditional cars you buy here— the BEST! Our reputation for fair dealing is reflected in every sale wc make! Our big sale of last week continues. We sold twelve ears, but have taken in others and have an excellent assortment of both cars and trucks. W e Trade — Easy Terms — H IL L S B O R O M OTOR A lw ays Open COM PANY Phone 444, day or night 318-332 E. Main Street Used Car Lot at 136 S. Second Ave. “ The Merry Christmas Store” CLOSING O U T ALL TOYS f