Page Two R IL L S R O R O Miss Kuratli Bride I P'T.A. Council W ill of William Doern ; Meet Dilley Tuesday ARGUA. H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Sale Endorsed Airs. Hughes Head of Daughters of Union l'etera ns Miss Gladys K uratli, dau g h ter of Mr and Mrs. Henry K uratli of Hillsboro, and William Doern. son of Mr. and Mrs William Doern of Beaverton, were m arried at the i »•_. Bethany Presbyterian church , T r lures used in the public w orship v e m b e r'’7 at 8 30 n m R e v ll n l,r ‘ Mllcnt of of their respective churches, and D^ekmaif perform ed the eerenionw will explain th eir history. Copies The bride w ere a long-sleeved. T ' ; •" ‘' of the Bible in Latin. G reek and German will also be examined. high -n eck ed gow n of w h ite satin ’ ' with a train. Her cap and veil w ere Among the English translations to trim m ed with pearls and orange 1 " 111 ' u e . be studied w ill be the King Janies. blossoms which her m other had ! X A mrrioan F n k r n n .* i1 i'in . I lain, Rlrs. T hundnv, D orrm bcr T», 193’» Mr. and Mrs. liny Paine enter- Mrs. Weatherford Rebekah Officers ■ talned with a dinner parly for Mr. and Mrs. liim n ar Johnner of P o rt­ Last Week D. A. R. Regent Elected land and Mr and Mrs II II H an­ Mr; I ’lem E linger was i-leeted son a n d daughter of Beaverton of Ihe Hebckuh lodge Visitor Tuesday al noble Ihe grand m eeting last w eek. O llier Tue day eyeing. — , officers elected w ere Mr». E L. . n Hughes was elected David Hill chapter. Dauphters of Mi t'orm ick, vice noble grand; Mrs •'Juvenile P rotection T h r o u g h ” ie Alma Bennett Old- the A m eriean R evolution, w ill mei-t I Adolph Mohr, seci'etury. and Mr P arent Education" is the them e for of Huion Veter- December III with M r I ' E W ells ; H elen Deiehmim, tie a su re r. Ap- rtisetttsion nt the regular countv A no-host luncheon honorim ; Mi | pem live officers will be announced «'lev-t.on held Monday Council of the Washington County Mark \ W ealherfonl of A lbani, lain' 'V- 4 Pureiit-Tcacher association's m eet­ state regent, will he held at the ing at the Methodist church at ' In lallation of officers w ill take Hillshoro Pharm acy at noon Mr pi ice iifler Ihe first of Ihe year. Mis. A. Walker. Dilley Tuesday. W eatherford is making her ol'fii oil - \ ' ' ’a, eh ap -| “Methods of Carrying on Parent lira Laws, treasurer: visit lo the rh ap te r on that date Education Study G roups” w ill be Those eligible to m em bership a discussed by Mrs. Allen Knight, well as members are invited 10 ., e Who studied with M'ss Alice Sow­ tend. ers, parent education specialist from llie national congress at Corvallis last year. • • E Britt Nedry, principal of T i­ w hite chrysanthem um s. Jack H e r - 1 in n o . Dentist Members of th e D U. V. and gard .school, will g vc "The Youth man of Portland, cousin of the «problems as it Looks to a School bridegroom, was best man. Ruben of the A uxiliary to Sons of Veter- Mr. and Mrs. H an y Iaglitl'oot of i ans are "ivited to attend a meeting *Trtncipal.” Mrs. Elizabeth Todd, K uratli. brother of Yakima. W a s h , celebrated their ,he S U V S a,‘‘'« Deeentber bounty juvenile officer, will tell I Henry Doern. brothe Of e b rid m e -J of IQ F u rth e r in fo rm atio n m ay be o b ­ 23rd wedding anniver ary T hanks­ of her work in juvenile protection , Miss Fern Elizabeth Burkey and groom, w ere ushers. giving dav at the home of her In Washington county Ira B erry W itaker of Sebastapol. Before the ceremony Miss Sophie tain ed from Miss V irginia Brogden. parents. Mr. and Mrs A. Brnndaw. Local presidents' reports will be C a l. w ere united in m arriage at Doern sang ' Because." and Jesse O thers present were Mr. and Mrs. given at a luncheon "pow-wow at I a ceremonv at the home of the Foster played the wedding march The 1935 Christm as Seal sale d e­ V. R B allantyne and daughter of boon, along the lines of the mem- I bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. John A fter the wedding, refreshm ent serves the hearty support of every Dallas, Mr. and Mrs (' E. B ran -' bership pow-wow at the Medford | F. Burkey. November 27. w ith Rc v. w ere served in the church base­ resident of Washington county. daw and daughter of Portland and convention Charles M. Reed of Hillsboro of­ ment to about 200 relatives and Miss H elen C laeys. d a u g h te r of No enterprise justifies itself in Mr. and Mrs Odell W. Br.mdaw Mrs. F. W. Blum of Portland will ficiating. DO N’T BE PRACTICAL friends present. A musical pro- i Mr. and Mrs. A. Claeys o t Lelsy- any more tangible m anner than and daughter of Hillsboro. Mr and continue the course for credit in Give her lovelllie s this I'lu i !- . . . . bride, ............................. „ given ............... gram was given, including vocal ville, becam e the bride* of Jack Del- does ttiis effort to combat tu b e rc u ­ Mrs. Lightfoot returned home Sat The who was in P.-T. A. work, and Ihe usual con­ m arriage by her father, wore a blue so™ by Otto Zurbrugg. songs bv a planche, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. losis The contribution which we mns . . . Gossamer, sheer beauty, ferences and business will begin velvet dress w ith silver accessories. ni!*n $ chorus from Portland, vocal Delplanche of Schefflin. at a beau all should make retu rn s a d iv i­ ut'day. silky soflne-.s. lacy loveliness. She at 10 o’clock. isolo by Miss Sophie Doern. duet by tiful w edding in St. M atthew's dend incalculable in its value a will adore the kind of gifts w She wore a corsage bouquet. The bride's only attendant. Miss ' Bertha Hein and A rthur Fre- church nt 9 o'clock Thanksgiving dividend payable in health. recommend nnd you'll ap p re­ ■ Evelyn Puncochar, w ore a dress of, ke’t Portland, and a song by the morning. Father Costello perform ­ ciate our prices! We lu g e that the people of tins i wine-colored velvet w ith a corsage | c“ oir of the church ing the ceremony. county give th eir united support ¡bouquet. A drian H ornicker acted as j couple left for a w eek-end! The ................. ........ w ....... w satin, with and whole hearted cd-operalion io NO MEND HOSIERY bride wore hite Miss Ellen Mar'o- Bovsen ot Hills­ best man. C r 'P 'a n e o u v e r. B. C. They w ill medium high neck, long train and the W ashington Colinty H ealth As. boro and H arry I’ Wct»er of P o rt­ Service. Sheer and Chiffon A Cnppella Singers of Portland, The house was decorated w ith m ake th eir home in Hillsboro, long tulle veil with cap trim m ed PLATES—So thin you under the direction of Prof. C lar­ evergreens a n d chrysanthem um s. ' w here Mrs Doern is employed in with pearls and orange blossoms sociation to m ake the 1935 seal land were m arried Saturday m orn­ ence Faris, w ill make their first ap- which w ere also used to form an „ e mim e of Dr. Brow-n, dentist. She curried a w hite p rayer book sale the most successful effort of ing at the home of the officiating etui see through them, its kind ever made in this county. minister, R 1.. Putnam of the pearance in Hillsboro at the M etho-, ajtar be(ore which th e ceremonv ’ Doern is employed in Port- w ith stream ers C hristian church. yet strong and durable. i Signed) Donald T Tem pleton, dist Episcopal church Sunday eve- was performed. Lighted candles land * Both ‘ ** Mr. and ■ -- Mrs. — Doern are Miss Lena Delplanche. sister of Tlie bride is the daughter of ning at 7:30. This group, comprising w ere used during the ceremony. 1 graduates of Hillsboro union high the groom, was bridesm aid and county judge; Jam es Lewis, county Dainty Undies tw enty-five trained voices, is the H D. K erkm an. Mrs Ellen lluv-iia of H illsboro and Mrs. Mabel Fox of P ortland play- i school. wore azure blue satin, m ilitary ef- commissioner; has been employed as bookkeeper ( JoW 11.4 » first group of a Cappela singers to ed Mendelssohn's wedding m a rc h 1 ----------------------- - feet, silv er slippers and silver me- county commissioner. for the M arKenzic Motor company be organized in Portland. The sing- and accompanied Mrs. C harles M. Slips and I’aiamas R n o k i A H lIw l ¡tallic tu rb in She carried a bou- for several years The bridegroom , DENTIST f egs have been heard over KEX Reed of Hillsboro, w ho sang “O ’ quet of orchids and w hite chrysan- is an em ploye of tilt1 Southern P a­ each Sunday evening during the GOAR'S Commercial Rldg. Promise Me.” f f i T o C d I T J h m i ’V themums. Raymond Claeys, brother cific railw ay com pany in Purtlgnd. past weeks. A fter the cerem ony a reception 1 x u u ia iy o{ the bridc was best man and the young people will make Second and Main Sts. InMJheir concert Sunday evening was held for the eighty-tw o friends i Short review s on four of the The church was artistically dee- their home in Portland. they'avill feature several Christmas and relatives present. Those who splendid collection of new books orated in blue and white, w ith Plans for a bazaar at Forest Hillsboro Oregon E. M. Ilarnrs. Prop. Tmmjk'rs. assisted in the serving, w ere the ( at the library are given as follows: palms, ferns and chrysanthem um s. G rove December 14 w ere made at Com plimented o r B irthday— ' This is th e first of a series of Misses Gwendolyn Dumas, Helen Edwin Hamilton's new book. Tin Miss K athleen Caldwell played the Washington county Cam p Eire Mrs. Lou Wiley gave a birthday musical, features to be brought to Bagnell. M argaret Bean, E sther j Craft,” opens new possibilities for the wedding march, the children's Council meeting Tuesday afternoon party for her daughter LaVerne the city during the w inter by the Boge. and C atherine Boge. and the young and old in ruetal craft. Here- , choir of St M atthew's church sang. at the library. Proceeds will go to­ Dulev S aturday evening. G u est; Choral Society of the Methodist Mesdames S. H. Dalbv and C harles I tofore many have been handicap- with Ave M aria solo by Miss Elaine w ard upkeep Of Camp Adahee. w ete Jam es Forsythe. K enneth Episcopal church. These programs Reichen. L. J. Puncochar. and Owen , ped by the cost of m aterial, but Caldwell. Dates for sw im m ing parties at Short. Doris Weber. Mabel Watson will provide the best in music and Holliday served th e ice cream. j this tells how to m ake m any things A w edding dinner was served to Pacific U niversity tan k have been of Forest Grove, Johnny Santoro, ftive opportunity to -all to enjoy Mr. and Mrs. W itaker left for from tin cans, w ith v ery’ simple about 50 im m ediate relatives and changed to the first and th ird T ues­ and Mr. and Mr.;. Clinton Duley. these numbers. A silver offering their home in Sebastapol, Cal., tools. ' close friends of the bride and day evenings of each month. Wins Journal Prize— will be taken to defray expense of I Thursday morning. In "My Country and My People." , groom, followed in the evening by Miss Ina Pearl Allen won a prize bringing the singers and assist in the author. Lin Yu-t'ang. w rites an ■ a reception of 100 friends and rel- of two Param ount theater tickets t h e c a l program of the Choral ; C h i l d r e n Q i v e n excellent characterization of the i atives of th e couple at the home in the Jo u rn al Gift G uide contest spirit and p erso n a lity of his coun- I of Mr. and Mrs. A. Claeys. The ELECTRIC WONDER STARS— The new tree dec Inst week for w riting a "chuckle try. w ith a sense of hum or th at is bridegroom is a graduate of Hilts- paragraph." Audrey I,. Stone of oration. Ask to see it. Only 25 cents. an essential part of th e Chinese , boro union high school of the class The Hi T ri M issionary club (high Beaverton won the second prize He sees clearly the value of 1930. school» will present a program on of $2 50 merchandise. Hillsboro children w ill be m ade . nature. . . CHRISTMAS FOLDERS — Box of H , only 19c The young couple will m ake their Palestine F riday evening at the happy at Christm as tim e if plans ?n£t shortcom ings of his own civil of the Coffee club. Service club. . Nation as com pared to w estern home on a farm near Schefflin. C hristian church at 7:30 o'clock. Dorcas club of t h e Adventist In common with- Christian people and Woman's Relief Corps are car- culture, CHRISTMAS FOLDERS— Box of 22, only 39c. This group, under the direction of church will have another food throughout t h e English-speaking ried out. Children who m ight not ! "Jane Addams" by Jam es W eber Mrs. Nelia B utler and Miss Ju lia th eir leader, Miss M artha Jam es. sale Thursday. December 12, at world, members of the various otherwise receive toys are to be Linn is an authorized biography NOMA TREE LAMPS ARE THE REST— All are — — — , , _ . . Ham ar had as th eir T hanksgiving : " ave planned the w hole program red's Market. chapters o f Hillsboro Christian ------------ to --------- a Christm as p arty on of Jan e Addams. Few women or guests Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Reeder , an<^ are presenting it to the church Mr. anil Mrs. Fred Tesrh and son fitted with Mazda Lamps. Council will commemorate the 400th invited Monday. December 23. when toys mcn have had such a full and in- of Nashville. Mrs. A. M. A ltree and and the public. This group of over of Walla Walla, Wash . visited anniversary of the first English and th irty young people carry on w eek­ friends here the last of the w eek. candy will be distributed to j spiring career as this woman. Mr. and rMs. C. W. A ltree of Wash- POCKET WATCHES— 98c, $1.2.5 nnd $1.50. printed Bible during the coming all. The party will be held at the i For those who w ish to know W ash, Mr. and Mrs. Glen ly a co-ordinated program of Bible week. Young people of the clubs Venetian theatre instead of at the more °1 Oregon literature, the new ougal study, C hristian Endeavor activi­ .......... „ Sunshine ( lull Bazaar H am ar and Mrs. Ima Ham ar of w ill bring with them copies of the PAL STRAP WATCHES— $2.95. "H istory of Oregon L itera- Toledo, Miss Jean Reeder of Port ties, practical, m issionary and so At K. of P. hall in North Plains. various translations of the Scrip- cham ber of commerce as form erly, book.. ture. by A lfred Powers, w ill be I land, Mr. and Mrs. A lbert Howell cial activities. They form the great S aturday night, December 7. O re­ FINE PLAYING CARDS — In gift boxes. Many intensely interesting. Bazaar and D inner F riday— of Hillsboro, and Mr. and Mrs. Gene er part of the church's choir and gon Jo u rn al Juniors program at 8 are at present planning for a spe p. m. Admission 23 cents. AH old book cards will be can- Grove of Albany, 42 styles and prices. Ladies of th e Methodist church celled Ja n u ary 1. If you have not «... „ „ j !,/ i- cial program of C hristm as music will have a bazaar and dinner renew ed vour card try to do so and M? ’ tw - E-O g ilb ee spent on the Sunday evening before Dr, Thompson offers you ( IIRISTMAS CARDS— Ic, 2 for 5c, 5c and 10c. P a so th e w eek.end at the horne of tbclr Friday in the church basement. before this date expert optom étrie service ° ate'_________ son. A llen Ogilbee. in Portland. On Christmas. Bazaar w ill open at 11 o'clock and af charges th a t are modest many articles w ill be on sale which Mr. Mrs. W W illiam illiam A. a m m - 1 S aturday night Mr. O gilbee attend- , giiU7 A o * Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Groesbeck. Leather or Fabric Mr. and Mrs. Loren Schulm erich Box 551 Beverly Hills, Cal. Mrs. M argaret Fritch, Miss Lena time. They won 12 out of 14 games Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Barney. S u n ­ Uppers kindly and and Mrs. Anna Schulm erich spent played, the two the team lost being day guests at th e Barney home Goodin and Miss Alice Sewell of T hanksgiving w ith Mr. and Mrs. 0 out of the conference. P ortland w ere dinner guests S un­ w ere Mr. and Mrs. W. E. F rye of Styles, sizes and colors for friendly to C hester S tew art at Beaver day of Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Sewell Portland. Birthday Celebrated— Men, Women and Children Mr. and Mrs. Hoyle Phillips of of near Hillsboro. everyone about Mr. and Mrs. V ernon T urner. Mrs. Gold Beach spent Sunday witli Mrs. F rank H ew itt entertained Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watts of E. T. T urner, Miss Winona T u rn er Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Whiddon. Sunday afternoon w ith a birthday you and you party for her daughter Carol, who and G lenn T urner spent Thanks- Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. Orin Mrs. Ada Collier of Orland, Cal., giving in Portland w ith Mr. and I D arety and children of N orth Plains was eight. L ittle guests w ere B eat­ is a guest of her daughter, Mrs Mrs. D urald Horine. I spent Thanksgiving at the E. B. 270 E. Main St. J H. GARRETT, Prop. Phone 2601W you will be rice Treglown, M ary Rae Mann, B race Schulm reich, and family. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Cam pbell and , Watts home. Leona and Mamie Wyatt, M argaret surprised what Harty, Lois Jean Jones, Helen Lewis, children spent T hanksgiving w ith j Mrs. R. D. English and Mrs. J Neva Mae Smith, and Lois Hew itt. Mr. Cam pbell's uncle and aunt, Mr. W. K elley spent Thanksgiving and and Mrs. Ellis Campbell, in P o rt­ th e w eek-end w ith relatives at a happy life Grove Girl Honored— Seattle. land. Miss M arjorie S um pter of F o r­ you will live.” Mrs. C ynthia Good o f Forest Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rogers a t­ est Grove has been nam ed as one tended and bazaar T ues­ G rove was a guest over Thanks­ of the senior six in Phi Beta Kappa, day of a the m eeting Scout Young camp and giving of h er daughter, Mrs. E. J. national scholastic honorary, at th e uxiliary at th e court house in McAlear, and family. U. of O., the highest scholastic hon­ P A ortland. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. D unbar of or that can be won by Oregon s tu ­ Mrs. Ray Taylor underw ent a M ilwaukie w e r e T h a n k s g iv in g dents. m ajo r operation W ednesday of last I guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Free- . E. W. F. M eets— N. E. W. F. will m eet tonight week at the Em anuel hospital in f man. Everything in Insurance Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Valley of SOLVES MANY | (Thursday» at eight at th e old P ortland, and is im proving nicely. V. A badie retu rn ed N ovem ber 28 Beaverton spent Thanksgiving with Phone 1701Y 336 E. Washington , Grange hall. W. C. P atrick of P ort- ! land wil speak. M embers and the from a tw o weeks' business trip to , Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Watkins. Sand Point, Idaho. — SHIRTS public are invited. Mrs. E. T. T u rn er spent Sunday Grayco, Campbell, R e m- at Silverton w ith Mrs. E. G. K auf­ SHOE REPAIRING irandt. The latest models man. and Leather Work Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bass of E u ­ in white, colors and stripes. T T ’S always welcome, nnd there’s Excellent Selection gene spent T hanksgiving w ith his H. C. VARNER 95c, $1.39, $1.65, $1.95 A a pleasant little hint th at you’d aunt, Mrs. J. W. Maier. Opposite Court House Mrs. T heresa A bendroth is ill like to hear from the person you sent 144 N. Second Ave. ; at the home of h er son, F ritz Ab- at Bargain Prices SCARFS ! endroth. it to! T hat’s worthwhile in any gift. D r. Brown Celebrate Wedding- Anniversary Here Miss Burkey Weds Ira B. Witaker Miss H. Claeys and J. Pel planche Wed Miss Boyson Weds Harry P. Weber Singers of Rose City Here Sunday $1.00 3 pair $2.85 Dr. P. G. Brown Camp Fire Council Plans for Bazaar Clubs to Join in Observance Woman’s Shop I Hi-Tri to Give Program Friday Christmas Party s M S I $ s a Christmas Specials & s « « £ « DELTA Q uality it a D R U G STO RE a SLIPPERS--- The C. C. Store RUSHLOW Î G ifts fo r M en G IF T PR O B L E M USED CARS Wool - Silks - Rayon A nice lot to choose from Due to the Popularity of the New 1936 DODGE and PLYMOUTH We have an unusually good selection of used late model Fords and Chevrolets from which to choose. See them today! REMEMBER W hether a new or used car our finance charges are always the lowest. T h o se W h o Really Care and appreciate first class food, properly cooked and served During the’ past three years 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $1,95 many failed to carry insur­ ance on the contents of their HOSE home. Buy .SOUND FIRE Monito Nu-Ply 1 INSURANCE of this agency. Fancy patterns Escape the heavy blow of 25% more w ear ¡having to pay for refurnish- A sm all deposit will hold i ing your house. 50c any article until Christmas E at at th e CHAS. L WALKER O CADY MOTOR CO. 18 Years in Hillsboro HILLSBORO PHARMACY Hillsboro, Oregon Z. J. Riggs, graduate of the C alifornia College Pharm acy tvCfiY ronM & ^oncnON TÉLÉPHONÉ 1732 116 SOUTH THIRO - RES 2092 HIllSBORO, OREûOM Monogrammed Stationery is partic­ ularly attractive and suitable f o r ( 'hrist mas. There is a wide range of prices . . . and most of the types look as though they’d cost a great deal more than the low prices you’ll find h e re ! The M E N ’S S H O P Howe & Wells, Prop. 207 E. Main St., Phone 1412 £?nisbort®y\jyu s -■