Page Four H IL L S fi O R O A R G V S , Union Gives Air Program November 19. The Brown quartet. Finis, Lee, Bernice and Lillie, sang before the business session. Mrs. Alice Lang and daughter Roberta of Portland w ere week-end guests at the Richard W hittle home ( . Leon Davis is building a new ! Social garage W. H. McNav is assisting Laurel Aids Fund; Group Party Saturday — "'¿h ,h® "»rk- Mr. an 'd Mrs. Raleigh Whitmore 1 Cornelius Sidewalk and Park Program Started Last Week Civic Improvement Club Plana Special M eet Decem ber 3; Many Parties Enjoyed; A ltar M eeting Postponed (By Mr*. F. R Brown) i »81'"»??'* < iin n <'‘ | party guests V of a Mrs. W hitm ore’s LAUREL—A fifteen-m inute pro­ sister, Mrs, Hillie Tykeson. of Che- • Tiv Mi*« D« n»thr Cook«) gram over KOAC at Corvallis was halem Mountain. CORNELIUS Work began last given Wednesday evening, sponsor­ of P o rtH n l C hi,drvn ' ' on m 'w ^ e o t m .i u ^ i ^ 'w a l k Z ed by the local Farm ers' Union. nWther' Mrs i ,he ,o " n and cleaning up and im- Among those taking part were the John McFee S111O McFee, Sunday. I proving city park. Saturday. president. Gustave Krause. F. L I John t o ., v ... . i»---- —• the -■ Brown. Mervin Whitmore. Mrs. J. school class held i / ' h f e Sunda' ' ' hile rem oving a stum p near the W. Mulloy. Mrs. Leon Davis, Miss 1 social m eetine •it ” th » lnfa d i'V ' I utlu' lnn church, the blasting broke Thelma Mulloy and a w histler from Schmidt home* Thor U v Ado ph ,w o windows of the church. Yamhill o io in iai nome lh u rsd ay evening Club M a k e s P l a n s ,4 2 « i£ £ S S ? f i S » S S I “ M X i i S H IL L S B O R O , to Scofield to spend a few dava with her parents ' P arty Suee.-s C ard party sponsored bv the Cor- nelius firemen at Running's h ili Wednesday evening was very sue- cessful * Dance ... December 1 _ ---- — ............ — ■ * £ - ““ OREGON Thnr ilny, November 2H, 19'î'i ed Mrs. Jay Ä Ä Y Ä * ~ » ‘h ' “ r und Mrs n MV„.s Mr fill the unexpired term of Mis J is inueli' improved P orter anil a vocal duel by the !• Fleetwood A nom inating com- ,, . .. (¡oea Io Europe T rupp sisters. m ittee for tho untumi election was Mi l M argaret Zim m erm an salt, Mr. ami Mrs. Dean E H am den appointed with L D. Shellenberg- ed Friday for Europe, w here she of Portland w ere w eek-end guests er, chairman. Cow S k e le to n F o u n d " J 11 -jQ,n r‘'1Ullves, who sent her of Mr. and Mrs. l.efe Taylor . " u* transportation. She will make Hay Syverson of Klamath Falls About three miles o< th e cleaning an indefinite stu>. Miss Zinuner- visited his folks here Munday ond w idening of the benverdum ” >uti form erly refdded w ith Miss Mr. and Mrs. C 1>. Syverson ditch has been completed. Som e­ Elizabeth Mellow an and is a inem- duys ut at G ate. . . . I spent - a couple of days tim e ago the ditch crew found the b e r of the 193*1 lh'averton lu g l i v i s i t i n g their son, Arnold, and his sehool graduutlng class. fum ili sk1*'lel,° “ of “ *" l,h e d ‘‘l h * 'vluch »I’l’-'ieiitly I,ad been there Grhi “e ^ i n e r MÌ924of°B .m ve! f h “ n‘‘ , A Kr*’Up of frlcnd» »urptioed . eived a in ir r aL. 'li,0 '’ i ’ v r‘" M' ' " e li ut bel h o m e l.i-.t ior a " The anllnal had gone eoLVet W « h .n X v e X r ' 2,’»?M r »•«' , d n n k ‘,nd , u‘x tt l hobbled to prevent C r a ig is em pio» e d a i d ie l.m in a li lina l IMI ■ ,u "Ce( no‘ ««'« »}’ .Si W o lle s to ie m P o r tla n d a m i e ------ —---------------------— _______________ lhl bank and th© heavy growth :» graduate of Lincoln high sehool. " f ,;" ‘sy hid “ f,0,n vicw — Miss Miller is a graduate of thè Mrs w B arrett, who has been Beaverton high school mid resides making an extensive visit w ith her ....... Ilei with lier parents, Mr. and brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs Miller. 1 >' Shelleuberger of Beav- p !'?,' ,etu rn ed 10 hl+ hon>« l ‘k a tl elio. Idaho, during the past ' l ; Peohodv ‘‘^ v s " « .................. ♦.......... ' Mrs. Adolph Schm idt’ is Z "chair- .MrS‘ J,° ? n I Bu<>kcye pavilion December man of the Christmas seal sale of m a tin g of th e W a s h h ^ to n 'c o u itv 1 n A D° r*' ‘,nd Miss Doro,h-V the three districts in this vicinitv. Club F ed eratio n ' at" fl liu ,,™ S?*'ke a^ o m p a n ie d Rev. and Mrs. Help Red Cross Fir Grove. Laurelview an d Laurel. October. It was decided to hold C harIes. rKei;d of "tUsboro-Cor- The Ladies' club, the Sunday Mrs Flora Baker spent several a m eeting December 3 in th e citv "* 1 U/ K. pastorate to a meet The O regonian Traveling kitchen school and individual donations to days last week w ith her daughter, hall to crack w alnuts fo r sa le it T 15 fJ’r Sllnd;’v teachers a! « ill be at the Beaverton G range the Red Cross brought the f u n d i- M .* r .. ^ W dham Joes, and infant son was rep o n ed th at e ljb women ,h e McMir»»'-ille M E. church Wed- hall December H. „ » » « J ? ! J i l t J* C Smith) u i ‘ . ’ ^ ^ K L ^ A L F At the commun to $9.50 for this community, accord- of Hillsboro. , k»d T m . . .u - nc?a a >* I Mrs. J. E. Fleetwood. who has Ity eve n Mre ' J . ' W.1 Mulloy,1 chairman of TiwUUnbC? ? “ ptmdTng'"this w « k E*" ‘ k i" KS ‘ a '‘d Mr. and u ^ k s " ' 1 Mt I shS* club V " , m eeting S‘'ho‘T ‘‘ S aturday o f’’»‘E v e rto Let the mlvei tlseiiieul'i Io Ip yon m ake your chopping plans. The Usual Program Held by Hazeldale Society ...r s & s % big Mrs Heil's birthduy m iniver- snry. Among Um e present wen* Mr. mul Mrs lo ie Taylor, Mr. mut Mis Tom Miller, Mi und Mm Sherm an Denker, limi Mi und Mia Demi H aruden of Mr mul M ri John lllaek und family of Portland visited at tho llluek home Sunday. Mr and Mrs Wdlium Dole and family of Portland visited at Ho Sm ith home Saturduy. PERFECTION Quality ...■ - a card party at th e hall Saturday to Waldport and Roosevelt Beach present 'in o b ierw in e.’ of d^-“ boro vlsned Mrs. M. D. Mann Wed- night. Everyone invited. last Tuesday They returned Thins- _ ' ' . . ?Uest day nesday. E n tertain rd at Hillsboro Mrs. Herman Thies of Portland Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bedgood day w ith an abundance of fresh and son and daughter of Portland salmon for canning. W hile there tto *C u and Mrs' .Charles Reed of visited Cornelius friends and rela- v isite d a t th e L. A. W hittle home they visited her sister M rs M a rie Hihsboro entertained a grouu of I live* Thursday. -------------- - Cornelius young people at th eir [ Donations Made Bunday. < Stonefield. Mrs. Loa Anderson and son Rich- Mr. and Mrs. Herman Jaenicke of " T " 0 Frlda-V evening Many inter- Mrs. Ruth I. Reed of Portland, ard of Vancouver. Wash., and Mr Cornelius visited her uncle and ; e-'’lnii alJd exciting games w ere en- conference president of the Wom- and Mrs. W. N. Hathorn of Hills- aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph S chnrdt c°y t u p [ esent 'v«?re Mrs. M attie en's Home M issionary societv of boro visited her parents. Mr. and November 20. ' Smith. Mrs. W. R. Cooke. Misses the M E. church, gave a verv in- Mrs. E. C. Mulloy. Saturday. A dem onstration d inner was eiv- Rosa,7 ond Mundorf. Virginia Erik- teresting and w orthw hile talk on Mr and Mrs. Teon Lovegren of en at the Rollin Movers home Do- ?°n ' L° f a C ary* M argaret Cooke, the missions. A special thank of- Cathlamet, Wash., visited her par- cember 20 w ith ten people present Cayon Robinette. Gladys M ilbrandt. fering was taken and a generous ents. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Whit- Mrs. F. L. Brown visited her £,ath eri?,e Beck' Blanche Finegan. offering of canned fruits a n d are SANTA’S CHOICE more, from Friday until Sunday. daughter. Mrs. B. Cr McNav of , ain e Henderson. M arjorie LaFol- vegetables for M anlev Center in Social Well Attended Forest Grove Saturday. ’ lette, H elene Shaw, Eleanor Reed Portland was donated. Mrs. W alter The Farm ers' Union social eve- Fred and Adolph Schmidt visited xr ,D or o,l)F Cooke. Messrs. John Poffenbarger had charge of ,ir- for HOLIDAY MEALS ning and dance was well attended their brother Albert at T uala’in d V. w . £ 'eori?e Mllne. G eo rg e, rangem ents for Sundtn s vice Saturday night at the hall. A short F rid«y- w here he is confined to his K lt," a £ r- Donald M ilbrandt. Ray- Mrs E. A. Deaville of Hillsboro program and cards were also en- bed with rheum atism . ’ Beck* Raymond Trites, David visited Mrs. M attie Sm ith Wednes- joyed. High scores in pinochle w ere Mr* and Mrs. W. L. Stevens and Fdrnonsto"- £ lliford Mapes, F rank day. won by G. Egger and A. Rutsch- Elbcrt visited her sister. Mrs Clif- g ‘Y6*' a/ u Byron Reeder, and the Mrs. Robert K roner of Portland I man. J. Haase and Rollin Movers ton BaSley. of Portland Sunday Z , h° ste,ss' waa a “uest of Mrs. M Edson and receiving low, Mrs. J. H. Felton Rev- and Mrs. J A. Goode of xt- s,” * ; “ Y s,,-eke Hostcss Mrs. Edna Russell Thursday. and John Goetze won high in "500'' Portland and Mr. an : . der- 1 ke was host-) Property I m p n n . d ------------------------------------ — ---------------------------------------— _ and Bevin Boge and Morris Waibel er ' Amos W atkins ,es , ° a P°t luck supper and en- Mrs. D. Cranco is improving the P P A C Z A X T T K T /^ t - x a t —. _ received low. home Sunday. ortainm ent for th e cast of th e appearance of town and her home ----------------------- junior play. "G row ing Pains." of with new cement sidew alks and a U /A .V /V /L N Lb. Twenty-five mem bers a / the « J r rire.s! G rove union high school at new fence. ----------- ------ -------------- Ladies' Social club attended the w r c n a r a a le 2fe hl of ber parents. Mr. and D uring this week th \ | « rp A T a TZT meeting at the home of Mrs. W al­ ter Schmidt November 20. Mrs Jacob Schmidt was assistant hosfi from’ southern C a h f o r ^ i ? 51 ” *** W3S PfeS house to house m ince meat sale. ber ^ t « ^ . 1 ^ - i t ^ « M C^ » son Entertains B irthday Celebrated David W illiam B arnes celebrated E. Schumacher and Mrs ’ J at Beaverton SnnrtavH arry ' Vrighi Miss Marie Melanson entertained his second birthday at his home Spiering as hostesses. F?ed PDtzlaff H' . k = gr° a P ° f her friends at her home Tuesday. Thirty people attended the Al- v in tlr with k t. sPe" d ,nS Saturday night w ith a slum ber Bazaar Success bright Brotherhood meeting of the R ^ lih U m n S iW .»dn -n h ' MrS' £a r‘.y ' Mrs MatUe Sm ith and Miss The bazaar and bake sale at Kinton. Mountain Home and L a u rel M rs J R H a rd en is e/ ' EVj ’yn Re present. Accordion music for d a n c -. Mrs. Mike Susbauer Thursday aft- ing was furnished by H arry Pear- * ernoon. Six tables of cards w ere son of Hillsboro. Orchestra — Special Entertainment COE and CONGDON. Prop. played; M rs- E Sharp won high L ittle Eleanor and Melvin Fine- I'hcnc C51 and Mrs. Leo W ittock second. It gan of Hillsboro spent the week- 5 Deliveries Daily Res. Phone 321Z was decided th at since Decem ber end w ith th eir grandparents Mr would be a busy month, to post- and Mrs. Joseph Finegan. pone next m eeting to Jan u ary , Last Sunday evening three m e m -1 jy “®n election of officers w ill be bers of the P ortland D istrict Ep- held. Tw enty-six mem bers w ere w orth League cabinet of the M November 30, Decem ber 2 and 3 pr^ « ' J «» . , E- ehurch met w ith the local Ep Clifford Mapes, who is attending w orth League members. C arroll All cars checked free of charge during these school in Oakland, arrived F riday Krum , district treasurer, spoke to spend a few days w ith his _________________ days with our up-to-the-minute testing equip­ mother. Mrs. H enry Behrman. ment by a United Motor Service representative. Mrs Howard Dooher and daugh- D C a V e r tO fl U r O U D Lome in—let us check your car free for igni­ te r of P ortland visited h er p a re n ts ,; — * Mr. and Mrs. M ike Susbauer, T hurs­ tion brakes, wheel-alignment, transmission, day. , _ I a nr y carburetion, rings, etc. Q u a lity Make C orrection BEAVERTON—Ladies of St. Ce- In th e last w eek’s issue a mis- ce,ia parish are holding a card Prices E ffective Friday, Saturday and M onday take occurred. The T him ble club Pa r*y. bazaar and supper at the of th e Neighbors of Woodcraft Al°ha G range hall Tuesday, November 29, 30, and December 2 Buy the made over $113 ra th e r th an $13. w - "• Boswell is now employed best Miss Lora Gary, who is em - I at the Richfield oil station in the ployed in Portland, was a guest western part of Beaverton. He re- ARMOUR’S BEST of Miss M argaret Cooke from F ri- cently resigned his position in day to Sunday. Sunday she w ent Portland, owing to ill health. Large --------------------------- Floyd W. Allen of near Dallas, 31-oz. can form erly of Beaverton, visited rel- Small White or Red Orange, Lemon, Citron - atives here recently. Mr. Allen op­ erates a sheep ranch in Polk coun- No. 2 : ty. Pound T in « ......... j The Bethel Ladies' Aid and mis- I ’ sionary study class Thursday elect- Deli cious, Tasty Meats COTTAGES 23c D ress! S r A S l I N T N i l l K A TTTNJ Watch for the NEW WRAPPER 12c M UTTON CHOPS Lb 12c SIRLOIN STEAK ~ ..Z 15c M ” ■ VfcAL ROAST ,.b. RIB STEAK Grand Opening Make Perfection Bakery Your Holiday Food ( ’enter 14c 25c 35c I A r il) Sahnow Garage DECEMBER 3rd FRED'S 8 P. M., FRIDAY, November 29 SUPERIOR MARKET Perfection Bakery FREE AUTO CLINIC Giving a Bazaar COCOA 2P¡Í. SAHNOW GARAGE 14 KETCHUP 19c I BEANS PORK 8C BEANS 5 it........... 19c CORN or PEAS BROWN SUGAR Bush’s Market PEANUT BUTTER C. & II. Quality Armour’s best quality. 2 lbs.............. 4 ib...........20c ................ be Hillsboro M eat Co. SARDINES— 5-oz. cans. O ne-pound P ack age JOE BUSH 6c SYRUP THE GREATEST FOOD SAVINGS IN THE HISTORY OF HILLSBORO GEORGE FISCHER .............. boxes Independently owned and operated . . . offering to the people of this territory YOU SAVE! 5 B ottle ................ IOC Corn or Gloss Here's a real value CASH AND CARRY FOOD STORE YOU PAY CASH — YOU PAY LESS — YOU TAKE IT A W A Y CHERRIES Packed in Oregon STARCH MATCHES On Quallfo^JV leM ^^nd^jm -J^H nr^avo^g Brands of G r o c e r ie g ^ ^ _ ^ , ISc M araschino A m aízo W e bring to you a modern, up-to-date Watch Our Ad Each Week for Deep Cut Prices 4 tins 23c 23c P.h„7diefc....... 29c CAN ........................................ 3,b...........17c PEELS G laced P ineapple or SARDINES M “¿Xl ^ a? n,,l° s2jce' POWDERED SUGAR PRICE CUTTERS”— in connection with 9c 5c Light or Dark 5^ “Say 1....... 33c AMAIZO” SA V E Money and Time for Christmas Shopping. Try the Home Laundry and Dry Cleaning Serv­ ice today. Prompt . .. efficient , . , economi­ cal. Home Laundry & Dry Cleaners Telephone 47 RELISH SPREAD Buy in bulk and save Pound 15c 1-lb. G lass Jar CROWN FLOUR PANCAKE ........ 10 lb. bag 43c ARMOUR’S BIG BEN SOAP Double Size Bars POTATOES Oregon U. S. No. 2 25c SUPERIOR CRACKERS ...... FLOUR « æ - Â 2'£, 23c .............. «1.39 This is not a cheap Flour—Just a cheap price Illllsbnro, Ore. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES We have a full line of fine Xmas Uandies and Nuix Prices competitive. Special prices given lodges, churches, ’ rs *' el°’ ° r quunlity buy-