Il I L L S B G K O Thursday, November 28, 1935 A R G U S , Page Thr«« Il I L L S B O R O , O R E G O N i the N orthw estern Christian church the past two weeks. Mrs Good ac­ I decided upon by the members of Former Local Pastor to visitili ut tin; Jim McCann home «laughter, Mary Lou Welsh, ro- companied Rev. Good. Rev. Virgil 'th e South Tualatin Juniors Friday , «, 11/ 1 • r ___ ‘ at Eugene. He has been pastor of Snnduy, 'covering at the Portland Sani- Take New Work in Eugene • Speece will be present Sunday and 'evening. Next meeting will be De- Mi Ellen Lytle and son Syl- | tarlum from an appendiciti» oper- . . , the Tillamook Christian church for Rev. Len B. Fishback, form er 1 __ , . preach at 9:45. followed by session i cember 6 An invitation from Ber- vi ter of Hillsboro visited ut the j utlon. of Bible school at 10:15. Everyone j nice Lorenz to hold the next m eet­ pastor of the local C hristian church. five years and prior to that was a W. L Burke home Sunday. has accepted a professorship in missionary in South Africa. is invited. ing at her home was accepted. About 17 attended the Scholls S. H. Pomeroy, Mrs. Robert Pom­ Junior Women’s club Wednesday eroy and three daughters visited at the (I. C. Lewellln home. , G range B enefit Profitable; Mrs. Pomeroy's parents, Mr. and Juniui Club Dinner Success; evening Doris und G retchen Lew ellln were j Mrs. S. C. Sparks, of Portland Potatoes D am aged (Hr Mr«. Bir«l MrCormlrkl hostesses. Program Presented Sunday. Mr. und Mrs Ed Demmln visited 1 CHEHAI.EM MOUNTAIN Mr». Mr. and Mrs. W arren Wilson had at the (toy Fields home In illlls- Mike McCunn, Mountain Top teach­ IB» Mm. K. L. Coil ( lljr 1« II. I)» n u n ln ) as the.r guests during last week er, Is directing Id of her pupils In boro Sunduy. KINTON The bazaar and sale of SCIIOLLS Mr. und Mrs Merl an operetta. "Windmill» of Hol- fancy and useful articles at the Mrs. Carrol P arrot of Beaverton, ProKrsm Given tgl— : .x-X H Sm ith and duughter of Sandy mov­ , given 22. hall Friday evening, under the aus­ Mrs. Elwood Wilson and two chil­ I bank .giving program given at land," to be „ be usod December tQ for ed to the Andrew Weller farm r e ­ dren of near Banks and Mr. and the M •• church Sunday Included! purchased last spring, pices of the Home Economic club Mrs. C. A. S tringer and son of cently. a song by prim ary d iss due by l’8choo/ u allo preparing a of Kinton Grange, was well a tte n d ­ Bellview. Blnnrr Success Program included readings by program . Th(. school ed. About 150 attended the dinner Av., and Lulu Howard, icelt .I.,nx ChrlHtniaK Miss Blanche McCormick, grand­ Dorothy Teuscher and Florence given at the grange hall by the Bonnie B artlett, Sammy G utter b()ard w)H lnBtan hix swings, ttet- Fhnk; piano solo. Roberta Pom­ daughter of Mrs. Lilly M. Bierly, und Doris Jean H rittlan; readings, | Scholls Junior club Friday evening is attending Behnke-W alker Busi­ er-totters and a horizontal ladder Mrs. Sm ith and Mr». Elizabeth Friday. They have also purchased eroy; play, "Sardines," given by a ness college in Portland. Sum netted was |33. dram atic club of Hillsdale under Miss Irm al Trask returned to her •b'i'd ... i I a new football and volley ball for the direction of Maud Teuscher Election Set home Sunday from the Good S u m -. ( - liarl« McCann and Howard Me- . ' th e school. Regular m onthly business m eet­ A fter the program, articles were arltan hospital, w h ile she was op Calin of (¡rants Puss visited the J. Honor Roll Given auctioned off by auctioneer, H. A. ing and Bible study will be held T. McCann home last week. rated on for uppendlcitl» Pupils ut the Mountain Top S u n d ay guests at th e J E. Iten- school, who were on the honor K uratll. A neat sum was realized at the church December 6. Officers Mr mill Mrs Ralph Clu i .tcnsen ?tt hom e w ere Mr. an d Mrs. Max roll last month, w ere C harm aine from the bazaar, which will be of the church and Bible school will and family visited Mrs. C L. used by the club in connection with be elected. All m em bers arc urged ~ ¿ “¿ e ^ d Johnson north of Hill.boro S un­ W Bennett and daughter Joanne of to be present. th e grange work. Fairview duy. me and Jean O rnduff, Bonita Clark Mrs. Mary Kershaw retu rn ed to Hay Stout of Hanks silent the and Helen Mar G uenther. C hildren Robert C. Hummel of Everrett. Kinton from her home in Oak Wash., equipm ent munagei of the week end at ttie C harles Selffert with perfect attendence w ere A rn -¡G ro v e the first of last week and West Coast Telephone company, home. 1 .. 1 1 , . visited her old, n Harold, Stanley an and a n A u rland will a ro ,a - •-namey anu w ili m ake an extended visit with _ 0 . _ „ visited the Scholl . exchange on a il.mglite'i. Mr» 'll 1. H offcl. last ,,r? '’P e r s o n ‘“h ^ e ' c i a i k Z a n e'1 * ” ’ L‘. l ly » ‘7 ^ - wh"” ‘/ hc h:i FoUIld N o t G reat tour of the tell phone ext han [i w. ... Sl„ i.s in th e Emanuel h „ . ; * A nd « s o n I e C U r II Zane an ^ r t n ^ e n t for the w inter. Sunduy. . .1 . , , v -.1. , » a f r o m an oDcra- und Claudia Wood, Betty Wander Robert Pomeroy and Robert Teu- SOUTH TUALATIN— Farm e r s Miss V irginia McCann and Mr ' S a , vht he." ,.d - an‘* C lar«-‘" ce T hurI»c. who IS a lf(., returned to th eir homes last here have found that the recent und Mrs. Wilson C rim e of P o rtlan d tnm. SI..- also v ilu . <1 I... grand n(.w pup„ ,n th(. eighth gradp He | Mond«y, after spending a week cold w eather did not cause the lives at the Haveman home. Lester hunting elk in eastern Oregon. dam age they had feared and grain Miller, who was attending school crops appear little hurt. Potatoes Spuds Damaged here, has retu rn ed to Seattle. Potato growers in this com m un­ also, show much less dam age than Give Your Property The Cars That Step You Up in F ather Oles ity had th eir crop pretty badly reported at first. Bernice Lorenz is w orking Sat­ J. E. Blazer received word T h u rs­ frozen during the recent cold spell. Everything But Price! day of ttic death of his father, Some of the growers are n«rt even urday nights at the Coslett B arbe­ cue. George Blazer, at Spokane Novem­ going to dig them. Condition of C. I. W icklund, who ber 20. He was 100 years old Sep­ Miss M abeleanna Gembella, who tem ber 12 has been spending th e past lev.’ suffered a stroke last week, is quite Mr. and Mrs. F. c. E. nuM Hoffman, Mrs. ¡months in Medford, w here she had serious. Mrs. Wicklund, also, is re ­ . iw r. u iiu m r a . r. 'nau. «»■• T elephone 21W M a y WC s u g g e s t I t r a i n 111«, Andrew Brink, Miss Gloria and 1 em ployment, retu rn ed horce the ported as ill. Both are at home. 152-158 S. Third Ave. A Christm as exchange for the u ’lii-m ilr v b a s e m e n t s e w - M erribell Hoffman visited t h e 'la, t ot the week «1 ll 111, <1 > . Homrn family at Laurelwood and j C. Snider, who was a resident second meeting in Decem ber was I c r sy ste m o r w ell c u r b i n g . Prof, and Mrs C. A. H ubbard at of this town for many years, but V'lil’ll receive many years ^°.r.pst G rove ^Sunday. , ~ ,! recently of Beaverton, spent la t .. , ,-,,1 f , , r v iu ir Miss Anna W ochlerty of Portland Week w ith some of his old neigh- <|) p i . l t t i u l H t m c c lo l >«)UI arrive(j ut the Cornelius O tt home I t,ors an d friends and relatives, last week for an indefinite visit. William VanKleek, son of Mr Mr. and Mrs. F rank Beal of Mead­ and Mrs. Emery VanKleek. re tu rn ­ ow Lake and Mr. and Mrs. John ed home last Monday, after being Neeley of Portland visited Mr. and cmploy«rd in Gr«?sham during the ALL SIZES CLAY A N D CONCRETE DRAIN TILE Mrs. Ott Sunday. 'p ast few months on a dairy ranch. Mrs. Charles Tatm an entertain«'«! | Robert Pomeroy and brother-in- the F ir G rove ladies' social club ;aWi George Newell, of Portland November 18. This club is work- spent the w eek-end w ith friends in I'hune 1341 North of Cannery, across W. W ashington S ing on a program to be given in Tillamook. the near future. Next meeting will Oscar Hewett, who form erly re- bc w ith Mrs. Soule December 3. sided here, was in tow n last week Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tatm an looking up old friends. He re ­ 4 T ^ 7 ^ 7 4^7 4*3 W 3 visited Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rice 1 turned to his home in Gresham near Hillsboro Sunday. S aturday. • Mr and Mrs. Joe Flnigan and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown and children of P ortland visited Will Miss Cora Dorland of N orth Plains Finigan Sunday. visited here S aturday evening. L. T. Finigan and Miss Wanda Rev. Speece Here Sunday Finigan attended a dinner party at Rev. John Good of Portland s u p - 1 tlic Tom Shuck home in Hillsboro plied the pulpit at the Kinton Sunday. O ther guests w ere Mr. church last Sunday, in the ab- xaj and Mrs. Jam es Rachin of Portland. sence of the pastor. Rev. V irgil' P arty Friday Speece. who has been holding spe- We boast of our m o s t complete I’oy Assortment, A com m unity party will be giv- cja| meetings at the coast during i n at the Fir G rove school Friday . - - including Air Rifles, Bicycles, D o lls’ Scooters, evening. T here will be a short pro- J spent Sunday at Oceanlake. Mike Velocipedes and Wagons. grain by the schqol children under M aynard retu rn ed home w ith them the leadership of the teacher. Mrs. for an indefinite visi{. VISIT THIS DEPARTM ENT BEFORE YOU BUY W. Austin, and members of the W ayne Jones was ill last w«?ek com munity led by Mrs. John Walk- and unable to w ork at the Em- er. I merson sawmill. W. R. Reece left Thursday night | Miss M argaret Neill visited in : for California, w here he has em P ortland part of last week w ith an Check your Christmas shopping list with ployment. Mrs. Reece and baby aunt, Mrs. Jo h n Neill. H enry Blehm was out from P o rt­ will stay here with her mother. these items: Mrs. Bertha Clark, until Reece gets land Friday and spent the day on his farm in the P leasant View dis­ settled. Bag T hree Elk trict. The W hitmore and Hill h u n tin g ! Mr. and Mrs. C arl H utchens of Electric Washer ” A New Range party retu rn ed November 20 from Newberg and a cousin from Deer Ukiah. They brought home th r e e ! Trail, Cal., visited th e A lfred Food Mixer Circulating Heater elk. Heavy snow in the m ountains Hutchens family Thursday, Refrigerator Set of Dishes interfered w ith th eir hunting. P lay Friday Sandwich Grill Cutlery M ountain Top church w ill- p re-1 1 Waffle Iron Enamclwarc sent a play at the Gibbs school house F riday evening in connection 1 with church services held by Wit- j ham Morse each evening this week except Saturday. The name of the Wood Tools Radio play is "The Magic T ouch/' Those Heater Wrench Sets having main parts are Vivian Zeig­ Autonu bih ler, Ida Mae Stew art. Eldon Have- Pocket Knife A New Gun man, A rthur Stew art, Lloyd G uen­ ther, and Clarence Wood. They will Fish Pole A New Tire ' give the play at the M ountain Top Fish Basket A New Battery church in the near future. Mrs. Ernest G uenther is chair- . man of a Christm as program at the M ountain Top Sunday school. Miss Frances L am brix is em ­ Next door to V enetian T heatre S tr e a m lin e ployed at D elakc packing sword Hillsboro Open Sat. Evenings Until 9 P. M. Phone '•>! ferns for G ribner Brothers. Speedy! Serviceable! Mrs. L. T. Proctor, who has been confintxi to her bed for more than 15 years, becam e worse last week. K enneth W hitm ore accompanied Joe Keep on a trip to Medford Saturday to visit the latter's p ar­ Body 33‘-x l5 in.! Roller b ear­ ings! Dashboard! Heavy st«?el ents. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Keep, until Monday. The Keep family moved undergear! With lights $3.98. Santa Advises j from the W alker place six years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Whitmore I entertained w ith an elk dinner VELOCIPEDE Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Carow and Mr. and Mrs. G rover X 10" Wheel! Brown of Hillsboro. Mr. and Mrs. A rthur McCormick of Portland and 1 —and what could be Bill Meyers, who is here for the better than the w inter from his homestead in the Ball b e a r i n g coast range, west of Carlton. NEW 1936 that drinks its bottle and fro n t w h e e l ! Mr. and Mrs. Glenn M iller and A djustable m et­ daughter, Glenicc, and O tha Weav­ wets its diaper! al spring saddle. er, and H arvey Neill, accompanied Other*, $2.98 up. by Pcronice Ego of Mountain Home and Salome B urkett of Newberg New Family Moves Scholls Program Arranged at Mountain Top Kin ton Event Big Success The Perfect Christmas Gift for the Whole Family Damage to Crops Hudson - Terraplane XMAS PRESENT TH O M A S S. SHOLES Ready at Penney’s Hillsboro Concrete Brick ÔC I ile Co. FOR CHRISTMAS 1935 We look forward with confidence that this Christmas Season will reflect the new Courage, the Cheer, the Happiness that attends improved conditions; that this Christmas will be a Bigger and Better and Brighter Christmas. Ready W ith Useful Qifts Buy Gifts That Last FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY Never Have We Been Better Prepared! Gifts for Mother- Gifts for Mother! Gifts for Dad! Gifts for Son! Gifts for the Youngsters! Gifts for Friends! HUNDREDS OF GIFTS FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE Gifts for D ad- SANTA CLAUS BRISTOL HARDW ARE W agon $3«49 will be in Penney’s Toyland every Saturday from now until Christmas. Santa says to come early and whis­ per in his ear so he can be sure that you’ll get what you want. And if you’re not quite sure, then look around at all the toys in Penney’s . . . there are hundreds of different kinds that are bound to give you some fine ideas for Christmas. ELECTRICAL Christmas Gifts Nursing Doll *1.98 98c Give Your Livestock a Christinas Treat Every Day Feed Them Im perial’» Give Something Lasting This Year A ll Feature Radio "3 A fascinating new nursing doll . . . soft rubber head, arms and legs. Bottle, nip­ ple and diaper included. IO’//'. i n R oller SKATES Superior Quality Feeds For Boys and Girls! 1« We quote subject Io markel change, the following prices on lniperi;tl lleller Quality Feeds— Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Im perial Im perial Im perial Milk Egg M ash, 100 lbs. $1.95 sack Egg Mash, 100 lbs. 1.85 sack Big-Lay Mash, 100 lbs................. 1 ./5 sack Dairy Feed, 20% protein $.10.00 ton Cow Ration, 17f/<. protein ...... 27.00 ton M olasses Dairy, 15% protein 25.00 ton Ground Screenings 20.00 ton M olasses Screenings ....................... 21.00 ton Ground Barley ................................ 27.00 ton Pay Cash and Save — I ia d c with Imperial Imperial Feed SC Grain Co. Fhnne »1 Millers of Quality Freds J South Second Ave. Rail bearing! Extends to 11” ! Sheepskin pads! Rubber cushioned! Quick tu rn in g ! Why not add to the beauty of your home by planting flowering shrubs and orna­ mental trees? They make a lasting gift that can be en­ joyed by the whole family. Our stock is complete anil priced right. Farmers’ Cash Store Feed - Seed - Wool and Poultry Telephone 3o«i Boys! A car just like Dad's! / f ’i C h rysler A u t o Fully Guaranteed! S tan d in g DOLL N ew modern “ A irflow ” lype! «1.9» F L A S H L IG H T 2-eell type! 39« $3y.oo Throws light 300 feet! Focusing h ead . 3 -w a y s w itc h , r in g holder! \\ ide Choice of Gilts ELEC I KIC S I O K 14 inches Here are a few of the many fine features! Overall length, 43l<>- Roller bearing, heavy double disc wheels; Firestone tires. Large cadmium plated hubs Airflow design headlamps. French horn Green enamel body, ivory striping. Seat pad. Real Value! L Saves you m oney! n c o r p o r a An unbreakable Paratex d o l l ! Will not crack, chip, peel or dis­ color. Curly wig and laahea. Oth­ ers, $2 98 up.