I * » H IL L S B O R O Page Eight Annual Spud Show Planned Chehalem Club Event Set; Ladies’ Aid to Meet fR y Mabel R. A lliaon) M OUNTAIN HOME—C hehalem M ountain P o tato clu b m et at th e home ot M r. and Mrs. R ichard Jo y c e F rid ay evening. It w as d e ­ cided at th a t tim e to hold th e an - j n u al p o tato show an d b an q u et D e­ cem b er 7 at th e Jo h n S ch m eltzer home. P rizes w ill be given for th e best e x h ib its of 40 or m o re p otatoes an d one p rize for th e best single specim en of a B u rb an k ty p e p o ­ tato. If all th e clu b m em b ers h av e ex h ib its p resen t th e leader, Mr. S chm eltzer, w ill m ake u p w hat is i needed to pay for a sch o larsh ip at 4-H su m m er school. C o m m ittee for th e b an q u et in clu d es E llen M arie Ja q u ith . H elen S ch m eltzer an d P e r- onice Ego. M ountain H om e M issionary soci­ ety m et w ith Mrs. P. C. H am ilton T h u rsd ay . Mrs. M ary N ew lan d had c h arg e of th e stu d y period. Mrs. H arold A eb isch er w ill have ch arg e n ex t m onth. D ecem ber m eetin g is sch ed u led for D ecem ber 19 a t th e G eorge A llison home. Aid to M eet L adies' Aid w ill m eet w ith M rs A lex B ruce D ecem ber 5. fo r an all-d ay m eeting. A pot luck lunch w ill be serv ed at noon. L adies a rc re q u ested to b rin g n eedles a n d th im b les as w ell as one dish of food for th e lunch. T he F e rrill hom e w as b ro k en in ­ to som e tim e last w eek, according to rep o rt m ade by Dr. F e rrill S u n ­ day. W hen D r and Mrs. F. E F e rrill a rriv e d from P o rtlan d S a t­ u rd ay evening, to spend th e w e e k ­ XMAS WRAPPING Tissue and foil paper and cellophane ribbon, Odd lots. Regular 10c trV DOLLS, TOYS CLOSE OUT PRICES. Main floor. Fea­ turing a lot Large Iron Toys. Val. to $2 H IL L S B O R O , ARGUS, end at th e ir co u n try hom e here, they found a b ro k en w indow , a forced lock and m atches stre w n all over th e house. T he only th in g m issing, as far as they could d e ­ term ine. w as a w oolen b lan k et. C h ick en pox is k eeping the chil- d re n of sev eral fam ilies hom e from school th ese days. Mr and Mrs. J. B B a rtle tt of Scholls and M rs H ettie H ow ell of P o rtla n d visited Mr. and Mrs. G eorge A llison T uesday. Mr. an d Mrs. P C. H am ilton v is­ ited his p arents. Mr. an d Mrs. T. C. H am ilton, in N ew berg S unday. W arren F orsythe, w ho is now a t ­ ten d in g th e P o rtla n d u n it of A l­ FRAMED PICTURES And Silhouettes 4 Values to 50c JLVV « • « • b any college, v isited h e re S a tu r ­ day and S unday. Forsythe, w ho is going to school on a scholarship w on at T ig ard high last y ear, has a position in th e a d v ertisin g d e ­ p a rtm e n t of S ears, R oebuck and , Co. in P ortland. P o rtlan d p u b lic schools are le a d ­ ing th e sta te of O regon in the adoption of safety ed ucation in the re g u la r high school cu rricu lu m , a c ­ co rd in g to th e O regon S ta te M otor association. School officials have ag reed to teach a course in "S p o rts­ m an lik e D riving." p re p a re d by the A m erican A utom obile association. BRIDGE CARDS G ilt edge. Special » I BIG PICTURE COMING SOON -- a ; •RI and SAT., Nov. 29 and W MATINEE SATURDAY, 2 P. M. — Evening Show Start, I at 6:30 o’clock Preview Saturday Night, 11:15 - No Extra Charge ROMANCE anJ THRILLS 9C n Alt/V LADIES’ BOXED BOOK SALE X'alues to 25c. Big lit­ tle books. Cut-out col­ oring. Mickey Mouse and Shirley 4 O z» Temple ............ JL v l * Thursday, November 28, 1935 OREGON merrily combined! \ \ mane« with «qual facility I " h«d «-’i :«tk«9rt —you'll lov« 1 I I I W P * Handkerchiefs Special! 2 in a box, full size. Two - tone e m- broidery. 4 Fancy box JL tJV z BARNESI RUSSELL PLUS— The Best of Selected Short Subject. STARTS SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 30th A Fine Coat $2.50 UMBRELLAS Gloria and rayon, 16-rib beautiful handles. All col­ ors. $4 n o Special ............ JL«t/O LADIES’ GLOVES Kayser and Fownes. Nov­ elty fabrics . . . new fall shades. All sizes. Per pair .... VUV BAGS AND PURSES Leather, fabrics, velvets. Beaded and metal. Zip­ per and all styles. All colors. $ J Values to $2.98 $20, $25 and $27.50 Coats and Suits. Big F ur Collars Silk Lined. Black, Brown and T weeds LADIES’ GLOVES Cape and French Kid Siip-on and button styles All sizes. S-4 A C Black .............. J L o iJ a Brown, $tf) QQ Navy ................. Boxed XMAS CARDS With Envelopes SALE DRESSES Values to $25.00 For Evening, Dinner, Street in......... 10c Twenty-five in OCz» Box ....................... 2d tJVz $1.00 WINE SET Ju g filled with bath salts, and 6 glasses. While they Silks, wools, metal, velvets, Beautiful trims. Regular stock, Many just in. SET ....................... OQ/» Arrow Shirts ........... $2.00 Arrow Tie. ............. 1.00 VanHeusen Shirts .. 1.98 Fashioncraft Ties .... 1.00 Manhattan Shirts .... 1.98 Shirtcraft Shirts ...... 1.69 Phillips Jones Shirts 1.00 Men’s Pajamas 1.49, 1.98 DISCONTINUED And GOWNS Silks, rayons. 1 Values to $2.50.... HAND MADE MODELS HATS Saturday Night Preview, 11:15 - No Extra Charge SUN. - MON. - TUES., December 1, 2 and Continuous Show Sunday — 2 till 11 P. M. She DARED to L House For men, women and children. Broken lots. Values to $2 W omen’s HOUSE SLIPPERS GORGEOUS, G LA M O R O U S Boys’ HANDKERCHIEFS Colored 4 Borders .............. l u U Men's Felt and Leather SLIPPERS 100 Doz. FINE Bought to sell Holeproof AUTOGART SOX Silk or wool. 65c and 75c val. ..... 49c Handkerchiefs Xm as A ssortm en t. A ll •A Linen. Hand Em- /J broidered. N ew - 'r est Styles. Many r N ew Individual “ “ D esigns. EACH Thrill-romance reaches its exciting peak in Men’s Handkerchiefs Three in a Box ...................... Tie and Handkerchief AB-n's AQ Boxed sets .......... * « z " Joan's happiest screen hit! Gay fascination in. the heart-drama of a money could buy— ex- cent her kind of lovel W. S. • VA N 0 r MacMAHON K t R R O D U C T lO h — PLUS — News Reel Two-Rce| Comedy and Cartoon and Clothcraft SALE of SUITS and OVERCOATS | WEDNESDAY ONLY, December 4 I NINO MARTINI and MME. SCHUMANN-HEINK Here’s to Romance”! Lunch Cloths A Musical Romance That Brings New Glory to the Screen At Old Prices Kayser, Phoenix, proof. Every pair R in a Xmas box......■ ALSO SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS PENDLETON All Wool BLANKETS Two-tone satin bound, large size. $R $12.50 value ........................................................ ■ • t J t J Robes - Negligees Made from warm blanket cloth. Silks and rayons. Plain and $ 4 .98 Embroidered JL THUR. - FRI. - SAT., December 5, 6 and 7 72x84 PART WOOL BLANKETS Beautiful plaids, weight over 4 pounds. SPECIAL XMAS SALE 61843 GENE STRATTON PORTER’S $Q Q ¿ .« 7 5-piece LINEN BRIDGE SETS. AH colors Color BORDER SHEET and 2 CASES. Set PLUS— A Big Treat 54x70 WHITE LINEN LUNCH SETS Guaranteed Xmas Gifts Walt Disney’s Mickey Mouse Rcvie Three Mickey Mouse Cartoons and Other Short Subjects ALL LINEN FINGER TOWELS. 3 in box $3 BEACON INDIAN ROBES ...................... Embroidered Pillow Cases TOWEL SETS Women’s Panties larg e bath g u est tow .1 wash cloths bath tow el guest tow el wash cloth Dance Sets JL WASH CLOTHS Six assorted 4 ( colors ................... * < Movie Projector Complete, real moving parts w ith cran k and special lens. Electric bulb, two batteries, one fireproof film. 4 Q / j A L L F O R ................... tt« 7 V K n ittin g In stru ctio n » O n O u r B alco n y THE GREATEST OF THEM ALL Beautiful pastel shades. W rapped in cellophane. Tied with wide ribbon. 100% pure silk. Beautiful lace trim. Tea 7 0 /» rose. $1.50 value I «7 V French crepe. Satin lace trim. W hite, tea rose and pink. $ 4 .2 9 COMING — December 15, 16, 17 and 18 New Cannon Fast colored borders F re e girl who had everything S(etn;//oM/-(//) f’J.iycr ALINE MORGAN A Tie with Novelty Boys’ boxed Q £ Hosiery P e r »et ................... BRIAN AHERNE PRANK S e t s ......................... Hart Schaffner & Ladies’ Pajan Hand Embroidered Towels, Scarfs, Bridge Sets, Pillows, Infants’ Robes- Headquarters for Men and Women call for Stetson and Mallory CANNON BATH MATS All colors and combina­ tiens. O f] is* $ J UTINYS BOUNTY A big assort­ ment of new est patterns. STARRING CHARLES FRANCHOT A SPECIAL GROUP of other makes. From regular stock of $4 A $15 to $18 Suits CLARK TONE /f leodrr * of mulinerei — hut hr m e- cumbrd to ihr notte tu fk a m m r n l of thii South ç 5 m iitrt  A Frank Lloyd Production BOYS’ OVERCOATS All wool. Sizes 6 to 14 Values to $4 Q l $10.00 ................. Xa«7< COMING SOON WILL ROGERS in "IN OLD KENTUCKY t