H IL L S B O R O Pare Two of Iowa Hill school gave a Thank«-, giving program November 27 Sev­ eral accordion solos by Lester New-, «• man, songs by all of the c h ild re n , I and various recitations and play­ lets formed the program. Ceremony Held Minnie Bradford became Missionary to India Talks Mis« Edna Stucki Honored the Mrs. bride of Ed M auer early las! at M. E. Church Meet week The couple left for Hoaquim. at Shower; Party Held i Wash.. November 25. retu rn in g home Liebke. her hus­ band. In the Name of the S tate of Ore- Ron, you arc hereby Thurulny. December B, 1935 O RFG ON plaintiff of the sums prayed tut in plaintiff's complaint, and the balance, if uny. to be paid to the clerk of this court to dispose of as the court might ili reel. Third: That the above named d e­ fendants and each and all of them unit all persons claim ing by, through, or under them be fore (.josed, enjoined mid precluded fror Olli s,.(tulg out any :my right, t title. i t l e , claim or interest in the prem ises describ­ ed in plaintiff's mortgage, except only the statutory right of re ­ demption, and that the plaintiff lie allowed to become a purchaser at said sale. Service of this summ ons is made upon you by publication Thereof in the Hillsboro Argus, a new spa­ per of general circulation published in Washington County, Oregon, once each week for a period of four consecutive and successive weeks by virtue of an order m ade by the Honorable R Frank Peters, judge of the above entitled court, and entered in said court a n d cause on November 27th. 1935, said j period of publication being the period prescribed by said order. The dale of the first publication of this summons is November 28, 1935. The date of the last publica­ tion of this summons is December 26. 1933. P. L. PATTERSON. A ttorney for the Plaintiff Resident Attorney of Oregon. Post-office Address: Wells Building. Hillsboro. Ore. 41-a VENETI u a THURS - FRI - SAT. -7» S P E C IA L M A T IN E E S A T U R D A Y -S T A R T S A T I P .M . A show every child should see. W e nre therefore low ering the M atinee Price to Children to 5c I T H E B IE S T R E A D N O V E L with di Freckles » V IR G IN IA E I D L E R A * «ai Laurie - Loù’^ CAROL STONEj ài Màry Ard?" Pl ■ The 2 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 copiet published would make u slack, nf books 63 MILES I I LSI I ADDED Syn-O-Spray W ED W A SH ER TERMS MR. D AIRYM AN- Milk prices are higher Feed the best and make more profit We quote subject to market changes, the following prices on j Imperial Better Quality Dairy Feeds: Imperial Dairy, 20% ............................ $30.00 ton Cow Ration, 17% ..................................... 27.00 ton M olasses Dairy, 15% .............................. 25.00 ton Ground Screenings, 12% .................... 20.00 ton M olasses Ground Screenings, 12% .... 21.00 ton H em pseed Oil M eal, 30% .................... 27.00 ton Try Imperial Better Quality Feeds—Our prices are low­ er—quality is higher. Pay Cash and Save — Trade with Imperial I, I I Phone «1 Millers of Quality Feeds South Second Ave. M O T IO N P IC T U R E S i MAX BAER i Versus ■ i JO E L E W IS i Taken at the R ingside— with important in slow motion. a i PLUS— i i maoo whin EVERETT M ARSHALL • I a « ■ io i DOLORES DEL RIO >» I I LIVE I FOR LOVE I I S atu rd ay N ig h t Preview, 11:15 - N o Extra C harge s r a im SUN - MON - TUES. Continuous Show Sunday — 2 p. m. to 11 p. m. they laughed together ... hoped together ... I I W EPT TO G E TH E R ! I Two men and a g irl . . » I then the world suddenly fill­ ed them with memories I so p o ig n a n t th e y could not forget I I I I I I I I SAMUEL GOLDW YN p r e s e n ti f n c M A H O B ER O rounds »i e n b e n T M ARSHALL The W h o le W o rld 's on a H o n o r- See this big oversize washer todayl Not only your eyes but also your ears will tell you what a value it is. It runs so quietly that you'll say it isn't running. Washes faster, too because it has larger capacity. Safety release wringer can be moved to four positions. A si fo r Free Demonstration Imperial Feed & Grain Co. a THURS. 4« 44 I Q uiet, A T T R A C T IO N S ! I Walt Disnev’s Mickey Mouse Review I MICKEY MOUSE CARTOONS I “Cam ping Out' The R a n d Concert I “M ickey's Kangaroo' I A L S O -- 5 "O ur Gang Comedy Frolics of 1936” Sinus Trouble I B loom ing IN C R E A T IO N ^ » TOM BROWN I Roy 25c IRECKlXf sel, Esther. Alma and Rose Stucki eiarence neison l unu’ n w M cAlear, . gins Valley visited Mrs Jo h n B U ck ' , i ( i w in ap p l, to the court for f- Elsie Tonges. Marie Tonges. Hulda, and w ires were put in place earlier £ uesday. trix. 41-5 “ “ ef demu^ ; d in bis said com- Freda and M argaret Berger, Ruth, last week. . . „ .. ,,, , , . , . , : Mrs. W. O G ary and Miss Lora »jaint. to-wit: N O T H K T O C B K P IT O B S Edna and Ophelia Wismer. Irene Mrs. Bertha Waldron e n te rta in e d . and O rljn of Scofield visited here ' y h st; That there be adjudged to . the County Court. S tate of () reff on. Hansen. Lois Meier, and Jean Ber­ the c* fn llr tw in c r T h a n k ? 2 iv in 2 . M . «•___ « ■ In following Thanksgiving: M r . Friday. The G arys are form er Cor- be due to the above named plain- County of W aahtngtiM . Probate D ep art­ ger. A recitation was given by and Mrs. Howard Stumms of ment. nelius residents. ! tiff th e sum of $3000.00, together Mrs. W alter Nickol. Springbrook. Miss Acnes Dillon of the M a tte r of the Estate of, M argaret Leslie Brown spent Thanksgiving interest thereon at the rale In Maa*«. Decease«}. Milwaukie. L. R. Ralston of Che- A girl. Nancy Fay, was born to Mr. and ........ M rs.1 u o( i o g p per CPnt per annum Notice « ia h hereby given I tn»l that Ih the r u under- h . lc r r , r - o n t o r M r a n d M r s F m e r v w ” ith “ his “ e parents, - * - — ». — ‘ ........ ei v rm p i i m i n i . . . . since . the . . . . . , Notlc, .rrb y KI«M n .I.r- Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bellinger of halem Cent r Mi. and M s. Bl George W Brown of Gervais. ph dav of January. 1935. and for six„rd h». beri, »ppu in t» ! « d n .i.u .ir « i..r ■ H arris of Gibbs and J Jer a r r l. nt rtib h s district, rì’stu c .. an(l er- and jp g g j , , atto r- <>f th» of Manmrrt Ho»*». ............ . - West Union November 19. A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. ome Waldron. Miss Bianche and Mr. and Mr». ney» fees. and for piatati«-« ees.s ° lS Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Charles Fet'd Toelle November 26. Finegan enjoyed Ih an k .- and disbursem ents. . _ . . ' q u «lifi« t. ah p*r»on« havimr rlaim « a *a in « t ■ Mrs. George Allison and family wUh Mr and Mrs Mrs Charles Boy visited Mr. and Elvin Second: For a decree fljbeclosing «aid estate are hereby notified to preaent r.M.4 family Fnnsiltz /.C UllIcKf. ana Mrs. Benson of Portland spent Portland. The Kindt family rem ain- I day of January, 1927. in favor of I> a l« l »nd fir»» publuhed Dwnnbrr a. t publication Jan uary 2. 193t Tnanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. E. ed u n til Friday afternoon. Miss Mr. and Mrs. W. R Cooke and August Miebus and heretofore as 11» C 15. IjM I» C H R IS T R N S K N . A d m in istrato r ¿ - J At t-l * _ • ___1 _ a « -« < -.« .4 Shereen Hall of P ortland J * n {arn;Iy Vlsj:ed n ,- an d M rs. Harold , signca to the plaintiff, w hich mort B Anderson. C. D. <’bri*ten»rn . A ttorney. 42-6 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Graves, and 0Ver’n^ L J l i “ 1 * th C A" 1SOn Cooke of Beaverton T h an k sg iv in g . J gaRe w as recorded on th e 8th day Mr. and Mrs. J. M eurer and fam ­ home 'November 27. of January. 1927, in book 104, page Mrs. Alice Newby of Portland ily spent Thanksgiving with Mr. 465. of th e Records of Mortgages of was a and Mrs. Floyd Burton of P o rt­ I W a sh in g to n 'to u n ty , Oregon, cover- daughter, What Better Way to Say land. , ing th e following described real Mr. and Mrs. Herman North of ---- situ ate in W ashington Astoria. Miss M argaret North of - « J W— County. Oregon, to-w it: Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe VI,io Ellis nf of (By Mrs. J. A. M cCoy) ° Portland and Dr. and Mrs. Ruhen- Beginning at a point 28 Ya^ m a' x ^ ^ A r ^ T V ^ r t n l v f sevr KANSAS CITY—Ruel B aker is dorf and family of P ortland spent When packages are unw rapped rods North of the Southeast mother. Mrs A rena Courtney. s e \- planning move his fam ily to Thanksgiving w ith Mr. and Mrs. corner of Section 36, T. 2 S., H. and exclam ations of joy and su r­ e r « d a \ Sr a n d r h i l d m n Hillsboro this w eek w here he has N. P. Johnson. 2 W. of the W illamette M eridi­ prise have q uieted—your picture (Tn & ie la tK e s ^ n ^ n te d a house. Mr. B aker is go- Mr. and Mrs. Dave Edigar have X an; thence North 58 rods; thence will be among the most highly- moved _ into ............................................. th eir new home. West 23 rods: thence South 58 ^ = eer ° f thC FarmCrS' Mr. and Mrs. Herman North of prized gifts. rods; and thence East 28 rods ^ a°M n u 8INn tp They t h » « M « R w e e k “^ Mrs. Freem an W aldron is vtatting to th e place of beginning, con­ Plan today to give w hat you taining 10 acres, more or less; tu rn ” Sunday and Mrs. Johnson Mrs. Roy Jaquith. who has been, r e v i v e s i n Portland A dyelot(e know will please— also, beginning at a point 13 4-7 v e n t with them. visiting a niece near Salem, re- Mr and Mrs. O .en rods N orth of th e said South­ T h e Cedar Mill Townsend club turned here last Saturday. and oaoy oi cascaaia an a Mr. ana YOUR PHOTOGRAPH east corner of said Section 36. « IS M ? n n a f n o d s a l e N o v e m - Mr. and Mrs. Dave Linens enter- Mrs. H arrison Beam an and daugh- T. 2 S.. R. 2 W. of the W illam­ h e r 9?$1a n d ° 23 a t the^Farm ers' C o - , tained with a dinner party in h o n -, ter Lorna of Hillside, and Mr. and ± r “ e M arket in P o r S o> oi her father. D. E* Sherick. of Mrs. Pleasant S tark and C harlie ette M eridian, (said point of beginning being the N ortheast The Pi iscilla Sewing club will Denver, Colo.. Saturday evening Beaman and fam ily of C ornelius corner of the M idleton Ceme­ m Jet w dh Mrs J Wiseman Thurs- Guests w ere Mr. and Mrs. Allen w ere Thanksgiving guests of Mr. tery, in said C jn ty and State), day atternoon Tapper. June, Holmes and Melvin and Mrs. J o h n je a m a n . thence Nort 14 13 14 r o d s , Guests of Mr. and Mr3. Ira Mr. a c a Mrs. John M eurer spent Tupper. all of Carlton; Ellen M^arie Hillsboro 109 S. 2nd m ore or lez . to the southeast Thanks iving Day w ith Mr and Jaquith, W alter Davis, L aura May Brown Thanksgiving w ere Mr and corner of the above described Mrs G e w ie Wightman of P ortland Linens, and George Linens. The Mrs. C harles W addle an d little Mr nn P h , I Thorne and Tupper family w ere w eek-end daughter Audrey and Dean Quick ! ten-acre tract, thence west along B ^ e r 'y and P hy tas T horne «A nt at the Linen home and M/ S' Q,uick ° f Hillsboro call- the south boundary of s a i d ten-cere tract 28 rods; thence T bankfgA taE w ith M and Mrs when they retu rn ed they took w ith ed in the afternoon south 8 13 14 rods, more or less, Rex T ^ i n e P ort and them D. E. Sherick. who will short- Kansas City school children gave Hex lb o rn e , oi ro ru a n a . retu rn to his home in Denver, little Earla Edmonds a farew ell; to the N orthw est corner of said Middleton Cem etery; and thence fcrad « o ld » , b a y «»▼»». East by South along the North a ■ t b ai a and « a la rr b , O n a 't « n 4 a r • t b la t a r t a r e boundary line of said Middle- ■ n o t b e r d a r . A a k f a » a F K K K ton Cem etery to the point of T H E A T M E X T aow . TO D A Y . A new gymnasium was started beginning, containing 2 acres, visited Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stroh D l a r a v r r b n w tb o n a a a d » b a r a at the Union school last week. fo n a d r c llc f « u lr k lr w llh m ore or less. m ayer Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Z elbert B aker and and th a t the prem ises be sold in (B y Miss M a rth a Vanderzanden) Mrs. B aker's father, W. W. Rabuck. j the m anner prescribed by the laws Joseph Jr., . W who is a at- . - _ Moore , , . Ii ? 15 t: i spent Thanksgiving w ith Mrs. Bak- of Oregon and th e practice of this I Y e a r fra» t r n l a r a * (B y Mrs. E. W . H inrichs) tending Columbia university. sP®m er..s r i e h t . c o u court r t a n d ancLthe . t h e nroceeds be be aDolied: er's sjs{er sister, Mrs. Mrs. W W alter alter A l b Albright, proceeds applied: a ttlU b to a ll Mrs. K atherine K riebel’s son-in- the week-end w ith his paren-s. M r., gnd farnj]y of Portland. (a) t o the paym ent of the law, John Longdon, was taken to and Mrs J. A. Moore of Roy. | and ^jrs j p V anderzanden costs and expenses of the sale. H illsboro Pharm acy th e V eteran's hospital in Portland G ertrude Vandehey and Helen I and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. Louis