Tlíiir »er annum Each additional Insertion, expiration of four weeks from the ty Court of Wheeler County, Ore- scribed tract and being east of on deferred payments, subject to 2 Jersey cows, fresh in spring. III r word If" 1’ J (.'rosswhite. Ill I. Box 237. ! date of the first publication of this goo, made and entered on the 16th County Road No. 361. and being a I the confirmation of the above en­ (No service per Issue less Clackamas, or 12th and Maple St., summons, the date of the first pub- d a y of July, 1935. in the matter part of the West Half of said titled Court. than MB) Tender, or bids for the purchase Hill hot 42p licatiou thereof being on the 5th of the estate wind-break, o r garden. Expert claim and the donation land be permitted to become a pur­ ian of the person and estate of CARBON paper, typewriter rib­ C a ttle day of July, 1931. and the further I claim of Thos. and MaryOtchin for small mill, In good shape, , landscape advice Drew Nursery 26, chaser; that plaintiff have a de­ Alice May Ellerson. incapable. By sum of $150 00 attorney's fees and j in said County and State. 1585 bons. e tc, for sale Argus. If $300 Cash or term*. A. H. Erick- Beaverton, cast end of 8th St ficiency judgment against the de­ M. A. Taylor, Assistant Trust Of­ son. Forest Grove. 42-3p I Phone llBftf 35tf TWO-year-old Guernsey heifer for their costs and disbursements here- ' chains to a stake 4 rods S. of 41-5 fendants, Martha E Ross and Gil­ ficer of guardian. 3. l.ost and Found sale J. A Sterzer, mile north- in; that they have a judgment and the center of a swale, thence man G. Ross, wife and husband; east of Rcedville school on Meyers' ; decree foreclosing thefr said mort easterly running parallel with HEATERS. 2», '30 and '31 Chevro- 21 Farm M achin ery N O T IC B l ) F K I N A I. S R T T I.K M B N T FOUND Large gate valve, near H. Graham and Ellen Graham, hus­ In the C o u n ty C o u rt o f th e S ta te «»f lir e * road. 42p gage set forth in their said com­ said swale, to a stake on the let, special price. Installed. $4 95 Till,« um Tavern Beaverton tele­ band a n d wife: Alexander K. yon , fo r W an h in y to n C o unty, plaint and decreeing t h e lands line between the eastern and Harry Pearson. Phone 2011. 42tf WATER heater for milk house for phone 6810. 42 Lumsden, and Isabelle W. Neate, in th e M a tt e r o f the I.nwt W ill and Tes­ sale Fred Muhly. mile s o u l h YOUNG Jersey cow for sale, due ! tb<'r''in described and described in western half of said land claim t and Krttat« o f M e lh a a J. J a c k - a single woman, and against each ta m e n Deceased. course. 42-Jp to freshen December 10, second ' sa*d mortgage be sold by the Sher- No. 54. thence southerly on said LOST Jew eled fraternity p in , OLD newspaper* for sale. 10 cents golf —----- , of them for any portion of said non. j ---------------------- -— - | calf. T. B. and abortion !• '"< 1 R. lff "f Washington County, Oregon. line to the southern boundary N o tic e is Hereby given th a t th e under« bundle Argus. 18tf Deiia Chi. Reward w. V. Mc­ decree remaining unpaid; that the nigned, jo in t executort* o f the lant w il> USED machinery of all kinds.— y McFall. Garibaldi Ave. I’hone in thf‘ manner provided by law of the aforesaid claim, thence Kinney, A i i '. h 391 te s ta m e n t o f M elissa J. Jackson, ilr - Hillsboro Feed Co., 180 W. M ain'2104. ' 42 for tbe sa'e land upon execu- westerly on the southern boun­ defendants above named, and each and ■ . V^oaRU'SHIW'IMUiaalWHBM Ma f FENCE posts for sale, 10c de­ cesaed, have filed t h e ir f in a l account and and all of them, be foreclosed and street. 4tf —I___________________________ tion and that from the proceeds of dary to the place of beginning, livered — Hay Delsman. Garibaldi o rt an such executors m i th e C o u n ty 4. M o d ern ize barred of all right, title, claim or C rep o u rt o f th e S ta te o f O regon fo r Wn.ih»-. containing 39 18 acres; a l s o Ave. Phone 2107. 34tf LICENSED stock trailers, 2-cow COW. high grade. Holstein-JersCy. , said sale lherf* be Pa«d the follow- interest in the premises described in g to n C o u n ty, an d th a t naid f in a l a o double-t. ted. fresh December 15. Jn« amounts in the following order, land beginning at a point on capacity, rent $1 per day. Light —Adam Bella, Orenco. PLASTERING by day or contract CALLING Cards — Every woman in plaintiffs mortgage except the count and re p o rt ha« been set fo r 3,. wood —Nelle But- j made by the Honorable R. Frank service their automobiles with 16. Tp. 1 N„ R 2, W. W. M., F. 34tf ,jf th e C o u n ty C o u rt o f the S ta te o f OrK> to the order of the court. Peters, Judge of the above en­ Tn gon. WHEEL ehslr which wilt elevate Power Seal, send $1 check or mon- containing 129.46 acres. Also e C o u n ty o f W a s h in g to n • 38tf That the plaintiffs have judg­ titled court and entered in said i In th e f o M r a th h ;. needed at relief office Have cy order to R. C. Harder, 10th SIXTY White Leghorn pullets for , bor° 1-8 interest in remaining ‘i tt e r o f th e E s ta te o f (U rn ment and decree adjudging and de­ chair will trade, or would like and Walnut St*., Hillsboro; care of sale, $1 each.—C. F. Miller. Phone interest of said land Excepting ; court and cause on October 25, S w a ile y . Deceased. cow. fresh 3 weeks, third creeing that the lien of their said 1935, said period of publication N o tic e is hereby given th a t th e u n d e r­ temporary loan of chair 42 I Folds Service station, or Rt. 4 tf 26F5 Hillsboro. from the above that 7 'j acres 42p JERSEY calf. 4 gallons daily, for sale.— mortgage is a first lien upon the being the period prescribed by said signed H a zel le S w a ile y M il la r has befn tract described in Deed Book (Venetian ticket, J. W. Enochs, Rt Bob Holt. 'i-mile north Witch real property therein described WOOD wanted In trade for monu­ WE buy and sell used cars. 3. Hillsboro) F page 612. deed records of ' order. The date of the first pub- o f G len S w a ile y , Deceased, by t h - « Hazel school. 42p prior in time and superior in right i lication of this summons is the i C o u n ty C o u rt or th e S ta te o f O re gon, ment work Also light trailer for Washington County, Oregon. We want to buy 75 used TWO Bourbon Red turkey cockerels to all the right, title, interest and 31st day of October. 1935. and the fo r W a s h in g to n C o u n tv , and has q u a l­ sale or trade. Oregon Monumenti .. ... « 1- All the above described lands d . A ll persons h a v in g claim s againpt L ivestock \v(,rks 36tf — Used 1 ar Exchange. for sale. Cattlet stork V. H 2 7 . estate of each and all of the above I being in Washington County, date of the last publication there- ifie a re hereby n o tifie d to prtsseni French, Cornelius. ’ 42p named defendants in and to said ! Oregon of is the 12th day of December, *aid estate am e, d u ly v e rifie d as by la w re­ CHRYSLER car amt trailer for ( ATTI.E and horses of all kinds real property and that all the H elp W an ted q u ired , to th e und ersign ed at th e o ffic e 7. for T . ... sale.- Mrs. Mabel Smith, Rt. 2. I 24. for cash, e x - ' ---- bought lor rasn, sold or c*x- rights, titles interests estates and « Bids * j or $ offers i $_ « j the i purchase , j • P igs WM. L. BEATTY, of Attorneys o f K le p p e r A Im la y , 1517 Yeon B u i Idl­ Beaverton; on Walker road. 42 ! changed. Terms 10 to 20 months on jjens oj eaèh and all of the said ' lancls should be made in for Plaintiff. Post office address: in g , P o rtla n d . O re g o n , w ith in six m onths ELDERLY couple want woman to Uri e d a te hereof. Gai.L.)I5¿rns Oreneo- defendants in and to said real prop- '"undersigned3' •'U the 'office of 514 Porter Building, Portland, Ôre- fro D m a te th work in home, must be able to i Venetian ticket, D. F. Almont. WEANLING pigs for sale Carl d and fir s t published N o v e m b e r, Rcedville) _ Meier, 2 miles ^south of, Huber: I Hillsboro 2621X _ _ 30tf | „ ty bc adjudged j n d j decreed to Fred F in "eT ld s Attorney in Fo^- j g««- give insulin Small wages, but good i 7. 1935. L a s t p u b lic a tio n Decem ber 5, 1935. home F. Klatt, mile cast of Or­ WANTED Indian Scout motor­ Mi-mile esst of Cooper Mountain be inferior in right and subsequent siL Wheeler County, Oregon, at, HA ZELLE S W A LLEY M IL L A R . Ad­ R eal E state 42p 28. enco. • 42p in time to the hen of plaintiffs any time after the first pubiica-: TEACHERS’ EXAMINATIONS m in is t r a t r ix o f th e E s ta te o f G len S w a i­ cycle, 1928 or earlier,—Bring or school. Notice is hereby given that the mortgage; that said defendants and tion of this notice. or th e , ley. Deceased. K le p p e r A Im la y , A t t o r ­ 4'2p SIX 8-weeks-old pigs Albert Mey- CLOSE in cut over land, with some ea{h of ’ them be forever fore- tloI?.°r tbls n° nce- or PERMANENT representative want­ i inn to 263 N Fifth Ave ln,<; County Scl School Superintendent of neys, 1517 Yeon B u ild in g . P o rtla n d . O re ­ e d for Fashion Frocks. $1.00 tem­ IS -« County. Oregon, will gon. er. Rt. 2. Comeliurf; southwest golf cleared 535 an acre dosed of all right, title, interest ™ aT Soon “ tw the’ 16th day of Washir'gton porary deposit on line samples es­ 16. F urniture, P ian os, Radio* C0Urse 42p , 3°, ati e n __ aJ l ‘n ¿ ______ ’¿lt‘VatlOn- w ‘'r _ _ and cstate in and to said real _prop^ Pr oP- December, Decembe? 1935, 1935 as as a a satisfactory satisfactory hold the 1 regular examination of __ „ ___ -------1 lo Hillsboro, $85 an a c r e — W. G. ertv and that thev and A. Decernoer, 1930, as a satisiactory appijcants ( N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S tablishes you in business. Good repossess standard m a k e YOUNG pigs: N o . 43 «9 pigs; also Collie and Shep- Me. h office of the County Me. 316 316 E Main, Hillsboro, Ore. 42 X .m be foreverbarrec r X i n ^ bld ba« b^ n received and ac- earning.' Delightful work. Mrs. MUST in Will In th e C o u n ty C o u rt o f the S ta te o f O re ­ m, this locality. locality5W .ll sell hcrd pup. Might trade F. W. , , Vene.ian ticket, R. W. Graf. Rt. i a„d Tenjoin"d from ever right to reject any and School \ o..___ Jones, 2313 S. E. Hawthorne, Port- for piano Superintendent. Hillsboro, gon, fo r th e C o u n ty o f W as h in g to n balance. A bargain., Allen. Talbot place. Cornelius. 42p l, Hillsboro) ™a et*)°™ea Irom e^er as.eirting aH blds bclng reserved, and said 42|) Easy unpaid truus W,,t,. Tull,nan 1'' .' " 7 ___________________ ° r claiming any right, title or in- ■ sa!e will be made ?ubj ect to con-: Oregon, as follows: Commencing j In th e M a tt e r o f th e E s ta te o f R u th a ile y D e n to n . Deceased. SAI E A 38x50 barn in fair Itcre<,t in or to sa*d real property fix a tio n bv 'the' co vn ty' Court' of I Wednesday. December 18. 1935, at S N w o tic MAN wanted for Rnwlelgh route Store. 415 Court St . Salem, Ore- YOUNG brood sows, bred, for sale FOR e is hereby g iven th a t th e u n d e r­ SA LE A 3 o x j O barn in fair- | , th statutory right of re- w iIL, . X 9:0« o'clock a. m. and continuing gon. 42 4 ! J. T. Neaieigh. Rt. 4. Box 206. h O l.v R good paint, partly new roof. 531(1 Wheeler County, Oregon. , ^ I untn Frjday Dccember 20, 1935, at signed Raym ond D e n to n has been a p ­ of 600 families. Good profits for pointed A d m in is tra to r o f th e E s ta te o f Sherwood; mile from Scholls on Located east of Orenco, one-mile, dernP*'°n. and for such other and hustler. We train and help you. 4 o'clock p. m. R u th S w a ile y D e n to n , Deceased, by the ItEDI CE EXPENSES ¡Sherwood road. 42p north Quatama station. Must be lui,ber order and decree as may this 6th day of October. 1935. Write today. Rnwlelgh Co., Dept C o u n ty C o u rt o f th e S ta te o f O re gon, Wednesday Forenoon—U. S. His­ moved at once For full particulars be Pr°Pt'r >n the premises, W. W. HOOVER, Administra- tory, fo r W a s h in g to n C o u n ty , and has q u a l­ OR H6-SA2, Oakland, Cal. 38-49p Modernize your battery radio. No Writing (Penmanship), Geom- more troublesome battery re- ; FOURTTF.F.N 8-weeks-old pigs for see p. O. Eagon, on highway. Hills-1 This summons is served upon vou tor. 39-43 etry. Botany ifie d . A ll persons h a v in g claim s a g a in s t said e s ta te a re hereby n o tifie d to present i charging. Free information gladly sale.— L. E. Furrow. N.jH rst_St. boro. Phone 801. ’ 41tf pursuant to an order made and i ------------------------------ 8. W ork W an ted Wednesday Afternoon — Phvsio- th e sam e, d u ly v e rifie d as by laiy re­ given Douglass Radio Service [entered In the above entitled court m t — im — ogy, Reading, Composition, Gen­ q u ired . to th e undersigned a t th e o ffic e WANTED Family washings, in my Selfridge Furniture. Phone 21X 42t 25. H orses $5000 ' atjd cause on the 4th day qt De-Jin the Circuit Court of the State , , __ — t o f Klepi>er A Im la y . 1 M 7 Yeon B u ild ­ History. I — ..... — ---------------- I FOR in g , P o rtla n d , O re g o n , w ith in six m onths FOR SALE—The SALE—The MacKav MacKay nrotjer- proper-1 i cember, 1935, by the Honorable R.J of Oregon in and for the Coun- eral Thursday Forenoon—Arithmetic, fro m th e d a te hereof. 17 F u el H1GHEST eastern prices for car- | ty, Washington street near First, I Frank Peters, Judge of the above ¡ ty of Washington; 41 Phone 2104. History of Education. Psychology, D a te d and fir s t published N o vem b er load broke or range h o r s e s. $5000 Terms reasonable.—Apply M. entitled court, and which order pre-j The Federal Land Bank of Spo­ 7, 1935. L a s t p u b lic a tio n D ecem ber 5, Geology. YOUNG mini want work, truck- OLD GROWTH 12 and lfl-ineh fir, moles and colts.- Fred Chandler B Bump, attorney, or J. MacKay, scribes that this summons shall | kane. a corporation, plaintiff, vs.' 1935. Thursday Afternoon — Grammar, R A Y M O N D D E N T O N , A d m in is tra to r o f 12 and 16-inch block wood, and Horse and Mule Market. Chariton. 360 S. Fifth Ave. driving, carpentering, or a n y- 41tf be published once a week for four I Martha E Ross and Gilman G. Geography, American Literature, th e E s ta te o f R u th S w a ile y D e n to n , De­ 42-6 thing 119 West Main St., Hills­ 4-foot country slab for sale.—Tele­ Iowa. successive and consecutive weeks Ross, wife and husband; H. Gra­ Literature, Physics. ceased. K le p p e r A Im la y . A tto rn e y s , 1&Í7 , 41tf boro. 42p phone 1091. D ogs, P ets in the Hillsboro Argus, a weekly — 29. ham and Ellen Graham, husband Friday Forenoon — Theory a n d Yeon B u ild in g , P o rtla n d , O re g o n . 3H-‘<2 TEAM of mules, weight about 2000, newspaper, printed, published and and wife: Alexander K. Lumsden: Practice, Orthography (Spelling), age about 11, very gentle, $125.— FOX terrier puppies for sale.— circulated weekly within Washing­ Isabelle BOY. 15. wants work after school FIRST class wood for sale. — Ray N O T IC E O F F I N A L A C C O IT N '.' W. Neate, a single wom­ Delsman, Garibaldi Ave. Phone B. L. Grlffltts ranch, 2 miles south or Saturday. Lester Patterson, Phone 2312. 42 ton County. Oregon, and of gener­ an: Evelyn Warburg and John Doe Physical Geography, English Liter­ N o . 4SO7 2107. 49tf ature. of Aloha; foot of Cooper Mountain. E s ta te o f M a jrd e lin e Ochs. l i i . l b ri. ■i',i e Washington st. 42 al circulation therein, the date of Warburg, wife and husband: the Friday Afternoon — School Law, th e C o u n ty C o u rt o f th e Rotate o f the first publication thereof being unknown heirs of Arnold E. Neate, Algebra. Civil Government, Book­ In O regon HORSES for sale. Teams a n d 32. M u sical Instru m en ts WANTED Plowing or team work 18. S eed s, P lan ts fo r th e C o u n ty o f W anhiifcctgtu on the 5th day of December, 1935, deceased: W. B. Goodman and Jane keeping. In the M a tt e r o f th e E a ta te o f M a g d e lln e singlus. 1200 to 1600 poui Will take trade, what have you'.’ HAVE YOUR PIANO Deceased. Have purebred Jersey bull f o r WHEAT, no vetch, $1.45 per 100. Dwight Hulit. H-mile north of Tuned, cleaned, demothed and re­ and the date of the last publica­ Doe Goodman, husband and wife; O. B. KRAUS. County School O N ehx, o tic e is herebv given th a t th e u n d e r­ tion thereof being on the 2nd day also all other persons or parties Choice clover hay, $11 ton.— Rock Creek store on Cornelius Pass service; will deliver him. G. Frank Superintendent, Hillsboro, O r e- signed. as exe cu to r o f th e estate o f M a g - paired,—George Roberts. Rt. 4. of January. 1936. unknown claiming any right, title, 35tf Hillsboro. Phone 1282. Weibel Phone 6R4. 39-42p Phone North Plains 23F4. 42-4p road. 42-3 d e lin e O chs, deceaned. has file d his U n a l 39tf E. B. TONGUE, Attorney for estate, lien or interest in the real gon. A ccount in th e C o u n ty C o u rt o f the I plaintiffs. Resident Attorney of the estate described in the complaint SALE OF SCHOOL WARRANTS S ta te o f O regon f o r W a s h in g to n C o u n ty , 34. R oom s, A p a rtm en ts an d th a t M o n d ay , th e 16th d a y o f D e­ 1 State of Oregon. Postoffice address: herein; a n d Sherwood National Notice is hereby given that the ber, 1935, a t th e hou r o f 10 o'clock Building, Hillsboro, Farm Loan Association, a corpora­ School Board of School District No. cem in the forenoon o f said d ay , in the FURNISHED 3 - room apartment Commercial Oregon. 42-6 tion, Defendants. 2, Washington County, Oregon, will co u rtro o m o f said C o u rt has been a p ­ .iol with private bath, for rent.—No. pointed by said C o u rt as the tim e and To the above named Defend­ receive sealed bids for the sale of place f o r th e h e a rin g o f objections therw* 4047 Argus. 39tf ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE ants, Martha E. Ross and Gilman $3.000.00 in interest-bearing war­ to and th e s e ttle m e n t thereof. G. Ross, wife and husband: H. Gra­ D a ted and fir s t published N o vem ber . No. 3902 rants, at 6% interest. 35. H ou ses ham and Ellen Graham, husband 14th. D a te o f last p u b lic a tio n D e ­ In the County Court of the State and wife; Evelyn Warburg and These warrants are to be retired cem ber 1935. 12th. 1935. •$ A L B E R T S C H F .C K t A . E x e c u to r. ErCd FIVE-room modern house with one of Oregon, for the County of John Doe Warburg, wife and hus­ as follows: $1,000.00 one year from date acre of ground. 1% miles west of A . A lle h o ff. A tto r n e y , 512 M e a d B u ild ­ Washington. band: the unknown heirs of Arnold in g . P o rtla n d , O re g o n . a't-43 and if you of issue: Hillsboro on Oak Park road: chick­ In the Matter of the Guardianship ,1 I H E. Neate. deceased; W. B. Good­ $1.000.00 two years from date en house for 500 chickens, 36 apple of Mary Stitt, an incompetent man and Jane Doe Goodmsfn, hus­ N O T I C E O F F I N A L S E T T L E M E N T of issue; trees, for rent, $20 month.—Elmer person and wife: also all other per­ In th e C o u n ty C o u rt o f th e S ta te o f O r e ­ $1,000.00 three years fr o m Wohler. Phone 6R2.________ 41tf To the heirs at law, next of kin, band gon . fo r W a s h in g to n C o u n ty . sons or parties unknown claiming " I and all persons interested in the any right, title, estate, lien or in­ date of issue. In th e M a tt e r o f th e E s ta te o f P h ile n a «11 bids are to be in the hands P. Oleson. Deceased. Loans estate of Mary Stitt, an incom­ terest in the real estate described of Louise M. Cochrane, Clerk, Cor­ N o tic e is hereby g iv e n , th a t O le O lm o n . petent person. e d u ly app oin ted , q u a lifie d and a<*UnC in the complaint herein: Home Loans nelius, Oregon, at or before 8 p. m., th You. and each of you, are here­ E x e c u to r o f the L a s t W ill a n d T e s ta m e n t In the name of the State of Ore­ For building, buying or refinanc­ by notified that in pursuance of December 27, 1935. o f P h ile n a P. Oleson. Deceased, ha* flla d gon, you are hereby required to The board reserves the right to his F in a l Account in th e C o u n ty llrfu rt ing on city or acreage property. For a few pennies an yon e can m ake H illsboro A rgus order of the County Court of appear and answer the plaintiff's reject o f th e S ta te o f O re g o n , fo r W a s h in g to n Monthly payments as low as $9.56 an any or all bids. H'Z the County of Washington, State C o u n ty , and th a t said C o u rt has fix e d complaint filed against you in the LOUISE M. COCHRAN, Clerk, per month per $1000, including in­ M o n d ay , th e 23rd day o f D ecem ber, A . of Oregon, made on the 26th day C lassified A d s bring real results. above entitled court a n d cause School District No. 2, Cornelius, D . 1935, a t 10 A . M o f said d ay In the terest. — Washingt on S av in g s & of November, 1935, in the above 42-3 C o u n ty C o u rt Room o f the C o u n ty <’o<4' o f the estate o f E d ith (M .» ry i Clara D. Foord, his wife, Fred that you, and each of you, appear that certain mortgage executed by W. 1046.4 ft. to a point in the cen­ nexad T ic h e n o r. deceased, has file d his O. Lyons Jr„ unmarried. The before said Court on the 30tli day Martha E. Ross and Gilman G. ter of County Road the place of A f in lm a l a account and re p o rt as such ad­ United Stales National Bank of of December, 1935, at the hour of Ross, wife and husband, on March beginning; thence N. 88J .57' W. 427 m in is tr a to r in th e C o u n ty C o u rt o f th a Portland (Oregon), a corporation, 9:30 a. m„ to show cause, if any 23. 1918, in favor of plaintiff, which ft. to a point; thence N. 0" 34' E. S ta te o f O regon fo r W ash in g to n Countv« n d t h a t *aid fin a l account and re p o rt INSTRUCTIONS: W rite the ad plainly, print or typewrite. Count the number and J. Russell Akey, Trustees un­ exists, why a license should not mortgage was recorded on April 205.2 ft. to a point; thence S. 88’ a has »at fo r fin a l h ea rin g and sat» 6. 1918. at 11:00 o'clock A. M in .57' E. 424.5 ft. to a point; thence tla m e been be granted for the sale of the fore­ der the Last Will and Testament n t befo re said co u rt a t th e «ssirt of words. If the ad is to run but one week the cost is two cents per word. For of J. E. Akey, deceased; a n d going real property as prayed for Book 80 of Mortgages, page 303, in S. 0 09'i' E. 205.2 ft. to the place room th e re o f In H ills b o ro , O regon, on M onday , D ecem ber IS, 1935, a t 10 e ’rlnrfc the office of the County, Recorder the second and each consecutive insertion of the same nd, the cost is but one Hyatt & Brawn, a corporation. in the petition on file herein. of beginning, containing two acres a. m . o f said day. CARL MUNTHE. Guardian. Le­ of Washington County, Oregon, more Defendants. D a te d and fir s t published N o vem ber or less, situated in Washing­ cent n word. Minimum charge per issue 25 cents. TO GET RESULTS, state To Fted O. Lyons Jr. and J. Rus­ land B. Shaw, Attorney, 820 Fail­ covering the following described ton County, State of Oregon. 14. 1935. D a ta o f last p u b lication Decant* ing Bldg., Portland. 41-5 real property situate in Washing­ b er 12, 1935. sell Akey, Defendants: plainly whnt you want or have to sell. Cross out needless words, then copy ton County. Oregon, to-wit: All of The terms upon which said real D A N P. C H A M B E R S . A d m in is tra to r In the Name of the State of Ore­ ill annexed o f th a E a ta te o f Subscribe now to the Argus. In the East Half of the Southwest property will be sold by said w E d ith ith th ( a M a W the result and mail or bring it to the HILLSBORO ARGUS, Hillsboro, Oregon. gon: You and each of you are here- r y ) A lm a T ic h e n o r, De*oatetf. Washington county $1.50 a year. Quarter of Section Seven, in Town­ guardian are as follows: M. B. B um p, residence a n d addrean, Not less than 10 per cent of the H ills b o ro , O re g o n , A tto rn e y fo r »aid Ask your attorney to send your [ Six months 85c. Three months 50 ship Three South, Range One West E s tate. 39-43 total purchase price to be in casli legal advertising to the Argus. cents. Two months 35 cents. tf of the Willamette Meridian, con- ( mint Your Profit« 10. S a le or T ra d e— Mis. 18. S eed s, Plant* i ENAMELED cook stove, almo t HIGHEST quality trees, largest as­ new, good cast-iron heater, Ie- sortment, greatest values (¡raft­ luíale coi ker spaniel unii 2 pups, ed Kuckerle.i filberts, walnuts, lo i .ale or trade for wheat, cow. prunes, pears, cherries, a p p le -,. or wtial have you'’ G. Burger, p ache . uprieots, gruía s, ornami n I 1- mile« eust of Bethany Presby- tots, shrubs, etc Premium Kosi terinu church. 41-2p|,ree. Send today for our 45th An- I niversury sale circular. Carlton Nursery Co. 351» T o Swap If You Don’t Need It-Sell It! W ant Something - Say So I 25.