The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 05, 1935, Page 4, Image 4

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J5111sbor^|^Ar g us
W ith Which U Combined the Hillsboro Independent
Hillsboro A nr us eet«h- 1894
H ill »boro Independent eetab. 1878
U c K IN N E T A M c K IN N E Y . Publisher»
Published Thursday.
Entered pa second-class m atter In the
puetoffice a t Hillsboro, Oregon
V B itN E M c K inney
M r s . e .
c . M c K in n e y
Associate Editor
Selected a* Oregon's Re<t Weekly Newspaper, I860
Named on A ll-A m erican Weekly Newspaper Eleven. 1930
Honorable Mention N ational E ditorial Association Newspaper
Production Contest, 1934-33, and General Excellence, 1936
Subscription Kat»-« Strictly ( ash in Advance
Outside W ashington County
W ith in Washington County
IT . S . per year
......- ..... « 00
Per year ...... ....................., 11.50
Six m o n t h s ................ __— .96 Foreign c o u n trie s ..............3.60
Editorial Association and
N ational E ditorial A » * o
F irs t Audited Paper
la rg e s t Audited Week­
ly C irculation in O re­
An Independent Newspaper, whose services and policies are
based on the principle of the Golden R ule.— “ And as ye would
that men should d^ to you, do ye also to them likewise.**
—Matthew^ 7:18.
Let’s Get Together
Boys will be boys. But after the rally
demonstration on the streets here t h e
night before the Forest Grove game it
would seem th at there is such a thing as
going too far.
School or student officials of the local
high school or city and business repre­
sentatives should get together with similar
groups in Forest Grove to bring about
some sort of a truce in extreme rally ac­
tivities. Hillsboro was a mess by 9 o’clock
Thanksgiving eve with eggs spattered all
over business streets, particularly at the
intersection of Third and Main, where the
Portland Gas & Coke company sign was
damaged. The spattering of eggs, young
and old. and vegetables were to be seen
on the front of buildings, sidewalks, auto­
mobiles and doorways. W hat a mess. It
was beyond any fun stage.
Activities of this kind have a habit of
growing unless some effort is made to put
a stop to them. University of Oregon and
Oregon State have set a splendid example
among their student bodies in the m atter
of , friendly
. , relations
* me the - • elimination
of property defacement The friendly rela-
Lons as exhibited at the last state foot-
hall classic drew much favorable comment
fiom all sections ot Oregon. \\ hy n o t
emulate this same spirit in the h i g h
schools? It will eventually be appreciated
by all, including the students.
Probably no particular blame is due
anyone, these things just grow. Report
here was th a t it was Forest Grove stu­
dents showing their enthusiasm for the
coming game and it was also pointed out
thal some of the local students joined the
egg and vegetable bombardment.
Fine Suggestions
Some mighty fine suggestions for the
improvement of legislation have been of­
fered by Earl Hili, veteran Lane county
legislator. Representative Hill is to be con­
gratulated for coming forward with such
a co n t use plan. It would eliminate
many present abuses and the state of O re­
gon would be better off in the long run.
W e're for you, Mr. Hill, and good luck.
He suggests the following:
Taxpayers Turn
Down Road Levy
in the county, nearly 'ito have been T ’o w n S ( . | U |
sent ii.iaitgiiiiiunt.
curd . uccordinK
em pi iym eni record
< I l l l ’ lO
Hold Meet Sunday
in Hillslioi'o all eligible workers
have I, ecu seni assignm ents and ate
I counted as at w ork The i email!
lt i .it farm property was too henv-
mg hulk of uneinployinent is i l l the
I ily burdened w ith present taxes J '.southeast
of lite county
She helil that county mails should I To help end
with tlie added burden
j be taken care ol by automobile
Me < Mildred Wall
fees utul
ami gasoline tax money. if I assignment. tecs
llllli.,v. .i m
Hillsboro Town end eluli wi'l
meet Bunday ut 2 o clock in the
Chrisllun church Advi an y board
meet? Friday ul 7 3» p m ut the
C linsllan church
All inemlieis and friends arc tu n ­
d ’„
' 1 1 . 'em
.1 I. M V ander .a n d e n of Hoy suot
ed Io lie present I" act upon Hi.
board's recommendations mid I »
or the present
ha. m aintenance
anden.,nee of
lin e
hear the address to be delivered
existing m ad system was the cheap­ ployed
by Rev Henry Young, an official
est investm ent the county could
make, but tliat the system wus
Townsend ‘jicakci lie is speaking
now in the best condition it hud
ii-gularly for Hie movement eltlm
in this county or ei -ew liere I lie
ever been He field that Hie people
shouldn’t vote additional taxes if
local speakers are being called on
unable Io pay present tax burdens
quite frequently lately The pi,
Charles Sehm idlin of Uacona. .1
(f'unllnusil fnun pass I !
ident. it I I’lltn on, spoke b o l
American Legion ,|„,
grunge last week and .,'
E l ew ton of Forest Grove. Oscar awarded the
llagg, ami O 11 Bcmiutl of Cedar scholarship, and Mrs E II Wtl- Yamhill Wednesday and lleavi-i •
Mill urged support of the levy, all hums, who uw aidni the business tor. mi Friday
holding that it was pour business men's scholarship. Special guests
T A B U S SW1 f I . IH I —
to vote it down. Sehm idlin m ain­ w ere J Fmpstru. of the Forest
Yes Sin gives you a comi tin
tained that all paid added taxes on Grove Creamery, sponsor of the
bad m ads through additional re ­ special pig feeding contest, and on tlie wav down
Under sin. the bu,l that is in
pairs on their eats. I.ewton d eclar­ A drian llo rtieek er of Hillsboro, dull
ed that if the loads w ere allowed or of tlie C hester W hite bleed pe- you wakes up. gel fist, cries f»
more und gels it Bo man made in
to deteriorate the cost in tlie long eial at tlie Washington county tai
run would be greater
The concluding feature of the pro- the image ol God is drugged dow
llagg pointed out that the county gram was u moving picture siiowu )O Hie pit. an unholy He up Om
court had only 4(1 per cent as by the assistant county ugent
futhors were like Hint awoy bark
much now to spend on roads as
Members receiving achievement to Adam. Ill rebelloit ilgalnsl God
in 1931, holding th at it was purely | aw aids were as follows Merrill "Tlie heart Is deceitful above all
a business proposition of w hether i Mead. Mildred Mead. Evelyn Kell) things mid desperutely wicked
or not we w anted to p ra te d our j and Ilillv Kelly, fouth year aw ards,
Eor one tiling, these wicked
investm ent in th e present fine Charles Davis. Dwight Davis, M*r licarts of ours harbor hate Now
road Systei:
cell Davis. Edith .Smith and Edith then, in God ? sight, hat»» again■ *
Goodi icli. first year awards.
your (ellowmun is m urder. Wuti li
tlie jungle tribe creep up at night
to its kill- Then over tlie lim >
First Report R eceived
see our own people nntrder
C hristm as Seal Sale fence,
tile neighbor. "A nice woman, b i l l
First report on the l»33 «ale of
" and Hie kill Is on God is no
<( ’» n tin u r d fro m |>a«r I *
Christm as seals In Wustiingtun
t.v ow ners will pay for malarial.? county watt received this week from respecter of persons W hether in
such as sand, cement and gravel W ilbur E Crocker, teacher of tlie Hie Jungle or over tlie back f« n c ..
while tile city will furnish W l’A Cooper M ountain schoi I, according hate is hate and m urder Is murdiT.
labor to lay the cement and make to Mrs. H arry R. Morgan, count) with him If )» u sneer und hat.
repairs. M aterials will be obtained chairman. A quolu of $.'i worth of and cull your brother u fool, it
by Hie city through compel itive stamps was set in tlie district, but g’“' down us m urder with God
And what shall we m ore soy ot
bids at cheapest possible prices, Crocker reported sules totaling gfi
thus keeping Hie expense of tlie
Thruugh error tlie quota foi impurity. Iml. cenry. Idolatry. |il
property ow ner to tlie lowest point. Washington county was reported dlv,,lons. fighting', and '.on
M c u M said.
last wack as id least one seal per through the list, us our ow n
A survey now is underw ay by capita. Tlie correct quQts is five hearts grow them?
Newberry in connection with con­ seals per capita
And they found fault with Je is
struction of curbs and rocked
Chrc 1 because hi» ul»* with tlie
streets in places w here dirt roads
notorius sinners In the low er part
now are. This project will be ca r­ ‘‘F reck lea ” ut V enetian
of town His answer: “T he Son ol
ried on in the same m anner as the
as W eek-en d Feature Man Is come to sic k and to sum
sidewalks, the city leasing a quarry
The talking picture version of that which is lost.
from the county and delivering Gene Stratton Porter's popular nov-
t{,,t in an apple won't r o t » ' ils<
rock to property ow ners wishing cl, "Freckles,” will be ut the Yen- Neither will tn Today the pica.
im provem ent at cost. Labor for etian Thursday, Friday and S atur­ ures of »in; tomorrow, shame,
q uarrying
furnished day. Tom Brown has Hie title role row, prison, gall owe, for all yoi
through WPA as w ell as the labor assisted by Virginia W cidler and know. And after this world, “tlv
for grading and rocking the streets. Carol Stone.
pains of hell “
“Jesus Christ came into tb
W a sh in g to n County G range world to save sinners, of whom
C ouncil M eet» H ere D ec. 1 1 um chief," suys tlie Apostle Paul
Washington County (¡range coun­ And y o u ' Hight w lieie you me
cil will meet at the new G range rigid now. cry out " (Hi thou Chi i
G rade school teachers and p rin ­ hall on Wednesday evening, D»‘- of Calvary, save me from sin
George N T.iv-
cipals of W ashington county have ember II, at 8 o’clock Tlie main guilt and power
Paid Adv.
been invited to attend a teachers' su b ject for discussion will be The lor, Beaverton.
m eeting in Hillsboro ju n io r high Oi ganization of Y outh."
school December 12 at 8 p m .
according to an announcem ent Wed­
Farm ers' Union to Elrrt
nesday by O. It. Kraus, county su­
Officers are to be elected at the
perintendent. Dr. Jensen of Oregon meeting tonight (Thursduy) of the
Normal school will be the speaker. l.aurel-Scholls local of Hie Farmer.,'
In addition to the address, the Union in Laurel hall. O fliccrs will
teachers will discuss plans for the lie installed following the election
annual declam ation contest and the Members and eligible member? are
music festival next spring. Dele­ urged to attend.
gates to the O. S. T. A. convention
in Portland December 20, 27. und
V rrboort Local Io Elect
23 will be named. K raus said.
Verboort local of Farm ers' Un­
ion will meet in C. O. F. hall at
Verboort Wednesday at 10 30 a.
m . with pot luck dinner at noon
Officers will be elected in tlie aft- ,
em oon.
< ('«M tliniied ft«im p » f r I )
By Robert Ames Rennet!
( W N lt ¡trrvl.-« Copyright hy
K .ltyrt A m e, llen u e lt)
(Continued from lust week!
For breakfast, the party finished
the baked leg of moose. As G arth
hud foreseen, his three city camp
mates had developed cam p ap ­
1. A drafting bureau or some definite plan
petites B etter still, they were less
for legal consultation in the preparation of all
irritable. T heir craving for drink
measures to save the waste of passing bills
end tobacco had begun to lessen.
doomed to the scrap heap as unconstitutional.
At tim berline Huxby went up
2. A stenographic bureau m anned by experts
•he trough w ith the gold pan.
to take the place of the expensive “clerks'' sys­
G arth headed again for the glacier
tem which now allows any m em ber to put a
P r o te c t Y o u r Hom o
This tim e Mr Rainill did not pant
relative or friend on the payroll at $5 a day.
f r o m T u b e r c u lo s is
and gasp so hard, nor did he have
3. Rigid restriction on "petty chiseling" such
to stop so often to rest The first
as now exists in the unlim ited distribution of
climb had done more than stren g th ­
postage stam ps and stationery to members.
en his wind and flabby muscles It
4. Only mem bers to be allowed on the floor
C fin is T M A s S e a l s
had burned up the autotoxins in
of the legislative cham ber during active business
his system as well as sweat off
— except by voted permission for distinguished
i many pounds of fat.
against the tim e of want. O ther­
5. Absolute deadlines in subm itting new legis­
He managed to climb all the wise her children starved
lation to either regular or special sessions not
So. upon reflection. G a r t h 's
■way to the low er end of the gla-
over 20 days in the regular session and not over
cier. It took him less tim e th an ' Ins amazement passed He had man-
10 in the specials.
' part-w ay climb and he
was far aged to cover it. even at the first.
Most everyone can agree that the peo- less exhausted While he rested In When Lilith Hamill took the belt-
h e state
s t a t e wouia
would b ne e b nettei
e t t e r seived
s e r v e d if
on the rocky
side of the
•>* neck
l|cl bone
'e n .h of r hand
pie of
oi t me
it a th|f sunny
his daughtcr
the and
such regulations were put in effect. Let went down in front of the glacier J single blow.
us hope that politics and petty bickering w ith G arth. They came to the chan-
Her father was the one who
do not prevent these suggestions being net w here the milky stream gush- stared. He sat w atching the girl's
quick, eager w ielding of the hand-
3 luniu’1 eave In the ' ax.
put into effect before many legislative ! blue-w hite ice.
his mouth slack, almost agape.
sessions fade into history.
T h u i’d ’iv. Pei'H inlw ", 193’
A R G U S , H IL L S B O R O , O R E G O N
Four Get Awards
for Achievements
City Walk Project
Ready to Operate
G arth pointed to a shelf of rock G arth could only surm ise how she
on the near side of the stream bad always been coddled and pain-
He w alked into the cave along the P-red. Her father knew it. He
smoothly polished ledge. Lilith knew how. since her childhood,
A suggestion of merit came out of the Hamill shuddered and glanced up sbe ''.ad been w rapped about with
special road meeting for district No. 1 at fearfully at the steep over-hang- silken luxury, w aited upon by ut-
ir.g ice face that seemed about to tentive servants, petted and spoil-
the court house Saturday in the nature of crash
down Yet after a moment's cd.
an expression that county roads should hesitation, she followed G arth into The m illionaire had been bo n
be m aintained from receipts of automobile the chilly blue shodow of the cave, on a farm He could recall seeing
Several yards from the entrance bis moUiei help butcher sheep and
licenses and the gasoline tax. Real prop­ G arth
stopped before a narrow hogs. But she was a farm er s w ife,
erty is bearing such a heavy tax-burden side
hole that opened above a Lilith would not have know n how
th a t more cannot be piled on top of it, but waist-high uprise in the bedrock
prepare a spring chicken lor
some of the money spent for realignm ents He reached in and picked up a the pan. And now she was cut-
bundled w hite skin Out in the ting up caribou.
and betterm ents might well go into the i sun
he opened the skin and showed , Aside from on occasional word
county road funds.
a piece of frozen meat.
¡of direction. G arth said nothing
“How's th at for cold storage?" i W hen he finished dressing out the
he said. "K illed a young moun- ‘ fifth carcass, he handed his knife
tain sheep on my way out. last to his eager helper, packed a load
Howard Trachsel of Reedville may , month. Thought I'd test the glacier, of meat, and carried it to the ice
Looks as if it's a safe meat house cave.
well be proud of winning a scholarship to | No
of spoiling, and not i Down ¡n thp gulch boitom be
the 4-H club summer session fo r having e'* n chance
a wolf has ventured inside, chose a pothole stone that would
j i
the highest scoring dairy animal at the j Miss Ramill said nothing. She boid perhaps th ree quarts. In the
COUnty fair. If the county and other fairs saw no reason to consider the bow, he coik,d a Wlrk <)f tw isted
of the slightest interest T here drv caribou moss plled in cariboll
are worth nothing else w hat they do in cave
m o e
m iiiii-r s v -
f n o
vm nt
K rs
1 <
was, h however,
the r meat.
and lighted the wick. When
encouraging the farm youth of the coun- gested th a t if it was not spoiled, fat,
the fat melted, the wick burned
try justifies their continuation many times it would m ake a change from the w
ith a strong steady flame. C a ri­
moose meat. This proved true. bou ribs furnished a grating on
Down at camp th e young m u tto n , which to b roi, steaks The fat
was first thaw ed in cold water. meat was deliciously , cndcr its
then stewed in the gold pam
, flavor belween vcnLson und
The descent had been made by j
That things are clearly on the up­ Ramill w ithout aid. T here was no ' When even Mr. Ramill could cat
more. G arth carried tlie ston?
swing. in spite of the pessimistic attitude need to support, much less back­ no
him. He had really begun to lamp into the ice cave. Upon his
of some, is clearly shown by the great pack
get a sta rt in training. To G arth return, he had Mr. Ramill and l.ilith
'T "
this was all the more reason for looked close at the caribou skins.
h ‘ h “ ,e .s ul,i d 'f “ bl?
P™ pushing the m illionaire so much "You see they are hair, not fur.
But every h air is hollow. N oth­
gram by the Portland General Electric. th e In harder.
the week th at followed, he a l­ ing is w arm er than a caribou
Announcement is made th a t the local di­ ternated more climbs w ith trips parka. In fact, th e w inter coat
vision is now employing more people than around into the m uskeg swampa. too w arm to be worn That is why
He led his sweating, sw earing I killed six now, instead of one
ever before in its history.
charge over nigger-head g r a s s . You have never w intered in the
w here the heavy-bodied city man North.'
Time limit for contributions to the
' had to jum p nim bly from one big
Mr. Ramill tensed as if prod-
Will Rogers Memorial Fund has bedn ex-
Federal relief in Oregon cost $20.663,- | tussock to another or take a turn- dcd. "W intered’ You can't mean
to infer you expect to stay on
tended to December 15. Announcement 506 from May, 1933, to November 1, ------------
1935. | ble-.
Miss Ramill tagged along on here. We have your promise to
has also been made th a t the fund will be Such an enormous sum if raised through these grueling hikes, s h e also ta t,e us out '
( ( ’»n tin u e d fro m p a t e 1)
taxes would
have been
unhenr m ade another climb up the gulch. G arth turned to meet th e inlent None of the present licensed places
used for the benefit of crippled children.
„ k t» V k-
- u V
, u n o 7 a r ' G arth cached in the cave the hun- Eaze of the girl's blue eves Thev w ere refused, and no new applica­
No deductions of any kind are made able. This money has been a God-send to dred pounds of sm oked moose meat looked as col l a th e blue ice of tions w ere received.
from the contributions turned in at this unfortunate people of this state, w h o he had brought up on his pack- the glacier tunnel None the le
A com m ittee of councilmen was
office, the banks, or the Venetian theater, found themselves up against it as the re- ib1oard ? c,,then ,led orI UP the ,hev tia<l groatly changed since lie authorized t o property
Tbo SaUSC *2 s u i t 1 n f economlc-d
o e n n n m ie zH at-o aa Tl-S„ ____________
halfw ay from its foot to had first .eon them over on the owned by the city for possible site-,
UP 1 into
'i ' the
i n, fund. The
^ tre ss. This sum comes jth glacier,
e top of th e pass. T hat gave the M acKenzie They no longer showed for the urm ory for which funds
wormy and it is to the memory of one of from income and other taxes th a t do not | three clim bers some real tee work a trace of their form er cynical have been allocated by I’WA to
Coming back. G arth knocked three tiredness The girl might be as the extent of $25.000. P articular
America’s greatest sons.
include taxes on property.
brace of fool hens from spruce hard as ever, but she was no sites w ere not discussed.
Regardless of the size of the contribu­
•itpbs w ith a stick.
| longer bored or ennuied. For an-
The half dozen grouse made a other thing, she had begun to lose
tion it will all be gratefully accepted for
change. But even w ith a ber excessive thinness.
this memorial fund. Contributors of ten
The Chehalem M ountain Potato club pleasant
pail of salm on berries for dessert
jfe answered her father: "You
cents or more will be given a beautiful col- ^ as many real accomplishments to its cred- they proved a scant meal for the have my promise—m ore's the pity
ored picture of the beloved humorist.
it over a period of several years and the four m eat-eaters. The last leg o f , a w inter a la Eskimo would be
Prelim inary organization to set
moose had already been baked and a w onderful experience for Miss
members m erit commendation. They raise eaten,
the tongues broiled, and the Ramill. However, she will of course up a drainage district to include
fine spuds and are growing _ up . to be fine second m uffle stewed. The rem ain- prefer to go back to jazz and cock- Beaverdam creek from H uber av ­
citizens. The members are holding th eir ider ot the smoked m eat would not tails, to paint, pow der and lip- enue at H uber to Rock creek on
the west was made Tuesday night
last long. So far. G arth had not stick.”
at the home of Ray L. A ntrim of
High school athletic officials could annual potato show and banquet Satur­ Interfered w ith H uxby's all-day s h e flared: “And rid of you!'
out of the platinum alloy
‘ To be sure. T hat above all Aloha. A ntrim was elected ch air­
help make football more enjoyable for the day night. H ere’s to th eir fu rth er success. panning
He had not even asked to look at else,”’ he agreed. "So how could man and John Mott, secretary-
spectators and perhaps safer by providing
the take of precious metal. Food i deprive you of that pleasure, or treasu rer M ajor Weiscnback was
some means of keeping fans back off the
was a different m atter. Instead o." Fail to gvie your fath er and your named to investigate costs. A nother
Every letter from those who can possi­ shooting another moose, he called fiance another chance to bilk me meeting is called for December 12
sidelines at least from 10 to 15 feet. It
upon H uxby to join in a caribou out of my placer claim? I agreed at 8 p. m. in the Orenco school.
is perhaps all the more noticeable to those bly afford it should carry a Christmas bunt,
Should a new drainage district
to get you back t o t h e M a c -
in the stands, who often miss part of the
A band of the big anim als had kenzie. When w e reach the old be formed, w ork would be con­
game because o F th irc ro w d in g Vhat^'uts g‘“ne’’ous Public support. V olunteer your drifted along th e tundra terrace post, we part company. You and tinued along the creek from Huber
over tow ards th e glacier. G arth I H uxby will then be free to go as avenue west to complete clearing
off any opportunity of seeing play next to Purchases-
the creek of mud and rubbish from
counted fifteen. He w aited until fa r as you can.”
the sidelines. Even those who crowd in
the band came w ithin seventy-five
“But in that case— No, you can’t the south city limits of Beaverton
yards. He then let drive, shoot- m ake me swallow it. I know you’re to Rock creek. The section between
would have a better chance of seeing the
rapidly yet w ith careful aim. not such a fool as to risk losing Huber avenue and Beaverton has
game and learning w hat it is all about. In
Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Frank ing
about been com pleted by a WPA
One after another dropped, each th a t placer."
most every game some player is run out of
®.r ’ on
celebration of your fiftieth w ith a bullet through the head
labor crew, which has been w o rk ­
G arth laughed outright.
bounds with a resultant scurrying on the anniversary. In these days of The stupid beasts stared in the “W hat d'you tak e me for? Your ing for the last month and a half.
direction of the sharp reports. But brand of gold-digger? Gad. that's
p art of fans, and serious injuries may re­ easy divorces it is refreshing to read and they
see nothing. The sixth the nubbin of it all. It's the rea-
hear of such continued years of m arried w ent could
down before the nine sur- gon w hy men like you and Huxby
vivors w heeled and clattered off lose out You w orship the golden
in panic-stricken flight.
calf. Yet w hat value is th ere to
T he flaying was well u nder way riches other than w hat you get
(C ontlnurd from page I )
w hen H uxby and Miss Ramill came from them? Can you th in k of a
extent of 27 miles and includes
Planting of attractive shrubbery around hastening aslant th e tu n d ra ahead m ore enjoyable game than play- the
of Mr. Ramill. The girl eyed the ing draw poker, w ith o u r lives in all or portions of Bend. Lebean,
the new post office has added greatly to clean
Bowman, Chapman. Bluetown, P ar-
w hite fat the jackpot, and F ortune dealing rett
Fifteen Years Ago
M ountain, Ladd Hill, Tonquln
the appearance of this corner. A few on the delicious-looking
Argus, November 25. 1920—Kingsley Patterson, plantings of this kind will work wonders. looks good, Alan! Vivian, you can | “W hat’s t h e catch?” inquired I.oop, Grimm Ferrv, Boones F erry-
one of the tw in sons of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. P a tte r­
Mulloy, Boones F erry-Frog Pond,
go back to your mining. Dad and Miss Ramill, with a sudden up- Averv,
son. has narrow escape from death when a dynam ite
Willowbrook. Meridian, Bon­
ita - Durham.
D urham -Jean
cap explodes in his hands w hile he was scratching
the end w ith a safety pin. Blows off thum b, index
Now th a t th e federal authorities are deporting suggestion for H uxby to w ait and means nothing. It’s your placer Bishop Lane roads.
finger and badly lacerates face.
The other project, w hich is in the
th a t’s in the pot. W hat stakes do
communists, America may cease to be a land of op­ carry down a load of meat.
E ditorial—The Argus sincerely trusts w e do not portunity—for B ed s—Hood River News.
“No need,” G arth said. “Don’t you consider wc have in to b al­ Tigard vicinity, contem plates com­
pletion of work started under SERA
get down to H arding dollar w heat—but there are
stop, Huxby. Most of this venison ance it?”
last w inter and includes also b rush­
m any who doubtless would like it, looking at that
is going on ice. None will be a l­
ing, widening and ditching all or
lowed to spoil.”
teased. “You’ll know if I win. If portions of Bonsteele, Vasbinder.
W. A. Goodin Holstein herd wins signal honors
The engineer did not linger. He I lose, it will not m atter to any of
at Pacific International.
had looked none too well pleased you w hat you’ve risked. The show- Fairfield, O’Mara, Hunziker, Red
Gustin, Flye,
Sherm an,
Five hundred county dairym en attend Oregon
over th e girl’s fam iliar use of ] down m ay come sooner than I ex- Rock,
W alnut
and a
D airy League meeting here Tuesday.
G arth's first name. Along w ith his pected. Your fath er is already in I c G S reenberg,
e n s e n Teiderm
"ro ad i"1 an,
displeasure about this, there could fairly good shape. We’ll start the SecroR
n d and Pine s t r u t s in Meiz
E ditor of Argus: N ever before have I assum ed be no doubt of his eagerness to trip out as soon as these caribcu
Thirty Years Ago
ger also are included in this pro-
Argus, Novem ber 30, 1905—New opera house ex­ myself of enough m ention to ask space in our get back to the platinum p an­ skins have been tanned.”
pected to be in readiness for public use by Ja n u ary county paper, but being m uch puzzled at th e actions ning. Each successive day he had
(T o be continued)
1. C ontractor T. P. Goodin will complete work m of tw o of our county representatives in th e recent shown him self still keener to con­
special session of the legislature would lik e to ask tinue the sam pling of the placer.
day or so.
Junior Red Cross Gains
A dding tw o rooms in Hillsboro
When G arth finished the flaying
Forest G rove electric line will be completed next our senator and Mr. Hughes to explain th e ir vote in
of the caribou, he started to dress to Ju n io r Red Cross enrollm ents,
In th e resolution m em orializing congress to pass out the bodies. G reatly to his as­ brought th e total for th e county
Hillsboro is going to the front notw ithstanding
tonishm ent. at the cutting up of to 88 rooms, according to reports in
th e irrepressible "knocker", who is alw ays at the
(Continued from piif * 1)
published record they both voted against th e resolu­ the second caribou, she took the th e office of O. B. K raus, school WPA engineer
fro n t te llin g people how w icked our city is.
for Washington
The county, to get enough projects Into
Mass m eeting nom inates following for city office: old age pension, th ey voted for th e m easure. Was belt-ax and began to help. Mother superintendent, this week.
N ature had cracked the polished rooms and teachers a r e fourth operation to assure every eligible
B. P. Cornelius, to succeed self as mayor; John
because th e y did not w an t us old people to get shell of artificiality in w hich the grade, Eva McCormick; s e c o n d w orker in the county cm iJoym ent.
Dennis. John M ilne and Jo h n W Bailey, council- it
a living pension or was it a vote of n atu ra l cusscd- pam pered heiress had been e n ­ grade, Mrs. M argaret Mooberry. More than enough projects for
men; H. T. Bagley, to succeed self as recorder, and ness or are th ey being misquoted?
cased. The g irl’s few days in the Both are in Peter Boscow school.
this purpose have been approved.
A. C. Shute, to succeed self as treasurer. W. N. B ar­
We th in k it but fair th a t they have a chance to Wild
had _____
aw akened prim itive in-
Less than 100 persons rem ain to
rett. L. A. Long and D. W. B ath appointed to fill explain them selves to the people, who
voted for j stincts ground deep into the'' na-
F light Picture at C. of C.
be assigned WPA work in W ash­
possible vacancies.
them. It w ould not be rig h t to condemn them w ith- I tu re of woman during the remote
Recent developm ent in planes ington county, Miss Rucker said
Mrs. M ary Ann M cKay T ucker, pioneer of 1852, out giving them a chance to explain th e ir votes j past of mankind. Down through
and air transportation wiil be Tuesday night. Of this num ber n
died here N ovem ber 30.
on such vital questions. I am sure the A rgus will [countless ages her pre-hlstorie an-
Roadbed ready for rails betw een Hillsboro and grant them space to do so. Should they fail to re ­ cestresses had learned the bitter shown in a moving picture entitled small percentage will be found,
th e first big bridge on th e P. R. & N. George A. spond, we w ill take it for granted, th ey don’t w ant lesson that, in the Wild, days of "Across America In 18 H ours” at who already have been absorbed In
e cham ber of commerce, lunch­ private em ploym ent and have fail-
Morgan has a tie cam p out n ear Schefflin and will th e people’s vote again. I certainly know of one plenty are certain to be followed th
eon Monday noon. The program < d to report to the em ploym ent of-
gel out 5000, hewed, for th e new line.
they received last election, th at w ithout a satisfactory by days of famine. The, cave man is through the courtesy of M. B. j fice, she says.
Israel Bigelow Darety, 72, resident of Qlencoc for explanation th ey won t get again. W hat say you hunted the meat; the eave woman Rader, general m anager of tlie I Of the more than 800 eligible to
m any years, died N ovem ber 29.
gents?—J. J. DUMAS, Hillsboro.
hoarded w hat she could of it United A ir Lines.
I work, when WPA was first started
Teachers Meeting
Called Next Week
Help the Will Rogers Fund
Sewer Bids Before
Councilmen Today
Seek Organization
Drainage District
Help the Spectators
Land for Gales
Road is Sought
Public Forum
Mrs. Annie Silver, m other of Mrs
Jak o Weil of Hillsboro, died in 1
Portland Saturday and funeral
services were held Monday m orn­
ing. Interm ent was at Talmud Tor­
ah cemetery.
Mrs. Silver, who was 83, had
lived hero w ith her daughter for
tlie last two years. She is also
survived by two sons. Abe Silver
of Portland and Philip Silver ut
Honolulu, and a sister. Mrs. Mor­
ris Silverm an of Portland.
A large line of attractive
holiday greetings.
Quail Breaks In
An unusual incident occunred No­
vem ber 25 when Mrs. Flora Pesch-
ka and family of north of Hills­
boro were at breakfast. T h e y
w ere startled by a crash of falling
glass in the living room. Rushing
in to investigate they found a quail
had projected itself against a large
window, breaking through. The
bird was picked up stunned from
the floor.
W hitman’s Boxed
Palm Drug Store
M arrU te Licenses
H enry Berger und Edna G ertrude
Stuck!, both of Hillsboro route 4.
November 29.
Louise P. Tormey, Timber, and
Mary Elizabeth Worrell, Beaverton,
NoNvcmber 29.
Prescription Druggists
Phone 288
Free Auto Clinic Continued!
M onday, T u esd a y , W ed n esd a y — D ec. 9, 10 and 11
In order to aecumtnodute all persiins desiring FREE AUTO
( IIEI KING with MODERN EQUIPMENT, we have extended
the offer three days. Don’t miss it.
We Thank You
We wish to express our appreciation for the w hole-hearted
response that was accorded our grand opi ning Friday and the
free clinic. We invite your patronage and urge you to inspect
our modern testing equipment.
T hird and Lincoln St»., H illsboro
C o slett’s Rnr-B-Q
State Orders Cut
Part Relief Load
DelWous, Juicy, Tasty
Served Piping Hot
The Taste T reat of the Town
Try one today—You’ll be
convinced they can’t be bent.
Slbcrrian Cream - Barbecues - Lunehes - Soft Drinks
iLionlinn 7 * a. —
m. to 2 a. m.
First and Baselino